The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 23, 1918, Image 4

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    New Subscribers
Since Dec. 1, 1917
Food Will Win the War Don't Waste It!
Thrift will aid the Nation and will benefit those who Practice It
The Thrifty Should Take Advantage of The
Burn Commercial Club
Newell, Devera,
Ninety-Six Ranch
Peabodv, Ralph,
('.irhardaon, ,faa.,
Ralatori, E. K.,
Randall, Piatt,
Khireman, II. C,
Kawyer, Frank D.,
Hmiin. Chip ...
Sutton, Wm
Smith, Chaster !!..
Sh-wart, Wm.,
Wed-, me, V W .,
Wheat ' Bu
Weave KhI I .
Y"iinr. liir.-rs.
Rim. Ii
Reeideni -
Keaidem e
Reeideni e
Keflilli i ,.
(. ddence
Raaidi '
It den. '
Crane, Ore,
I enci
(trough, Kev. Lyman, KeeMeoee
linker. Tim
Cobb, ;. M.,
Chow Lee,
Chi!. Cafe,
Clementt, Glen.
Chrlsteneen, Uenry
( nip. John,
llolicgan, St J-
Feltotl, II. B
(Jroir, Krank,
Hanley, Alex,
Keeler, W. II.,
McGuire, John,
McGuira, John,
McLaren, Will.
Itenitl. I
Read the following Price List and remember, in addition to these
special Prices, for Casa, you get a discount of 6 per cent, during
this Great Sale on all Groceries, except:
Sugar, Flour, Butter, Eggs, Lard and Tobacco
Royal Blue Corn, can 15c case $3.50
Glen Valley Corn, can l6 2-3ccase 3.85
Otter Brand Corn, can 21 l-2ccase 4.85
Golden Elk Tomatoes, can 16 2-3c case 3.90
Tip Top Tomatoes, can 16 2-3c case . 3.90
Otter Brand Tomatoes, can .22 1 -2c case 5.15
Pioneer Tomatoes, can 20c case 4.50
Parker Tomatoes, can 20c case 4.50
Erapsons Stringless Bean, can 16 2-3c case 3.75
Mile High Stringless Beans, 16 2-3c case 3.75
Spinach, can 28c
Sweet Potatoes, can 29c
Pumpkin, can 20c
H. & G. Asparagus, can 20c
P. S. Asparagus Points 22c
P. S. Asparagus Tips, can 38c
Otter Asparagus Tips, can 37c
July Apricots, per can, $ .26
August Y. C. Peaches, per can 27!z
August Y. C. Peaches, sliced, per can ..... .27' z
August Pears, per can 27V2
August Apricots, per can 27V2
Otter Pineapple, per can 28 Vz
P. S. Pineapple, per can 30
Otter Peaches, per can 28,2
Otter Apricots, per can 28V
Otter Pears, per can 28,2
Otter Green Gage Plums, per can 28 Vz
Otter Cherries, per can 32,z
P. S. Cherries, per can .35
Otter Brand Strawberries, per can $ 271,2
Otter Brand Raspberries, per can .27Vz
Otter Brand Blackberries, per can 27 Vi
Otter Brand Loganberries, per can 27 Vz
Otter Brand Prunes, per can 274
Otter Brand Pineapple, per can 25
Italian Prunes, per lb. $
Petite Prunes, per lb.
Pears, per lb.
Peaches, per lb
L. M. Raisins, per lb
Unbleached Seedless Raisins, per lb
Bleached Seedless Raisins, per lb
Black Figs, per lb.
Apricots, per lb
Loganberries, per Vz lb- package
Black Raspberries, per Vz lb. package..
Pitted Cherries, per Vz lb. package
Seeded Raisins, 1 lb. package
Seedless Raisins, 1 lb.
Tea Garden Syrup Vz gallon can
Tea Garden Syrup, 1 gallon can 1
Tea Garden Syrup, 2 gal., full measure 3
Tea Garden Syrup, 4 gal., full measure 6
Caramel Syrup, Vz gl- hill measure ....
Caramel Syrup, 1 gal., full measure 1
Caramel Syrup, 2 gal., full measure 3
Caramel Syrup, 4 gal., full measure 5
Poppy Syrup, 5 lbs. net contents, can ...
Poppy Syrup, 10 lbs., net contents, can 1
Uncle John Syrup, Cane & Maple, Med
ium size can
.15 1
.11 1
.14 1
.16 2
H. &. G. Apricots, can $ .78
H. & G. Peaches, can 75
H. &. G. Plums, can 66
H. & G. Apples, can 63
H. & G. Grapes, can 63
H. & G. White Cherries, can 95
H. & G. Pumpkin, can .55
H. & G. Rhubarb, can .57
H. & B. Blackberries 97
H. &. G. Loganberries, can .85
H. & G. Pineapple, can .95
II. & G. Raspberries, can 1.08
Columbia River Shad, can $ .24
Oiler Brand Tuna Fish, can .27
Pink Salmon, No. 1 Tall can .22 1-2
Otter Salmon, No. 1 Tall can 28
P. S. Salmon, No. 1 Tall can 32
Otter Brand Oysters, No. 1 size can ... .16 2-3
Otter Brand Oysters, No. 2 size can .32
A. & L. Brand Oysters, No. 1 size can .16 2-3
A. & L. Brand Oysters, No. 2 size can .32
P. S. Brand Oysters, No. 1 size can .28
P. S. Brand Oysters, No. 2 size can . .55
Pierces Pork & Beans, small can .12 1-2
P. S. Brand Pork & Beans, small can .15
Festival Pork & Beans, medium can .20
Thelma Pork & Soya Beans, small can .12
Carnation Evaporated Milk 16 2-3
Sego Evaporated Milk 162-3
Shrimps, can 15
Sauer Kraut, can 22 1-2
Dill Pickles, can .25
Lye Hominy, can .20
Uucle John Syrup, Cane & Maple Vz
gallon can 1.05
Uncle John Syrup, Cane & Maple, Vz
gallon cm 1.95
C)res3 Molasses, Vz gallon can .65
Sorghum, 5 lbs., net contents, can 70
r'ney, 10 lbs., net contents, can 2.15
Tea Garden Strawberry Preserves, No.
2 tin, can 55
Tea Garden Raspberry Preserves, No.
2 tin, can 55
Tea Garden, all other preserves, No. 2
tins, can 45
Folgers Baking Powder, 1 lb. can . .45
Folgers Baking Powder, 2'z lb. can 1.05
Folgers Baking Powder, 5 lbs., can 2.00
Schillings Baking Powder, 1 lb., can .50
Shillings Baking Powder, 2'z lb., can 1.25
Schillings Baking Powder, 5 lbs, can 2.25
White Beans, per lb. 15
Bayo Beans, per lb. 15
Pink Beans, per lb. 15
Lima Beans, per lb. 15
Red Mexican Beans, per lb 15
Rice, per lb. 10
Matches, per box 05
Crystal White Soap, per bar 06 1-4
Swifts White Soap, per bar 061-4
Above Soaps, 17 bars for 1.00
Remember these prices are for cash, and until March 2nd there is a clearance sale discount of
6 per cent.
Clearance Sale Reduction of 10 per cent on all Dry Goods except Patterns and Thread. (
Clearance Sale Reduction of 10 per cent on Fancy Goods and Notions.
Clearance Sale Reduction of 10 per cent on Shoes and Rubbers.
Clearance Sale Reduction of 10 per cent on Furnishing Goods except B. V. D. and Overalls.
Clearance Sale Reduction of 10 per cent on Hats and Caps.
These prices are for cash. Nearly all goods are going up in price. This is probably the last op
portunity you will have this year.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
I. SCHWARTZ, Burns, Oregon
.1. K. WESTON, Sec and Got. irr.
inc. ii i.i
The death of W. O. ((odder at Ihe
home- of hia daughter, Mra. I. 8.
Oner. Ibh( Monday nlKht, waa a aad
hlow to IiIm Immediate relativea and
(mined grief among hla many friend,
alt hough he had been In poor health
and the end waa not unoxpectod.
Mr. Ilodili-r waa among the pro
grewalve mini who nettled In the
Sin: . i Action of thla Valley sever
al yc iir ago and during hla reaidence
iiii.I while hla health permitted lie
wiih active in community affalra and
did much toward developing t lint
portion nf the country, lie v,aa
highly respected hy hla neighbor
mill it inn n who will he iiilned
in the roininiinity
The rmieral wuh condu. led hy Kev
W. f Shu Id iroui the I'rcshyterliin
i bnrch 'I uooday afternoon sad Inter-
nieiit made In the Hum. ( emetery. obituary win hand
1907 he came a. n hla family to
Harney OOttBtf, regon, wln-rc h
resided until b(l death. At In-, .l.-tti,
he wu t f6 ymra. i inonthH. and I
daya old.
He waa married on April L'l lgj
to Marlon Irene Monhlcr at Sprlm
Oardeu Center, YolaUla. Florida. To
thla union two children were bora
Walter Henry ((odder and Neva M
(Mra. I. Li. (J.-ir) both of whom ,Ur
i S him. John an adopt!
..ii :ii o -urvlv, , him III- wife ore
...I..! Iilm to the urea1, beyond abot
i mi- iii'iutha ago. His n .- her wu
of lioe'ii-n. (reland. and I uthe
el Loudon BnglaadL Hi motbe
w.- i of tin- ::. c atlicli- :ij, ai.ii
I i thla faitli had her blld ii.ijitiMd
a I he waa educated in r-itiign
I i holld n hoola. He wu- hit)
c if however, of that persuasion, nofj
did he identify hlmaeir with that it
nomination. He BBBatt)
tin- Cr.-sii) terian church With hi
wife when convcnli nt for I In in to U
ao. He frequently ait. i
Preebjrterlsn church whin- h-. mg u
id to this office for publicatien:
Welter Oeorge Hodder waa horn III "TTurna. and regarded hiiiiK.-lf u
London, Kuglund. November 7, ISil, christian, of late be baa Crequssl
and died In (turns. Oregon, February mild that he was to go In fi
L, lllf at ll.ll A. M When about he longed to go and be with bis bM
nine years old he came with hla par- loved wife, whom- ileal Ii In- nevct
eati to Montreal. Canada Hla father SSBaed to lament As to In- fulltl-
waa a l.ellitenatit In the Kngllah eal life lie wu.s a Itepuhlt. ah. and M
Irmj mid waa transferred to Mon- for a time post master in FlorMU
Heal, and liere Walter Oeorge Hod- through Kc-jiuhllcaii apioiiil ment. H
der lived for 21 year. HIm mother waa a man of honesty. Integrity, an
having died, he went with hla father1 moral uprlghtneaa. A kind bn-baai
to lloatou Maaacbttsetta, C. S A a good futher. and a aplendld i Itliat
Here he worked In a powder mill Ilia Buffering, and labor ar oral
but thla proved bud n.r hi health and he la al reat
and he removed to Florida where
he lived (or II years as a contractor.
n.-r. hunt aid orange grower Kriim ; The twenty third annual ball git
Horlda he went to the Weat Indies cu by Council No SSSS. P. I" 1' Its'
mil lived on Nassau (aland He then night waa the uaual brill!
t removed to the State of Iowa where' with fine dec oration and a hue
lie readied for three year, in (902 number of gueata. Many ( uutlfal
be came to Paadletaa Oregon, in gown were in rrldeaee
Sunday and Monday, February 24-25
Bluebird Photoplays
Int rnduoea
Myrtle Gonzales, George Hernandez
and Clever Supporters
In Wiildciiuir Ynuiiji's Storv
"The Show Down"
Produced hy Lynn F. ReynoldM
Croator of "Qod'i Cracible," "Mutiny,"
'The Greater Low," Rto., Etc,
A Roroaooeof Mid-Pnoifk When Privation and
Danger Trauefortned rluwan Nature in
the Melting 1'ot f Primitive Life