The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 19, 1918, Image 4

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    $hr tfiuics-iUrald
11 .
ii in ..- '
Oa. . . . .
Sim Month. . . .
TWm Mentha
Si a
pUI tin' mnriuif Identification ap
on It.
lint when ho iinH hihIi product,
lie uiiiiIh p.'iiiilc to know Hint II l:
hl. Kvcry purltage ln hi-IIh then
h4pfl to liulltl ii ri-nliitlon lor Mm
Mini his kooiIh.
AdvirtlKtil, tratlp-nmrkeil gooiln
then are moot apt to bo GOOD
The advertised trademark I your
guarantee of Quality.
The HemoBter examlnatlonn are
now over and wo are ready for what
ever the coining half year brlnga.
Thursday and Friday of lat woek
were given over to the Homester ex-
Itulpli Swi'tt enrolled Mmtiliiy.
Our enrollment Im now over HO
iiml thM renrhe the high w.tstf
murk In the hlHlory of the miIiooI.
Nellie Sit WttH uiiiibln to enter
during the rirnt semester came In
I Tuesday and will be with us Tor the
remainder ot the year.
Our boys played a game or baskel
. wiiii mm of the town teams last
I Krlday evening. We were unable to
learn the score but understand thai
our boys came out second best.
Arrangements have been made for
the use of Tonawama hall for ath
letics during the winter months. The
boys use the hall on Monday and
Wednesdav. while the girls have It
on Tuesday and Thursday. It l
planned to order some of the more
essential equipment ho that regular
Have you ever stopped to connld-
rr the real Hlgnlflcanee TO YOU or
ihe trade-mark or brand on the pack-
amu or label of the article you buy
at the store?
Have you ever stopped to think
that the presence of an advertised
ld'ans for example. Is a guaranu
T'hat thoHO beans are of good quality?
tieans are of good quality?
Tills must be true elso the adver
tising would defeat Its own purpose.
The trademark being a mark of
identification, is as much means of
rejection as of selection.
That Is. if the article so Identified
proves unsatisfactory, you are enabl
Hail to thy returning festival.
Old Bishop Valentine!
Great U thy name in the annali!
Let Joy and Gayety Abound!
The Girls National Honor Guards
Moat Cordially Request Your Presence In Costume At
A Colonial Ball
Tonawama Hall
You enter the .tore. The clerk, are all bu.y, a. mo.t of them are in Burn,
now-a-day.. You wait. There are thing, to look at perhap. a f nend to
greet. Time pae. .wit tly while you wait for tho ahead to be .erred. You
do not demand that the clerk, drop everything in.Untly to wait on you. You
expect to await your turn. It i. cu.ton.ary.
Are you as patient while waiting your turn at
the Telephone as you are while waiting it in the
store? As patient as you are while you wait
for the street car, or while you stand in line at
the ticket window? Are you? Think it over.
lATTnn MAfTlTiIM T T m I
IllIDIJTIUUniAin fl.vx .j3.
J. E. Weston, Secy. & Gen. Mr.
The use of Interlinear translations
In the Spanish claHS has been dis
continued. If satisfactory arrangements for
transportation can be made, the
hasketball team will play at Harney
on Friday Evening.
animations. Those who wore ex-1 work In gymnastic may be offered.
,.,i enjoyed a holldav. In UM meantime basketball will be
Commercial Law, Psychology, com- the chief attraction.
Alex Sweek who lias neen unsrin
The Times-Herald Is Informed by
persons present that annual roll
Mil hiwI business meeting of the Hap-
durlng the past two weeks, owing to ,.,,lr,.i eongregatloa ntsf Wcdne
a 4 1 ..-..M, .. I.I,. tlf.
i day was a iirii"i:i.i unu m" ........ ...
merelal Arithmetic, and I'arllinen
. . . . . . . . . I . .. .. . .. II... ... V. II I I ' Hi'
I bv ihe trademark to avoid n a iui - "" -- ..... .. . , i,,.,.i .
,,,.,, lim fered this term. Special work will' his a.cli.e.H, rri.n.n, ... .
Manifestly, a maaHfactarer could also be done In Pabllc Ipeaklag, and day
o. afford to PUI a brand name or (iymnasium work tin,...,,..!.... for the Senlo.s Is no
trade-mars ea an unsatisfactory rrances McQee has returned ltd In
i,. . People would not buy li s -boo. after beta, awa, nearly .11 of Net) Miller will wor. ou M. r.
.,.. , er's ram h durng the coming sem-
i ... ...i ..i.i .... i . . . in r- ',i'i '"1 r ,.- -
-i'i n ii i i im it in' w i ii i tin ii i hi i
out of buslne i
M'l . ... .... ... . L. 1 I .l..i.. t 111 1. .Til
A manufacturer hacks , branded laboratory. This win enable -a.,, , ,,. ... -.. " .
produc. In bis reputation. Therefore. girl to do indlvldna. work and fills ex .. ... debate either N
cannot afford to stake hi. repute long fell waat. I" the co i . roo ,, ,
. ... . , ..... , I a II. rr H... new work ill Win. evening of .lituunr -.Hi A . orillal
mn on any proiiuci inai is noi kdihi, --."i - - ,.!.. ,,,i, .1 tn
arriveii ami iiinnmuii iu ....-. . .
the publli
iiiere was lunch served at
niii.n which wiih followed by a bll.l-
and s I I Ume
in Hie erenlni tht
. . . . ...... ,...n ...
. . . n.. ....... i.i inn,, unu im ci in mill M.' won. i - ..... ..
almost Immedl six new faeonae iioree btw nwn -... ..- - - .-
..r, I. ..-.., I r,.r Hie l)i)iiietli Science May lie neen nine m i......... ieini.11 anil apin 11 m-.i
Hotel Hass
It is only When he puts on Ihejlogy and botany nave
iiii.rk.'i 11 KiuisiHctorv nroduct. one i more are on the way.
which people will like and call for a
Florence Lazarus and Carl Owsley
eeeond time, thai he can afford to are other new arrivals among us
Frances Donogafl IS absent
week owing in a sprained ankle
No. m
Maori "I iii' .ui'itiii'i' "I 'i"'
tathaMsis "' Oiseea, ' tt"' sloss ol boil
this mm, 11. 1 it,
Your Money Talks
wir tK'VK a wonderful
w iai's are vvliu
them from onr pouket t
this community aomoof the mosl
our 'iit in' lint' tif
iue of BtinraiiiB for the Man with the Do
we .'i'ci;i!l' iifi'il ri-rhi now. and iu ortler
s our's, we ;it
t upeuuouH
im .
to tMliillp
-ci lilie.' to il!-' P t-O 1 In
s.ihies tliev
uive ever noeii in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Men's Furnishings and Notions
Tliis is no looni-end s;ile. or sitle of wconds--ltB just a determination
on our part to turn some of our large stock into quick money. To do thin we
are willing for a short time to make QUICK PRICES.
Vou all know our etoek its high unlitv and general excellence. All
our regular lines are included in tbii puahout sale, nothing reserved, and NO
MAKESHIFTS BBOUOHT IN FOB THK occasion, simply that we
peed money, must have money, and are going to sell theee goods if PRICE
is sn inducement.
Come Now! It will pay you!
Every Saturday Grocery Special
loans and llm .iimli. . 413, ;if7 7
1 . h a adt lOiati iii" Uasftf
Doees "i ii7):
C s II. mi a depCSlted iu r ilrru
lallon .... MI.IKMIUO
r s.iinn.ii. sad ssMlseates
0 ledehtadaest alsd 't Is
.... ur.' 1 I DopssMl lu.oioao
U - iioinia sii.i ssrtMeslea
01 ind.'Mi'.iiio pladssd 10
ascers Peaial Savlaii Ps
poalta i,oun 00
J.iial D I II In ..hi., u
l.n.i. I..,. ui Soudk, mi
,, ad! .,1 I MOOD
1,11m ) 10 r.'ie y
1 irn Rials "i othsi
j. .,..,., 1. hi 1,1 1 u 1 ayabla . 0
it 1. 1 in- .
Uoo.ia .hi . 1 tban ' boada
lie lii'' 1 In . '
I mi. 11. . . - 1,00000
. . u 1 baii U H
1 ,, ,.'. i.i 1 1 1 1 - 1
... ) . ':. ., .1 111. 1.
I . .kH n hi ie-
Kumlt'ii 1 flxturi " ,
1. ..u 'ui i. .! ie n rli 1 '. di mi Bi trr
hank '
' ah In i iall sad i'i " 1. inn du
ii.Hii nat ,(ii i.Miik. a9.o&i 1
n.i him. .mil .inn r. .in banks "mi
baaksri hii.i iniht en in 1 an lea 1. 1 ti.-r
ll.iiii Ii.. In. I 'I In tSSl II111 llnm ' ' I
Ichtckion diIk'I liaiiliK III Hie M
1 i lijr i.r towiiaa roinrlliiK tmnk .".7li!Ui
T.ilnl ..( kSt BfS li.'iim Si.lBa '
I lieckK oil lianka loiali'il "I
I eiijrnr inwii ui rspoHlsg beak sad
1 1.1I11T i'tli ii.'ina I
, It. .1 . M. hi IiiihI vk 1 tli 0, I, Trraaur-
j iiraii.l .lii.' U.N TrSWW I .
Intsrsst .iirm-.i lui not sellsetsd
.. j.i .. 1 in m 1 1 y
Phone W-97 OpzcsIte Burns arage
Opened January 3rd
Renovated and newly furnished
throughout. Every convenience
possible for the public.
Dining room in connection
It will be our aim to give you "A Real
Home Dinner."
Distance From Hotel Hass to
Andrews 111 l Lawe. - '"'-
IlroiikJiiRK Station 7.'. " I.ak.-vi.w ICO
it, ,1,1 14? " Maiiii'tir Cave . GO "
it.uiuit sr. " Narrow. 2r
Blltan II " ( Baaeh M
Beckley so " Prlaceton 37
lltii'im VlHln liunrlt 4.1 " I'ltmh 100
crun.' I : " P Ranch ,',:'
Callow 7,r. " Itivornldo 76
Canyon fiiy 72 " Rttey 30
limit) IM " lafertew 85
Dreweej 50 " Voltace ''
Harney i" " Vale 135
J.ilin Hay 7.r. " WiivitIv 38
Jvntura " Weetlall io
illl IKI .
iii a7.-..... ii r i
l.l . Ill I.I T I K.
catdtal staek paid la Ma,ioeo
gurpltu W000
rldsd p'ollu ... .i.. inn
i mi in. i diw on ut r. .i'i. ii ii bat
nut .'mil. "1 n..niiliiiali. 2,00000
i In ii Ut I nit niit.'a nut at ami I nil 10,000 Od
lii'iiinuil dspuslll SBbJSSt tn K.'.i'iM'
iniiviiiiiiii dspeuiattbjsoi tn ohsok I O.Stl II
i i iillli iit.'K DspesllS dBS In la.a. than
. ii iUya ... i''.',i'' I K
. miii... I .'tt.'t'ka IV7 .kI
laahicr'arlioiki niilatanilltiK ItfiTSI
l.ital ilt'liian.l ilepualla
aiil.Ji'il to Kuiorve IN(W IS
Tims DeseslM .abesl in n ..
riirllllratia ut ili'i.oall .... JW4I
I'OKtal aavltiaa .liiiualla i.ll "l
I'm m i .i.'...lU. IBB) SCI In
Kassnrs tssVMuM
lliilli-il rilal.a DeSjUSilSI
Vi aaln .l.i.oall oar
UBoaiSSSad ilnllt atauipa 4 It
i - ii ii.-.i Htntva asaostts, in
raldlei dsassMs "' If. I.
dlkbuislas uBi.Tia ,H7. i :,,Hh0'.4
iniia najrsWsi iih r.dsrsl n.
aiMi' ,.., , ?r.,U00 0J
iM.ii laUsfi ui or Travelen
Cll.'l k ..II I Mill nil NIK ll.'.M-.MII
'I'.ilal IT ni,i'.4H 71
I .US II ill II . Ii Ml
i, j. i.. i. miii. cmhIii.t ni Hi.' abovs inn i
liaiik, .In Hnl.'iniilv 'tliul tin' bbOTi StStS
Ill.'Ut It iiiu to tils l.l'al uf lll kunu l.'ilm ,111.1
J. I., li.ri 1, 1'iialiU-r.
i ..i AttOSl i
I'iikmti kv Hmytii
A. ('. Wn.tiiMK
Hiiliaorlbad Sad awuru In Imtuiuiny iliUlih
.In;, ui .1 1 li nu v, I'M.
I N . Jaukhiin, Nnlory public.
I . UIKImIOU SXplfSS Nuv.Olll, I'.C'I.
Sunday, January 20th,
Monday and Tuesday, Jar. 21-22
'More Truth Than Poetry '
Beautiful M ME. PETROVA
Surpasses Her Previous Successes in Five Smashinif Acts 01
Love and Mystery
Wednesday and Thursday .
January 23th and 24th
(iThe Fatal Ring"
HEARST-PATH E NEWS, always something k'ood, and.
A Good Comedy
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 25-26
Bluebird Nights
COMING! The Mutual Masterpiece,