The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 12, 1918, Image 4

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    Btte &imcs-$iciaCd
Ob. Yrar
Sb Mwth. ...
IWm Moathi
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The consumer already knows the
product tiiroiiKii Nw eovertietBe, and
DM Only " specify the brand n.iine
uiicii ordering, which can in- dona
ns well by telephone ii" by n Berson
ill visit to (lie store,
Consider the uilviiiitnKi' to the
It menus that the work of putting
up order may be distributed more
evenly through the day. It mean
that It 1b not necessary to have Idle
clerks during a large part of the day
In order to have enough for the rush
hours which are always a feature of
the ordinary grocery store. It means
thut these rush hours an well ns the
hlh' hours nre abolished to a large
elent. It nieaiiH fewer clerks are
In sbort, the hitmllliiK of adver
' two of ihe most noted lectnrei i In
the educational world. Dr. Klclinrd
1 Barton, Head ef the English Depart
I inent nf (he I'nlversllv of Minn;
delivered two addresses hefore the
Kcnernl assembly, on "The I-llcrii
ture of the Great War," and the
other on "The Hoclal and Kducatlon
al Significance of the Theatre. " Dr.
Burton Is considered one of the most
eloquent and scholarly educators In
the United States. The second speak
er Professor Frank M. Leavltt, of the
University of Chicago. Professor
Leavltt Is one of the foremost auth
orities In the field of industrial edu
cation, and largely responsible for
the movement which cullmated In
the Smith Hughes Law. His message
was of particular Interest to the
teachers of Oregon, as the Federal
Used brand! ol tOOd product! moans BOMd has Just approved the plans of
simplified telling filling ORDERS
with troll known and acceptable mer
chandise Instead Of high pressure
It Is a matter of ECONOMY for
the dealer to handle extensively ad
vertised brands. Kspcclally Is this
ao in food products.
Kconomy of time results from
what we have called CONSUMER
ACCEPTANCE or the willingness of
the consumer to accept advertised
( Ity School Supt. Clark.)
In attempting to name the lnsluc
tlve things I heard while attending
the Oregon Stale Teachers Associa
tion, would like to mention first the
sermon delivered by Rev. John II.
Boyd, pastor of the First 1'resbyter-
Snpt of I'libllc Instruction, J. A.
Churchill, Chairman of the Stale
Vocal lonal Hoard for carrying out
the provisions of the Smith-Hugh''
Law, This means that Oregon will
receive gtfi.OOO tills year, from Ihe
Federal Oovornment for Vocational
The first day of the meeting was
taken up I Ihe session of the liepre
tentative Council; there were 114
delegates present. Every County In
the State and every local teachers
Association was represented. The
You enter the gtore. The clerks are all buey, as most of them are in Burns
nowadays. You wait. There are things to look at, perhaps a friend to
greet. Time passes swiftly while you wait for those ahead to be served. You
do not demand that the clerks drop everything instantly to wait on you. You
expect to await your turn. It is customary.
Are you as patient while waiting your turn at
the Telephone as you are while waiting it in the
store? As patient as you are while you wait
for the street car, or while you stand in line at
the ticket window? Are you? Think it over.
J. E. Weston, Secy. & Gen. Mgr.
Ian Church on the "I'nmasklng of I Council received reports of standing
Otrmany" it proved so popular that
he was forced to give it over and
over during the weak. It was print-
products without question. In as e(1 '" " Sunday Oregonlan Dee. 23rd
is also on sale at J. K. Ollls. Portland
The musical concert which took plana
on the sans day, in the Auditorium,
was considered the best Portland had
ever produced along that line, one
thing thai phased the people from
Burns who were present, was the
pleasure of hearing Oeorge Wither
Reed, again, in "For He Is I. Ike A
Refiners Fire," also In "Comfort
To." The rendition of the "Messiah"
eras traditional, the orchestra played
wiih tin,' effect it win long be
remembered bj man)
The town as alive wilh Midlers
. end sailors, iionie jtor lbs bollda) .
and ere were fortunate in seeing
many of our n Harnej Count)
Boys, they were ail looking well ami
sent many tokens oi rememberanoei
to the home folks.
The L'Tlh brought the Opening of
the u tliiK Supt. George A. Itrlscoe
ProeidMt Of the State Teachers
Association, secured for the meeting
busy a place as the ordinary grocery
store this Is a factor of decided im
portance. A very definite way in which this
principle of consumer acceptance re
sults In economy for the grocer Is
by increasing the amount of business
done by telephone. In many gTO
ceries which feature advertised
brands, as much as 7fi p"r cent or NO
per cent of their total business is
done by telephone,
This huge percentage Is possible
ONLY in , ,ms, these store handle
the product which people have come
to know through the sdvertlsing,
People i in ask for the product
by the brand-name the ADVER
TI8BD name ami know just what
thO) will receive.
It is not necessary to no to Ihe
store to see the article and receive
the .salesman's assurance that it Is
a quality product.
committees which had been at work
during the past year. One of the
most important reports was from the
committee on "Thrift" Campaign.
OWlag to the fact that Secretary Mc
Adoo Is asking all the schools to Join
him In the work. The Council
adopted resolutions, elected officers
and transacted all of the business of
the Association. Dr. Sheldon of tile
University of Oregon was elected
president for the coming year. Under
the reorganised constitution which
went Into effect one vear iiko. Hie
State Teachers Association has conn
to he one of the most Important con
ventions held in Oregon. By Ihe
speakers from abroad the newest and
boat from the educational world are
brought i". tiie teachers of Oregon
and through the work ol the varloui
depart m nl i b) round table discu
ion ami resolutions, policies were
dopted for sdvanclng the work of
the public schools for the current
year it is estimated thai nol less
than 1000 teachers from over the
state were iii attendance at the meet
In closing I want to mention the
splendid lectures given by Prof. Fos
ter of Reed College, who has I n
abroad in Fngland, Belgium and
France studying the conditions there.
As I was acting on the committee
of n- education of soldiers his talk
was of greut Interest to me.
Hotel Hass
Your Money Talks
WE'VE a wonderful line of Bargains for the Mini with the Dollars. Dol
lars are what we especially need right now. and in order to change
tlifiii from your pocket ts ours, we are going to offer to the people of
this community some of the most stupendous values they have ever seen in
our entire line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Men's Furnishings and Notions
This is no loom-end sale, or iale of seconds It's Just a determination
on our ptirt to turn .some of our large stock into quick money. To lo this we
are willing for a .short time to make QUICK PRICES.
You all know our stock its high quality and general excellence All
our regular lines are included in this pusbout sale, nothing reserved and NO
need money, must have money, and are going to sell these goods if PRICE
is sn inducement ,
Come Now! It will pay you!
Every Saturday Grocery Special
Hall to the Pinto Mean! With all
Its gay colors It lias been somewhat
overlooked, despite the fact that it i
two or three cents ier pound lower
In price than the better known while
bean, and epertH now announce that
i it ! also a more "beany" bean, yield
ing more food VeiUS to tin- i ,ni,iiii,, r
than the more familiar varlstl
i felling sttenl Ion to bean i
uh t.t ute for mi si t :. Unlti d
State Food Administration mentions
the comparative cbeapue and excel
lence of the rsrletj Known as the
Pinto or speckled lean, srhich is
! grown in tremendous quantities la
Colorado, Kansas end New Mi
ami to a lesser extent in practically
all parts of the United States Knn-
where tbsae colored beans sell at
figures substantially under those for
white beans, and according to experts
they contain about five percent less
water than the familiar navy beans.
Srhich are now In the luxury class.
Incidentally, since the i'lnto Mean
IS being extensively used In both
Army and Navy, the less nutritious
ami more expensive white bean in in
danger of losing its distinction as
the "navy" bean.
In a recent bulletin, the Food Ad
ministration announces that in cases
where retailers do nol handle the J
i'lntos persons desiring to try them
are asked to write to the Hi an ln
islon of the I'nlted States Food Ad
ministration at Washington I). ('.,
whli b will t nriii h names of shippers
and other Information regarding the
raising ami drying of these beans.
Phone W-97
Opposite Br r ns Garage
January 3rd
and newly furnished
Every convenience
possible for the public.
Dining room in connection
It will be
our aim to give you
Home Dinner.'
"A Real
Distance From Hotel Hass to
Andrews 111 miles Lasreu 14 miles
Brookings Station , .", l.ukewu 1 10
Bead 147 " Malheur lave . 60
Heulali N." " Narrows :;.".
Blitsen .v. " 00 Ranch .10
Bookie So " Princeton 37 Vista Itauch 4.'! " IMusli 100
Crass) II " P Itauch 05
(allow -.:, Riverside 75
Canyon City "1 " Itlley 30
Denlo It! " Hageview 85
Ilrewsey f.O " Voltage 34
Harney " Vale 135
John Day 75 " Wuverly 38
J mi! lira 75 Westfall 100
fiz""- -;
A Sahie dispatch in a recent is-,
sue of the Cortland Journal states'
that the state has been successful in
the prosecution of F. A. Hyde land
fraud cases in the supreme court and
that in each case the court found for
the state.
The dispatch says in connection
with this decisien:
"Decision of the supreme court Is
a great victory for the slate and Tor
Attorney Oeneral Brown who took
up vigorous prosecution of Hyde
cases after his predecessor, Atlor
nev General Crawford, bad let them
drag in the courts for years In sidle
of the efforts of former (iovcrnor
West, who caused the suits to lie in
stituted in the first place, to have
them pushed to final determination
"This decision Is also ex ted to
have Important hearing on Paclfli
Livestock Company casus, which are
of similar nature, ami are now pend
ing in courts. It Is expected lo QUiel
for a time all efforts lhat have heen
made In the past by liovi rnor With)
combe and Btate Treasurer Kay to
have these cases dropped."
The Tines iietaid is Informed by
RSI W. I.. Wilson that next Wednes
day, Jan. Iti, h the annual roll call
at the llaptist Church. It will begin
...ll. . mm . .
mi. a sermon at 1U o'clock a. in., by
Ihe pastor ami there will he dinner
served at noon with a social time
following during the iilternoon. All
friends of the church ure welcome
and it Is hoped that people will avail
themselves of the invitation.
All kinds of sewing at reasonable
prices. Mrs. i.ema 1'erry, residence
west pun o town.
Sunday, January 20th,
Mary Dooot, a uirl of the slums, enlists as a war
niirsi', ami goea to the front. When the hospital in which
ghe is working li bombarded, Mary stays behind. After
tin' aWack she finds the body of Ethel Wardley, an English
girl, In the building. Ethel was on her way to live with an
aunt she hid never aeen. Mary, thinking Ethel dead,
ehingea clothing with her and taking her luggage, proceeds
to the home of Lady Clifford where she is cordially received
and lives happily until her deception is discovered.