The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 12, 1918, Image 8

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Statement Of the Condition of the
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
At the close of business Dec. 31, 1917
Loans and Discounts $613,367.72
U. S. Bonds 87,540.00
Bonds and Securities 18.184.80
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9.300.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
CASH 118.756.19
Capital $ 50,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 76,319.86
Circulation 50,000.00
Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 548,328.85
Capital and Surplus
United States
Oregon State
The Times-JIerald
Has The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Local News.
Ben Mutter was over from Silver
Creek during the week.
Mist) Mary Morrison of Crane, has j
-been a guest at the home of Mr. and I
Mr. J. I Uault during the past sev- i
eral days.
Katrayed Two goats, male and
female, from Tuns. Jenkins ranch on I
Sage Hen. $a.0 reward for their!
Miss McKenxie will have a winter
term of kindergarten, heglning Jan.
14. litis, at 9 a. in. at the Sayer
Studio. Children from four to six ,
years of age admitted.
One thing this war has done for
us, It has convinced many democrats
that republicans are human beings, j
and republicans have been forced to
admit that democrats might even be
Some of the citizens of this city
believed for a time that Chester
Keown, who is with an engineering ;
corps In France, was dead, as the I
Oregonian of recent date hud the
name of a soldier who bad died of
pneumonia, but the nume was spell
ed different and the man was credit
ed as enlisting from Washington and
was in a different company from
The Times-Herald received a letter'
from Leonard Locher the other day
with English postage on it. Me gave
a new address to which to send bis
copy of this great religious weekly
and iba i wus about all. lie wrote
he would like to say more but was
not permitted. From the address It
Is evident Leonard is doing duty on
u transport.
To Our Patrons and Friends:
We extend a hearty wish
for a happy and prosperons
New Year.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
- - $100,000.00
Grant Crttchfleld Is over from Cat
low. Furnished house with barn to rent.
Wm. Farre.
Fred Haines was down from Har
ney the first of the week on business.
Beit of care given patients at
Mrs. Flrcoved's maternity hospital.
Kev. Wilson expects to take his
departure the latter part of this
month from this pastorate.
Score cards for "Five Hundred,"
also program pencils for sale at this
Albert Oakermau was over from
Sliver Creek during the week to at
tend a meeting of the stockholders
of the Inter Mniiiiiiilii Tel. & Tel. Co.
Eighth Grade examinations will be
held In the county on January 17
and is according to information giv
en out by Supt. Clark
A telephone conservation over the
wire to Diamond this morning
brought the Information that young
Bye Smyth was home. Later Inquiry
i brings the further eiillgbtment tlmt
the young man bad received a (lis
charge from the army. George
Marsden saw him in Portland and
Bye told him he had received a ill..
charge. He was stationed at Camp
Green in North Carolina until recent
ly. Joe Morris was up from Narrows
for a few days renewing acquain
tances. He is looking fine and says
his new place of business agrees with
him. He reports business good and
he is entirely satisfied. Ills many
friends rejoice at his success as he
deserves it.
Kemp llardlsty wbs down from
Trout Creek the other day and said
the green grass was doing fine In the
mountains and that feed was fine
on the range. The cold snap Ol
Weduesduy night ban slopped the
growth of vegetation, however, and
feeding of stock will begin In the
near future.
rent. Mrs. Ru nice
Mrs. George Smyth was over from
In i home at Diamond hint Monday.
J. K. Itounsevelle liss been up
from his home at Denlo for several
The sugar that goes to waste In the
bottoms of American tea-cups sweet
ens the dreams of the Kaiser.
Our new quarters In the Levens
Building are quite convenient and
we hope to see you In at once to In
spect them. Wllllams-Zoglmaiin.
Smith Crane, the horse buyer, was
again emulating among his friends
In this city during the first part of
the week.
J. W. Biggs returned home yester
day aflernoon from a professional
trip to Malheur County to appear In
a case before Circuit Judge Biggs.
The profiteers are after the scalp
of Secretary Daniels because he ills
linguistics between "doing u bit"
and "taking a bite". Longer lifu to
you, Josephus.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Jones were In
town yesterday to have some den
tal work done and attend to some
other business. They had the baby
with them.
The senator from Wisconsin now
finds himself In such a hopeless min
ority in Wusblngton that "as lone
some as LaFoliette" has become a
populkr saying.
Old customers and new ones are i
cordially Invited to call and see us
In our new location In the Lcvans
Building Wllltams-Znglemaiiii Clo
thing Co.
How about that three pounds of
sugar? Are you keeping down to the,
conservation limit? Hoover says Not
More than Three founds of Sugar
Per Person Per Month. and this
must Include what you dip out of the
bowl In the restaurants.
Mr. nml Mrs. Ted Hayes are home
from their visit ;ver the holldavs
with their children who are attending
school at Monmouth and Eugene
Ted said he had a fine lime during
his absence and that both llda and
Dell, as well as their cousin, Lulu
Hayes, are doing fine in their stud
ies. This office Is In receipt of a letter
from Herman Huh. who Is staying at
Hot Lake, asking The Times-Herald
be sent to him there until further
notice. He reports his health good
but Mrs. Buh had recently undergone
a severe operation from which she
had not recovered. Ho said he was
Room to
homesick for H.rney Valley and lhe.8ul KranrlBr0 ttnd pomtlbly w, V,H
paper would h"lp him.
Married Thursday evening at the
parlors of the Hotel Bass, Miss
(iladys H. Cawlfleld, daughter of Mr. I
and Mrs. Oeo. W. Cawlfleld, of Nar- I
rows became the bride of David R. I
Crow. Kev. W. L. Wilson" of the I
Baptist church officiating. Hoth are
well known young people of this
county where they have many friends
who Join us In extending beat wishes.
They will make their home In the
vlcinitv of the Narrows.
A. A. Collins and Ceo lievans have
enlisted In the navy as mechanics In
the aviation branch. They enlisted
recently while In Portland and were
given time to return home and get
their affairs in shape before going to
California where they will he station
eded for at least a year. Qui said
yesterday his wife and little child
will come to him after he has gotten
settled in his new field of work. Lee
'. Mill... lu,. ..!... t 1...
I ....... , in .11 -. ,iiii will Itf IIIHtl I lit!
. examination for a particular post Ion
'on ted with the marine aviation
I "
I branch and If successful In tl x-
animation will Join. The boys leave'
at once as Ihe first two are required
to be In Portland 011 the Mih
Richard Aiihiimis, a sou of Mr. and
Mrs. C. It AtlslllllH. arrive,! hei'i. Ilie
" '.' lecemiy sinned another scr-
lore part of the week and has gone ,, plotttjr In his house with Pearl
lo visit his parents. "Hick" was a White playing the lending part, Tag
former student Of Ihe Harney County , ,t;,. 0( ,,. Hlorv , ...,.,, Ki(ii, Mng
High School and Is on the honor roll and as part or his method ol adver
of that Institution because ol his HHinK 11 am creating Interest In the
service for his country. He hud opening Installments, he gave some
ben In the navy for some time prior He told his patrons that In
to the declaration of war and has had sel. ctedn young ladv who would
now been discharged. We are In 1RVe in ber possession a ring and
formed the young man had the mis- the one who first approached this
fortune to get hurt during service ll(v wllh ,,. ,,,,. ..Ar
and was confined to the hospital for j Pearl White?" got the ring. Miss
a long period before bis discharge Mamie Winters, the post mistress
l.ui has fully recovered his health was the one ted and she was not
and is here to visit for a short time caught until the last and that bv ac
arter which he will return to the eldent. when Miss Leona Thompson
service, enlisting again In the same j accosted ber. Miss Thompson Is now
Li a 111 i, II... I 1 I . . . I .1 .11.1 .... .
""" ..." .....
have an opportunity lo Interview the
young man while he wan In town
the oilier day.
Have you pulled that sweet tooth ?
Donald Joklsch Is In town this
week visiting rrlends.
1,01 Gasoline filler cup palnled
gray. Finder please return to Summit
Garage and receive reward.
Lloyd Johnson Is up from La wen
on a visit to his children who are in
high school. '
Mrs. Clark reports that many
schools arc without teachers not only
In this county but a shortage Is re
ported all over the state,
Carroll Cecil was among the out of
town stockholders to be In for the
annual meeting of the Inter-Moun-laln
Tel. and Tel. Co.
Some questioned the suggestion
that the .f.ii mi current had been
i hanged by larthquakcs when It
turned cold last Wednesday but
they're ready to believe It again now.
accounts iNvrocn.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Saunders arc reg
Istered at the Levens from their
home at Warm Springs. They have
recently returned from a
visit to
More than ten million families
have signed the Hoover pledge card.
This pledge Is the pledge of service,
as real ns that of any soldier. Is It
being kept In your family, or is It
merely a "scrap of paper?"
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hamilton and
their daughter, came up from their
home near Denlo the fore part of
this week for a short vlnlt. The
daughter was left In this city to
finish the eighth grade in the public
school. Bert, accompanied by his
brother, LsstSFi took his departure
via Crane Monday afternoon for Wal
lowa county where they go to visit
their parents for a short time, also
their sister. Mrs. Swanson, who re
sides at Baker. Mrs. Hamilton re
turned home.
Relatives and friends have receiv
ed the announcement of the mar
riage of Miss Chespa King to Lloyd
Crandall. at the home of her mother
In oiympia. Washington on New
Year's iluv. The voiine coniile left
nImllHtl,Iy for ,,,, ,10M(.v,noon
trip which would take them to Seat
II". Tacoma and also Camp Lewis.
Thev will make their home at Vale".
The Times-Herald wishes to Join the
many friends of the bride in this
city where she wns born and spent
most rT her girlhood, In wishing the
newly weds every happiness and pros
perity. 8. W. Law he came up from Crane
a few days ago and expects to take
his departure immediately for out
side points. He will go from here
to Portland hv wnv i.f Henri 1I1..11 In
In Minnesota before returning. Mr.
Laythe has been in charge of the
branch garage of Smith k McOowan
at Crane but his health has been had
recently and he has given up the
active management of the business
to seek relief. Ho informs us his
son Wlllard Is still stationed in a
western army camp but hopes for
early transportation tO active ser
vice. The other dav The Times Herald
man bad the pleasure of reading
some letters written by Leo Porter to
his mother. Mrs. Millie Patterson.
The young man is In the army and
stationed at Camp Irecmoiit. He
stales that he received a nice pack
age from this place for Christmas
and expreses his appreciation of It,
he was particularly fortunate In that
respect as he was also remembered
by friends at Condon and at Palo
Alto t'o he says he has more comfort
kits than he can conveniently carry
,.,.,., ..,.1 I ..
, mwumi. 1. sujs 1 lie qui. Ker lie can
'.,, , , , ,
around. Leo says the quicker he can
,., . ... ,. .
gel to ! ranee the hetier it w soil
lllm .. tm , ,,.
. , ,,.,"' , " J""
of Hiking the kaiser so he can gel
lack to , homestead and go fishing
and hunting in Ihe Stein's Mountains.
Manager Chester Smith of the
I 11 ... ....
nispiaying h hundsome Cameo set
ring. Mr. Smith gave some other
prizes but we did not learn Just how
they were drawn.
Report of the
Harney County National Bank
of Burns. Oregon
December 31, 1917
Loans and Discounts $324,825.40
United States Bonds
Liberty Loan Bonds
Bonds and Securities ...
Furniture and Fixtures
Real Estate Owned
Cash and Exchange 154,710.93
Capital Stock $26,000 00
Surplus and Profits, (earned) 56,675.12
Circulation 23,000.00
Deposits 48631114
Accounts Invited
I'ncle Sam Is today the quarter
master of a hungry world. He Is
Staying the ranie squarely and counts
on every man, woman and child in
the Culled States to do the same.
Are you doing your share? It Is up
to every American to conserve food
overy day and at every meal.
The Annual Congregational Meet
ing of the First Presbyterian Church
of Burns Oregon will be held on Fri
day January 18th.. In the church
auditorium at 7:30 P. M. Reports
of the different departments of the
church will be made, and officers
elected for the new year. All mem
bers, financial contributors, und per-
Was Interested In any way are cordl
ally requested to be present.
business will be followed with a sod
al and light refreshments.
By Order of the Official Board.
'Go back to the simple life, be con
tented with simple food, simple plea
sures, simple clothes. Work hard,
pray bard, and play hard. Work,
eat, recreate and sleep. Do It all
courageously. We have a victory to
To All the People of Harney Co. :
I thank you for your patron
age, and the many favors extend
ed to me during the past year,
and wish you
A Happy New Year
I think the prospects ol llnriu-v Uouutjr for 1018,
.ire very bright, and beg to assure you, that an,
liitivi-iiit'iii tending to improve the welfare of thin
ctitiiiiuiiiity, will have inv hearty co-operation.
Yours for the common good,
Condition of the
County School Surnirintenrlel
Clark has returned from Salem ai
Portland where she had been all
by State Supt. Churchill for a cod
lercncc of Superintendents of 11
Thrift Stamps, consolidation
schools, food conservation plans, rtel
were discussed in addition to tbl
duties of grading the papers of tbl
teachers who had taken the De enl
ber examination.
Mrs. Clark states they had a irof
table meeting, every superintemlei
In the state with the exception 1
three were present. Following it
meeting at Salem they came down t
Portland and took In the Stal
Teachers' Association conventlo
later, an account of which is give
elsewhere by Mrs. Clark.
The old marketing system ml
largely by speculation and exploit
tlon has disappeared and it is que
tlonable wheteher the farmers i
ever again have to complain of tl
former efficiency and waste -imm
the V. S. Government has set t
pace in marketing wheat and othi
grains, and their products. O. A
Extension News.