The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 26, 1918, Image 6

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A Wondarful Plant Whoi Vapor May
B Sal Aflama.
Tbe "burning bush." which Is known
to botanists as the IHctatnniia frail
nella. In rciranliil us one of (lie must
wonderful lant Id I lie world Tills
plant Im native to western Asia. thoiiKh
It Is now round In some khkIciih of the
temiKTiite zone. In connection with
the dii Iiiiiiiiiih It is rather remarkable
tbat the species common where the
incident of Moses and the burning busli
la aald to have occurred.
A great many people who grow the
plant are quite unaware of Its strange
habits. As a matter of fact, the dic
tum mis secretes a fragrant essential
oil In great abuudiiuie. botanists
say. Is produced In especially large
quantities by the flower stems. In
warm weather volutllizlng so (bat the
Ir surrouiidlnt; the plant Is Impreg
nated. Further, tfflvj vapor highly
intlamuiiible. and if n miked (lame is
brought near to the plant the fumes at
once take lire with a most tegular re
sult. The whole plant Is surrounded
with crackling, (booting llnmes reddish
In GOfcir ami leaving a highly aromatic
Odor behind them The burning bush
does not seem to be Injured In iiny way
by tbe tire, for the tlaines do not actu
ally come Into contact with the plant
8everal conditions are needful If the
experiment with the burning bush Is to
be a success Thus It Is essential tbat
the air should lie eiy dry and warm;
also that there should 1st practically no
wind. The best effects are secured
only Just after the opeulug of the How.
era. It will lie realized tbat these con
litlons cauuot always be relied ukii.
A plan has recently been devised by
means of which the infiauiuiable na
lure of the vapors given out by the
dk'tamnus may le shown with star
tling effect,
A strong plant of the burning bush
Is raised in a pot At the time w lieu
'.be flowers arc Just reaching erfec
llou the plant Is placed In n glass Jar
or a case, nils Is closely cov ered for
S'-nic hours before the time of the ex
perlnienL On removing the cover a
light la held over tbe plant, when there
is at once a tremendous outburst of
flame. So great may Ih (be rush of
Ore tbat the expertmeuter is cautloued
to keep bis face away from tbe top of
the Jar, as a serious burn Is not by any
means out of tbe question. After an
interval of au hour or so with tbe Jar
or case closed up tbe exeriment may
be repeated with similar results. Den
er News.
The Varaatila Manchurian Farmer.
In the early fall In .Manchuria the
natives undergo a sort of magic change
from farmer to luindil. It seems some
Jiing of a paj liolou-lcal somersault
one day a plodding farm, r tlie BOZI a
highwayman After tin- lall tooting,
or giant Billet. U cut, and aorapa Is not
so easy over I lie bare plains, anntbe
clap of tbe hands, and. to, a s-ucefj.
farmer once mere: It is not ouly the
farmer who plays this exciting game;
many another staid BjptsBbar of the
community has his little fling Some
even combine their roles, differentiat
ing according to the seasons Wltb
the oriental's disregard for conditions.
a man is often a bandit, merchant aud
magistrate all at once.-AUce Ttdale
in Atlantic.
Macaulay'a Torrent of Talk.
"Macaulay Improves! Macuulay Im
proves:" Sydney Smith remarked one
lay. "I have observed in bim of late
flashes of silence." Tbe "sonorous rl
vacity" of this enormous talker nettled
Smith, who found It iuiios.siblc often
to voice his own wit and wisdom. "I
wish I could write poetry like you," he
complained to a friend. "I would write
an 'Inferno.' and I would pot Macau
lay among a number of dlsputunts aud
gag bim:"
Another contemporary described Ma
caulay as 'slopping all over on every
subject and .standing in tbe slope."
Wanted to Patant a Circus.
P. T. Curuum once came to the office
to know if be could patent the three
ring circus. In technical parlance bis
three ring circus was an aggregation
and not a combination to produce a
new result. Therefore it was not pat
entable, which information highly In
censed the showman, "it will he adopt
ed by every circus Just as soon as 1
make It known," he declared. And It
was. Sclent ilic American.
Radium Minerals.
Minerals thai carry radium are fairly
easy to determine One of tliem, pitch
blende, as genei.illy found. Is a black
mineral about as heavy us ordinary
iron, but iiiui b softer The principal
radium mineral. curm ille. bus a bright
canary follow CokH and is generally
powdery. lndluna polls News.
Also Colorad.
"Vc-s. I was lined (BO for pulling col
Oftag mailer In arillh ial honor"
"We!!, didn't yoll d. .--el Ve If
"I'erbaps. Hut what made me mad
was tbat the inngi-tiaie who imposed
the fine bad dyed w hlskers." London
Wrong Time.
"80 she refused you?''
"Yes. but It whs my own fault." said
(he young stockbroker. "I proposed
on a declining market." - Louisville
"Did you ever try tbe hot wsler
treatment In ibe morning?"
"Don't have to. My wife keeps me
lo It sll the Uma."-Baltimore Ameri
can. Tbe boat thing for any one to say
who bss nothing to oaj Is te ssy note
And the Methods That Were In
Use In the Year 1840.
tVhen All Kinds of Clothing Ware Made
at Home. Whan Eggs 8old For a
Shilling a Ooxan and the High Cost
ef Living Was Not a Big Problem.
In view of the modern il;iy high cost
of living aud of the many wonderful
'"..ances made In the last icnturv the
railroad telegraph, the ocean cable, the
telephone, the IP'tolnol h,. and farm
and labor saving nui hlneiy of all
kinds anil the umalng ihungcs these
Inveiilioas have OCOSWrtlj vv rough! In
II directions in llaOOl every vvulk of
Ife It may he of Interest o 10 all llv .
lag conditions on u lurni In the year
The furm I have In mind eotBtbgod of
2110 acres. The slo.-k was II. teen cows.
yoke of oven, twenty abotp. au old
white horse, a doyen pigs, lift.v bens
ten geese, a few ducks and 11 licet 01
The farm produced practically every
tblug the faintly c on-iimcd. Isith cloth
Ing and food The sheep furnish, d the
root, which was carded nt a "fulling"
mill aud made into rolls for spinning.
At home It was shiii Into yarn and
woven on a hand loom. I'or beda It
was left white; for clothing It was
dyed any color desired. A competent
bousewlfe could make dye., of logwood.
Indigo or cochineal. Tbe while and
black wool were mixed to produce a
tray like tbe Confederate uniform.
There were no ready made clothes;
all clothes were made in the home
There was no woven underwear. Stock
Ings were knitted at home us well as
mittens and tippets. Caps wltb ear
laps were of rabbit skin There were
no shoes. In tbe winter boois tame up
to the knees.
Several cows were killed each year
There was a tannery uear hy, where
tbe skins were tanned. A shoemaker
made our boots. They were usuallv
too small and gave much trouble and
Tbe flax, cut and laid down until the
9ber loosened from the wood! part,
was put through a heckle worked by
nand and then spun and woven Tills
itroug linen cloth was used for sum
or riot blag, towels, etc The seed
vas saved to make flaxseed tea (a mis!
cllie. or poultice for bruises
For fotsj we had ever, th ng nccdisl
Are h i"i ii nets toes, beets, calMjogos
miisiii. pumpkins for ivies, apples
bleb lasted from full to ttjirius, cider
v I. h ggrs i's vinegar or pi.sluced a
11'vr dial -.ague
II..:' u dozen pi-- killed In the fall
.ill-e Us plenty ef ham ntid hi on. lard
:n: .'. uliil suit p..l. I'lie hill's luul
'iicon were hung up In the SBMksbBBjrt
1 small building with no opening ex
o t too dour. A small tire produced
more smoke than beat, hut gave the
soma and torofJ a very delicious flavor
Theie ne.e plenty of chickens for
roasting and ix.tples aud egg... turkeys
for Thanksgiving and luKtiiiiis. own
sioiially s roast goose with apple sauce
I'r.-m the cows' milk we made both
butter aud cheese. What butter and
cheese the family did not consume was
sold In s nearby village. Huttcr ususl
ly brought MM cents s pound. Cheese
was also made at home, as there were
neither creameries nor . heese facto
lies. Cheese was sold at 5 to 1; cents a
pound. All Sggs. not used went 10 the
village store and brought 10 cuts to 12
cents s dozen.
Kvery fanner made his own map. It
was called soft soap. It was soft, but
very strong, aud look the dirt 1 ff your
bands and face veiv thoroughly and
aasjsO skin also unless you were cureful
in our ablutions.
Little was beard of the world at
large. Twenty miles from the railroad
tbe great four borse stagacoorb came
every duy, brtegUg lbs) ma III There
were few BOO spai-cra or magazines
Tbo telegraph was unknow u. The At
lantlc cubic did not su. . cod until MM
There were only twenty I luce miles of
railroad In 1880,
All the wonderful agencies which
have added to the power of mini In the
last century will not be hast, hut will
be added to constantly. The many
problems of the modem day high cost
of living can only he solved by time
and the efforts of our rjfOOtOOl minds.
Waruer Miller In New York Times.
Raason For Complaint.
"I keep the best hiea.l -aid s cer
t it In baker the other day lo u poor
fellow who foinplnlned of the Inferior
quality of the article he had pinchused
of bim the duy befoi.-
"I do not doubt ll." replied the etta
"Then why do you complain?" asked
(he baker
' lie-u use I wonld suggewt thai you
sell the best bread and keep the bad
was the. reply. I'll tsburgh Telegraph
80ms Evidsncs.
"You say that preparation will make
the hair grow?" asked the linn haired
man of the druggist.
"Why, say." came from the drug
man. "I know s customer who look
tlie cork out of a Isittle of that stuff
with his teeth, and now he's got a hair
lip" Youkers Statesman.
Part Often Overlooked.
"It Is sll right 10 pat yourself o
the tack occasionally." ssld the die
penser of ssge sdvlre.
"Year" said ibe player up.
"But don't forget te call yourself
dewn wbeo you aoad it. my bog."
Timber Peat
, First Used as a Battlefield Term In ths
Crimean War.
When did the wind asuall.V llrsi
'assume the Modem Miecla lined liieuii
J Ing with vvhi. Ii ll Is OHsiM-lnteil In win
renins I think II must nave nccii
at the time Of the (llincaii war lor ll
the latest volume of "I "Israeli's Life" I
bate 1 nine across the following pus
sage, dated t-cpl. J. IX.1.V "lady Lou
donderry is In despair alsiill her son
who Is now in the tr'Hch-s
I'ssiialtles. she says. and. truly, what a
horrible word to desciilie the loss of
limb and life"
The undeillnliii! and flic comment
sobs' to show I lull Idsraell one of III.
gfSOlSOl masters of words, found Us
us.- unusual Miinay's Lletionav
dOBO not 1,1 e 111111 h a islstunce on the
point, for sli Its Quotations, such as
one from the Iml.e of tVelllngtOU'a'
dlspulches In 1810, "th( casualties of
the service." do not neiessarily Impl.v
uny thing except loss by unavoidable
My suggestion, however. Is borne out
by the following from Stocipiidei's
'.Military L'ucyclopacdia." published In
IS.V1, which says, "Casuals or usual
ties, a term signifying men that are
dead (since llrst enlisted! or have I I
discharged or have dcsertisl"-lu oth
er words, total losses. No mention Is
made. It should be noted, of the nppll
cstlon of tbo word to ternporsry l-mses
caused by wounds. It wss l.sdv I. on
donderry s use of It In this sense iier
hsie which Disraeli found strange
Westminster Gazette.
Riddle Making Epochs.
There have lieen OfBoehrl at which rid
die making bus lieen more aH-clalljr In
vogue, and such epochs would appeal
to occur at seasons of fresh In te I lee
luul awakening. Such an epoch iluiw
was at the first glimmering of new in
tcilectuul NiMit In flic second half of
the sevent.entli is-ntury This was ttie
age of Allhelm. b'shop of Sherborne
the first In the roll of Anglo l.atlii
isK-ts. Me left a considerable numlxi
or enigmas In Latin hexameters Aid
helm died In 988, llefore Ids time
Ihere was s collcitlou of Latin riddles
that Isire the name of Symphoslus of
this work the date Is unknown. We
mly know that Aldhelm used It. and
we may Infer that It was then a recent
product The 1 nldle of Sv mplioslll
were uniform In shae consisting ca Ii
of thus, hexameter Hues. Corn hill
Explosive Berrsls.
Nltr..glyc 1P1. thouirii m explosive
ts used bv llclf. tie! no mixed
with gmiiottoii to form Matting gehi
tin or Willi a .crt.iin eirth lo 1
dynamite. Bogs qoartlttes "f Ifeo 1
plosive Hqnld Hie kept in . a-ks. an I
tbo WOod .f these .asks bOCOtBOa
Ugbly exploarre thnsagb botog aoofcod
with the rlrrold tbat n m. k wlH blow
1 hem o plisres It Is not safe to ihh-IIii'
uiiiy casks again for refilling Iheiu
slth the explosive, nor can they Is
used In any other way. even for fire
sood There Is only one thing.- Indeed
that csn Is done, snd that N to ex
plode the casks. They ure placed on
waste grossed and usually expl.sled 1..
means of a rifle bullet fired Into then
Very little of (he cask remslns sfier
tbe exploslou. -Loudon Standard
CHiekan Talk.
Tlie chickens were gathered logOSjhM
In the farmyard conversing with one
.mother, as is Hie rontOSB. ameiii: all
self respecting chl-kens who buve
been bronchi up by a careful and J11
da-inns mother hen
"What won'd b .ine be without a
; mother';' usl.isl one little fellow, look
ing telilerlv at ..Id Mrs Hen. who was
ear bins' asosarg the neighbor's frosb
I plained seeds for some dainty iimr
el wltb w hi. h to treat hei broisl.
"An lorobotor. 1 aaojao.' asjoosstod
ll. small sisler who had Inherited her
dd man'- linseetnlj sense of humor
i I'litsbiiiiih Talagrapb
Tatoosh Island.
The lOOSt I limbic Innate In this
iiiuirv is found lii Tutoosh Island, in
J Ibe strait of .Itiuu do I'uca. between
I Washington ami Vooeoarar i-imi.
vvliele the tenis lature never bus bOM
abora 89 dsgreag and rarely fails is
11 Wj dsatroea
Lo-g Words.
While our language docs not eont.ili
sorb lung words as aie f -nnd in some
1 other lotiguos nor so ui.iiiy words of
! unusual longtb. still we nave sororvl
' ihat me awkwardl king for muvorsa
. - We bat e piniooid
j eulllv. iii'..." vvlili twenty letter. "In
:.v e. Ill lllic.." w ilh I '.vcfl.v . !..
i 1.1 oniiiiuiiicabllltles." wllli tweniy
I IWo; "illii i.poiiltni.ibleiiess.' Willi
I iweni.v Ibrvei and ti.iiisul -initial on
and "1 . mi ..
rach containing tweuu tout loiters i-
i-fli-i ill lilfln ii'iii .1 lw "wkt.
luulic." as it n nil es In comnics
"' ' ' ",l II'" lltl"i"l
. Urln syllables Into soronteon ksttt
Tie longest iiionosy j.ibies , oni in
nine letters, and there aie foitr e
ample-.. iphlli bed. ' "-.pielclml."
"strengths" and "strelvhisl'
Whan Coins Wers First Mads.
Certain BSUBMgM 111 the "Iliad' of
Homer Would lead to the luteieie e
that coins of brass were strui k as ear
ly us I1HI B. Trudllion atllrms that
the Chinese had bTOOaO colu us early
us 1120 B. C. But BorodOtUO, "the fii
ther of history." ascribes the "Inven
liou" of coins to the Lydluns. als.ut
nine centuries B. C, and there is no
satisfactory evidence that coins wer
known prior lo thai data.
it Was the Worst 8newsterm Msw
England Evsr Expsrieneed.
In February, 1717, occurred whit Is
ronsklered to have la-en tbo irreatest
'' snowstorm tbat ever visited thla conn
' try or perhaps any other. 80 deep
w us the fall that practically all through
the New England states people were
barricaded In their bomea, and It was
considerable time before that section
as oxrtied up for traffic.
Accompanying this snow there were
a terrlfle tempest aud a very low temperature-
It was not only In sections,
bnt all over tbe north, and at many
places II drifted to the extent that It
may be said tbat "whole Tillages were
snowed under."
The blizzard mused a very heavy
damage to property and cscclally to
live slock. Thousands of cattle perish
ed throughout the country lscntie
their owners were unable to go to their
assistance, and many remarkable In
quires were related of rescues On
one New Lnglaiul sheep farm It Is said
that LI'S) sheep, the properly of ,,ns
mini, weie found dead, and one flocl
of 11 hundred, on Fisher's Island, were
found bulled sixteen feet In the snow.
Two of t hem only were alive, they tot
Ing subsisted on tho wool of their com
puulous for twenty eight days after the
stoi in . - I'hil.idelphiu Press.
It Is s Sign of Roin When the
Lesves Show Their Backs.
rersoiia who sre close observers have
frequently seen the trees when
foliate presents a mucb different up
peurunce from tbat ordinarily seen
This Is more noticeable In poplar ant
silver leaf trees.
The odd apiM'arsnee Is due lo the fact
that the bucks of the leaves are turned
up. showing the under sides, which
are. as a rule, s lighter color than the
. upper side Some of the leaves are
such s light green ss to aagsMf ultimsi
while w hen ths backs show In th
This lsliavnr of the leaves Is due
to an unusually low barometric condl
lion of the atmosphere, which causes
the leaves to curl a little snd flip up In
1 be breece to sucb sn extent ss to
show their backs or under sides
The low barometric condition pro
duces local showers, snd It Is always
safe to predict rainfall when the leaves
are seen to have their backs up. Long
before the white man came to America
Indians knew of this sign snd i-I.t ed
greet reliance on It Science also finds
knowledge of It among ssvsge tiila-s ol
Asia. A files and tbe Pacific islands
New York Anierb an.
Lo's Business Systam.
Did settlers will tell you that tin- In
dluns bioke the Mrs! ground for wheal
fiewlni: purposes In the sprlni; of ISsl
The liidluns got their first Ideas of
settling on hind and establishing per
Inaiient homes from association win
the cowbovs MeuiUls of the tribe
Including Pocatello Tom. China Kyc
and Big I.lpM-d Pete, broke some
ground aud seevled a few seres of 1
When tbe whest wss harvested snd
tVrsshed In primitive Indian fssblon
the growers began to market tbe grain
Tbe native wheat king would dellvei
wheat lo American Falls or elsewhere
In tbe vbinlly for r0 cents s bushel.
If the customer went after tbe grain
the price was $1 a bushel. When que
tloned as to the meaning of their sin
gulsr business methods the Indians
woutd invariably reply: "You come to
my wickiup, you heap want "urn. Me
come to your wickiup, maybe so you
don't want 'uni at all." harming llusl
England's Oldast Borough.
As Salisbury Is well known as Sn
rom. so Is Liigland's oldest iMiroiigh.
Bsrustaple, as Itarum. which may have
been the Komsn name of tbe town
According to old memorials, "the old
name of the town was Aliertawe. lie
cause It stood toward the mouth of
Taw river." The Saxons changed ll to
Berndenstaple. Karnstapte appears to
hsve been represented In the Wltenage
mot or Anglo Saxon parliament. Thus
it Is one of tbe oldest boroughs If ml
absolutely the oldest. In the kingdom
its broadcloth manufacture, once au
Important Industry, has now died out
but there are manufacturers of lace
snd gloves. Isrge cabinet works, tuu
nerlcs and potteries (iianim warei.
Iondon (llobe.
Study of Synonyms.
Little Duliie was asked by her teu-h
er to dctiue the word "whlinslcal." "It
means 'odd.' " she replied "Ami now -."
the teacher went on, "please write a
sentence containing the word proportx
Hesitatingly the Utile ten-year 010
took up 11 pssj mid after a moment's
thought wrote. "There are two kind
" f numbers whlmsl. al and even."
Dog Carts In Holland.
Residents of Kiiiischoteii, Holland.
make use of the little carts drawn by
dogs, which sre 10 be seen in very
msny parts of the Netbcrlsuds. and
have a One breed of tall, yellow,
smooth haired dogs, which they some
times harness three abreast
Vsnics ef Braxil.
Peruambuco Is called the Venice of
Braill on accouut of Us numerous
lakes, rivers, waterways snd su Im
mense coral reef with which nature
baa completely encircled the city aud
Inside of which all but the very larg
est ocean vessels anchor.
When tbo fight begins within him
self asms n's worth something Brewav
Rumors to the contrary are untrue.
The ever increasing demand for Ford
Cars makes them hard to get.
Buyers of Ford Cars for the past year
have been compelled to wait their turn
We are taking orders every day and if
you are wise you will see us at once about
your car.
No time to lose now if you are contem
plating the purchase of a car in the early
We are ready at all times to serve meals to your
order, from the full course dinner ' to ,the most "conser
vative" of lunches.
Can supply you with "wheatless" or "meatless"
meals at your pleasure and either will he appetising'
and nourishing
Mace's Restaurant
of thi:
Wish to thank thn publib for the
patrooage they have given us
since opening for businrss, and
irliiiir all a proeperoUl now yi-ar.
We Pay Interest on Ttsne Deposits
J. R. WEAVER.fCashier
&y WuAO "fro oavu
nvuT ol r4ayvrvq .
lot 6mmIoM, 'GQmI,
VwKmXa ot cdbaloiLb.
. vitoAvol vojtAn A Vmj
Xaalttu oavcL -OtWcc.
t)tvwtnA Cots7Xaelo:
$1500 Reward!
1 1 s Oteaeo. Csl
Iforaisaua K vsds
HOB Alt,.. Ill ,. o
hlrl Ihf unrivi
iii' 11 i 11 .
will (v, I111 0 u
rrnl ISI ,vl
dm. Unliiiit n
I) r mm ai.d oon
vrtnloi ill anv vtr
1) ir ran r ll
lin b, i SSllla
01 siulrt I rloiign,!
I SBT ol 111 111,111
lB..MI,,o 10 ih abav.. ,.. nnArnitnt
..Brr. the asm wodliioa on (or all aorSM
Kess bsl grevse keiass ssu ssS ssli
large eeBBSs.
. Hn rua rosso.
Also it is safe lo gamble
price of garbage cans will nol
boosted on account of the una
An approved legal form t res
notice on cloth for sale at this
mr . " -- "a
"a - -
360ATICLLS 360 IlLL'L ,1i0bW
ISca copy
At Vssr HewsaWaler
Yoort Subscription $1.30
SnJ for omr near frr cat'
SBSsg of lasecAaauce boo
Mockooios Msi