The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 23, 1918, Image 7

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," lu kii Id
iln hfticr.
to rnlMc nur 1 1 1 1 1 r r i hen
lint'iilli-lifl.v. "Tin- KiikIIsIi
And even tii Herman "
I' 14 noi otlfruette to hnrtr ona'i
eyebrow nt n lilinr nml bIam It.n
flew ml Mettllrb did It, He vu rather
1 I ' BUhJeet. The (JniiiiniM hi,ve
Hit Olir nilileiil. dire," lie Hiilil. mill
it uric nji Ills nnintii rile.
!": rw i
nil' tniii.'H i n;.
wits n very younjl num. In n unt
il. :i- boyldh, nnd siiilllnu"
.i :i (1K In-side Mm, mi, (S
linl :i- mi II- Knee. U hnvvrr one
kill III llie I" Hii' c.Vrx of the
i Hilled ;il Ode. The klnj:
aw this, mid IxTimse lie ns ulti
it, ii nd hrratwe lliere were few pro"
1.1 whom n klnjj dure in -penk his
linnM :! ;iclil.. lie In iiurntly Hiinki
the photograph. The elder lie
i ih. mure lie fell, sometimes, us
!: Ii It knew wlnii he until.
"If they've icnt hlin," he BaM now
the picture, "Ii is out of my lininls,
il Into .iiirs. my hoy."
Minti of his life hud DMO spent In
liltlin: in uniting for ii "on, in wult-
lg fer -en to grow to lie ii imiii.
avltlag while t tin l son lii his turn
veil mi! m.'iiTied unit lieirot u
lllil. In waiting, when thiil son had
i I ii violent dentil, for the time when
I tired linmls could relinquish the
h'l'ier tn In- uriiiiilchllil.
iQlllle Miildeiily Hie door opened.
lid ii i ii m turned his lieml. .lust
side Itood :i very dirty sinnll hov.
jTli,- thrown I'rinee Ferdinand vn-
Kin ni'.. :i- most lerrlldv friu'hl-'
il. Everything win ut slen nnd
ens. Mi- llliilthwnile hud been
IIIK h'T lend utr. nml on seelllK him
il fnlleii In il fnint. Not tint I he
Nghl II wns ti rent faint . Jle pad sei'U her eyelids uulver.
'I when -I nine to she bud ,n-
Ired him no sinitier. nml four DaaM
German translation, nml to go to
hi at seven o'clock Inst, nd of seven-
.Nikky tun
you iiienn l.leiitenniil
IlK ' rSdtP"
i ii '-r-em.1
(. jy
the Crown
"H.v 'Hlkfcj
l.nrls. hV
"YOU, sir."
"!o on."
"We like the smile things, sir the
Plke'ft-Penk or Musi, nml nil that,"
The Mag rulsed himself on Ids el
how. "W-bnt wns thill?" he ileinmide.l
1'iinee Ferdinand William Otto
soon, nun iiiiiiueil. Ii MS n,,,
by's mime for the peuk nt the top of
the scenic railway, lie had t n on
the railway, He had been his en
thualaa arrled him away, Hli
iiie.ks lashed, lie n forward on the
edge of bin chnir, mui gastlcnlated,
"I win nwfully happy, sir," be ended.
"It feels like ll.vlius. only safer. Ami
the lights nre pretty. It's like (airy
Intnl. There were two or three times
when It Beamed us If we'd turn over
or leup the truck. lint we didn't."
The king lay bach and thoaght More
than anything in the world he loved
ibis boy. put the occnsion demanded
ii strong hand "You were happy," be
"Hid. "Too were disobedient, yon
wars eaaatng grave anxtetj nnd din-
rroHH- mui jou were napp) : The flrsi
duty of u prime Is to his .onntry. His
first lesson Is to obey lows, lie miiM
always obey certain lawii a king is
but the Kervmit of bis people. Some
nay you win he tha king, u nre be
ing trulned for Hint huh olllce now.
Ami yet yon would set the example
of liiKuhnrdlniitlon, (disobedience, nnd
reckless disregard of the feelings of
"Yes. r," snld Prince Ferdinand
nilllsin tto, feeling very small nnd'
: n shinned.
"Not only that, You slipped nwny.
Yoo dill Hot go openly. You sneiiked
otT. like n thief. Are you proud of
"No. sir "
"I shall," saiii th,. king, "require nb
promise fnun win. Promises are poor
things to bold to. I leave Mils matter
In your own bands, otto. You will be
punished by .Miss Bralthwslte, and far
the n-M t,.M days jou will not visit
me. You may yo now."
OttO got o(T Ills chnir. lie was feel-
llll.' ee lingjj eiiislii il. "Cood night.
sir." be snld. And waited for bin
grandfather to extend Mi hand, Bnl
the obi king my looking straight ahead,
with his month s,-t in grim lines, and
tils hands folded over bis breast.
At the door the crow n prince inrm-,1
nnd bowed. Ills grandfather's eyes
were toed on the tWO gold eagles over
tin- door, but the photograph on tha
table appeared to be smiling lit him.
JliUiil SL I Vh
iioihlug, but
said tin'
Sir." Said
fl.V for H le,.L- All il,.. , !..... mmm.
too. And then -he bad sent him
I grandfather, nml taken aromatic
B'- Ifl'lll llftl I I...H .... I.I
i, i,,
''I ni hlin.
Ilhr.' In ,.- I ,,,,, -
" hrlnce from the door.
M king drew a long breath. Mm
"lli'iii-i- perslsfeil. I'rinee Kenll
I Wllllnia (id,, furtively ruhhed
'11'. -,m. niriilliul II,,, l.,,,.Lr .f ..
'I I'm mil verv nent sir"
I'rinee l-erdlnaml William tto,
ii n forward. Until bis
fi'lln'li. i . hlin In. e.mlil
.' Hilo tin. mini.
'""ie I,- ;.- HHltj . 1 ,,,..
lo Hie side of Hie t.e.l.
P' bet i, i, inn i.. . ,, v"
''"' nfrniil rill. ......... si,..
m i ;
' i .
..i ii
i. ". .
!':.' i
It. T.
'I Htilid Wllllnin Otto con
rather tin nv.ful mo
"' ' exactly know'. 1 usi
really extremely dif-
llllll he mi- tiled of
hi y were would sound tin
"iild, Indeed, be nmst lm
1 I In II, exactly why bad bi
ll kept
"11 the I Ing, "you draw
'I tell inn about It. We'd
'.' ' ' I. i think."
1 " litiess drew op a chair,
' i- Hi feet not reaching
limn I,, i i. ...i ... ... .,
in-ill aioiiini uie
1 Ills vas permissible he
I he king COUld not see
iron, ,, ., Seeolol
I - Ii ,"
I I,
" Hi. ', I Ml Ul. I . .,
' -il . I- I I Ulll
, " me park by
iinni t,
"'i lire II ware," said the
1 on have ulurined U gTi Bl
I dldn'l ihink "
i.v is lo think. What
myself. It's
I'llioV lliiui'M .till, llluy
L ...,,, ....'.
r"ltlle. jalr,
Kho dm-s pot r,cjlly
Until late that night Oeiienil kfett
Ibh and the king talked together. The
king bad lieen lifted from bis bed mid
ant propped In u grent chair. Aliove
his hbiibby ilressiug gown his face
showed gmiul and obi. In u straight
chaff facing til tit sat bis old friend mid
"What it bus shown Is not entirely
bud." snld the king, after a pnuse.
"The ho.v has lull liithe. And be made
no attempt at i vaslou. He Is essential
ly truthful."
"What II has also shown, aire, la
that no nrotecllon Is enough. When
It ...i... i.. i... i... i .....i ......i.i ..i
I, TII". II, V,- ,(,,- ,.,. ,11,,, ,.,.,,,,, ,.11-11
I could sleep, ami let him get iimiii',
ns I did"
"The truth Is." said the king, "we
are both of us getting obi." lie tapped
I with his gnuried lingers on (lie blanket
thai lay over his kneag, -The irmh
is also," he observed a moment later.
thai the hoj has very few pleasures.
Hi- Is alone a great ib-al."
Oeoeral klettUch raised his shaggy
head. Many years of wearing a sol
dier's cap had not Injured bis henv.v
gray hair, lie had bristling eyebrows,
white now. and a short, lighting mus
tache, when be was irritated, or dis
agreed wlih any one, his eyebrows
nine down ami ihe loiisiaehe went
Many years of association with his
king had given bus lbs right to talk
lo him as limn lo man. They even
quarreled now- ami then, it was a
brine mini who would iiintrel with old
Kriillnnud II.
Ho now his eyebrows came down
nnd bis mustache went up. 'How
alone, eireV
"You do not regard thai bigoted
Bngllsh woman us a companion, do
"She Is a thoughtful and eonscleii
iloiis woman, sire," he said stiffly. Il
happened thai ha had selected her.
"She does lor dnl.v. And as lo Ihe
boy being lonely, be has no time to be
lonely. Ills tutor"
"Mow old is In?"
"Teli in-M month,"
The kliiK snld nothing for a Mine
Then "Il Is tin I'll," be said nt last,
"for seven!) four tn see with Ihe eyes
of ten. As for thl i afternoon ivh) in
the name ol a IbOUSaud devils did
ill. take lit in I" see Ihe 'Flying
Dutchman f i den-si it."
Her royal highness "
"Annunciate Is U fool," said Ills ma
jesty. Then, dismissing his daughter
Willi a gesture, "We don't know how
"We Shall Qo Well, Sire, to Raise the
Boy at All."
"I'm not eoiiii to n ' ite boy a
prisoner," iiMs,, n. king atllhhoml
Oaaeral Mettlleh bent forward and
placed a band on Hie old man' knei
"We slm do well. Sire," I sub!
gravely, "to nils,, the boy at all."
There was a sport -ll-tice. which thl
king broke. "What Is newV
"We have broken llli It liierslli
meetings, but I fancy they go on. In
small groups. I was gratified, how
ever, to observe that a group of stu
dents cheered bis royal highness yes
terday aa he rode past Ihe university
buildings. The outlying districts are
pilet. So, too, Is the cll. Too otllel.
"They are waiting, of course, for my
denlb." snld Ihe king ipiletly. "If
only you were twenty years .wmiigcr
han I mil. It would be better." lie
fixed the general with shrewd eyes.
"What do those a-ses of ilmlors snv
abAUl me''"
Kvt-n at the tiesf. sire lie
looked very ferocious, ami cleared his
throat, lie was terribl) ashamed thai
his voice w.i breaking, "Hven af ih,
beat, bui of conras thai eaa only giM
an opinion "
",-i mimthsT"
". year, -ire."
"And at the worst :" ald the king,
with n grim smile. Then, followine
bis own line of thought : "Hut the
I pie love the boy, 1 think."
"They do. ii is for Mint reason,
sin-, thai i advise particular caution."
lie hesitated. Then. "Sire," he said
earnestly, "tin-re is something of
which i must speak, The Committee
of Ten bus orgaalsed again."
Involuntarily tin- king glanced at
the photograph on the tabic.
"l-'oru'tve me, sire, if I waken Miter
memories, Hut I fear "
"You feaT!" said the king "Since
when have you taken to fearing?"
"Nevertheless," maintained, Ueneral
Melilleh doggedly. "I fear. This quiet
or llie lasi raw mouths alarms inc.
Dangerous dogs do not bark. I trust
no one. The erv air Is full of se-
11 Hon."
The king twisted bis bllle-vellied obi
bands together, bnl bis voice was
inlet. "Mitt whyV" be demamled. nl
:.iost fretfully. "If the people are
fond of ihe boy, and I think they are.
io to i urrj him off, or injurs him.
wonlil hurl the eause. Ken Ihe let-
roruis. in the name of a republic, can
do nothing without the people."
"The mob Is a curious tiling, sire.
Ymi have ruled wiib a strong band,
Our people know nothing bui to obey
the dominant voice. The boy out of
Ihe way. Ihe prospect of llie
Priaresa lii-iwii.- mi iln- throne, a fag
demagogues in the public squares n
Would lie Ihe end."
The king leaned buck and closed his
eyes. His thin, arched nose looked
piin bid. Hla face wns gray,
"All this," he said, "means wiuilV
To make the hoy a prisoner, to cut
off ills few pleasures, and eveg than,
Bl nny lime"
"Yes, sire." said Mettllcll doggedly.
'A I nny lime."
All through the palace people we,,.
leeplllg, I'rllice l-'erdlnnnil William
nun was asleep, and riding again the
Hub- ,-ar in ih laud of delight, go
that, turning a corner sharply, he ai
most fell mil of bed.
Oil tha other side of llie city Ihe
Utile Ameil.iiii boy was asleep also,
AI ihnt c ail lime he was being
tucked up by an entirely efhVlenl nml
pbietd-eyeil Aineiieali mother who fell
lllllli I Ills lie, id lo see III., I Ills eat' WIIS
not turned forward. Mm liked close
lining ears.
Nobody, naturally, was tucking up
Pi lure P.iil, i, no, I William Otto, Or
attending to his ears. Mm, of course,
there were sentries outside his door,
mid u Vnlel de chninhrc to be rung
lor, nml n number of embroidered
eaglea scattered aboul on the curtains
and things, and a roiinlry surrounding
him which would one day be his, uu
"At any time," said General Abu
llcji. and was uriuilv silent.
"Weir.'" Inquired Ihe king, after i
(line. "Veil have Something lo sug
gest. I lake II."
The old soldier cleared his Ihront,
"Sire," he began, "It Is said that ii
chancellor should have i.m on,, pas
sioii, his king, i have two, my king
ami my eoimiry,"
The king nodded gravely, He knew
both passions, relied on both, Anil
found them both u bit troublesome at
limes !
"Once, sotrn- years ago, sire, I calm
to you with a plan. The Princess
lledwig was a child then, and Ids late
royal blgline-s was still with us.
Kor that, and for other reasons, yotn
majesty refused p, HhIi-ii. I'.ul things
have changed Between m and revo
lutloii mere Inml only the frail jf,
of ii boy ami an iirmj none too large
and already, perhopa, affected, Then
is much discontent, nml tin- offsprlni
of dlsconti nl i-- nnarchy,"
The king untied. Rul Mettllcll I
taken Ma irnge In his bands, nul
went on. I I,, ir neighbor nml hen
limy foe u n . Knrnla, Oould llie
ny longer nfforil ihe nmlt) ,,r Kid
ilia? One cause ol illsconlenl wns il.
ixpenae of the army i of the fortl
(Icatlons along the Karnlan bonier i
K ii ii i in were allied with (hem, then
would be no need nl so gt-eni un arm
Thej had the mlnernl weallh,
Kiiruia ihe seaports, The old dream
of the empire, of a railway to ihe acii
Would be realized.
He pleaded well. The Idea was not
new. i'o place the little King Otto
IX on llie throne and keep him there
In the face of opposition would re
ipilre support from oulsiile. Karnia
would furnish this support. For
The price was the Princess Hed
"That Is my plea, sire." Melilleh
finished. "Kail of nrnlii Is noxious
to marry, and look., this way. To al
laj discontent ami growing Insurrec-
tloii. to Insure the boy's safety and bis
throne, to heul our swords Into plough
bares" here he caught the kings
scowi, mui added "to a certaJa ex
tent, nml to make us :i commercial
as well iv a military nation, surely,
sire. It going inurli for um, and loses
us nothing."
"Mut our Independence:" snld Un
king sourly.
However, he did not dismiss the
bleu. Tim friyiii of the afternoon had
weakened hlin. and If Mettlleh were
right the royalist party would need
outside help to maintain the throne.
"Knrnlu !" he said. "The lion and
the lamb. Willi the In i nl, Inside llie
Hon! And In the mi-null the hoy "
"lie should be Willi In d lllun.s."
"lie has l.ussii,." Count l.ussin was
the crown prince's nhle-dc-cnuip.
"He in, ds a man. sire," nhsnrved
the chancellor rather tartly,
Tin- kliij,- cleared his throat, "This
youngster be is so fond of. young
I.niiscii. would he plenee you better TM
he asked, n lib ironic defere
"a good hoy, -in-. Von amy recall
that his mother He slopped.
I'erhnps ihe old kljg's memory aaa
eoi.ii. Perhaps ibero wai a change in
Mi-llllchs voice.
" good boyT1
"Nolle heller, sire. lie Is devoted
to his royal highness. Re is outside
"Bring htm in. rn have a look at
Nlkky. summoned by a cbmnberbiin.
stopped inside the doorwti) mid bowed
"I onio here," said lb.
He aili a need.
"How obi are you?"
"Twenty-three, sire."
"In the grenadiers, I lu-iit-vi
Nlkky bowed.
"I.Ike horses?" said
"Vary much, -dre."
"And boys?"
"I some boys, sire."
"Humph I Quite right. Hut, little
devils, most of them." He drew him
self up In his chnir. "Lieutenant
f.aiisch," he said. "Ills royal Mghnees
the crown prince has taken a liking
to you. I believe It Is to you that our
fright today is due."
Nlkky's heart thumped, lie went
rather pub-.
'it Is my liili-iii lori. Lieutenant Lnr
Iscb, lo place ihe crown prince In yog!
personal charge. (Toi reasons I need
not go Into, ii Js Imperative that he
take no more excursions alone. I waiif
a real friend for the little crown
prince. One who Is In, Hi brave and
Afterward, In his small room, Nlkky
composed a neat, well rounded speech,
In which l (pressed his loyalty.
gratitude, and undying devotion to the
crown prince. It was an elegant lit
tle speech. HlllUCklly, the occasion for
It hud gone by two hours.
'i l grateful, Ira," wns what
be snld. "I " And there he stopped
nml choked up. II wns rulh, r dreiul
"I depend mi you, Captain tarisch,"
snld the king gravely, and nodded hi-
head In n gesture of dismissal
Nlkky bucked toward Hie door, slruck
n hnssock. nil bui weni down, bowed
gain nl the door, nml lied.
"A line ind." said General Mettlich,
"bill no talker."
"All the better," replied ids males
ly. "1 am tired of men win, talk
well. Ami" he smiled luinlly - "1
am tired of you. Ymi talk too well,
Von make me think, I don't want to
think. I've been thinking nil my life.
Ii I" lime lo rest, my friend."
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing
Call and see our line of
Commission Orders on
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With modern facilities to care
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Familiar with all make of Cars
H. C. SHIREMAN, :: Lampshire'n Garage
The largest New and Second Hand; Fur
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Heaver Board walla anil ceiling are more
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Hardware Co.
Hiu us, Oregon
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