TheTimes-JJe'rald H 11,.- UrfMl CirevUlion Of Any N-w.paper la Hamey County SATURDAY. OCTOMR M, ,, Loo. News. ' Harry Carj was up from Law on Monday. Sv "The Vogue" hata at Ctts gan s urn nop. M. S Davies' was a business r visitor to our ctojr Thursday. Met me at the Burns Hotel. That's the central place in town 1 11. Wilfong was in the city 1 on business this week. All kinds of grain including wheat at Lunaburg Dalton fe Co. Mrs. Arthur Turner and child ren expect to leave Monday for I Juntnra where they go to visit with relatives for a week. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF URNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOl'R $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS 1NVI1ED. I'aul Finke was down Thurs day having brought his cousin Paul lilumo down on his way to Lake county where he has min- injf interests. Wanted -200 head of stock to pasture. 1000 acres good stubble with 20 straw stacks; one section of pasture land in addition; plen ty of jjood water. P. S. Weitten hiller. C. M. Athey, foreman of the Blue Mountain Eagle at Canyon City was in the city this week look i nit up some business matters. Mr. Athey was a member of the Geneva Loekes Dramatic Co. that played here last January. Statement Of The Condition " OITfc. First National Bank of Burns At the close of business September and, 1915. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $343,896.01 U. S. Bonds 66,000.00 Bonds and Securities 53 878,08 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8.90492 Five per cent Redemption Fund . 2. BOO 00 CA8H , 96,620.61 $674,798, 6t LIABILITIES Caljital $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 66,849.08 Circulation 60,000.00 DEPOSITS 417.948.94 $674,798.62 Capital and Surplus SI 00,000. United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED Frank Catterson blew in to this I morning growling because the 1 manager didn't send him a "dun" 1 occasionally and let him realize t ne was in aeot. ne unt going to be in that position with this i concern for some little time aga- Two real estate deals were clos ed in this city last Saturday, M. A. Biggs bought the residence property of C. A. Haines and Dr. Carl Griffith bought the residence and office oroperty of Mrs. W. L Ifarsden. Both are desirable and nicely located. Mart Brenton and wife and Miss Mary Caldwell returned last Sunday evening from their visit to Lake county. They had a Wm. Gray was in town Thurs day. I still have some good golf shirts at 3 for $1.00 I. Schwartz. Fred Gehrung was up from .Sunset yesterday after supplies. DKESS UP BOYS Williams- Zoglman Clo. Co. have the goods. Best of care given patients at Mrs. Fireoved's maternity hospi tal. We find visitors praising our beautiful fall weather and it is certainly pleasant but we need rain. Mrs. Miller will take orders for the Palmer Garment Co., of Job printing here. Stop at the Burns Hotel when in town. Rest service. J. O. Alberson was a business visitor from Denio during the week. Opening of a fine line of Fall and Winter hats at Clingan Hat Shop. Remember the show company at Tonawama next Saturday and Sunday. r. s. Weitenhiller went out the other day on business con nected with a real estate deal. Jesse Vickers and wife were in the city yesterday consulting a Good barley ground at Chas. Wilson's. JOm! I loss has been in town this week I still have some irood aolf 8nirtsat3for$1.00-I. Schwartz. A now shipment of Colleare Tarns at the Clingan Hat Shop. SAY! Have you seen our New Mackinaws? -Williams-Zoglmann Clo. Co. Carrol Cecil and son Homer were over from Silver Creek Tuesday Rev. Flowers, pastor of the Naznrene church of this city, has returned from a visit to the easf. A new consignment of hats and Ostrich feather boas have been received at the Clingan Hat Shop. Walter ( .ross was down from his Trout Creek home this week on a visit to his wife and little grand daughters. The Walters & Murray Show Co. will be seen at Tonawama next Saturday and Sunday nights in some good bills. James Paul and wife are over from their Happy Valley home on businesss and greeting their many friends. The new Victor Ladies Tailor ing style book and samples for fall and winter have arrived. Call and see them at the Clingan Hat Shop before ordering elsewhere. Sylvester Smith was a W our city Thursday. I still have somo good golf ihlrtssl .'! fW $1.(111 I Schwartz. Clarence Gary is in Ih city. His mother is visiting his family on Crane creek. A. H. Curry was in town Thurs day from his home near Harri- visitor ; Chicken dinner Sunday at the . OvVrland 12 oVliick and also rrom r:.?u m tin- evening. William Bros, Rave all kinds dI 1. null lumber for tale &l mill 15 miles north of Boras' on the Canyon City road. Warrant Call. man on land business 1 . Notice Is hereby given that 1 astun and oil kinds of grain thmj ,, money on hand t0 pay and hay for sale. Phone or spe a geMnl fund warrantB ngit. "e,,ry v'inmore. tered prior to April 1, 1915; all Rolled barley, wheat and oats rond warrants registered prior to for sale at market prices. -W. A. Sept. 1, 1915, and all rabbit war Goodman's feed yard. rantB registered prior to Aug. 20, Lady desires general house 191B Interest CMKl Monday work, ranch preferred. Address October 25, 1915. Mrs. N. M. Stowe, Narrows, Ore- R- A. MILLER, gon. " county ireasurer t , Oreaou, who mi July l. !'ll,' il Kiitrr, No M,U, lor W'tNUl,, K', FU, Hoi' ii. loanatllvii H , KaiiKr "I Chicago. Sample book now on physician in regard to the latter's hand at the Schwartz store. As usual the chemical engine did not preform its duty at the fne that destroyed the hospital. health. Mrs. Millar has received some of her Fall and Winter Millenery and invites the ladies of this vie ! apparatus. very nice visit with relatives and j Burng neei8 better fire fighting I inity to call at the Schwartz store and see the display. Frank Nutley and wife were in the city Monday making proof on their homestead. Bailey Hayes and wife were with them as wit nesses. friends. Mart has one bad hand as the result 01 getting it m.xea , rm FRJJT NATIONAL BANK OF up with the gearing of the car in ; 8UBN3. capital and surplus some manner but he says it will 100.000. -the bank that makes soon lie alright. your $ 9 s $ safe- accounts E. Jacobson, the old time rep resentative of the J. K. Gill Co., vas calling upon the trade in this city during this week. Mr. ii.nrMnn namia hprp rrnni I .iiki. .; itkx. u , .'. ; ' Buchanan 1CW. Ik It-CHI "" !. HUH." Ill 1 1 ,L ,. , . J, ti,-, .a u. I were also in town that day. Ins long service on the road that he ever made that territory. Rev. Dr. Benson of the Pres- The proposed net work of rail- byteriah church went over to roads suggested by Mr. Strahorn Silver Creek yesterday evening invited. Leo. Buchanan made proof on his homestead Tuesday. He was assisted by L M. Humil- jton and John Liehner. .1. W. and Geo. Buchanan caused "Jake" to investigate that section and he hopes to an nex it to Portland as a trading point. and talked to the people of that section last night. The subject being the San Francisco Exposition. CORSETS!!! I have just received my new line. The largest and most complete ever shown in Burns. The celebrated line manufactured by WARNER BROS. The list following gives just a slight idea of the stock Rust Proof Corsets $1.25 to $3.50 Red Fern - M0 Brassieres " fi5c. Perfection Waists - 35c. 65c. 1.00 " Skeleton Waists - 25c. Sanitary Belts - - 25c The merits of Warner Bros. Corsets are too well known to require any extended mention. This is simply to let you know that the above men tioned goods are here, and you are cordially invited to come into the store and inspect them. I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Hasonlc Building. - - liurna, Oregon S. W. I .ay the was among our out of town visitors during the week. His son Willard was a student in the high school here during the past two years, is spending this winter with his grand mother in Iowa. Next Sunday morning Dr. Benson will preach on Good Cit izenship or Patriotism. What does good citizenship mean? What are the ideals of a nation? How can those ideals be attain ed? Must we change our patriot ism with these changing times? A. S. Swain came up from the ranch Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. Swain who had been visit ing him for a few days. Mr. Swain hurt his leg one day re cently and had to use crutches for a while but is again able to navigate without artificial aid. 0 W.R.McCuiston returned home last Wednesday evening the from a trip to Bend and northern part of Lake county where he has a ranch. Mr. McCuistion arranged for more improvements on his land the most important of which was the fencing of 160 acres with rabbit tight fence. He sent a large quantity of seed oats to the place from here last spring by parcel post and it was seeded but the rabbits harvested it for him. He says it seems good to get back' to Burns again where he finds business better than at any other point he visit ed. As the result of a whole lot of talk and argument V. G. Cocad and Chas. Schrier left here Fri day morning for Harney lake in order to prove that they could make the trip in 86 hours and re turn with 60 ducks. They left here Friday morning and were to return Saturday. They were to make it in the specified time and kill the limit. The probabilites are that if the shooting had been good would have returned within the specified time but they struck the shooting grounds at a bad time aa only a few ducks were Hying. They remained ovsr Sun day and then failed to get the limit. -Blue Mt. Eagle. - Team of gray work geldings weight 1200 and 1400 pounds, good set work harness, :i', inch Lewis wagon, if sold soon $175. Will sell separate. Inquire at A. S. Swain ranch. Iiawen, Oregon. Jack ( ! ruddock came over from his Silvies Valley home the latter part of Inst week bringing Mrs. Craddock in for medical trent- ment. i'lie lady is in the hospit al but improving rapidly and they hope soon to be able to re turn home. rour hogs, two red and two sandy in color, were taken up by me about the first of the month; were found in my garden. Own er prove property, pay expenses and take animals.- C. II. Mc Pheeters, J. C. Turney and wife were in the city from the oil well this week. The Times-Herald under stands the piospects remain bright for oil, although Mr. Turn ey had nothing to say to a repre sentative of this paper for publi cation. Estrayed-One bay horse about 12 or 14 years old came to my place about a year ago, branded with J and lazy J or lazy 6 under on left shoulder, weight about 1150. and saddle marked. Owner prove property, pay all charges and take animal. J. F. Mahon, Princeton, Oregon. Paul Blume was in town the other day en route to Plush after spending several weeks visiting his cousin Paul Finke at the lat ter's mountain place. Mr. Blume says his mining property in the vicinity of Plush is quite promis ing and he and his associates hope to establish a 15-ton mill in the immediate future to take care of the mine. Owing to its isola tion from transportation they find it is not profitable to ship the ore out so they will put the mill in. Dr. J. L. McCool. the eye specia list, who was hero us a guest of Dr. Saurman, preformed several operations while in this city and gave consultution in many cases of eye trouble. Dr. McCool is a very pleasant gentleman and showed his skill in cases he treat ed. It was indeed most commend able that he take time during his pleasure vaculion to minuter in a nrofessional way those afllieted but it was certainly appreciated. He left for Portland yesterday morning. The doctor had the misfortune to loose many of his surgical instruments in the hos pital fire. ( ;. P, Greenman and wife have returned from Portland where they have been for sever al weeks and have gone to the homestead in Catlow. Mr. Green man has ordered the lumber for a new dwelling on his farm and Bays they are going to be just as comfortable as they can out there. He is authority for the further encouraging information that a big tractor has been start ed from Bend for his section of the country and will be put into use upon its arrival. This will help materially in thodevoiinu-nt of the land of Catlow, giving the farmers a chance to get their land in shape under favorable conditions toward crops. The moisture is none too great in that territory therefore the handling of the soil at the proper time to save what moisture there is will greatly help in the production. Relinquishment of 100 acres of land near Lawen for sale. In- NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION quire W. A. Rendleman, Narrows, ' Oregon. I. II. Smyth and Bon Claude were in city this week on busi ness. They were accompanied by their wives. First class potatoes $1 per 100, Car lots delivered at Riverside, Juntura and Brogan. Caldwell Potato Growers. The Burns Hotel is the head quarters for all when in town. (ioxl table service, clean rooms and accommodating attendants. IINITKII HI M'KH I. AMI Or-Kli k, Rurue, Oregon, October Id, HID NhIIi . Il birebvelviii (h.l Hyiliii-v K HiiKh.l, 11I Hurui, Oregon, who mi July I.'., lull , ruaile K N W . . H ' K.. Metiiilaii, Iim (iinl nulli'. of I11t.11l11.11 10 inaku dual lliri-i. r.r proof, to i!hMi1i rlHiiu in tin' uiiii ataji iiearrleeil lii'lorti Keafater and Ker-elver, at Hurna, (re ui.i, mi thn .'ml itx 11I November, Itflb. t'U 1 in am name, aa wltnraaea Frank Mwaarln.en, vvijliaui Mil.aton, lilon rl..uins, llarr) M Hiit-y.all u( ItDrna, iim-kuii Wm. Karhh, rUflaler Dr. H. M. from Bend assisting in drug store Horton has returned where he has been the transfer of the and stock recently purchased by himself and the Reed Brothers. Nollic Reed and wife left Tuesday morning for Bend to make their home there. The Times-Herald force went out to the Experiment station the fore part of this week to observe the work of the new road machin ery and found the elevator grad er piling up dirt very fast It was certainly wading through the dirt in a manner that looked k''-d to those observing it and will cover a big territory in a short time. Mrs. M. V. Dodge and three of her violin pupils made a week end visit to the Double O ranch last Saturday us guests of Wm. 1 1 an ley. The party went over to entertain Mr. Proctor, the sculp tor, and his family but it turned quite a mutual admiration party before the guests came away as they found the Poctor family most interesting and in turn the family were delighted with the music of the violinists. Besides Mrs. Dodge Kathleen Jordan, Kathrine Farre and Gladys Byrd went over. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 1 NI1KU STATU I.ANIIOmCl Hurna, Oregon, October -JO, lyl6 Notice laharvtiy nlven that Michael llmkir of Voltage, Orof on, who, on May M, 111 to. maile llutnrauail Kntry No. lM757,lor BW'.NW',, V, w, Ni,HK,li. lM,i,Ti. V H.,IUne.TiK, iil lie Meridian, nal tiled nolKOol Inteti ttini tu make una! five-year proof, to eatabllih i'UIdi to the land almve deecrlted, before Keg -later and Heeelver. at liurna. Oregon, on trie 7th day of November. Ilf.. Claimant nature aa wltm-i.f Hue Mali), llert liounlux, Nli'holea dialer, Ml. hail Marker, all of Voliagcoreg.ui WM. r, Kegletor JIINTURA-BURNS TELEPHONE I TELEGRAPH COMPANY Silent Secret Service Our Slogan These feafures alone are conclusive evidence that we hold the strictest cen sorship over business in trusted to us. ' JAMES E. WESTON, Gen. Mgr. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. UNirgn Dram I.ahii orrtCK, I liurna, Orvgun, Oi'tolxir It, 1VI6. 1 Notice In hxrehy given that Terrene. J. Mellon aid, of tturua, Oregon, who. on April i. loll, made H.imealeDd Kntry, No. 0Mu, for -tvt'.NW',. NttHVYi and Lot 4, Hec. i, 1 1, H .Itatigerl K.. Willamette Meridian, ha AIimI notice of Intention to make Dual three year I'roof, to ratabilah claim to the land above d acrlhed, before Heglaler and Receiver, at Hurna Oregon, on the '.ih .lav oi Noyeuiher, lla Claimant iiatneaaH wltneeeea- V W.Trlaka lai k Johnaou, Hon lilt II. It Allen, all of Hurna, Oregon. Wat, Kjaer. Kegleirr NOTICK Kojt PUBLICATION UliirtllHTATSN I.AMtHlri h r, f llu rim, orrguii, Oi'toLe-r I. i , t Motto In hereby (iynthi MalsiiiU I i JalUit, f llarr hneii.orfgou, wliu. on January Ito, 111;., .mt : IMS. mad. ItVtiH'Si. ad Knirlin Mo, uu;. and ununi, ). (Il), for h'. . 'i. !. l.t. Township x!V HoiitlT. Hangc :-', VViriatuvUw, bit uini uoitre of iuttiiiMun to n.nkt Una! hi-t-r i-ar TrXMif. (u fsiai-llsb claim to the latnl Im.v iltswrlbeil, . for HcnlsUir ruiI Kecclvcr.ftt Hurnt.Orcjrmi. 00 iLu ?:tnlda at o,iiilttr IVlh. 1 'aln.aitt tiaini'H at wIlUMWa: W r. fJrar. f, rj. a II. i:urr, II I Kreti- li, all of Marrlman, Orvgnn. W.rasiK. Hcglgtcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CHiTti. MTaTga l.axudmc tlurna, Oregon. October 19. i.-t .Mill. el. hereby given III at Wilford A. Kendle tnaoof NarroHra,lregiiti, who, on Hepemlwm, tvl'i and January le, iwu, Made lfomeetea.1 Kntrl.a, No. 0Hw;-i7"iWl, rctneiillvel), lor NUHKV HY,' H',N... Heell.,1. ruwnaulp U M.. II..,,,. HI V Wlllaul e Meridian, baa Hied notice of luteutlon to make dual tbreo-yemr firooi, to ectalrilab claim to the land above deecrlbed. before Keglatei hi 1 1 Ravel. liurna. oregou, ou IheiOrd day i.t NovcuilMir. ivlr.. i latmaut uamva a. wltmeeoe' tlim Mavkllaua and A l June, both of Hurna. Oregon Kdward maun, of NaJ roea, Oregou I N Tyler, of liurna. Oregou KAaaa. Kcgletsr. You Should Own A Savings Account There is no question in your mind as to the value snd importance of hsving money in tba bank earning interest for you. You may never have quite gotten down to the business of accumulating money, but, meanwhile, the months are gliding into the past, and less productive days may be coming, when the interest earnings from savings would be a source of permanent income. Is there any reason why you should not own a personal savings account at the Harney County National Bank, when you can start with One Dollar? Accept this invitation to start your account this week. Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE UNITED STATES Progress with Safety Depositary NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION t'MTguHTATka l.imitirrii r, Uutue. Oregon, October IV, ivt t .'ollie la hereby given that Kiank W Irlaka. ol Hurna, oregou, who, on June It, uu made Unmeet, ad Kntry No.Mlaa, tur r.HHV lUI -.mi . e, . mi, , w(i. iff b, nauge a.' r.ei Willamette Meridian, baa tiled notice ol inU i Ion to make Dual thre, nrtait to ealal. i latin to the lend above deecrlbed, l. font itegiitcr aim ueceiteret liiirna,iiregoi.,on the .'tin day of Noveinlier, WIS. claimant nam, a aa Wjllneaeea: Neleon K 1'ard. e. T. J. Mcllouald. W. J. Me Klnnle, liaulul Jordan , all nl Hurna Oregon. W. Kaaag. Heglaler. jaf &n TlIi - v- e ML li Varnish the Shabby Surfaces Shabby surfaces detract from the appearances of your home. Floors, furniture or woodwork that are marred, scratched or scuffed give your home a shabby run-down ap pearance. Make these. varnished sur faces bright and new with ACME QUALITY VARNISHES ' There's an Arm Oualirv Varnish for every purpose; a floor varnish made to be walked upon; a quick drying furniture varnish that imparts a brilliant, durable lustre, and var nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur faces in any quantity desired. Which do you need? HerUI No. SABftO NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Nil hi. nTATKa LAND limil, Hurua, Oregon, aeplatnoor U, IVM. Notice la hereby Ml ven that Mery Ileal, ,ii. bv i, it Mel. coil, her Attorney .n reel, the Coal nil,, aildrcta of Attorney in fact, being AMlurta, on gnu. haa thla Mtli day nl rteiilcm l r tw.'i filed tu thla office her aii,lti allnii to elect uuder the brovtaioi.e of the act of ton greia auprovou July I, IMM (tar dtat., tot. HVUi.aa eilei. lie) by the act of t'nngreai annruved .May 17. loon. Mr'aHn .'ii. loHtiahlp'JuH. II. Ill Kaal.W. M. iNuiin ..I Malbeiii Lake. I Any and all nereoua eiatmiug adyertely the laud, deacilbed, or dealrlng to object becauae of ma mineral character of the land, or any nlhei reaaou tolhedlapoaal Oaiillcaut,ahould file their adidavtta of i.roteat lu ihl. iitncu, on i.r beloru tin Mb day ol NoVI Sen, Ills Wh. PaiiRa. Kegiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' (INITRIIHTATK'4 LAND OfRIlK, I Ii ii i in. oreguu, October I J, In .. I Notice la hereby ulveu thai I'eter K Ifein. of Ha rlman. Oregou, who. on l)i loin r H, ItllJ, ami March :m, inn, made lloinealead 1-1,1.1,1 No. ih. . ,1. il. II.' reieetlvely fill ,. K'.N',.W',N ',Vc .'II, NKkHKU, K',NK',. reeilnn . II, I nivnalilp .' M , Itange ii K Wlllauictle Meridian, haa lllc.l notice of Intention lo malic final thine year I'roof, to e.tablUh elalui to Ihe laud above deacr ll. .1, ilegUtei and Heeelver at Hurui, Oregon in tlic Lull day of Nuveinbea, lyift. t'lalitiaut name, aa vrltneaaea: Ularenoa ater, Itobert t Helm, t'arl Keraog, le.1 llayc. all of llarrlmaii, Oregou. Wm. KAaaa, Iteglalar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UmriD htatm LANDOrriuB, i l.ur i.-, Urvffiiu, Ociobtjr IB, I'M.. Notice U in Mt. kIvi-m that Auatlu uminlufi. it Hocha'.ian. Oregon, tfrlolMr l. Vif2. niailtf Aai1u loikkl lluiiiuateail Kutr , N lurNUNK', -h'iNKH, NJCteSKUfeo.SIi, Twi l H . iUiitfn HS K. WllUiiiPtlu MvrMlHit.IiM Died in-iUt ut iitit'iitiun to make final three year ii il. U.. I'StaLHsli rlaini In thf luntl abttvt dsv' HlibM, Lifure Keg later aud lUcaJver, at liurna OMOn. oo tbtJnth day uf November. U1&. i laimani nauifs aa wmieaaeg; William 1. Vait-1trvert(nl lirtniity. OMfOD Albert I, liinlianau. iirorge Hiiclianan, Wllilauj A . Catereun, allot But baiian. Wm. FaRttsa. Kaglatar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IT)itk.i hTATKM l.kttu orruu. Hurna, ort'iion, rttitembvr in, Mfi NotlralalitfTebr nlvuti that lluury II. Hrun, ol I'rltit'etuii Orefon, who.uit A,.t il . .' i .').. inn. lltiuteatcai) Kntry, No ofn7, lor NIC' (too itA.Twii . m , Haute , Willamette Meridian, haa 111 cd nntb o of Intnittlon to make final I hrrytar nri'itf, to t'Hialillah claho lo ihe land abuTS U-xi'i-.tu'd.iiffinc Kt'giaiiM and HtK-i'lviT. at tturua. Otinit, mi the 3rd day of November, itilh t laimani uainea aa witn (ieo'gf WlllUma, latil WillUnm. M. Hi-aU, i . lit sati mi i mt riiii.-i'i-iii, tiii-gt'ii Wn, KAHHK, Keglalfr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'HITallHr, II. I.IM. Ill Hi k i liiiina. tiregou, Svslarahar -7, itii.'i.l Noili, i, beret, y given that t.'llillon I'. Hoin.w dale, nl Hut kle) , Oiegon.w lin, on April 17, tin .' made lloinealead entry, No UnV77, foi N),, tksctiou Jt, Towuaiil M H, Itatigu m K, tVlllamelie Meilillatl. haa tiled uollic.u iiitentloii to make tltial three-year I'roof, to ealabllab i latin lo Die laud above deecrlbed before Heglaler and Heeelver , at Hurna. i ire gon, the Vud day uf November, Win Claimant nainca 11. witneaaea: II. A (lllelillelil Kreilerlek l.oyl, l.iilli ol Heckley. Oregon. 0.4 r-recline, I I.. Kiec love both uf Hurna, Oreu.ui WM KAfcHR, Heglaler DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE NEW STORE IN TOWN? Farmers & Homesteaders' General Exchange Store Specials for Coming Week Spuds, $2.25 per hundred Onions, $2.50 per hundred Five kinds of winter apples, $1.35 per box Fresh cookies, fancy and mixed, 15c. lb. Walnuts, 20c. lb. Heine beans, two cans, 25c. All kinds of grain Come In and arrange to trade any produce yon have for winter supplies WHY NOT TRADE AT HOME! Phone No. 284 One block east of Lampahlre'a Garage Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches Water bags, nose bags Ice Cream Freezers Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Barbed Wire Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders, Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BELTING Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager For its wonderful accuracy, its safety and c on- venience, and its effectiveness for email i.'niue and target shooting, you should buy The Warin ta oaLisat Repeating Rifle Model 20. aa illu.tral. eej aau look thmueh the B& 9Saw inch oi Uion ham-!, IJ ui botkeswU. St&Naw ? .I...i. l 1 ,0 li. lallai aaelTas wnlaeai iNaaf faea end e.aa aaainai fe. Taw .. . . M . injury ir.iu. dclacllva eaioidaaa. lion. .I..I1. ..-.!., -,..1 SJBaSi MuUCI r A ' 1:1. li aaaee. The lelt aUeetWa thiowa ahalU away lu the ..Je saU S. rouiul LiArir kee diiwaaaailr urel itcleaaal 21 ...... .ill.. . a.i.i.i.... ; A. cuial. lu JUO yai Ja. lu.l- A wfect never up acruea yvur line el .i.Kl HaaeUa.aJI.ta Ina Ihe hnlluwpi aun lor tebi.lL, aquUtal.. hawa... iim, etc. JKmiA'M II tapealeca alee made with level avlion, aak your dealer. Z0JXbtOmJ9r9miwuCa, Jcr'Jt 4U Willow t. Nan Havaa. Conn. Ina till.. aTTlUv7,uu.. I) aliota .:. a.ead Sa peelaa a 1 or a f " R7. u eWia ompl.l. eat