The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 02, 1918, Image 3

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    In the Ranks.
J svJsJL
r3 en ea.r-3 ra iz?a
rt-r7:i r- j I
nC74TJI o crz.
tdvantasas ovt r Islh
and phuti r for Walls ana
O lllng. Lot us tell you
uliout tlicm.
Burns Hardware Com,' a ly
l :r Wistcs Europe's
i.. it S.ip.ily.
American Consumer Profited by
$ i 80,000,000 r-rench Si lu
ation Helped.
ri O WBMTZ3 LJ aaxiaa IB.- SJ
l rmnn j.inric n
This Nation' . ugar Supply Reduced
to Seventy Psr Cent, of Normal.
Java Stock Un.iv.iil.iblo.
Snpnr control ims saved lira Amer
,,;,, public 9180.000,000, llcrlu-rt ltoov
, i ( tilted Suiic rood administrator,
', tared I be other day,
Ho pointed nut thai sugar was Mil
:n for u centi n poind lust Annum
ami that tt would luiM' advanced to o
i-ents s pound, with the world short'
in' ill ii slliuulUM, bud not the food
HdmlnlatratloM ssswad tax eavopora
lien nf ibe reflnere ami wholesaler!
. i 'i fixed M sutriir price that todnj en
i, bbi houatwrraa (i) buy augur hi fruin
.' 'j to '.) casta h pound.
"Ever) 1 CMt ruin,- In mituir from
Peptetnbsf l to January t Mini $is,-
i k ( hu I o the American consumer,'
.Mr Ihow-r said "Numbers of gen-
leiin-n will tell you l hut '20 cent sugar
tould have pravallad and the public
obbed of $180,000,000 thin your If arc
had not taken these actions." letter
Mr. tlooVSC culled attention to the fact
Unit uncontrolled sugar advanced in
SS .cuts a pound during the Civil War,
France Got Our Sugar.
Today the American public bun been
Hotted TO per rent, of its normal gap
ply. Before the war the average- mi
Dual household consumption lure whs
:; pounds u person in Bngtand the
annual consumption durlni the war in
:m pounds, md in rrance each person
is allotted u little over one pound a
In August the French government
found Itself unable tu maintain even
this ration." Mr. Hoover declared.
"An appeal was mnde to America.
francs needed 100000 tons. We
agreed to mi this demand and up '
December bad shipped 8B.436 tona In
he meantime an appeal was made to
the American public to reduce Iti rag
consumption, and requests were
made to "llstrlhtiiors to supply the
confectionary and sweet drinks trade
I nil BO p.r cent, of normal supply.
lli- liui I n generally followed, ai
though such regulations were voltnv
tsry, ai the food administration bad
i Ithorit) to impose them."
Domeitic Price Is &'2 to 9 Cents.
Itetsll Krorers throughout the eoun j
trj are supposed to bake u profit of no '
mule than SO cents a hundred half a ,
iihi a pound on sugar. By reason of t
food administration regulations, bind
ing refiners and wholesalers, the re- I
! tinier is able today to buy ulnar nt
from S to k cents a pound This j
enables hltn to sell to the housewife at
si., tu !i cents ii pound.
ThSTS have been some violations of
the sugar ruling. Mr. Hoover said '
recently:, "Sales of sugar from 10 to
20 ceiiiM per pound Jiave been reported i
Hru! followed up vlgoronily anil stnp
ped ami ih evidence itself of the price
at Which Consumers would have been
mulct bad WS BOt Intervened. We have
forfeited wholesalers' licenses In ag
gravated CaUSS, and e have Issued
Iwarntngi to Brst offenders in a great
many Instance through our local ad
Effect on Military Situation.
American sugar stocks could be ll'l
ad tu normal very SOOH If -hips could
lis sci.i iii Java, where 2.10,000 tons of
m ar a al Ing for shipment. I tin
ipplug altuatlon Is so acute iliai
null an no. spare i he slet en
.. .-tl.-il lo irni i'imi t lbs siig..r
. ild take the boats one rear to
. 0,000 ion in the mii is tints
ild be i ii d for Irani portln i ,
to i ranee
; i iidmlnlsl rul Ion belli
it II in Ul public w ill dun i
million i in or 10 per ,
i u di a- s it'h
II ;.. ' i ...I o act i n.l
i. i mulct stun i ilm there i re
n table to i
..i . su h a' bouej oi
ru 1 1
Why Sboitajje Batata,
I'lii i .1 augur producing ceo-
i in i l,i .. urld iin t ' i many, the
iVi i aii'i Kasi in lies, (ieituttn augur
a .-. used al boiiie 'll.e K isl
ullal Ii 'a ... ..I
hurls e,
vVhii i lioali ma (hs big Inronds on i
I Ippin ', i nines Hiid ii I)
'I 10 I i- .. II i, lauilliK III sil-ar I
i .. land in ih u n
ul ; nuii ' iiiii'ii s ui
a '" I i " i loll u .. ,r be."l III c of ill '
I :' I I II lllUI the nl
Ui'.li Im .el, ell Ion ed In turn
St u lid I he est Indies for
Barman Surrcptl-
lion of Auto-
md control of
rlcss to pie
ioiiIIiik l
the Unit-
III. .nil
LT0 to
, life
JA Jis'"
The American House Mummer is
today a member of (lie army that
is lighting to Have democracy in
tin world. More than 11,000,000
managafs of American home
have enlisted for the duration of
the war and pledged thoniSClVSO to
support the fighting men by the
way they buy, cook and serve food.
Food will win the war, and these
women wilt help to win it. Amer
ica must send food to Europe,
The armies cannot hold out If we
fall to send It. Only certain foods
ii "! i ii-.tu by tar.. Pub. I'n.l
Courtesy nf lata and Churl Dana Ulbaon.
can he shipped those that pack
the most food value into the small
est shipping spaCS. These food
are wheat, neat, fats, HtiKiir. We
cannot cat them and send them
too. We cannot eat them and
lend Others We must send these
foods, and In order lo do that wo
must eat other food ourselves.
The American House Manager
will see lo It thill no food come
Info in r home thai does not do It
full duty under her innmiKcmcnt
in wlnnlno the war.
He who wastes
Bufl a crust of bread
prolongs the war
,i - oi fi;ncl Riler Cooperate
V.iiu Peed Administration In Con
servation Meaiurea.
It Is probable that Klirope for iiinny
aili i ilie w ar will look to a
i evieiit to America for us meal
Iluiopes herds are dwindling under
-am lionmild fuster Ibau they can be
repleiililu d
When the Uerraan armtsa retired
from (lecui iii i i ions oi i ranee and
UolKlUni appi'o.vimalely I ,Si n l.ln N i bead
of cattle were appropriated. This ad
dition virtually safegunrdod Oermany
from cattle shortage other nations now
In England some 2,400,000 acres ol
grass lands have b) compulsory meas
ures been forced Into Ki'nln production,
thus reducing pasturage and bay lands.
A declliilnu Seals of iiiiimiiiiiiii meat
prices for live catUs was ordauisd in
Bngtand, m follows! Tor September,
$17. "It per hundred pounds; October,
117.28; November and Deiemher,
fllVOH, and for .laiiiiary, $11 -JO. The
evident Intent of till measure win to
drive I he beef aulmiils Into market as
Soon as possible
ACCOfdUg lo otliclal French (Inures,
the cuttle of Krunce have decreased to
a total of l'A.'UI.'.KMi as compared with
I I.mii'.imni in iui:i. Today, due to lack
of foniKc principally, Fiance i pro
ducing only one gallon of milk where
before the war two and one half gu-
Ions were produced.
Meantime the United Slates food ad
ministration has taken steps tu con
Nerve our Hocks ami herds and to in
crease their numbers, The stock brood1
era of. this country show a disposition
to cooperate with the government in
For many years it bus been a prac
tice among maay of tbs dairy people
of Ibis country to kill male calves al
birth and in many Instance the fe
males if not needed to replenish their
herds rather than go to the expense of
maturing them into M-al. The hih
prices of meat caused the virtual dis
continuance of this killing. Another
SnCOUraglng fact Ii 7f per cent, of
calve killed for veal lids year were
Somebody bus very aptly said Hint
the wars of the World have been won
tilth grease, meaning that bacon ami
lard bays ln-eli as rlSetltlul to success
III war us powder, which I true.
The hogs of Europe have been vary
greatly sacrificed to present day needs.
This makes the American burden all
the more hemy and makes doubly es
sential an Increased pork production
in tills nation. In Ita!) grain is now
forbidden lO be fid to bogs. In lien
mark under a recciil order one fourth
of the Iiok were ordered lo be killed
It I estlinaied (lull one half have now
been killed
Iftm DI.,mL:n CI t Ml WAJ, D I
ui upvviuiiT luiiiuiug, imvjvt mviui nvsaftj iicpauuig
Call and tec our line of
Cnmmissimi Orders mi
or anything in the Hardware line
A Bigger and Better Cream
Separator For The Same Hooey
Efficiency, Durability, Simplicity
We are Agents
Temporary quarters ii warehouse at rear of old stand Pboae
Everything for Everybody"
Buy It From Us It Pays!
This in a ffpneral store and we are supposed to
sell everything, and we live up to the general
supposition. You can buy anything you want
here from hardware to groceries, from needles
to a Kuod smoke.
Lunaburg, Dalton & Company
"We mturt imt overlook tin- tad that
KuHriiH ciiiiniMt-ri, nut baraoss of lbs
licrimiii 011 litr Imrilern, Inil BccauSS
slip f m 1 1 i ti organlas snd taad iir
imn cltlzfiiHlilp," lln food iiiliiiiniHlru
linn nnnniiiicftl
"Ws must In- warned thai It NTS nrr to
smsrgs victorious from this war ws can
dot ri.sii tiic collapgs of another of our
sssnrlafss in thin wnr from this causa.
"AnyiiniW thai In looking for the col
inil--.' of tin- mi 11 111 11 naopls on iii-' f xiil
question 1 mi batter turn around and
look 111 tin- moon, heron the result
will in- tin- same, Oerntuny Is In no
mora danger of collapsing on taw I
scors tluiii ws ini-, if us much."
The 11117 u Iii-iiI crop In Krinr wns
leu linn hHir imriiiHl, uilng the rniji
nf HUH hi 11 im in ,,f comnnrlsoii.
Thers wit n HlioruiK of I7i.immi,mm
bushels, or DS.8 icr cant Tna potato
crop wh only Within OOS third of nnr-
iiiui. Tin- sunn baat crop nIiowihI a
deficit of par cent. Ili-r meat
bards in tin- cm iy fun sliowsd u short
ui.'. of I.mmiimiii in. mini,-.
I boss irt- 11 few of tin- rrHioui
America nitiat fl lu-r sssoclatea in
tin- wnr. They ara no longsr abls to
f I tlictuMchi-H and unless we corns
to Hi-- rsacus ara facs to facs with
starratlon. Ami starvation mssns ile-fi-iti
In tin- war.
aw v -w'
the war
Tiu govsrnmanl i.n- navar consld
rvii mi) pIhh or sslslng r.ioiis! nits
owiihiI by lioiiHt'liolili'is. Nor Ih tlu-i'i-nny
policy of till kind hiikkckIciI for
l..i- future.
in spits of this fart, tin- United
siiitcs fm 11 1 Iiiik been
obliged ri'iieiileilly to ISSUS otll'lill ill-
nlala nf rumors thai ilia govennneiil
Intends eoinniantlearlng preat'rvas nml
1 11, il gomls pul ui in Ann-ili hi
1 in-e rumors were oiiglnnted parti)
hj pro lii-riiuni prnpugundlata uiid nari
ly by eon-1. in', ii ss grafter, wlw
aoug)i to profii through It ylng from
inlslnfoiuicil liotiscxt l is.
Tin' yenr 1918 will Hi" lininc ciuniir.-
nuii pi is. -r lie- practice) on grenter
siiiie limn pvar before In lite n:iti.'iis
in- lory, oi'icini in n I hi he1 t n
Al il lln'V lire Bllttrillg till pllll'iol'C
hoitaawlvea tlmt fo ; . so auved an
theirs, nml lhaira 11 lone
Hallway Exchange Building
i i
Short Term Foreign Government and Municipal
Yielding From 7 to 10.50 per cent.
Anjjlo French Convertible, So, ... Duo 1920
American Foreijrn Securities Company 5, - Due 1019
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5g Due lf)l8
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5i-i Due 1019
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 5Js Due 1921
Dominion of Cenad 5g, - . . Due 1919
City ti Edmonton, Canada 6a, ... Due 1918
V.'e till orders at Ney York Bxebnnge quotations and
will be pleased to furnish you, upon request, with daily
quotations on the above 1 1 eurities, No one can d b Iter
rou may (i worse.
Telegraph or Telephone Order.s at Our
one New York hotel inn arrangad
a tuoroughl) pun hi lc corn bread
recipe. Ii combines i-uruiussl With
rye Hour, liolh of which nre being ci'lt
sumed in greater ipnuitiileH this yenr
in oilier in release wheal Hour for lbs
allied nation This recipe mis 1
largS pun It) bjf '"1 Inches -ami nm
tains the following Ingredients i Ons
ipiiiit milk, tour ounces butter miInii
luie, ten ounces iihi syrup or honey,
three eggs, pinch suit, two poumiH
comment, one pound rye flour and Iwa
ounces baking powder
Tin- i hi 1 1 -1- nml syrup nre thorough
y ml led. Then mill tin B (lull I
ly, pour in the milk, than ultl (lis rj o
flour llllveil Willi the ceililiieal ami
hui. im; powder. Biks in g not oasa,
With modern facilities to care
for all Auto ailments
Familiar with all make of Cars
H. C SH1REMAN, :: Lampshire's Carare
The largest New and Second Hand Fur
niture Store In Burns the place where
you get your Bargains. We sell, buy or
trade. Come In and see our new stock
and be convinced.