The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 19, 1918, Image 5

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i i tuna i1 " as in u 11 ii inn
stein's Mountain ranch iIuiIhk
fore pari of tttll woi-u.
lea Murslmll. MM o( the ptOBMf
men Of thin comity, whs In town
Krotl Stnyin rm nv irom inn-
ml the first of thin week for n
U I VlHlt. Ill" mi" ' l Willi nnii
ii In town for a few tlays, nrcom-
. i .. . i. iu ...,' iniiii
ilea nun "" !
K FtmWK NATHINAIi hank r
km vorn 9 BAKK."
Wire i in- lotabla Mark Twain
n1lvi luitay. In- woulil ilautillcHu he
In the llrsl line troncllOS ol I In- hODIt
i - : i-. i n 1 1 r r , fOt Mark fas Hirllly
anil the KiiMTtinii'iitx tlirlfi h(iiiii)
unci War HavliiHH Stamp offer would
have apiieuli'il to him nilRhtlly. Mark
Twain had many financial reverxeH
In his life time, largely because of
bad Investments hut IiIh thrift and
happy disposition pulled him out of
the bog every time, and he squared
up wlili the world and accumulated
a "Stake" before he passeil 'over
there" to make heaven the happier
for his coming.
Talking one day to hln friend,
William Dean HowolU, on the vUl
Uiiles of the liumorlata earlier (lays.
Mark Twain said: "My illffleullleM
Mrs. James WUhoii. formerly Mary taugm me some inrin, out i never
came UP 10 CrM On the train MW wne.tier u was wiaor 10 spina
,'erday and is upected on up lo u- ' f,,r lir u !,"",k,'
to visit for a time with relatives 0 for PIle i devour " "J am
, astonished." replied Mr. Howolll
1 iriemls.
i "That a person of ho little decision
I'm- Sale tan acres m nuni mi- HliotiUl meet wit li so much wormy
lug the town or Crane. ItMO.OQ success. " Murk nodded wisely. "In
the entire tract subject to mort- decision about spending money", he
. r ., An AIua .,, i'.. I,,.1 ,i in .,, i. i .... i i .. .. it,.....
e in -uv.vv. ntnv Haul, ih worinv m cutiiwu tun- ni-ii
thin half mile of the depot &(. x couldn't decide whflt to buy with
M .... 1.. ....... , ., . ... . , t .. ... 1 1 . I
r arc. it-ium. umr ..., nly lttH nieaei, i acpi u, nun no m-
i er Koldlert anil tin If vhdllng
iviMiien relatives ami sweethearts
lit nt Saliinlay HftertiiHiii, Is fllll'iy. a
l In the lives of the snldlei., Ol
the cantlllllllellt quit beyond Hie e
pcitatliiiiH of the builders.
Untitled with the Idea or furnish
ing a place where (he mothers, sis
ters and best girls of the drafted
men might come aifll havo their
soldier hoys meet them, the hostess
house Is immediately proving the
utmost success In Its Intended mis
sion. Hut to the surprise or the hostesses
who are looking after the Institution,
the big house, with Its spacious par
lors, Its re-Ht rooms and Its cafetorla.
Is ministering to the soldiers In an
other manner, which. uftor all. may
prove Its grealesl claim to 11100000,
II Is furnishing the means of keeping
alive In the soldiers the memory of
and appreciation for "Home" It Is,
In fact, stirring thousands of men's
llnlr Iriemls, for lliey brought In
live or six doubters, made to admit
the truth, have lot n coining ha'!;
Willi other doubters til their hot I
Thai children's room seems to Iiiivi
a wonderful attraction for them all.'
The hostess was right. A group
of men In uniform approached with
more or less abashed eountenances
and a leader asked If he might show
his friends where the "kids" were
put to sleep or play while their
mothers were visiting their husband
fuibers. The party wa led to the
bright clean room, fitted with four
trundle beds, high chairs, 'uiibreak-
1 able' dolls and simple toy.
"What did I tell you?" asked the
leader, turning on his followers. His
.eyes traveled greedily around the
room and at th two sleeping child
ren occupying Iwo of loo Utile beds.
"Well, oiweren't Joshing after nil,"
admitted another. "Kven got Ihe
kiddles fixed out." "Why they must
Americans part In the war lis i
broodonod their gyaipathioi M the
point where they recognize all na
tions H brothers III their Christmas
giving. Our soldiers rival the Rod
Cross In feasting the hungry, DOOM
less orphans of France. Comfort Is
carried to Invaded Italy by the Amir
Iran lied Cross, and the same noble
association Is at work In Siberia,
Russia, 1'alestlne and Armenia. The
Christmas sentiment knows no for
eigners. Oregonlan.
V.ltllAT All
Notlcn Is hereby given thai UtOTO
are sufficient fundi on band to pav
ofr all OOOeral fund warrants run
Istered prior to DOOOmbW 20, 1917
and all Itnhblt Bounty warrants reg
Istered prior to September 15, 1917
Interest ceases on January IS, 19IK
County Treasurer
We will do your Job printing.
ane, Oregon.
came rich." So Mark Twain, be
cause of his love of country and his
thrifty nature would have been a
generous pun baser of inclo Sam's
thrill stamps.
or Kxchange- 320 acres Inys Co .
Morula, one-half mile to a small
. ,i . - ii.i' nii.1,.1
mil 1 nine 10 ioiiioou. .... ......
It nation, fenced and cross fenced.
barns. 1 small house 3 wells, 12
flowing well, land nearly all level
i.. mn- t i
rt rolling sanuy luniu umv i
b irrigated G to 8 ft. to water. All
ar of incumbrance. Price $125
...,,, . 1 - 11......,. , '..
r in ri' I rilim KM IIOIIIO, v .
,k ranch, stock und Implements Christ. I his will tie niosl interesi
1 will assume
tbtree, Oregon.
Weston F. Shields. Pastor.
. Next Sunday evening the stereop
ticon lantern will be used showing
views of "The World at the Time or
lug to those who are Interested In
the Hible end the Oosoel All are
Invited to be at this service.
I'rcacliiiiK In the morning at 11
PnrokOWn of Thrift Stamps and subject. 'Know Cod and Knjoy llitn
,r Barings Btatnps are permitted Forever. '
government to write their Mimiay annooi si ..- .v. m. ou.,-
. jeci. jesus i nun
Christian Endeavor ut 8:80 P. M
me on the stamps
so every pur
i ii thrift stamD ( 2.'i cents I
ould aUach it to his thrift card and subject. -Young Christians Reach
Every purchaser of a "'K watwsww.
($112) should rr.ivrmeetuig ai i;v mi
attach n to bi- War rnuraaaj
Extracts from an article "Hostess
lorso II
ir s.i in-' Stampi
. .... .. ,.ll i i.k I ii i)
H1UK ( iTillh.m', "iiuiifi bviwoo "
. i .....I i l.,. miii1i,,e il'
amp, tits name aim i "' nnMm
certificate War Saving Certifi-
. . . i ... , i... . . .. ...... . ii
,.. tlOUUI lie renisiereu in in House Keeps AIIVO l.ove ui iiiiuii-
t office as Insurance agalnal loss jn Trotteb ami Camp, the paper pub
0 Uohfjd for the soldier- al COOap
"The Y. W. C A EfoatOSO House
at Camp Lewis, dedicated for tlo
AKilt I.KS.
Ii Is estimated tliut r.O.OOU iilf-
n nl articles are memo in iuu ,
. .. , 1 .! ..f
arfare. Tin- cioininn riiiiiiiii-ui
it one in fa n try ma ii for service In
. ,. . ..11.....!..-.
ranee lin-limes ine nunmn'R.
Bed ack, throe wool blankets.
Is) belt, two pairs or wool breech-
two wool service ooata, hat cord.
iree pairs -limmer urawi-is, hh
,!r. wlntei drawers, pair wool glov-
en i e hal extra shoe laces, two
leggings, two flannel
r0 pan - of shot s, rive prntn
ooi itocklngs, four Identification
., .i. derahtrte, four wta-
r under hlrt . ovt rcoat, f i v . - aholtt r
ml pin . iheltt r tent pole, poncho
i tent.
LI i. d II : H " the In
od to bi carrl
i . trine field aoi
teen and canteen covi r. I UPi
nire, fork, spoon, meat can, haver
n k. pai i; ' arrier, first aid all na4
om h
ii, 'fighting equipment ' consists
i rifle, bayonet, bayonet scabbard,
arlrldge bell and 100 cartridges,
i". l helmel gas mask, and trench
Her Trouble Is tjone.
Mr- Thomas II. Uavis, Montgom-
ry, Ind.. says that she had trouble
.nil her bladder and had doctored
.1 h veral months without relief,
i hen Foley Kidney Pills wee recom-
kn ml'd and she commenced using
lb. n, and not relief. They relieve
he, rheumatle pains, stifC
Iwollen joints and kidney trouble
by Reed Hros.
Certified Pure by the High
est Food Court in the Land
The llomoon Hetene Hoard of
c insulting F.xpern. appointed
by the Cov.rnnient. formed the
highest food c inrt that ever
eonvi ncd. Thla notable body
certified pure ami good the in
grodlonti ii" i i ('r' icenl B A-
inc. POWdOT. And the m;-re-
dlenta, oombinod 1. 1 the are In
i . .. oents". Dhe a baking
powder thai will raiee dough or
oaiter any time up to twelve
hours alter mixing, and pro
duce from SO to
LT. per nut ex
i e s leavening
energy pound
can. $1.00. Send
4c. stamps, for
the new Crescent
Cook Hook.
Crescent M X g .
Co., Seattle Wash
Double Acting Baking
t. -'-''jjrq
Under the auspices of Harney Comity Chapter
American Red Cross
February 2nd, 8:30 p. m.,
BoHkt'tfi to be aucl ioii'l off.
Rtd Cross hull's willing i bring baskets il';ii'
notify Mrs. Uenilierlinflr.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Ranch Loans Made Direct
Make application now
Fire Insurance
Bans, Oregon Crane, Oregon
Folly appreciative of the part your
friendship and patronage has play
ed in our progress during the year
Just closing, we thank yon. And we
extend to you and yours our sincere
well-wishes for a New Year of con
tinuous joy aud prosperity.
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
hearts iii iv' for ""' beatttlee
unit eomforta or bono Me, which !
lore they have relt lull llglitH 1" r
haps lightly n'' !,l1" of '
It is Instilling In IIiouhhikI r men
the inspiration f whai "lMmoM :
DO inaile. Which will goeoti down
with them through the remainder of
tlulr llveM anil exert an imtneaHura
,, inflnenee on their rutnren.
The stroBseel ootward Djanifeeta-
ttoo Of thlH deep nllrrlng of the home
Instincts of the soldier of Gamp
LewlB, as they enter and sit nliotil
the Hoeteee rlouaa, Ih tiieir apprecle
Hon of oolor. or floveri and or the
little touches nhont the rooms taa,(
only feminine hiimiH eaa giw
They have all Ol tO nee the nnr-
, i these nun learning U fight.'
aid Mr.. McBtide, one or ihe ocro
tarles i charge, 'Il all started,
eeinlnglv, from one or two Hold
lers rolllllIK here to nee their I'llhle
gttd finding them In the niirnery
Those flrat ono r 'w' w,'"t ,,a,k to
tlielr liurrucka und told Others that
we liuve a room for kiddles.' They
evidently were not uhle to eonvlnce
feel right at home In here," exclaim
ed another. "We'd hotter get out
before we wake 'em Up," eailtloned
another, with a waking enne or nur
sery broprlottoa The group, look
ing. Just a little emtiarrassid at their
own Interest, withdrew to the great
main parlor, where they allowed
themselves I ho treat or looking iiliont
at the Hotter . and hlazlng logs In the
monster rire-pluie und eushloned
settees hefore going out ugiiln to the
duties or tile soldier
The women of the Hostess House
have sOBt OUt word that Koldlers do
not l d to have a woman eompahloii
with thOa tO enter the IdK i heerv
house, hut lire WOtCOmO alone at unv
time. They have set aoido one large
parlor, with a fireplace In one cor
iier, for a smoking room, and are en
couraging the calls of the soldier
who longs for eolor and the tcmrli of
woman s hand about the house. Tlnv
helleve Unit the Inflnenee of tht I
thing's is going to exert a OOOtrOl on
many a soldier's life thai will hold
it t in to the finer thingH of life or
cultivate iii him a liking for them "
1 1 i r
Very Few People
j: ...i,, iriijum nt pntirelv throuurli.
If I wabi.;:;w,it;aflfty wnlad. that would
catc'i and hold the attention of ninety PifMOtOf
thp readers who glanced at it. I would not be trying
to make a living in the garage business.
If you have gotten this far you may as well finish
Your car may only need some slight adjustments
or it may need a thorough overhauling. At Wj
rate, you can save time and money by having it
done NOW. while you. weU as ourselves are
not very busy; also we can afford to do it much
cheaper thah later when we are rushed with spring
This also applies to broken farm machinery, and
other catting. We are glad to give you any in
formation you desire alomr those lines.
Summit Garage,
Jonw w""' Agent Hnpmoblle Motor Car
Rumors to the contrary are untrue.
The ever increasing demand for Ford
Cars makes them hard to get.
Buyers of Ford Cars for the past year
have been compelled to wait their turn.
We are taking orders every day and if
you are wise you will see us at once about
your car.
No time to lose now if you are contem
plating the purchase of a car in the early
Of all our
We are going out of
these lines of goods
We are specializing in
Give us a call
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. Ottlnger, Proprietor, Nate Franklin, Mgr.
We do it right
. '