The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 23, 1918, Image 6

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    Had The Grip Three wvuj
a ( mmpti: rou uovhkn'ok.
.. --, gjjjpgjjgjp g
L.. .1 ItlBplon WU born Wept. 1,
1877, at Oakland, Cnl . nml Is the
son of tin- Into ('apt. A. M. Sliiiiuon,
IBS ptofctff luiiitiormnn. The fact
I hut Ills I'm tb. t was a IiIk operator
on the roast gave him the advantage
of learning the lumber business but
he did not learn It without real work
and hard knock. Mr. Simpson at
tended the public schools of Oakland,
graduated from Mt. Tamalplaa Mili
tary Academy and entered the Uni
versity of California but did not
finish the .-nurse there.
In 1896, when 18 year of age,'
Mr. Simpson took n Job a ofrico boy '
for the Simpson Lumber Company
at a salary of 80 a month. TaMI
he went to Gray flarhnr where his1
tilth.'!' .1 a mill ami worked as
n cominnn laborer and In the ship
plug department. In 1S9. after he-i
ing married he came In Cons Hay
and worked In the ship yard for
11,60 a day. I.oter John Kruse who1
was at the head of the Simpson In- I
terewts on Cos Hay went to San Kran i
Cisco and L, J. Simpson was put In
. lin --- of the local business. There '
was a saw mill cutting 60,000 feet
of lumber a day In a ship yard. This
plant was located at what Is known
as Old Town of North Bend.
At that time transportation be
tween Marshfleld and the ship yard
was slow as boats nave the only
means of travel. Mr. Simpson con
ceived the Idea of making another
town and he made It.
This was by no means an easy
tusk ns his father opposed strongly
the plan but Mr. Simpson carried It
out alone. Klghtlng his father's op
position he bought a tract of 550
acres of laud with water front, on
this tract there were three buildings
a complete residence, an incomplete
house and burn. The first piling of
the city wharf was driven in Decern
her, 1901. and today North Hend
has a population of 1100 people.
has big IuiiiI'it mills anil other. In
dustries lining her water front, The
u I BIK 10 V
XsV, JsaW
ufckB ' I L.J.iinipsoL.
as, ..rmms--1- ;
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lly (leorge Douglas
There are lights that light the mean, streaming out where billows
And the light of love eternal for the tempests of the soul,
Hut a light the world is needing as was never need before,
For the nations walk In darkness 'neath the thunder clouds of war
More than ship that near the breakers, more than soul In deepest
Is the menace to the millions marching onward unto doom.
Lire Is life and sacred ever to the limit of Its span.
Hut the lives of men are lesser than the larger life of man,
Yet were this the day of trial for the whole vast human race
The truth as Lincoln saw It Is the only truth to face:
The truth that truth is dearer than the dearest life of all.
For without Its firm foundation even Freedom's house must fall:
This the beacon bright before us that In vain the foe assails,
For the light thai shown In Lincoln Is the Light thai never rails.
Far across the broad Atlantic where the crested billows leap
And the trough affords the umhush for assassins of the tli ep,
We are sending stalwart soldiers forth to bailie for the right,
Hut. more than men and money, we are sending Lincoln's light;
We are sending out his message clear across the crested waves:
Not as nations nor as races shall mankind be held as slaves.
We who set the world example when we made a people free
:.. to fight the fight of freedom and of world democracy;
We who for the planter's profits did not pause at God's command
Are as scornful of the scepter In a Kaiser's palsied hand.
As we fought to save the Union, so In this, our larger plan,
We will fight to save all peoples In "the family of man;"
Words of God upon the banner that by Lincoln was unfurled,
For the light that shone in Lincoln was the Light or all the World.
When among the Stars of Freedom came division and dissent,
It was Lincoln's light that held them In their bannered firmament;
Stars of hope he made them sparkle with a hm- Illumined ray,
Lent a luster to Old Glory that will last till Judgment day.
And ir by Mis faith Inspired we go forward without fear
In a dally clearer vision even faults will but appear
Hetter blunders made by freemen than perfection of the plan
Of a Kaiser bent on crushing all the freedom out of man.
There were blunders In the sixties; Lincoln saw them, hut he knew
That America would triumph If Americans were true
When they asked If God was on our side and led us where wo trod,
Me was more concerned with knowing we were on the side of God
Not as Kaiser God commanding, but God seeking everywhere
And (lie light thut came to Lincoln was the Light of answered pra.T.
Then all honor unto Lincoln, let his name be curved in gold
Chosen leader of a people like the patriarchs of old,
Coming forth n modern Moses, filled with wlsdnm from above.
And with all commaudnic uts ended In the one cemmandment: Love.
Love embracing all creation, not confined lo creed or clan
Who believes in Gnd the Father must in Hrnthcrhood of Man.
This the truth as Lincoln saw II through the darkness of the fray.
Tills the truth now written larger In a wider world today,
i'or the essence of the inclining of the "free. loin of the seas,"
Of a world made safe from despots, safe for all democracies.
Is no other than the doctrine thut the world belongs In all,
That the law of God forbids us holding fellnwmeu In tbrull.
Waving o cr the fields of Kurnpe, flotlng o'er Atlantic gules
Is this light, the light of Lincoln, and the Light thut never falls.
Written for and read at birthday celebration einiilu.led by
Lincoln Post, No. 1. G. A. R San Francisco
Hev. Lyman Hrougb, Pastor.
A cordial Invitation Is extend, d
to you to attend our services . The
hours or the service on the Sabbath
are as follews:
Preaching at 11 A. M.
Sabbath School at 10 A. M.
Toung Peoples' meeting at 0:41
P. If.
floag service at 7:30 P. M.
Preaching at 1:00 P M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30
P. M.
With January cone ,
Lingering I olds seem i,,
Cor Miller and C. His.
system causing ono to a lie .11 J
at 10:30 o'clock '
leei reveiau ono cnilly, MimI, )J
and drooping. Mrs Li.i. J
Henderson Ky., writes: "Mr J
tor had lasjrlppe for three ..J
gave Her Foley's Honey ami -rw
Koctor. , BOw she la alright." gold by
Sunday High Mass
Week dayti Mass at 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Satur
days at 0 A. M.
Hev. Father Francis, o. F. If.
I saj.imn mis i ii as saasa
i Ity stands as a monument of the
detorminod effort of this young man
lug financially in almost every suc
cessful business enterprise in North
it. 'iid and those with which he was
cniinected have dime well Ho sub
scribed for minority stock in utmost
every legitimate enterprise in order
to hi lp build up the clt
These efforts on the part of Mr.
t BimpsOU'S city building have been
I crowned with the satisfaction of see
i Ing within a v. rv few years North
"Kc m;:ny makes huppy hOO
in.. I sound ualii us. Iui'llll It de ;. ''
George Washington.
Do Yon Appreciate
Fine Coffee?
If yoaaroa judged
fine coffer, we wiuit
you to try our Fam
ous Crescent Cream
Coffee. The more
particular you are
about your coffee,
i h c more anxious
we arc to have you
become acquainted
with Crescent Cream
because u ea r ! y
every yl judge of
coffee who linn t ried
it, now uses nothing
Your grocer sells it
40c a pound.
"Crescent Mf;r. Co.
s ut tli- Wash.
Cream Coffee
who conceived of the idea of making ' "end reach Its present prosperity.
8 new city for Oregon and who car
ried it out to a successful conclusion.
.Mr. Simpson nursed this city through
iu babyhood, guided It in its grow
ing youth and finally brought it to
I point where it could be turned over
to Itself and its people, as one of the
The making of North Ileud is prnh
ubly the source of more pride to Mr.
Simpson than any of his other sue
OSJSJOfnl UehievemelltS.
In luylng out the city of North
Hend Mr. Simpson reserved 17 mre.
of land overlooking the hay us it puh-
Jiiost prosperous cities iu Southern I lb' park and together with the other
Oregon. ; Simpson loirs presented this in fee
In order to give North Bend Its ! simple to the city on the OOOBSloq
Mart Mr. Simpson guve much nf liK "' ""' Jubilee held to celebrate the
own possessions for the public good, opening of the railroad to Coos Hay.
He built a dock 1080 feet long and A,11 ""' efforts or Mr. Simpson pro
gave It as a city wharf. He gave free , bably hud more lo do with the brlng
sltes ror factories In order that they I '"K of ""' railroad to Coos Hay than
might be located in the new city. ""' Wl"'' Of hip oilier one man In the
We are ready at all times to serve meals to your
order, from the full course dinner to the most "conser
vative" of lunches.
Can supply you with "whsfstlsss" or "meatless"
meals at your pleasure and either will ?e appetising
and nourishing.
Mace's Restaurant
He built residences for the new com
ers and gave almost unlimited cedit
to those who were trying to make a
Mart. Quite a number Of the most
successful business men on Coos Huy
who can toiluy retire from active life
with surriclent means, made their
start by being ulded by Mr. Simpson i
cnnimuiilty ullc, i.
Mr. Simpson was elected one of
the eommlsslniiers or the l'ort of
Coos Hay after thut body was formed
and wus chosen for the place he
cause of his familiarity with the ship
ping nf the port He was one of the
Coos May men who went up to the
when establishing themselves sj his National capital to secure aid for the
c'Ur ' improvement of the Coos Hay bar.
The result was not a one-man These facts as to Mr. Simpson's
town. Once the city was brought to success in his own part of the stato
a seir supporting basis, It was a sue- ' are In a sense perhaps only or local
cess and today boasts or a payroll , interest but they show that he Is a
or $150,000 a month. man who was able to cope with the
Mr. Simpson was the rirst mayor or early dirricultles or Oregon, who sue
North Hend and held the office for j ceeded in what he undertook to the
twelve consecutive years. He had extent that his ublllty Is recognized
opposition at different times but no In the state and that he Is a man
one could ever dereat him. He only who has had the practical training
resigned the office because he moved to be a governor of the State.
They say Trotsky Is a newspaper
man. Heads more like u press agent
for the liuruum & Halley Show.
It Is Worth Money I
to his rural home. Shoreacres, which
was outside of the city limits and
which made It Impossible to continue
as mayor or the city.
During the eighteen years Mr.
Simpson resided on Coos Hay he wan uj This Out
manager or the Simpson Lumber :
Company most or the time and al UON T MISS THIS. Cut out this
this capacity he transacted extensive slip, enclosed with five cents to
business and handled big matters. Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.,
The lumber operating Interests of tho( Chicago III. writing your name and
Simpson Company were sold sev.rul uddress clearly. You will receive In
years ago. but Mr. Simpson acts as return a trlul package containing
president ol the Simpson Kstuto Com- Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,
pany with various holdings In South- fr coughs, colds und croup. Foley
western Oregon. Mr. Simpson bus Kidney Fills and Foley Cathartic
been a partner to the extent or help-1 Tablets. Sold by Itccd Bros.
Humors to the contrary are untrue.
The ever increasing demand for Ford
Cars makes them hard to get.
Buyers of Ford Cars for the past year
have been compelled to wait their turn".
We are taking orders every day and if
you are wise you will see us at once about
your car.
No time to lose now if you are contem
plating the purchase of a car in the early
Uncle Sam says we must put our boys "OyJ
'IMh' Top," To do this we who slay a1 home nniut
do our part, which Is CONSERVATION.
lust now we rue cMpfiin'l v lisle to conserve
fuel. The only way to conserve fuel is to Burn jest
This ii a difficult matter with tlie old fuel-eatine
stoves to bo seen la so inuuy homes.
You don't have to make any special effort to save
fuel if you are using one of our famous Charter ak Stoves
and Ranges. They just naturally live and thrive on lest
than others, and gives you every ounc? of heat energy there
is in your fuel,
You need a Charter Oak Stove and Range!
Come in and see our attractive price.
I. S. GEER & CO.
J. J. Donefan, Prei.
Achie McGowin, Vice-Prea.
G. N. Jameson, S-cjr.
J. E. Loggan, Trent.
Fire Insurance
Mr. Land Owner How is the title
to your land: Do you know? In
quire of us and find out
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
V ihi K'm, mlvertiM'd on the "Home Product.. Pun"'
Brunswick Phonograph
at The
Come in and see them and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price in within the reach of ail
On display and being demonstrated at the
House Painting Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
hitimates furnished on application. Samples shown