She frimcs-Twatd JULIAN BYRD Mn' SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2. ISIS sunscasmoN rates OmYmt IMJ 11. Mu Tim Mssrtes .... n i "CAMtmtkm" h the riegaR M 7e haw m dupotltton to .ni i M American DM, and It I. a good ' mlo lb. Hiip.iriiinee Of thi If W RioRn Bat it thoald apply to " ii... Rortniaval ordering imi government an well M to the rftfcMM. I.trntlon of all alien enemies We Although doublleu our official, at should have been 'I,..,,- at Wa.hlngton are doing their utmo.t time we entered the war. I tit , lu thla direction, yet there la In the we greatly fear that even IBM rank and file of government em- move will not put a .ir ployeea. large room for Improvement, the machination, of the enemy Some month, ago when the food In thta country, from the fact con.ervatlon campaign opened, there that hla readleat tool, are not alien.. wu appointed In a certain atate a but cltlien. of thla country. The publicity agent who proudly announ- alien I. an ea.y peraon to watch but ced that he had left hla own bu.l- the tratltorou. cltlaen sometime. ne.a In the hand, of employe, while baffle, the be.t effort, of the .police, he aerved hi. country without pay. And. humiliating a. It la to admit It HI. flr.t act waa to dlapatch tele- we have a number of these. Some of grama to every newspaper In the them would doubtless balk at actual state calling attention to the nee- sedition, yet every .lay of their llvos easily of co-operating with the gov- they are aiding the RMM of the Hun. eminent, and urging the support of They kick and knock and find faul (he WW to the fight for food con of every act of our government, and servatlon No sane man can doubt If they were men of e-eifhl their that everv one of these telegrams pesslmlstl. influence would Ml dla- were paid for l.y the government ai astrous. Happily for the country, full rates, when a two-cent stamp however, the great majorltv of our would have taken each one. and got- people are loyal, and the soon place ten It to Its destination In twenty- these gentry where tljey rightfully mi OMMMM I'lionifTH kiiiht HI Y IT IN THK IIOMK TOWN The Octopus lt Mag Hurt Mull ortler houses do not look with faor upon the awakening of the small towns. They do not like the facts regard ing the menace the mall order house, brought to the attention of folks who live in the small town. They do not like the position rome of the foremost magazines have tak four hours. There Is such a thing as "saving at the spigot and wasting at the bung". The government machinery Is the bung and cannot be watched too closely. belong - outside the pale. MII.IYS HAT THIS SPRING. The commandments this season are entirely new. Incxpenslveness looms ud a. a vital eon.ldera'.o.i, America', egport. have again aet and the problem of .electing a spring a high record, having, according to hat assume, a different aspect. To the report of the department of com I quote from an article in the February merce. pasaed the 18, 000. 000.000 ' Oood Heusekeeping: i, i- iaiT with imi.orts of less "As In previous season, the flr.t of the foremost magazines -"- l thi. leave, our' dictate, of fa.h.on are .mall. close .. of trying to preserve the .mall , "" J" ' .. ... morft th.n fltt.ns turbsn. of ..tin; some .re not towns where life Is worth while In "- o,i-i.i In their preference to aggrandizement of the 1 $3,000,000,000 .. ..' . - a i a.- I i ngTliriUif i.i thu htit. Willi olhtTM 'T. rUy, ?; V'larSflcU'Tt'n. oTel: doubled our ability to to- ' feature brims in a MdU.. ,-rlnd and health sacrificed to the .hnik .. m.nner Some small hat. tJod of Commerce. They do not like the practice of the modem small town merchant of convince him of his error reat Germany from a financial stand- wholly new manner Some .mall nat. point, a sight of these figures should are popular with a brim turned down The over the face with the effect of an exhibiting wares of the mail orde. house alongside of his own. and pric es of each set forth In plain figures Thev do not like folks to learn that ii....i tit.t.. i. the ret creditor ' eyeshade. probably designed by the nation of the world today. The pre- Fren. h so that they might escape paratlons that have been made for b a turn of the nean some ... .,..- Ihe BtTUgfta have scarcely scratch many mail order articles ar I Hi Igl of our resources .heap ! cause tiiey ar- "second.' aaltt wans wlii h lo.-al m.r chant, who value tbetf goad name : , i! itomeri i.iirmrs of the war that surround them Main of these little kail have Hi. brim rolling upward m the hack, 10 thai wliale.r was lial brims an blown by the aiada of taehlon, ti,.. on M. r nf m one t nhraj i And the ciiiouraging featarn of the situation bj that the pOOB. of all tins raw wealth are nnettnti d- 'V',". ,,. y placing it at the dMpoaal of their certain to be ... style Thte spreading of th.- cnliKhtinK ' m ",v MiinR to cripple the room country. The power and mlnlit of Al baa decreed the doom of lierniau that h.c- hean laying the golden egg The attitude of the mall Ordl t houses baa turned from Indignation to resentment into a eryataHsod determination to do something. The unsuspecting public upon -hich they have waxed rich must not be lost never! So an orsanized plan for influenc ing small town folks, and extracting 'heir hard earned dollars which should be kept at home to lav ree.t their land values and general pros perity. Is now being formulated The Institution behind this plan proposes to establish newspapers in two thousand small towns. Their mail order propaganda is to he advanced through these newspap ers. The work of this advance agent is to t followed up bj personal soli I 'ution for business It is proposed to eventually broad m the plan to embrace the entire United States. How ii mud .trafe thus.- hanghtj flyer crews to be compelled tO take a lillinf while a bat'' red old coal autocraoy and katoerlam. with all the train irawis by aad limners up on atrocities tiiey staiul for the track before them Hail to thy returning festival. Old Bishop Valentine! Great ia thy name in the annals! Let Joy and Gayety Abound! The Girls National Honor Guards OF BURNS, Most Cordially Request Voor la Costnsne At A Colonial Ball FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN Tonawama Hall .--MmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmimm Bring Your Dollar TO US AND WATCH IT PULL! Our ambition is to get your trade, and HOLD IT, We know that the only way to hold it is to DELIVER THE GOODS, and make good on every sale. We buy with this end in view, and we sell with it in view. Our every act has this end in view. Therefore, we invite you to bring that dollar to u sml watch it iter form. No where In tbie whole community will it do more we lo not believe there ft single place wbeje it will ! hh much. It ts the goodi liMv the BEST Kds the M M8T goods and it frets PROMPT ami ACCOMMODATING ervice. Consider one fact Hourly all of your Iriendi trsde here. And they trade her. because they can do better hers. so. can ver: BURNS CASH STORE Men now Kfown will have l I ,le,.. nn.l probably MMJ rorgolten be foro experleme. an.l eoinlltlon. now ..-..v-iiiii will asaltt take plare It I. aurely hope.l that war. .ueh a. now prevail., will nver aRaln b vl.lted upon mankind. Yet It ia the war that brought about the preaent rlrcum.tances. We have passed from the ordinary to the eitraordlnary condition of moil everything. Conervatlon and cooperation I. the general order of thing.. We are a.ked and we give freely to the requirement, of the Govern ment, but we owe alo a duty to the Immediate community we call our home city and .tate. Aiiioiir the big demand. MM made. Ih that of saving In car equip ment; car. muni be relea.ed wherev er poa.lble for war u.. There ha. been, ami continue, to be. a duplication of effort that will eventually be prohibited why not voluntarily fall In line? Whv ahlu lumber to a distant point, make flnl.hed product, and hip back to Oregon? Why raise grsln and ship away while other state, forward the fln l.hed cereal to u " And o It goe.. In endles. variety, ship and resblp, and why? Borne one pays all this needles. cost. It I. the ultlmste consumer who csrrlea the load. The dealer claims that It Is the consumer's demand that causes him to stock the good, made elsewhere, but which are also produced here in like quantity and at similar price. Does Mr. Retailer really do his part In exerting extra effort to en courage sale of home produets or done be .imply pass alow? b th ea gleet route any goods that may be asked for. without thought or eon ilderatlen of the community wet rure? Onl of the dollar Sfssji 'or goods made ileewaete rorbIMji ji . , i.i r. Mi.iin in Orcfoa, while 'b principal end profll both May hire if an home nrii. ie be oll With millions going oat of Hi .State in Kiiiqx.rt or ninny VOftttJ do- t-.ipii- made upon u . asoaf of It ni'ti r i ORM back. Doge ii ' rOf Mtrlke the av. r:i. . illen we milKl IMIUaerre for the wel fare of our community. The ship Industry is one of tin I Ml lexKoiiM of Ho- b.iieiit of payroll Mow can any merehani adopt melliod tbut operate against ()rKon paroll. With SUrb evlilenre b.'lor him. Not one but seeks with avidity the benefit to be derive.l from payroll, itome one else builds up. Hut how many tr to iMffWMI those already her.-, by en. ouraglng the sale and use of local output in all lines'' This business of patronizing home industries is not an idea invented in Oregon we have no patent on It. The truth is, wo are miles behind jour sister States in the loyalty with' whlrb they stand by the factories! that do so much to make prosperity. It Is not a question of sobs, sub sidles or sympathy. It is one of duty and orders The government advises the nation--"Buy Local Products." It la patriotic to do so and the tier son who falls Is in the slacker class He Is keeping step with the man who boasts that thi. Is his own. hi. native laud, but refuses to buy a lloud. Don't be a slacker don't watt to be drafted be a volunteer for Ore gon products. o t'HIUSTIAN HOK.NrK HtKIKTY Services at 11:00 o'clock. Sub Jut of Desson Sermon next Sunday: I.OVK ' TIM Te timoiilal Me ting, Weilnes day at 7:30 P. M. The reading room in the chur.h Kdlflce, Is open on Tuesday anil Kri day from 2 to 4 P. M. Sunday Kchuol meets on Sunday at 10 o clock Pupil . may be admitted to its classes up to the age of 20 years. The public Is cordially invited to Hie Church Services ai.d to the ' Reading Room. o WOltKT IM Kit IN YKAIIH New Subscribers Since Dec. 1, 1917 Brought & I'.vfimn lie HurriH Commercial Club Cobb, (. M., Utdimm Chow Iee, IteMtrttirent Club Cafe, rii-Htnurant Donegan, J . 1 ., Office iviton. H. K., Resfdesm (Jr. ff, Frank, Residence Newell, Devero, l'H- Ninctv-Six Bunch Peabody, Kaiph. HichardHon, Jan. Shireman. H. C, Sawyer, Frank I) Smith, Chip (J., Sutton, Win., Welcome, F. W.. Wbeelon, Burt Weaver, .1. W Crane, On-. lies. ileo lies Keg lie Rej lNTER-JnOUNTAlN T. & T. CO. .1. E. WILTON, Se-. nnd Hen. Mrr. There sre a million soldier. In thi. country who would give ix month', psy for the opportunity Dr. Law, the kalaer'a Amerlcsn dentist, so csrelesaly threw away. The Chicago Boy.' Brotherhood Republic advertises for "the mesn e.t boy in the United States" and guarantees that in U months he will be 100 per cent good. They may be able to make good all right, but ita a safe bet they will hare no volunteer.. HAM. OS" Hi RN-" I.OIM.K NO a. r. t M. K K H O L I' T I O A Word To Mothers Mr..K J. Bedard. Cowlch, Wash. saya. "Foley. Honey and Tar is the best I have ever u.ed. I a I way. keep a bottle in the house for the child ren. A quick cure for cough, and .olds... It heals raw. Inflamed aur looseiis pbl .-Km. eases hoarse- ;u..l dirfh lilt breathing, che.k raikliiK COSgtU Sold b ROtd Hro Oo-d-by: "Breathe on the n lamp and let it go out' . Thu tM lei P Reynolds, an esteemed ai ber of this lodge paid tin debt nature and passed awa mips rnl sleep on January 24. 1918. Honesty and Industry were i !i tint companions and the tr board of his life will pass ir:pstj In the land beyond the rlwr To his widow and s.rr. :ng ftl Urea we extend our .incr. m gad may the Lord lift upon rhea iigfct of bis countenat.' t h.-tu peace. Fraternally sub (! J. E I.DUGA! Wm FARai J. M fj ALL MASONS AND THE GENERAL PUB LIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL, BALL Given by COUNCIL No. 8888, P.P.P. TONAWAMA Friday February Twenty-Second, Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen Boys Vaster Eighteen Years Not Allowed To Dance TICKETS $1 OO K Formal Invitations Will Be Issued LIBERTY THEATRE! A. K. RICHARDSON, Prop. JOE THOMPSON, Manager 1, j Snow, wind and extreme cold caus ed more colds this winter than In ' years. Foley's Honey Tar proved Its worth lu thousands of homes. Mrs. Kdward Strevy. It. 37, Clinton O . aays: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar Is the only medicine for coughs iiinl rohls recommended it highly." Klne for . hildren. Sold by Reed Bra i. Open Every Night with a series of Strictly High Class Pictures Popular Prices A good wuy to insure ibe defeat nl the Oerman nraiei would be t fur- nisli .ii. in a few hundred thousand gallon, of bout leg linker such us i prevalent in prohibition sections of i in i, 1 1 1 Oermani liquid tire is mild In .ouipurlson. L 3 o