ThcTimes-jferald Hat The Lnraset Circulatieti Of Any Newspaper la Harney County. SATURDAY. NO -1---. - Local News. Scott Haley is in town. See "The VoRue" hate at Clin- Kan's Hat Shop. Otis Sizemore was in the city Wednesday. Moot me at the Hums Hotel. That's the central place in town Peter Hanson has been seen on the streets during the week. All kinds of grain including wheat at Lunaburg Dal ton & Co. Kdtrar Williams has been hob nobSing with his young friends in (own this week. Kemembsr the annual Thanks Kiving dance at Tonawama on Thursday. Nov. 25, given by the Mothers' Club. l.ou BradfieR the old time stockman of the Drewsey section w is greeting his friends in this city during the week. Wanted -200 head of Block to pasture. 1000 acres good stubble with 20 straw stacks; one section of pasture land in addition; plen- Mrs. I. Schwartz was hostess last Saturday afternoon at a luncheon at her home when she entertained the lady teachers of this city. Mrs. Millar has received some of her Fall and Winter Millenery and invites the ladies of this vic inity to call at the Schwartz store and see the display. Geo. Marsden was reported quite ill with bronchitis at the Bear Valley ranch the other day I but is reported improved at this ! time. Dr. Griffith went over to minster to him. Be sure that your next pur I chase of bacon and lard is from the local packing plant -it is up- to date and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ask your merchant ffor it. Curtis Smith and wife return ed from Canyon City last Mon day where they had been to at tend the wedding of Miss Hazel Cozad and Ralph Miller, which occured on Sunday. Miss Drusa Dodson took her 1 "iarture for Portland last Tues !ay morning for an indefinite I .-ray. she will be loiiowea oyi (her mother in a few days and ithey will spend some time in the ; metropolis, F, E. Purington and wife have .mm' down from the mill for the r They contemplate go it. u to Portland to remain for a dime during the winter as has been their custom for the past few years. E. J. Catlow and Fred Allen were here from the southwest ijpart of the county this week in eom pany with 'a capitalist who wanted to purchase cattle. He panted young stuff but was un kble. to get what he desired at juice, therefore will come back train soon wnen a numuer oi local stockmen will have ilu . up for his inspection. Statement Of The Condition Of The First National Bank Burns. Oregon At the close of business November 10, IBIS. RESOURCES Irosns and Discounts I $836,240.96 U. S. Bonds 61,000.00 Bonds and Discounts 47,906.29 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9,604.92 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,600.00 CASH 188.951.81 $646,102.98 1,1 ABILITIES Capital $ 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 69,316.39 Circulation 60,000.00 DEPOSITS 485,786.59 $646,102.98 Capital and Surplus 3100,000. United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED YOUR ATTENTION Is lavltrej to the stroa. condition of this tannic aa re ctcd by the above r.ect to the CCovernmeat which how oar depeatts Inrjjer. oar resource greater than ever before In the history of our Institution Alma Davis was in town yes terday. DRESS UP BOYS -Williams- Zoglman Clo. Co. have the goods. I still have some good golf shirts at 3 for $1.00 I.Schwartz. t)rt- rl.utJn M W.U 1 A I i Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Hihbard, a daughter. Pasture and all kinds of grain and hay for sale. Phone or has Henry Vulgamore. Rolled barley, wheat and oats for sale at market prices. - W. A. Goodman's feed yard. Chicken dinner Sunday at the Overland 12 o'clock and also from 5:30 in the evening. New contractors on the chang ed mail route are getting ready to take charge of the routes, and Mrs Mexican Chilli at Mac's Res taurant Mac's Restaurant wants to buy 100 dozen each week, Stop at the Burns Hotel when in town. Best serrice. W. H. Robins was in from Crow Camp the other day. 0. W. Ellis has returned from a trip to Portland. M. C. Athey has been in the city on business this week. Kinnis. Nov. 8, a daughter. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hurlhurt, Nov. 16. a daughter. Opening of a fine line of Fall and Winter hats at Clingan Hat Shop. J still have some good golf shirts at 8 for $1.00--1. Schwartx. Frank Heinz and Clarence Fealer were in veslertlnv mnkinir proof on thaif homesteads, The new Hour made by the Burns Milling Co. from this year's wheat is every sack guaranteed. Try it. Mrs. Miller will take orders for the Palmer Garment Co, of Chicago. Sample book now on hand at the Schwartz store. The new Victor Ladies Tailor ing style book and samples for fall and winter have arrived. Call and see them at the Clingan Hat Shop before ordering else where. Good bread and pastry is as sured when the new flour from new wheat made by the Burns Milling Co. is used. Get it from your merchant, the mill, or Hous ton, the Secretary. A letter from Archie McGowan under date of Nov. 1 1 states he and his family would leave Ash land the following day for San Francisco to take in the fair and they contemplate going later to Long Beach and other southern points. Estrayed - One bay horse about 12 or 14 years old came to my place about a year ago, branded with J and lazy J or lazy 0 under on left shoulder, weight about 1150, and saddle marked. Owner prove property, pay all charges and take animal. -J. F. Mahon, Princeton, Oregon. ('heater Mace and Mrp. Jessie Miller took their departure Wed nesday morning for Boise where they go to be married. The Times Herald understands these young people will return to this place immediately and will make their home on Chester's farm up the river. The Times-Herald extend best wishes. Died--Last Tuesday evening, Nov. 16, at the home of her par ents near Lawen, Mrs. Mary Ot ley Sherbern. aged 28 years. She had been suffering from tonsilitis but the immediate cause of her death was rheumatism of the Good barley ground at Chan. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Wilann'a rniTl "TaTF M NMirrielC ""WIS. i ,. Or ufvOibr id, IMM . .... , .- Su'! MlHt ! L. ItBVlS, I slill nave otip p,oi noil . i ui i, iw. -I.;-. ii e J i , i .. i II in., i. I I i, i .. nut, for MSI H . Ilni, ", shirlMat .! for $1.00 I Si hw irtS. iio iiiaii..iu- Mfr ' Qlati, It.., Ii.imI nailer o1 ( l,l"' 'I" A ( ,, h' nvu riom " - i. ! .i i ' 'ami new shipment m I iIU'ie i,,,,,. ,i,rii..i i.i in' H.i.l !( m. ... .,, . , . , iini'i , al linn, iiiixruri in ilia ! day of Tarns at the Clingan Hal Snop. D.,,niu,r. . .. (militant lurn" i, wiiii"w I "ll , i .mill i i OB. Shil Heiaei, iirtiuii i "i innate..!, iIimI.s h. Mil Iti.lril, ImiIi i.l HurnOrFuli. vh rasst.rieilatsr. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Mc-fheart. Deceased was a member Mr have moved down from the mountain place in order to place their daughter in school. Williams Bros, have all kinds Best of care given patients at Mrs. Fireovcd's maternity hospi- Lee Thornburgi Ul- W. D. Huffman and family were here from their home near Andrews during the week. First class potatoes $1 per 100, that tend a meeting of the Junturs Burns Telephone Co, The Burns Packing Plant soli cits your patronage for their pro duets and guarantee the quality. The prices are right. C. M. Faulkner and wife left Tuesday morning for Lakeview where they go for a short visit with relatives and friends. Tr Rust Proof Corsets Red Fern M Brassiere " Perfection Waists " Skeleton Waists Sanitary Belt of rough lumber for sale at their Car lots delivered at Riverside, mill 15 miles north of Burns oni Junturn and Brogan. -Caldwell the Canyon City road. Potato Growers. J. R. Jenkins and. I. F IfshonN Lady desires general house were in the city this week to at- j work, ranch preferred. Address Mrs. N. M. Stowe, Narrows, Ore gon. The cheapest and best flour on the local market is that made from new wheat by the Burns Milling Co. As your merchant for it. W. J. Altnow was over from his home in the Drewsey country during the week attending to some business matters and greet ing his many old time friends. Miss Martha Hanley returned home several days ago from San Francisco where she attended the fair and visited friends for a time. She had a most enjoyable time and wished she could have stayed longer. We may bo inclined to complain about the storms of the past ten days but it has done much good. We generally have to wait until the following morning for our mail and auto trips are not made for pleasure, therefore we stay at home and attend to business. Frank Johnson received a gram Wednesday from Prineville I announcing the serious illness of his mother and left Thursday for her bedside accompanied by his brother James. Mrs. Johnson is 83 years old and one of the high ly rcsiiected pioneer women of Eastern Oregon where the family has resided for many years. It is liocd she may recover but her advanced years makes it rather doubtful. CORSETS!!! I have just received my new line. The largest and most complete ever shown in Burns. The celebrated line manufactured by WARNER BROS. list following gives just a slight idea of the stock $1.25 to $3.50 5.00 65c. . 35c. 65c. 1.00 25c. 25c. Tht- merits of Warner Bro. Corset are too well known to require any extended mention. This is simply to let you know that the above men tioned goods are here, and you are cordially invited to come into the tore and inspect them. I. SCHWARTZ - General Mercliandise - riasonlc liuildlnj., - - Burns, Oregon Baptist Church Doings. Neither Sunday School or Church services have been ser iously affected by tne sturmy weather. Three different partieB have very kindly offered to provide the pastor's family with the fes tive bird. We are very grateful but can only use one. But Chist mas time is coming. Subjects for next Sunday: -morning. "Where and How to Dwell." Evening. l"Tlw Proclamation." of a pioneer family of this county and a young woman who was held in high esteem bv her many friends. She had been teaching in this county for several years. The funeral was conducted Wed nesday afternoon at Harney by Rev. Dr. Benson of this city, in terment being in the Harney cemetery. 'Many friends of the family express deep sympathy in their bereavement More ex ten -ed notice will be given next issue when more information is obtainable. SAYI Have you seen our New Mackinaws? -Williams-Zoglmann Clo. Co. A new consignment of hats and Ostrich feather boas have been received at the Clingan Hat Shop. The usual enjoyable time is as sured at the annual Thanksgiving ball given by the Mothers Club Thursday evening at Tonawama. The Burns Hotel is the head quarters for all when in town. Oood table service, clean rooms and accommodating attendants Mis. Ollie Robinson son Dewey arrived home from Portland last Saturday evening. Dewey has been attending school down there. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'M'IKU RTATKM UNIIIimtl Hum., OrSgea, n.'iolior Ml, IHIft Xeilit in lt.-i i,y ilviiii lhai sHoba.1 llsrs.r. ul Viilimiu, iinn. in. Dim mi May ai. mo. mail. I..iii.l.-ail Klltiy No. IM767,ior HM.NWl Nja J.Twp. , ln Iii.l Ii I'lalui lu I In- lanil ahove licacrllwl, balum K.i - ', N w 'jSK".. . ;. Tw v in..iiiiiii' M.rlnlai.. au II" ii ii. niak. final flv.-yi-ar iool, lo Isu.UU M.lur KVtS-NW,, NW wp. a7 H.,Knirmit. notli'. iiMi'i. ii I.Iit anil Hwalvar. ' Hlinia. Olflim. mi ill. ..Hi day "I NimflillMT. Itln. 11 in a l I il am i an wmii'Mca till, hlahl. IliM Iniiiiiliiii Milmlis OlilSf Mil l.r I lla.i-km.all "I Hl Ullllllll Ufa Kin HI. Ili'glaur NOTKJK FOR PUBLICATION. I'srraii Statu I.anii orrirr. I Mum., orvfon, October I. IvIM Nollo. inli.Ti'liy slyi'ii lliITrtncJ UrDoii aid. "I lluiiia. iiiiuoii. who. nil AVI II M. 111 "ihiIi II .1 !.. I Kntly, Nil ., Ii.i i NI liV'.NH',. N'.sW '4, and l.ol I, H 6, Twu.Vi iltld herN.IUim.. .1.' K.. Wlliammli. Mallillan, in. ul lulmilliiii 1" Miami nnal inri ynat Proof. 1" rlaiiii lu III. latnl almvr -la m fiU-il, l,-for. IL-jflKli I ami lli-i-tvi-r .1 Kiiim lln-Kiiu, mi Ilia illli ilav ul Nuvi-mli.r. ItM Olahiiaiit liami-aaa allii.awi r. W. Irl.ka, Jank J"ln aou, H.JII lilrk.nauii, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 100.000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Bawara of Chaap Subaliluto. Iii these days of keen competi tion it is important that the pub lic school should see that they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and not take substitutes sold for the sake of extra profit. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has stood the test and been approved for more than forty years. For sale by all dealers. NO. Ml. Jlt-port ul lb. PomHllon ul tha H ARM! V COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ai BURNS at num.. in lb. NUI. at orefon, al Ska oloaa ul iiuiiaa. Sanahai HHk hi - araui a. ai loaa. .ad ia.-,,uni. t'f l.'.H. Hnli4lail.b-i.lli -I In.. . mi i Inn lltlmi'frtf TilntJ tajunv ll.M.lluad. iilodg.4 In m-i-uru II. H.dupoaiu aai vsiui-i r.,uuuuu V h Uiuda pli-dKe.l toai-rur. r.i.1.1 Havlu,. .. 1,00000 I . M. ihjiiiI. i.ttii.'-i ami i. ii iilMlatid r,O0UOU TuUI l!.H. II.Hiil. kiacorllla. utbitr tliai, I K. Huuda, l uulinl and ini.l.d(ril Hi.irka oilior tban rsdvral ltpa.iv. Hank Nlwk Sunw-ilptlull Ii till h film al It-ai-r . a, k 1 1 .ini i la. amminl uiipald aitOW runillursaudflituru Krai K.lalt- " I iitli'-i Hian Hank I I: llllU.I- Nat aanuiinl da. Ii-nu l.-l.ral lirarv. Hani Sri aniDUlit dm- from ai ifliv.d niolvu a. III! lu N.w IfaTa. Cblaafo aaa Si l.uull ii, N.I aniiiunt dnr fium ap- liruved ii'iiiu' nai-nia lu utbar rast-rv. ililaa W.Hs.iVl vi.rtd M N.I aiiiiniiii -liir from lianka and liaukm. nlhri llian ai.-mi.-i Olll.r rln-vka uu lianka In lliiaaiui illy or tnwii aa ri."iiiiiK bank UUl.ldS cbri-ka and "tin I raali llrim. yr.ilXI, Irsrlliinal i urrrui y, uli kli-a ami i-.uia, IM.Tt Nulia nfotb.r Sallunal Hanki Vvdi-ral Kaai-rv. linlt-a l,,i.iii. ktuaar Itraaava IN H. aaj liilal aata and i-rllfli-al. i...i mili-a ... 41.XK4idiiiiitiii"ii I'ni'i wllli I'.N.Traaaurnr, V..- f H Istal a f, i.-.i .i, hi i.XHIM S W77 i.:ioii :tuxi7 1.7 V'.ia M H v.i v:Ui uu i ii l". tin 16 'I I ii.. I n Il--" latlini) Total iti-r runt un rlrru- l I. .ii 14. . VI.! I v LlialllTlaa. laiiital aUnk -al.J III . la.DOOtlU K.i,lu. fund.. A.-.tlUOOU 7,'JtJ0 ln.llvM.d BteSsti I,IU67 l.iaa . I it Mirmi-I, III I.H.lauil talc. ,ald ,I7 4J -i III It l ii.-ulalliia lii.l.a i.iltalandlo l,7uuOU IMinand i!ti-iaila lanllvldaldliiMialiaaunJ.i'l lot-bank J-II.107 M . ,.nll(.i. il...ili dti. in '.ai Iban ;m Max riaalUo4fihtti aakli-r all .oka uuiaiandlua (laita-d mala, daposlla raaUl arlu(i Tulal d.Miauil ('runalla J7,7II l Tiata d.peaita: (aayabla aSsr W oaf! oi miir. iintlsat: t .:rttri-.taul tli-iioslt illlu-i lluiad.poalla 1,1.1 Hi... .1. paslll ,! aa lltadlai-iiuul Willi r-t)di-rai noaaryo Kank IH,7I IaU iu ok i.l.ltlhv I ItbU W Ma :ni 1 . I ikniiiii NoUeo of Final Sattlaataat. Notlt-a la glvttu I list ilia nntlar sixiiial ailmldlalralur of lite MUla ' Jaspvr liavia.ilet-eaaatl.has flloJ his fiaa' .uruiiiii !( liia atimliiiolratioo if aaitl slata Willi tltaclark v4 thaCt.iinly Cmirt ul ilia Htata il t'lfittin. (or llaraav t ' t v , ami Unit said court ha made an order apuiiiiilinK Monday, liiix-mlaar 20, I'.Hi, at Uu- hour ol tan o'clock A. M., at tin- County Court loom in Hum, llartmy County, Orrgoa, ai tha linn ami ilart- lor tha hearing' of said Dual lu-couiit anil tlm at-ltlfuitiil tlieraof, and all ohjeclioui that may be Iliad Ibaaalo, All anriuns InUtreated in aaitl aalatu ami having .ii.j.i tiuiia to aaltt Una) ac i nint nr iiuv parlor item thereof are Imii-liy mill lirW to prvaaut aaid objactious ami (lie the amine with lor elrrk of tilil i - nrt on or said date. J. P. WlTIIKMK, Admlulalritor of the oalalr of Jaapar Pavla, daceaard. NOTICK KOU I'UHI.ICATION IIKITKIlSTArKS I ANllllKUl K( Suras, tin sun. Nuivmliar 10, lais Si-uir la bsrolir itv.u tbal Marlsau till, el law.n. tlragos. wbo, on Mar A, lull, mail. Iliiiii-ai.-ad, huli Na I" i N vl ', -.ill. .ii . .. luwn.hip .-4. south, Hauar .t.-'t K. W llllaini-lti- Marldtau basfll.d uutlra uf latSS I I'-ii Uiiuakr nnal (loaiatutation aruol loaaiat. Ilib i-lalui U Iba laud above daai-rlbad, befiiru lli-sl.i.r and Kt-i-t-lvvr, al Hurna, ttrvfuli, un lb. laih -la. ol tii-i itabcr miA. rlaluiaiit naim-a aa wlturaa.n Henri k Huntlry.ul law.a, Oraguu, Harry J. Jo klah.uf llarilman.Orricon. 'laurgs Hrrti inc. -il law.n iiicKiin, Jul. n H . Iiouglvcri), ul llarrluian. Ori'guil. WM. rasas. Haglsur. M. II. All." all ul Hum. ilri-vull Wa. Kas. HiiaUt.r NOTICK KOH I'trilMOATION IlKlTili HTtaa l,n(lritr, ( I'. i; ma. nirguii, Oi-ioUr IB, IVKi.l -.'..Hi i. la Ii- i.'hjslvan lli.l Hslslhl.l M Tsllait, ..( II ai i inn. i., i iifi-iin. wlin, un J an nary Mt. lvi .', .mil Aptil V. Iiii.i, mad. Hr-im-aicad Kuirlra Nil. li'.-au and umm, n-auerilvi-ly, lur Kt,, Km-llun IB, 'I'.iwualilp ' Houlb, kaujra TIKaai. Wlllaini-lli-, Miil-tlau has II lad nolle. ut luiriillun lu inaki-final ibrim-yaar proof. lu iiatabllab claim to lbs lsud sbuva d.arrlb.d, tii-li.ri- tti-glatnr and M.rrlv.r, sl Hurui.Orsgon, uu tin-vird day u( Nuvmnoar ItlA. I 'nlmaiil liaiiu-a aa wllliraa.-: it I- i. iar. :. T. i ary, A II. Curry, U. I.', t ri-n-li. ail ..I llarrluian. Or.ton. Vim. rasas, Hrgletar. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKOriTATKri LAND OrriCR Ituriig. oii'Kou. ictiilcr ii, ': .ul 1 1 t- la h.-tft.j kIti'ii that Joint Kuivk.ul Nar riiwa.tJrraiiU. wliu.un Ma v !. JJHi. tnacU- lUiuif aal Kiiiry,Nu.iMrMlllurr4l((4NW U-l l.Med w Mild a .IUI 4. rH'C. , I Wl 1 , KIUI SUB.. Wlllaiui'tti' Mtrl.llau haa died noltit ul intvotluu to ir.ftkM dual Hv-)ravr frtwl. to efjeauliin i'ialni to iitn Jan.. aiKiva drarrllHl b(ur l(sllraiid Itniircr.slliurni, On-gun, nil th 'iVth ilajf at Novi-mlror, ly).'.. i lalnmut i.auiaiao witiU'skHM: H. L Hw, Clifford OronatMWk, William J. imtt.i. Krai ik iircwn, an or rsarrowa.urvffon W Kabbb. ItaRlBlBI. NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION I Nm:i)MTATMI,AKIUrKH K I Huina. (iftiuu, October ., IV16 . Notlr la h.-tuby Klvau that I'arry K. tfarfl. ut Hurna. orvaou, wbo, uu Juua 18, iwU, raada Homi-aiaaT Kolri. No. V7M4. !r -.WU. Hat' i ion vl, Townablp aa Mouth, Hbuk oo K., twiiaiiifiu Meridian, baa dia-J uo((o of un iitloo to mikt) dual rommntBtlou proof to 'atalillah rlaho to lb land abova do Hriaksd, 1m-for- Ksfflatarand Kacvlver, at Hurna, iiirniiu, uu ilia Win! ilay ul Novaaabcr. 19I&. ( laimant uainoaaa wUaaa- tUnrj I'tasf Kwa Rlugvr, Kdlth Hlngfr, t liarira N.nK.nia.all ol Narrowi OraajOS. Wm. KABaa. Ket later. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKU HTATIta I.awo (irrii'i Hurna. rraou. (Kiobar It. tffU. Noilralabarrbrilvan that WilfordA. HandW utauol Narroura,Uranoii, who, on Hvperabery, lUl'i aml January IV. UN. biada UouiMlead Ki.ui.a. No o.J7 -OTaW., r a i a 1 1 v v 1 y . for NMKJi. BWU, piNW'4l Urctlou ifi. Tuwniul. 3ft H.. Range II K. Wlllamrtit Meridian, haa tlted ootloa of lutantloti to inaki ilual tli r. yrmr prool, to eatabilah claUn Ui Ma land above ! nU-tl , balore Kegtaler nint Hi-i titer. at Hurna. Orejtou, on tin Jam tlay ol NokinbiT, llflb. t'lalinaul namva aa wlliieaaea' t haa HaiBbatta uid A. 0 Joins bob ol Huriia. Orettou Kdward KoneutBOu, ol .iar rowa, itragon. I H. Tyhir, of Hurna. Oregon. Wm. KAaaa. Kegtaler NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKbttTBTgalaAKO Orrlrg, Hurna, Oregon. Nuvaiobur Id. v... .Solid In hereby a I ran thai Franklla W. Varitn ol Harney, Oregon, who, on Jain It 1914 made humvateail mity No.07M, for xa I, a.H1, NK!4 '-- -.. Twp, a h., Kaiigo :w Kaal. Wlllamatte sin i Han. haa Hied i.oilre ul InteutioD to make nimii oitiuiiiiailon (otHif, ft. iatabllab claim In the land abova aeaerlbad, helore H.-eiia't-r and Kecelvar, ai Hurna. Oregon, on tbr'i n 'day ul I ) timber lulft rlaliuaiil uautea aa wlluaaae- II. Klchgair. have Tudor, 1. I.. I'oujaili' and r. a. Varlau.all ol Harney, Oragon. Wm. KAkBt. Heglalfi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ll.MTKI) ST A IBS I.ANO OrTH't, Hurna, Dragon, ttclobvr It, l-ils .Sutli i-la iii'iili) (IV.O IhslHydu.v H. Ilugbra. uf Hurna, Uraguu, wboull July Ii-, I'll 1. inaili lluun-.lrail Klitry, No'i, fur Wt,NKi,, HU nw, HU'i,rtri- m, lownahipi ri., Hangi-kl K., Wlllamatls M.rldlao. haa DIihI nuti.r uf int.iiiluu to ntsk. finsl ilirn- proof, lu raial-llali rlaliu Ul lb. Isoit sbuvv dai-rlb.d. in I. in lUgl.t.r aud K.rlv.r. st Hurna. or. -O'l, un Un- ','ind dsy ul Ntiv.roli.r, 1116 i laluiatil nam., aa wlllu-aara. KiankHwaarlna.u, Wllllstu ulun - i. mi n. 1 1 am Sl Npry.all ul llama, tir.-guu. Wm. Kaass. Kaglti.r NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. USITHOHTATr-.M I.ANO lirHlg Hums, uiffuu, ix-Uibar "Jo, 1,1... Nullr. I. In-r.ty hiv. u tbal Jubn Tbosasa I' ,.il Kll. v. Oregon, wbo.uu Nowmbsr 77, Ivos, nail, glilry. No OSS lot thi. nr, i.-.T. H.. Kaag. id X . vtlli.,,, it.: Mwtl'ilau, has ill.d noilt-a ol lutsatlou lo in a k a dual br. 1'ieof la sslsbllab lalui lu tba laud abuia dwK-rltM9d, balur. Ki-s lai.r aud H.uslv.r. sl Hums, ursgoa, on lb. .tub day ol November, il.V t'lalmasi tiauiaa a, wltevaaaa: nana 0, Hlbi.l., Clyd. a. tilbboua. K K. -iiillli, Hli.ii, Auitnurl, all ,.l HII.T, lllntau, Wa. Kasss. K.stiU-r. NOTICK KOR l'UBMCATION i M 1 1 ii -I At K-. MMiiir'rirr:. i Hurna. Ursgoa. t litubrl JO, 11.'. I '-..ti. i la slvra tbat Jssa. 1.. Hradr.u, --I Hv kli-v. orrguu, who, oa Juua lu. Iv-I.-, mad. llouirstrad Knlry, No. OSIAJ, lor gW. .-if.',. HgHWU, gar. tt; Ki.WU. !(,' rirrllnn r. '. NESjNW HrrUon M, Towtiablii :l HuUlti. Ilsug. .N Kaal. M.rl Han, I, a. filed uuili-. ol Ini.nllou lu saske llnal ibiv. year Proof, ui sstsbllsb claim to tbr laud abuv. drscrlla-d, balora C. K. TulliM-b. U.K. t'uiniulaalnuor, at hlauBlc. at Hecklsy, hi. ,o,,. oa tin Jtth day ol Ntiv.mber, mi,'.. I'lalinaiit natui-a aa wlluraeaa: Augiiailus tillb.rl. HoL.rt Nslaun, Jsuirs frail, liavld CroW, all al Brnkti-y, n, .,;.,, Wa. Fiasa. Ki-giatsr. ACCEPT OUR THANKS The Obliirstion of this bank to the depositor does not end with the mere keeping of books, the receiving of money and, at the demand, paying it out. There ia a deeper covenant than that, for our duty as we see it, is to remember always that without the depositor the bank could not exist. Therefore, Thanks giving seems the accepted time to wish for every one of them PROSPERITY AND PLENTY and also to asuure them of our keen interest in their welfare and desire to help assist them along Prosperity Road. To individuals, business and prolessional men, this bank, with total resources of over $400,000.00 not alone cordially extends the benefits of a service that is the arch of satis faction, but it takes a lively interest in your progress. Harney County National Bank Burns. Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE Progress with Safety UNITED STATES Depositary NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. llaiTsii HTarss l.nn urnca. I Hurna. Oivguu. ot-touer lit, lll I Settee 1. hereby glv.u tbat Austin t'sinutl Ji-lia Ad, i H . BaugaStt B.. lied BBS. ul Kill lialiH". llii-,,-li. whu.uil iiilobor 1. 11'.', tusde A'l-iiii.'iiai iiuioi-atesa autry. no. USB73 lorN'NKt, ilKNKl,, NtWhk-i. itr. '. f nullr. ol luivutlun to uiak. dual ibres-year l-ieuf. t-i lalat-llah rlaim tu ih. land sbnv. d.-airlu-d. U-tiir. HeBlatar aud Hsselver, sl Hurua Hi.'gun.uu in. Ji.lli dsy ul Nuv.mtK-r, il.'i. llsluiaut nauii-a as wllusasaa: William 1 ol Hr.wst-y.Ur.guu Albert hii' lialiau. 1.,-oige Bucbanau. William A . l.'ali-lauu. allot Harbsusli Wa. rasas. Hsglatsr. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. U hitbd HTTaa .a Orrit B I Hurna. Oregon. November i 1VI&, Nollrr la hereby given that tllbton I'. Borrow dale, of Itfi u . Oii'iiii,nh(i.uti A pi 1 1 17, ivTi. Ol Mouifite(t rntry, No. U0a77, for N't., ttoctlon ii. Towiiahlp H H , Kange 80 K.. Willamette Merhtlan, haa nlatl not he of mi. mUm lo tuaka final throB-year Proof, to nalabllah tUiinlo the land above 5rill' il before C K. TuKoch I . I 'utiinilaafuiH-r. hiaotlivv, at Heekley. Oregon, on tha oth day of Dwentber, Ivlis. Claimant naineaaa wlliieaaia W II. Wllkinaon. Roy A. Johnenu. Krank Kmllala.A ft. Jnhnaoii, all of BurOugo, Ore gun. Wm Ka aaa. Register NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION HaiTKUgTATsa l.arin turn a. i Huiua. ur.gon, Uolubar Ik, HIIAI Null-1- la liur.lit bIv.ii tbat Krank W. I rlaka. ol Hurna. tir.gou, vliu, ou Juuu 1&, ivii tuadi II, ,u,, .!... I Knlry Nu. lalnla, lor f.'.Mrt',. 1,1... and I. H.-i- in. Tw. .'i a., Rang, ti Isal, Wtllaiuoll. Mi-ilillau, haa fll.d uotlcs ol lion to msk. llnal proof lu .itah Kali - lalui tu tli. laud above daeurlbed, balor. Heglal. r and HM'alv.r al Hurna. nr.gull, un Ik, J4tn day of Novsnluer, Ikls. rlatiuanl nami-a aa wlluaasas. Niiaoli K I'ardus. T. J. Mi-l)onsld. W. J. Mi lt Inula, Hani. I Jordan, sll ul Hurua Ur.gnu. . IASBS. K.l.lrl lutal W'aTSUKIIttr.l.l'N, I .ul g uf llaimy. I I Iruu M. Ilruwil, t aaiilii .1 ui. "" i.ain.d hsllk. do mlitiniill tisr lliat Ih.sbo. etaumeal lattualuih. Ui.iuf wy kaowl.dgs aud b.11.1. I. sun M. Bhvwn. UMhtai guusorllie-l sndwuru tu l-alnta tua litis llb d ol Nuvoiabat, Isld. WM iBMl, Nuisay I'ubllo- Currwi.'-ia.." 0, r. MtKiNkSV 1, kl. IlilTOX u, A. Haasuio DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE NEW STORE IN TOWN? Farmers' & Homesteaders' General Exchaoie Store Specials for Coming Week Spuds, $2.25 per hundred Onions, $2.50 per hundred Five kinds of winter apples, $1.50 per box Prize Pumpkin, 2c. lb. Fall line of California dried fruit Italian Prunes, 10c. lb. Apples, lie. lb. Pears, 12c. lb. Apricots, 12 l-2c. lb. Figg, 12c. lb. Three kinds sugar cured Eastern hams and bacon, 25c. lb. MANY OTHER SPECIALS Come In end arrange to trade any produce you have for winter supplies WHY NOT TRADE AT HOME? Phone No. 384 One block eaat of Lampshlre's Garage sasBgarv 'SsaaaaTanaaaBTanBefaSJ WffM'Trl ' ks Cja)ej -" -' ' - Almiaejy I mR Pfr IJi a eS, , L-af Varnish the Shabby Surfaces Shabby surfaces detract from the appearances of your home. Floors, furniture or woodwork that are marred, scratched or scuffed give your home a shabby run-down ap pearance. Make these varnished sur faces bright and new with ACMEQUALTir, VARNISHES s There's an Acme Oualitv Varnish for every purpose; a floor varnish made to be walked upon; a quick drying furniture varnish that imparts a brilliant, durable lustre, and var nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur faces in any quantity desired. Which do you need? Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches Water bags, nose bags Ice Cream Freezers Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Barbed Wire Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders, Plows Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BjELTING Nails, Doors. Windows, Roof ing. Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager B5OTS For its wonderful accuracy, its aaf ety and con venience, and its effectiveneaa for small game -and target shooting, you should buy The quick i TfcBsl pump-tu Hum r SKI lUl feusi t FiSr I .KltaWt tu. i. .ph. Haa i lakes duwn bmUv., atta M'l MloliaT. aalcly ana. litis., VUiLie Katoiit.i It iidli lakes du-wu easily Yyu csuknik tlnwusiK ilia sVeurel it cleajtB Irum sWck BtMs. Its eMM SIsmITb pnitstcu your fee bbJ M lakjiy ma mhmaf cemUteje. hum sheila, MM. TtaB aUaU atjeOtUB, flalOWS sj.slls Swe Up aaajTOeB fmtf lUM it MM. Wariii AW osLiass Repeating Rifle Mwlel 20. as illuetiatetl. 24- inch oclsnun bsrr.l, IS or 23 sltuts,SII.U. iiii.i I.. .a soaassr sad "s y lu uua aula telaasV lisaaiaaa eS AS easH , .11 Uas ape .Is laaeaHHe ewtriaaaa. includ- us at aafkmp.iiiii huniina caiuiuaM. AMmat. a 200 sataa, A v Sua lur aUU.. muuida. hawk., mi, olc sysae -21 rauaaiar. also luad. with 1k actiuai aaa your aseler. fltJMar&HrarmuCm, TtkVmJSZ I Wallow at, Nawllavasa.runn. Ua .UU aTJaESeJl. sJ i.l no i t-.L lIAIVI.f..J-IIIUI iitiii barrel. I) shots. S9.25.