The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 02, 1918, Image 8

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    in '??
STOP The Waste
and Win the War!
Buy Thrift Stamps and War
Stamps and Help Finance
The War!
are absolutely safe good as a Government Bend
and better, because they can be cashed at par with
interest at any time by the holder giving ten days at your post office.
This Bank is an authorized agent of the Govern
ment for the sale of both Thrift Stamps and War
Savings Certificates.
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus - - $100,000.00
I Illl
The Times-Gerald
Henry Keisenbeck wan up from
H. The Largest Circulation O Any' iwen during the wek on buslnees.
Furnished house with barn to rent.
Win. Farre.
Newspaper In Harney County.
Locl News.
Francis Griffin was in town yes
Ora Hill and wife are over from
the Dcnio country on a visit to rela
tives and friends in this city.
George Greeley is renewing ac
quaintances in this city. He formerly
resided in this vicinity but Is now
located in Malheur county. Hla
many old time friends are glad to see
Fstrayed Two yearling heifers,
estrayed from my place last April,
banded XX on the left hip and mark
ed with an underslope in each ear.
A liberal reward for Information
leading to their recovery. Peter
Peterson, Egll, Oregon.
School Supt. Frances (lark spent
the week visiting several of the
school districts of the county and
discussing among other things the
sale of Thrift Stamps In the schools.
8he accompanied Rev. W. F. Shields
en the trip.
Dave and Jack Craddock and their
wives, were down from Sllvies yes
terday. When Jack was accused of
bringing along that cold tpell on
Wednesday night when the ther
mometer registered two below here
in town, he took the responsibility
for he said it was 20 below Stlvie.
the same night.
Deputy Clerk Win. Carroll and
Charles Foley were representatives
-of this city in a class of young men
who were initiated in the Knights of
Columbus at Ontario the fore part of
this week. Neither seem the worse
of the wear BUMS riding the "goat"
from their personal appearand- at
liny rale
Mr and Mrs. J H. Heniler-ton were
up from their home near the Ijke
the first of this week.
Al Cote and I N. Hughd MM I"
from their home near the Warm
Springs during the week
Hereafter work in the repair de
partment of the Lampshire Garage
is strictly cash. H. C. Shlreman.
Mrs. W. H. Huffman has been
quite ill at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Richardson, for
some time. We are Informed she is
improving at thla time.
Prestley Smyth, luompinM by
Mrs. Geo. Smyth, came over from
Diamond last Monday to be present
at a meeting of the directors of the
First National Bank. They remained
in town until yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams
have been in from their home on
Sliver ( reek for the past week be
cause of the serious illness of their
child. The little one had pneumonia
but Is now improving rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swain. Mr
and Mrs Peter Chrlstctison with the
"kids" Carl and Evelyn, and "Grand
dad" Swain, came up from l.awen
the other day. The latter remained
in town for a short time, the others
returning home the same day.
Frank Kueny, one of the hoys who
worked as a vaijuero for many years
In this county, was here to see the
income man the other day. Frank
quit working for wages some time
ago and embarked in the sheep busi
ness. He has been suxcsHful in his
undertaking as the size of his con
tribution to the war tax mi his in
(ome shows.
After .January 1. 1818, we will grant credit
for Kixt Day only. faoCOOntf are not paid
it that time, no more credit will lie granted.
Wq are compelled to pa.v our accounts in
Thirty Days, and t do ho, we have to ask that
you be more prompt in the future. We hope we
will not have to refuse von credit.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
Heat of cafe fives patlenta '
Mrs. Flreovad'i maternity hospital
l,t Gasolino filler cup painted
gray. Finder please return to Summit
Garage and receive reward.
Rooms to rent. Mrs. Eunice
Est rayed Two steer calvea.
branded LH connected, the first let
ter being reversed and forming a
portion of the H. on the right hip:
wattle on too right aide of neck,
right ear smooth crop. Liberal To
ward for recovery. L. H. MePhall,
Crane Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caldwell were
down from the mountain ranch dur
ing tho week visiting their son. As
sessor John Caldwell, who has been
confined to Ills home for the past
several weeks from Illness The pa
tient Is improving at this lime and
able to be at his office occasionally.
Mrs Archie McGowan arrived
home from Hend on Thursday even
ing. She states that Archie Is In
Portland and the time of his return
Is Indefinite. She was accompanied
home by Mrs. Harry Z. Smith and
little daughter, also Mlsa Margaret
Thompson who will visit with her
for an Indefinite time.
lb-ginning Feb. I we will
make one delivery rnch d Ut
the portion toward
the river. Order must be In
by I o'clock P. M. Thl ser-
vice entails additional re
pense to as but we believe our
patron In that vwinlty de-
erve uch consideration.
Phone u Mi
Otus Blaemore Is In town.
J. E. Qravee was In town the other
Score carda for "Five Hundred,"
also program pencils for sale at this
Albert Oakerman and his mother
were In town for a few daye thla
William and Frank Dunn were up
the fore par of the week to conault
the Income tai man.
Ralph Catterson and Bootl Hayea
were among our visitors from the
La wen section the fore part of this
Rev. W. F. Shields, pastor of the
First Presbyterian liur h f this
city spent most of the past week vl
Itlng several portions of the county
to minister to the spiritual welfare of
the people. He preached at Crane
on last Sunday night and later went
to Happy Valley, Voltage. Narrows
and Intervening points where he held
services and visited with the people.
He covered nulte a territory and was
most hospitably received by friends
David Nelson came down from his
home above Harney yeaterday to de
liver butter and attend to some busl
nss He waa accompanied by hi son,
Eugene.who recently came over from
Idaho on a abort visit to hla parents
before offering himself for enlist
ment in the army The young man Is
of draft age and since he has not
been called he thought he would pre
fer volunteering as he would then
have hla choice of service. He went
to Crane yesterday afternoon to take
the train out thla morning for Idaho
where he will make application be-
his local draft board.
i j j
Make a
- of all the article you would hate to
have destroyed or lost. Then you will
have a list of the articles which should"
be placed at once in our Safe Deposit
Vaults - safe from fire, thieves and care
less handling.
Moderate Rentals
Positive protection
United States
Government War
Savings Stamps and
Harney Eeuntq National Bank
Burns, Oregon
ZT HfiHitnii'mnm
;.!.& Uj
i Mr Hbt Irving. Mrs. Ruth War- Mr and Mrs Geo Bu'lianas
ren-Sbaw and Miss Soale Lowe were In from the station the fore
down from Harney last Monday, the this week to have som. i.-ntal
two former being Initiated In the done and to visit with relatives!
' Eastern Star Chapter that evening. friends.
The Annual Clearance
Jam V
Monday. February 4, 1918
and ends
Saturday, March 2, 1918
Every article in the Store is included in this Sale, Except
Butter, Eggs. Floor, Patterns Overalls, and, B. V. D. Underwear.
Owing to the fad thai the Government needs most be supplied first. I nm short in tone lines, i....... i. I i... ..... i... i., ....... i .,.... I- (i: .....;.... i i....... ....- i ........ ..,....;..., ..n ..t t... ,. Br
uihiwuii I nine uii Hlinrei niuiR in niinnn-n mill I'WI I llllieu. IIIIIIIWl, llll'lllioil ill! ll lilt' Ul 'W,
during this
Will Give Bednetione, for CASH, as Follews:
6 Per Cent Reduction on all Groceries, except Flour, Butter and Eggs
10 Per Cent Reduction on all Dry Goods, except Patterns and Thread
10 Per Cent Reduction on all Fancy Goods and Notions.
10 PerCent Reduction on all Furnishing Goods, except B. V. D's
and Overalls.
10 Per Cent Reduction on Shoes and Rubber Footwear
10 Per Cent Reduction on all Hats and Caps.
The pita of nil Cotton Good- sod all vYookma have advanced. The present wholesale price ol
Canned Goods Is higher than I paid and this sale otters an opportunity, that probably will not present
itself again.
Remember; Sale Prices are for Cash, Only
Sale Begins Monday, February 4th
Closes Saturday, March 2nd j
I. SCHWARTZ, Burns, Oregon
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