a it i 4 a ninK "DRESS UP BOYSr A WKW NA1TONA1. MOVE WITI VHCIM BAM A ULA.DS3S This It specially FOR YOU. Come at once and see us, you will find that we are prepared, and YOU will be pleaaed with what we hare to SHOW YOU. Show the next fellow that YOU are ready to make AMERICA THE REST DRESSED NA TION ON EARTH. Shirts, neckwear, underwear, heeler, aiovee, aata ana mndfr-tnr-Mrvlce Clothes, all at aecU Mta arleea DRESS UP ROYS Wllliams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers Additional Locals. ike iimea-ctatd Profitable Rabbit. JUUAN BYRD Manae.r SATURDAY. DECEMBER I. Itl SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oae Tie Sla Meats 12.00 1.00 1 In I It's a long way to Australia as well as to Tipperary, but even in the distant Antipodal they have ' had troubles similar to one of 1 Central Oregon's. The Austra lians, however have contrived to transform their liabilities into an asset. Altogether, the yarn and its lesson in optimism may be in teresting hereabout, so we re print it from the Providence Journal as follews: i "The exportation of rabbit H. F. Peacock, an inspector , skjn9 from Australia now exceeds connected with the U. S. Postal in value over $8,000,000 annually. Department, has been in this according to the Sydney report, city for several days investigate "Now thi. , Mtonishing in- ing the proposition of a daily formation. Tha Antipodes, are mail route between Burns and lo u, congratulated. For years we have been hearing about rabbits. Austra Inspector Investigatea Mail Route to West Bend and finds it a feasible route with every prospect for favorable ; tnejr pg8t 0f action from the Department. Mr. Peacock came in by the way of Prairie in order to see the road conditions and to know definitely how our western mail came in a most circuitous manner. Since arriving here he has interviewed not only auto men but also freigh ters and others who travel the Burns-Bend road frequently and finds that this route is open all the year and there would be prac- lians have long viewed with Kloom the overrunning of their continent It was 60 years airo, or so that an incautious gentleman from New South Wales obtained from Europe, and turned loose in the colony, three pairs of rab bits. As the population and wealth of Australia increased the rabbits increased ; and more than correspondingly. Until recently tically no time that the mail could j jt na8 t,, a tremendous problem Paramount Pictures Tonawa ma. Souvenir programs giving the opening numbers of the dance will be distributed to gueats at Tonawama at the usual Christ mas ball. This has been the custom of the house for years and guests appreciate the pro grams for the first several num bers of dances. A four-piece orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music. A delightful surprise party was given Miss Mary Godfrey by some 60 of her former pupils in the high school on last Wednesday evening. It was a most happy gathering of young people to greet Miss Godfrey at the I. O 0. F. hall and the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner. The guest of honor was pre sented with a handsome lavallier as a token of their esteem and a reminder of a pleasant evening. Rev. Pr. A. J. Montgomery, Secretary of the Home Mission Board of Presbyterian phqrch, was a visitor during the week. He met with the officers of the church on Thursday evening and last night met with the congre gation, Mr. Montgomery is here in the Interest of tha ohuroh and to arrange for a successor to Rev. Dr. Benson who gives up his pastorate the first of the year to retire permanently from the pulpit. Drs. Griffith and Saurman per formed an operation on Geo Gates yesterday connected an in jured nerve that caused partial paralysis of his foot. Mr. Gates had his leg broken several weeks ago and the nerve was injured at that time. It became embed ded in the scar when the broken bone healed in such a way that it would not perform its proper function and this operation was to rctify It Geo. Buchanan and and wife brought the injured man in. not be handled with autos during the enrire year and at a great saving of time in placing our mail in Burns. High School Reports. The following pupils of the Harney County High School were neither tardy or absent during the month ending Dec. 3, 1915: Seniers: Frank Bennett, Nathan Brown, Newton Hotchkiss. Lee Miller, Ruth Miller, Poleman Skiens, Eunice Venator. Juniers: Lila Carter. Sophemores: Jennie Cook, Othel Goff, Norman Luck ey, Esther Sweek, Corabelle Thimmes. Freshmen : Violet Harkey, Darrell Howser, Taylor Huston, Neil Miller, Lois Shirk. Willis Skiens, Alex Sweek, Vio let Terrill, Jeff Wilson, Ellsworth Egli. The monthly tests that were finished Dec. 3, 1915, showed the following pupils to stand the highest in their classes. The Junior class has but three mem bers, so only the highest is given: Senier: Helen Sayer 97, Ruth Miller 96 2-3;Zella Bard well 96 1-3 Juniers: Lila Carter 95 3-4. Soph Seph Soph omores: Annette Leonard 94; Corabelle Thimmes 94; Esther Sweek 93; Evelyn Byrd, 92 3-5. Freshmen; Agnes Foley 98 1-4; Patrick Donegan 97 1-5; Rhea Rhine 95 3-4. how to check them to say no thing of extermination. They drove tha farmers from their lands, and have threatened su;:h devastation as has not been known since the succession of plagues paralized Egypt "The Australians have found a way, at last. They have solv ed the exasperating riddle by turning the rabbit profit A de mand for rabbit has been creat ed in the world's markets, it ap pears, especially xor tne skiah. What was a nuisance, and a de structive one, is found to be marketable. "This is merely another, illus tration, of course, of an indus trial miracle with which we are familiar the utilization of what has been thought useless, the working up of a by-product into something of commercial value. "Meanwhile the happy situa tion is that the Australians are able to sell what they have plen ty of, and do not want to keep what indeed, they would hither to have been glad to pay to get rid of. Such luck is enough to make that celebrated Australian bird, the laughing jack-ass. split its sides with laughter, and the kangaroo leap for joy." For Sale Four head yearling mules. 10 head brood mares in foal. Pair large work horse sev eral head yearling, two year old, and weaning colts. H. Denman Harriman, Oregon, Carrol Cecil was in town the other dav and paid the manager of this great religious weekly for recognizing him on the street If he is going to make a habit of this he will be overwhelmed with a profuse greeting every time he ! comes to town. T,o Teachers It will be necensay that you send me a certified list of the children in your school who will be ready for the eighth grade examination to be held in Janu ary. I have secured several maps of the State of Oregon, issued by the State Board of Forestry These maps have been left at The Times-Herald office and it will be necessary that you make arrangements to gef. tfreni as they cannot be sent by mai. County School Supt Birthday Dinner, (Contributed) Master Woodbrdge Geary had a delightful birthday party on Monday evening Dec. 13, when he was twelve years old. He had three gueats of his own choosing, and two of them were grown ups besides papa, and mamma and grandma. He had turkey and cranberry tauce, and everything jnst as you do on Thanksgiving, or Christmas or New Years whan you do your very best. The birthday cake had twelve colored wax candles which Wood bridge and Andrew Irwin lighted, and which Woodbridge blew out laffV'j ing twelve momentous years be hind him. Happy Woodbridge! May you live to see many more Additional Local. Paramount Tonuwiun.i. Freeh fish and oysters for sals at Mac's Restaurant. Naw musical feature with the Paramount Picture at Tonawa ma tonight Don't mi it. Quality is Right Prices ure Right Flour is Right. New Flour. New Wheat. Every Suck guaranteed. Special prices in quantity. See your denier, the Mill, or Mr. Huston, the Secre tary. The Bums Milling Co. Burns Chapter, No 40 O Iv S. elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Kllu.lones, W. M.; A. O. Faulkner. W. P.; Vivian Smith, A. M. ; May Eg gleton, secy. ; Leila Egli, treas. ; Ella Voegtly, con. ; Virginia Gem barling, asso. con. Lauhti Aid Digestion. laughter is one of the most healthful exertions; it is of great help to digestion, A still more effectual help is a dose of Cham berlain's Tablets. If you should be troubled with indigestion give them a trial. They only cost a quarter, For sale by all deulers. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE NEW STORE IN TO WNf ?????! We will meet or beat outside prices) Specials for Coming Week Christina Turkey 15c. per lb. Spring Chicken 40c. each Full line of high grade shoes aud rubbers for every member of the family Just arrived Fresh Hue of California Dried Frott received Seeded Muscatel Raisin 15a, Seedle Sultana Raisin 1 5c, Figs-white 12c Apricot . 12 1.2c. Pear Bartlet 12c. Peaches large freestone lie. Italian Prunes 10c. Sweet Apple lie. Beat Large Navel Orange 60c. Manchurtan Walnut 20c, Fresh Christmas and New Year Cookie 16c. LOCAL ONIONS lc. per lb. Potatoes, dry land and irrigated 2 l-2c. Rutabage 1 l-4c. White Turnip 1 l-4c. Fresh Homemade bread, 3 loaves 26c. Fresh Hornemade.DoughnuU, per dozen . 26c. Farmers' & Homesteaders' General Excbaof e Store Old Phone No. 334 New Phone No. 1 One block east of Lampshlre's Garage Why You Stseejtej LI,. Cb.mb.rUn'. Cough Ramsey, Because it has established rep utation won by its good works. Because it is most esteemed by those who have used it for many years, as occasion required, and are best acquainted with its good qualities. Because it looaens and relieves a cold and aids nature In restor ing the system to a healthy con dition. Because it do" not contain opium or any other narcotic. Because it is within the raaeh of all. It only costs a quarter. For sale by all dealers. Notice ef Fine! Settlement. Notice is iiqieby given that the tinder signed silinliiiilraior of the estate of Jamoa Leonard, dneegaea, bseaiM Id flnsl account of his aduilnlatratUin of said estate with the clerk of the County Court ul the Hteloof Oregon, (or Harney County, snd that said court has made au order appointing Nalurday, Hie 16th day ol January, JVJtl, at Ilia hoar of ten o'clock a. in. at the County Court room In the County Court Hum at Burns, Harney County Oregon, as the thae end place for hearing said final account sad all ohieclimia that insy be died thereto aud the settlement thereof. All person i Interested In asid astute and liavlug objections to laid dual ac count or any part or Hern thereof, are hereby uotided to present (aid objec tions aud die the same with the clerk of aid Court ou or before said time, 11. M. HOHTOV. Administrator of Estate of Janes Leonard, deceased. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County. Summon H. I). Bhtred.phlntlff T. Frank Aldrich. Ilsttie Aldrlch. Floyd (Irani, Kiribati. Rhode, Carl F. Khode, Nellie M Kb bereop.Juhn C. IJbberaon.lVc (Irani, oVf. n.lants. To Frank Aldrich, Usui- Alchich. Floyd Irani, I'.crlloi Q, Ithode, Carl F. Khode, Ntil ii MMMfaa, Ma C. Rbbeison, re iirsnl; 'lie above nam ed defendant. IN THK NAMK OF TffK HTATH Of OBSBOM, You and each one of you aru bcicbv required to appear and answer the mended complaint died galuct you in the above entitled suit on or before- si week from the dsy of the lira! publics tlon of this aiiiun.oiia. (In. brum the time piptcrjlnd jn Hw order lor the pub Illation of hs eutnaione, aid the day ol the aald drat publication 11 the INtb day of IVccmber mill; llil order of publica tion was duly made and entered by the County Jud, of Harney County, ie goo vn "" Mlh day of Peoh P.ilfi, snd if yon ft) lo so ape g ami anawer ssid amended com pis, n( on Qf Batpr the aim time the plninlilf will apply to the Court for the iatlu-f therein demanded, namely : for u judgment against you In the sum of I'ajotK) afUUnteeaet tbei.-..n from lawember It), 1118, at the rale ofl per eent, per annum; for the snui of SA0.O0 attorney fee, and for Ins posts snd diebureemenU ; for a dear forevloelne a certain mortgage given to plulntlrf on J -ember 111, IMS, by our bin llittclilii son, deeeaaed, upon lb- Sotithweal quarter of -" t ion tee la Tpt SS Heath, KsngeWKsM W M. In Harney County, Oregon, end burring you ol any furilo-r right, cjslui Of i-l.0Uy of redemption i therein, and for an oior ul )" ol aaul premises, and (be applies). on ,,f aaul proceeds In the payment of the amount due to plaintiff, snd for g deficiency judgment sgsiual oil, if there be 'lc liciency, to Hie egiein oi any asane which may come lo you aa heir, of said Ida Hutchinson. Deyol first nublicslinn i : L c.-lnUr IS, 11". 1 1. A Ntuooiji, Attorney of Plaintiff IN THg COUNTY COURT Of THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HARNEY COUNTY. In the matter of the calete ol Henry Ling, Decessed. Notice is hereby given llisl the under signed hss been sp minted the silimula trator of the estate of Henry l.mg de ceased, by order of the Judge of the above Court, ami baa duly qualified. All persons bvugcJuimK"iat aald relate sre hereby required to present litem with proper vouchers and a by law required to the undersigned at his office at llurns, Oregon, or ut the office of his attorney, O. A. Kembohl ut snid Hums, within six months from date of this notice. I.KON M. IIKOWN, Administrator. Dated Deucuihur II, U',. First publi cation hereef: Livcuiuber I I , 'i "i. The Burns Packing Plant soil-1 I'iis your patronage for their pro-' duels awl Kuarantee the quality. The prices are rixlit. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I n the County Court of tb Stat of Oregon, for Harney County. In the Mailer of theeststeof Marvin Met lee, deceased. Notice is hereby given tbst ill under signed lit been duly sppolnted admin latralrlf. of the above-named seta's, and that all persons having olalins against the same are hereby notified to present ihnm duly verified, by law required, to the undersigned or to her attorney Cbailea W. Ellis, In Burn, Oregon, within ali month from the dele of this notice. Hiited December 4, 1B1A. rsAMt.it MiHik, Administratis. First publication Dee. 4, 1916. I.nat publication, Jsn. 1, 1010. Notice ef Sheriffs Sale. N. Ntalliird, plaintiff V. Minnie Drlpps, Melvin Drlpps, Joseph A. Drlpps and Charles I'. Drlpps, defendant., Ity virtue of a writ of eiecotiou and order ol sale duly Issued out ol the Clr cull Court ol the State of Oregon for llnriiey County on tb 24th day ol November 11115 lu lb above entitled suit wherein the coot rendered a judg ment and decree on the I lib day ol i ictolair ISIS, In lavor i,l the plaintiff aud against the defendant" above named in the sum uf IH4H.Hr and tb further am of f:tH.7i, taies paid by the Mori gitgee snd the cost and diaburameiila of Hint Used at H.(H. With interest on m.iu.'Jb at ten percent per annum fro the data ol lb Judgment and Interest at (I ptr rent per annum on SS7.7I Iroin the dale ol lb Judgment, And Foreclosing mortgage and ordeilog i be aule of the property therein deeurib ed. Notloe i hereby given that 1 will on Hie 4th day ol January 1010, at the Court houae door In Burns, lUrney County, Oregon, at Iwo o'clock In the afternoon o said day sel at public auc tion to the highest bidder for oash, the aald property ; described a follow : The bhj, SK Hepllon St Twp. IH H. A. the Nly, NF.4 Secliori S la Twp. 10 & U. :UI. K. W, M In lUrnay County iregon, Or so much thereof a niy be necee aary to satlaly aald ju gment togetliar with the Interest thereon, end all colts and seeming costs and disbursements. Haled this 1st day of December 1015 W. A. Ooodman, Sheriff. T. 8. Hprague, Heputy. Browns' Quality Store FOR FALL & WINTLk NEW GOODS-NEW PRICES We want you to call on us be fore making your purchases. We can supply your wants in anything required. You will find Quality and Satisfactory Service responsible for our suc cess. N. BROWN & SONS-QUALITY STORE s Hums, Oregon aBSBSBBSBWMraenBBrwsBB-a-a-ivi The Burns Packing Plant hits placed Mr. H. Beeler, in charge of the plant north of town, and his experience and ability to turn out first class bacon and lard is already evident The new Victor Ladies Tailor ing style book and samples for fall and winter have arrived. Call and see them at the Clingan Hat Shop before ordering elsewhere. County Budget Notice. To Hie I hi payers of Harney County Oregon . The County Court ol Harney County, Oregon, baya fired Wednesday tbe twenty second iV of December. I'-'T'i aa the time snd the County Couit room aa the place, where lb eatluiste ol tbe amount ol money proposed tn be raised by tssstlon lor tb rnsulug yr, 1016 may be discussed with said County our , also, when and where any tag. payer, subject to euuh Is levy when made, shall b beard fur or sgsint ny proposed lag levy. Iteniesed e- timalra ol amount ol mon ey proposed to b raised by taxation for the .muing year, 10IS, by flaruey County, Oregon, to-wit: Circuit Court ..., 5,160 00 County Court 1,1100 00 justice Coorf I.6JJ6 R0 .Slterir ofl.ee 1,100 QQ t 'lark's urae.... n 4,SQ0 00 Treasurer's ofSu B00 00 Assessor's ofBos J.jhO 00 Coonly School Hopt. 1,900 00 Stock Inspector 400 00 Health officer 100 00 Coroner 000 00 oniity lo4 star., S.S60 00 Court llouse I.MOU) Insane 44 00 Widow' tension 1,3)0 00 Csre of County paoe.. ., 7,110 J" MQQO Hounly on wils) niml 11,000 00 Current aepeste (all offices j 9.SS0 00 Itegistration and Kleetlons... ;l,000 00 Weight and meeaoraa 100 00 Interest on county warrants 000 00 K i pen see not otbsrsise sou merated 3.B.1H 00 Redemption of county war rants S,000 00 s?sesaTwwea wsaajpp ; 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mush at 6:30 a. m. All other services, besides those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. Malic, ef Final Settlement Notice i hereby givsn that the uu dersignsd, administrator of tin Ketuti of W. A- Antlsrson, deeeaaed, has filed bis final account lu said matter, mid that tbe Hon. II. C. (.evens, County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, has set the 0th day of December, Hi!"., ut tea o'clock a. m.,at tbe County JuiIkc' office. Burns, Oregon, as the lime uml plor for bearing objections thereto; All pers'oiis bAving any objections to said account arc hcrr,,T notified to prerrut the m t said time end p)a.c. Dated at Burns, Oregon, this :ii.l day uf November, I'-Mo- If. L, ANDIiKSOK, Administrator of the lUtutc of W. A. Anderson, ieStaaai, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t).-iTe TT l.i xi orrics liuma. Orespu, fiscwuliar i. ISIA. Natleelatierebrelveu that Uha'rles l) He. SI, , ol Krckley. (iraautt, whS.un May I, rut ami 8esibr 10, Ills, tasde ltoin.it, i gnirlei e 0Mis.07ta,i.,ptuti-i,, u.i i, i. .1, 1, 't NJJ.il,STO1VT.T.,yit.. Hans. II R WTlliBnlla Mlrtaian, has ilea notice "I lute" ttonUj makenoltpies yesr Proof, ti.eataUIUli I'laiin u Ilia land abuvs Jwcrll.e.l, before) . h tufUMll. It. . CouiwiMlnorr. St till oOlis, al aavltlsr.Orecos, 0 tee Ut "ls uf Jsnuan. t'lalaiaal itsatas aa wltaeaaeai J. aerdugo.tleorge Jobnaion, Hubert Konioi, Hirsts (1. rlaytuii, allot Heekley.Oreai.ii WM.raaaa. Use later. RICHARDSON'S Fall and winter Goods Underwear, Overcoats, Macanaws Ladies' Winter Wear Complete line in all Departments GROCERIES We are ready with a com plete line of Best Quality Goods to care for our cus tomers. Let us figure on on your big supply order A. K. Richardson General Merchandis : Agt. Buick Automobiles "BrnKmmmmMmmmm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. OMVSDSTAISI 1 ANIi 0711 K, llurns. Orayiiu, Jlareiul.ei I ,, lufi. Notice Is bereby sit en Hint William K- bw , sole Slid amy 101 r i I 11. una liaam.in, ue- .111 oasssa, m iili. tssde caul, (or I Wills sseti luuoilel sisbllsri ureeoi. w ho. mi . ict-.li- t 7. l.ivaleatl Klilrj , No lilirn AailHIoiial II Mil V '. - I "., n.,..i m.t Mvll.llah Ji lll.-.l Ililtll'S ul U to 11 aae filial Ue )4ir I' f, to fllelin lii ilia lan I mI-iim. il. I'lll.e.l, belors HeslXaraml lU'celver.ai Huuia. i.i-,.iii. on the luib .lay uf January, lip) Claimant uamaaee . : Job (avali.lar. Alliiillt I'tirlai, ll.o Hlalil. f.'liarlea V Heeil, ail of ton n, llieaon, a Kaeaa, Heslaier. guriia 1. M M NOTICK Ji'Olt I'lili.D.ATION. HsiTsuHvaisa i.oOrn a, Uurna, (iraeen, Vuvi.uiIho M, win. Noilca la hereby lye U.at Ilia Northern rsumo Hsnway o To rla wbieb amount will b nerssssry to make las levy ol .0075 Kstimated HUU U.. Katlmated HUt Ux levy 004 CoM'ity Isplioo) ICstliitaUsJ eyy .... . J lUbbll boiiot) linpl.. Kstlmatetl levy UOilq Coil nly High Mtihool Kstimated levy 001 Itoitd snd bridg Kstimated levy 004 HMeVsl 30,000 00 16,900 00 J.M 0 M.IUUOU S3,MK00 addissa la Hi dsy ol Nuvi.ni 111. Wll"e coal ulllre lit. MlUllusola, liaa ll.'l" "III HMD, Mil. I III llo..lli c II Hallway dar ol Nuvamlisi IVIS. 1 e.i 111 llila nmes la ulleatlun loaalact under Hie inuvlaioiia ..( th act uf 1 iiiiit.-ii. aiioi'.-'l July I, ihjh (Ml Hlal . 6w. am hH'tHK'4 ill Hiicllnii I Tnlllili IIV miiMIi, ul Kanav '!, Kaat ul Hi.. Wlllion.-lli. l-.lu. ig.al Msrldlu, e.inUiiiiiK o 10 09r i-- Any and all paraona rjajinlioi ..,l . iauly Hi ul tin. Mineral 1 Iukh.i 1 l-i-i-aiiav Ol I he laii.ta deaerlbad. or ils'lrlba oihar teaaun, tn tin -na estnl H" Wlii day ul January all. I, 01 guy lal lu hi, nil. miii. iKllllil Ilia Hull sflldstlla uf urilleal III llila omue. uu 01 iie. riralDiiblleslleu Hsu beat Pulilleailiiu Jan 1 , 110 Wl. rasas, llavls"ir Total .OH II70.WS.00 I'robabbv rcMfidsol Harney county lor tb year )ui, iroui towruee other Ibsu tasstlom I'eea from eounty Clerks oMev Sl.aoO 00 Sheriff's mileage lee ISO 00 Interest on county deuoahe 060 00 Dm- half bounty on wfld ani mals paid by stale .1,000 00 Five par cent U. S, Und sle 000 00 Korest reservs rental , 1,000 00 sajsjjji Which amount will be used lor payment ofoulataudlng warrant. Dated this Stb day ol Novenier, IBlS.by order of tbaCouuly Court j T. IHIUIIlCT, Fair Peed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House ana Feeding fkivileges in Corral or Barn. Customers Care fqr Own Stock. W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoiningr Fair (.rounds, fr5 SSgPJaSsaajgggyaj. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION HNITKlHTATaWI.ANI)OKIlrK, i Tjriiaoeaos, ISajamberu. nil , Nellra la a a rail) ilyea that JufSuli A K niaBfeu . el Wsrrowi, Oregon, who. on Noyemu r , Jui.r, atsda Husiasiesd Kutry No. momt.tot I'UL. -. , 4. Two. ., Mauaa 11 It., Wlllsiuette Merrdlan. (Horw stalhsur bake) haa niad nulieeul i n tlaaloiaakarliiali'naiiuuialliiii prool loi-aiai, tlah claim Is lbs Isnd ilinc ileeerllied, hclure Mactstarand Raeslrsrst Muriia.oreyi.u, on Hi, iota day al Januai y. Ilia. Clalasat nantss ss wltuaaai theater Kaowu. l-ee Wllaon, i.'haa Ifcarlua, ,hsS Berry all of Nsrrowa, Oreauu. " r Wu.KaSS,ltelaler. NOTICE TOft PUBLICATION. UsiTSii Sravea I. tap iirnea. I SUBS, Orecou. Iiecaiaiiei I, Notice la haraby (Ivan that orvllle I' Hi,,. ,,i Usrriiuaa. utaaoti, who, en July m. ivit. umiiu HoBMStasd Eulrj. No. usiiao. lor kuhk,. UKSi, BSWH. Seolleu IS, TownahTi sSSsei Hssae eVSsst. Wlltsnella M.rl.lian, Uaa nl, uoltca ol Intealloa to make dual iloec re eeaal, loestsellshslslm to theleml above .t sonuea, lay lore ascistar ami neeeivar, ai lav ol Ji'liuaiy, l-.'l. vwisurrirtz We have s complete stock of Seasonable Goods Come snd see the great variety Eveiything For Everybody CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Bums Department Store aonhsdjislora Haelatar ami Hocelvar. at Uurna oraaeii, oa aa ins aa laiaiaui 1 Harrv Juhu Mrieas" iilfi ii arrluiau.ni.'S W. r Ira 11 1, sas, Kuglali 1 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNlrSBSTATss baaii orrna, ( Hajrae, oreann. Uecamlivi I, I Notice Ii barsby (Ivaa ll,al llaii Km 1 1 llila (su.ol llantinau, Oraaim made llouiastaad Kutry, No kullKlL,NWU Nl.aVl' . Jtanae ., Willaiuan. Uai nance ol luiaetiu l-rool. to eautbTlah serlbsd. halors 1 '.", Olafn l.llau. Ion III l llou to luaka dual time yyai eladii to the laud altove .lo Beetslar sud ite.ce.lvei, al ii the nth in dsy of jauuai) laid maul namaaa mil o.,a... s iwt aae aasse Hwtwvaww wit uiavii Clerk, Ifaynay 0oBly, Orruou. . Orvlllsr.ai!, Mrs. Ira Hood, John lirWu. ti Itt eae, fit op -hi arrltnau. Oi Fs rs. GOODMAN FEED YARD EKED CIUMP, fr.p. Msrici (o hty Hi. per head BALED HAY, MAIN, WOOD rJllbcil msrkel price fsr 11101 FURS AND PELTS i-tiOO Ssslale r "PPiPSssss-a-i BUTTER WRAPPERS Printed in accordance with Ual nguirementa on short notuv at THE TIMES-HERALD Job Rooms HANSEN'S MEAT MARKET Locate, at tha aama old sUnd with tha beat of prompt rvice Beef. Pork. Mutton, Sausage Eggs, Butter. Etc SPECIAL PRICES ON RIG ORDERS HPtTv JOB WORK We do it right All the news in The Times-Herald lor $2,00 m