The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 12, 1918, Image 6

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And the Danger That May Coma With
Undua Lova of Waalth.
It Is con iMilcnt ui Iihvu money. We
II see niuny ways In wlik'h we would
like to use It. Hut when we have
money wu are nil upt to wIhIi It Juat a
little more. Who is to but what la the
exact ninount It Is rip li t that weahould
possess? Wishes, tuates, desires, dif
fer. We ourselves do not know what
our limit should be.
With too iiiui'h money ono la likely
to become conceited, to lose sympathy
and be hard hearted and more than
likely regardless of the menus ho takes
to add to his store. If he baa too little
be may lie envious of others, embitter
ed toward society, tempted to dlslum
esty, or there may lie real suffering
for need of what money can buy. No
one, not even the man hi a prison cell,
fun live In any degree of comfort with
out money It If necessary to life.
Yet there are niauy things of greater
value than money, thing! that money
cannot buy. that are necessary to our
welfare. Indue love of money la a
jiolson in the soul, eutliig out what la
of most worth We may pay too high
a price for its acquisition We should
Judge our desire for money by our
jiurposc, our motive In wantiiiK it.
Money Is a power for good or evil, as
we choose to use It Milwaukee Jour
Give Your Imagination Play and Try to
Live Up to Your Oraama.
lan't It true that the only thing which
makes It possible for us to perform the
dully drudgeries of life Is the hope
-for better things which blooms la our
Hope Is romance. Ambition In ro
mance. All the fine, true Inspirations
of life are romantic. Romance leads
to achievement, unless It blossoms in
the mind of a las.v. shiftless creature
who is Incapable of action.
The man who leads a forlorn Impe Is
romantic. The hero who gives his life
fighting dread disease to which he
succumbs, but against which he has
insured humanity. Is romantic. Ro
mance la the thing which makes It
worth while for men to sacrifice ma
terial comforts and die on strange
fields of honor.
In a materialistic world, where we
have to deal with the facts of earning
our living and fighting for place and
position, the thing which lifts us above
blind Instinct la romance. Cherish
your dreams, for they give you a
glimpse of beauty and make you will
ing to struggle over cruel 'mountains
and harsh plains to the pot of gold at
the rainbow's end. Dreams give res
tjlte from dreary reality and urge on
to all that la big and fine.-Kxchange.
When Lafayette Was In Jail.
After our Revolutionary war, while
Lafayette win trying to reach Holland
to escape enemies at home, he was
seized by the Austrian government and
Imprisoned us a dangerotll character
His wife also was Imprisoned ut Purls
during the reign of terror, but suc
ceeded In getting to Vienna and plead
ed with the emperor for her husband's
release. Lafuyette's friends In tills
country did what they could In bis be
half, and finally, on the 25th of August,
1797, he was set at liberty after five
years' confinement In n dungeon. DaT
lug this Imprisonment two American
friends of Lafayette-Krancls K. linger
of Charleston. 8. C and Ir. Kric Roll
man made a during attempt to liber
ate him. for which they both were Im
Hortas Have Quick Eara.
The horse Is really one of the best
listeners in the world. He is always
on the alert for sounds which concern
or interest him. When be looks at any
thing he turns Ids ears toward It to oh.
serve the better whether any sound
conies from it. If a horse Is particu
larly interested In your driving of him
be awajfl turns bis ears backward to
ward you, but if be bus no concern on
that subject or If he sees anything
ahead that Interests him ho keeps his
ears pricked forward. A horse hears
the whinny of another horse at a
greuter distance than the average man
can hear it. lioston Transcript
Vegetable Cutlete.
Try the following recipe on your
"meatless day:" Take equal quantities
of carrots, turnips, pursnips and on
ions and sul'Jclcut potatoes to form
half the mixture. Slice the onions and
brown In u Utile butter. Hull the other
vegetables and le.ip Ihem up finely,
mixing them with the potatoes, which
should be mashed. Season mid add
some chopped parsley. When cold
form into cutlets and fry l:i egg and
breudcrumbs. I xaidon Answers.
The Real Wonder Workera.
"Do you believe In fulrlesi" asked
the sentimentalist.
I'aii'ics!" grunted the practical per
son. "What did they ever do J It took
us human beings to put oer things
like locomotives uud telephones and
electric lights." Washington Blur.
Glaciere Are Brittle.
The substance or a glacier Is brittle,
though solid, mid Its descent down a
valley Is caused by lis constant frac
ture, produced by gravitation mid the
sliding forward of the whole mass
If money Is tho roof of nil evil there
are undoubtedly limes when It Is pos
sible to secure a medicinal extinct
from the root. -Sir llardmau Lever.
Wheat, Barley and Oate.
A bushel of wheal weighs on an av
erage uo pounds, hurley 47 pounds and
Hi's ft) to 40 pounds
Ons Effeotlve Way to Foil the Fllee and
It la a duty to protect the health of
the home and to tight any peril that
may menace It. You may have doubts
or become discouraged when It comes
to cleaning np and keeping so clean
that you won't have flies, or when you
try to keep them down by poisoning
or trapping, but there's one means of
protecting yourself against files that Is
safe and effective. This Is thorough
screening. Doors, windows sml porch
es, upstairs and downstairs, should lie
thoroughly screened In summer for the
comfort of the home and the health of
the family. Mosquitoes are a health
menace us well as files, mid thorough
screening protects ugulusl both.
A few years ago screening was con
slilered almost as InelTecilve as a
means of protecting agulusl tiles as
poisoning, disinfecting and a few fee
Me efforts at ('leaning up. None of
these methods prohibited Hies. They
apparently continued la come In their
usual large number. Lot the trouble
was we did not know how to propel li
use screens. Then only the klt hen
and dining room doors and window
were si rccned, while the doors and
windows of the oilier part of the house
were left unprotected
I-atei we found that not only all the
openings to the bouse must huve
screens In them, but thai they must
fit and lie made so fly light dial no fly
could enter. This was found more ef
feci Ue, But not until the porchea were
screened, particularly the bnck porch,
where most of the food was handled.
did we coma to know the real safety
and comfort that lay behind screened
doors, windows and porches. Ex
What an Infield Deubla Play Maana In
Time and Aotion.
Making first base, though more dra
xnatlc to watch. Is an uneventful ex
pedition compared with the trip to sec
ond. It takea a fast man to negotiate
the Journey In 8 8-ft seconds. N thrown
ball goes over 800 feet, and if a bailed
ball travels beyond the safe limits of a
single throw It must lie relayed by the
fielders. While you are watching the
outfielder scamper after the ball the
relay line la being swiftly formed In
the Infield. There could be no such
quick end accurate ncldlng of deep
outfield hits If the outfielder taking the
ball did not know that behind him was
ranged his line of relays ready to take
the ball the Instant he could turn and
throw It
To make a double p'-ir In the Infield
the shortstop, for example, must Held
u ball flint has been batted about ISA
fcil lie paasas the ball from ten to
twenty live feet to the second base
mm. who must then lurntf it nluetj
feet fO Drl All this while Ihe bntln
Is running ninety feet. U trlik thai, as
'.! hare seen, if take.- n snappy run
Mr to turn In :: 8-fi seconds It's a
close call and a case of uliliing the
fraction of a second. Imt wifh sharp
fielding the margin Is all on the side
of the fielders. The double play Is (he
menace ever threatening the runner ou
Fruit Acids aa Mouth Cleantere.
Unless the teetb are very badly dam
aged or eroded the acids of fruit, such
as that contained hi grapes, oranges,
lemons or apples, will be found to lie a
suisfactory mouth wash. The advice
of a dentist should he sought, how
ever, to determine the condition of the
teeth and to decide whether uu alka
Hue or acid wash Is preferable for the
individual case. Rut there Is no ques
tion, according to the Popular Sclcnco
Monthly, as to Ihe etlb acj of the food
acids in removing quickly and entirely
the mucous films that me the first
stages of dental decay
An apple eaten In the evening will
cleanse the teeth mechanically and
chemically and If followed by vlgoro'is
brushing will protect ihem from bac
teria during the night.
Automatic Cooking Boxes.
Automatic cooking boxes weie In gen
era I use among the Hebrews nearly
2,000 years ago. The (ircok and Ito
man writers frequently refer to them
In his edition of "Juvenile." for exam
pie, Krlcdlander cites a commentator
who refers to "the Jews who a day be
fore the Sabbath put their viands hot
info the cooking Isixes, the pots being
covered with napkins and wrapped
about with buy, so thai they may heve
warm food on the Sabbath."
Hia Sermon.
"I used to worry ubout what I
Into a sermon," suld Ihe minister
"Hut when I found that what people
discussed was mainly the leilgtb of it
I put ubout fifteen minutes iulo it and
let If go ut that." 1oulsvllle Courier
Love is the most powerful of spells
Every other species of sorcery must
yield to It. There Is but one power
against which If Is helpless What Is
fhatV It is not fire: It Is not wafer,
It Is not air; It Is not the earth with ull
Its metals. It Is time, llellie.
Johnson They tell me thai Doblw hi
an awful grumbler Jackson-lie In
Ho Is the kind of fellow who blames
Ills face beiii use It needs tf shave.
I 'ea i son's Weekly.
Just Pat Namaa.
Liabilities are what you can't pay;
assets are what you can't collect
Kvll Is wrought by want of thought
aa well us by want of lieu rt. Hood.
And It Was Nt Upon the Blood Soiled
Field of Battle.
During the first days of (but most
lamentable lonllht that we now know
la the war between file states a little
woman down In South Carolina gave
ber husband uud their four grown sons
to light for Ihe cause that lo her seem
ed Just. She was not belligerent; she
was brave A few years biter a neigh
bur brought her word that all but the
youngest boy had been killed.
At the end or the war tho youngest
boy returned He was a captain and
not a captain merely by courtesy. As
lie rode through the old plantation he
saw lo bis Intense suipllse flint it wu-i
In a fair stale of cultivation and thai
foodstuffs hail taken Ihe place of col
ton He had expected lo find those
broad m lei lllled uilh weeds and
hrin is. As soon as he laid proudly
greeted his umt her and been In luiu
proudly greeted by her he spoke of this
"Thut was my part," she told him
"You couldn't fight without having
something to eat. could you?"
It wss then Hint he noted (he marks
of toll on her hands, anil he knew Hint
the faithful old negroes had not done
all tho hard work. He brought his
heels together In the military fashion
and lifted his hand to the rim of his hut
"Mother," he said not 'ory steadily,
"I salute you, the greatest soldier of us
all." Hapeliurg iJcbo.
Ilea Your Sense ef Humor Whan Die
treaaing Sltuatlena Ariae.
Humor proves to be the saving clause
of many a distressing situation The
trouble with most of us is tbst we
take our tronblra altogether too se
rlously. We fall to see the funny side
of things thst for the moment concern
os, even though we are quick to grasp
It when we are mere onlookers
In the face ef gathered clouds that
seem to shut out the sunshine forever
It is not a I. rid idea to remind ourselves
that this old mother eurth has been
revolving on her axis for countless
ages, thst generations of men have
come nnd gone for thousands of years
and flint Ihe march of human progress
has gone right along in the forwurd
ill reel Ion despite what seemed to Is?
occasional setbacks.
"Ijitigli and the wnrld laughs with
you." There Is humor In nearly every
situation If wo can only see It from
the right angle. Those of us who try
to smile In adversity snd think how
much more laughable It would be If
conditions were reversed at least feel
less uncomfortable over It and take
pleasure In looking forward to the
Hint! when the shoe will be on the olh
er fool. Omaha Ree
The Drum of the Ear.
The reason dent leople cannot hear Is
dial Ihe drum of the ear Is imperfect
or has been dcsiro.ved. Sound i, llotll
iug but the vibrations of Ihe air acting
on the drum of the ear When people
arc quite deaf It Is because Ilia ear
drum will not respond to these I bra
llous. but they can still led these vlbra
lions even If they i.innol hear tin m
When a number of deaf mutes are sit
ting In a room together uud one wishes
to attract (lie utteiiflon of another he
strikes bis In-el ou the tlisir, and everv
one In Ihe room feels the vibration ami
looks around to see who culled III the
large asylums for Hie deaf ind dumb
the doors ale hung very loosely, so thai
If you shake ihem ll sets up a titration
like lumping ou the Moor, and thai Is
Hie way (hey wake up deuf people that
sleep loo lata In the morning.
Ethar and Malta,-.
The dell! matter Is more or icmh
porous Uoid will absorb uiciciiry us u
lump of strain will absorb watOT, show
Itlg there must le Interstices or Inter
atomic spaces lii II. hut Ihe ether shnu s
no such propel'l, If a dlop of unlet
could he magnified sufficiently out
would Ull llliulelv see the dilTcleut lit
otns of hydrogen nnd ox gen tluil con
itll ute the inolei ules of wuler If a
inn 1 1 volume of ether could be thus
magnified die Indications are Umt the
ultimate pun would look Kka the Drat.
which l the Mime us saving Unit it is
urll umde up of discrete out Ides. Imt
BUa apace) completely, TW is expressed
by say In a that the ether is a eon tin o
ohm medium nnd incouipunilile with
Hinder. Kxcliaiigc
Safety Firot.
I whs returning home Ihe other eve
Ding about U:8il o'clock when I saw
Tommy, uij uelgbln r's boy, playing
Willi a crowd "!' other hoys I litiew
tluil his lumii.v always Uud supper al i
o'clock .-! i . 1 1 j . so I siiid. 'I'll in-! you r,
en Is voii II miss your suppe r, Tom in y '
He grinned up ill me saucily nnd rt
piled "Then you lose your lsi, 'cause
I gO Ihe (Imps right lure with me
Mil sent mi' for em ut u'eloi It."
t ei. iiod, ' Mugaxiue,
Too Mean a Trick.
"See here; I wrote uud naked )
When oii were glllllfl to p:i Unit old
aCCOUUI umt oieii im Inscd U : lump, lull
vou ne er ansa en il
"My dear sir. a'nuldu i u have been
menu nil l to use jour own stump to
disappoint you'"
A Warning.
"Ilon't he too reudy lo handy wll
wllh ii chemist."
"Wli v not wllh ii chemist?"
"llci'iiuse he iilwuys litis a ready re
tort." Hull I more American.
Poataga Stampa,
There lire ut Ihe present lime over
21,000 vaifetlaa of postage stumps In
circulation throughout the world.
Let grutltude for the past inspire us
fi,iii, (rot for i lie future- 1'Vnelon
SHE uiu
Food the Soldier lata When Hie Regu
lar Supply Falls.
Of the emergency ratlona of the
fighters of the world the most ostenta
tious Is Uncle Sam's ration of com
pressed maize meal with meat, farina
snd three chocolate bars. Tbla ration
Is deficient In fats for the very good
reason flint, even though hermetically
sealed. It would become rancid if It
carried any more faL It Is not there
fore a balanced ration, but the con
tainer holda enough actual food to keep
a soldier from starving for tweuty-four
The Rrlilsh troops as well as the
Dutch have a sausage made of ground
pens highly suited, reported to have
been originated by the Hcotch and
which Is put up In regular sausage
skins. It Is said to be the most sus
tabling emergency ration known.
The Ituliun biiller ball Is Interesting
because of the perfect preservation of
It vailed holler w II Ion the dry
cheese cm elope. The compressed tub
lets of tea make It possible for one to
eat his ten If water Is not available,
the Russians getting what they call a
dry cup of leu by slipping a tablet of
compressed lea into the mouth and al
lowing It to dissolve slowly. All sorts
of meat and fish are dried In sheets
and strip" and hunks by ihe vurloiis
ami lea.
Those are not the foods, however,
upon which armies' live, but the emer
gency rations upon which the soldier
depends when tho regular ratlona fall.
-Christian Herald.
lamall Paaha Didn't Want te Take Any
Painful Chancee.
Te Illustrate oriental habits of
thought Lord Cromer tells In the Quar
terly Review this story of Ismail Pasha.
khedlvn of f'gypt. It once happened
, that Ismail was suffering from tooth
ache. He Kent for a European dentist,
; who told him that he ought to have the
' tooth eut. Ismsll said that be
afraid It would be very painful
was Informed In reply that If he would
allow the dentist to administer Isugh
, tug gas to him he would feel nothing.
; He still doubted, but told the dentist
to bring bis apparatus to the palace.
The dentist compiled and explained
the process to tbe kbedlve. Ismail then
summoned an attendant and told him
to send up tbe sentry who was at his
When the man arrived tbe kbedlve
ordered him to sit down in a chair and
requested tbe dentist to take out a
tooth on cither sldo of his Jaw. Ismail
(hen asked tho man whether he had
felt anything, and the man told hlui
that be had not. Rut Ismail was not
yet satisfied. He said Hint the sentry
was a young, strong man and that he
i Would like to see Ihe experiment tried
on some one of weaker physique.
Accordingly he summoned u slave
girl and had the dentist cMrnct two of
her teeth. Finding that she did not
show evidence of extreme suffering, he
then consented to have his owu tooth
About the Puritan.
In tbe American Magazine William
Boscoe Thayer says:
"It la the fasblou of late to speak
condescendingly of tbe i'urltans as of
a people of narrow views and of men
of sour temperament, but uo descend
ant of theirs and no later Immigrant
who now dwells in the commonwealth
they founded and enjoys the blessings
which it bestows upon us will fall to
glory in being able to trace back to
aucb forerunners. The story of the
conditions which faced the passengers
of the Mayflower when they landed at
Plymouth can never bo too ofteu re
peated. To have as founders of our
state men and women who 'had the
fear of Uod In their hearts, hut feared
the face of uo man,' ranks us the Ini
tial glory of Massachusetts."
Simplest of Camanta.
Condensed milk applied to tbe ednes
of the pieces of broken china will keep
the article aa Intact as the majority of
cements on tho market today, writes
Edwin W. Ely in letter to tbe lOlec
trlcal Experimenter. Mr. Ely adds
that he baa mended saucers that have
Withstood wnshlugs In hot water ami
has mended a telescope lens of fairly
large else with this uuiipie cement.
Cheeking a Skid.
When you ure driving uu automobile
and it begins to skid the sklddluu will
bo Checked if you will Immediately
turn the steering wheel hi tho direc
tion you are skidding. A cur skids
when there is a momentum leading to
turn It about the Pen lei of gravity
When the forces about the center of
gravity ure balunccd the cur will not
bkld. Aiueiii uu Hoy.
Lead Filled Inaerlptlona.
In Job xlx, ill, Is an allusion to th,
use of lead to fill carved inscriptions
upon stone by pouring the molten lead
luto the cavities of the ledera to ten
der them leglhlu and at I he same time
to preserve them from tho action of
the weather.
Domaatlo Joya.
Mrs. Crahshaw-I might have mar
rted thut man who became a million
aire. Crabahaw I'orget It, my deer
If he'd married you he would be as
poor aa I am." Lumb.
"Whut a wonderful sunset!"
"Yes. It actually seems to be try
ing to look like some of tho pictures In
the art atore." Washington Star.
Courage consists not in blindly over
looking danger, but In seeing It and
conquering It-ltlchter.
Help forge an fcNULcaa
CHAIN of Home Trade
.. . .. .-..rv. vn
The dollar spent with the "
He uses the dollar to pay rent.
To pay taxes. To pay wages.
A dollar sent ont of town re
moves it from circulation.
Make your dollar A LINK in
the home trade CHAIN.
We are ready at all times to serve meals to your
order, from the full course dinner to the Most "conser
vative" of lunches.
Can supply you with "wheatless" or "meatless"
meals at your pleasure and either will be appetising
and nourishing.
Mace's Restaurant
crane;state bank
Wish to thnnk tl pnhlib for the
jiati'onnr' they have pi veil im
since opening fi" businras, and
wishing all a prosperous new year.
We Pay Iatereet on Time Depoalia
J. R. WEAVER,Cashier
3twA (?oACA
Loav WuVtruA-vv lou arvu
iuma tri tWjWMMtf .
lot caamIom, MAxaa,
Kro4ufcs et CakoXcKLl.
. toAvd. vtvdi r trio
LuaaaItU owvcl -oeAvvoc.
Vwwxu Colrtaae:
$1500 Reward!
I ho OraaOBi I'al
Ifernfsaml Nevada
I IM- .-lol k I1. l,i ,
lieu linn union ot
jj ( "'' '' ""' under-
V ,niui it. member,
will him' 11,0110 no
rrwnril for evl-
.. Si In i- In- In
1 4 II S mi n m mid ooii-
k ' Vllillltli ..I ,,. ,...
... ...... ... ,.,,., ',l,
I J 01 luuHeii IMal-
II V hm .in. ruin
Or in iiir., I i'Iiiiiu iiik
to any of In mem
In addition totha above, the BlSfslsaSlI
A V 1C
oner ws lne coliilll j tMie.oU fr n l,rK.,
brum led sores shod baron both or either )w.
brand lecouled li, th, roam In, lungv
llariie), UJM laud Crook Hon,.-,
tenttriwhen eolrl.
None but grown horsee told and only In
lart i n in lien,
W. W. BROWN rile Oresoa.
If Mary's little lamb continues
grow in ravor and rinandal Vaai
It Is destined to seriously InlcrfaJ
with the activities of the mourn
cur. The country is already lonkid
T - askance at the matter.
cm. House may not have ,or
much talking while In Bttrope, ,t
from the results of his visit he m
have bad a spokesman who cog
talk soma.
Chicago has been looted of i r,aj
000 during the past year by roblxfl
The reason the figures are so low
that the estimate noesn I include tfl
activities of tho food profiteer
WHEN building or
repairing don't neg
lect the opportunity for a
Beaver Board ceiling.
Whether in a home, a store
or public building it's the one
ceiling that combines durability,
attractiveness and economy.
Beaver Board takes the place of
lath, plaster, metal and wood
on walls or ceilings anywhere.
Burns Hardware Company
T9-- ST3-
Mt. Popccatapetl and Villa
bidding for notice In Mexico. We
betting our coin on the volcano
An approved
notice on cloth
legal form trei-ps
for sale at this
Baai MAGAZINE mmmi
360 ARTICLlS ' 36dTLlJSTRAl iC
1 5c a copy
At Voor Newedealer
Yeerl Subscription $1.50
Senaf for our nmu fr cat
alog of mutianical book$
Popular Mechanics Megaz'-ni
North Michigan Avenue, Chi
JK 1