9K t 13 THE SECRETARY BIRO. It KUl Lilt M'uW and Can aallv Snak Whela. Til rarest and moat valuable bird In the New York aoologtcal garden ar tbe etraage pair of soeretarv Mrt's iniiir terad tn th oetrlch lious. "Bvrctary bird" they ar called becaue of tlio crest of long dark plume thai rataa from th hack of their head. tiMtig them th appearance of Ctaf -Hli n bunch of quill feather beautd hl 4r lt' an aristocratic mime, but t ho thing tbat make th eecretary bird valuable I not Ms looke. The natives of louth Africa lore him hsflSsMs be can kick Ilka a mule. Toaa Into hie rag a nunkc. no mull or bow Tldooa, and the unlit baatoa i mediately. Th bird cautiously an proacbM th anak with frlnga wide epread to Mcape th sudden long hj flight If ntoeatnrj, once, rwie. tar times perhapa the aunko Iuiiros. Tn bird dart back, waiting bu caanra, At last It cornea, and one of tfcoa ' hard lege ahoota out Ilk the boot at R mule, landing quarely oi llio snake's head. It reela and falls back etutiued to b knocked out completely by a sec ond blow. And then It Tlctor pro ceeds to awallow It whole. In South Africa the birds nro ragaitf ed as a great protection. Tlicy IN "f fectlonat mate and always trawl to gather. When pursued tlicy spread their wings and mako off over the ground with th speed of n malng bora. Every Week. INDIAN SUMMER. Th Term May Hav Had Its Ori0in In th Far East. Th origin of the term "Imllun sum mer," Ilka that of the word bllaxard." has been th subject of much iv-i h. It baa been traced back only as far U tba latter part of the eighteenth .en tury, and it did not Isjcoiue coiumou until after the first decade of the nine teenth. Many explanations of the name have been offered, all of which assume (lint the term "Indian" used lu this comae tlon refer to the American Indiana A recent not to th Monthly VTaath er Review call attention to a totally different uae of this term. In which the reference Is not to the American In dlans. but to Bast India Under the British hoard of trad rag ulatlons one of the load lines marked on ships bears the Initials "1. S.." this being the maximum depth to wlil. h vessels can be loaded for voyages dur big tha "Indian summer"-1, e . the Bag season In the Indian seas. How long baa the term "Indian sum mer" been used In this aaaaal It la not recorded In any dictionary nor ap parently to any work on UlaolagJ I it poaalblo that our antomnal In dlan summer was so named by sailor or traveler who saw lu It a rearm blanc to tbe One weather attending th northeast monsoon In India? When te Stop Advsrt.i n. An English Journal requested it num ber of the largest advertisers to !vc their opinions concerning the lx-t time to top advertising, and Ihe fMtoWfcg replies war received: When the population cease to mul tlply and the generation that crowdad on after you and never heard of yon atopa coming on. When you have convinced vrybody whose life will touch yours that you hav better good and lower prices than he can get anywhere . t-e When you stop making fortunes sole ly through tbe direct use of this mighty agent. When younger and fresher boo 1 lu your line cease starting up. When you would rather have your own way and fall than take advice and win. A Candid Caller. A amall boy bad been coerced Into making an afternoon call with his mother. Be bad rebelled vehemently over the calling business, saying: "Aw. what you want to make mo go there for? She hasn't any boys, and It won't be any fun." But. dressed In bis best suit he bad pot on his company manners nud had behaved very well Indeed, and when their hostess served refreshments he began to feel glad that be lind come. When It came time to leave be held out his band, saying gallantly: "Ooodby; I've had a good time" and then, right while his young mother waa beaming ber approval, he added bonesUv "a whole lot better time than I expected to have." Indlunnpo Us New. A Bsnsvolsnl Refusal. "Senator, I wish you would give me a Job aa your private secretary." "Oh, my boy," responded the oily asnator, "don't get mixed up with the government service. Nothing to It Ruins a young man. Besides, I have promised tbat position to my son." Kaoaas City Journal. Cynical. "I be a good after dinner speaker?' "If there la such a thing as a good after dinner speaker I presume you'd call him one."Uetrolt Free Tress Naturally. "I aaw Mabel buying rouge the otber day." "Tbat give color to tbe report that aha patnta." Baltimore American. Man's Adventurous Sids. There Is always a temptation to cross a bridge which has been con demned, man being an iiiLvoniuroin cuss at heart.- Atchison Clolie Tbe confidence we have lu ourselves give birth to much of that wo have lu others. La Rochefoucauld In Good Company. When Professor Walter Ruli-lgh, an Englishman, wbo Is a direct do aceudant of tb orlgiual Kir Waller Raleigh, waaaaked to lector at Prince ton college Professor Root of I'rln, s ton went down to th station to meet tbe distinguished visitor nud him to bis rooms. Professor Root did not know Professor Rslelgh, hut he took a chance on being able to locate him to tbe crowd tbat got off the train. Walking np to a uiuu thai be thought looked like him, bo said: "I beg your pardon, but am I ad dressing Walter Raleigh V" Tbe man looked at blm for a mo ment and replied: "No; I am Christopher Columbus. Waiter Raleigh Is In tbe smoking room with Queen Elisabeth." Ufc- The Treadmill. Tbe drat use of the treadmill waa In China, where It did lervlcs lu remote times tn Irrigating tha laud. It was In troduced Into English prisons In lhlT as a mean of punishment FaUur after mucb perseverance la better than never to bava bad a striv ing worth calling a failure. TRICKING SUBMARINES. .,. by Wbleh VmmIs May ImH Thslr Tor) AH. It n ili surprise attack which to aoariy rr case anahhw a aubtoarln to torpedo hoatlla ship. Thor ar i MBMvm by mvans of which a ship run lil'k 11 submarine. Several have dlvertel tmptslo bv swinging round their stein until It points In in direction of thumlerson i.iii In lota way th waah of the Hellers has deflected the torpedo from Ita course mul It has sped harm (Mat it mark. Another success ful m., I lu --loke up th furnacoa of , ,, vhuted ly a subroarlne, and in i . blink amok tielchea from lis funnel ami cumIui th vessel lu n relive threat In this way the aub- iii, nine gunaen are eonfud and can in, i peftte the oorret direction In Hlil. Ii to send their torpedo. A sitatdj ship whh-h roiiow an er railc itoaag coura praaenta a poor mark 10 u submarine. When a toriHdo I .llspalihcil imnliisl a fast traveling raaal It Is directed to a point Just ahead of its mark, and the craft lit- crall.v runs Into tho death dealing d 1 1, e This obviously cannot hnpeii. h i If a ship Is swinging rapidly from side to shle and alternately point Inn tho narrow expanse of Ita bowa or stern to tho undersea marksmen- A Hiilmiiirlne seldom attacks a vaal If It I not alone, for It can only attack one nt a time, and while It Is launching torrwda M Its drat mark tba second veaavl has so excellent opportunity of ramming the submarine, which ran b toratod i-.v lis telltale pertocope.-Per-Kim's Weekly. THE ENTRANCE HALL Make It Suit Net Visiter, hut tha Os cupsnts f th Mem. Is anything new to be said about tb eutrauce hall? Tba smallest room In most houses. It Is usually given to th plans an amount of attention thai might seem out of all proportion to tb rei ..r the house And yet th ordi nary entrauce, whether It be a mer vestibule, a snaclou ball of th colo ulal style or, aa la our present day fashion, a part of th living room sat off by an archway, la gult unsatlsfac tory. It hi unsatisfactory for this rea sun -that the entrance way hi designed and delimited from th standpoint of the Impression It makes on visitor, whereas the impression w should k Is not that made upon guests, but upon ourselves. Ihe occupant of tb house Too often we give tb ntraoc te tere treatment that Impresses tb stu dent of beauty or tbat amass tho lea discriminating visitor by tbe other ex treme of lavish display. But bow does either of these two typaa of entrance affect those wbo come Into tb bouse many times every day. th good man and his good wife and their children? Is It a room tbat by Its suggestion of rest and repose tempt on after a hard day' work at tb offlce to drop into the flrst easy chair that comes along, or doea It Irritate tb nerves and keep one going, restless and uneasy, wandering from tb entrance to tb living room and from tb living room tu tin- study and thence to tb attic by way of th Iiisrmul7- Uood Health Suppressing Swearing. I'm fane as wall a legal oath hav been tbe subject of many parllamen tnry measures tu Eugland. No fewer than th e separate bill having tb pre ventlon of swearing for tbelr object were presented during tb reign of James I., but It waa not until ItSSI tbat au enactment waa Anally carried dedolng and controlling tb offense In 1U33 a public department era e tabllsbed to collect tbe line enforced by this law The olBcinls of this de pnrtineiit, of whom on was appoint.! In every parish, were allowed '.' si In the pound ou the money thus col lected, and the balance was paid over to the bishop for the benefit of tb de earvtM iswr. Thee penalties ceased to I - enforced after tbe restoration, hut were revived by a statute of Wll Ibim and Mary and atlll further lu creased under tleorg II. Strci Surveying. There I In tie terocopb method of pliotngTauhlcaurveylng. I'botograpb an- taken at two point with a eurvey Ing camera, th plate being exposed lu tbe vertical plane passing through both station. Tbe developed plate, or pos itive from them, being then placed In a stereoscopic measuring machine that comblue tbe pictures, a brief calcula tlon glvea tbe exact poaltlon of any de sired point Tbe effective rang of the Instrument I put at about Bv miles and tbe method Is Mid to b of partk-u lar advantage tn mapping large area of mountainous country. A Rssl Grievance. Magistrate How com It tbat yoo dared to break Into this gentleman's house lu tbe dead of night? I'rlaoner SVhy. your worship, tb otbr time yon reproached me for stealing In broad daylight Ain't I to be allowed to work at all V- London Telegraph. Her lea. "The spelling book's all wrong, mam ma." "Why so, Etbair "Because It don't look right for a lit tle thing Ilk a kitten to bare six let ter and a big cat to ouly have tbree." Youkers fltatesinan. Cause and Cffsol. -When I sing I get tears in my rye. What can I do for Hilar Stuff cotton In your eara."-Clilcao Tribune. '1 hi- one prndeni e of life I coucen tint Inn; the one evil Is dissipation - Kmeraon. CHOPSTICKS III JAPAN. How They Are Ueed and Haw They Are Sarvsd In Publlo Places. Tbe uae of chopsticks is general lu Japan, except among tbe richer claas-i-h. who bar adopted ICuropeau knives and forks, and, to some extent, tbe European culalue. Small bowls of eht uu or lucijuered wooil are tb usuul Hilda eiiulpment tfter tb various solid porUona of tb food have been lifted to tbe mouth wltb chopsticks the liquid remaining Is sipped from lb bowl. lu tin- case of rice, which would be tedious to pick up grain by grain, tbe bowl la often raised to tbe month and tin! rice shoveled or pushed la wltb tbe chopsticks. It Is slso customary to pour ii little tea Into the rice bowl aft er It bus been nearly emptied, and In this way tbe few remaining grama of rlie are waabed down as lbs tea I drunk. At public places tb chopsticks at t-u'.b weal must bo new. This Is Indi cated by tbe fact that tb cbopeUcks ar mad from on place of wood and nro left joined togtbr, aa war matches at one time la the United Htates. These new chopsticks are ln caaed In a thin paper envelope, ld at tba end, aud bearing Japanese char- aae m.Osfs iulwnimi! either the hotel or some flrtu tii..t ha inrnistxed them free to tho proprietor for tb eaka of tha publicity thus gained. Toothpicks, Which ar freely usd by all Japan at meal, are also Inclosed lu envelop Ibat frequently bear advertising mat terNew Vork Time. EXPLOSIVES OF WARFARE T I. Great latent They Ar Dsvslsp msnt o( Firework. Wgr I a wholesale firework calc ination. A giant llrccracker la really s dangerous homh, and ride grenade are but small rockets, carrying high explosives and tired from tides Ureal fort destroying pniWtllea look simply Ilka gigantic rockets. The drat uuigaslne gun waa a Ho mau candle The drat prujectllv pro pelled by uu explosive was a rocket. The drat shrapnel was a bomb dis charging luminous stars Instead of bul let. Modern warfare Is, to speak, a development of I , nirth of July Ideas. However, gunpowder the Oral ex plosive waa Itself mere play stuff for at least thouannd years liefore any body thought of nslug H for war pur poses It waa commonly employed la China for fireworks and cracker dur lug the earliest centuries of the Chris tian era. Tin- Imtnbs nowadays drop ped by military aviator are children's torpedoes magnified l make I Hem deadly. Really an Incendiary bomb waa tba famous "tlreek flr" of th cruaadera. It has heeu aatd that abaapnal Is a mutinied fireworks bomb. It ha tba form of a cylinder, which, si a dhv tance from tb gun innaal suitably timed iy fuse, blow lis own bead off, throwing out 1KW or more lead bu! lets tbat travel mi their own account with a velocity of 400 feet a soound -IMilladelhplii Record. Cmtrls Whr Women Qsi. Krlday. the Sabbath or Ihe Moslems, wbeu all true believer of th maw-it Hue gender make a point of going to church, their wives, sisters and daugh ter resort to the cemeteries and wall for the dead. Hut all their time I not spent In weeping, and sorrow Is nt th only emotion they display ou these oc casions. They take wltb them buncbea and garlanda of flower and decorate tbe grave of their relative and pray and weep over the dead for a time Then when this pious duly Is perform ed they gather lu Hill groups and bat a good time gosalpltig about the living Thus tb day of mourning I vary popu lar among the Moslem woman. It glvse them almost the ouly opportunity they nave of cultivating tbe acquaintance of tbelr neighbors Crowns by Whlls It la told of one of the ancient king of Egypt that Ids coronation proces sion occupied a hole day In isxaatug through the city of Alexandria and tbat a.Mtti . towns of gold wer carried by the sei vut. On crown was thr feet lu height and twenty four feet to circumference. There wer also car rled In the is-ocrseloa sixty-four suits of golden unuor. two boots of gold, four nod a half feet lu length; twelve golden basins, ten large vaaae of per fume for the baths, twelv wer. dfty dlahoe eud a I urge number of ta ble all of gold. Tweuty-thre of tb 3.2U0 crown were valued at (334.4UU. and It hi not surprising tbat lb pro cession was guarded b) lXMJtkJ soldiers - Kt. James' tlaaett Lai Her In on This. "1 believe a man should b master in his own house." said Ihe newly mar rled uino "There mu he ouly one head lu a family, mid I mean to be It' "That's s very good bleu.' answer his friend, who bud been married more years thiiti lha otber bad lived. "a very good Idea Inileod Have you spoken to your wife about It'.' Hi Louis Post llpuliii Trs Laavs and Wstar. Ash t.-iiM-. are i-auilil of taking up uKin- wale tlinii those of nisi other trees lu a hundred im I- of ash leaves are eighty Ave of water. In the 'uuie weight t U-i-eh leaves seventy five, of maple slitv. of pine fourteen Hid of tlr ten Naturally 8. Hbe'-i lieen n eon. elled slni-e they nuiniigiil to get a player piano" "Well dear pluyer plmm owners do ss n gt t ml thing put on airs."- Bal tliiime Xiuerhan Scrap Book A Oalicat Distinction. An Irish fin mer wus particularly i .ml f siiiiKiige-i. aud one Friday lb ,io Mi priest iiilllug unexpectedly niille Ml.iiiul MTBJ nt dlnuer, found bbi iiiiiHliliinei enJoyliiK sauaag. "Ml Imol. ' suid ibe priest, "you must not indulge In meat ou tbla day." "Hur, father, it's not meat I'm eating; It'a sausage" "Hut, Michael, saussga la meat." "Ob, no, your reverence; suu sag I not meat!" "Wall, Michael, you know better, ao I'll aay no mure, but I am lu need of fliwwood, aud you may bring m a load." The next day Michael appeared at tbe pi lest' residence wltb a load of sawdust. "Michael, I did not want any aawduat," said lb priest. "It waa wood I wanted." "Hur, father, It was wood I brought." replied Michael. "No, It was not; It was aawduat," an swered tba father. "But, father, If sausage 1 meat Isn't sawdust wood?' aaki-d Michael. London K I press. Thus Spak Zorosstsr. Pollute thou not iny spirit; keep it purs, And 1st thy pathway be tha way of truth, For truth la loftier than an earthly crown, Tlslds honor aud nobility to kins. Rata the lowly born to Virtue's throne. Pay fervent homes unto nature's lawa And all the wondroue works of Ood sd- rnlre. Th oeeana that reflect th dying sun, Tli mountain what y pi so departed friend. ' a, Tha atara, th aklsa, the earth, th wavsa, tha air. And tin. Isst do thou avsrmurs ka pure, for from th earth spring forth th nad- d fruit; Th balmy lr eoiitnliis tiia breath of Uod; Th water that y drain support all llf So from polloiloii keep all theas aecure. - A. I-'. Ar4etr-llrinanck. Hard en Har Husbsnds. Tbe subeditor In charge of tb "per sonal Inquiry" column opened hi aev entletb letter with a groan. "I have loat three husbands," s lady reader bnd written confidentially, "and now hav tb offer of a fourth. Shall I ucei'pt III in V" With a look of uttar boredom tb subeditor dipped hi pen In Ibe Ink This was tbe last straw. "If you'v loat tbree buabauds," ne wrote, "I should aay you are much too care) to b trusted wltb a fourth r I,oudou Ulobe. A UNIQUE CLUBHOUSE. Maintained at ertmuth rr Inllslad Men f th Navy. ronsmnulh, N II. has what la claimed to be ill only rlubliou In tb country for tb eaUstod men of tb navy. There are Y. M. C. A. hulld lugs in Newport, Brooklyn, Norfolk and Philadelphia, hut the Porta nib clubbouae. kuown fl the Reading Room, I something unite different. and Ita unique Ideas and the extent of Ita success bava made It famous wher ever a ship or the American navy Is stationed. There are no dues nt this einii and no red tape. The only requirement Is that on must be an enlisted man of the navy, lie then becomes u full fldgd member of the club, with the privilege of howling on Hie latent im proved alleys for !',' cents a string or !I0 ccnta an hour, or of playing pool er hllllarda at Ihe same rate, or having all the privilege of an up to date gym nasium, with shower baths, soap, towel, etc., for 50 cents a mouth, or of "sitting In" at a game of cards, checker or chess nt any of the numer ous tables In the game and reading mom for nothing; or of rending, free, tb uew from homo in the thirty paper from all seel ions of the ceuntry: or of iMsstng the time in perusing, without coat, what bo likes lu thirty tuagaalnea. sclent Me and popular; or taking hla pick lu th mnlmgnny fur- iilahcd library of 1,51)0 volumes of book without coat or trouble All this la In addition to n big dan-e ball, where ha ran hornpipe to his heart's content. - Cleveland Plain Dealer. MAKING COFFEE. There Ar a Thousand Waya, but Only On Right Way, Says an tspsrt. "Tb right way of a thousand waya to make roffre." ay an esdjkxft, "i" to take tba fresh product and grind It vary One, but not pulverised, i'luii place It In an earthen Jar In propor tions of a heaping tnblospooufnl for every cupful required After tills pottf on boiling, bubbling water, let II stand Ave minutes and then atlr with a spoon. After Ave mors minutes pear off carefully, and It will then possess all of the good that should lie in cedfe. It la then without th bitter which la Incidental to iMillliig and without lb metal lte which la Incidental to Its contact wltb th pot. The whole se cret lie lu the water -It must b huh bllng, boiling because the oil will not fuse with water until It Is bubbling. boiling. "Here Is where the cook most al waya fall UUO time out ,.r IjBM When the vapor Is rtrl observed com- Uw Sw.ni lha si,,, ill or the not tile I i.miu..Minis ,,r ih water Is about 190 degrees I' . while at tin- taihhlllig point It should register lift And al waya remember that lu hoiking roffue It la beat always to let the "pen.lilnlu deal out tbe coffee mid In making lei let tbe miser deal out the tea " Tbe eiHrt was nskisl xroj so many people who write for a living drink bad coffee. II simply replied that the secret In tba making wus the bubbling In the wer.- New Vork World. Qrast Man Born In Wartime. It Is pointed out that during the first year of tbe last century, from UB0 or 1810 to 1NIB. wlieii nil i:uiiiM was suf fering from the Niisileoiili- wars, all" gave birth to almost every great man who was to guide her better destinies for ! years to come, lu tbat i.nil.ie period of travail llrlluln gave birth In War!!, Oladatolie. lulslen. Ilrlght, Uruwnlng, Tetinyam, Hlmfiesbury and many otters. Italy bad favour, Mas tin'. Oarlbaldl and Vbtor Kinmaiiiui, the four men who aecurts the liberty and onlty of tba Italian kingdom, America gave us Wsndell I'bllllps, Wll- iiam uoyd oarriaun, Harriet it.-e.iier Btowe. Henry Ward lieecber aud. moat gloriou of all. Abraham Lincoln- British Weekly. Spaniah Silkworm. Pour hundred year ago the silk of Hevlllr. tbeu the moat fa vis In the world, were exported to all eiiuntrlc, for Bpelu waa tba flrst tuition of "tat rn Euros to lako up silk culture Tba climate of Kpaln Is exiullcut for tbla Industry, mid flue sllkworuis. sin h aa were employed when llk cnlllva tlon waa at Ita height, lire nvnllalilu In the foothills of (lie Sl.-rni Niiiulii, near tlrnuudn This umirf luis u life of fifty days, during the llrst thirty of which It grow tu ulsnit ii.rssi times Ita original weight. Ninety six tlum sand small eggs of the silkworm weigh on nunc. Th Extinct Potto. Tb disln, a bird bigger tlinii a tur key ami too Ininy tn By, us lis wing wer only rudimentary, was very cast mon lu MauiilliiH when tbiit Isluud was discovered lu HMI, but Its ilesh waa ao good to cut nud It wus so In capable of aelf piiilisiliiu Hint within forty year It Isn'uinu extinct Reaolt Wanted. "Wbo Is tlml voting man that calls on daughter?" "A budding poet, father." "Well, tell lllm In ..line in, mild when be has blossomed and Is it bio to show the fruit of his labor." Kansas lily Journal. They Said: YouCan,tRai8eConl, in the Northwest. Hut corn is grown here- good corn, small cobs, deep kernels, solid ears, and plenty bushels per acre. Every farmer - every live stock owner every dairyman knows what corn means. Wbsther oroul you know tliali-orii la a aiieeeasful crep la this aountrr, so aud th mult of aoaiapslau for inoru .orkud h.-lter pork, in. ir rltl,raor dairies and sllist, tad bsltsr Irii.-a at lbs OREGON-WASHINGTON HAILROAD AND NAVIGATION CO. UNION PACIFIC 8YBTEM CORN SHOW WALLA WALLA, DECEMBER 2-3-4 Information and Premium List Free upon application to General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. LOW FARES FOR THE ROUND TRIP A Diplomatic Offlolal. (iniiiiu the reign of Emperor Napo leon 111. be aud tbe euipr visited Normandy and had arranged to spend a couple of daya at Bvreus. M. Jan. Her d la Monte, who was the prefect, lea mod that tile revolutionaries intend ed to bias tha sovereigns as thay pasa ed, aud so ha summoned tbe leader of the movement and told tbe in tbat be know of their plot. "If you carry out your plan." said he to them, "you will get six month In prison. If you do not your friends will accuse you of cowardice and treason. Aa a way out of the difficulty 1 propoae to look you up at once until the emperor baa gone." The conspirators accepted the lerins offered them, and ao tba emper or was greeted ouly by cheer, aa the revolutionaries, frightened at the ar rest of their chiefs, bad not dared to utter a sound. Th Tall f fish. A Ash's tall la Ita wlnga. Owing to the machinery of muscle set abmg Ita spine aud to Ha cleaving form a trout or salmon can dart through tbe water at a tremendous pace, though Its rail Id (lights, unlike the bird's, are not long ones. II I soou tired The water la not ao friendly to Alghi as the air. The stroke of the Ash's tall Is ou of great power, and by means of It mul th writhing, snskellk flexion of lb Ik sly a high spd I readied, Th strength behind this spaed I ahowo In the way a flab or aea mammal out of the water will rats It tall and strike the ground or boat American Adding and Listing Machine eight column capacity Price $88.00 F. 0. B. Maywood. ID. Sold on one year's credit or 3 per cent, discount for cash. MAIL COUPON TODAY American Can Company Chicago, Hi. p. booklet dJ8CriD- "ee iena tooki tiewtrip- , tive of American Adding una , . i tJn Mtachine nfe WxHCnine. ('lipped from. Please mention this paper answering this ad. in Church. Regular preaching eervicea each Sunday at 11 a m.,and 7:80p.m. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. every Sunday. Tuesday Bible Study at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Mid-week Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Sunday evening at 6:45 o'clock young peoples meeting. Will be glad to call on the sick and needy at any time. S. U Flowers, Pastor, Job printing here. Chamberlain's Tablets. mi..-...i j--i- t.i..j.jTh( Ufollette l nut in me niroacinn iiuenum especially for stomach? trouble. biliousness and constipation. It ia meeting; with much success and rapidly gaining; in favor and popularity. For aale by all deal- a Christian Science Church. w Christian Scientists will hold there services at the Presbyter ian Church, Sundays at 8 P. M. Wednesdays at 7:80 p. m. Sun day School at 1:80 p. m. Read ing Room at room No. 6 Masonic Building and it will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons of each week from 2 until 6 o'clock. This is a free reading room and people are wel come to come during those hours. JUrfTURA BURNS TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY Silent Secret Service Our Slogan These features alone are conclusive evidence that we hold the strictest cen sorship over business in trusted to us. JAMES E. WESTON, Gen. Mgr. ornouL Diaacroav rrsTB oaaeoa i t! a H It lOeo. g. chamberlain Harry nsiir W 0 llswlrr (tousrssMas lit i siiinoi ti: N MrArttiui tlturuer Oanaral UrorfsM Hrosii ,aiH wliajfromiH- uovsraor Mx-rsfsri ol aa w. oii-i.i! rruri S4. fublti' lutlrscllon UU rrtsUr 1. II Kay I . I A Oiun hill ! Joba lwnliin- ; I r. A. sioora I Use H Saru.-i I (ftobi Kskn. asnat Jadass K. a. Haa' I 'lliua A. U. Hill. I Hsarr. I.. Hanson I l Isiwrsar T .Harria NINTH JPPIiiAi. insrait T liusrlrl Jade PsIiob H. l ousty Altorssy IIMi, I Nuamii (.'brail Court th ant Moad- In A aril sd Irat Meadaj la OuUbsr. lulsl aasator loloi kasrsaaoUUta I. V -I. s.,1 liana ia- oocavt- hasssv: Coabtt Ju.le Clerk ntksiw surveyor Starts'. Assessor ..... aehael Ssprlutsileut I'orouo' II. C. ' It T ll.iiii.. l K A Miller funk l...ai, W. A. f.OfMlii.an t . 4 . I'onraai. , I. M llamilion ... W. i l. .. ii.. -John t'nls.-ll illni Hem stock laear (.'oatmlsslunar . It H..l,Mi. Ceaslr ttoart weal the arc Wsdnewlaj in Jansart, Msreb. Mr, Julr. Sptmbr u.l Nov bet. abssv r. s. use emit: Win Ian- Staslver Hani Motberab.-.! lit SISa MaeUaa ol list Coaaell ry SMond sml fourth wsdaasd aooiir, Trsxsrsr ,. H.f. t.rrii. Hoy Vsn Winn. llanrr I'ali.ni ,.R. L.llalu.a lorg Kry ( i mill Smllli I i. S. U,aii I sBa Muiiiarahuail Marshal, Counrlln If You Want ALL. The Home News READ nr $2.00 Rest Job wj .jl. li'V.vb'H t"'3fcsrwiT Scrubbing Unnecessary Enamel your walls and woodwork and secure a finish that is hard and smooth, non-aksorbent and sanitary. Enameled surfaces do not require scrub bing. An occasional wiping with u damp cloth will keep them looking clean ami fresh. ACMEQUAUTY ENAMELS (NEALS, are easily applied. They cost no more than ordinary paint and save you time, trouble and worry. Our "Home Decorating" booklet tells you how you can "do it yourself" at trifling cost. Ask for a free copy. Burns Hardware Co. Agents Wanted -To iwprMWit Nursery Co. . rlnlnnl)m ITUWIl I" i ,raui viii 4000 feel elevation and without irrigation. Best trees for Cen tral Oregon. Everybody wanta them. Write for particulara. Theodore Hubbard. Box 72, Prineville, Oregon. Save Your Coupons. With all kodak finishing asBfiiintimr to $2.00 I will glven 8x10 enln wment of your favorite ! film .!'. Film" developed 10c I per roll any size. Packs 26c. i prints Be. postcards 5c. Sayer Studio. Burns, Ore. Wilson's Creamery Butter at Hagey's. $1500 Reward! Tb Oreeva, 0a Hotel a useansvsea l.lvs steal ik rtstes ttoa AMoslsUoeM huh ihs uaaei- Isasii is awtisbet. will lv. H.OM.s rswartf lev deaae leadlai te lbs arrsit sail mm vleueo e aa? aar troraartlas steiuV lut Sanaa. U or mntssbslmaiag tu sar uf us sen fears, In s.lfiiii'.i. in i in- aUivi-, lb .,11. it i in- ami) in million HOO.W for all fe him t.-i beetl kea bsron bother either lew. I Miami riH-oniwi In i-lsbt roaattes Rase lllsriisv. Ik ami i 'riwh poaatlss. Haras Ki.ns MM srown horses sold sad ealr I rsi beat in w w li how N rtls. Orsaom. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l!KiTsrnTATl,Ab Ornea, liiiiiia,irean, Nofsnsber It. 1Mb Nun., in hereby l rea last SrwakUa W. Van) ol Harney, Oregon, bo, on Jun It. 114 hommra.leiiiiy No wais, for tola l.t,W itU -.-, ,. In I, 1 - . KaBIS as Ksst. Will MU Mml'lliiu liaa II led liotll Ol lUlODliO U, BMk film I i.iii in utal Ion .iHt, to astsblls, elslst 1. 1 the lami als.ie d.arrtbsd, tstfore SsgltUr nil I:, i rlrsf, a', i-iirua.orrfoa.oa thsnadgay ,. liee.ititier Itlft laimaiil nam.-, as wlissss: II. I.,, i.ii.i. Hare l.i.loi. I. L Poajsds as i A lien, nil ..I llaruev tlrssou. Kaass. Bsclsui Til I .i. .22 tALILLRRepattigfX Rifle in the WORLD. "' la III tS.I IIIIkI.'ISI ..r . Short It. F. car- ImIk.-s Uu- idbcr for .19 lilllo It P. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 7a Handle IS- .SS 1 1ST ratcc Short and If .ft Ions rilte catftrhbra. e.oo Sriul for handsos hr lilnatrstnl Rifle Crta- liiKanil "How to Well". Order St litt.ll li.ini your Dealer. STKV ENS ARM8 .t TOOL COMPANY, P. o. too. IIKDPKB raxu. MASS. ' jrLf-4LLA' J DO SSsi Loaf I Jp" AlmT U Ji f '7J . falaSsssMhwas TIMES-HERALD a year Printing GRIFFITH A. SAURMAN Fh yak-la r s m d But not HI) IIS" HP ?. Ui. CBflRY Phvsklan ami Surgeon Burn, - - - Oregon. Offloe on aeeond fleof Tonaaama Hlilg. Plume Main S5, DErHWAN & DEfiHAr.. Physicians and Surgeons Call answers I promptly niiilil or Hay 'Fboste llarriman. Harriman, Oregon Dr-Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Connection Albr'Uon. Ore. b. E. HIBBARD DE1TTIST Office first door rat khote ir.illcry Born. Oregon BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law OlYlc Practice Land Scrip for Sals Vale, Ore, on M. A. BIGGS Attorney at taw Veegtlr Bldg., Horn . t h. K.,n O.A. REMBOLD Attorney -ii l-1. ,-iw, Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON S( IIMALZ Attorney at taw Contact and practif I, (,.. C. H. lM,i Office sperialty Office: Kry Bldg. next ioot to it offlm Burns, Oregon CHflRliES W. EbiilS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice in the Stain tiinrta and be fore the U.K. Uud (Jfli... Char. 11. i . i.iinnl. Attohnkv-at-i.aw, Careful attntiuii given to Collec tions and ki-ril Kstiin- inaitsira. l'ire IiiMir.tin . Notary l'ul'lir Burn. Okkuon. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SUte Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns. Oresron. F. C UlLLABll r-aaarljr Ami. Knrli..-.-. tD. S RerUniailun - i vie. A. O. I M-.ENBa lormeriy Cbtsf Kb- Bimt-r ot aoi. a ITtslata Ry. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company QVn, AND IRRIGATION tWilNEEC Bsrss, Oiykos LONIi RESTAURANT OEOKOK POON Pi op. Meals At All Hours. Shorte Orders. and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates S Give Me A Call i te TlatswHcraM vafMtaa Ullllllllirrommt nt::::::::ntint:nnt: RODNEY DAVIS House Painting Paper Hanging and Decorating Calclmining Hardwood Finishing Fresco Painting I Batlaauttea furnt.tti.il on ap I UcUa. Sample shown. MVE HIM A CHANCE m Wttttttnttnnrumnittmtttiuuniiuu: JOHN (iKMIthltllMI. at, I Jowolof. Optiolaa uiul iuIUaTOVOr, Fine Wsich Repairing A Sp dally. Tonawama tonight JWv JsaSCSK- W ' ssrSaVsg. .