The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 04, 1915, Image 4

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Th Turk Use) Csrinen Thst rlrd
Croat Oranlva Bowlders.
It woM scarcely appear hsStbUthsl
shot weighing 800 pound aoaM liva
been employed a century " vrt ""'
Turin, who need the largest cannon in
Burepe, actually ueed gun of audi
caliber at that time.
Whan Mr J. Duckworth passm! tin
Dardanellea to attack Oosetaatluopie
la 180T hla fleet waa arcatiruiiy anai
tared by the. immense shot thrown
from the batteries. The Royal I
of 110 guna, m nearly auaaa-bj
on ahot, while another cut the main
maat of the Windsor fastle aba
two, a single ahot knocked two porta
of tbo Thunderer luto ataX tii Ra
pulse (aaranty four gunsi hail her
wheel ahot away and twenty four men
hilled and wounded by a shot, tlM ahtp
being eared only by the most wninlcr
ful eisrtlott.
Tho heaviest ahot wbletl atruck the
Rrltiah ahtpe waa of granite, weleliliig
00 pounds, and waa twenty six la ea
In diameter. One audi ahot, to tin' ea
tonlshroent of the tare, etove in the
whole atarboard bow of tho Active,
and, having crushed thla Immense nms
of timber, tbo ahot rolled ponderously
aft, the crew standing aghast at thai
singular spectacle.
One of these guna was cast In brass.
It was composed of two parts, Ita
breach resting against massive etose
work, and the difficulty of charging
ouch a monster would not allow or In
being Bred more than once.- mimic
Seme Species Are Fend of Fir.ry and
Clothe Themselves Carefully.
Many of the crab apecles of ahcliitsh
clothe thamcalvea. Some ssolc dresa
elaborately by tailing email piece of
different colored weeds and sticking
them on the. shell, so as to look like a
stone covered with weed. They apead
hours, with the utmost isMaWieiauc,
in making these pieces mllieiv. h try
Ing the ssme piece over uinl over again
till they succeed. They hnve a line
sense of symmetry and always put a
red piece on one limb to match Hie
red piece they have put on Hie oilier.
and a green piece to uinieh a gfaM
piece, thoufh how they know red from
green In the dark poola where they
live la bard to aay, uiisnw It la by
taste or smell. When once I heir dress
Is completed It improves the older it
becomes, as the weed setuully grows
on them.
Another species, with like habits mid
a most decided love for flliarj. was de
scribed at a meeting of tin- I.liiimeiiii
society, aa clothing themselves with
bits of bright colored seaweed, khh: es.
and so forth, if the crab ha deapoHed
of Its garments It at once prMeafla to
clothe Itself again with rare and da
liberation, manifested not only In the
selection of Its articles of apparel, Inn
ta tho proper shaping of iliein by
means of Its pincers.-I.ondin Bffta
Tho Attorney In Englsnd.
Tho use of the word attorney ileuotcs
a belated mind. Since Nov. I. is;;,,
attorneys bsve ceased to exUt. their
title merged by law Into (hat of solic
itor of tho supreme court of Jiullea
tore, says a writer in the I.oinlon .Mall
Tbe name had. long been used us a
term of abuse. Johnson observed of
aa acquaintance that "he did not care
to apeak 111 of any man behlud hta
back, but he believed tlie geiitlcmnu
waa an attorney."
Archbishop Trench In lC.!t sated that
the word attorney waa going out of fa
or and that tbe lower branch of the
legal profession preferred to be called
solicitors. So when the judicature act
of 1873 waa before parliament a clause
waa Inserted abolishing tbe obnoxious
title. But with our delightful coo
aervatlam we still honor the "attorney
Knocking on Wood.
"Knock on wood" Is one of the most
antique expressions In us today In
stead of being modern alang. according
to Professor William V. Hade. Tin-ex
preaslon dates from a custom in vogue
0,000 years ago, wben wish) waa re
garded as tbe antlpstby of evil genius
es. Metals were regarded as tabooed
by certain spirits, and If a man BBS
died these metals he immediately
touched wood to appease the spirit
Ancient records show that King Solo
mon's temple wss built with wooden
tools and Implements mode of precious
metals, for Iron waa tabooed and would
hare polluted tbe temple. Exchange
Overworked Runabout.
A writer for a farm mnitazlrre snya
an ordinary runabout can be made to
ran a circular saw, pump water, haul
freight, drive dairy machinery, fill the
alio, ahred tbe fodder and crush grain
feed. Possibly, but It would have little
time in which to run about. l.milst lib-Courier-Journal.
Charge Explained.
Judge What's your charge against
the prisoner? Complainant Burglary.
He stole $5 from we at tbe station
Judge But for burglary there must be
a breaking. Complainant - Well, your
honor, wben he took Ihe live he broke
ase. Boston Transcript.
A Psmale Veteran.
Hs Isn't that General X. and his
slaughter over there? Ho Yes. They
aay that abe ha been through i
engagements than her old father -Bo
ton Transcript.
A cheerful and glad spirit attains to
"perfection much more readily than a
melancholy spirit R. Philip Neri.
His Msntsl Incspscity.
The Court Ho you ask divorce from
this man on tbe ground of mental la
capaclty. What proof have you that
he's Insane? Tbe Woman -Who wild
tte waa insane, your honor? The Court
Why, yon aay be Is mentally Incapa
ble. The Woman Yes; Incapable of
understanding that I'm boss.
An Unusual Csss.
Stranger Seventeen years ago I
landed hare in your town broke. I
atruck yon for a dollar. You gave It
So me, saying you never turned a re
guest Ilka that down Clthien (eagerly)-Yea?
Stranger -Well, are you still
game 7 -Judge.
Window Boss.
Before patting earth In window botes
wbltewssb tbe Inside of tho box This
not only keep n wooden hog from rut
ting, but pre tent Insects. M. Cull's
A Woman' Right.
"And how long have you voted r"
"Twelvs years."
"And how old are yoY'
Twenty -two." Life.
ems Queer Thkiso ef Whlsh Pletler
Characters Are Guilty.
I or many years a favorite pastime
or the literary dilettante baa bee to
fen ei out m it tikes made by celebrat
ed mil hoi h Writer of tbe highest
standing BSva been guilty of abaurd
"bloomers," siK'h Bs S'lnnbert'e naeer
thin i hat "the two ndvsrsarles were
placed mi an asset instance from each
oilier." Mistakes of this sort Have
i eveused on the ground that the
authors ere votUlug under preaatire
of iisiiiii hi mid were therefore like.
Ij at iiii.i ii no to make minor errors.
i of today do not. as a role.
ipi'car lo be written under the stress
iM'inu.cntiil cxclteineut Yet, In
suits of I heir seemingly cool sophistic
lion, lliey are uot lacklug In curloti
mistakes, A short list of these errors
baa barn rowtdjaad by a writer In the
Phil ulalnlihi Usjgar:
I actsn iiied In silent rage.
A ghl loi.' her eye from the atage.
but bar ears still lingered.
"I Mill never speak to you again a
long as 1 live," biased Dolly. (Just
try to hiss It.)
Her feet were swollen from standing
in wet. salty walar.
Like A del a. ho had dark brown hair,
lib enormous black eyebrows, s lua
ii. be ami a short beard. iiiereforv. was our surprise to
iiii,i Tish sitting by the Are In her
bath rolie ami slipper With a CUP of
ha in her hip nud bar fret In a 1Mb of
But still H Had a Seed Reason Per
Congratulating Himself.
He miis a i cuter, and at least are
other season he waa occupy log a dif
ferent rami Hy a frland's advlc be
hail uiomsI (he year before Into an en
tirely new field, a doaen mile from
his usual baunta. and bad not been
seen for neural months. Wben the
frleml did see bim at Isst It waa quite
by acchlctir. bwslMNB taking him into
the old mini' neighborhood. The farm
er ballad bltn from the sorsaVId and
enmo out to the fane.
llello!" said the friend, "la this
your fa mi V
"Yea: and I Jlst com over to tell
you. sir. that I'll be ready lo pay part
of that claim of roar's before long."
"You must 1st doing well"
"I think I'm dots' fut rata, awt I'w
powerful obliged to you. sir, for iwsS
!u' me (tils way."
"I am always glad to lp If I cap."
"I knowwl thai, air, and tbal'a why
I come away over tiara so fax from
home. Ii's ktuder strange to me. but
as long aa I am doln' aa well aa I aw
I am goln' to etand It."
"Are you making any asoasyr"
The old mao'a face brightened per
ceptibly. ".No. I ala't air," ha replied
hopefully, "but I'm lasts' It stower'a I
ever dona In my Ufa before." Argo
Spontini's Decoration.
rasps ra Hpontinl, the composer, re
garded himself In tbe light of deml
nod, and when Inspirations crowded
iimii uiUi he donned a wide, toga
like gown of aliite silk with a border
of gokl a ud a fas of while silk em
broldered lu gold from which a heavy
tassel hung down. With great dignity
be sat down before his desk, and If
a grain of duet waa vtatble on tbe
paper on which be penned bla music
he rang the bell Impatiently (or bla
servant to remove the obstacle. Spon
tlui owned o many medal and deco
ra tloua that they could no longer be
accommodated on his breast. At a
grnnd musical reunion at Hall an old
mush-Ian remarked to a comrade, "See
how many decoration Spontlul bus
while Uoaart bs nut one." Spou
lint, who overhead K, replied quickly,
"Mozart, my dear friend, dupa not
need them."
Novel Rabbit Catcher.
Crab are put to a curioua nee on
certain parts of the Devonshire fore
shore. Tbey are used to catch rabbits.
Hating located a promising borrow,
tbe sourer takes s crab and affixes a
short length of lighted candle to tbe
hack of Its shell. Tbe bebsrWy of a
crab which bods Itself In a narrow lo
closure hi well known. It begin to
run. It therefore starts away ap tbe
burrow at top rats and presently the
rabbit la borrlded at tbe eight of s
Jog trotting flame coming to bU aanc
tuary. Off be goea for the other exit,
only to And himself, wben be emerges.
In a trap. London Spectator.
Victor Huge.
Victor litfrgo waa the wealthiest of
tbe nineteenth cettfnry authors and
also tbe hardiest At on (to be mad
less tbsn 1,000 francs last bus and d
brother for eighteen months, and one
chop would aerve for lunch three dspe
in succession. Bat this early abet!
neuce did not spoil lingo's digestion,
for at the age of eighty-three be crack
ed nut with bis teeth and ate orangea
aa some folk a apples peel and all.
Then the Be Bvd.
Mrs. Koapoeu (whs hs base suffer
ing from toothaSa))-Tbank goodness,
I've bad that tooth out at test: Mr.
Suappem-Happy tooth! Mrs. Snap
pern What do you mean? Mr. Snap
pern-It's out of the reach of your
The Grind.
"What an you doing now?"
"Two a day." said the vaudeville
actor "And you?"
"I ciiiii quite equal that" reiiidrd
the popular uovl "Two s week Is
shout my llmtt." Kansas L'r Jour
nal. it I a crest stop In tbe Interpret
tlon of life wben we bare discovered
that all events are ultimately spirit
ual. Ilrlerley.
Oddest Psreslte In Croatian.
Tbe royal Bengal tiger Is Infested
with one of the strangest creatures
that ever lived. It to said to be a fuel
easily demonstrated or pcW ed by v
who bs access to a aoologlcal eeibti:
tlon tbat tbe web ot tbe foot of tiger
of the above named species U Inhabit
ed by a bloodsucking bisect about tbe
size of a common flea which Is a per
fect counterpart of a tiger hi every
particular, shape, clawa, tall and stripes
Inc bided.
A Bleed S)(dmattwto.
Hbe-Wby do all Mm man flock
around tbat foolish Mia SwawMilag?
She husn't a grab) of souse He No,
but sbe baa s aenae of discretion. She
doesn't require any of bar admirers to
display any more Intelligence than aba
possesses herself. Blchmond Tlmee
I ilspatcb.
Held What kind at BS engine have
you got In yosr near ear? Qreaae-A
donkey engine, I gases. Ifs s ejf slly
Mubbore .-Youkar statesman.
rr. " ::"
Oajs hurt's Bshsms Whsn Hs Found His
Capital Waa Shrinking.
What on man did Wben ha discover
ad his capital wna shrinking Is told In
tbe American Mngsxlne:
"A rrleinl let me luto a, aecret of hia
Biiaiii'iai economy Mhlch strikes me aa
valuable. He Is or middle age. with a
Htnall family, and him an Income of
Bil.WlO a pes Ho has put hy a few
thousand dollars. Ill Investments are
In gilt edged securities.
"At the end of every six months be
figures nut emu fry ihe rain of hi
property. Bach sham of stock, each
bond u reckoned at its present market
price, and the aala value of bid bouse
I placed at the lowest figure. To the
current value of his estate he adds bis
life Insurance. The result I the capi
tal which Mould bo available for the
support of bla wife and children should
be suddenly die.
"At the last three reckonings my
friend found that but capital waa
shrinking There had beeu decline In
certain stocks and bonds and a falling
off In the value of bla real estate.
What did he do? Commiserate him
self? Nut at all. He went (o a life In
auraiice company and took out a policy
large enough more than to cover the
shrinkage In hs capital. Comparative
ly speakbm It cost l.lin i cry little, bill
II added a neat sum to the value of
hla estate and guaranteed an iiiiliu
paired Income to hla Wife."
The Old Tim Quill end the Art ef
Putting a Point en It.
Quill pen are no longer used except
In rare old fashioned instance, but
people still use "penknives" yon can
are the uniiiv any day In Ibe cutlery
store window -bin they do not use
them to make or mepd pens. In fart,
where Is there a wan or woman who
knows how lo put a miui uu a quIIIT
It waa mice au art which evtff man
had to master, though women were
generally bad at il, aa they are liuw at
ahnriK-iiliig pencils.
In the old day Ihe Brat question
aaked of n achoolmaater waa the one
whether be waa skillful lu Muting
quills, for he had to abarpen Ibe pens
of bla whole acuooi and Incidentally In
struct bla pupil In ha art. Alael
There Is no modern pan of steel ir gold
that la so smooth, so swift, so alluring
aa a good quill pen. The writer Is vrt
aura of that, for hi father used lu tell
blm so.
Tbs art of handwriting bss certainly
declined lntf Ihe quill pen went out of
use. The old fellows could really writ.
We strll (sty them an unconscious trib
ute by calling a writer a "quill
driver" and picturing Ibe pen. when
ever we hare to make au abairart rep
resentation of II. as a quill- New
York Mall.
Prance' Nstionel M
The Mi.ce Cirnuvnlet of Paris Is
also known a ibe Villous! museum.
for It nmlaliis nhjwil pertaining to tbe
hlator)' of Plains ami eepectally of
(be I'icncb revolution The sacred nee
of antiquity cling lu lb bulging It
self, which waa begun lu IBM and
vulsrgrd in lUtk) by Mansart the
famous arcblliM t of liula XIV. In
ItlT? It became tbe bome of Mow. de
Hevbrue, who lived there for eighteen
year and alter whom the street la
named iiii.t face Ihe piln.-ipsl en
trance. Among lie undents of this
museum are fragment and sis toes
from noted old buildings which no
longer xist. There are also s weird
portrait done In wax of Henry IV.,
made tbe day after but asesaatsatloR.
and an autograph order from Louis
X VI. fur the defenders of the Tulleries
lo cease Bring. Thinks of historic In
tercel are numerous, tmt sens ssore
sanguinary than tbe ropy of the cos
stltutlon of KIN bound lu bumeu akin.
P tide's Tragedy.
An affair of fbu youth of Itouget de
Lisle, author of the "Marseillaise." Is
told hi a French Journal ' lo laTO.
wben be was about twenty years obi.
itouget d Li!... a pupVi ill lbs mill
tury school, was deeply suilltrn ayltb
ihe charms of young girl of Cuiifbe
tole. Mile. Cumlllii, whose father was
a captain on half pay The belrulhnl
waa made the occaalou of a family
fete. In lb yoiirse of wbk'b sums fire
work wen- lo fy pef pu '
The future officer cuilij nut leave lo
others I lie cure of touching us tbe
Isinder. When the moment came to
tire Ihe prlic lel pUt'r, which showed
the llcure of bis well lavh'sd, be ap
iroiiclH'il nHh a light In his baud, tbe
ruests meanwhile taking their place
in a ten a a opiu-.iu blur. Tbe piece
was lighted, lull n rockil badly direct
ed struck Ihe young girl on Ihe fore
teat), and she died some days after In
cuiiaeqiiciiec of her bursa.
A Oueei fish
due of the 'pueicl of laid creatures
is the mud sklpisyr, or Juinpiug hah.
which Inhabits (be large river of In
dia and Ibe neighboring seaeoasta. Al
ebb tide these little lUheo leave tbe
wider to hunt for tiny crabs, flies, etc..
snd their strong pectoral and rsutral
fin, sided by their tall, enable them
to inovp about easily and to climb apon
trees, graa and lea yea.
With Ibi-lr huge syea, emng to pro
ject far oat of I heir eocketo, they ess
see aa well on bind a Is the water.
Tbey progress lu short quick leaps, ef
fected by sharply bending the rear
third of the body to ibe left and sud
denly straightening It In color they
are usually light brown, With dark
baud, though they sometimes appear
light green Tbey are easily caught and
are much lined in Burma.
A Prsolsus 0Beuanjat,
Blues April 23, 1804, (be (jylelaUsJ ftf
tbo iJi'i'larutluu of ludeiaiuilenes lis
been kept la a atsel safe lo tbe library
of tbu stats department, Washington.
It bus been seriously daiuagsd by
uuiiiy reproduclliiii and uiucb han
dling, su tbat few of the algnaturea
can now lie read. It Is kept from the
light u try to preserve tbe reatlgea of
lllk thai riiiniilii.
. i
A Matter ef Ibe Sutur.
"Wbeu doea Ibe laal trslu fsave for
UoblHUvvlllef" naked Ihe old lady at
tbe ticket window,
"I doo't know, uta'ani," auesverad ibe
elderly ticket agent, "hut I don't suo
poae either of ua will live long enough
lo take It." Kicbaugs.
Man Bating Crosodllos.
Wie frgs reptile hi tbo mail eating
aalt water cj'o'od'i of southern Asia
and Australia. It iuaui lljlrly feat
Id l.uglb from eud of uu to lip of
Tsbsooe Plsnt Seed.
Tb seeds of tbe tobacco plant ar ao
nituule Ibat, according to ao eatlmate,
a thimbleful will furnish enough plsuts
lT as acre of ground
H'Waa the Very Plsvsr of Sad, Said
His Old Maldisrvant.
Carlyht bad tempered? Not at nil, if
we are to place any belief In the teatl
mony of the maid behind the luooin.
One of Cnrlyle'a servants, Jessie, who
on marrying became Mr llroadroo'.,
has left a very favorable impression
of her old master, the LnsttoS
"I coulU have lived Willi him all my
days," aha eaya, "ami it alwayi makes
me angry wben I read, as l sometimes
do, tbat be waa had tamoared. He
waa the ve-y reverse, In my opinion.
I never would have left him whan I
did If I had not been going to get
married I look great pride In attend
lug on him and studying alt Ids arista
and wishes.
"It waa one of my dmles to rusk out
and move on all street Organ and
things of Hint kind. Many a tl In
tbe morning before be ruo I used to
All his pipe, the short clay Im used In
his bedroom, fur him and atrlko the
match lo light It. I always cut up his
tobacco (he bought It In flat cakee)
aud kept hla tlu box regularly supplied
He was always ao grateful for these
little services."
Ho much for popular belief and tha
dictum of the democratic servant blog
Dr. Jphnsen' Description of the Wsy
Thsy Wer Inflsted.
"The chemical philosophers have til.
Covered a body (which I have forgot
leu. but will Inquire) which dissolved
hy an acid emit a vaMir lighter than
lbs atmospheric! air. This vapor I
naught, among other mesas, by lying
a bladder compressed uihui the bsttsj
In which the dissolution performed,
"Tbe vapor, rising, swells the blad
der and AH It. The bladder Is Iheu lbs I
and removed and another applied till
ga ranch of thla light air I oojjestsd ns
Is wanted Then a large spherical
case hi matle. aud vary largo it must
bs, of the lightest matter that run t
found, secured by anroo method like
that of oiling silk against all xtage
of air.
"Into this are emptied all the bind
dera of light air, and If there la light
ar enough It mounts Into the clouds
upon the aunie principle a a battle till
ed with water will sink lu water, but a
bottle Bled wltb stber will flunt. It
.rise (III It come to air or equnl ten
Blty with Ita own If wind or water
doe not spoil It on the way Much,
madam. 1 an air latlbsm " Prom Df
jTuhjjUMIl's Letter. Kept SJ, IlKJ. , ,.
Beethoven's "MssnJight Sonata."
The story runs iWthnvru'a
"ismllght Sonata" always so . died,
(bough OS o rarely gave a descriptive
nam to auy of bis itork was cju,
posed on su occasion when h bad
(Sato playlug m some airnuger folk
by chance Walking Miih a frtosaj, be
over beard lu a bund'1' house easel
one playing with m,u i, reeling t
of one of hi sousts llu Iq
llaleu In a motneut the music ceased,
sud a girl iukw longingly of her wish
to hear aoiuv really good romeil The
voice Was so appealinu that the roiu
poser slepissd Mlthoiit heallullon lu
lbs dour sud knocked Adiiilltisl to
the wondering bust, be said, "I will
play for yon." and played WosdeffsUy
till the lamp burned out. Tl.-en Willi the
uiooullglft tilling tlio room Im Is-gan
tq Improvise th myyteriuu dellcst
leslblugs of (fie Is.'glnnlu'g of iltat
wooderfql sonata. Iheu the Irlckay el
like second pari, sud the glory of the
The Thriftiest Psrson.
A supreme example of thrift waa the
Bar. Bobert Walkur the "Wonderful
Walker." For the greater part of hi
life Walker waa curate of I.eatbrr
walte, Cumberland, commencing there
Wltb s stipend of 1." per suniim His
fcWe broughl him a fortune of to. and
PS the Interest of ibis and bis IB sn
puslly Walker reared a family of eight
When after twenty year his stipend
waa raised to i? Me. a yuar he -.,
Hired to aave Aud not only di.l n.
family "lire well, though plainly," but.
aa be declared with Ju-illl.iii pi He,
bis children inter la. ked any uf tin,
ueeesaarles of life and were glveu au
education lu III I hem for any rank uf
society, ibu boys, Indeisl. going lo agej
o Ihe uniterslllfS. liliilon Standard
Sand Swept An.
u tbe aipl iiImi or rinirul Asia Ibe
sr I n'Hirtii u. sftSO Iml. n ullb
Bfiji ililrltiii, wbl, b iiiiii. iiku hiiiii.
uroiiiiil SBftgpfrgnus olJi ti iin.l li mis
lo bury Ihnn In ii dust 1 1 lift li'i
when there m, apraWSSl wlml tin.
air Is .Ii iiii'il ns thbk v. lib II uu Busi
and a yi'iiuw asdUsenl eorers every
IblbiT lb KhiatiHi this lIllHl niiIIK llllll's
HQ OJisi uri'S l)n nup thnl at mlibliiy
ope egajbef sit lo read Bne prlul will)
m lamp
Where Bestland Join SngUnd,
The wliltli of the Islutid of ilruui
Britain nl Ibr pulut el imiiiiii bstargas
Kuglund iiml Kriillitiid I iilnmt kilty
miles Tbe rivet Tweed iiiibbs ilu
fytD i uiiiilrli's for I fee uillr, nl III,'
agal, and tbu Cheviot bllN aerra aa n
)jKundury fur lljjr un-ntur ir "f tl'
rest of the distance
SsaaatJsjsjsjsjsssMsssjaassssaa i ,..
They Said:
in the Northwest. Hut torn is vrown here good corn, small robs.
deep kernels, solid ears, and plenty bushels per acre.
Kvi-ry farmer everv live bLoatk ubvnaa-r
every dairyman knows what corji) dieang.
Wbelbiir or aul run Slum iiial rum i. a iiimtfeful nroy In IbU eeualrr, o and the resulu
of oaniiJsii lor iiiuii' iiuikKiul in tiur iurk,iiiiri'lll,aiuru dairies and allu. sud better
lin"a at lb
Information and Premium List Free
upon application to
General Passenger Agent
Portland, On-.
Tho woman sitting opposite roe In
It bott I .linlii;: room spoke French to
the waltreaa fluently, hut there wa uu
untldinsas about her letter "r" that be
tokened Kngllsh, and a waterinsss
alsiut her eye that I tbonght betokened
ihtnor. Sbe waa aged and for all the
world ahe waa "Salrey Gamp." She
ata ber trtie flaiintlngly. And abe ate
It voluptuously-not aectlonlng It wltb
knlfu or fork, hut rolling It omelette
wise alsiut her fork like as Italian wltb
macaroni, and I followed each mouth
ful Mlth my hungry eye and opened
my own mouth slightly each time and
thrilled at ber dexterity aa wben I
natch a motorcar being lowered Into
the opou hatchway of a ahlp. Howard
Copland In Yale llevlew.
Quite Bo.
"Here xmebody aay that electric
currenta can be made to take tbe plans
of food in sustaining life."
"What a shocking Ihaoryr-Baltt-mnre
I count life just the stuff lo try tha
soul's strength on llrontilng
Hs s Rival.
'Tunny you never hear .llggs raen-
llnii his golf any more."
"Not at all. Ills wife has laden op
the gnme." BlilYalu Kipresa
To attempt lo make everything em
phatic lain make nothing emphatic.
Wlia Inly.
i-igftt column capacity
f, 0- B, Maywood, HI.
Sold on one year's
creditor 3 per cent,
discount for cash.
Arnerjcain Can Company
ehwagQ, lilt
Please send booklet deserip
tiye of American Adding and
Listing Machine,
Clipped from ,
Please mention this paper in
answering this ad.
Naiarene Cbiftsh.
liegwlar preaching aervioea each
bunday at l a. m.,and YiSOp.m.
Sunday-aohool at 10 a. m.
every Sunday.
Tuesday Bible Study at 7:30
p. m.
Wednesday Mid-week Prayer
meeting at 7 ;8 p. m.
Sunday evening at UM6 o'clock
young peoples meeting.
Will be glad to call on the aiek
and needy at any time.
S. L. Flowers, Pastor.
Job printinR here.
eVwMfeH K
ChamserleJn't Tablet.
Tki. i. ii.- -J-u- int-n,id
. .,
csiiwKistiiy iw aitimociir tniuiiirs,
biliousnens and constipation, it
is meetinp; with much Buccesn
and rapidly gaining in favor and
popularity. For sale by all deal
Christian Science Church.
Christian Scientists will hold
thare services at the Presbyter
ian Church, Sundaya at 8 P. M.
Wednesdays at 7:80 p. m. Sun
day School at 1:80 p. m. Read
ing Room at room No. 6 Masonic
Building and it will be open
oh Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons of each week from 2
until 6 o'clock. This is a free
reading room and people are wel
come to come during those hours.
These features alone are
conclusive evidence that
we bold the strictest cen
sorship over business in
trusted to us,
Gen. Mgr.
ornoiAL tMHBiTOKv
stars oaauos i
I 'lee. R. l.'baulstrlslB
lllanj Lsue
tl! H
llur lie, lie uer al
Z . UV"W i
ey i ui....
UeorseM BrosrS
James VAIthiiiuil.r
Sea w. iiiuuti
I. II k.v
. t A I'blllrliill
Jubu Istvreiiue
I r. A. Moor
lOSSM Bo'1,.11
I Rubi Sail 1 1.
s. a. H..H'
sseietsreul Slat
Sum. Public laat.urilM
tat rriater
tbo. a. Mrnri'i.'
I Hrurr.l,. h, , ....
i Ijieieii, T Mam.
RSSfa ' Hanoi. Nls
louair Aluirner ... ileo.bmieo.",
( Irrult i.'ourt oieeu lb ant Mumlai lu
April sad ana atuadar la Orivber
I.. V.BI, I
Kiauk Uave
ooirsrv babbsv:
Cuum, Judas
Cl,k "
. I. V , .
H I lluihel
I. A Mill."
Iiaufc iiiimn I
H A. I
J. J. liuiirami ,
I. M lleai, bun
l. IS . i I. . ii,, i
Jobs l'aid r. II
i I bus Han,
. '! H' Kobin. I
t'oatr I'oun sioeb) Ike VVodueedar Is
Jsassry. Msrek. Mar. Jsljr. soptoaber ud !
as. e. a. orru :
V, IM .. .
Seaelvsr Sam Motbersbva.!
MaetiBss ol IS roaarll .,.iy aemnd and
ruurtk Wadaesd
...U.C. Levem
" Ven Winkle
llenr, I'atlnn
..H. I.. II.
i iieorge rtf
(I urmatnllli
I Han Mutberabea.1
if You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Scrubbing Unnecessary
Enamel your wails and woodwork and secure a
finish that ia hard and Bmooth, mm absorbent and
ssiuuuj. fvnamcieu sunacrs
wng. An occasional wipinjj with a damp cloth
will keep them looking clean and fresh.
re easily applied. They cost no more than ordinary
pafttt and save you time, trouble ami worry.
Our "Home Decorating" booklet tells you how
you can "do it yourself" at trifling cot.
AA fur f re copy.
Burns Hardware Co.
Aif.'tits Wanttrd-To
I TV Lafolletle NurMry
i Tror-H grown in Central Omgon
4(ioo feel elevation and without
irrigation. I lest treea for Cen
tral Oregon. Everybody wants
them. Write for particulars.
Theodor.' Hubbard. Box 72,
PrinovilK Oregon.
Save Your Coupons.
With nil kodak finishing
amounting lo$'J.OO I will give'an
NxlOi nlargemeBl of your favorite
film free, f'ilin developed 10c
per roll any size. Packs 26c.
I'rints 5c. pontcarda 5c.
Snyor Studio. Burns, Ore.
WilHon'n Creamery Butter Bt
$1500 Reward!
tlioOresea, CI
ItoralcsaSSersSs Ife
iioa Assaeti
whleb the
win git i,ajae
reesra for ovl
ileoee lOSdlae IS
lb ref sea ase.
ivur sarsMM
las acres.
or fnulesbek
ui ay ul II
In s'l'lhiiin In the slsive, IBS
ni. lbs .nil," iiiii'lliioa for sll
bn piled bur, sins) bar ee sotb er oltbor w
HraiKi c.-i i.i...i iii . ijbi rossties Bsaaji
Hsrssy, I sli sail iruuk coaotles. Hsrss
veaU a Ba ,
Nun tint grevs burae old sad eely Is
rg beat in ,
w w . iimiss fii. ui
I'strr.ii statu I.asn Otncs,
bur m, oremo. Movsstber Is. H
hen by ul, en tbat rrsskllsW. Verves
ul iiaiii', 1 1 it-,'. ,n, uiiu, on Jua It, in. tea) ..I. , y Su " 'i. fur Uri I , t, SH -44
li.ii.e aa Keel, Wills jievt
alexbllaii ! Hlii i.utii-e ul loleolloa In aul
lnml t "uu,, iit.i ion i mm, I. lo eelablla. atal
lo Ihe leti'l abuve d,.' rltied, before .agistor
sod ass Ivor, al burns, orestia, on thAnMSsv
ul bed ubei lU
rlalmalil Baine, a. wllneseea:
II. Kiitiit, i. tun' Tudor, I. L f'tujade aad
.ti'-ii, M of llaruey, Onarea.
wu rsasa,
AC- , iTE 22
Pif.'e in the WOULD.
Mridr in two iTitKJUj i i
l.r .i.? .miort H. K. vmr-
tinljrt- tlunihcr for .99 Uotf
ii iu- ii. r .
Hsndlas IS .Bt
Short aad IS .BB
l.uiif rifle rartrtdere.
wild for handsome.
Illustrated Hlfle Cats
luirsnil "How to Shoot
Order Sta
from your Dealer.
r-IIH-ol'KK gAlXS. MASS.
t require scrub-
-w I ae-
tAXyfULfZ aaV
ne bSbb
(" Jf
' -mk
Physicist smI ' ii.
Physician aii'l Riirgeon
Burna, - - - o,, .,,,.
OMssos aeeoml llr Ti tisaains Ml,f,
'Plldli.' Ms
Pbysiclaot and Turgeons
Calls anawerml pniaiilly niiclii nrilge
'Pfcon llsirliiisn
Harrlman, Orvtion
Or- Minni. Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Direct Telephone lmncctin
Albritton. Ore.
Offlee first il.sir i-h i aboto gallery
Bernn. r,
Attorney at Law
Offlee Pre. ti. .
Land Scrip for 5aJe
Vsle, Oregon
Attorney at
Vaegtly IHcJk-. Hnr.- . Dregs
Barns, Oregon.
Attorney al Ijw
Oootaausud assatlaa bsfora It. B. Und
Offiue a apaeutlty
Osaee: Fry Bldy;. BSBl i lo cost office
Barns, Urt-uon
Burns, - - Oregon
fractioaaln tbeKiiiiu ., ,ri" und be
tore tbe U.K. Uml OHoe,
Ohtu. II. I x-oiiiti-U.
Attorn ky- a i -t vw,
Careful sttention given t.i t'ollec
tiooa and Heal Bststo maitra.
Fire Iii-iii
NoUry Public
Busk. OBsWOSh
State Courts and United States
Land Office Practice
Three doors South of thr;
Harney County National Bank
Burns, QrearoB,
W. O. Dii.i.aiii.
Banawly Awl k...
IbU. 8 Serlaaiaii"
A. O. r tt'i.k-.sis
ily l blelEa-
ul Bulae
m in By.
Eastern Oregon I njineeriig
QVa AN IRIIiiiATKlN tN(iN0il,
Haras, On rub
: -:-LONH
OEOKUI: POON liop. t
5 :
Meals At All Hours. Short
e Orders and Prompt Service i
; With Reasoi. :.!!, Rates e
I Give Mo Cal j
f eejajseaie Tlaaea-H, raid MeUleU. 1
tttttttttu:u." ::::::unitit
Hfue Painting
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Frettco Painting
Brtlsaalea (urnlvli,. on ap
BsUcUa. Saniplca shown.
HHU)n--i':.Jtffl. ::::
Jeweler. Ooian and
Fine Watch Rriwirlnu A Spe
Tonawania tonight