The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 25, 1915, Image 2

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This Is especially FOR YOU.
Come at once and see us, you will find that
we are prepared, and YOU will be pleased with
what we have to SHOW YOU.
Show the next fellow that YOU are ready to
Shirts, neckwear, underwear, hosier, gloves, hats
aao made-for-servlce Clothes, all at moderate prices
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Lending Clothiers
dhr imes-3era(tt
On Yew
Sim Moik,
Ttm Month. ....
There has been considerable
criticism in the past throughout
Central and Eastern Oregon as
to the attitude taken by the rity
of Portland reRardinut these in
terior sections. Thcro has al
ways been nejrlect and a dense
ignorance displayed by the t-iti-zens
of the metropolis of our
state relative to the conditions,
resources and possibilities of
Eastern Oregon.
We had some hope of a change
Harney County Case
Decided by Judge
A decree has been handed
down by Judge Biggs this week
in the ense from Harney county
of K. B, Hill, etal, vsThe Ameri
can Land & Livestock Co. It is
the outcome of a dispute over
the water in Trout creek. The
degree established the right of
various parties using the water
in the stream and provided for
the distributing of the water.
J. W. McCulloch and P. J. Gal
lagher represent the defendant.
Tax Levy.
At a meeting of the County
Court last week the tax levy for
next year was fixed as follews:
Total assessed valuation as
equalized bv the hoard, $8, 131,843
Tax levy:
I State
last summer when representative County (Jen. Fund
business men of Portland asked County School Fund
Mr. Strahorn to undertake the ! County High School
working out of a transportation ;, lack Babbit Bounty .
scheme to connect up the isolat-: Boad
ed sections of the state and en-1
Total levy
Are Your Taxes Delinquent
able their products to enter the
coast markets. Various meet
ings have been held throughout
Central Orecon to further these
plans and the different communi- The court of this county has
ties have seriously undertaken tolentered an order to the sheriff to
do their part. All the publicity 1 "" delinquent certificates on
giventothis matter deals with " delinquent taxes st oase. He
the activities of the rural districts I K'"K tocomply with this order
and we have vet to see an item i and Jssue certificates on all delin-
eminating from the business men j 'luent taes from I909 t0 1914-
of Portland indicating what aid
The Passing of
Mrs. Julian Byrd
they proposed to render. At a
public meeting in Burns a couple
of weeks since, Mr. Strahorn
spoke very discourajnngly of the
possibility of securing much sup-
port from the Portland people,
excusing them on the ground
that they had problems of their
own to take care of. Is not the
upbuilding and development of
the vast agricultural sections
east of the Cascades and the se
suring of its trade a big problem
for Portland?
True she has her Scenic High
way which will increase the
sightseeing bus traffic and made
'some hotel and road-house busi
ness for a short season each
year. She has her rose3 and it
is a beautiful sentiment to pin a
flower on the Mayor of Pough
keepsie, N. Y., while on a Summ
er vacation. This however, can
hardly be charged up to state de
velopment, for the donee of this
favor cannot be expected to re
turn home and advise bis consti
tutents to pack up and move out
to the waiting farms of Oregon.
We realize that it is easy to
criticise but at the same time we
believe that there has been a lot
of waste motion in the exploi
tation of Oregon. If the City of
Portland will take twenty to
thirty thousand of her large de
velopment funds raised each year
and quietly bring out twenty
good Middle-west or Eastern far
mers, place ten in the Willamette
Valley and ten in Eastern Oregon
under satisfying conditions that
she will be laying the foundation
for material, abiding prosperity
for the future.
So far as the Harney outlet is
concerned our outlet and our
hope for the immediate future is
to the eastward. In self preser
vation we must develop and
move forward along the most
available lines. If Pacific Coast
centers want our trade they must
join with us in removing tlje
handicaps which now prevent
our going to them.
It you have failed to pay you
should at once attend to the mat
ter and save additional cost
W. A. Goodman. Sheriff.
Vernon Horton a Hero.
In the crises of life are brought
out the true traits of character
and personal makeup of the in
dividually, be he a man or boy.
The presence of mind and prompt
action of Vernon Horton Wed
nesday afternoon when his bro
ther and companion were sudden
ly plunged through the ice,
marks him as a lad of rare
strength and ability. He is a
hero and his future life will pro
bably bear out the promises of
his youth.
The incident which has cast a
gloom over the Christmas festi
vities of the young people of this
community carried with it some
lessen: One, whether at work or
sport, use discretion and caution
and test well the path to be
traveled. And a still greater
one, at the time of emergency
keep a cool head and make pro
per use of your mind and talents.
Baptist Church Doings
The annual Sunday was a suc
cess. Every one seemed to be
pleased with every number on
the program and large congrega
tions were present both morning
and evening. It is our intention
to arrange for other all day meet
ings in the near future.
Rev. I). Ix)ree has just conclud
ed a successful revival meeting
in Calamity. He will not visit
Burns at this time.
Subject for next Sunday A. M.
if Christ had not come to this
world. P. M. The Man Jesus.
Our dear friend and neighbor
and co-worker has passed from
our sight. But t he influence she
exerted while here will live. The
memory of her kind heart which
prompted her good deeds, her
strong character, her genial dis
position all these are far reach
ing in their elfect on this com
munity where she lived and
wrought so many years, and they
are precious to us. We are grate
ful them, and we will not forget
Eva Pearl BwsJn was born
at Harlan. low, April, 19th 1876,
while she was a babe her parents
came to Polk County, this state
and later moved to Cove. In
1890 they came to Harney Coun
ty, settling near Iwen. She
was then fifteen years old. She
grew to maturity there, and was
for several years a teacher in the
schools of this county.
On November 30th. 1898. she
was married to Julian Byrd of
Burns, and has lived here since.
To this union were born three
daughters; Evelyn, Marjorie and
Gladys, all of whom, with her
husband survive her.
Mrs. Byrd was born of Christ
ian parents, and reared amid re
ligious influences. She imbibed
religious principles from her
earliest recolection, and scru.
pulously adhered to them through
out her life. She was governed
by her convictions; and tenaci
ously, tho' kindly set them forth.
Thus she exerted a positive in
fluence among a large circle of
friends; we all felt her capability,
and her advice was always sought.
Just one brief year ago at this
season, she was among the busi
est workers on the Christmas
Committee, and it was at her
home that we met to pack the
baskets and boxes for the poor.
She was a teacher in tho Pres
byterian Sunday School; a memb
er of the Christian Endeavor, and
all last year she was present at
every meeting unless prevented
by illiu.s, and took her part
faithfully, and she had her family
with her. Wo often felt the
force and blessedness of her ex
amples in this.
She was one of the chief work
ers in the Ladies Aid; and every
thing thai pertained to the wel
fare of the church claimed her
first attention. Mrs. Byrd was
President of the Burns Public
Library Board, and in the capaci
ty, and in the Order of The East
ern Star she was a willing and
conscientious worxer.
She was a tender and affection
ate mother, a loyal and true wife.
Her husband and chidren "rise
up, and call her blessed." She
exemplified in her daily life the
spirit of the Master and now she
has answered his summons to
"come up higher". She passed
away Monday evening, December
20, 1915 at her home, surrounded
by her loved ones just as the
shades of evening began to gath
er. The funeral services were held
at the Presbyterian church, which
was filled to capacity, on Wed
nesday afternoon, Dec. 22, and
were conducted by her pastor,
Kev. Dr. Benson, and the inter
ment was in the Burns Cemetery.
The singing was rendered by a
quartet consisting of Mrs. Farre,
Mrs. Sutton, Piatt T. Randall
and Dr. Brown with Mrs. Rem
bold at the organ.
The pall bearers were I.
Schwartz, J. E. Ixggan, C. B.
McConnell, M. V. Dodge, Phil
Smith and J, S. Cook.
Additional Locals.
Paramount Tonawama,
Tivsh li 'i mii oysters fin
at Mac's Restaurant
Paramount Pictures ftmawu
LaughUi Aid, Dlgaetlon.
Laughter is one of I he most
healthful exertions; it is of great
help to digestion. A still more
effectual help is a dose of Cham
berlain's Tablets. If you should
be troubled with Indigestion give
them a trial. They only cost a
quarter. For sale by all dealers.
The Burns Packing Plant soli
cifs your patronage for their pro-
' ducts and guarantee the quality
The prices are right.
eight column capacity
V. O. B. Maywood, 111.
Sold on one year's
credit or 3 per cent,
discount for cash.
American Cm Company
Chicauo, )l.
Please send booklet descrip
tive of American Adding and
Listing Machine,
Clipped from
Please mention this
answering this ad,
paper in
Hume. Ofssos, l Ibt I .". IMS
Natloa in ) r.i.) pvss thai Qapras V Hail
Hull, il llll-. OrgOB, WhO, '" J.tltlitl V li,
Ivltt. marie llomi-.u-ad r.i.try,
K'j', ii'i ',)'.. Bert Inn 19, i.,ihi,
M H.Jillli IUIIUI' .4 I '.!, lllaln. Iir M. , M'. li,
lie. Will liotlr.- of Intention to MINI.
threw year I'icHit la .tai.ii.ii slain to ibi
Lias bbbvb ii.nrii.i-. i, baton Beaiatar ami !(
reiver, at Hurni, Orofon, on ifia rath day ol
January, 1'jhi
Claimant tialDt". a. wlllif bhi-h .
Y. till, y, lu.fiiK N v HI! I.I,'.
allium., I'rt' i. I'. I'llile., M V. ! i.H-L,
i. ih f Kiiiy. Oratoo,
Wu. Faaaa. Renin, r
Notice of Final Settlement:
You've all been wanting to see
Marguerite Clark, the dainty,
popular actress. She is at To.
nawama Monday night in the
"Wildflower" see her.
Full line of
Groceries now on hand at
Kindly give us a call
and be convinced
Remember we take anything
of value in trade
Farmers' & Homesteaders' General Excbaofe
Original Railroad Right
of Way is Refiled
J. g, Moore. Right-of-way
Agent for the O. W. R. & N. R.
R. CO. was in Burns this week
and filed in U. S. Land Office the
maris covering the rights-of-way
from Vale to Odell. The former
filing had heen in the name of
the Oregon & Kastern and was
approved Sept. 2(i. 1907. The
new filing is a duplicate of the
original surveyed line.
Notlcs i" bsrsbj given ilmt the under.
nigni'i! sdnlnUlrstor of Mm ssiats ol
I.Hi... I .ii.i.IiI I .. I M..1 I .,U Lin
ilinil soooanl .,, h( sdnlnlrtrst f WU9 fss.andfor and
In lint I .unit)' Court nf Hie Slats o
Oregon, for llarnry County.
In tint Msttsr of ttia aatate nl Msrvln
Mi dee, dcossssd.
Nnllen if liareuvglvan that the iinder-
nii'iii .1 liaa linen duly appointed ailmln
Iritrutrlt of lh abovo-namail cits's, slid
Unit all porsona haying cUIiiim agaliiit
the Minim are Itsrsby not I fled to present
i hum duly verified, sa by law required,
to the iinileraixneil or to her attorney
limiliia W. Kills, In Burn", Oregon,
uilliin aix montbt from the date of thla
Haled Drcetnher 4, IMA
I'kuii.k MedKK, Adininlalrnlrii,
liral publication Dee. 4, 1111.'..
I. unt publication, Jan. 1, lull).
Notice of Sheriff. Sale.
I.. N. Htallnnl, plainliir
Minnlu Drlppa, Melvin Dilppa,
Jotoph A. Drlppa and Charles
1'. Drlppa, defendants.,
Ily virtue of a writ of esecutlon and
onhr of asle duly Issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the Htate of Oregon lor
1 1 linn. v County on the 24th day of
November Itllo III the ubovo enliiled
at) u herein the court rendered a judg
ment ami decree on the nihility of
OstobSf 1015, in favor nl the plaintiff
amliigaiiiat thedefsodnnta abovo named
in the Kinn of anil the further
aum of .'W.71, taxes paid by the Mort
gagee anil I he coal and diaburamenla ol
unit taieil at '.'ll.oo. With Interval on
- n.'J'.i nt ten percent er annum from
the .late of the Judgment and intercut
nt tl tier cent per annum on il"."l Irotn
1 1 he iluto of the Judgment, And
rorecioMiig a mprtgagv ami orueilim
Hie mile of tho property therein ileHcrlb
..I. Not ire ia hereby given that I will on
I lie lilt day of January Ililii, at the
Court house door In liorne, Harney
l' uiny, Oregon, at two o'clock In the
sftsTataMI of eald day Mill at public line
lion to the higheet bidder for caah, the
mini property ; described sv follow -
The S',,, SKl4 Section 34 Twp 1H H.
the V. , M' Section :i In Twp. IV
s It. tM K. W. M. In Harney County
1 Iregon.
Or ao ninth thereof aa may be necea
".ti i lo aatUfy aald Ju gment together
with the ittliireat thereon, and all cutila
viitl accruing ooe tl and diaburaementa.
Dated Oils latdsy of Deeemlier IMS.
W. A. doodniiin, Sheriff.
T. 8. Siirague, Deputy.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Harney County.
s. I.. Kl.lre.1, plaintiff
I tank AUrlcli, llatlie Aldrich,
Kloyddrant.llerthad. Kbode,
Carl I-. Hbode, Nsttle M Kb
beraon.Jobn C. Bbbsrson.Dee
irant, defrndanla.
lo Krnuk Aldrlcb, Haiti. .11, 1, id, , Kloytl
drain, I'.ertlni d. Khode, Carl I'
Ithode, Nettle M. Kbberson, John C.
Kblteraoa, Dss Orsnt; the above niiin
ntl defendant!.
You snd eat h ons of you are berebv
rriHilrod to spposr and gnawer the
amended complaint Bled sgalnat you in
the entitled roll on.or before sis
woeke from tlie day of the first publica
tion of tbia mmniona, tbia being the
I line piearrlbed in the order for the pob
licationof tlila mimuiuita, ami lbs day of
the aald flrat publiestlon is the IKtb dsy
ol I' liilft ; tbia order of publica
tion waa duly mads snd entered by the
utility Jud e of Harney County, Ore-.-..ii
on the nth day of December 11)16;
and it ynn fsil lo ao sppear and auawer
Mini amended complaint on or before t be time tbe plaintiff will spplv to the
Court for the relief therein demanded,
namely: for a Judgment against you In
the mini of tftOO.OO with Intercut thereon December Id, 1018, st tbe rats ofS
per cent, per annum ; for the aum of
Browns' Quality Store
We want you to call on us be
fore making your purchases.
We can supply your wants in
anything required. You will
find Quality and Satisfactory
Service responsible for our sue -cess.
Burns, Oregon
The Burns Packing Plant h:is
placed Mr. H. Beeler, in chaw
of the plant north of town, and
his experience and ability to turn
out first class bacon and lard is
already evident.
Stirtil, OSSSSSi DSSSatSSI '.tl. I 'I
NSttea tl hereby liven thai tuna 1 Welly,
formerly iua loi.a. ..I linnia ureson.
wttu on lierainher 9, ivli, ntaile Horaeaiaarl
Km ry No l.4l, for . till il, i, K'v"" ',. wi '
I i. .1 rl . Kan,. si K, Willaiaetle Miillii.n
haa fllc.l u.illcr of! in Ulaki- I ilmt
iiir.-.- y. ar proof, to aetahllab clalni 0. tin
lainl above daaerlbed, before Keiliier end
Ke. river, at Hnrna, orefun, on Ho- .'lilt day
ol January, ivio
i'laliiianl llainraaa itir-n
Hllllain A. Wly, Harry M. I'tiale
Keller, Joaeuh Hill, all of Htirto.. ti.
Harry M. Coaler, Jeha
We Kaaai. i:..ii.
In the matter ol the eatatc of Hear)
I.uig, Deceased.
.Notice il berebv given that tin- tin. In
aigncti lias been appointed the inliiiiliis
trator of the ealate ol Henry I.uig ie
ccuacd, by order of the Juilgit of the
above Court, and hsa duly riSsHflsri Al1
peraoua bsvingcluimaagainat initl cilate
ere hereby required to prevent them arltll
pioper voucberi snd aa by law retuiicl
to the iinderiigued at bin oilier al lltu ti,
Oregon, or ut tbe oSice of bia itttorn.;, ,
(I. A. Kembold ut aitnl llurna, within
ail tuontha from date of this notice.
Dated December II, 1UI5. Klral puhl.
heat ion hereef: Dsceuibsr 11, 11115.
SurDf. Orefun, peeeuiber I ... I 1 .
Nutlra le hereby liven that Wllllara It. Haw
eua, eola autl ooly heir of Thuuie liawaou. da
tieaaed. of Hurni uregtm, wbo,.ut Oetobe7,
113. matte A'Mlllonal lluiueeteail Klllry. No
WISM, lol gl.NS1, Hec.ll TwnJiH. Ilallie.lll. .
v, I lam. tie Mcrlillan haa dliil miller ul
inlentlen to acaka dual five-year Proof, tu
.tabllab claim to Ilia laml above daaerlbed,
before Helleleraad Hurni, Oregon,
on Ibe Ivta day Of January. I'.i.
t'lalraaut namaaaa wttneaaaa:
Joe t'avaadar. Albert K. fortar, Boy klahl,
ci.arlre V. Heed, allot Burui, Orviou.
w raaai. Kfint.
Underwear, Overcoats, Macanaws
Ladies' Winter Wear
( Complete line in all Departments
We are ready with a com
plete line of Best Quality
Goods to care for our cus
tomers. Let us figure on
on your big supply order
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
Hurni l.l.l No. 137
f, I). Dll.l.AHII
Koriiinrly Amu hiigliit'i-r
In II, H lti-i Itiinalliili Her-vice.
A. O. Kauiknik
formerly I'll let n.
Kill.-.-, of llulhe ,1
Welleru Ily.
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Btiius, 0re)(0i
uul i-t.ili- with tbe clerk ol the County
Court ol the Stulet.l Oregon, lor ll.ii tie
Couiity, ami thiil hiii.I cult hua luiule
an onler niiolnlniK BsMordsy, Ihu lTith
day of January, ItMn, it I las hoiu pi tan
o'cliK-k a in. ut the CoBBtJf lotirt r iniii
ill Ibe County (unit lloiiriu ul Hums,
Harney ('ounty I IfVSJOn, M the limn mid
place for bearing naiil dual in i mini ami
nil olijeciiour. that may he lllcil khsrsto
and tint hi 1 1 l.-inent tin rSaf,
All parson lotaMSttd la said sslata
uml bavinif ohji clioiiM t.i llnnl lie
count or any tiart or ileni thereof, inn
htireh) liotilletl to SfSSSBl "l"l ohjet -titiitrt
aul ill.' 111.-i.iinie w ill. the cletk of
"iinl Com I on or Imfore laid Utuc,
II. If, fiOUTUta,
Ailllllllll-tlilli.r of Knlllti. of .lillllI'M
l.t'iiiiaril, decsssed.
iliabiiraemonti; for s decree forsclneln
it ii rtain mnrlrae (i vett to plaintiff on
.e etiila-r Hi, 1913, by one Ida llatcbln
f.iii, ilccoaiwal, upon tbe Southwest
tiiurler of section one in Tp. 'M South,
IUiikc .' K.aat W. M. In Harney County,
i iriK'on, and barring you of sny further
nnhi. claim or equity of redemption
therein, snd for so order of sals of ssid
liremiHca, and ths spplicatiou of laid
iirocoeda in the payment of tbe amount
ilue to plaintiff, and for a deficiency
juiiKinent a(alnit you, if there be s ds
hcicticy, to tbe extent of sny saseta
H huh may come lo yoo SI hrira of aald
Idlt llnli lilnxoli.
Huyol Drat publication la: Dvceinla-r
IH, lSlR,
Q, A. Kkmsuui,
Attorney of Plalutlfl.
Uursei lo hay 25c. per head
Highest market price for
How long does it take you to an
swer your telephone bell? . If you
are slow about answering the call
ing party is liable to grow tired and
leave the telephone. The telephone
operator cannot compel you to an
swer her summons. She simply
forwards to you the signal, "Some
one wishes to speak to you." It
remains with you, the party called,
to recognize this request by re
sponding promptly. Delay on your
part means inconvenience to others.
You can help.
I'NITBbatTATKB UMnHilt , ,
Hurt..., Oregon, NuvvutHir 24, iui
Notice II l.eral.) giwu (I. at the Nor(li-in
Facto.' Kallwav ohiikmi v. WLuM iwitt tilln .
atltlirM II HI. Paul, alinueaoia. ha lltl Bth
tlay ul November lylfi. flleil In tlileoffli In at
pllrailou t wlii'l unaar tha provHinne n tin
arlof t:ouri)H, approved July I, ltua t.t Mti .
6V7. 8V0J
HEJs.MK'i ! Mn lion 11. l it nan I p :i, -nti ( li , ul
ItauK Ti Kaat of tho Wllla.uvttu Principal
aieriaiau, eouian mir u acrea.
tierlal No uat.'j
Any ant) all parvoua rlatiultiii atlverael) t r -latttla
dcccrlhed. or dealrlbed to Oblaol Iwcauiti
of ttia alluoral character of the laud, or any
other reaaon. lo the dtapoaal to appllrftnt,
ahould fllf their affidavit., of protcit in tin.
office, on or before thu 17lh day ol Jauuar
Wm. Kanhk, Reglater,
First pntilli ation Un II. lyio
Publication Jan. ia. rm.
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and tee the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
l.a.t I
Umitid Statv I.anh orrtiK
llurna. Oregou, hcccinl-cr '-' I '1 .
Notice la hereby Riven lltat Cliarlca 1 He. m. .
of Beokley, Oreeoii, who, oil May IV, l'U uml
November IU, 1018, uiadu omi-etcal Knim -No
UMM-UTtattl.reeiierttvrl), Iota I, , I, 4, t
NE4, .HUNW.4l8c. 4, Twp., !M 8., lUnioHl K .
Willamette Meridian, haa hlud noiloa ul Inltn
Hon tonake Hual three-year I'roof, tn.--.ii.ii i,
claim to the laud above dtacrllu i, before i
Tulloch, II. H. Comueleelouer, at hie urllic.nt
ft ai kley, Orviou, on the tlh daj ol Jauuar,
Claimant nemeeaa wltueeafi
J. tferduao.Ororge Job natou, Holier t Kooui
Hiram O Clayton, all of Heckle , Oregon
Wm.Fahhk. KcKlHler.
Burna, Orecon, I'iccihUi t, i
Notice la hereby irlven that Joacob A K i inn Iml .
of Narrowa, Oruauu, who, on November u. IUI i,
made llomeetead Kulry N.i u7in.ii fur N rt ' t, s. . .
4. Twp aH., Aauir SI K, v lllainetic Meridian,
(North Malheur Cakeibae lllcil mil ice ol I men
tion tu make Anal Com mutation pi oof to eat ah
I lab claim to tbe laud above Mearrlheil, before
neglater and Receiver at Hunm, ( on the
loth day of January, Ittlrt.
tlalmaot uameaaa wllueaaea:
theater Krowu, l,ee Wllaou, thai Harkua,
t'haa r Herry ail of Narrowa, Orenon.
WH. lUHr Rcglalt i
HuruB, Oregott, liecumber i, IttUh i
Nolluela hereby flvLh that ttrvlllv I' IIO) pi
Harriman.oregon, who, on July IN, 1-12, made
llomeatead kiutrv, No. IMJ40, for KUhi U.HV, ,
HK'-ai. HH'ajMWi,, rWclion Ik, Towuetilp .'.8tiulli.
Range ao Kaat. Wlllamelto Meridian, '.iaa die. I
notice of Intention to make final three year
piaol, to velabllah olalm lo tbe laud ebmc de
kcrtbed, hefore Healaler and Hecelver, ai llurui.
Oregon, on tbelllh day of Jauuary, VM
Clalmaut names aa wi tueaeea i
Harry K. Hrlgfnu. J H Jenaeu, liu Hond,
John Hriggen, all of llarrlman, oregtm.
Ws, Kanhk. KctflHtri
Printed in accordance with legal
requirements on short not in ul
Job Rooms
Located at the same old stand
with the best of prompt service
Beef, Pork9 Mutton, Sausage
Eggs, Butter, Etc.
UklVaUMTATK. I.1NII llli I . I
Burui, oreiun, Dsoamiisi , ll i
Nulliial.liarabyjlvea .Ual Harry Km II Hi Ik
laiaa.uruHuu, wmi.tiu hi
Sillry, N
We dojt righ
ho, on .luiif , I'll.
uiW). lor hi-.'.
gen ol llarrlaaan. Oruguu,
t, at tin iiuiaivjaBseavjaia asiiti i , nu u (, itn .,'. . ,
BKUNItJi MlJwi NUWW. Hsw.1,
U IfsriM Ml V WtlU. LU.I.II.n ...-.ll.-.i
a., "PM "V am. , . . e.evaaai , v w V .,, ., HB I
llOlll'e tif luUlStloU u lliaka final lilt. I .MaaeeaameaeaeqmMaeq Mwaa.
I'roof, to ueiabllib ulalia to the lanil abui " " "
Srlbad. befora Kaataler aud Heui'lvnr, i
uru. Orogon.oi, tB lllli .lav of Jauitni i HI'.
Claluiaiit ttaiiie.u wltileaaea
OrvlllrT. Htof. Mia. Iralionil. John liiuuiii. ' A If . . awt oe.
J H. 1.I1MU, all of llanluiau, tireaou M thP niUS If. hf I ttYi
ia. Reaiaier. " -- . ... - ... tnii