B Statement Of the Condition of the First National Bank Burns, Oregon At the close of business Dec. 31, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $513,307.72 U. S. Bonds H7.540.00 Honds and Securities 18. 181. HO Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.800.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00 CASH 118,75fi.l!) $749,648.71 LIABILITIES Capital $ 50.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 76,319.86 Circulation 50,000.00 Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 548,328.85 $749,648.71 Capital and Surplus - - 9100,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED rims, iiiini .Juli -iMini Iiiih komi" to I'orl Thou. Mutton and wlfn wrri' Itf intend lit n local hotel thin week. Room to ThorapHOii. rent. Mn. Kunlre Tin" Niinrene church In holding a revival meeting. K. L. Mutton and li 1m sister, Mm. Pouter, were In the city during the flrat of thin week on hunlnena. A .It .Olson, assistant inaiuiKer of tin' I'. L. 8. Co., has gone to I'ortliinil lo lulu Mn, OIhoii for a Hhnrl lime Will II. Will, of Hulcin. a rcprc ssntattvs ol the Publto Barrios Com mission, arrlvid here hist iiIkIiI. Our new iiiarterH In the I.cvciim HillldliiK urc 1 1 1 1 1 . onvenleiil and we bop tu sag you In at once to ln mih'cI tlnni. WIIIIhiiih ZoKlmutin Mank Pelton and family have moved Into one of James Weston's IiuiikhIowh down near the fair I ground. W. I). Officer, one of the pioneer sin. k men of the Izee Hectlon. Ih In ilil'i vicinity looking after Rome bul- nrmi mailers. Have you nulled Hint HWeel tooth? Kri'd Unities ha gone to outside gone point h for a Hhort visit. It would he Interesting to know If the kaiser cxprensed hi ympa thy for the nultan In the lattei defcHt by the "dog of christians." Harry ('. Kuilth and wife arrived home hiHt Monday after heliiK ah Ml Hlme before the holidays vIhIi Ing In I'ortlund and other outside point. Lost (liiHollne filter cup painted gray. Kinder please return to Summit Oarage and receive reward. Ira Million wan down from hi Cow Creek home during the week Oil IiiihIiicmh. O. b, Membree, the Ulley mer chant, wm registered at the .evens the foro part of the week. Hupt. L..R. Ilrelthaupt of the lOx perlmeut Hlatlon Ih home from Cor vails wln'i'i! he attended a portion Of I he abort OOUfM. I). P, JordftM Ih home rroni doing ivorli on the p, I,. S Co ram hen lie Iiiih been employed IhiIMIiik diim and similar work on tlnlr Irrigation MVUlelllS. MIhh Klbel MoOM In home from Niiinpii where hhe had been attend liiK school. 'I'lie youtiK lady wan quit ill for u lime and Ih home lo rgOOUp. MrH. K. 10. Owsley reliirned IIiIh week from N'ampn to which point she had accompanied her daughter, Mary who ha. entered hi boot there. Win. Ooldberg In a Inte arrival in our clt and Iiiih accepted a ponltlon with the Farmers sehsage, The young man In from Han Francisco. Report of the Condition of the Harney County National Ban of Burns, Oregon December 31, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and DiacounU $324,825.40 United States Bonds 34,500.00 Liberty Loan Bonds 40,000.00 Bonds and Securities 32, 1 47.71 Furniture and Fixtures 4,502.22 Real Estate Owned 1,300.00 Cash and Exchange 154,710.93 $591,986.26 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $26,000 00 Surplus and Profits, (earned) 56,675.12 Circulation 23,000.00 Deposits 486.311.14 Accounts Invited In Jostles to the latter, we will Hlate that the profiteers are In BO I way related to lhs old prlvateem ! The lull, r were Kentlenicn, preying only on their SDSnlSS. o United State Depositary $591,986.26 Oregon State Depositary The Times-JIerald Hat The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SATURDAY. JANUARY 19. 1918 Furnished house with burn to rent. Wm. Farre. An obHolete hoek: Spare That Tree." 'Woodman, Locfll News, John Wlntermeler ws i down from Bllvlei yesterday. j. k Blsemore bas boos in his big ranch for the past visiting wilTI bin family. from vt eck BstraVOd Two Koats, male and Hereafter work in the repair dc jiartnient of the I.utnpshlre Harass is strictly casta. 11. C, Bhlreman. Tbos Btopbeni Is again state to bs out after IiIh Illness and COOl ineim lit In the hospital for a few weeks. Seore cards for "Fir's Hundred," si o program ponoJls ht sale a thin nil CS, A SSlecl tcbOOl of gentlemen k nil -tCM has been eHtubllshed by the fire laddies of Aberdeen. The first frultH female, from '1 bos. Jenkins ranch 00 of IIiIh new activity eame to light re BagS Hen. Jfi.OU reward for their ccnlly when I he firemen turned In W. II. Morrison wiih down from bis I (XlNOfUOGATIONAL MBETHfd O" PUKBBYneBIAN (iiriu'll The annual meeting of the coll- gogatlon of the rirst Presbyterian church of ibis illy wan held at the shares lost svosiag sad wa followed by a SOotel time with refreshments The report of the several departments of the ehureh were reud and approv ed and filed. One Ih ISSptOSSSd with the Importance of thin ItiHtltutlon when the Heverul branches are broagkl to attention and the real I. ri..i..i .. .. ... . .. """ii'iiii worn iiirouKliotil llie eouti ty is recognised. rhs pastor. Rv, w. . Shields, in i his report showed thai be had travel-1 sd 101 miles during lbs year In bis pastorste dotlss snd bad preached 1 rmou beside mklne taiWa ' at differonl times ami places on r.dl gtottS snd kindred sui.j. . t 'iii" rebuilding or the Harney i hurcb togettaor vith Its complete furnishing, the addition to tba build ing in till., city at a considerable oOSl v. hen iin. primary department of hi Bunday school and tha young id" may hold their social gather- home near Harney yesterday. We did not xct to In'ervlew him hut from a distance he looked as thoiiKh he wits v. inlei inc. well. Mrs. A. K. Richardson arrived home the first of this week from (Kleu, Utah, where she had been to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gardener. a sister to Mr. Hlchardson. W. (1. Hodder has been confined to hla home during this week be cause of a slight stroke of paralysis last Sunday night. He is much Im proved and able to he up about the house. The Public Serviie Commission has notified this offlca that Hie hear I Iiik on application tor the rates in the rates of the Kleitrlc Unlit K Tower Co. has been postponed until Wednesday Jan. 2;t. U l.. Nooncbsoser, lbs hide ami fur dealer, and A C. Welcome of the First Notional Hank, have (cone to st. Louis witii a shipment of furs, it Ih hi lil lo he one of the largest ship moats of furs ever lakun out of this ALL MASONS AND THE GENERAL PUB- LIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL BALL Given by COUNCIL No. 8888, P.P.P. TONAWAMA Friday, February Twenty-Second, Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen Bora Under Eighteen Yeara Not All. wed To Dance TICKETS gl.OO No Formal Invitations Will Be leaned recovery. Henry Jennings ess in town tsfdsy hobnobbing with frlendi and getting the latest on war dope and the railroad Miss McKenzie wtllhavi i ol kindergarten, beginiu 14, 191 . Sl ' S. in. i. i Ibildren from four I admitted. is up from 1 on hi i on a Fa i seven raps Bulletin, for belim i K. d I Till: iiitsv NATIONAL RANK OP BURNS. CAPITAL IND st iti'l.i s sioo, ooo. "THH RANK IHAI HAKR8 YOUR a $ g g bVAPR." lOOOl NTS INV1TKI). i. CO I Ull 11. Olle , .,,, r mart ham iin i wee tatlve "i ii" i overnm In tbi prom hi ; dealers In I hi . ,i lex county. Betrayed Two steer calves, branded i.ii connected, the iirst lei tor being reversed and forming a portion nl Hie II. on il(. rlylil hip: wattle mi tba i Igbl rU'hi ear raooth crop, i I I.. II. Mi I'll, ill. ; i Oregon. lbs Junior Endeavor con ' Ing also tba well sa- the furniture Prince Ms of It i I lei ii. tnd letl i I hurl .. ... broki ' i ml in i if v.. ni mi to i md ti pttn ui ;. They '. m i Poi Hand, and thai i undi i h r id nil ' I lilK 1 duel pointed kitchen 1"',i " ' 01 Hie Ladll s Aid and like i I...-..- ti.. . -i 1 1 mm no piacett, are the a. . ompll bmenta of the I u s Imi rovt ii ni have bi n Free front dt bt w Ith mom ' lo. tor I oi ins pa il tin Everybody Can Help! You Nee Win the War by Conserving Food. Eat All But Don't Waste An Ounce Use Less of WHEAT Use More i INSTEAD OF WHEAT 3. Bat li s wheal In end. Don 'I wai te . single slice; make . etc., ol s I ' I'm the 1 laf on the table an I aa t ' POI ND OF I LOI R D 01 :: KU IES AD. MEATS i se more i orn breai . bread, r bread, bar ii and In the Snu'ii. eat nnai. barii J wheat ikes of out INSTEAD OF MEA mi " horn i" il i I in I I : jtice! After Jaiiuai') i , for Sixi Dnyn only. at i tial t inio, n i mort u c are i ui ii K Tll;!t V ),IV,;, ;in, you d ini.i ivilJ ii 1 1 1 1. 1 . I His. ivewl II' arrnllllls fit'tlii will I ,"i;iiii nil iitti (rraii 1 1 i T"il,: paid n'ii )rtHii) ! I) : U till ill i puy Ml i. . 11 I ! our have ii ro. account i in i us!; thai ii 111 Wfl worltinii d Cr tnd III iih Bulletl . VOII civtlil The Rexail Drug Store REED BROS., Props. Quits ii i. ill oi iiioa onoured on last .mi! ' night. It has bee i i linos b) so i weal her but i uriu ! a little i OOll r I II I It i ' d ii iii remain n to cover vegetation for s fen before II dli spp .1 rs We have 1 earned l he exact depth of t bs 1 1 11 In 1 he mi luutati bi 1 been coin in the mountti In region to th norl li ri 1 bs pa 1 s si i and 1 bare Is quite j.i amount for the benefit o( the Hill il hi 11 they 1 u eriillea 011 Krid "III gathi r for a a in ehiob will bi 1 : i: 1 or at . n . at h. Thin i the an in I he church nrli n ,1 1 nOl lei III e aU - e In .1 aj ral, it bad b n !"i to hold tela mot ujt 1 1. ui mi account of the blgb lOhOOj del ale It I,., I pom d. I 1 irsi u leavin TO USE I 1. B COAL 18 TO Rl I ! ISK MOItE l KAN81 0 1 ION FOH tltl i . . iTul'os- 1 . Mil "' ! K I .i.- L1E !. FAll INS1 ' 1 1 ui n all li r 11 In i - I '' It .1 and mm . ' ki: 1 1,111 ,,nd vt th y ai mt, 1 li l potatoes and prop 1 1- 1 bi will 1. 1'iiV fn tbli I,. .11 I. SCHWARTZ BURNS, - OREGON i crops in 1 he spring, 1 J