The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 20, 1915, Image 2

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    -'-; - '
I Hi,
This Is especially FOR YOU.
Come at once and see us, yon will And that
we ate prepared, and YOU will be pleased with
what we have to SHOW YOU.
Show the next fellow that YOU are ready to
htrta, iKkwtiir. nndt-rwear, hosier, (!, hats
anal maSa-for-aer-Tlc clothe, nil at MSarate ferae
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
kr tmcs-etatd
suBaciurnoN rates
Six MmiIm
Tkete Moatka ....
The feeling that the Btftts
Water Board is not pushing the
adjudication of the water rights
of Silvies River to a finish ns rap
idly as it should is gaining thro
ughout this territory as people
begin to realize the importance
of final adjustment of this impor
tant matter. Much of the devel
opment of the country held back
bv this dilatory method and it
should be hastened to completion.
It means much to the advance
ment of this Valley and every
man interested should use his in
fluence in hastening the matter
to a conclusion. Delays should
not be further permitted.
Burns Railroad Club
Meets to Hear Reports
One of the best attended meet
ings of a public character held in
this city in recent years was call
ed lsst night at the court boost
for the purpose of discussing the
railroad situation and hear what
the delegation that had returned
from Bend on Thursday evening,
where they met Mr. Strahorn,
had to say. While all the com
mittee was not present at this
meeting, some of them made
statements of 'I'leir observations
and conversations with Mr. Stra
horA and others. It wasof course
understood that nothing definite
was done at this meeting so far
as this city is concerned but pos-
sibiiies were disscussed as to what
could be done toward the desired
end of securing railroad connec
tions to Burns.
Mr. McCnnnell was called up
on to make a report of the trip
but he had no notice of this meet
ing until late and stated that he
was preparing a detailed report
to submit at the meeting of the
Commercial Club tomorrow even
ing and President Brown did not
press him for any remarks.
C. H. Leonard talked for some
time of the Strahorn plans as well
as outlining the general business
of the meeting at Bend. The
particular purpose of this was to
revive the Central Oregon Dev
elopment League with a view of
that organization getting behind
the development proposed by Mr.
Mr. Strahorn. according to Mr.
Leonard, and this was accom
plished with enthusiasm. There
were in the neighborhood of 70
outside delegates at this Bend
meeting and Burns was represent
ed by 16. They were loyally
treated and had the privilege of
meeting Mr. Strahorn personally
and going over the railroad situa
tion with him in a private way.
Mr. Strahorn proposed to send
his own engineers in to investi
gate the Saire Hen route as soon
as he possibly could and also
proposed that if this was not
too expensive a peice of road
to talk business with the Burns
people about a direct line to this
city from the west. Whether
this would be a through line, or
rather place Burns on the main
through line, there was a diner
enee of opinion among the dele
gation, but st any rate the pn -
position was Roneinto with Mr.
Strahorn and he was asked how
soon this line would be built pro
vided the necessary funds were
raised and if the line from BsOa
to Burns would be built first.
He replied that it hud been the
intention to build to Klamath
first but the Burns contingent
said we would not consider that
indefinite time with a line com
pleted within 30 miles of us snd
if we could not be assured of im
mediate connection from the
west we would certainly get busy
on the east line from the Gap.
This matter will be discussed
more fully at the meeting called
tomorrow night for the purpose
of completing the permanent or
ganization of the Burns Commerc
ial Club.
Notes From Egli.
Last Friday evening the school
gave a Halloween party, A nice
social crowd wss present snd en
joyed the ususl pranks that hallo
ween brings.
The threshing machine from
Burns experiment station, Is
threshing for Carson Wolter,
tail week'
Wm. Burgett snd neice, Anna
(.raves, returned from s visit in
Nevada, Friday. They report a
splendid vacation, but encounter
ed very rough and dusty roads.
Dr. Wiil Potter and wife have
gone to Troy, Idaho, where they
will practice medicine this wint
er. Ciyde Love killed a rsbied coy
ote at Grant Burgetl's, last week.
would give it sufficient finances
to secure adequate quarters and
give It permanency.
A temporary organisation was
effected with Wm. Hsnley as pre
sident snd C. B. McConnell as
secretary snd a committee con
sisting of Judge H. C. Levens,
L. M Brown snd Sam Mothers
head was appointed to report to
morrow night on a permanent
Big Real Estate Deal Closed
P. S. Weittonhiller returned
from Bend with the delegstion
thst went over there to meet Mr.
Strahorn and reports that he has
closed s real estate deal of con
siderable proprotions whereby he
transfers a section and a half of
land in this vicinity to men who
are progressive in the farming
game and who have sufficient
means to nut the land into its
highest state of cultivation.
The lend was purchased by Mr.
Wm. Henrie, of Union county,
snd he has associated with him
six sons-in-law. The land in
volved is section 17, near the Ex
periment Fsrm, which is improv
ed snd on which Mr. Weitten-
hiller raised an exellent crop of
grain this season. The price for
this improved tract wss $60 per
sere; the other is half of section
9. This lend hss not been im
proved any and the price of it
was 146 per sere.
Mr. Henrie and his sssocistes
plan on moving to this valley
next March snd will brgin active
fsrmlng operations, They hsve
mesns to prosecute the fsrm
work with ample maohlney. and
a knowledge of the work there
fore are sure to be desirable citi
Mrs. Jess Bunysrd wss calling
on her many friends In this local
ity last week.
Pete Peterson hss returned
from Burns, where he hss been
assisting his sister, Miss Emma
Peterson, in making ber comfor
table for the winter.
One night last week, Harvey
Tingley had the misfortune of
shooting his dog when he shot a
coyote. The coyote had the dog
by the throat.
Miss Alice Hurl hurt spent over
Sunday at the boras of Jack
W. E. Redeman has purchased
a thorough bred jersey cow.
T. S. Haines went to Burns
this week.
November 20 there will be a
social gathering and supper at
the school house. The evening
will be spent in playing games
and everyone is cordially invited.
Mr. Costella, ofDry Vslley
was seen on our streets lsst
Wm. Burgett hss returned to
the vacquero samp, where he
will resume his former tasks
Harney County Boys
Prominent in Athletics
The Times-Herald is proud of
the prominent pert taken by our
local boys in college athletics.
Both Rye Smyth snd Leo Laythe
have made good on the O. A. C.
We enjoyed s real rainy day
once again, Tuesday.
Leonard Welter bagged the
first deer, of the season, in this
Luthur Addington is assisting
Carson Wolter with his threshing
these days.
Burns Commercial Club
Revived And Active.
Several public spirited citizens
of this city met st the office of
the Levens hotel lsst Sundsy eve
ning, the particular object being
to ascertain who could go to Bend
for an important meeting at
which Robert E. Strahorn, the
railroad builder, and several
Portland financiers would be
present for the purpose of reor
ganizing the Central Oregon De
velopment Lesgue snd discuss
the railroad plans of Mr. Stra
horn. After finding several volun
teers to go as representatives of
this city to the Bend meeting
it was decided after discussion
that we need Uvs sommercial
organization on broad lines and
one that had some standing, so
organized as to mage U a per
manent fixture that would bring
the business interests together
and keep it alive with mstters of
except under condition that the importance to tils community.
u .si, rv..u v,.,.u r:sm Mr. ilanley wss present ana
extended to this place during the
coming season, in that case we
would wait a reasonable time for
the Western connection.
This met with general approv
al of those present at the meet
ing last night There is no dis
position to sit idle and wait an;
gave some good advise along the
line of an organization of this
character and what it could ac
complish. Those present voiced
their sympstby for such a move
foot ball team. The following is
by a sport writer in the Oregon
ian and his comment is upon the
game to be played teday:
Good tackier are as absolutely
necessary to a powerful football
team as sturdy legs on a draft
horse. A good tackle does not
have to be as heavy as a guard
and should have more weight
than an end, but he must be ac
tive, and if he combines activity
with weight his team hsd the
ideal combination.
Thus it is that when the Oreg
on Aggies and the University of
Oregon meet next Saturday in
their annual stats championship
clash st Eugene, the fans will be
treated to ss rare a battle be
tween two ideal tackles as the
conference has seen in many
These two rival giants ere
Johnny Beckett, tsckle on the
University of Oregon team, and
Leo Laythe, of the Aggies. Beck
ett weighs about 196 pounds snd
Lsythe somewhere between 200
and 210 pounds
Prior to entering Oregon Beck
ett wss s fullback on the crack
Washington High team in Port
land, while Laythe broke in st
Corvallis three years ago unher
alded and almost unknown. He
wss first stationed at guard and
after year in this position
Coach Stewart discovered his
class and shifted him into the
more responsible tsckle berth.
On Saturday Laythe snd Beck
ett will play opposite to each
other on the line, snd it ought to
be a battle well worth seeing.
Beckett is perhaps a little more
versatile than Laythe, but there
isn't much difference between
them. Without question these
two are the best tackles in the
Northwest conference, and we
doubt if there are two better men
in the entire country.
Applequist, of Washington
State, comes nearest to them in
the Pacific Northwest
When his team has the ball, a
tackle is supposed to play a "close
formation" game, and while on
the defense the tackle's duty is
to play a looser, wider game,
generally outside the attacking
Thus the offensive tackle gen
erally finds himself lined up
against the defensive guard, and
to the end and a halfback are al-
loted the task of getting the de
fensive tackle out of the way.
For this reason there will not
be an endless round of personal
contact between the two big fel
lows Saturday, but there'll be
plenty of opportunity, in snv
event, to give the fsns s rare line
on their respective ability.
In the Michigan-Aggie game
Laythe's opposite tackle was the
burley negro, Smith, snd from
sll accounts Smith hasn't recover-
County Budget Notice.
To the Tapasr ol Harney Count v
The County Court of Harney County,
Oregon, have flietl Wednr ilay the
twsotyeeoond tiny ol Decanth r, 1011,,
a the tlma biii! tho County ('"nil room
M the place, wtiri the lathnal of Uii.
monnt ol iimiiKv iroool to lie i aland
by trietiuu lor th (iiiiiIiik year, mm
nay b iHrcuMed with ealil Ooantj
Court ; nlm, whan and where any tag
payor, antijrot to inch Ib levy when
inada, ahall ba heard for ut again t any
proposal) tai lavy.
Itamaaad ertluiatra ol uinnim! of (non
ay proposed to be raised by tSSatJofl lot
the wnanlng yaar, 1010, by llurnay
County, Dragon, to-wit:
Circuit Court e MM Ki
County Court I.nonoti
Juatio Court 1,00(1 (Ml
Hhartir offioa ri.ino 00
Clerk' offlr 4,800 ki
Treasurer' orSe NOtl 00
Aastwsor' office :i,7&0 00
Ooualy School Hupl 1,800 00
Block lnipactor 400 00
Health oAcar 100 0(1
Coroner MX) Oil
County Hoed Maatar MM) 00
t:mri lloua l.noooo
Insane 1 1 oo
Widow' prnalmi I. von 00
Car ol Comity poor T.'JfttJ (Kl
jail AMI (X)
Bounty on wild anlma'a o.ihhi imi
Currant ipn all office S.tot) 00
RegUtralloii and Kleetione. :i,000 00
Weight ami tneaaura 100 110
Interna on county warrant H00 00
Bapenae not otharwita enu
merated MM oo
Redemption of couutr war-
rente 8,000 no
Id ralee arhlali amount y ill
be nscsseary to make lag
levy ol 0Q7A
Kattmated Stat u 30,000 ot)
Ketittiatsil Slate Ui
lety inn
County School .,. U,4W no
KalimaU'il levy U0S
Itabbit buiiniy luml . 88,460 00
KetimaiHi) levy ,, ,)
Count) High Kehooj N. 100 00
Katimeted levy 001
Koeda apt) bridge Ug.oUO 00
Ketimaied levy 004
Total .Olhl iiTo.vtw.oo
I'robable receipt i.f Harney
county lor th yeei lulu,
Iron source other than
Fee Iroin county Clerk office tU.HMI IXI
Sheriff' mileage lee ISO M
Interval on county ilep ell M 00
One-hall bounty on wild ani
mal paid by Mats -1,000 mi
give per cent II 8. Land alc 000 00
Koreet rrerrve rental l.nOn(X)
Which amount will bsuaj.l lot pa) m. p
of ootataodlug warrant.
I)td thii 0th day of Novenier,
order ol theCoiinty Court.
a T.aWetieT,
Clerk, llsraey Count, Orrgou.
Claim Presented Again! The
County al The INovember
Term of The County Court,
(Conlluucd Ironi Oral pagr)
and DledaTsd tbsir support, it
was propoaad to organise a club ed his beautiful sepis complexion
and incorporate for s sum that 'yet,
KIlMbeih Itlarkmcr, do H.i
J N Jenten, do m no
Walter Clark, do 17 00
rra Clark, do 17 00
Jamea Heel, do 2H 40
Mr Jamc Keel, do .. 40
BUM Keel, do 118 40
Joe March, io ... It l
C A r'reeluve, do 13 Ho
J W Walker, do . 84 40
A I John.i.11, do i in
C W" 84 40
Mredeo 87 00
John K. 'i I DM 17(10
Craig Cochran, do 17 SO
J C Cedl, do 10 00
John 0 00
Perry Low, do if 00
Joee Garcia, do 2ft 00
Stephen Uurcia, do . ... 2ft 00
Brtaod Carlann, do 2H 00
K I. Hainee, do 4 SO
Waller T. Struck, do S 00
W A Qoodnaa, do 4 30
Prank P Uowao.d" 9 SO
Tho. Baia, viewing road, tc
SS 30 28 20
W H HO 00
High ScSool Fund
Ray I. Travia, SO ourd pine k Mi
cord mahogany wood 2ftn 00
Arthur Turner, aawlng 20 cord
mahogany wood W 00
Del Duubar,awingS0oordi pine IS 00
B W A Koulee, (upplie. . SO 80
A J 24 00
J K Cill Co, do M61
North woi Hchool Furniture Co. H SO
Central Huientiflc Co., do 20 III
O W Clpyeffger, do . . . . 4A
IHchwarlf, do USA
Welcome Pharmacy , do 3 4A
I.unaburg, Ualton A Co., do. . A 00
Kd Bro.,do 8 SO
Junior Btage Co, freight charge 'M 28
W K Davie, varnlahiiig de-k II no
Hmrkl Light A Power 0g
ligbt . a oo
H A Dickeiieou, cleaning toilet 10 00
W Y King, labor, etc . . 10 00
Road Fund
Frank P Cowan, iirvying
olglnad 476 w 78 50
Jap McKinnou, viewing road 48 00
N Henney, i day chaining . A 00
Clyde V Kmbreu. do A 00
Kalph lieerv, do ft oo
Harry C Snith Htaga Colrelght
charges cUimad 10 00 A 00
M H Albcraon, road work 17 00
Portwr-Hil Co., lupplici I ftn
Luuabttrg, Jlallon A Co., do 80
Fred Haiu, lf HI 70
HH Keech, road work II fM
f. N NUIIard, luppliu (I 76
C A Hainet, do 4.100
lainphlr'a Oarage, do HI 7 At)
J L Iaiw. lumbar 128 AH
John Oil A Co 74 AH
Two Hundred snd Fifty Stories.
And every story s good one,
they are entertaing. but thst Is not
all you can nay about them. You
know there is hardly a periodical
published that is not full of time
wasting stories, but not s single
Rtory in Ths Youth's Campanion
in a time waster. Take the stor
ies of C. A. Stephens. It would
be hard to pick out from which
you cannot learn something use.
ful and yet entertslning.
Some of ths Companion stories
refresh your knowledge of geo
graphy; some tell you the mys
teries of chemistry, some reveal
the secrete of forestry snd of
general fsrmlng. They covers
wide range. They are chosen
with sn eye to the possible lik
ings of every member of a Com
panion family -stories of vigor
ous action and stirring adventure
for boys, stories of college life
and domestic vicissitudes for
girls, Htorlea that range all the
way from sheer drollery to deep
seriousness for men and women.
There are no stories quite like
those in the Companion.
If you are not familiar with
The Companion ss it is today,
let us send you ssmple copies snd
the Forecast for 1916.
New subscribers who Bend $2.
00 for 1916 will receive free s
copy of The Companion Home
Calender for 1916, in addition to
all the remaining 1916 issues
from the time the subscription is
received. -The Youth's Compsn
ion, Jtoston Jflsj-flew subscrip
tions received st this offloe.
win i ii 'i "' 11
Browns' Quality Store
We want you to call on us be
fore making your purchases.
We can supply your wants in
anything required. You will
find Quality and Satisfactory
Service responsible for our suc
Notice to Stockmen.
The Oregon A Western Coloni
zation Co. hss 14 sections of graz
ing land between Burns and ths
forest reserve for sale or lesse.
Good spring snd fall grasing for
sheep. Plenty of water, Write
or call on B. F. Johnson, sgent,
llarrimsn, Oregon.
Notice for Bida.
Bids furnishing everything to
plaster a 40x24x10 feet 4 ft
lath liin. Plastered with s hsir
fiber patent plaster, two coats
flat finish. Also one brick flue
commencing at ceiling. Building
to be ready for plaster the 26 bids
to be In not later than that Send
bids to Mrs Zells Wood, Burns,
Burns Oregon
The Burns Packing Plant Iiuh
placed Mr. H. Beeler, in charge
of the plant north of town, and
his experience snd ability to turn
out first class bacon and lard ia
already evident
Notice ef Piaal SetlUeaeal.
Sealed bids will be received
and specifications may be hsd st
my office up to and including
November 26. 1915, for the clear
ing, plowing; harrowing, seed
ing and harvesting of 40 acres of
sage-brush land. Work to be
done in Section 25, Township 27
south of Range 83 East of the
Willamette Meridan.
(Signed) M. A. Bices.
Burns, Oregon.
OUtree 1 la Stoeaacfc.
There are many people who
hsve a distress in the stomach
after meals. It Is due to Indigos
tion and easily remedied by tak
ing one of Chamberlain's Tablets
after meals. Mrs. Henry Padg-
han. Victor. N. Y.. writes: "For
some time I wss troubled with
headache and distress in my atom
ache after eating, also with con
stipation. About six months ago
I began taking Chamberlain's
Tablets. They regulated the ac
tion of my bowels and the head
ache and other annoyances (leas
ed in a short time. " For sale by
all dealers.
Notice i hereby given that I lie on
dcritgrwd, administrator of the Katiitt
of W. A. Anderson, deceased, ha tilnl
hi final account in aaid matter, and
that th Hon. H. C. I.veae, County
Judge ol" Harney County, Oregon, hai
act lb 0th day of December, nil "., nt
ten o'clock a in., at the County Judge'
office, Burn, Oregon, a the titnr ajaj
place for bearing objection thereto; All
persone having any objection to aaM
account arc hereby notified to pun m
the eame at aaid time and place.
Uatcd at Burn, Oregon, tin 3rd day
of November, ll 8.
Adrniniitrator of the lUtntr
of W. A. Anderson, dociise.l.
Ubitbs tt( Li Qpftea,
Duma, otruu, NuTrtahar I, !m
Niaira I bereti- lveu (bat (harm T.Bmlih,
u'HeraerOrsaaB.irhu.ouifc'lotierf. nil.enli
HoMM4 galry.Ne.uOM7, tor S tt '. in-.- J.l p
11 S B-WMlMKll HI
4 netln o lateauea (a auke final thioa veai
roof, tanul'ilak tlaim tullia laii'l abova Ha.
aerlbad.tMloni Begleler an Receiver, al lltirna.
oragea, on i ba Uib da t Hereto bar, lia.
'lainaui uaaiaau 'itiw
A Tbonpaua, aarl Wliharv, Jauiaa Oil
I'lar Mrtlstner, all of Kiuey, ureffoo.
Wu. r. Ke(llrr.
I'Niril. hvatkii I.wij lirrn r,
lima, Orcgsn, in n.i r 16, i-i .
Netlralabareby aire itiat Hrerv atr.i.i Veu
aior, Oregon, wbu, on iMiobar L it'll.
HsaiaatMd Soirr Ns.OBUt.ler aWu.aKN ',.
sKMgM7MWMSH,aae. t.TwjiasK., Haniin fc
K. , WliTuBettellerMlaa. bait fflad nvtlrauf lu
taatloa taeiake laallbra..Taar froof tu a
labllak rlalai to th laa.t above daa.ill.oil I..
ere kagtawr aad Raoalvar. al Burua, Oregon,
on Ike m dr of Novaaibar, mtr..
ClalaikBlaaaia a wtlaaa:
K. J.Nable. A Veaalor. Moth u( Vtuai,,,.
Oreeo. JaeTowanid, llaoryiivoririi. i.hi
ollf wrn,oriuB.
wo; ii".. .
Quality is Right Prices are
Right Flour is Right New
Flour. New Wheat Every Sack
guaranteed. Special prises In
qusntity. See your desler, the
Mill, or Mr. Huston, the Secre
tory. The Burns Milling Co.
Haw la Prevent Croup.
It may be a surprise to you to
learn that In many cases croup
can be prevented. Mrs. II. M
Johns, Elidia, Ohio, relates her
experience as follews: "My lit
tle boy is subject to croup, Dur
ing the past winter I kept a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in the house, snd when he
began having that croupy cough
1 would give him one or two
doses of it and it yould, break
the attack. I like it better for
children than any other cough
medicine because children take
it willingly, and it is safe and
reliable." Sold by all dealers
Blirna, Oregon , November I. tul-V
Noliee la hereby given Ilia! audi!', Wallace,
termer! Ana rteterlcetn, of gall, Oregon,
who an Novawbar aS, nili. naile Ituiturtea.t
gatryNe.OHtl, lorW),nr.',.hii.w,i. i-. ii
llhJMWU. SBMMWU. WWNftC. Heetlon la,
TwV '!.. aii. vVftlaaeiio Merlitmn
haa Sled Settee at Intention to naa. t'liml
Ibrea-faar aroot, to aatabllak rlalni to tii
land above OMartbed
Kaoelvar. al Burnt, iireguu, on tin- -Hi it
or uiiiaMt, in
bafur Hrelater and
(lalmaul nameau wllaaaae
A. T. Donovan. 1'baa. Coutecva. Jnuhk m.
Manna, Thomaa llutton, all of ithr , oie..i
wu. Fa. Raflaier.
Fall and winter Goods
Underwear, Overcoats, Macanaws
Ladies' Winter Wear
Complete line in all Departments
We are ready with a com
plete line of Best Quality
Goods to care for our cus
tomers. Let us figure on
on your big supply order
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Corral
or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN. Adjoining Fair Grounds.
UiTo BMTa omra. i
Hiiro. Oieon, Nuvaailxr I. ivi .
Nolle la hrbv alveu ibal Hen Hoivr f
in, uragc
id hSlH
un u ;
aotleaoi 'nUDIiou to eaeJk Anal llm'e-xar
eroof. t eolaolUh elalut t the land above di
earthed. before Haalataraoil Keeelvr, el lluina
on IhelMh day or Oeieinln.r I'M .
gall, Oregon, who, ou November no. isi.'.ma.i
llouaMeail guirv. No on), for Uk
W.SItttlSVL.aa.MiBV.Nrtj.aac. ::. ',r,
aadNkUNWU. avtloo 4. TuVtialiiu MSOiilli.
Range M g, WllUBeiU Meridian, haa Hlt.,1
aaautnamea aa wltneeece;
rkrlaaCuineava. A.T. lioauvaii. I
llullon, Tbonaa Huliuu. all of Hlley. ureon.
Wa raaaa. Haller.
Burn, Uragoa, (lelober i, WU
TollvurrNaerbuinuf lMalo,Ureoa,l'oiiii -atci'
Tea are hereby nouuea uui irwu
who ilvee Defal, Oregoa. aa lila
noUlled that Irwin K. Hmitn.
1U IITM WVHIW. .avH. - - P". .."
add rat, did o Oetobar 7lh lvif, ftliln ihla
otjia bladaljr oormboralod auplleallnii to run
Itodaaoere th earn eiiauon 01 our ii.. ,
aUdKnlnr,NuHrll, No. oggir uale Mm K
Vaiior awMk. oe". aa wo wa, n , nnuii.
lUataette Meridltu. and a uruiiioia loi
hi ooataei beetle that aaid lluurjr riheihuru
haa eband tkl entry, ibal be haa not ri'ahi
M thereon tor mere than at ateiitha laat ai .
thai he baa not been In Ihla roiinty for mure
Iban ayear eaet.lhalth.'luiiirott'iiianu lb am
aa he boa dlanoaed ol, and the land wholly
abandoned by aaid Henry Hberhiirn han ant
seea oa the aaid land lor more than I.' Boi Ilia
You are, iberalore, further uuilfli'tl ihatth.
aaid allveatiouawlll be laaen aaronfi-aaetl, ami
your aala entry will b ranritlled wlihom fur
Iber rlbl 10 lie beard illhei helore Ullaornrr
or on anoaal. 11 you fall to file In Ihla odlr.
wllhln iwantydaytaflerlbe KUI'lt'l'll iubllia
ttoii of ihla uoiice, aa ahown below, ion
W have s complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
aaewer uuder oath, atieoiaoally r.v;.ou.!nm n
Ol eaaeeei. logeiuer win. .in.
save eerved a vupy i
er by ralrd avail
atloup of oouleal. loelber wl
nave aarraa a inuy 01 y. mi
awar oa th aaid ooulalai eiilni In ieraon
You akould alalo In your auawer the naumof
Ike peal oalea to whn
aotli'e to b aeat to ou
you ilealie lulure
gARR, Heglaier.
l)i of drat eublleatlun Ootsbar at, lIJ.
Mala of eei'un.1 uublloaMon November , 1l.'.
Hale of third publication November l.l, IIU'
Hale ol fourth publloailun Novvmlier JU. lull.
The Ixsst bacon and lard is on
Is st the local stores and the
Burns M est If srkmt and is packed
by the packing plunt of The
Burns Milling Co. Try it.
Located st the same old stand
with the best of prompt servico
Beefs Pork, Mutton, Sausage
Eggs. Butter, Etc
i mmmmmm
Irinted in accordance with haul
rcquiremenU on hgrt notia' ut
Job Rooms
We do it right
All the ntws in Th Times-Herald for $2.00