The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 30, 1915, Image 4

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R. P. Schwerin
On the 8eamon's Bill
"The bill provides that nc no nationality shall be permitted to
depart from any port of tho United Stntos unless she haa on board a crew
not leas than eeventy-Ave per centum of kIiIi-Ii. In each department thereof.
la able to understand any order thru by the officers of euoh vessel, nor
unlesa forty per centum In the r, rorty-iiv per centum In the second
year, fifty per centum In tho th. .1 year, nrt.v-flv per centum In the fourth
year after the passage of this Art nnd. thereafter sixty-fly par centum of her
deck crew, exclusive of licensed officer nnd spprentloea, are of a rating not
leea than able seamen.'
"The oversea trade of tho world In competitive, therefore th original
coat of the ahlp and tho operation of the ship hav to be reckoned with In
the keen competition of these rival nations with on another. The Oriental
aallor Is obedient nnd competent and Is the cheapest sailor In the world.
It la therefore manifestly clear Hint If this law applied to all nationalities
In th transpacific traffic, all would bn on the same econotnlo basis, but It
works a single hardship to all lb ships of the world, except the Japanese
and American ships, and villi tin latter It works two hardships. With the
European, th cost of construe! lin a ship la no higher than tbe cost of con
structing a Japanese ship, but If ihey had to provide Buropean crews, while
th Japanese operated with Japanese crows, tbe condition of competition
would be such that they could 01 ovemnne, the handicap and they would be
driven off. But the American ship would hev to contend not only with the
tremendous Increase of cost of age in the substitution of th Buropean craw
for th Chines crew, but also the grenter Initial cost of the ahlp. As tbe
Japanese have now don away with their Kuropean officers and Japanese
crews, all of whom speak a common language, there Is no difficulty for them
to comply with all the conditions of tbe bill aud contluue their Japanese
crews, with Oriental wages.
'The law, therefore. Instead of assisting the Amerloan ship, adds another
heavy burden, while It places none whatever upon the Japanese ship, but, on
the contrary, turns over to tho Japanese the tralBo of tbe Pc' Ocaan,
which the Amerloan ahlp Is forced to forego by act of Congress of tbb
United State "
What Happened When Hs Was Called
Upon to Square Account..
On May 7, 1833. says K. K. llrowne
In 'The Everyday Life of Abraham
Llncoln." Lincoln wits appointed .st
caster at New Salem. III., by Presi
dent Jackson. The duties of the pges
tlon were light, for there was only one
mall a week and the rcinim, i iti.'i.
was correspondingly smsill.
Tbe office was loo luslgiilfU'iitit to be I
considered politically, nnd It wna civ I
en to tbe young man because every '
oue liked him aud because he wax the j
only man willing to take It who could
make out tbe returns, lie wan aitoed. !
Ingly pleased wltb tbe appointment be :
cause It gave him a chance to read cv
ery newspaper that was taken In the I
vicinity. Be had never ban able to
get half the newspapers be wnntafj, '
and tbe office gave blm the popcl
of a constant feast. Not wishing to '
be tied to tbe office, since It yielded
him no revenue that would reward
blm for the confinement, he made a
poetofTlce of his bnt. Whenever be
went out he put tbe letters in his hat
When a person who tpgBtad a letter
met tbe postmaster he found also tbe
poetofflce. and the public aitl). iitl, tuk
Ing off his bat. looked 0Tf and dellv
ered the null wherever tbe public
might find blm. Us kept the office me !
til It was discontinued or was rnBTd
to Petersburg.
A small balance due the cove rmneiit
remained In Lincoln's bauds at la dis
continuance of the office. Time pass
ed on and he bad removed lo Spring
field and was practicing law. having
his place of business In Dr. Henry's
office. Meanwhile bis BbUggJ with
poverty was unabated, nnd he bad
often been obliged to borrow mOBM
from bis friends to purchase the barest
necessaries. It was at that juncture
that a government agent called lo
make a settlement of the old poalofti
accounts. The Interview took place in
the presence of Mr. Ileury, who thus
described It to Mr. Brewne:
"I did not believe be bad the iimucy
on band to meet th? draft, and I was
abont to call blm aside and offer to
lend him the money when he asked
tbe agent to be seated. lie went over
to bis trunk at bis boarding DOOM and
returned wltb an old blue sock, In
which a quantity of silver and eODfaV
coins was tied up. Untying, the sock.
be poured the contents upon the table
and proceeded to count the coins.
"The government agent found thut
tbe pile contained tbe exact amount
of tbe draft to a cent and In tin- ktfl
tJcal coma that Mr. Lincoln hud re
ceived. He never under any circum
stances used trust funds."
lit the Restaurant Man Easily Fixed
It When the Kick Came.
It happened in a downtown restuu
rant A well dressed as be always
must be to wake a good story-young
tuau ordered a steak. The waitress.
rather pretty which qualification she
must possess In writing a story of this
kind ailed tbe order, uud the young
man started in to devour tbe feast
wblch had been set before him.
The young man had no sooner start
ed la on the ateak than he discovered
that he bad a kick coming, and ns the
restaurant proprietor passed be atop
pod blm b saying: "I can t eat tins
steak; entirely too tough. I wish you
would see that I get better meats when
I com In here."
"Too bad! That steak looks all right.
But let me get you another." And the
aforesaid proprietor look the stoafc. the
silverware which had ban served with
it and departed. He toon ret nine I
wltb a ateak which looked exactly like
tbe first one. Tbe young man picked
up his knife and started at bis second
order "Fine!" be said as hi knife
cnt it apart without the least effort.
Tbe customer was pleased beyond
words, and that be enjoyed (he ttt
was evident for he left only the piste,
As th reporter passed out he met
th proprietor again, and this is what
was said:
"That steak was all right, but the
girl made a mistake In not giving him
a sharper knife. All I did was to put
tb same steak on another plute aud
bring blm a sharp kulfe. You have no
Idea what a difference a sharp knife
make wltb a ateak from a beer of
questionable age." Columbus Dis
patch. Te th College Bay.
When yoa enter college keep In mind
th sound advice that a wise fOllaga
president baa offered to sucb as you.
"follow th preparatory school rules
for tb first year," he says. "Keep up
tb momentum that the school hits giv
en you rather Him lake mhuulug ofj
your new liberty ull ul once. Watch
the upper class men. Bee how they
nave Improved or abused tb freedom
of tbe college life and the spssrtiinl
ties at tbe college and then deliberate
ly make up your mind wbut kind of
man you want to be." Youth's Companion.
The Amrrloan plowmen ar lntratd In pom
meres. It Is rvriinalvi end llkewtee humiliating to neve
to Mltite n fon Iftn ring every time e fnrmer want to blri
a buehel rf wheat, n halo of cotton or e pound of ferni
produrta ru-ro.i tti. omen. The Amerloen fermer le en
titled to too protection or his lt In sending hie products
across the son, end t'ongrcaa should give euoh encourage
merit to shipping inti-rosta es Is necossary to meet foreign
compotitloii in ocean i mntin-rie A recent bill known es
the Homunn's Hill lim-nuin e lew under the President's
algnntui-o end Mr. It. P. Hchweiin, vlce-preeldent of the
Pacific Mull Rtoamshlp Company, when esked to define
this lew iin.l outline lis effect upon American iteetuihtp
lines, ualtl In part:
Lesson '" by f roderlol. William
j " H,t ""'?: . .
' Kt,"' Frederick William 111. of I'rux
1 "' wna lun of fw woro- blt.
eve III' nun lo imj .ine aawnja unvi
and to the point, as the following auec
dote from a foreign Journal shews:
The king, who was accustomed to
interest himself In all lb details of
court uianagemciit. ordered bis stew
ard to take nslnl pains to see that all
the carriage, were amply supplied
with food and drink whenever they
left for a Journey of a day or so, but
It sometimes happened that tbe stew
ard dispatched tbe drivers without any
food, giving tbeiu a coin, perhaps, to
buy what tbey wanted. That usually
meant that the driver went hungry, aa
In- did not hove much opportunity to
leave his bones and dine at a restau
rant. At leugtn tbe king became awar of
his steward's failure to carry out his
enter and awaited tbe next opportu
nity to bring tbe fact to bis altentluu.
lie bud not long to wait That night
the king stopped bis coaebmau as h
entered the courtyard and upou inquiry
found thut the tuau had had nothing to
eat Hluee breakfast. lie held out a
dollar In libs baud that tbe steward had
' given him to buy food With. Without a
word the king took th dollar
He went Into tbe castle sud sum
inoued tbe steward. That worthy ap
, peered Immediately and mad a pro
found bow, but as he raised himself up
, ho was surprised to feel a coin plans)
against bis mouth.
Kiit It!" ordered the king.
"Itut, your majesty, 1"
"Kiit it!" tbe king again roared.
"Why. your majesty, I can't eat 1ft"
"Ob. you can't? But you expected
tbe eouchinau lo! Well. In lb future
Just remember that that people eat
food, not money. Do you understand?"
Tin- steward understood. In the fu
ture the king's coachman war amply
supplied wltb provisions whenever they
went upon a Journey.
The Spheres, Mad of Brown Paper.
Are Wonderfully Strong.
Ii i-ople could say of what sub
stance glob maps are made and would
be astonished to boar that brown pa
per Is the chief material used. A mat
rix of wood la covered with stripe of
brown papas which hav beeu wall
smeared vAtb pnate. Tbe par I laid
u the matrix until It is about a six
teenth of an inch thick and the globe
looks like a round football. When this
l.iH-r covering Is dry It Is cut midway
between what will be tbe two poles,
removed from tb matrix, aud after an
axis has been fixed In It tbe two hem
ispheres are glued together. Then this
sphere of brown paper la coated wltb
a composition piaster, Ut Ingredients
of which are a trad secret and again
left to dry.
After belug tested te so that It la
an exact sphere tho meridians are
marked on the glob to guide the girls
who finish th work. Tbe globe Is then
II Jed In a clamp, which bold Its axis,
4 nd a girl takes tb engraved gore.
cut ready for use. and (Mates them on
without overlapping. If tb globe Is
exact tbe gore should HI so exactly
that you cannot go where tbey are la
the completed glob
When the gorea have dried on tbe
globe 1 colored by a baud process,
which la also don by girls, and then
IMllshed. Tbe glob t now ready to
be mounted on Its stand and to bare
Its meridian fitted. Formerly, says tbe
World's Work, wben tbe Industry was
most nourishing, the uirlul and wood
work connected with tbe fittings form
od seimrute Industrie, but today the
globe maker does the whole work ou
bis own premises.
It might be roanfloucd tbst globes
thus mad are so strong that a man
could stand ou on and not break It
Indeed, you cannot break ou without
using great violence.
Tennyson and lirnum.
Tennyson waa extremely eager at one
time to visit America, and touching
this point a story U related to the ef
fect thut ilaruum offered him an euor
moils sum to make tb trip, though
probably not as on of tb attractions
of tb "greatest show on artb." "All
you hav to do," said Barnuiu, "la te
stand ou a platform and hav your
bunds well shaken." Tb poet, how
ever, declluwl tb offer.
How smkoo Bloom.
Bamboo plant ar said te bar tbe
peculiarity of blooming at exactly tbe
am tliua, whether In Kurope or Afri
ca, tho difference In climate and sur
roundings seeming to mako o change
In tin- plants bursting tote flower. Tbey
blossom rarely, but a I hoy 41 liuiue
dlulely afterward tbl cannot be de
plored. Tb plant la said to be ex
quisitely graceful and Is easily cultl
That (inking Fowling.
Mow times B almoin ptiraoe will tell
more i i ueacrxpooa. la
auch a phras a solder duorflU hi
sensations on going under (Ire for th
first time, "it was." he say, "a If
one on hud given me a smack below
tb chest lth the flat of a heavy
His Title.
"If It were customary In this cow
try to confer titles upon men who go
In for literature, what would I hY"
asked u conceited Journalist of hi
"Rerun of Ideas," was th tore ro
If we could learn to forget by forgiv
ing many a heartache would ceaa to
From It We Qet the Perfume Known
ss New Mown Hay.
Grass, freshly cut or oiberwl, baa
had nothing to do wltb lb production
of tbe perfume labeled "New Mown
liny." Tbe source of tb essence la
really the tonka bean, found In tb
tropical countries of Koutb America,
chiefly In the valleys of tb Orinoco,
t'unrn and t'uehlvero rivers In Vene
suelu uud certain section of Colom
bia nnd
The tonka beau tree In some case
reaches a In lejhl of sixty feet. It baa
pinnule haven and large panicle of
flowers, which are succeeded by a pod
containing a single seed. Tb odor,
wblch la remarkably strong. rwmbU
that of sweet clover now mown bay
and Is due to tb irruc of eumartn.
a crystnlllxahle. volatile, neutral ub
staiee which Is soluble In alcohol or
ether mid somewhat so In boiling wa
ter, from which It crystallite on cool
ing. The beans tire ofteu frosted with
crystals of this substance, giving tbotn
the upiMMU'Mucc of being sugar coated.
Th collectora in Venexuela aud Colom
bia usually set out for tb forest la
February, when tbe frail begin to
ripen. They go up tb rivers In canoes
or skiffs by the hundreds, stopping
wherever the tree ar plentiful, and
wben the fruit bgln to fall tb porta
arc gathered and taken lo some open
.pace where' siinsbln I plentiful and
there carefully crushed and th beaas
extracted and then spread out to dry.
When thoroughly drlod tbey are loaded
Into lb boat and transported to Ou
dad Bolivar or aom other convenient
port where tbey ar sold to tbe g
portlng merchants. Her tbey go
through tbe process of crystallisation
by being steeped In strong rum or al
cohol for about twenty-four hour and
then again drhsl.
Tbey lend their fragrance to high
grade tobacco, flue toilet soap, lo
"brlllisntlno" ami other hair drstnga
and dyes, to cosmetics, to flavoring at
tracts used In confection and to msoy
otber things that gratify tbe
smell Argousut.
Take Care of What You Barn and Th
Invsal It Wisely.
The greutest financial genius I Vr
knew and the richest man I ever knew
personally Sana said to me:
"There Is no greater financial genius
possible than taking car of what you
earn, and there Is no bolter or surer
way of taking car of your surplus
than to Invest It In sound securities
paying & or '' pr cent Aud such a
entitles are easy te Mud any day of
any year. So nny man may be a flnan
clal genius If he will exercise tb sim
plest common sense."
I prolestvd that It would b said of
such ii man that he waa narrow and
"Nonsense." tbe financial genius re
plied "I hav,- money Invested la rail
roads. In pa. king bouses and In moan
fuciurlng enterprise. Could auooey bo
Invested more usefully T Yet It la aa
sate us goM-i nuieiit bunds and pay a
hotter rate of interest 1 Invest my
ow n luonc.x . Inn a man without flnan
clal experlem-e may secure sate taveat
iti-iii . without difficulty. If a man
bus ii buuk account Ills banker will And
-ate Investments for blm. Hanker ar
men of financial experience, and fcw
pat cent of them are Intelligent and
liohni'able There I uo excus for
ousy man losing bis saving Many
women, when they come Into paggf
.Ion of money, los,. Ii because they
in v , i i In schemes hunkers would not
trust, or else the women loau their
mania .t lo incu who could not borrow
uioncv til a luink. i:rr.Wliliig In llf
is simple aud easy If we would only
us , pi ,.perloiMc and Int careful of
dg and seiitliiiciitul notions Financial
Mr i. knowing that certain men
will promise to do lerlulu things and
fall Tlieietoi'e w lien j ou luteal your
rtoa got security Aud II la uo
more trouble lo get goo I security thou
it Is to gel bud if you ar guided by
-opinion sense and eerlenie." Amer
ican Magnate
Fat Crystals.
If smiili ipiaiitliles of butter, lard and
H-cf fut u- separately bolted and slow
y cooled for. say, twenty four bourn,
the resulting crystals will show vary
marked differences under tb micro
scope The normal butter crystal Is
large aud globular. It polartes bril
liantly aud show a wall marked St
Andrew's cross. That of lard shows
stellar form, wbll that of beef fat haa
a foliated appearance. In cours off
time, a the butter los Its froahn ,
(lie globular crystal dfnrata aad
gradually merges Into istcullar roeett
fku form.
Instinct of the Mudfish.
Tb retuarkabl Instinct which cans
tbe mudfish to roll himself In a ball off
mud when I he dry season approach
J u wonderful provision of nature. In
tended solely. It would seem, te pro
veul tbe extinction of tb species. Tb
most Interesting fact about this dab la
that II breathe by mean of Ita gill
vben In Its native lmnt aad by
mimi of lung during It voluntary
Imprisonment In th mud cocoon.
ntriotly Suslnsas.
'I always read on of Thackeray'
novels two or three time."
'I don't want win road that ay,"
ald the compiler of best allrs. "By
tb time you llulsh on of my novel
I have n ml her ready at a dollar flfry."
-Louisville Courier Journal.
In No Tim.
Mary Mrs. Delsnsy says bar llttl
girl has learned to play tho piano In
no time. A lice-Ye. I beard nor play
ing Just tint way tb otbr day. Uf.
Funny to Her.
"is he reully a humortetf"
"lie certainly Is," replied tb swt
young thing. "II actually aafcod mo
to marry him."
Ey Role.
Johnny-Papa, wbnj i a nblloaopaorr
P-A man with a good Ur, Jtwayf,
stomach and baub an-coMnt - Cbtcggo
When the Afghan Lured the Brit
lift Into the Jawi of Death.
Of 14,000 Persona Who toft th City
Under Flodgo of Safety Only On
Man. Exespt a Pew Prisoners Taken,
soaped Masaaaro.
lu Ibis wondrous day of wile uud
wireless we learn, half across I In
world, tbe eveuls of the iluy almost lu
suutaueuusl). ami tho ery elements
carry abroad tliu news. It Is more
than romance; It Is miracle. Inn a mlr
art that may uiuilsh forever from the
pages of tbe future hlstorlun and to
mancr one of tho most drumtiilc ilg
ura of th pad the ineascnger bring
ing Brat new from tb battlefield.
Cong even befor i'heldlppldcs of
Meratbou rati to Alliens from the lot
morjal Isilllefleld. i ills I "Vk'loiyl"
sua tell dead the lucoacngcr held u
pline lu myth ami chronicle that lis
bas iiialiilulmsl for icntnrlisi. Some
times he Is merely the swiftest rider
ur ruuner, sometimes a hero of the
light. boson us an honor lo bear glad
tiding.; Bom.) lines a hard pressed ref
uge, omviune etm louo survivor.
Ijidy KlUabefb Thompson Ituller,
lb distinguished woman painter of
wartime sceue. of which "The Rati
Call" la moat fuiuous, ouce Illustrated
In a leo known (Minting one of the
moat tragic episodes In (he hlstoty of
modern Knginnd tho arrival of Dr.
William Brydun at Jalalabad. Jim U,
IMS. tier terrible little picture shows
th young Scotch surgeon, daseil, des
prate, exhausted, clinging half con
clous to hi wearied lion th wslls
of tho city loom In algbt
li bad come from Kabul, through
tb mountains, lu midwinter, one of a
retreating amy of British uud uatlvu
troop, accompanied by swarms of at
teudant aud ramp follower. Wltb
them at Brat war also nine Kugllah
women, wives of officers. Including
FlorwBli. Lady Sale, wife of Mlr Kob
ert Sal, tb commander at Jalalabad,
and bis daughter. There war also
fourteen children. A long. Int mate
and hideous series of blunders, treaeb
rie and murder bad brought th
llMMQilusslj outnumbered llrlltsh lu
Kabul to tbe point where evacuation
of lb city and acceptance of a prom
ised f conduct to Jnhilabnd seem
ad to their ladra tbe best that could
bo hoped for, and tbe retreat began.
Bttt lb Afghans did not keep their
word, and oon there wr no lenders
Befor th march we half over uuiuy
wr slate and conditions wrr so
boplao that tb other yielded to a
propooal to surrender tho commanding
general himself, tieneml Klphluatou.
together with the women and dill
dren. Into th car of the Afghan chief,
Akbar Khan, a hostages, hut not un
til lb Kurd Kabul was passed.
Tb gorge of lb Kurd Kabul Is
flv mil ravin between high niuiiii
ulna, o narrow, lofty and grim that
In winter tb suu scarcely reach It
depth. That January It was deep lu
now. th rock were glared with Ice,
and upon overy mountain slop.-, in ev
ery crevasse, behind every bowkler.
lurked tb fanatic Afghan tribesmen,
with their long gun and long knives
Woery, crowded, half crippled by frost
th coufuned and formless masses
struggling through tb gloomy ranyou
oon loot all semblance of an army,
aa tho (laughter oon luel all seiu
bianco of battle. It became simply lb
massacre of a rabble, and the snow
grew rod.
"Thro thousand men," says the Ids
torlan lir J. W. Kay, "fell under the
Br of th enemy or droped down
paralysed and exhausted to be slaugh
tered by Afghan knives. Aud amid
that tearful scene of carnage,
through a (bower of matchlock bulls.
rod Kugllah ladle on horseback or lu
camel paankrr. ometluu-s vainly n
deeTortug to keep their children be
uoalb Ibelr rye and then listing them
In tb confualou aud bwldrmnl f
th desolating march."
After tb general became a captive
wltb tb women lb rout and slaughter
lnsTd Ul horror. Th Jugilultuk
pas succeeded tbe Kurd Kabul:
dark. tp, winding track ascending
high among frowulng crag, ami bar
rlcaded at Its narrowest point. It was
a trap. Tbe fugitive were ruugbt
beyond cap. A mere handful omerg
d llv.
Within sixteen mile or Jalalabad
only g of these remained. Ilefor
those sixteen miles were covered flv
of th six had been killed by slrng
g ling marauder.
Dr. Brydon alone, one man out of
14,000. reached lb goal and bore the
awful news.
Later, when Kuglnud awoke aud
avenged, tbe womeu and children and
a few prisoners were rescued 1 r
Brydon himself lived to share mill stir
ylr b famous siege of Ian know, an
other terrible episode In bis country's
history, but onp as honorable and lu
spirlug a th retreat from Kabul was
humiliating and disastrous- Youth'.
System In Saving.
"Tbe only good plun for saving la to
xaska It an Invariable rule to deposit
something ouch week or eurti month,"
ays a bank president. "Having thus
th money aside, It should be con-
out of resch and on no i unit
to b drawn upon except In case of
Sickness, has of employment in dciilli
It I surprising bow money will pile up
when sucb a system as ibis Is followed.
If very one who possesses nny Income
at all would adopt the prastiot and
tick to It no mullet- how simill the
deposits might be, poverty would b
wall ulgb abolished."
Plainly Unjust.
"jUreat racket tbl here art blztissa
Jr gejjilmed th maid lu un angry
yplc. "Muisus hex got a Wcinis lu
IJsr parlor with bth linns broke of
above tb' elten-s, an' then sh epiaoj
oat an' docks m a tlollur tat cblppin'
Jo on bau'l off en this lxy lllllft
old teacup." Puck.
Talking Shop.
"I don't Ilk to wait on grouchy cun
"Nor I."
"I bat to bar a customer growl
at ms."
"Mill don't growl," SUld the dentist,
"but fhoy all show their leelh"-Kansas
City Journal.
A Rsal Rsgrot.
EdllQr I am obliged In decline your
pangs with thank. I am very sorry,
pSfk t?pt Hill wbatV Editor Tho
ynanmnat Ixjalntn upon my declin
m ) vupte jif"! wy-
0rtu Natlv Fashions on
West Coast of Afrloa.
A aomewhat amusing description of
th arrival of s ship on lb African
const near Hlerra loue is given by
Mr. Horace Tremlell In her book
"With the Tin Hods." Hbe say th
ship was met by a uiiiltltud of primi
tive iintli canoes manned by usbed
sin ages, but evidences of civilisation
wore not lacking In th later nrrlvala.
"They wr followed In n mora lei
surely qnd decorous fashion by boat,
also containing colored people, but
lot he;l and apparently In I heir right
mind, and the climbed up tbe com
liaiiioiiwN.r ami swarmed in dnsena all
ovw I lib decks and Into the saloons,
taking sissesalon of th ship. No on
ippcurcd to resent their behavior, and
le crowded into tin, drawing room,
oiling itboiil on the settee, uud chairs.
Some of I liein thumped out hymns and
niicwulka with merciless enthusiasm
on the piano, while the others whistled
or snug the tune In various and diver
gent keys. They had evidently com
ou hoard lo enjoy themselves, and ev
ery black face was decorated with an
expansile and genial grin of pleasure,
"The men war dressed In decent
ready made suit of dark tweed or
cloth mill, though adorned with good
deal of Jewelry In tbo way of watch
chains, plus and ring, wr quit pro
scntable. Hut their womenfolk worn
I he iimsl ludicrous caricature of civ
ilisation It I poulbl to Imagln.
Many of them wor llk aud satin
dresses, frilled, gathered and draped
itlMiiil their bulky figure, lied and yl
iow appeared to be the moat (sgiulsr
colors, although purple and green wer
a close secoud. sod I remember a vry
striking costume of emerald green vel
vet with bright pink satin facing and
frills of deep coffee colored lac that
surely must have bn tb envy of all
beholders Huge bate of groteaq,
shape wer sxrcbd Indifferently on
tholr black woolly heads. Magenta
feathers strove wltb scarlet popptea,
and vivid bin ros wrestled wltb yl
low ribbon on a mauve bat
"lltingle and chains composed of ev
erything from colored glass to flue
gold Unified and rattled a they moved
about and glistened equally with their
on l black eye and gloaming wbll
teeth Tbey cbatterod and glblsMOd
like troop of moukoys. and immle
moulum reigned on board for Severn I
hours. It trauspliwd thai tbey wor
tb native aristocracy of Bar" Loon,
merchants and trader wltb their la
dle, who mad a poiut of hoarding tho
mall boat wbeoever possible. guerlly
lo bid farewell to on of their number
wbo Is traveling down tb coast. They
look upon It a a legitimate excuse, for
a apro. aud aa a large proportion of
th ahlp' cargo depends upon their
good wilt they ar ocou raged 10 make
th moat of th occasion."
Loan nnd Lnd.
Many error ar committed In tb
nam of usage. That' why. today.
Ibo dlcflouartea permit on to nan
"loan" as a verb Instead of "laud."
Tbe highest philological sutborlU.
among whom I Richard Oraut Whit,
say that "lonn" to absolutely tbe noun
form of tbo word.
"I .end me a dollar" la correct. Fur
ther, when the man baa lent you tb
dollar you hav obtained th loan and
presumably will repay It We nego
tiate for loan and oblate them If th
poraon I willing to lend them to un.
Un cannot loan a loan any mora than
oue can lend a lend, if w Insist in
using lou aa a verb tb word "lend"
I so much Mca matter In th Ml
con I St Lout l'ot-llaitch
Historical Misnonwrs.
History Is full of mlsuouiers. Our
fsther began to call Lincoln Old Ah
wbeu he waa only fifty -ono year of
age. II died nt fifty-Ota and so avr
waa old.
Tbo moat famous regiment that ban
participated In any AuMricaa war waa
Morgan's Virginia Rifleman of in Rev
olution. But 102 of then troop wr
from Pennsylvania and only 108 from
Virginia and 00 from Maryland.
Tb pet nam for Napoloon wss th
i.ittie Corporal, bnt b nrr wan a
corporal. He eutored tb French
army ai a lloutenaut Philadelphia
Cant So Bon.
"Mrs. tllddy ha Invited all tbe mem
bers of the swlug clrcl to a luncheon
end matin party."
"Oooan't she know they bare been
gossiping about ber somethlug awful)"
"If cours she doea That's th rea
son she's trying to wpisr lb circle."
New Vurk World.
Prootieo Mskos Psrfsot.
Hobon-l never In all my llf aaw
a man wbo could so readily guess rid
dles and conundrums a that Henry
Peck. Doboon No wonder! Just
think of tb practice he bas. ilia wife
keep blm guessing all tb Urn.
i) Land Owe,
Burns, OraooB, OotoUr . HU.,,- la bsroliy glva that clroo A. raster,
ai ii.rniasa. iinsjoa.wao, ou Jonas;
arr i. into
mane iiosmouhui osiry no.ewni.ior w
14, Top. MB., aaago niui. will
hllan. baa Sle uwlie of iotoat
iliau, baa tie nunc of lataalloa to si
to aiaks
anal Avo-yoar i,il. lo olabllsh
lo lao tsaa
above leaorlb4, bofor Kaalatar
suit HoesUor. MBuraa.dnigoa. onlbs lOihday
I Noveubar llto
i Dansa as wltnousi :
Mvln i inry, II. A. baani.u, rrauk Ullito,
Holsirt (.'. Il.lni, all t Hairlman, Oroaon.
WM. r.BBB. fstlstai
W. K. Lrowdar, plalotiffl
Rita May Crowdar, )
IN TUB NAME OF THIC BTATK OF ar hereby required to
appear and answer tb complaint flld
agiiluat you In Ml abovo vntltlad suit,
on or blor lb last day of tb time
prescribed In lb order of publication of
this summons, to wit; on the nth day
of November, ll16, said date boing tb
expiration ol six weeks from tb first
publication of ibis summon, and If you
fall to answer, (or want thereof, plain
tiff will apply to Ilia Court lor lb re
lief prayed (or In his complaint, lo-wlt ;
For a dcro ol dlvoree (oravr
dissolving th bond ol matri
mony now axlatlng between
Plaintiff and Oatendaul.
This summons Is published by older
of the Hon. II. C. Lvns, Judge of the
County Court (or Harney County, Ore
gon, mad and eutered on tb 811 It day
ol Uptemhr, Itflo. and tba date ol th
In. I publication ol this summon I
(September tptli, 1U16.
J. W. BiUUS,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
for Indlg satiow.
Nerar take papain and prepera
tiona contsininK pepsin or other
digwfltive ferments forlndigrestion
ss the more you take the more
you will have to take. What is
needed is a tonic like Chamber
lain's Tablet, that will enable the
Btomach to preform its functions
naturally. For sale by ail dealers.
llsrrsD ST.Tia Usi, orrii's, (
Maras, Urocaa, avtatMr is, lulr,. I
Hatlos Is barohy al.aa that llu.h rerrlxau.
of Karrowt, Orsfmi, wkn, o Oetober 7.
lilt, w4o Rexatesi) Bairr No. gtuw, for
NWig. fteMton R. fewsahlp r7 ., Haa 11
R,,WlllaatMMafMlaa. had filed uotlrooOu
loalluo lo nak ft Sal tbrao taar Proof u ao
i. i-laliu in the laart alsi.a deai-rllieit tw
lore aealttaran JUooltar, at Huriia, nreaon,
oh tho Ilk day of Bevoabor, )).
I'lslmanleasaos ss wllaesses:
JBenM,leorgoW.t'swlitsld, Charles A.
Ilatass, t.llgord (ironabopk. all uf Harruwa,
Wa., Kexlan-r.
$1500 Reward!
TboOresan, Osl-
llorntaaiid N.vaila
U. Stock I'rotac
Uoa AasMlailuu ol
wbloh tba under
stgBod la Dieiiilier.
Hill gl.O 1.IKI Ull
rwr for i vl
donee loodliis to
Iko arre.t anl n.n
.lllm. Ml Mil. Ml
trorparMos ataal
tug In, leva,
r am lea bolengtna
l.i an. ,,l II. in. in
lasddltlou i lbs skovo, tba andenlfiieil
ufltrs Ibe ssaas eoBdltl Mua.oo for all lior.ea
brsodtd horao-akodbaroo ootbor.iihn w,
brand rorerdod la olgbt rountl.a K.nga
nana, Lake aud t:rook rwuollva. Moreao
v.aMil wben sold.
no hat grows boms sold and mil) Id
gtr uuuiiio.
W.nBOWN rifo. Ororon.
STAV oaaxios
OS aoaatora
lOoo. g. Chamberlain
I II arr) I
I C llkwlry
:N MrArtlnir
Atwraor oanoral
Seeraril ml
Ueoraa M
Jam.a Wll
Boa w.uifaii
T. it k.
. J A t'bun lull
....swmu i.aso iiin
i r. A. Moor
OooH Bar nr it
I Hobi ftakln
S. 8. ...'.'
Tboa. A. Mr Hrt.te
a i
I Uaarrl.. B.n.mi
) Lawrsae T II. in.
Hi HTM Jt'illl IAI. DllTRICT.
inairtrt Jadao
lialtnn )U((.
lioo Btssoiore
t'ouaiy Atuiraar
tlrealt Ueort saoots lb lest Modsy in
April sod trot Maude lo Oetober.
Jossl Isssier
ltf - Boprwea taU o
I. v.stewan
Kiauk lla.rj
oooavr babbbv:
uaeoty J:
eT. C, ts.,,-,,.
K T llu.hrl
It A Miller
I rank Uoweu
W. A. fllKMliu.u
J. J. Is il,
1. M It. mil.., i,
. li. W.CIev.oeer
John Cains II
i Tboa Main
iw. II. Ruliiua
lao If Wodaoadar la
Jsatury, Marcb
lair, Bosaxbor ami
HABaav D. a. ctan ervtcs:
Da Parre
Sam Molberaha a.i
tirr suasa
Meetings of Ik Coanrll erary Herauid ami
roan Wednead
It c levena
Hair Van v tnkl.
nry Hal
'I. I.. II. i
i Oeorja giv
I J. B.
I Sam Mutberah.ail ,
if Yoa Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Leaor' H IJ'i T 'i (Sxl r WbB
eBJjjasPBBaagaaSjaaj -.-, aJSW
Scrubbing Unnecessary
Enamel your walls and woodwork and secure t
finish that is hard and smooth, non-absorbent and
sanitary. Enameled surfaces tin not require scrub
bing. An occasional wiping with a damp cloth
will keep them looking clean Ind fresh.
are easily applied. They cost no more than ordinary
paint and save you time, trouble and worry.
Our "Home Decorating" booklet tells you how
you can "do it yourself" at trifling cot.
Ask for a free copy.
Burns Hardware Co.
i sksvlsw, Ore, oeiobot I, ll.
sot soak I.AH0
r .!,. ii i;hrlH. Uavteof
si a n a
sth day nt
l l. Un. nt ii.niee aa wiioi
ll.n Pa Witt, .11 olMlanrT.r
S. If. (ester,
Jia. r
st MB .an otrrtca,
Hum., iiregos, A ofaal l , )!
l.r ( that lorge ilebt-
'- l..i iifTin aildrrsa la NsrrOWS.
Mute a
trill, wh
urasuri i
tans. 'Mi g
ilirn.aiel the ilmlr lUarooB,
vl.ltitia nt ' I" . 1 of St
Ull. H.
k i, ns ii tho "Tlsi her i
Law." i .mil value aa inlgbt us asso y sp
in, i.e no nt, .ml thai ptirauanl te sucb of It
e.iiiin i !,, limit si, ! ilmlnir lasroon aaroooaf
ai,i,rsl."i. lu tie' .a I turn IK' the Ho
inaleil ill liolhlliS Sllfl the land ll 0l n
..PI si'i'lli nl "III ofter Dual proof In MBport
nl hi. apf.iu ioIiiii and .woroauiaraeot o tba
Mh rt.v ul ililohl-r. en'., Is-lorsibo BHBMSst
ml He. i Ui i, ul H ii ni. tlresnn.
A n isii.nn I. si liliertf lo prwoal tbts par
riiu,. i,.. .1 Initial aeoatsstMsar
time he for i ..lent Issues, Uf filing soorionr-t,-il lii ihUniriea, slletlatfarUWhlrh
Willi) di osl tin entry
w r.ass. nagisur.
liniiia.i'regun. Septooibor 4, 114
Tn I' rank Mlkulksnl lliirtia.Mraaea,Ctt
ilfl. Ili.niv,taa-grmarik
nun, at bk) ast-otls
errttb lik,llallbla
who ivi. .-iiia.orfO
-.i.i... .nil ,.,, M-iSanhartt
.hi . .n.iu.i-atexl apotlsMl te
i . il.tloaof rour Mi
alios oljuur Moat.
li-H.t I iiirT.N." -ei
19 and Hg'tHB'a
Tii.mhlu ST. BOOtk. Hi
H..Y-. w
WMI.IIL. . o. ini, nil and aa
.. : i. u..k that ..Id Vraok Mil
failed in eataiillsiiril nalilenraoB IBsliad
It 1,1 ii l, uuihtlia after aald tiling or al AST
tlni, .1 .11, thai In; failed to reside acaB,lU-
i,i liniM-ov. iio-aahl land for aiorothaa
u moiithr next prior to lb ecaawraaaai
nl tin. eoiit'.i or at any lima aad
h.. wboll) an. I . oiiipietely a)wndoaod laoaald
1. 1.. I tor iioifn than alx months next prior lo
n , no, a 1 1-no nt uf thia ronlaet.
Yon an-, liiorelnre, further otlcd that the
aaul alle.atinnae.lll be takaa aa "on teased, aad
rnur .alii enlrr will lie OsaeolUkt wltkt fr.
Ih. r rlsln to lie beard, either before this SJC
iii on at ..- i. II ou fall to tie in Ibis ante
alihlu iweiiij .l.i. after ike POI7IITB psMioa
ioiii ol Mi the. aa ikoss blw. er
anas er muter nsili .isirlneallr raspooolsg lo
lueaii alienation, nt rotimat. lufainor wtia ono
proof in. i ymi have nned a ropy of ronr
answer o the ..PI .nip.l.ot aliher lo paraoo
I mall.
Voil .hoiiid ataie In j our aaswer Ik nssao of
Ih, pair I oltier to wbli-b yoa deolro fntsra
not Ires in bssoot in vain.
-s toriiaiia.i. Roeolvcr.
Iia'r nl tltt piihlleation Oetober, Hit,.
Pat. of second publication October IS. ISU.
patent Ihlr.t iinh'liallou i Irtnbor B. Itls.
P.I, ul I., nilh pill, til. Hun October SO. ltltV.
TH ;ost
Rifle in the WORLD.
Made In two nioairla
' Mio.t II. J', cor.
trialgci tlie other for .eV
llifli- II I'.
'Handles .SB
Short and If .St
long rift cartridao.
Seiu! for liaoalaomelr
illustrated Kifio Cata
log and "How to
from your Dealer,
P. O. S004,
cutaiir.g FAX1A MASS
fr, ,lli'K"!i vtiio, ul, ,,v,irww, JSX..
maito llomeata.d Katry.H, otrtas.ror .,
KSwSCTtaTssd iHj,WV!fa2L
M. rl.ii. ii" i,flDtikBtak
throe i .at 1'ioof, to establish -
th. land i,oie.l.erlisii,isiior0. J.maMwat,
ii a c, . i Mtantfer. U rosea, tM
i, .I. v of April, Itis, ioe
.i aud Applwartoo,
ih Nxuswtaik.rass t.
aaaertM pro
lan, and sots
ii Meno
Isonw I
fi ' 2r
Thyalclai a SI . i cenr-a
I. Ul. C-llfltV
Phrslclsn sihI Niirgisui
Burn, - - - Oregon.
Offla n sicoiiai floor Tonswams IIMg,
'f'lione Main 89,
DElWr1fi & DEfiMfl",
Physicians and Surgeons
Calls answer's! prmit.. night onlai
'Pbote llnrriiii.ii
HaFrlmsn, Oregon
Dr Minnie Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Wrnct Telephone Connection
Albritton. Ore.
b. E. HIBBflRD
Offlo first diror eat pboUi K.llery
Bnrn. Oregon
Attorney at Law
Lanal Office Practice
Land Scrip for Sale
Vale, Oragon
Attorney at !,aw
Vgtle Bldg.. Hums, Oregon
Attorney . -i' l ,..
Burns, Oregon.
Attornt- at Iw
Conteoteand practic Lwfore IT. H. Uud
Uffloe a apectalty
OBs. Fry Bldg. next doot t., .nt office
Burns. Oregon
Burns, - - Oregon
Practises in the Btate I o. iris sud b
lor th U. 8. Land OBsO.
Oharx. II. I t'Oiiaixt.
Careful nttentian lirnn U Collec-
uona nnd Keai Mate mutters.
i'lr ItiKuiiio.c
Notarv Public
Buhnk. Obboon.
State Courts and United States
Land Office Practice
Three doors South of the
Harney Countyv National Bank
Burns. Ort'tron.
. C. Hillakii A. O. Krt.xtxa
xsmorlr Aaat Kiiiu.-ci SQianrtl Chief Ba-
10. SoOaaiatluii s. r zliieer of Hole. A
VMM. tAa-ateru K) .
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Meals At All Hours. Short
Orders and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Rates
Give Me A Call
O Oaaxseatta Tiasaea-HcraM BwlMtoc
House Painting
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
MlMntoa fxtriiUhad on ap
Uca.tian. Samplca shown.
nmnitutt' nnimnatn tium
- t
Jevveior. Optician tuul
Fine Walclt Kfiiiriiijjj A Spe
Tonawama tonijiht
JOHN UKMitKIt . j.
ABtcatgci SwV