The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 02, 1918, Image 3

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- it a
a efccaafs?', aaata axtfaial
:--.-?. trrrr
...-.) .yMA'
ohapi er iii.
At the Riding School.
Ills poynl lilittineM the Onwn Prince
, l mind William, otiii mis in ,iis.
Up lind riMn :it i. batlMM, ilfewtd,
I nnf to iiuisk. in dlaajrncs, lie
hriMikfnitml nt rvpn-thlrty on
in', ccrcnl. mill one egjti In dlagrace,
!!, hail gone to Ilia Much it rlht
i Iim k for lennns, In ttlagnice, A
line of tutor came nnd went nil
Iwt, nnd Ik- worked diligently) lui
. attll in dlagrace, All mom
ins long mill in the Interval between
niton he l:nd tried to ntch 10m
i'i ulthwnltVa eye,
Kxeent for tin' moat nrilhiiirv civil-
-M.-. aha linil refused to Inok In IiIh
,liri i lion.
The French tutor WW "landing neur
photograph of Hiilulg, ihhI pretend
ing mil to look nt it. Prince Ferdinand
in Otto had n raftpirlon thut tin'
nmii in love with lloiiwic.
I'rlnre Ferdinand William Otto 1 1 I
mi like the French tutor.
Up alio found the mo tmtettllnc,
RpnIiIcs, In' imti'ii eerite, Nottne were
. nt. On loui i do ansae thing
i iimmm-. although even they bnd
:i way of having gender. Into his
popped ii recollection of a do
ghtful namilM "f the day before
thing more nor less Hum Hipping
i ..i r wada nt tin- Kiinril on the scenic
ntllwn) ;is llii' r:ir went pns him.
Prince Ferdinand Wiiiinm otto tore
off the corner of n piece of paper,
pd it deliberately, rounded and
mil rtPil it with hi" royal linger, tyni
! it ni M. I'iiiiiiv ii struck him
thi eye.
Instantly thing happened M.
I'iihuk yelled him! clapped n hnnd to
hi- pyp, Mian Braltbwalta ms,-. m
hlgbneoN wrote n rather slinky
i-h verb, with thi wrong tenninti-
Ami on to this ocean chimp
for Hip riding leawM,
surveyed thu arena, lii bad,
rourxp, bowed Inatda tba door, nmi
I .11 i oi nun ;. inn .Mkiiv whs
nrinnl neraon, and wo unite apt
how il.'i'plv hpforp Ins future sovpt-'Il-ii
nnd then poke blu in Hip chant.
"WpII - Midi Mikity.
"! i morning." aald Prlnco Kcrdt-
Willlam (Mio, in n hiiiiiII nnl
- ..iiv ..ii,..
"Nothing wrotitr. l there?" de
minded Nlkky.
M Punui got nut hi handkerchief
ind .iiii nothing vtoleatljr.
"Otto!" siii. i ifiaa Braitfewalte.
'What i. you ilo?"
"Nothing." Up looked nhotit. Up
wm quite convinced t tin t M. I'nmix
wb what Hohliy would hnvp termed
n poor apart, anil hud not played Hip
game fairly. The guard nt Hip rnll
way he felt, would not hvp ypllpil
nnd wept. "Oh. well, I threw n piece
"f paper That'e all. I didn't think
It would hurt."
Miss Braltbwatta rom nml g!uned
i ili. carpet. Bui Nlkky won quick.
Quick and understanding. Up put hi
shin J over Ihe pajier wild.
"Paper I" aald Mis Itniithwalie.
"Why illrl you throw paper? And nt
M I'uauxf
"' JuHt fail like throwing aasa
explained IiIm royal hiline.
-fcbMMTg t-r t. j, t. W rift.'
oafWs&M r,trt7,mv
JTtsHllBi !
i:'ik n ii iiaVooaU' i' m7 s-
A He Paed Men Lifted Their Hat
and Women Bowed.
Kiinnis down iiciow. tin- aeBtrtoa nt
our doors, how do wp know they lire
loyal f
"The people lop hlin,' Mild Nlkky
"The people! Sheep. I djO not triit '
the people. I do not trust nny one. i
I watch, hut what can I dor The very
food wp pat "
"Up I poming." hiiIiI Nlkky softly.
And fell to whistling under his
Together Nlkky and Prince Ii'piiII
mind William Otto went out and down
'I lines.. S ihe nun, or noinethlng."
Ml i t dropped his glova, and nilrnc-
Hloiilj when In- had nickel It III) the.
Ilfll.- u ;u mm i?,trie
"For throwing paper, five tnnrkj."
Raid Misv Hiaithuiilie. nnd put It
'l""n In the book she curried In her
poekel It wn rather nn nwful Ixaik.
'Ill rill... l ... II,.,, I,,,. I ...I It IIV1T
J '" '"' .......... "...,
rtli'l ileliiaiideil cviilitniil i.inv "for
Miiliilv mills, ftvp ma i'k s! A gentle-
mill riiver has lllillilv mills Otln l'or
nbJpPtlng to winter (lannels. two
llumiih ! l'or lioi ketlng sii'nl
'Ii.- t.-a tray, ten marks! Miimpb!
I'"i lil. of attention during n llu'i"is
i i n. tl. hi. five marks. Ten off for
-'in-, ami only live for Inattention
I" rcliiliiiia iiiKii-n, iti.ii I What hae
ii '' mi) -irV"
I'rlnee i . rdlnaud William Ottfl
I III Vill.v .i..l il.l.'. loukeil
I i'i. Ferdlnniid William Otto'a
I ilr.,Ti, ,1 Vll.kv nut
sinitiidi d. How vi a ii" i" know "'
Iri ..r ir tiiiifw iliit tin
ii I'liini- had tnppi'il ih" prevlon
I'.ut lifter ii glance around
"mi Nlkky' pyelld drooped nlao
miner wad mio Ids pocket.
' inn tifrniij iii- royal lilghne Im"
M I'UUIIX," wild -Miss
"II- cm
nil," wild nn- unhappy roun
'Hill h n,- the c.v.- tn ill-. over If he
"nl'l Ihrougli It. "I am sure hi-
Hie mount no harm." at.
I'"'i .ni out, wllh IiIh linnilker
a III eye.
While Osknr, hi vhIcI put Ihf
"" " ii in in. . ini.i riding clot lie, Nikk.v
""l Ml lirallhwalle had a talk. II
h) Mkky's staling' that she MfOI
llkilv tn see him a great deiil now
"H'l In Imped she would iii. I (Ind him
In Ihe way. He had been miide nlde
de-camp to the crown prince, vlc
v,mt i iissin. who had realgned ou
ecoaoj ,,t jUoaag, luring haoo. roaaajl
the great marble Rtulreaac. Sentrle
Rnluted. Two Munkles In ncnrlet and
gold thnw oppu the doors. A trny
dog that bud wiindcrcd Into Ihe court
ynrd watched them gravely.
"I wish," siild I'rlncp Fenllnand
William Otto, "that I might have a
dog. Yesterday I met a hoy who bus
n dog. K sleeps on his bod nt night."
Nlkky h "iked buck. Although it hud
been i In- boast uf the roval family for
a century that It COUM go about un
lit tended, thut II only danger wan
from the oveiv.eal of the peoplo III
Rbowlng their loyalty, not Rime the
death of Prince Huhert bud this been
true in fact. No guard or xoldlers
uccouipunleil them, hut the secret po
lice were aJwaya near ut band. Bo
Nlkky looked, made sure thai n miiu
In civilian clothing was rioM nt their
heels, nnd led the way ncros the
square to the riding school.
A small crowd lined up nnd vuitchcd
the pussliiK of the little prince. Am
lie passed, nun lifted their bins nnd
women bowed.
"I bnve u greiil nuiiiy rrletids." be
said wllh n Ugh of ctiieiil. us liny
nearcii (he ridlug M' ! "' fuppooa
I don't really uood u dog,"
"Look h"l'.'." said Nikk.v. nller a
pause. "Look In re, blgltUeOM, ."U
didn't Ileal your tin mis v'l.v v,.ll
"I knnn," said prince Ferdlunnd
William Otto 1) i'i" Prince
leiilliiniid William Olio had IboUghl
out ii llel'i 'll e. "I gfll liiuk nil rlglll
llldfl'l I?" "' C'll-I'lclell. "ll
worth It, A pollcemun ahook I"
"Wblcli policeman'.' " di niainled Ml.
ky in n terrible uuw, nud lu his unv
quite forgo) Ihe raggiug I"' hftd l,n"
pared for Otto.
"I Ihluk 111 not tell you. If oii doO'l
(To be continued)
Many a lawyer politician ha al
last realized hi ambition to "nerve
hla country." Thoae questionnaire
have kept them going at a lively clip.
Very Few People
at u.iy in. ai, nut ot a lieiinuy Bleep
lo do It.
.Mil Hint Mkky said lust thiil. Wlllll
in- really rttaerved vvns- "The king
sent for me last night, Miss Ilrailli
waile, ami and asked me to hunk1
Thus Nikky, of his sner. d trust
None Ihe lea mcrvd i" him, either
Unit he spoke lightly. He glanced up
"I t' 1'iissed BWOrda, nml his
were hard.
And Miss Mniltliwulle knew. Shi
reached over nnd put n hand on his
linn. "Yuu and I," she Bald "out
Of all the people In this palace, Ml)
yon nud I! The archduchess batai
blln. I rpp It In her eyes. She car
never forgive him for keeping the
throne from Hetlwlg. The VOTJ
l!"ini an ordinary advci tim roi nl rntlrely Lbroi
If 1 wore able t" write a fifty wrml nl. thai would
catch and hold tha aitontion of ninety per cent of
the readers wnptrlancod at it. I would nol bg trying
to make a livim: in the garage buain
If you have goitt'ii this fur you may as well finish
Your oar may only need aoma alight adjustmontg
or it may need a thorough overhauling. At nny.
rate, you can savo time nnd nuuu'y by havtnR it
done NOW, while you, as well as ouraelvee, are
not very buay : alao we can Iflord to do it much
cheaper than later when we urv rushed with spring
Thla alto applies to bro'ten farm machinery) and
other casting, We are glad to givo you any ln
formation you dt'siie along thote lines.
Summit Garage
John M cGulre, Prop.
Agent Hupmobile Motor Car
'Everything for Everybody"
Buy It From Us It Pays!
This is a general store and we are supposed to
sell everything, and. we live up to the general
supposition. You can buy anything you want
here from hardware to groceries, from needles
to a good smoke.
Lunaburg, Dalton & Company
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
Call and nee nur line of
Commission Orders on
or anything in the Hardware line
A Bigger and Belter Cream
Separator For The Same Money
Efficiency, Durability, Simplicity
We are Agents
Temporary quarters ia warehouse at rear of eld stand I'hooe
&. U.S.
Made on the famoua
Munsnn last speci
fied by U. S. Army.
A Bfacunlf evrydiy
line fur men in all
walkt of life. Buiineu
oita, farmers, ixrti
men, outdoor worker,
all have taken totha
Buck heclit Army Shoe. Result?
Foot troubles are no longer
known to tliem.
into the Buckhecht Army
Shoe are put the finest materials
and workmanship possible. It's
a shoe yuu can depend on for
and conilort and service.
$6.50 to
Indian Tan
Calf or Black
Gun Matal
JAT or.
Aak for the Buclr.-
heht Army Shoe
by name look for
our registered trade
mark stamped on every
pair. It is more than
a mere trade mark.
It is a guarantee, a
protection, a symbol
of aenrlce.
Back of it stands more than a
half century of honest shoe
You can get the Buckhecht
Army Shoe in your town. If
your dealer does not carry it,
write us direct.
Sfl IiamiKO
Railway Exchange Building
Short Term Foreign Government and Municipal
Yieldinj? From 7 to 10.50 per cent.
Anglo French Convertible. 5s. Due 1920
American Foreign Securities Company 5s, - Due 1919
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5s Due 1918
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5As Due 1919
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5&s Due 1921
Dominion of Canada 5s, Due 1919
City of Edmonton, Canada 6s, Due 1918
We fill orders at New York Exchange quotations and
will be pleased to furnish, you, upon request, with daily
quotations on the above securities. No one can do better
you may do worse.
Telegraph or,.Tc! priciuOrJerk at Onr'Expcrae
Wa'tl 0 yt J 1 rl.
Until this new "smoke"
was made you could never
have a real Burley tobacco
cigarette. It's the best yet
The toasting brings out the
delicious flavor of that fine
old Kentucky Burley. You
never tasted anything so
agreeable think what
roasting does for peanuts.
" rR, isaavV. (0" Esi Jb3
iATbV aaaaaaaaVsaaVkaW
07 Guaranteed by
fkts Jthajl
With modern facilities to care
for all Auto ailments
Familiar with all make of Cars
H. C. SHIREMAN, :: Lampshire's Garage
The largest New and Second Hand. Fur
niture Store In Burns--the place where
you get your Bargains. We sell, buy or
I trade. Come In and see our new stock
and be convinced.
Make This Room Yours
Whether you are buildimj a brand
new home, making additions to the old
one or merely repairing walls, you can
have a room like this it you use genuine
Beaver Board. t Hu.ui! walls and rilingn are more'
handsome, more and more sanitary
tlian any oilier kind. They are the aatsM
walls to build. No lath or plaster therelore,
bo litter. Beaver Board always gives satislac
tion. But you can't expect Beaver Board
results unless this trade-Mark it on the back of
the board you buy.
Hardware Co.
Hums, Oregon H
L Briag Tkftt job to Th Time.-Herald Office
I Ba