MM l AM I'KHHONAIi ii it iid Mr. Chan. Moore with In ,,ni Diamond ilurliiR the week. II. II. Smyth. BM of the oldeBt plo , er from petal of mMMN I" the .nitv. Ih over Iron Ills home In ,.,,,, Vulley. I'onawania management la plan- nK for a roaaaea nan lor ine cnnu ,Mi In the near future aa has been Ik c ustom in recent yearn. Hugh Tudor and Nlek Voegtly In ore here rrora Aioeraon jemeruay iMislneMH the later alao vlaltlng lather ami family while here. ll'IIK IIHHT NATIONAL HANK OK il HNH. CAPITAL AND SI HIM. Is sicio.OOO. "THK BANK THAT MAKKH YOUR 8AKK." LuVOl'NTH IXV1TKI). J E. Sl.etnore wa another one of ir ninchers who f.mlil It nee'-sxary jii iuiervuw mi! iiu'uiun i iiiwii. remained tor a short vuit wi'h l!i . Sunn re uiul the children while m town. A ('. Welcome anil L. La Noon- khetter are Home irom a nuainess ri to St. Louts. Mo. They report successful trip. The retjirn was biade by the southern route brlng- - them through California. A. E. Brown was over from his home at Venator the fore part of Ihls week, having come 10 consult he Income Tax man. While here he ook advantage of the time to visit villi friends. Marlon Morton was over from 01 a - liaonil the other day. He recently .turned from Boise where he visited vith Mr Horton and the childreu ir a short time during the holidays, ll is again on the Job at the store. 11. I). Mote Is in town from Silver Creek. Any one having chickens for sale should notiry Henry Kit liner. Har ney, Oregon. Tonawama Is going to be the scene of a masked ball on March 1st. Particulars will be announced next week. Last Wednesday night proved the roldeat of any so far during the pres ent winter the thermometer register ing 2 below aero. Luxburg may be insane, as an nounced, but we'd rather believe the claim to be another piece of hla pe culiar brand of, diplomacy. Congressman Kitchiu thinks we should tax "till It hurts," yet we have noticed no great anxiety on the Congressman's part to take IiIb own iiii'iltcine. i .Apples, Apples, Apples See or wrlto N. C. Lee and W. Diver at Crane. Can supply you for $1.2 per box (sacks 10c extru) Cider DOc per gal. In II) gal kegs. Smith Crane and B. B. Clark are touring the southern part of this county and northern California buy ing horses and mules. They are ac companied by Mrs. Crane and also Mrs. H. C. Levens. For Sale Forty head of yearling and two year old registered Short horn Bulls at the Clrlce Seven (07) Itanch on Canyon Creek, address, Wm. BY HAM ft SON. O 7 Ranch. Canyon City. Oregon. Dili HOI. Ill Kit liovs IN I'HAM'K MTOCKMFA TAKK NOTH K. i; Ueo. Bolenbaugh was In town for a few days this week having braught his brother. Taft Miller. In for medi cal attention, the young man being a victim of pneumonia. We are glad In nnln li Is rci'iiverllll! The sick J. Williams was over from Sll-1 hoy Is being cared for at the home or .Mr. ami ,irs. j r. auriuuir, i (reek lor a lew (lays mu uri ui li. ii- veck. nawiig uccoiiiiiniiifii mt. Raymond Anderson. Dlsl. 28 We think much of our gallant soldier boys Over In "8uiiny France". They'll make It hot for the Germans, They'll make the Kaiser dance. Our aoldter boya from Harney Coun ty, The land of the coyote, snake, and oat. They went to France to whip the Hermans, And did not go there Just to spat. The Germans shot a few of them, And though their flag was reft, The Stars and Stripes shall ne'er go down, While there'H a soldier left. The Oermaus shot a fow of them. And thought their flag was struck. Ilul for every soldier In ills grave A thousand are springing up! Our soldier boys In kahkl Led the Kaiser a merry dauce. And very soon the Germans Will bo vacating France. When the clouds of war rose black. Oe'er our country of the brush, Our soldiers chased the Germans For victory has Its flush. Our soldier lads frcm Harney coun ty. Where the coyotea yell at dawn. Where there's a nlckle rabbit bounty They went swiftly striding on. We aend our lads, the boat we have As they go o'er dale and hill, And If Us war they're looking for, They'll aurely get their fill. Then despair not, O soldier boy Fighting for Uucle Sam We're sending you beans and bacon And a good old l.omo-cured ham. Cut Till" Out It In Worlli Meno Burnt, Oregon, Jan. 28, 1IH8. To Range Users: A meeting of the Burns Cattle & Horse Association will be held in Hums February 18 at the Com mercial Club Room at 1 P. M. sharp. The purpose of this meeting Is to discuss the action taken by the Dis trict Forester In holding all stock out of the Forest until May 15. Alao make definite arrangement! for out salting plan for the coming aeason Very truly yours, B. E. REYNVAAN, President. o NOnCI Of FINAL HKTTI.KMKNT Carrol Cecil and son Pat are in town. They came over from (silver Creek yesterday to witness the box- lug exhibit len at the Liberty last night. Sunt. Brelthaupt of the Experi ment Station, took IiIh departure Monday for a short business visit Into Washington. He will be gone but a short time we understand. IN THK COUNTY COURT OF THK HTATK OP OHKUON FOR HAR NKY COUNTY. ml Mr- Miller over and remained i .i -hurt time to transact some U and visit with relative- ami lends. 1. N M.rritt, who hud been MD ! with the Inter-Mountain Tel. ... rel Co. as an assistant maiuiK r. hook Mis departure last Monday for Portland, ha having resigind his 0 H em Mrs. Merrltt accompanied I i in out. lor Sale 15.'. acres of land ad- loluiiiR the town of Crane. $2000.00 for the entire tract subject to mort gage of $250.00. Also acre tracts within hall mile of the depot $50. per in re. Terms. - James Crane, Oregon. For Kxihange -320 acres Inyo Co. California, one half mile to a small town. 1 mild to railroad. Half under eitltiwttlon, lenrcd ami cross ftDOCd, 2 bams. 1 small house I wells, 12 in. flowing well, land marly ull level jiarl rolling sandy loam BUMl of It sub Irrigated ' la I ft to wUr aii clear or Imumlirunci' Pried $125 per acre. Will trade tor Harney Co. stock ranch, stock and Implements and will assume. FKKI) I OBOROR. (ralitree. Oregon Garfield Is the man who took the wind out of Congress And Con gress Is now retaliating with the fury, measure to break down the udinlliis i tratlon. All of the 1 W. W. are not I In overalls. Congress has Its share. I Congress Is no place for a pin-head politician with his peanut politics The work of congress should be llmlt- I ...i m i.uuiiir nmironriutloil bills. r.n i ontemplates remaining in this 'piat j about as far as their authorl- permanently anil practice pro- , should go. They have lieen inves tigating "red tape" for months and then when Garfield cuts It without consulting them they are grelved We need men of action, not men of words. If the people of the nation need words they can get u good sup ply In the dictionary and they do not have to depend on congress. Hlue Mt. Eagle. Ir Cray, dental specialist, arrived n our city this week and Is tem- i oranly located in the purlor of the turns Motel. We understand Dr. Miled he finds It to his liking. Mr and Mrs. J. M. M rrltt spent wral clays In this city during the .ck, helng guest:) at the home of is daughter. Mrs. Itoht. Baker. Mr. l.rriit is one of the pioneer resl lanta Of Central Oregon and now re des in the Stein's Mountain section. DON'T MISS THIS Cut out this slip. emlos.d with five cents to Foley cV Co. IIIB Sheffield A.TO., Chicago III Wilting cur name and llddrc .s clMrly You Will receive- III return trial package containing Foley' Honey and Tat compound, for COUgh, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pllli and Foley Cathartic Tablet! Sold by Heed Bros. o An OfOgM man mukes the state ment in his nuesllonnalre t hut he is !i feet 6 Inches tall and weighs 123 pounds. Evidently swallowed a string ami shrunk to it. In Mm mutter of the estate of J. Frecl Oakertnaii, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the niuh.ruliftiecl have filed their final account in the above entitled estate, . and that the Court has set ton ! o'clock A. M. on March 4, 1918, as ' the time and the office of the County Judge in Burns, Harney County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing oojec tlona therete: all persona having objections thereto are hereby noti fied to present the same at said time and place. This notice Is published for the j period of four weeks In The Tlmes- i Herald, a weekly newspaper publish ! ed at Burns, Harney County, Oregon, under and by virtue of an order of the Hon. H. C. Levena. Judge of the County Court of Harney County, Oregon, Dated at Burns Oregon, this 2nd tlfty or February, 1918. First publication February 2, 1918 Last publication March 2, 191H. ALBERT OAKKHMAN, Administrator, HANNAH M OAKKHMAN. Administratrix, Of the estate of J. Fred Ouk ertuun, doc-eased. o NOTICR ol PUBLIC BALB Noti.c- is hereb) given lhai on March 16, I 9 1 S n public aim ion will be lic-ld ul the school house al An clrc-ws Dlst No. 20, llarm-v County Oregon to the purpose of disposing of the building formerly used for school purposes unci known as "The Old School House." HAZKL ALBKHSON. Clerk By order of N. E. Currey. Chulrinati of the Board. James Hutchinson, father of Mrs. William Dunn, has been visiting with tier at her home on the Blitzen for Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Miller are guests of relatives and friends in this vicinity. The Millers formerly uvea ..-. . ..- . piaii i , ii i i . .. - r he past several weeks, but expects on giVer Creek and are well known Lo have at once for his home In Can-' , mttny old time residents of this da Mr. Hutchinson formerly r- getton. Mrs. Miller Is a alster to J. nie.i iii Mils miintv but has been ... ,,, .,, Mm Simon Lewis, Mrs. ivlng lu the Alberta section for the R j Williams. Mrs. T. J. Shields. Her ,ast several years and saya he likes fatner, J. C. Garrett, was one of the t fine un there, It luing an excellent ,.. known men in Harney county. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been recld Iiik lu Washington for the past sev- i ...(. -en vears and while they find many new people they also find sev eral of their old time friends. Dick Is walking with the aid of a cane, but not because of ago but on account of a hurt of some eight years stand ing. He Is the same Jolly fellow and greets Ills old friends with the MOM smile and hearty huml ! ' tock country where he Is located. To whom it may cencern: I wish to nnottnee that W. H. Fisher has no j Interest In any mining claims, that I nave located iii Harney Co., on ac-1 ount of having refused to furnish I any money, or do any work. Claims v"ii: White Elephant, The Mate, .ookoul Peek. Gray Eagle. Pd Ad W. A. Beverldge. Very Few People Kead an ordinary advertisement entirely through. If I wers able to write a fifty word ad. that would catch and hold the attention of ninety per cent of the readers whojrlanced at it. I would not be tryinjr to make a livintc in the garage business. If you have ijotten this far you may as well ftnlfth Your car may only need some slight adjustments or it may need a thorough overhauling. At any. rate you can save time and money by having it done NOW, while you. as well as ourselves, are not very busy; also we can afford to do it much cheaper thah later when we are rushed with Bpring work. C.S FOB (JUAUAXTKIOD PRICES mi i iia fn hi-nLcsn farm machinery, and l niB alBU ttyyilCCT w iw.... utings. We are glad to give you any in itiation you desire along those lines. Summit Garage. John McGwire, Prop. KIA -.-. Agent Huputoblle Motor Car SKK BASKET SOCIAL AND VAUDEVILLE Under the anspioei f Harney County Chapter American Red Cross February 2nd, 8:30 p. m., COMMERCIAL CLUB ROOMS Basket to be auctioned off. Red CroM ladle willing to iir'm baakete please notify lire. Qemberling. .tttttti. saaaaaaeea Hi W. T. I ESTER A. A. TR AIGOTT Inland Empire Realty Co. REAL ESTATE We Will Build Your Own Home Before The Rail road Get Here. Just Like Paying Rent! Stock Ranches and Farms for Sale and Exchange. Farm, Ranch and Building Loans Made Direct. Fire Insurance. Life Insurance, Blueprints. Choice Residence Lots 960.00 Choice Half Acres $200.00 Choice Acre Tracts $375.00 GENERAL LAND OFFICE PRACTICE We have the largest and best variety of Residence and Business properties at the Right Prices Members Burns Commercial Club Ollln PKoaf H-I lO Realdenl PhoaH G-e and C-43 BOOST FOR HARNEY COUNTY ALL THE TIME DENTIST! DR. GRAY, Dental Specialist, Now at Burns, Oregon, Office at Parlor Burns Hotel Dr. Gray Extracts Teeth Absolutely Without Pain A peolaltjr aiada i porcelain tilling and porcelain and gold noun and bridgework. Prices are reasonable nml nil work absolute ly guarantesdc Dr. Qray doe not use cocaine or other local anoestbesia, any of which may poison thegumn. This is mi opportunity to have dental work done by " Hpecialw without going to a city. Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers Qrocries TO FEED YOU! THIS IS the logical place for you to buy your groceries. We carry everything that even the most fastidious taste could desire. There is quality in every article we sell, and this is known to every customer who buys from ns. Have vou noticed that once II a citizen starts to buy here they I :MnwoWv nAnfinila Tfl hllV here? "There's a reason," and they know. When you buy here you will know, too. Farmers Exchange Barns, Oregon A. Ottlnger, Proprietor, Nate Franklin, Mgr. .A .a. .w B - . "i " JOB WORK We do it right A