The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 19, 1918, Image 7

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    L '
Physician nnd Surgeon
Hums, Oregon
lie and residence. (Ifo, Ynuni house
I' No. H83
Physician and Hiugwin
Physician and Surgeon.
Burns, - - - Oregon.
);., mi Si mini lUMir l minn II Ilia num.
'Phone MainnA.
ni NMAN & DEfiMAN,
Phys.cians and Surgeons
III answered promptly nielli or da
'I'limii' llurnuian.
Harriman, Oregon
Dr Minnie Hand
'hysidan and Surgeon
Direct Telephone Connection
Albritton. Ore.
OSes first door east photo nailery
Itiirni. Oregon.
Attorney at Law
Land Office Practice
Land Scrip for Sale
Vale, Oregon
Attorney at Law
I. ). 0. K. Hldg., Hums, Oregon
Attorney at Law
ontssti mill prsetles baton I'. B, Laud
Ortice a px-cialty
Bet: Fry Hldg. next doof to poet umo
iiurna, Oregon
Burns, - - Oregon
Practice iu the State Court and be-
fore Hit- V . B. Land Office.
'has. II. Ixjonaitl.,
Careful attention given to Collec
tions and Keal nutate matters.
Fir Insurance
Notary Public
Bunas, Oregon.
aeORQE IOON Piop.l e
Meals At All Hours. Short
Orders and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Rates
(Jive Me A Call
Opposite Time. Herald Building
717--4th Street
Oregon City, Oregon
will buy all your Furs
aaU WW I ll WWSaf UW?
X.stn.dL Office IPxsuOtloo
XToteir37- DPtjlToIIc.
Plans and Specification! Prepared for
Buildings of Any Class.
Officii Roomi 6 and 7, Oilcl ! ,11.,,,. Buikftna
liuma, Oregon
P. 0. Dillami A. O. Faulkkbi,
rormerljf Ami. Kiisineor Formerly Chief Kb
in li. h Heclainatluu Mar- glnaer ot Boise A
'. Western Ky.
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Burns. Oregon
Jowolor. Optician
Fine Watch Repairing A Spe
Jack Rabbit
If You Exterminate
The Skins Can Be Sold
They must be whole skins,
dried in Sun or Air so that
moisture evaporates
For particulars write
S. L. Meninger
140 W. 69 Street
New York
Country salesmen for several
good counties in this state to
handle our complete line of
fruit trees, shrubbery, roses,
etc., booking advance spring
orders now; necessary supplies
furnished; good money for
right men.
Pacific Nursery Co.,
122J Grand Avenue.
Portland, - Oregon
Sumpter Valley Railway Cd.
Arrival aid Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrives Baker 4:15 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with O.-W. R. & N. Co. No. 4
(Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:15
P. M.. arriving at Baker 7:55 A.
M. and No. 17 from east arriv
ing Baker (J:50 A. M.
No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast
Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 I'.
M. which picks up Pullman at
Baker, arriving at Portland 7:00
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
0: 46P. M. for point I Fast.
J$ i
Moat Power I ul
me World, It
,. n
mi Una ii
. nl ll Weighs
ft, brilliant m
ii- morning or 4
In ; .1 latitude.
Almost l!i, i
ll la (en 1 1'. i it h
llllllllclor nl III' i
tares totn Km Ik
III)' HUM III H ll l lull,
III t III' iilli'l'ini.iii .',1
and yuli I'liii mill a newspaper t.y Ita
light thirty mile uwaj The hrut of
iu focused beam is mo luteuae that it
will get paper nlln- at a distance of 2A0
feet. It baa a caudle power of mora
tbiin one and a iiuarter lilllloii.
Ttieae are a few aatou lulling facta In
nu- I'lipuiiir Manes Monthly tout the
Sperry wnn-lillitlu. the Invention of
Elmer A. Sperry of Brooklyn, who la
already known aa the Inventor of the
airplane StSbfltStf and Nlilp gyruaropo
bearing IiIh name anil the Ural electric
arc light
One of tne BMMl powerful beacon
long the eooal im the sandy 1 1 ii
lighthouse. Dm tbeflperry searchlight
la t xveul. v two tliiu-H more lii'llllaut than
I lint light. Were the Sperry lamp sub.
tlltuted for the Ugbtbousa beacon a
ship pas.iug out to sen cniild lie hiilhed
In llgbl until ll disappeared liclnw the ity Bwiagtng he "k,( baeh
and forth across the ally It haa lieen
made visible I Tit) miles iiwa.v For navy
BSS the Sperry lamp llluiiilnateN a tar
get ten time more lirllllautly than
any other projector devised.
A Prohibition Petition That Saw the
Light Here In 1681.
The water wagon alurted on Ita jour
ney through thla country longer ugo
tliiiu moat pcraona realize. I offer you
aa a proof of thla naaertlou a copy of
a ,11111 1 ti r document that had Ita birth
In tho month of April In the year IflHl,
ay C.Irani In the Philadelphia I.SdgSf.
Thla old document la In the form of a
petition to n royiil governor algned by
twelve men who were determined that
the brewera' big horaeH .shouldn't run
over them and reads as follews:
'Whereas, wee. e Inhabltanti of yc
HSU Sealed Towns near ye falls of Od
in ware (inlled I "lew cornel, finding our
Helves aggrieved by ye Indians when
drank, baformetb Hint wee be end have
been hi great danger of our lives, nl
our buueee bnrnlng, of our goods steel
hit; nu, I of our IVIus and 'lilldreu af- j
frighting Ineoinuch thai wee are afeer- J
ed in co iiiiout our Lawful affairs least
When e come home w lloile you anil
eur concern damnified
"These thing eon Wered, wee dee '
humbly it Jointly desire thai the sellbig ,
of brandy and strong liquors lu ye In
dbtns may be wholly suppressed, when
If done wee hOpO wee shall live PSSCS
A Bit of Human Nature.
The other day a husky uud rather
rough looking driver was baring trou- I
hie Willi Ilia bOISO and. suddenly losing I
Ida temper, stsrted lo heat him a j
number of men rushed toward him
with tlie Intention of slipping him
when hla arms were suddenly nrrealed
In midair. The would Ik? rescuers
paused, too. and looked. Slanilliig j
close by the man waa a III lie girl, of !
not more than four years- Just looking
looking. Not a word wua aiwiken. no
pen COUid describe the look on the lit
tle one's face, but the heavy driver
Kioppeil hla beating and spoke kindly
lo Ida home. Strangely, too, the liorae
moved, and there was no trace of the
Im lilciit except a Hush underneath the i
driver's tan. a few damp eye among
the ipeetatOrt and s happy smile on
tin- little girl's fsce. - Philadelphia
Raw Egg Kep Longer Than Boiled, j
BOW eggs keep gisid much longer
than COOfced eggs, even when these are
hard boiled. This waa proved by Hr.
a I.lndel, a member of the 1'arls
CoUSSil d'llygleiie. after liiauy I'reuch
SOldien had reported that the hard
bollad eggs they recelveil from home ;
bad gone bud. while the taw egg re
maliieil edible for weeks
Or. I. huh i explalna this fact ly ssy- ,
lug that the hotting makes the Inner
membrane purl i .. 10 gSSSS, llilld j
sud microbes, and the white of tho egg j
becomes all agglomeration of coagu
lated albumen nnd particles of a serum
that la an Ideal medium Iu which ml-
erobe.s thrive.
Wild Carrot Seed.
Seed of the wild carrot are small
but very numerous' and an covered
with weak bristles which catch on
wool, lialr and Clothing and distribute
the weed for cotisldei able distances.
They I'lcipienllv are harvested with
grass, clover and ulfutfu seed and uro
widely distributed by this menus As
found Iu clover seed, the wild
seed are usually without barb, aa
these are nibbed oh" lu the clover hiiller.
Timid Sheep.
Sheep, when they become frightened,
nl run to an elevation, becSUSS
their ancestors originally came from
tho mountains. They always follow a
leader, because In the dangerous moun
tain passes their ancestors had to go
In single llie.
The Great Mystery.
Are we inudu to lick and keep the
hours of thi motal sphere only?
When we are done here shall wo la
run down forever, never lo move
again V Or do W0 belong to the horol
ogy of the universe I Henry WOrd
Trouble nd Joy.
You cunt l,i op company with Trouble
lli,l then eipei I Joy I" do his lo' el DOS!
it picMu' de banjo for you to dance de
.tars lor i loop -s tlsuta Com tltutlott,
In this world 0UC must be a little
im kind to be I. lid ' iKHlgb-Mart-
Shut Off It Pow.r st Night After a
Dsy' Hard Work.
II Is a great thing lo learn-to shut
oh" l he menial steam when you quit
work. What would you think of n fac
tory manager who would leave all of
hla power turned on after the operator
had left the factory, the dellcste ma
rhlnery running everywhere, poundu?if
Itself to pieces, grinding out its dellci.te
hearings without producing anything?
Many of ua do not turn off our men
tal Kiwer after we are through pro
ducing or creating for the day. We
carry our business home, take It to lied
with u. think, plan, worry and waste
precloua energy In all sorts of way.
Iu superfluous thinking, foolish worry
lug that produce nothing, tint grind
out the eziiillte mental machinery
and unilts It for the next day's work.
it is a great art to learn to abut oir
power when through our day's work,
so that we can oil our mental ma
chlneiy, relresh our minds and recti.
Derate ourselves, an that we can g to
the next day' work completely rein-
rigors ted,
Many men wi-iu to think Unit they
are accomplishing noiiicthlug if they
keep their lilluda on business even
when not at work, but they really ac
complish leas than nothing becauao
they are wasting precloua mental en
ergy, the swer for concentration, the
vigor, tho focusing of the mind, which
I imperii tlw for creating purposes. -Orison
Hwett Marden.
A Beautiful Art In Stone Work That
I Passing Away.
In the American Magazine Oavld
lirayaon says:
"Iu dry walla I think the olil stone
mason takes the gresteal pride of all.
for It Is In the dry wull I mean by
that u wall laid without tnorlar that
the ahoer ait of the tuuson comes most
Into play.
"Any one COO throw a wall together
If be has inortnr lo make K slick, but
a dry wull must stand 00! for what It
Is. built solid from the bottom up.
each stone reefing securely upon the
one below ll and braced and nested In
by the sheer aUii ot the mason
"The art of the dry wall Is the an-
clew beritnge of New Englaud and
I teaks n-1 onii of the sincerity anl
the cooecleiitiousnees of the iii Purl
Inn spirit, bill the higher UOiO
or beauty
'Many of the oliler walls I know are
worth go, ii far to see for they ex
hibit a re re sense nf form and propor
tlou mill me honicl lines SO! Iu the land
scape with a skill llial only the milkier
lt!st himself could exceed Those uld.
hard wrought stone fences Of I lie Hum
till ill hilla uud I'tewsliury. the best of
(!h-iii. were honestly built ami built to
last a l In ni -ii 1,1 1 year
"A beautiful art and cue that la
passing awafl It Is the dry wall that
stands of rtOStf I lint the old sloiteuia
sou lOVes best of all."
Crawling For Penance.
A Ituddl.isl piles! who has ls-en eight
yean on the way to l.ussa expects to
arrive there eight years hence. He
started from the northeast of Peking,
and when met by an Kugllsh mission
ary he had Completed over 'J.uoo miles,
bout half his Journey He doc not
walk, he crawla, or, rather, he com
blues both met hods. On Ida bunds he
wears hoards; on hla knees lie wears
pads lie Ilea full length upon the
ground; then, getting up. walks to
when- his lingers had reached, then
prostrates himself and measures afresh.
He Is under u self Imposed SOW and
believes that If he crawls In this man
ner to the Tibetan holy city hi alns
will Is? forgiven uud honor bestowisl
upon Ii Im by Huddhu.-Kxchaiige.
Hot Air a a Polisher.
Hot air I used for polishing. The
article to be treated are placed lu a
basket in a centrifugal machine driven
ut a very high aed uud hcutcd ulr 1
blown from a pipe through the basket.
A high polish is ihus produced very
rapidly. Nickel plated article that
have In-come tarnished are iiiade blight
lu a few minutes Wet metal, fresh
from the bath, needs 00 preliminary
drying, for the current of air diie aud
polishes it ii t ' I tn- BSme moment.
Best Time For Black Ons.
Early morulng is tbo best for black
bass on smaller klrennis, Inter part of
the day till sundown very good. Cloudy
days midday g i, especially if cool
For By fishing for base early morning
hours and an hour before dark best
time. If full moon even later gel the
big one. New York Sun,
Effort to Enlighten.
"Father." said the sniiill boy. "what
Is nil overt uctV"
"My son, an overt act Is something
r li ii t either compels you to be so rude
as to fight or to be ho polllc ua lo pre
tend that yon didn't notice It-" Wash
ington Slur
How Your Hair Grows.
According lo uu authority, the hair
.-loiis half nu Inch a mouth until It
reaches Its natural length. With men
(he natural length Is from eight to
twelve Inches. Willi wo-ueii It grows
anywhere from eighteen Indies to their
Where In&enuity Count.
The bighorn or ItocU.v mountain sheep
can travel as far over the mountain
peal.s III a lew minutes us u hunter
can go lu two hour.
Wall Informed.
Bllllugtoii -1 understand hi wife ha
money. Stllllligson-llo understand It
llo.-St Louis Post Dispatch.
in tiik cibovit cot'itT or nra
htaii: or OttMOM I'oit 11.111
nkv roi'.vrv.
violet Josephine PeUar, PtnJntift,
Joseph Henry Pellar, Defendant.
To Joseph Henry Pellar, above nam
ed defendant;
OF OREGON you are hereby re
quired to appear end answer the
complaint In the above entitled eult
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons,
and If you fall to appear or answer,
for want theroof, tbo Plaintiff will
apply to the (Hurt for tho relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt:
First, That the bonds of matri
mony now existing between Plaintiff
ami Defendant bo dlasolved and that
Plaintiff have a decree, of divorce
Second, That the Plaintiff have
the cure, custody and control of
Joseph Donald Pellar, minor child
of tho Plaintiff and Defendant;
Third, That Plaintiff have Judg
ment for her costs and disbursements
herein and for such other and fur
ther relief aa to equity may pertain.
This summons is published In The
Times-Herald, a weekly newspaper
published and of general circulation
In Harney County, Oregon, by order
of Hon. II C, Levens, Judge of the
County Court for Harney County,
Oregon, which said order was duly
made and entered on the 18th day of
December, 1917, and directed thai
this summons he published as above
stated for a period of six weeks.
The first publication of this sum
mon Is made on December 22, 1917
(Signed) J. W. ll IOCS,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Whose resilience and post
office address Is Hums, Har
ney County, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given Hint the
Undersigned have been duly appoint
ed Joint executors of the Last Will
and T seta want und Estate of Jacob
C Welcome, deceased, by the Coun
ty Court of the Stale of Oregon, for
Harney Count v.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
present them, duly verified as by
law required, to ua or one of ua at
our residence In Hums. Harney
County. Oregon, or at the office of
our attorney J. 8. Cook In said City.
County and State, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated HiIh 20th day of December,
Joint executors of the Lat Will
and Testament and Estate of
Jacob C. Welcome, deceased.
state (ik unanfirn pun maw
... ... . .... ..... i
lu the matter of the estate of
W. E. Alberson, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an order of sale
made und entered in the above en
titled Court on the day of January.
191S. tho undersigned administrator
of tho ubovo entitled estate will sell
ut private sale on and after the 12th
day of February, 1918, at Bums.
Hhiiicv Countv. Oregon, the follow-
.. .
Ing described property to-wlt: Lots
. . - M.....I , .....I -- 1 kul
4 and 6 of Section 1 and Lots 1 unit
8 of Section 2, Twp. 31, South, Range
35 East W. M.
Said sale will be made subject to
confirmation by tho County Court
4 ,,........ Si......... ,,,.......
Ol llillllC 1 IMIIII. .,.,,,l.
Administrator of tho sstate ' Of
W B. Alberson, deceased.
In the matter of the estate
of John Duffy, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
i. i i.- 1 hi, lieen iiniiiilnli'il ud-
mlnls.ra.or of the above entitled es-
Ilon (, ,,e!
iMun.v Judge of Harney County,
Oregon; all Persons having bUU.
i..... ...1.1 ..!.,,.. ...... ,.im.i,l tn
HKlllHfi nun, ,n.l .. v. MW .... -
present the huiiio duly verified as by
law required, to me ut Fields, Ore
gon, or by J. W. Higgs, my attorney
at Ruins, Oregon, within six month
from the date of the first publica
tion of this notice. Tho first publi
cation is December :'2, 1917.
. f, MeDADIi
Ailmiiilslralor of i estate
of John fluffy, 'ceased.
Cable rates have been reduced be
tweeu North and South America.
Hums. Oregon, December 21, 1917
Notice Is hereby given that Thomas
lllaney, of Callow, Oregon, who on
February 3, 1913, made Homestead
entry , No. 06r.39, for HF. Vi, See. t
and NU',, Section 12, Towttsbip M
8., Range 80 K, Willamette Merl
dtan has filed notice of Intention to
make final three-year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above do
scribed, Uefcre C. E. Tulloch, V. 8.
Commissioner, at his office, at Ber
dugo, Oregon, on the 23rd day of
January. 191 S.
Claimant names an wltaesses:
Andrew Jacquot, Mrs. Andrew
Jacquot and Francis Jacquot, all or
Catlow, Oregon. C'.ias. Heckley, ot
Hockley, Oregon.
V. O. COZAD, Register
Our Jitney Offer - This and c.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thpi
slip, enotOSe with five cents tO Foley
A Co., 283fi Sheffield Ave.. Chicago
III., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial packkage containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
cough cold and croup. Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. For sale by Iteed Bros.
When this country rounds up tho
alien enemies, will that also Include
In the matter of the estate
of Tony Flint, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the-
undersigned has been appointed ad
t mlnistrator of the above entitled es
tate by the Hon. H. C. Levens, Coun
I ty Judge of Harney County, Oregon;
J all persons having clulms against
I said estate are notified to present the
SnOM duly verified as by law requir
I ed. to me at my place of business in
Hums. Harney County, Oregon, or to
J W. Biggs, my attorney, within six
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. The first
I r
publication la Dec. 29. 1917.
Administrator of the estate oP
Tony Flint, deceased.
Was l'ii-lliig All Run Down.
Iouis Buckner, Somerset, Va.,
i writes: 'I was feeling all run down;
tired, with pains in my back. After
j taking Foley Kidney Pills I felt like
! a new man." Backache, rheumatic
pains, stiff Joints, sore muscles,
swollen ankles, and sleep disturbing
bladder ailments yield quickly to
I this time-tried remedy. Sold by
Heed Hros
State of Oregon
United States Senaters:
Geo. E. Chamberlain, Harry Lane
W. C. Hawley, N. J. Slnnott, C. N.
Attorney General, George M. Browm
Governor James Wlthycombe
Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott
Treasurer T. B. Kay
Supt. Public Instruction J. A. Chur
chill. State Printer John Lawrenna
..,.,.. ...... v....
guprcme Judges
I ...
F. A. Moore. Geo. H. Burnett, RobU
akin, R. S. Bean, Thos. A. McBrlde.
lenry L. Benson, Lawrence T. Har-
Nlntli Judicial District
District Judge Dalton Biggs
Count Attorney. ... .MA Biggs
Circuit meets the first Monday In
April, and first Monday in October.
Joint Senator J. A. Hurley
Joint-Representative, C. M. Crandatf
County of Harney
Cauntv Judge
. H. C. Lovena,
j Clerk Chester Daltoa
Treasurer Pearl G. Flak
Surveyor, Frank Gowan
Sheriff W. A. Goodmaa
Assessor John Caldwell
School Supt Frances Clark,
Coroner G. W. Clevenger
W. II Robins. R .L. Ha...
OOW 0 J"
i'":JS "
. do I' i" " -.- .
Harney V. s. Lund Office
Register V. G. Coxart
Receiver Sam Motherahead
City of Burn
Meetings of the Council every Seo
ond ami Fourth Wednesdtiy.
Mayor H. C. Levena
Recorder W. Y. Klug.
Treasurer Henry Dalton
Marshal R- L.. Halnea
Council men:
George Fry, J. B. Loggan, Sana
..... -.., .