The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 25, 1915, Image 3

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    " 'j.
. -
i lie
III I tie
If the
MiTT'i'ini'il t.i
Wren" slia.'k. mill
hii'ul.Hlly In tl lit
iiilstniiis t'vo. tim!"
rl.ior nml tlii'ii wml
Wctn l lie Iwo hiiiii of III-
l. Itfula Rllo eiillM .lHllllLill ll
lu the dlnSly ntnrllt ittiKiui the hil-
dreu'a Christmas trw In oik- cornet
laden wtta all the nlftn they hul ""
lved from home. KvorythliiK eeined
In order. It wa after '.'. nml Hie lill
lneu vera asleep. A she reached Hie
.r:ir end of the liny ward, however,
lie cam to an empty bed.
"It'a Ann Wetberly's bed." hIio miir-
iretL "I wonilc- " fe s kick.
-mcotheo' the tumbled ImiI.
,1 liaetene,! out Into the ha"
li led to the other rooms At the
lk rooBi door alio paused, "it
iBhtly ajar, but ahe hennl no
ooui'l She pushed It open softly.
T. re, huddled on the only ciinir in
i uHjm, directly under the brilliant
it, wa a little heaving iliture. her
. nirii in nor nanus, i iiiiuei
alf covering her wont nightgown
"Annr Mlaa Monran spoke nei
iinme fently.
The child started and raised wine
' :ur eyea aet In flushed ami tear
Mfilned face.Aythen quickly turned
The gllmime all caught of the sor
rowful face touchedHtlic Instinctive
in. ilir heart of tha bead nursed
. on poir little Ann!" she e. lnlm..!
eoriiyJ'aSl. dropping ou tbStGat be
lde3uislr. ahe drew the quivering
- '.' .fei Into her lap.
A flap
nnlooked foTvtedernea the
hnik rorur. mi;;hii .h"
Morgan did notv aieak. but
wrapped tin- blanket care
fully around the little figure.
and tear of aympathyVor the
lonely orphan filled her eye
Thj tuw mil si- hoin alo-
had beeu forced to reprluiaml'sternly
that day for careleaaneaa and negle't
would have leen ainnxed to ate the
"dignified bead nurse" al'ttlng on thu
floor with a child claaped In her arm,
ber cap awry and ber aoft hair min
gling with Anna tangled black locka.
r.-opla aeldom aaw her profeanlonal
ill :ulty unbend aa much aa thla ' Only
Dr. Oray, the young resident pbyal
clan who waa eagerly working and
learning atxl waiting for the day when
be could make a home for the "daarest
girl In Ihe world," would not have been
atonished at the plcturr.
Gradually the chlld'a aoblilnv reaaed
Quality is Right. Prices are
Right. Flour is Right. New
Flour. New Wheat. Every Sack
guaranteed. Special prices in
quantity. See your dealer, the
Mill, or Mr. Huston, the Secre
tary. The Burns Milling Co.
pP '
hi:.ra anaa
'mmm it
.u-onmm v
rr w ' p
rs- x ir i
Cr5! '''''
mu mmm
msmA criiSSa
rtf Mxn mabenuer
"" v
"Ann," Mlaa Morgan coaxed,-'!! Jp.
dour, and tell ma what you're crying
hat you'
.i r
Ann made no reply
"And on I'lirhitmaa eve too
The little ilguiv etlrfeuejl and looked
np with Indignant eye.
"It alu't I'hrUtnia eve for me!" aha
burst out III "IiiIM ehU'dlsh pain
The head uurae waa bewildered
-Why, It'a chtlHtma ev( for every;
lnlj ! And there' your pretty trej. In
the ward!" $k-
"It ain't my iree,'; fiercely ,",'aud
than ain't one-alngle thing-on It
for me!" Aun'a wonla canit,letweeu
W.ll." Mlaa Monran consoled her.
"nlaylie Santa t'laua haa'njuut your
glftn on yet." 7
'Hut Manly Claua laJet yer" folVa
iiiul inlne-never-aent even acardr
Miss Morgan rocked baek and forth
u though hushing a baby!
They may aend aometjhlng tomor
row," she ventured, reaolvlng that at
least tomorrow wouldflnd aomethlng
on Hie tree la-arlng Ann'a name
"No. they won't. 1 wouldn't inlnd
ko much only everybody elae la get
tin' iIiIuks sud-aud 1 don't wain "em
tu thank my brothera don't care.1
-or course they care," the head
nurse tries) to comfort ber. pv-
I wanted to aend them a lot o'
things." the child continued drearily.
but 'course I couldn't 8o I aent each
o' the boys a 'two for Ave" poatcard.
The man had some beau-llful onea for
9 , , nts"- ber face lighted up at the re
membrance "but I only had 10 centa,
and that yvouldu't 'a' left any for
hMiiiiis." "V-v-
Mlsa Morgan smiled sympathetically
It had not lieen mnnjyeare aluca ot
mrds and plentyif atimpahad been
a lnxurWher.J-i7'
Are vourVlirotliei-alirti-tuibleV' alie
asked aluupt'ly. noticing a crumphsl
loiter In theVhlldVihand.
' izr
Ann'a face dark
enedlqYea: 8am'
loMt'liI- lob. and
y I one m ua"rKr
J ( L tK'hWla alsfc, $
'3 "' ;liey"Vain pay ui
01 1
board here any
longer, ao I got to
go bout aa auon'a
my week'a up.aijd
lhat'a day after
ioij(owk'8'i e
e g"aTaobWi(U
gain deilrllig
lyAud jl'a ao
nice bere." all
walled; "xolmuth ulerr'n It'll be where
Wot t U"F -c .c
WbereMiave you got to goV quea
Honed Mi's Morgan wouderlngly.
"Won't you' live with your brotheniY"
"Oh. no; I can't atay there! Ueorge'a
folks have got Up many children, and
I lMI.'ll
wife la 'frald
me eauae I
bealtaled and
dikI - and" ahe
burlisl her fm i
lug the (Umax
"they're gomj to
She paused a
lu her banda. reveal-
bLf WUflled volce
eud me,lo a homea
moment. Ytlieiiconiin
tied iiaMatouatelv
And l'dlwurli for
'em nj.acruhjor takecaie 8' bablea
o$anythlngplf tbjnly wouldn't
send me- tlfere!'.' P-l
Tlu-'bead n'urae drew Ann cloeer and
amootbed her (fumbled hair alleiitly,
comfortliiglyl until ahe became quiet.
Ann waa no't a I child to be comforted
by Ihe promlael of a new toy. Her
large dark eyeij too aolamu by far for
her years .N.'-emed to aay to the world
that she hud been 'robbed of ber i.hlld
Ish rights.'iinii thla little bit of "lov
nKfrum the bead nurae waa the one
Thing of all things that ahe Banal nevd
ed. Kxhauated bv ao mm h aobblug.
ale fieatleil down wearily under the
soothing toil' h, and, her lid began to
driaip.- U-
Coine. dear." MlaaaTorgau aald prea
ently. half raising the child; "you-muat
ko to bed now and get reeled. To
morrow rijcome over lu aea you
Aa ahe poaaed through the ball, tak
ing Ann back to the ward, ebe encoun
tered the night nurae and In Gray
and asked them to wait a moment.
Sl.c locked Ann In auugly with a wble
nerod "Good night, daar," and etralgbt
. nod her i ap aa ahe hurried, back Into
, -j---,,, My
llu- hall
Will any
-.1 -.jrSt
aiore in it ,miii
Bear This in Mind.
"I consider Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy by far the best
medacine in the market for colds
and croup," says Mrs. Albert
iBlosser, Lima, Ohio, Many ot
ihers are of the same opinion.
For sale by all dealers.
House Palntlna;
Paper Hauiginic
and Decorating
HaraBBBBaaaVHi Flnlehlnv
vJ( A
&jJl fctaaaaaT,fe'
k . S. V -
a - H 1 ' Plll y "l""'rtl"f ,b treaaurea. Jt;rz
&kX I I! JlfittnTJ i
m iaU r"T !
Mi afll aa. mM .
VUfl fl ,,.,., -v TlM J lifffilir1 f'hiNlmaa trV-e.
if-l mr tf "IHfeJ
, Yt l . it .gT tf mmmimwm " n.
H.l y ys. r jmflvl mm WmKmk "w"y, n f.r
' I ' f . Xli i ...w mmmnamaTaal oaH WalKi .
ITtr . ak V H wWL 91 WM tJ" ' " '
X$ 17-OtO- ulM'u '.'!. !! "doiiig'liivoivrd ihe.aaij'lilcM of a vVa U I I I
WT. mu"V long-wfahed for set off, jrs. Mfl Lb 'l'
ijif', ' mi' i ltnpull cty
fc-C'NVV ' a "Vis." Ml Kord
.-t'' " . u r e i'th e r
rij boruing trip" V-5'i' -----
I it-. iir:i. mid Ml-svl-oid' I. hi ted at
her inquiringly ,'
"I waul t- lell yoiijihoiii Ann," ahe
, ,ni And an4dH Ihem ill ulsiiit
the letter ami the chlld'a trottMaa fnun
liegliinliiK lo end wAjd tomorrow,"
sin- . oik liiih-d, "I xviinl hereto have
Jimt the happleat dayj'V t'
"Vc. IiiiIokI'" e.-h.d xherniieiir.
both a til Mo unsteadily ) ,r J
"I II hrltiK auuielhlug." Mlal Kord
volume 'led. "and I knowVth oilier
iiurse would love to glve;'her aoma
thing If they only knew." jA'
"Yea, they would." agreed Jllaa Mor
gun "We can come over while the
.hlldioii are at breakfast aud put
thing on the Iree "
lir Gray pulled a dollar hill rroui
hi Ihln purse thin imitly from hla re
cant I'liiiatiuu Hliopplng mid partly,
aa he mum-time aald laughingly, from
"force of habit "
"Hen-, give thla to the youngater lo
buy postage stamps with." Ill too
waa gruff, hut In spite of the gruffueaa
there wn a lender light lu hi kind,
dark eye. "It'a licdtlme now." he
added, "ajul If yinii- ready I'll walk
over with you." yfi
Ml Kurd was el tied comfortably
until time touiake the 12 o'clock
round, and IheT bode her good night
and went out Into Ihe froatyr.'VJalk
Ing a they walked along of Aniij
"Poor child! Hhe ought rTovTl.v
bere!" declined Dr. Gray. "She would
be practically well In a few month.'
Later Mlaa Morgan mini' wa tilled
with till thought, ami aa ahe lay
awake Ann' aad eye aeeuied allll be
fore her "If I could only help her.
the pom little kiddle!" abe murmured.
"Hhe thinks no one love her, aud I
don't believe her brother are very
kind. Hhe uch a dear, loOojjPjb her
aweet old fashioned wnye."jj
Hhe turned reatlaaaly back andrortn.
wishing ahe were rich or g fairy or
Suddenly ahe at upright, exclaiming
loud to the darkneoa, "1 can do that
much, and I will!" aud dropped -to bar
pillow with a aatlafled lgh, although
Chamberlain' Tablet.
This is the medacine intended
especially for stomache troubles,
biliousness and constipation. It
is meeting with much success
and rapidly gaining in favor and
popularity. For sale by all deal
ers. LONE : -
: r
(ll'Okdli KOON Pi of.
V. .!. oiiig tojlXia-u all
' ith.'ibiil sCgtHKl! NJXj-iiii have the
,-r ,'lirlii" fun what I want on the
, j- : a xjs..'.
truoe ltojers
m-! r-'m
lb "doing'' involved the aarttflei of a
long-wfahed for el of'fj)r.
1hr would pny'Xnn'a board herself
fur (wi week' longer. he Im.l do, idi-d.
and bring nil I lie sunhlne oh could
lllto the.ihll.r life She loulil at
leaat give her the memory of two luip
py week, and In I lit- mini. lino- Mio
would try to teach her 1 lint real Imp
pine lie more with Ottravlvaj than
with the tiling" around u a :.-soii
; whk'b exia-ileine Inid IgUfbl her.
The next BSmlgaj u -inkllliK
ri.rlstiuns UK.rnliig Idle ihe ehlldreii
werp all at braakfaat, tin- head nurse
' Weill III Ihe other for the lllllik he
j hgd ordered enlhiu' ,lhd 1 1 1 i -1 I" lli'i
; children' aback, wbera mi I md wa
already liuy fas lug slip of paper
with Ann's iiume on lo Ihe various r
llclM In her lap. ti "
yiirry rlirltuiar, iled lb nlubt
nujMiZVT!'!' all of "Ann's glftaly TJk
nurse were ulLaiuhnis to send s
tbiiig'P- V 'UpZA
They hud Ind I l-eu wen is
There wTC Is.ok. baudkeii hlefs. rlh
lion, candy, a pn-tly kiilttrsl rgp nml
several ninls of iraallus Whan Mlaa
Mora-mi's peehgfi "" openad, im
ever, eauie the rrownhu glor) a l'au
t tfiil blue e.isl doll ili.s.ed III white
bd aonie warm red lUPfwr lth fur
around the lope. I n. v mniKe-l llm
gift on the tree, working Tuotll Ihe
aound of merr sent llhetu
currying out Into uie lyiu a uie inn
dren ame InVHie frm
aulratura wantisllo we. but
$1500 Reward!
i tin On bob, '.
Ifni niii mill k'.m'Ih
I -I Vi- rlUMIal I'!..', i
ItOQ A Mm I .ill. .11 ill
Willi ll ttlK UatdUl
mi in. I l mi
will Kiu i,m ''
rnvfavra foi ovl
tlanoa ii-iniiiM to
III' III fi'Ml tlliil CH
vti Hun u( unjr iar
ly or ).iu Urn ajli-til
I ii i; Iimim', rattt I
ii r inului lii-l(inlng
'h uny nt Mi i
lDaMlflitlOII Id III.' iil.iiM, Din U1nU:ialllil1
uafwri the laiutt cuiiiUtiuu $.iiu.i ' fui nil bNM
LiihIiiI Intrho nIhmI Ijui tin ' nlli 01 ruin i Juw.
Jirantl rtM'ui'ltHl lu iiV "' I itUI
Hariij, l.Kku tflLiMiii , lintM'i
vunUd wlmu !! m
KuiiH l.ut fti n,"" "'" 'iikI only lu
lev Lull, lit .
V. . liltuHN Mi. .,,.'Kiia.
?hr would iny'Aijii a ismrii ners.-ii Tm
itiwi ib.-'con-
'",",' lgot thla letter from the boanj thla V a7
L. V '"' i iii' niondng. nr William ha resigned. -trt? TliL, V
K 1, (T iK en'beihll B11, ibey've offered me Ihe ioltlon of V tJSVwL ?
JlSj " '"' ' siq.iiiiiieiiileiii a hundred a month to XTVjBotft 0-
X Zfc'pr' . liegln wMh (f7 XmU BaNraay' I
t'tirletmai morning, and they cam hi
"lili a nun of happy anticipation,
Hoiking around their tree and loving
ly lliitferlng Ihe treaauree.
i tie two wiitetiera noticed Ann a aom-
fnee aa ahe went slowly to hei
mid liegan aiireadlnc It un. Tbeee
Joy ,v,,rt ,10' foll ,,. vj onc ,ent
thing to her. She waa going to a
Home in a few day
There .waa a commotion around the
i lulHimiiN li
"h." a shrill Utile voice cried,
"wbera did that llieautlful doll coma
from? It waan'l hnn tiefore!"
They nil gathered around while ahe
held It up.
Ann Welherly!" he
riilalmisl. Jook
lug at AhlAH
pruned ftoJt b a
doll'a aleeve Hhe
rau overto Ann
and hold It out.
"Take It quick.
Ann!" aha cried
Joyously. "It a for you
Ann dropiied the blanket be wa
holding and stated Incredulously. "Kor
Ves, see ..ii name -plain aa day'
Ami abandoned faith lu Haul
I'lau Dean to return Hlie held out
her arniklfo the dull. ,fvjf
"1111.1 he (dear, beailtlful dolhr!" hc
'.sssl SkLh &f'
The iw.. in the hall looked at Mck
oilu-r 'mid Jo. II. si happily. Ttiry watch,
eil rthe-i-hlldren aa lhay crowded
hi. nm. I the .tree. gamUilug the gift
and running (back to Aim with each
new iresiiiV that Iwr her name. Ana
i.i ou i in. u-il Uler dark eye ahoiw.
and she gaxmlwltb dellyhled inlaw
ment at each fl'ertg.-i35r
"How little It take. 16 inVki a child
happy!" Ml.. Kord murmured softly aa
he turned away. "I tnuat go off to
Led now." Hhe went out. and Ml
Morgan turned to the medicine cuae.
She had put it to right aud wa Jut
ling down Hat of tblug uaaflei
when Or. tiray burst In, hi ''
alight. s- .
"Oh. Oertriid."hirJSjboylBhly,
"It'a come!" f NN
"Hhl" Mlaa Morgan alnied a wani
lug fluger towarjjha ward, b'utj the
ehlldreii were making too much not
themselves to heed anything el
Dr. Orgy pulled a letterl.out ofbl
iMsketZ ' 'x
'lgot thla letter from the boanj ltd
morning. Dr. Williams baa resigned.
mid they've offered me Ihe ioltlon Of
superintendent a hundred a month to
liegln wMb
and every
thing fni
ulanvd ual"
1 .A.
ana targei
i mmn m. lar hmm imDlal.
miii V met iiauiwn and atmnii. ty ion-
in iiun. rua aanaibla. visible heiiunsr
in. 1 Ua aatiailda. visible iiaimnar. it
takea rily. You can look thruugh lh
banal it c
lean Irani boll. ei.,i
x" ". i !" U-
!"" ( themelvea tn heed anything ele.'
. S Dr. Gray pulled a kdterlout ofbla
leSUSloelTs)ptoteclsyuur ! i)J eyee
inliity limn delectlre csilnoaes. iiom shells, pood
lissee. The Ski BJaellsa ihiows sliells wey lo
..... Imrm an, I wa.
. '. .T'
KMH I h SHS JelW Uliows snails swey
nSver up ftcros your line ol sisl.l.
ll.ndl.s .U .12 skwt,.M Urn iisl.Ulaseillb sartrUsfs, liielud- OfHaw t')-2
ii. s il,elillw M,-.Ml hu.ilin Aseuisw w w ruus. niwini
Sun (or isbbils, sulllels, liawks, crwWS, Sle.
JmuYJt .21 isuealere mm mad wllh lever
r- m..,- saVaas i
Willow St.. Nerw Heivan. tuna.
H .MMrMrWeWP 'r HWr'
"What a beautiful Clirtatmaa glftr
.be braatbad aojjjrvamlllng at hla con
Ident "ua ." Z Xr? .
Thay want ide to begin the drat of
he year. The auperlnlendenfa cot
age will le vacant then. ! you
luppoae would l le too aoon"
Mlaa Morgan' mind flew hak over
I 1 - I. ..I .U.IlA.I
tn two long year mj mu t.,.....
(Ua two iodr ye uiJ - ""
"I'll pa raady," ahe murmured ha
rf??r:;r?-tiiiilliriif it! i iriiiifcLtliii.-?!-i-i lit
III') ' It sueli o dear little . wxiara!
i rajMrwaai wiyrouutiviiiiisl
grin, bill aiopiN-d airuptly a alio
puliitciljagalu to the liiilf.iu door.
"HauKVll"'all!" he imitteeHlAI wish
I'uu weren't the bend tun
"We might go for n vlelilh ride thin
afternoon," "he uKKelis demurely.
'.Now, mine un mid asqi lu ! Ann.
she's mi happy."
They tteut mi-r 0 the door and hsik
ed lu. Ann ant on the edue of her led
careaalug the "dear, Uinulful dolly."
The two gaxisl at her alleiitly; then
i auddetily Gcrtruile Morgan raised her
eyea to the face lasilde berv
"Oh. Ilcrla-rt, do you; think o'ofd
Dr. Gray quared hlaJViniail aboul
ders. Her meaning caiueVn a flash.
"Yee, we can, and wwlll If you
W'anl to. Of courae" behellatil
"maybe we couldn't havexo many
other things If we had her"
"No, but we'll hale love, and It
would be too had not to i;le that Ut
ile atarved oul a hre of lt"-: f
"Ann." Ml Morgan questioned
abruptly, "how wnuhl yon like lu ll
with u fur awhile V"
Ann looked from one lo the other
daae.ll) "l.he with you! Wherat
Ob. you're Jokln'i" ah said (lowly.
"No; ahe mean It." Interjected Dr.
Gmy. "We're going to Itv in the
uperluteudout'a cottage."
"Oh. I see!" the child nodded wisely.
"You two at coin' to get married.
But nobody wanta me nut even"
Ml Morgan Interrupted her bitter
ueae. "Ye, we do want you," draw
ing the child to her, "and you're going
to live with li, and w t:cajuu get well
enough you can go It) iwol."'vy-N
A rhaiigc cgioeiyer Anu face,
Kllnalnt her arms around jhi Mor
gan. she breaUiad; jr v.
"What a .wonderful, wonderful day!
And to think that yesterday I thought
nolHKly cared!
'' milllWIIIIiilAUallllll II I
Fnr Ua wonderful Accuracv. iti af cty and con
and it effectiveneM for si.ui.1 game
I I 1 M knn1J w IS
snooimtj. yuu uiuuiu uuj
Repeating Rifle
Modal 20, as illustrated. 24-
inch octagon barrel, I) or
25 shuts, 91 1. U.
Model 20. 21-imli
"T .
d soil
rouml bsrrel.
lu in, ,m-
I) shuts.
cuoni SS your clesler.
r imsh!' iii
Ua rSUs aadekvUiuu. sssssaaal
Autnts Wanted -To rprent
'lif Lafollrtte Nursery Co.!
Tu. "Mn in Central Oregon
)iim(i f. i plcation antl without
Irrigation, Bc( iicfs fur Cen
Irnl Oregon, Kvnrybody wantn
then Write fcr particulars.
Theodore lliil.lmnl. Box 72,
I'rinc'villi', Ort-Kon.
The clicapcBt and best flour on
the local market is that made
from new wheat by the Burns
Hilling ('o. As your merchant
for it.
, xvr
; .mD,
"i two iiiikIi ' . DM
Ih" ..:!ic r lot ,N ling
rtSFLE NO. 70.
'Handle u M
Sborl and 19- ,M
lon rillo cartridge.
I no b.'iinisoinely
lUuktrated lllne CaU-
lognnd "llnw to.Shoot
t hder Stevsas Rifles -Fljiolssad
: ! .1.1
rt:n ht:- puja mas-j.
: :iLLm,
TUTS lirooH'
tl b. tti'lmtom
it, no. g. Chamberlain
I Harry Lsnt
lit I.
?N J I
li N
. W I ItsHle)
!oan ssineii
III,, in, in ueral
I n '. ol -Idle
I n ssursf
-nl t , Publle tnstrusUon
Slsl, I'flnur
Mil Unit
II' N Ui-Arll.ur
.oorM II row D
Jinc wlmyeomlMr
Han w oloou
J A I'tiurrhlll
Julio l.awrsnue
I r. A. Moors
.,,. ii liorinii
I lUini gaklu
:k g. Beau)
I rbv. A. Mekrlitr
I II. nn 1,. Brntou
-lloeine M;.ly,si
i l.swinu T.. Harris
MMii ji mi iai. nisTkii.T.
j4gs Hlton Rlfgs
Count Aiiornvy Ua a HI sum or
.'.in Meaj ihe flrat Moailsy In
A..ii n.l nisi Mom li lu lumber.
taint aenatoi I. . v.Hlewart
i.iti. i In no., i.i.i i r,- ,. KrsokUsvcy
cm ktv H:.asvt
i:oii. it) jiMmi it c. Lsxidi
Clsrk H T. Iluali.l
lnu..r i, a. Stiller
-trsak Ouwsd
-li.iiii W. A. llooUuiau
Assessor J.J.PoOu
-' I I -"I" in '. i.. lei. i l. M Hamilton
.,. W. I'lcvrnarr
goes Inspeetoi Joao Caldwell
' oinanlulonera I'lhos Main
IW. II. kol.lUi
Coant) i onri me, . ilii flri Wednesday In
JnniiM.), March, My. July. Keptembsr sad
N.oeiu lui.
tsatslsi Wm rarre
leeslvsi -di Uvihmbwi
. u y. ai'Sae
Msetiaas .t th coutieii every Uscond sod
Knllttl, ,.nv..l
Mayor. H.C. Levn
R lei. II. . v Vu Winkle
frurni . Henry Helton
Harshsl, ,.k. L.Halnr
n. rry
.'urtle Km llli
J. g. l.ou
I Sam Motnerehes.l
If You Want ALL IV Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
-"".V fl j Igl 'sBr t I 1 HI ..esy " -SaaaaKHu
Scrubbing Unnecessary
Etume your walls and woolwork and secure a
finish that is hard and smooth, iion-ubsorbenj and
sanitary. Enameled surfaces do not rcquiw bcrub-
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Physlclatii! and Miirgaofia
' I - l
j. en. gfmiv
I'bvMil'lHII Hl"l Nllfe l
hurii', - -
Olflo on second II .. i I u una Hblg.
'riione MaiiiN',.
DEHMflu & DEriMfln.
Physicians and Surgeons
Calls answer'sl proui,lly uik'bt or day
'I'lione Harrlman.
Hsrrlmfln, Oregon
Dr- Minnie Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Direct Telephone Connection
Albritton. Ore.
b. E. jttjJUnRD
Office first door nasi photo Kallery
Bnrns. Or. ii,
Attorney nl Law
Office Practice
Land Scrip for Sal
Vale, O' -a;on
M. A. hlGGS
Attorney at Law
Voegtly lildg., llama, Oregon
Altoriicy-.'t-l-Bw, '
Burns, Oregon.
Attorney at I,aw
Conteat and prSjctlee before IT, H. Ijind
Office II cully
Office: Fry Uldg. ne ,-.oi l , .." ofhee
Burns, .irexuii
Burns, - - Oregon
Practice in lie Courts ami ba-
fore the L. H. I, mil nice.
Ohan. II. I A-iiiiattt,
Careful atti'ii'.ii n kIVou tu Colletv
liona and Ium I line mattera.
I'ire lusunUM,
Notary i'ublio
A. W. (iOWAN
State Courts ami United Statea
Isanti Office Practical
Three doors South of the
Harney County National Bank
Bams. OreaTon.
clean and fresh.