The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 05, 1918, Image 7

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    Ill ' III
First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
December, 18. 1S17.
To our Friends and Patren:
A ) ear of unusual conditions Is nrarlng Us end. Con
forming to our osoal custom and a time honored precedent of
the Holiday Season, we again desire to express our deep stnte
of appreciation to our many friends and patrons for the gen
erous support they have accorded onr Institution duilng
another year.
Kver mindful of our obligation to our nation and our
own community, we have faithfully endeavored to fulfill our
duty to each to the best of our ability and to the full extent of
our resources.
This year has bten the most successful In our history.
The volume of business transacted through our Institution
during the year 1917 vastly exceeds any former year, while
our ledgers show a largely Increased number of depositors as
compared with a year ago. Especially to thorn who havo con
tributed to this result, olthor by business entrusted to oar rare
r by the kindly word of coBamendatlon anokaa, do wo extend
ear sincere thanks.
As we approach the Christmas ssason. -that parted of
the year whoa gaed will should prevail, we extend the eaa-
aoa's greetings, and wish yea eae and all a Merry Chrlatxeas
and a Happy New Year.
Vary slaaerety years,
J. L. Caalt,
The Times-Gerald
Hai The Largeit Circulation Of Aay
Newspaper In Harney County.
Local News.
For Hale Ford rar In first class
condition. Cheap if taken hi once.---Fred
Walter Cross was down from his
home on Trout Creek the fore part
of this week.
Wm. Sesona. one of the enterRetlc '
young men of the Andrews section, ,
was renewing acquaintances In this
city during the week.
Clyde Cowing and family havo
gone to the Lawen neighborhood I
where he will feed stock for the win
ter. J. W. Ruchanan was In town Wed
nesday. Jo' thinks we have boon
having too nice weather as he sayM
It will get the fruit.
Kstrayetl Two goats, male and
female, from Thus. Jenkins ranch on
Sage Hi.n. $6.00 reward for their
The people who went to Califor
nia to enjoy a milder climate for the
winter months had better return for
we have Southern California
L. It Culp was In town Monday
flee. Lloyd Is one of those Indepen
nn business before the I'. S. Land Of
dent fellows now with a good farm,
Mnic stock, plenty of hay for the
winter and therefore happy.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Shelley Saurman,
Dormim Leonard and his sister, Miss
Annette, took their departure Tues
day morning on their return to re-
spectlve duties. Dr. Saurman has :
been on recruiting duty for the navy '
linos leaving here last spring and
Dorman Ik connected with tlio nicdl-
al corps at Fort Canby where he Is
to report ajrain. Minn Annette re
turns to her studies at Heed's College.
Furnished house with Vara to rest.
Wm. Fsrre.
Ira lfshon wm down from his
Cow Creek ranch Wednesday on
Score cards for "Firs Hnndred,"
also program pencils for sale at this
Clarence f'ary and family were In
town (his week from their home on
Crane ('reck.
W. II. Huffman ami liricl.-, uec
Viola Itlcliardson, came up from the
ranch on New Year's day to spend It
with home folks. They stayed for a
day or two.
Mrs. Asal Walkup has gone to Pay
ete, Idaho, where she will visit an
aunt, Mrs. Short, for a few days.
Thi; latter spent a few days in this
city during the summer a guest of
the Clevengers.
I. M. Davles and nls son Percy
were over from Drewscy early in the
week attending to the filling out of
(lie young man's questionnaire. Percy
Is a graduate of the high school and
met many old time friends and form
er school mates while in town.
Supt. L. It. Rreithaupt of the Kx
perlment Station, took his departure
Tuesday morning for Corvallls where
he goes for a short time to confer
with authorities and participate in
the winter short course. He expects
to be absent some two weeks.
i. 8. Weittenhlller was up from
Crane Wednesday on business. We
understand It Is his Intension, to
farm his big acreage near this place
during the coming season. He was
accompanied by Mr. Bethel, a recent
arrival from Idaho.
Sam Ilurgcss came In from the I
Ranch Sunday with his question
naire and after conculting with ad
visers here went on to Rend Monday
to have Mrs. Bttrgsst sign up the
necessary affidavit .returning to
Hums on Wednesday evening. Me
completed the filing of the papers
and has returned to the ranch. Mrs.
Ilurgcss and the boy expect to return
boms In the near future.
To Our Patrons and Friends:
We extend a hearty wish
for a happy and prosperons
New Year.
The Rexall Drug Store
REED BROS., Props.
Mr. and Mr. Marry ewMM WfW
In from the OO Ranch yesterday.
Fay Comcgys and wife are over
from Diamond on business.
Rooms to rent. Mrs. Eunice
Mrs. Clarence Mace and Mrs. Ren
Seaweard have gone to Portland and
other outside points for a short visit.
The lit tin son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Davis fell on New Year Day and
broke lain arm. He la recovering
Our new quarters In the Leven
Rulldlng are quite convenient and
we bOP. to see otl In at onco to In
IplOl (hem -Wtlllams-Zoglmann.
Chan. Newell, the pioneer educa
tor mid randier, was up from his
Dog Mountain homo durliiK the week
greeting old I line friends and look
ing after somo business matters.
Mtb. L. R. Rrelthnupt is enjoying
a visit from her mother, Mrs. Nlllotl,
whose home Is In Pendleton. The
lady spent the holidays with the
Rrelthaupts at the Station.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ueed and the
children were up from their Sunset
home yesterday. They report the
roads rsther stick from the recent
All nerson wishing to enter plan
classes will pises se sa seen ss
possible. Special atraatien sires
btisBrs ss wsll ss advanced pupils.
- .lastee Fellow.
A. It. Page was In from the P
Ranch Ihe other day.
Win. Rurgelt was In from the
Wiigontlro section Thursday.
C. M. Faulkner Is absent In Vale
on some buslnesa.
turn home today.
He expects to re-
Kev. Breugh, paster sf the Nesa
rens ehnreh. Informs Th Times Her
aid that his people are msklng pre
parstlona for another revival meet
ing to begin n Jan. II.
W. 11. strode, one ef the bey who
are making things move in th live
stock raising In the Stein's Meno
talu section, wan In town thin wsek
on bnslnese.
The President said: "I hear crl
Hcisiu and the clamor nf the noisy,
thoughtless and troublesome " And
he eould not have more fittingly de
scribed them If he had searched the
dictionary for adjectives.
P. ('. Petersen his received sn
other letter from Rert Oliver who Is
still at Camp American t'nlversliy
nt Washington D. ('. Rert snld he
had expected his company would be
on Us way ere this but still they
were waiting orders.
A. K. Brown and his m Harry
were over from the ranch last Sun
day. Harry aald they had recently
had a letter from his brother Glenn,
who la In France with an aviation
squad In which he stated he had met
Churle Myers or this place and had
felt like he bad found a long lost
Workmen are busy putting the
II J. Hansen market In readiness
for occupancy by the Uurns Meat
Market. The latter company recent
ly purchased Mr. Hansen's business
and as soon as the building is over
hauled und rearranged the market
will be moved across the street from
the I O. O. F. building.
Mrs. James l.ainpslilie, Mrs. Roy
Mnullen with their daughter and son,
respectively, and Mrs. A. It. Olsen
took their departure yesterday via
Rend for outside points. The two
former ladles go to Kugene to visit
their mother tor a time omlng back
later to Portland to spend a time
with relatives and friends. We did
not learn the destination of Mrs.
Olsen. Roy Moullcn took the party
to Rend In a car.
A telegram received here Wednes
day from Ogden announced the
death of Mrs. C. A. Gardner, a sister
to A. K. Richardson on the previous
day from heart trouble. Mr. Rich
unison was absent tit Hend but ar
rived home on Wednesday evening,
ills business affairs were such us to
p rOTI ul Ills going to attend the fun
eral, Mrs. Itlcliardson went, however.
Mrs. Gardner had visited in this city
in for r years and wus known by
several of our people. She would
have I ii II years old the day fol-
lowlne her death. Jan. 2. Friends
extend sympathy to the liorcuwd
J. II. Rethel, formerly or Spoknae
hut recently from Southern Idaho,
waH a visitor to our city Wednesduy
in company with P. S. Welteiihlllcr
Mr. Ruthel was here to look over the
country. He wus most ugreeahly
IttrprlMd with the fertile soli and the
mildness of the winter weather in
tills section. Wo do not know wheth
er he Intended Investing here or not.
He slated to a representative of this
paper that he was interested In some
land in Idaho that was being brought
under the Carey Act segregation for
irrigation and remarked or the big
possibilities of this Valley when once
put under a system of water. lie
was assured Ibat this would be done
it no far distant date.
Mrs. Harry 35. Smith and little
daughter havo returned to Bend af
ter spending the holidays with rela
tives and friends In this city.
L L. Noonchester has gone to
Portland OB business. K win ar
.oinpanled bv Ml llttlC l" rfOWtfd
who will cuter school there and M
eared for.
Mr and Mrs. John Kirk were In
from their home near Kgll for a row
davs this week visiting friends. This
Is their first trip to town since their
wedding which took place recently.
, Good milch cow. fresh In March,
two mares both foal in March, one
sow, 30 hens, 6 room bouse finish
ed Inside and out ami two lots for
ale. Fred Goyt.
Sam Rlckley Is home from S tws
weeks' visit to Holse. Caldwell and
other outside points. Sam aald he
had seen some 'mighty good alfalfa
and cern country on hla trip.
A son ot Mrs. Jo Lupton or Ha
Hen came to town fhl morning te
have Dr. Smith dress a wound In
bis leg cssned by s pistol shot. Ths
yonsg mss was cleaning a pistol
when It was discharged '.accident
ally, the hsll penetrating kin leg
msklng s flesh wnnd. It In sot can-
sldersd e-rlous
War savings stamps make It pos
sible for every cltlacn or this coun
try, every man, woman and child
within our borders, to do SOME
THING to aid their government In
her great need. Wtll you do YOUR
D gfTgaasassaaaaata
TlaWaaBW !. . aP1'1"""1"1""""'"""'
nimrnijmniin i
iiuiiuniiiiiiiiiimniifrfrfn;J 1
Your Valuables
Do yon know that n Safo Deposit Box
in this institution OMtl only $2 50 a year?
ConttdafiDpT tbif , don't you think
il is the very height of folly to leave your
valuable., papers, etc.. around the house
even if you think they are well-Kuanled?
There are on record many cases of la
by theft and fire of valuable heir-looms and
paper?. This is absolutely unnecessary.
Here you will find every human and mechan
ical safeguard for your valuables at a most
moderate charge.
Harnsy Eounitj National Bank
j Burns, Oregon
Paul Strang earn over rrom Bod
to spend th kftltdsyn vltk bin
mother and his brother.
Commissioner Kbtss In In frm
Crow Camp this wek attending
W. r. J lessen was up from
heme nesr .addle Butt during ta
Then. Bsln, saeempasied be out
hers ef his family, waa dews fnj
kfs hems sssr Harney Wedneadi
Henry Fries, Ole Bodcrberg and I Henry and Chas. Otley and
Mrs C. A Volmer were In rrom the ter George are yosng men in irdr
Iron Mountain section en business the !swen section t look srter ti
this week. I questionnaires.
L. N. Merrltt has returned from a I
trip to Vale where he had been on
business connected with the Inter
Mountain Tel & Tel Co. Mr. Merrill j
N assistant manager and has been
working on this line In order to In-i
creuse Its erflclency and now It will
rare for twice the business It did
The Times-Herald Is
to announce that the next meeting or
Ihe Presbyterian Ladles Aid will be
held at the home or Mrs. J. M Dal
ton on Wednesday. Jan. 9. The el
ection or orricers ror the coming year
wtll come up at this meeting and it
Is urged that all members be In at
tendance. The mean temperature ror the
the Kxperlment Station was 37 de
month ot December as recorded at
grees above zero. This Is a remark
able record and one that has never
been duplicated since the record has
been kept or the weather In this ter
ritory. Last month was warmer than
either October or November. It
huso l froen any to speak or and it
Is feared the mildness will be detri
mental to the trees and shrubs ns
they are all budding.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Runyard were
down from lliirney Wednesday and
this ofrice acknowledges a pleasant
visit with these old pioneer people.
The Ruuyards were among the first
people to come to this section and
have since made their home on Cow
t'reek where they owned a tine rarm.
They disposed or the rarm recently
to Ira Mabou and have moved to
lliirney to spend the winter among
old associates and rrlends. They
deserve a rest and The Times-Herald
wishes them many years or content
incut In their reclining time of lire.
The Time Herald bmb m invit
ed hv Itev. W. L. Wilson to Inspect
hla work at the Raptist church lust
Wednesday. He was agreeably sur
prised ttpon entering the edifice to
rind I! newly pgpered and painted.
it is Improved nicely. Rev. Wilson
informed the writer that lie had
tendered his resignation as pastor f
the ohuri h to luko effect the lust of
this month when he und the family
would go to Portland. Hs baa not
decided us to lil i future work, hut
ill likely enter one of the vacancies
llher in Portland or the Willumelle
Iiurney County Chapter, American
Red Cross, holds its regular meetings
the first Tuesday In cadi mouth, but
owing to the fait that this would
Bring Hie meeting on January 1,
N'cw Vein's day, it has been decided
to postpone 'the January nj gating one
week, therefore the regular monthly
mooting for that month' will be held
es Jasuary I.
Old customers and new ones ere
cordially Invited to call ssd see an
In ur new location in the Lvns
Building Williams Zoglemann Clo
thing Co
Henry Klchner was down from the
rarm on Cow Creek the other day.
Henry was a rormer subject of the
kaiser and asked the writer how
about the war and added that If we
couldn't whip the kaiser any oilier
way he would go over and help.
The Hotel Hbks was opened to
the public on January I. Mr. Hass
has devoted several weeks to making
Improvements In the building and
completely renovating the premises,
adding new furniture and other con
veniences. The house is now in fine
shape with every possible con
lence tor guests at moderate prices.
Mr. Huss is desirous or an Inspection
or his place by the public and every
one will rind a welcome. A new ad
ror this hotel Is round In this Issue.
Mrs nveiyn walker ei ins is
school returned from Idaho not
the first ef the week and ream
her duties en Wednesday.
Rt KS. CAPITAL AND KIHPI 'thpj hank rrt
; aooouirn invitkr.
A. A. Tipton has beeu suHor
! rrom a dlsloeaKd elbow since J
I z:i. He snd Mat Davles wire out
the desert st the time or the a
dent Mr. Tipton attempted to cri
an auto when it "kicked" throw
the elbow out or place. He did
' know It was ho badly hurt at (
' and allowed the matter to go untl
, pained him so he round it nece
' to come In for medical aid.
Smith set It one day thin week
now Mr. Tipton is sleeping nl
and recovering nicely. This Is
third time the same arm has ba
To All the People of Harney Co. :
I thank you for your patron
age, and the many favors extend
ed to me during the past year,
and wish you
A' Happy New Year
I think the prospect! of llnnicv I'ountv for 1018,
are very bright, tnxl l'y,' to assure you, tlmt iinv
movement tending to improve the welfare of this
com m unity, will have my. hearty co-operation.
Yours for the common good,