The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 12, 1918, Image 2

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Strawberries In almost continuous
upply I'rniii early summer until
frost occurs art- now a possibility for
truckers and home gardeners In the
Northern Stated. "Everbearing"
varieties developed by growers In re
vent years from long-fruiting plants
of short reason types and from hy
brids havo passed a successful trial
period, and now recommended by
specialists of the United States De
partment of Agriculture for planting.
The best varieties and culture prac
tices somewhut different from the
culture of common strawberries
are described In a publication which
haH Just appeared from the Depart
ment of Agriculture, Farmers' Ilul-
letln 001, "Kverbcarlng Strawber
ries." Iteslstiint to IHsra-c
llesldes their long fruiting stason,
some of the new varieties are very
hardy and resistant to disease. The
southern boundury of the territory
in which the everbeurlng types can
lie grown most successfully Is de.icrl
bed by the specialists as the northern
part-t of Virginia, Kentucky, Arkan
sas, and Kansas. South of these Urn
Its points may be found where they
will grow with some degree of suc
cess, it is said, but they are not defi
nitely known to thrive there.
The two leading varieties of
the everbearing types are the
Progressive and the Suberb. The
progressive has been found to with
stand the winters of the Middle West
better than most other varieties ex
cept the Dunlup, one of its parents.
The Superb also Is hardier than most
of hogs especially declined, due to
the fact that the heavy feeders have
been practically exhausted and the
lighter animals are being pushed
onto the market.
At a meeting of food administra
tors of a number of states recently
was the unanimous decision, after
surveying the situation carefully,
that a concerted effort must be made
to Increase the breeding hogs and
cattle, and each state represented In
the conference was given Its per cent
of Increase to be attained.
But It Is right at this point that
the difficulty Is encountered. The
high prices have not only caused tho
immature animals to be sacrificed
hut thousands of valuable females
have also been slaughtered which
should have been kept on tho farms.
There Is not a particle of doubt that
the country Is alarmingly short of
There Is but one remedy. No
owner of hogs or cattle should sell
or kill females capable of reproiluc
lug their kind. This should be made
an Iron-clad rule on the farms and
randies of this country for some
time to come. Certain It is that If
the past, or even the present rate
of consumption of females Is con
tinued for another twelve months,
the country will face something lit
sn i i; CREEK ITKMH.
Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Johnson left
last Sunday December :I0, for south
ern California, where they go to
spend the winter, Mr. and Mrs. John
son formerly lived In California, they
are going to Sail Joquln Valley where
they were married 45 years ago. Mr.
Johnson says the sun shines 36S days
out of the year there. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dibble took them out to Henri.
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Cain went as far
as Portland with Mr. and Mrs. John
son, from there they will go on to
Walla Walla to look after propertey
In that place.
There will be a dance at the Silver
(reek Orange Mall January 1 Sth for
the benefit of the ltd Crnss, and all
tho money taken u will go to the
lied Cross. Come one and all.
Kveryonc Is welcome.
Help Put This !
Town on a
u .
P" -a
The creamery at drove City, Pu..
operated under the management of
the Dairy Division, Ilureau of Animal
industry, t'nlted States Department
of Agriculture, Is cited In the bu
reau's annual report as an excellent
example of the Influence that a well
managed creamery has upon a loca
llty. When it was opened. In 1915.
it had only 64 patrons the first
n li
The success of the home mcr- ;.
A chant meant the SUCCESS OF J
tin . I i ..I ....... t i .. .i . ; .. ..
We are a meal-eating race. Rut " 1,u'1 om1' C4 patrons the first , ; ! VVfl
meat must be grown, and tho animals ! mo,,,n- but ut t,le ,',om' r u,e l8"t j ! The succeii of the town means i
must have dams. Tho only way to ru '' VP"r ,l ,,a(1 67B "". T& j yOUR SUCCESS
Insure tho supply is to conserve tho
Of your past co-operation and friendship
we extend to you the heartiest greetings
of the seasou and wish you a year of
health, wealth and happiness.
I. S. GEER & CO.
females. This will havo to be done,
even at the risk of even higher
prices Hutu now prevail.
And as prices now range, this will
the products Included 139,585 pounds
of cottage cheese, 1, 504,025 pounds
blooms are killed by the frost they l nue, as all will see If they will look ,f ' '""'"used "klm nillk, and 5.441
varieties of strawberries. A remark- , will be no sacrifice to the farmers
able characteristic of both Is that if I but rather a source of greater rove-
whom .178,000 pounds of bulterfat
were purchased during the year at a T
price well above that generally pre
vailing. In addition to the maun
facture of 425,084 pounds of butter.'
f Why Not Trade at Home j
and Help Along the 1
Town You Live In ?
.). .( .(. .;
soon flower again This character i at the matter In the right Unlit.
makes them especially valuable for
sections subject to late spring frosts.
Which often destroy the crop in ordi
nary sorts.
Hear I Villi Almost Continuously
It ut explained that the new ever
1 uiiiK ail-. Which are sometimes
confused with other varieties show
pounds of casein.
The week's opening market was
onfroiiled by .u somewhat heavier
..tiering than we have hsd for some grsgatim IMJs a.res. and water
" "" " week! put, and all conditions seem "l'l'" r .. municipaniii s. wiui mi
tig abnormal behavior, differ in that . . . . .... .estimated i osl tolullnir "I4 HH7 (III
to be about normal I here were """' ' minium t.ji.nm.uii
ahoiil ::uti0 hogs and hall as in-iny , w,'r'' I"'"" 'I bj Stale Kngine. r John
cattle in the yards for Monday morn " I','wi" ''"ring the lift quarter of
The difference between the Kus-
WATBR PERMITS IHSl i:i. slan and Herman views of peace was
that while Russia desired peine with
101 permits to appropriate wati r Hcrmany. the latter wanted peaceful
and 9 penults to construct reservoirs, possession of litissla. Such a little
Including the irrigation of land eg
For Sweets and Meats
And Everything for Eats
Barns, Oregon
We carry goods advertised on the "1101116 Products lag"
they bear fruit under favorable con
dition! more or less continuously
iroin the season of the ordinary vari
eties until frost. Certain varieties
Of the everbearing type which have
been set for a year bear a fair crop
during the regular strawberry sea
son. Kor the period Immediately
after this early summer crop the
amount of fruit obtained Is small. In
August, September, and October It
becomes larger, and under favorable
conditions the late summer and au
tumn yield may eiiual or exceed lin
early summer, crop. They are not
well adapted to sections having long
droughts except when Irrigation can
bo supplied.
Plants of the everbearing varieties
should be set at the same time as
those of other varieties as soon as
difference to mar the harmony!
A preliminary estimate of tho pro
duction of metals from Oregon mines
Inn's market. It seem, d In the open- ,n ' ' J '
IliK that there was a chance for a :,'" permits were Issued to liar
break in the hog market ami the '"'' 'ounty and were secured by the In 1 HI 7. compiled by Charles tl. Yale,
cattle market seemed to be about following parties of the Sail Francisco offices of the
16 to cents low on the good end.1 ' '"' ''"' '"',' Livestock Co., of Hums I'nlted States. Geological Survey,
with 20 to 30 cents low on medium ,)','gon, to Irrigate eighty-one acres shows a material decrease from that
J. J. Donegan, Pre.
Achie McGowin, Vica-Pret.
C. N. Jams-son, Secy.
J. E. Loggan, Treat.
Fire Insurance
and thin stuff. There were heavy
demands. However, and a large mini
from Indian Creek To August Mill- of tilt. The output of gold In 191B
ler of Drewsey to Irrigate five acres valued at 1152,223, and the estlmat-
ber of buyers in the yards, so that ,ro, iwaineur mver. TO James lv a output in ivw is llo.iiSJ ounces,
the days trading developed a strong-' "ounsevcllc. of Denio to Irrigate 520 was $ 1,1,02.149, and the estimated
er market In both the hog and cattle ' Brr,'K ,ro" Cottonwood Creek. To output in 1917 Is $1,466,419, a de-
sei tions than was Indicated In the Bruanhllds i. Bathrich to irrigate orsass of $4:16. 760. The output of
early hours of trading. The after- lwo hundred acres from I'ueblo silver In 1916 was 111,141 ounces,
noon trading seemed to be Just about' sloUKM T,) M" v ,1IIIh lo Irrigate The output of copper In 1916 was
'seven acres from mdr hliori nu Hnrinirs a decrease of 1 l.'.iit., ounces in
109 quantity, and of $58,064 in value,
To :i. 501. 886 pounds, valued at $881.-
Mr. Land Owner How is the title
to your land: Do you know? In
quire of us and find out
steady In the cattle section, with
everything moving promptly, and the To Mu'e I RiSS ,0 Irrigate
last half of the trading in the hog I ' ,rom ,,IH !" "Iver
market was done on a basis of add-' v,'vu "t'vsi" of Hums to Irrlgato 144. ami the e.timnied output
ed strength One load of hogs cross-1 thirty-five acres from I'olsou creek
1917 Is pounds, valued at
se of 1,99:1.247
nd of $470,785
the o'leiinL- brouirlii ir. HO wlilln ! "nl.v two permits were Issued to in value. A small Quantity of lead
rather small fruit, agree that a more, on(y a few 8(raKKhig i(oorly fliiU1)t(1 I KaU -ouly , appropriate Oregon was produced In IfllC. but no pro-
the ground is in coudition in the ,.,,,,,.H at 16 7f) everal lMU ' The total estima ost of these pro- $410,349. a decreas
fPrtn. Growers of the Progressive , a( , 156(. bufc of ) j,ts Is $1,900.00 pounds in quantity a
and A niiTii u n varieties, which have
fertile soil is required for them than
tl'nr the ordinary sorts, in order to In
crease their size. Another reason
for the need of a fertile soil Is that
this type of strawberry requires a
larger supply of moisture than do
the sorts which produce only plant
growth after the early summer fruit
If an object Is needed to show In
hat light Germany regards neutral
nations, and to verify her estimate
of a treaty as a "scrap of paper" the
fate of Norway Is ample for the pur
pose. That nation, although adher
ing scrupulously to a policy of neu
trality, has lost hundreds of ships
by German submarines and mines,
and not less than 5,000 lives with
l hem. No one of the allied conn
Ties' navies have suffered lo the ex
tent thai Norwegian shipping has
j offerings went dowu as low as 15.40
1 .li.! I . .11 Wn am li.u.lni, ,1...
...... ....... , . . U , , U , , , , fy l.l.T
quotations as given In the previous
sales, but the market at this writing
semis to be topping those quota
tions. In the cattle department, (he hulk
of the good steers went at 10 cents.
They were not equal, however, in
waters. These were secured by J. ductlon of thl metal has been re
W. Nelson of Summer Lake to Irrl- , ported fir 1917.
gate six-hundred acres from Ana There ate about a hundred pro
Itlver. and C K. Sherlock of Lake- ductlve mines In Oregon, and al- !
view to Irrigate one hundred fifty- though two-thirds of them are placer j
rive acres from I nomas creeK. The mines, tne larger part ot me output
estimate cost of these projects ag- , of gold comes from, tbse deep mines,
gregate $5,000.00 ami. of course, virtually all the out
In Klamath County only two par- put of the other metals. There were
Brown 9s Satisfactory Store
Walk Over Shoes
Stetson Hats
Bon Ton Corsets
quality to the steers which brought "l'h settrad permits for Irrigation no Important discoveries In any of
10.25 a week ago, and there were I These were A. A. Liskey of Midland ; the mining districts of Oregon in
no top steers offered in today's mar- lo Irrigate two hundred acres from I 1917, and no great Increase In the
ket. We figure the cattle market ' ''ow,'r Klamath marsh, and It. ('.'output of any of the more prod tie
steady to 15 cents lower at the close ' 8,,ort of Klamath Kails, to irrigate live properties. The entire output
of Moudav's trading. The best cows ! M,x hundred ucres from Meadow and of ore from all tlm dp mines eoiu
iu the lot while tirobablv not equal i Hwa" ''ttl,'K These projects will be blued does not exceed 160.000 tons.
most of llie placer mines are worked
by the hydraulic system, but the I
j three dredges now In use product-1
fur more gold Hum all the other
Col. Lewis alleges the OT- PlSOOr operations combined. The!
lid other
to those that brought the besl prices recte, at an estimated osl of $2
We carry k.m.iIs .nlvrrt on the "Home I'rodiacKs Page"
Kor some time now It has been ap
parent to those who have given the
matter thought, that the country Is
threatened with an alarming short
age In live stock especially meat
' iiodiii me. animals, though horses
aud mules are ulso allowing a short
When the war In Kuropc first be
gan, It was suggested by our agri
cultural department that our farm
er and stock raisers devote greater
last week, sold for 7.60, but the
bulk of choice cows sold at Tan
Feeder stuff wui somewhat eased
off in price, with a limited demand,
and canners and the poorer quality
of killliiK stuff suffered on an aver
age for the days trading about 20 to
If, as
ilnanee equipment of I'ershlns army largest output of Kold
is "an outrage sad a disgrace," some
hotly .- 1 1 1 1 III be made to Hulk the
The following quotations ! Plunk. If an atom of personal feel-
IB cents
were based on I lie morning's trade
and are not up to what the after
noon's market would warrant: Cat
tle Med. to choice steers, 9.75-10.25
Good to Med. Steers, 8.60-9.50;
Ing has been permittid to iiiterlere
with the protection of these men, tho
guilty parties should feel the aveng
ing power of an outraged people.
"Personal feelings" can have no
Com. to Good Steers, 7.00-8.40: Can- Place In the war program, and tho
metals in 1917 came, as usual, from
Maker County, which prodtites an
iiuallv about IMl per cent of all the
gold mined In the State. Jostphtne
County Is next in product ion.
party "tictimhcrcd with them should
be relegated In the hindmost seat In
private life, if not to some place
more secluded still.
ners. :i. 00-5. 25; Hulls, 4.50-6.76;
Calves, , mi in mi, Blockers and
Feeders, 6.00-8.00. Hogs -Prime
Heavy, ir,.r,o-i5-ii5; ligs. 11.10
14.:.0; Hulk, lr.50.
There were no sheep offeretl to lest
thai section of the market, and We prominent editor ol the conn
are quoting at steady, the following try is out uilh li long editorial pur
--i I....... ...... i .....i. it mi i" r.n .......i ,. i... .i.-.i.. .., ii.., ..
attention to Increasing the number J I"1"'" c,c,., urn pvrwu. .... ,. . .... ..
Valley lanins, I i.uti-1 .i.uu i eat man- nature. linn etiiior it eituer a
Cor Miller and C. Sta.
Sunday High Mass at 10:!t0 o'clock
Week days Mass ut 7 o'clock.
Instructions for children Satur
days sit $ A. M.
Rev Father Francis. O. F. M.
The Brunswick Phonograph
at The
Come in and see theni and hear
their beautiful violin like tone
They play any Disc Record made
The price is within the reach of all
On display and being demonstrated at the
Of meal animals. Il was pointed out
that the large foreign demand
would make great Inrouds on our
..upply. This was the result but not
.ill the result. The stimulated IS
luand caused prices to soar to ub
normal figures. These prices In turn
. aused ull who had stock to push
them onto the market at tho earliest
iniiiiieiil. with the result that thou
sands or head of stock went to the
hatchers when It should have been
kept on the farms.
.stock buyers inform us that for
for the lnexcuslblo scarcity tif tho
:the past years the average weight woollen lu this country.
lings, LI. (HMI. SO; Wethers,
II. IS; Bwss, H.oo-io.oo.
11.75- fraud or the most foolhardy man
alive. We contend that the female
nature can'l be analysed, Hut If It
o - win, ami this editor has luoceeded,
As sample of American thrUi"'"" l,u wl" ,M' BBtS """' tll('
we might mention thai wool Is M bUBM '" i,lH ,laVH fM ,H"";; " "'"
around one dollar a pound, yet thin XVI,:"'M-
country malnlulns 25,000,000 dogs,! .
nl bast 20,000,000 of which are ut- ,
terly worthless. ThSSS twenty mil ' MtW Vork papers lell id an Italian
lion brutes are hereditary enemies of who ale twenty eggs al one meal
the sheep, anil are alone responsible Thai fellow Is not only an alien ene
my, but should be vigorously prose
cuted for hoarding food supplies.
Rev, Lyman Brought Pastor.
A cordial invitation Is extended
to you to utteutl our services . The
hours of the service on the Sabbuth
are as follews:
Preaching at 1 1 a. m.
Babhatn school m io a. m.
Young Peoples' meeting at 0:45
P. M.
tiong service at 7:30 P. M,
Preaching at 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30
P. M.
House Painting Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
katimates'furnithed on application. Samples shown