The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 27, 1915, Image 2

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This III eapoclally FOR YOU.
Come at once and see as, you will And that
wo are prepared, and YOU will be pleased with
what we have to SHOW YOU.
Show the next fellow that YOU are ready to
Shirt. RMkwMr, underwear, boater, giovea, hate
awl aaeSeJ-fer-aerrlc? Cloth, all at aaaSerate prlcea
Clothing Company
Merchant Tallor.i and Leading Clothiers
iki itme-toaftl
Om Tw a0
Si Me.lV. 100
Three Meats .... ... - ; '
Burn Commercial Club.
Noted Singer Coming
December 9
At a meetinjr of the Commer
cial Club held last Sunday even
ing the committee on permanent
organization brought in a report
recommending that the temporary
organization be made permanent,
with the temporary officers chos
en at the previous meeting re
taining their positions. The by
laws submitted by this committee
were also adopted. Dr. H. M.
Horton was elected vice presi
dent and Geo. Fry. I. Schwartz
and Sam Mothershead were elect
ed as an executive committee to
work with the president and sec
Mr. Hanley outlined a rather
elaborate program of financing
the club with comfortable (gart
ers but the matter of dues and
finances was discussed at such
varience it was decided to leave
the matter with the executive
committee for a report that should
have been in last night. A m :
ing was called to order by Vice
President Horton last night for
the purpose of hearing this re
port but the committee had not
yet completed .its consideration
of the matter and asked until
next Friday to report.
The meeting was given over to
a general discussion of the affairs
of the community in which rail
road, citv bonds, etc. were dis
cussed. The chair was asked to
appoint a committee to draw
suitable resolutions to forward to
Supt Cochran of the State Wat
er Board asking that no further
delay be made in the final hear
ing of the adjudication of the
water of Silvies River. The
committee consists of Judge Lev
ens, Sam Mothershead and C. B.
The next meeting of the Club
is called for next Friday night at
which time the matter of financ
ing and the other details an: to
be brought up and settled.
Hartridge Gardner Whipp, one
of the most popular baritone
singers of the coast, will appear
in a recital st Tonswsms on
Thursday evening, Dee. 0. Mr.
Whipp is a prominent musician
of Portland and appears every
week in concerts throughout the
Northwest He is a pupil of Tag'
i lieri and also studied in the Bast
I under Devriea.
The gentlemsn spent moat of
the past summer in Denver
where he appeared in 190 concerts
with great success. He has been
a member of the Ad Quartet for
the past four years and has been
most favorable mentioned by the
press of that city. Mr. Whipp
will be accompanied by his wife
who is a most charming piano
This recital promises to be most
enjoyable and ss it is not given
for the purpose of making money
but for the purpose of giving
music lovers of this vicinity
a treat, the admission price
will be popular, ft is necessary
to meet expenses only snd as
these artists do not cost ss much
as the Rotarian Quartet that ap
peared here last spring, the pric
es will be in accordance The
main floor chairs will be sold for
75 cents and the first row in the
balcony, also chairs, will also be
reserved at the same price. Gen
eral admission will be 60 cents
and children 26 cents. This
price will permit all to attend the
concert and the seat sale will be
gin next Wednesday morning,
particulars of which will be giv
en out earlier in the week.
a recent storms have made
the roads very bad snd there
isn't much auto travel these days.
The boys who went to John Day
to play football had a hard tims
getting through but Anally made
it after crippling two cars.
Just The Right Present.
Don't take in the mat
ter of Christmas presents. You
don't want yours, like so many
others, to be received with indif
ference or worse, and ten days
after Christmas to be cast aside
and forgotten.
You take no such chance in
giving the Youth's Companion
for a year.
Did you ever know of a home
in which it came amiss, or of one
in which it was not conspicuous
on the library table or in some
one's hands all through the year?
It is worth while to make a
gift of that sort, and it is worth
while to receive it, too, for The
Companion illustrates the best
traits jn American life in its
stories and sketches, upholds the
best standards in its articles and
other contributions, and combines
the practical and informing with
the entertaining and blood-stirring.
If vou do not know The Com
panion as it is today, let us send
you one or two current issues
free, that you may thoroughly
test the paper's quality. We
will send Also the Forecast for
Every new subscriber who
sends $2.00 for the fifty-two
weekly installments of 1010 will
receive free all the issues for the
rest of 1015 and The Companion
Home Calendar for 1916. -The
Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass
New subscriptions received at
this office.
Respected Pioneer Passes.
Takes His Own
Life with Rifle Shot
Paramount Pictures
at Tonawama
Picture programs were resum
ed at Tonawama Theatre this
week when the big serial story
"The Million Dollar Mystery"
was started with a free show on
Tuesday night. This is an old
picture, one that had its run on
the outside last year, but it bad
not been seen by the people of
this city before therefore is creat
ing much interest The reels are
in rather poor shape, causing
much trouble to the operators,
yet this does not detract from
the quality of the pictures and
the many thrills given. The
management secured this serial
at a price that will permit its be
ing given in double installments
at the usual price of 10 and 1 5
cents admission, thus it is attrac
tive to all. It is supposed to In-
run in connection with a printed
story but in that case it would
cover 23 weeks, while Tonawama
will complete it in 10 weeks.
Beginning next Monday night
this house will start producing
the famous Paramount picture
production that have brought
such wide attention throughout
the whole world. These produc
tions are by the most famous urt
ists in the picture line of acting
as well as the speaking stage,
favorable comment of them be
ing found in all the leading mag
azines. The first production will
be "Unwelcome Mrfi. Hatch" in
in which Henriette Crossman
plays the lead. Mary Pickford
will be seen at Tonawama curly
during next month and Margue
rite Clark is also cast in a bill Hie
latter part of this month. JV
sure to watch for Tonawama an
noucements in the future they
are all the worth while kind.
J. H. Eichner, a rancher on
Rock creek some 26 miles east of
here killed himself last Sunday
morning by shooting himself in
the head with a 26-30 rifle. He
was 51 years old and had no
I. C. Bradfield had spent the
night with him snd that morn
ing Mr. Eichner got up and built
a fire, stepping out of the house
immediately after for a short
time but came back in. Mr.
Bradfield was still in bed and
states the man walked around
the house for a few minutes and
again went out this time closing
the door and just after Mr.
Bradfield heard a shot but did
not pay any attention to it as he
thought Mr. Eichner had shot at
a rabbit Later upon getting
up and dressed he stepped to the
door. At that moment a nephew
of Mr. Eichner and another
young man came riding up. At
first Mr. Bradfield did not notice
the body of Eichner which laid a
short distance from the entrance
of the house but upon seeing it
called to the young men and they
found he had placed the gun to
his head and fired, death evident
ly following intently.
Coroner Clevenger was notified
but upon investigation it was de
cided that an inquest was unnec
essary as it was a plain case of
suicide. Mr. Eichner had fre
quently made threats of killing
himself. We understand he was
suffering from cancer and felt he
would never recover, therefore
took this means of ending his
Deceased had resided in this
county for several years and i
survived by a brother, Henry,
who lives in that vicinity.
Market Report
I jut weeks market at Portland
Union Stock Yards:
Another light run of cattle
came forward for Monday's mar
ket. There were not many head
of good stuff in for sals, but the
bulk of the stuff brought as
equally good prices as a week
ago. Top steers are going at
7.00 with tvthcr lines bringing
steady prices,
A large run of 6300 head of
hogs came to North Portland
Yards over Sunday. Over 22.000
hogs have been received here in
the past two weeks. The prices
held steady with tops going at
6.26 and bulk at 6.00 to 6,16.
Monday as a sheep market is
slowly coming back to its own.
A small run (but of good quality)
of 1300 sheep was received here
today, pripe lambs were snap
ped up quickly at 7-60 while ewes
sold at 6.60, wethers st 6.00 to
6.26,and yearlings st 6.26 to 6.60
The death of Samuel King, om
of the highly respected
of this section, marks the oast
ing of another pioneer of this
county. Mr. King died at his
home 10 miles up the river Tues
day night. Nov. 23, after an ill
ness of short duration, although
he had been quite feeble for sev
eral years. Death came to him
gently, he having been in a slumb
er for many hours before and his
last breath was without a strugg
le. Samuel King was born in Ken
tucky January ft, 1831, but his
parents moved to Arkansas when
he was a mere child and there lie
grew to manhood. In 1W.2 he
crossed the plains with a small
party to California. There were
seventeen in me party to cross
the plains and Mr. King survived
all the others. They settled in
lower California where Mr. King
followed mining for three years
later engaging in the hotel busi
ness for 11 years. He later mov
ed to Surprise Valley where he
farmed for 13 years then came
to Harney Valley where he re
mained until his death. Mr.
Kng was married twice and is
survived by his widow and three
sons, William J., of Emmett,
Idaho, and Richard H. of this
place by his first wife ar.ti H.
Frank, who resides at the family
home, by his second wife.
Mr. King was a man of all air
and stood well among his busi
ness associates. He had sue
seeded in his undertaking and up
to the time of ill health compell
ing his retiring from active busi
ness was a man of good judge
ment and his advice was sought
by many. He was a fine neigh
bor and a friend that was loyal.
The funeral was conducted
from the Nasarene church Thurs
day afternoon, the service being
conducted by Rev. S. L. Flowers.
His bereaved relatives have the
sympathy of a wide circle of
friends throughout thin county
where Mr. King was so well and
favorably known.
Fresh fish and oysters for sale
1st Mhc's Restaurant.
Notice to Stockmen.
The Oregon A Western Coloni
zation Co. has 14 sections of graz
ing land between Burns snd the
forest reserve for sale or lease.
Good spring and fell grazing for
sheep. Plenty of water. Write
or call on B. F. Johnson, agent,
llarriman, Oregon.
Distress In Ik Stoma.
There are many people who
have a distress in the stomach
alter meals. It is due to Indiges
tion and easily remedied by tak
ing one of Chamberlain's Tablets
after meals. Mrs. Henry Padg
han, Victor. N. Y., writes: 'For
some time I was troubled with
headache and distress in my stom
achs after eating, also with con
stipation. About six months ago
I began taking Chamberlain's
Tablets. They regulated the ac
tion of my bowels and the head-
acne ana other annoyances ceas
ed in a short time." For sale by
all dealers.
Quality is Right Prices are
Right Flour is Right New
Flour. New Wheat Every Sack
guaranteed, Special prises in
quantity. See your dealer, the
Mill, or Mr. Huston, the Secre
tary. The Burns Milling Co.
How to Prove! Croat,
It may be a snrprise to you to
learn that in many oases croup
can be prevented. Mrs. H. M.
Johns, Elidia, Ohio, relates her
experience as follows; "My lit
tle boy Is subject to croup, Dur
ing the past winter I kept a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in the house, and when he
begun having that croupy cough
I would give Mm one or two
doses of it and it would break
the attack, I like it better for
children than any other cough
medicine because children take
it willingly, and it is safe and
reliable." Sold by all dealers.
Browns' Quality Store
We want you to call on us be
fore making your purchases.
We can supply your wants in
anything required. You will
find Quality and Satisfactory
Service responsible for our sm
Burns, Oregon
The Burns Packing Plant has
placed Mr. H. Beeler, in charge
of the plant north of town, and
his experience and ability to turn
out first class bacon and lard is
already evident
The new Victor Ladies Tailor
ing style book and samples for
fall snd winter have arrived.
Call and see them st the Clingan
Hat Shop before ordering elsewhere.
Marvin M
Passed Away
Count? Budget Notice.
1 1 ii Miry ruuiity
No. t2M.
ftetor. of the i 'uutlltlun of (M
In to Ntai of Oregon, si the close of buel
nM, November 10th, Ivl
UM mil Dlecounl . ysao 340 M
V. a. Bonce depoeiled to secure c Ircu
latloa M.OOOUv
V H Hoods pledged to ee-
oureU. HDeooslie. lo.ottet
U a Bonds pledged to secure
Postal xailnas bepoalte i.ouuuu
Total II V. Bunds i.i iiiiiu
Bonds oiImt ! I V noli. Is
pledge I lo Meun punt!
mill dapoelte 1,000
Hecurltlae other Ibati U M.
bonds uw ned unpledged 4I,M M ,06 la
duliecr'ptlun to etoek of Fed
era! KruiKi bonk ts,on at
Leas amount unpaid I.uuvuo I.uuuuu
Valued naming house 1410H
furniture tad fixtures, e.aMSi
Dee from rnlml Bescrve beak a 9M HI
liua from approved reserved asset
la New York. Chicago and
m.i. in i 1
Due from eirurovtd reaeiv
arn la In ulnar refer lle.BM II IU.7M 17
Due from beuka and bankers, fulbtr
than Included In lent loo llfaa in.i.-.t 06
1 'hoc on banks In the eame all or
Paramount Pictures Monday.
Albert Swain took the Misses
Nellie and Cora belle Thimmes
out to the family home for the
Harber-Thimmes wedding on
Thanksgiving. They were ac
companied as far as La wen by
Mrs. Swain and Mrs, Sinclair.
Mrs. I. Schwartz will entertain
at her home in this city next
Tuesday, afternoon, the guests
being the members of the Five
Hundred Club. Mrs. C. M.
Faulkner will be Ue honor guest,
as she expects to leave soon for
Hie oast to be absent all winter,
town aa reporting bank
Outside checks and other cash Items,
II.WIi.'i. fractional currency, nick
eleand cenla
Notes of other national banks
l.awrvi. ajQKgy ItBasava IN Bans
Total coin and cerilfh alee
I.eal leuder note
Redemption food with D. a, Treeaur
erlnol more than f, per oenl of olr
11. latloa)
ft 00
Ma) a
Capital atouk paid In iw.poomi
Burplu uu.unuu
Undivided proi 1 if, ijj
Lew currant eipeosee, In
terest, and taies paid . oiT.74 e.aiew
circulating notea oufalaodluf MVMIta
Net amount due to approved raaerve
agents In oUter reserve cities vy
Demand deposits 1
Individual deposit subject lo.beck MN.IloM
Certificates Depoella due In lea (ban
dO days . . m atf 1
(.unified 1 bucks KM an
Cashier's checks outstanding ... JI7J 08
United H tales duposlt ... lu.iwuuu
Foil I savings deposits . 1,,, 1 1
Tola! demand depuells, 171,1111 m
Time Depesits:
certificate of lUtpaeU Uu,ein
rotal lime deposit, lfu,613 1l
La; tuia of credit
After a gallant fight of many
days Marvin McGee passed away
at his ho,)i, in 1 his city Inst Mon
day evening. He was striken
with typhoid fever last month
and while for a time It wan
thought he would recover he hud
a relapse a couple of weeks ago
and his weakened condition was
such that ho could not withstand
the ravages of the disease. This
is a particularly ha1 death. He
was a young man of good habits
with a happy little family and
was just at a point where he wan
forging ahead jn a business way
when the end vume.
Marvin M. Mctiee was born in
Texas November J, 1KH1, being
the younjiest of a family of seven
children. They came to this
place in 1887 where the father
died shortly after their urrivi.l
and the widow had a hard strug
gle in bringing up her large fam
ily but they ail stayed with her
and she succeeded in giving them
an education. Marvin was mar
ried to Miss Pearl Brown on Feb.
24, 1907 and is survived by his
wife and twin baby girls aged 6.
He is also survived by his mother.
Mrs. F. E. McGee, three brothers
and three sisters, all of whom
were at his bedside at the time
of his death. They are Claude
Roy and Garlan McGee, Mrs.
Geo. Sizemore. Misses Lelah and
Ethel McGee,
The funeral services were con
ducted from the family home
Wednesday afternoon, the ser
vices being conducted by Kev
MacKae of the Baptist church
and were quite simple in com
pliance with the request of the
The bereaved wife and rela
tives have universal sympathy
among the people of this city
where all are highly respected
and where Marvin spent his en
tire life and made so many warm
Tu Hie Tsupayer ul
I In Coonl Court uf llsrno Ouety.
Orogon, linvo fliotl Wednesday the
twenty eocoud day of Ikjcooibor, IMS,
na the lino and tho County Court rooa
a tho placo, wboro the cellmate of Uie
aiuqqnt of oionoy prapotad to m talaod
I'v legation for the oniwiBg yea', lull
may ! illapuiawd allli tald Coanty
Court ; nloo, alien and wbor any tax
payer, aubjeol to iieh In lory when
mode, shall bo hoard for or again t any
uropoaod tax lovy.
Iloiiioxod o- ti mates of amount uf moo-
') I'l iiMoJ to bo raised by taxation for
Ui miaulm rsr, ,I0, by )IW
Comity, Orogon, to-wlti
Intuit Court I B.lfiii 00
County Court 1,000 00
1'ialire Court 1,000 00
Sltt-rifTa offioa 6,1(10 00
i 'Icrk'e offloa 4.SO0 00
ricaaurnr'a ofli.-o .. N00 00
AaBuaaur'a offlot . 3,7Sf)00
Couuty Bcbool Hunt 1,90000
Htock Inapovtar 400 00
Health offioar IUI 00
Coronor 000 00
Couuty Hoad Mattar MAO 00
Court nouae 1,900 00
liiaatie 44 00
Wido't prnrioo 1.S00 00
Care of County poor 7, M0 00
J , M0QP
iwuinty on wllil animals 0,000 00
Current espeate (all offloaaj MM 00 and Klactlona 3,000 00
Weight and maaturoa 100 00
Interest on coanty warrant 000 00
Kxpenaea not otherwise mi-
inertad......... . . 3,838 00
Redemption of county Wat
rant 8,000 00
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy duys
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 6:80 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime Religious Informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Total t.mU
statu or ifssufts.i
Cuuarv ur IUaaav.1 ""
I, J. I., S Bat, i.'asliler uf tb euuye uauied
liauk, ilueol.'iM ii sweat that Itie abov a'.ate
meat la true Ui Die beat uf my kuuwleilee aad
1. I.. Una, t aabler.
Corieil til. si
II U Muarua
A, C. Wsxooaii
Mulxcrlbea ud sworo tu betora ma Ibis 17lta
day uf November Uli.
Baptist Church Doings.
The improvement Mr. Wuddell
has made on the seats for the
little folks in Sunday School is
much appreciated.
Rev. Geo. Taylor, one of the
most successful evangelist on the
Pacific Coast, has been engaged
to come to Burns in January or
February. At a meeting con
ducted in Salem by Mr. Taylor,
mere were oyer tzuu conver
sions, He was in Dullas this
winter and 15ft accepted Christ
The best bacon and lard is on
sale at the local stores and the
Burns Meat Market and is packed
by the packing plant of The
To raise which amount will
be necaaaary to make Ui
lovy of jomn
Ketimated Htale tax..
Eatiinttad State tax
levy 004
County School
Katltiiated levy (HW
Kabblt bounty fund..
KstiuiBiiwI levy .gOtfij
County High School
Kaliinatcl levy 001
It mule and bridges
Kali mated levy 004
a 00,988 00
Notice of Final Settlement.
Motive ia hereby given that tlic mi
dcreignrd, administrator of the Katntr
of W. A. Anderson, deceased, baa lilc.l
bia final account In said matter, and
that the Hon. II. C. Locus, County
Judge of Harney Couuty, Oregon, hits
set the Cth dny of December, 11)15, nt
ten q'glock a. ii.,nt the County Judgca
other, iluiiia, Oitgiiii, us the time unit
place for bearing objection thereto; All
person having any objection to aaul
account are hereby notified to in. r. m
the same at said time and plsce.
Dated at Burn, Oregon, tlu 3rd dny
of November, 1U1S.
Ailiujuiatiatur of the Hslnlc
of W. A. Anderson, drrxiieril.
Cetiau hrsras Urn urrn a.
Burns, oseeeu, Nuviimuer a, ii ,
Notice la hereby I ven tbat Hhermau T. Im It h ,
of HaiBwyOreeoa.wbu.untlcioliert, Isl.'.uixi,
HoaeUJSnlr,HeJM7,ler NW'jtlec !M,Ti.
a..KaateH I.,WIUanatle McMillan. haa 111.
notice ol Isieallse kasaake Musi three year
scribed, before Beetafar and leoeiVcr. t Hum,
Oregon, oa the lift Say ol Useember, lt
claimant same aa wllnaesesi
A Thompson. Karl Wither, Jamas on.,
Fall and winter Goods
Underwear, Overcoats, Macanaws
Ladies' Winter Wear
Complete line in all Departments
We are ready with a com
plete line of Best Quality
Goods to care for our cus
tomers. Let us figure on
on your big supply order
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
I'eter Merllmner, all of Haras). Orea.m.
Faaaa. KV
lfNispiwTBl.i,.riie .
Hum, Oregon, OrioWr if.. Isl.v I
Notice la hereby lives that Heary Cary, of Ven
. opw . . .
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red lop Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and Feeding- Privileges in ( orral
or Barn. Cu8tQm.pr8 Car For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair (.'rounds
r ""' 1. :
ator. ii
Kwk: s.
r... wiiiamritaaeriaiBB, sw nice, nouceni in
111,3(10 00
88,460 00
S. 100 00
88,600 00
Total .02
I'rubable rafeiptiof Harney
eoooty for the year lHlQ,
frotn lource other Uiao
I'ihi. from SSgatf Clark office S,H60 00
Hhtiriff nilleag fee ,,.,, IftO 00
Interoat mi uiuiiiiy dapialle libO 00
Oiitilislf bouoty on wild ani
mal paid by Htate 3,000 (X)
Five per cant U . S. Land sale 000 00
l''uret reserve rental 1,000 00
Wliicli amount will benaedfor payment
uf outstanding warrant.
Imiwl thl Otli day of Nuveuier, 1016, by
order nt tbaOounty (Vnrt.
U T.'lijJUIItCT,
Clark, Marnov Count, Orfyou.
sea. I
laotloB to uka 1b1 Ibrae rear I'rool lu ea
tabllse olaiBB to lea lasrf bImivs,, .1 lu.
for Heeleter aad Receiver, at Hums. Orwenn
on tbe AtB day of November. 191ft.
Clelinantuaiuca aa wllueear'S'
K. J. Noble. A H.,11. tf , n.1,,1
Oreauu , Junes Tvwiieeuii, Heurr iiuorc, I1..1 1. 1
uf, Ore ee
w. rsaaa, kciisi
llMITBfl STATS l.Ml OjnOBi
aurua, Oraaou, NoveoabCr I, I'U .
Notice la hereby alven that Anus 1 u,, , ,
Franerieaaou.oi Kiu.Ureiuii,
site 11, 1111 esti M.I
fortaerlr Aoaa C.
vrbo on Novanber W. iwln
Knlry No.Osiei, forW.,MK'vH',hVM,, nee. II.
l!KV4i SSUHWK, WUliSf,, hJcIIoii vi.
tw. p .. aaaie t X, Wltlaaietle Mprlillnn
osa aieo sosiee 01 inietitioii 10 Bask,- 1 n
uiree-yssr srooi, 10 aatamis claim 10 ti
land above daaarluad
i;iiimiDiKiH wi"i-JNHJ
a. iwMan, v use
hrfuro HvKtttr
thu '-lit .1
Wf VOmplote stocJk of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
, iruuwMii
Matins, TUlioim II u
I Oll.r
.IMIH. .. .1,
all uf Riley .Ores'in
M. Kaa. Heaisi.r.
ol (ilk
1 a
1 1 .
rrr-11 -,,t nr: ; ,
Ubitbo trrsTBa Lamb Orrtra, 1
Bums, Uraaon, Novusalier I, tut..
Notice Is seres? jlveu tbat Hena Saysi ol
III. vresvs.wao, on noeeauer iw, iviv.ui,ir
n Hnirr. no m, nr i.ih sec.
!" a"eo ...i ',,.
, ,, w 111.11 1, n buii 1 11
Bottceoi ismbiiou so aaaae tinei iniee-year
8 roof, to aaubllab elalni to tbe li.u.l i,v.. .1,-.
irl bed, before Kaslalar anil Keaalver, at Bums
MurlilUii, turn Mleil
10 sta.
llsim 1.
Oresou, oa tbetth day of beceinbur, lulu.
I'lalBianl namea aa witnesses
Mutton, Tboiuaa llultou. all of Hlley, Oregon
f'b irles Comegys, A.T. tuBuvsii, It.ilnil I
VVm faBBB. Roglaler.
tainted in accordance with legal
requirement on short notice at
Job Rooms
U (..,,
t,2Z$T& 0sTW7 Burns Milling Co. Try it.
Locatad at the, same old stand
With fo baft of prompt service
Beef. Pork. Mutton, Sausage
Eggs. Butter. Etc.
We do It right
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