The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 30, 1915, Image 2

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in t)
Ira 1
This It specially FOR YOU.
Corns at once and see us you will find that
we are prepared, and YOU will be pleased with
what we have to SHOW YOU.
Show the next fellow that YOU are ready to
Shirt, neckwear, SMtderwsar. hosier, (Urea, Sate
ana) made-for-nervlc Clothe, all at moderate arte
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailor I and Leading Clothiers
Oc iimr0-$ctafd
OuYnr MO
TbmMHik. M
T-"t'"j" " """" " '"" """
Alfalfa, field peas and hog bM
a 8ucss in this big- country. Who
cares whether the aluminum
mines pay biff profits or nt?
The railroad committee contin
ues busy and it is hoped definite
arrangements may be perfected
soon whereby Burns will kjiow
just what railroad development
may be expected in this immedi
ate vicinity.
The timber on the north of
this valley has much value that
will bring transportation in the
immediate future even though
Burns should simply wait, but
that isn't the program Burns M
not going to wait for anything
except the most feasible place to
bring that line from the road now
building into the Valley at Crane
Creek Gap. When this is dett r-
mined we'er going to get busy.
Burns is going to be the terminus
for a time at least.
its in this vicinity and finds a
large area covered but he is not
prepared to say whether there is
sufficient to justify getting it out
or not
This is the report he made upon
his return from this city a short
time ago. So far as he is con
cerned in his official capacity it it
not necessary that he should
know whether it is in paying
quantities or not, however.
The deposits are found over a
great area of this country there
have been several investigating
the possibilities of mining it and
developing it. So far there has
been no definite arrangements
made with any concern big enough
to handle it those interested are
continent with the advent of the
railroad that the field will be developed.
Foot Ball Boys Defeated.
When profitable crops are
grown on dry land in the Harney
Valley in a season as void of
moisture as the past one has
been, it's a cinch it will make a
farming country that will hold
its own under any possible cir
cumstances. What if every acre
in this big Valley were producing
as the small portion does that is
under cultivation? The Times-
Herald hesitates to give the figur
es but it would keep Mr. Furrell's
Strahorn's Hills and then some
more railroads busy. That's
what it is coming to.
The football game last Satur
day played between the Harney
County High school boys and the
John Day eleven resulted in a
score of 43 to 0 in favor of the
local team. The Burns boys,
however, gave evidence of the
proper metal and although they
realized that they were outclass
ed with weight they fought their
way to the end with sportsman
like determination and they re
ceived the compliment of the
crowd that witnessed the game.
They were a bunch of gentleman
ly young fellows with whom it
was a pleasure to meet and the land products grown east of the
local boys anticipate a most plea-, Cascade mountains begin to move
Benefits of Railroad to
Central Oregon Detailed
What the construction of rail
ways into the vast interior em
pire of Oregon will mean to the
state and to business is outlined
in an official statement by Geo
rge K. Hardy, executive secre
tary of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, published In the Jour
nal. Mr. Hardy says:
'In the minds of many Ore
gonians no more opportune time
could have been framed by des
tiny for the submission of the
project to build the Oregon, Cali
fornia & Eastern railway through
central Oregon.
"Oregonians need the employ
ment that will result from its
"Oregon business needs the
stimulant that will come from
the expenditure of $1,000,000 or
$2,000,000 during the next few
"With 50 per cent of all labor
employed by manufacturing in
Oregon dependent on the lumber
industry, and with that tremen
dous force largely at work on
short time, and with idle men
drifting to Oregon from every
direction, it is apparent that a
revival of business is to be ex
pected only from providing labor
for willing hands.
"In the const uct ion of the Ore
gon, California x baatern rail
way materials will be used that
are largely home products. If
the sum of $1,600,000 asked of
Oregon in financing the project
is put up, the money will come
right back where it was secured.
It will be like transferring $1.
500.000 from pocket to pocket in
the same pair of trousers. The
raising of that sum of money is
necessary to show Oregon's faith
in an empire that will produce
$150,000,000 annually. The
prompt raising of that sum will
make it possible to secure the
balance of 34.500.000 from east
ern sources. And probably from
65 to 75 per cent of the eastern
money wiil remain in this state.
"These advantages are, how
ever, only temporary ones. Per
manent benefits will be realized
when the railroad is in full opera
tion and the great quantities of
The tragic end of an old and
respected pioneer brings grief to
many of the people of this sec
tion where Mr. Miller was so well
and favorably known. His death
occured in the fire destroyed the
Cummins hospital just after mid
night yesterday morning. He
had undergone an operation for
cataract a few days before nnd
was recovering from it most sat
isfactorily. It is quite evident
he was overcome by heat and
smoke that prevented hit getting
out and the charred remains were
found in the ruins of the building f n
a short time after the fire had
subsided sufficient to search.
David Miller was born in this
state in what was then Wasco
county August 12. 1851. He spent
the early part of his life in the
Willamette Valley returning to
Prinsville in 1881 and moving to
this county in 1884.
He held several responsible
positions in this section, being an
employe of the P. L, S. Co. for a
time later taking a position with
a mercantile firm in Drewsey and
finally became a part owner of
the business. A few years ago
he moved to a farm in company
with his brother ft. A. Miller.
where he had resided since.
Mr. Miller was highly esteem
ed by a wide circle of friends
throughout this country. He
was a most concientious man who
met his obligations promptly. He
is survived by his brother, Coun
ty Treasurer Miller, there being
no other close relatives living.
The funeral service will be con
ducted this afternoon by Rev.
McKae from the Baptist church.
Additional local.
Wilson's Creamery Butter at
Some wind yesterday threaten
ed the pretty weather we have
been enjoying.
Remember the sheet and pil
low case dance at Tonowarnn
next Friday night.
A sheet and pillow slip dance
will be given at Tonawama next
Friday night Nov. 5, No one
permitted to dance without this
Agents Wanted -To represent
Iafollette Nursery Co.
Trees grown in Central Oregon
4000 feet elevation and without
irrigation. Best trees for Cen
tral Oregon. Everybody wants
them. Write for particulars.
Theodore Hubbard. Bos 72,
Prineville. Oregon.
Arrangements Considered
Their Unceasing Work Keeps us
Strong and Healthy
All the blood in the body puss
es through the kidneys once every
three minutes. The kidneys filt
er the blood. They work night
and day. When healthy they re
move about 500 grains of impure
matter daily, when unhealthy
some part of this impure matter
is left in the blood. This brings 1
on many diseases and symptoms
-which vary widely but may in
clude pain in the back, headache,
nervousness hot, dry skin, rheu
matic pains, gout gravel, dis
orders of the eyesight and hear
ing, dizziness, irregular heart,
debility, drowsiness, dropsy, de
posits in the urine, etc. But if
I you keep the filters right the
Browns' Quality Store
We want you to call on us be
fore making your purchases.
We can supply your wants in
anything required. You will
find Quality and Satisfactory
Service responsible for our suc
Burns, Oregon
sant trip when they play the
return frame on the Harney
county gridiron.
A fair sized crowd witnessed
the game, although the early
to market. Portland will be the
gateway for outgoing shipments,
and at the same time a splendid
market will be opened in central
southeastern Oregon for those
finrwrakt iu .c. ., . I);..,.,'
For Indian School Here Kidney pj8 have provjn an ef.
fective kidney medicine.
Mrs. George Bell, Washington
St., Klamath Falls, Ore., says:
" I have suffered from pains in
my back, due to disordered kid
neys. The kidney secretions
were also unnatural, causing me
annoyance. Doan's Kidney 1'ilis
completely cured me."
Price 50, at all dealers. Don.t
simply ask for a remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Bell had. Foster Mil-
burn Co. Props., Buffalo, N. Y,
morning weather conditions were, articles of commerce that are
C. B. McConnell's success in
securing capital to finance the
big irrigation project is trailed
with much satisfaction by those
interested in the development of
the country. It will be a strong
factor in inducing railroad build
ing to this city besides make the
surrounding couutry the most
productive portion of the entire
Central Oregon. There is no
Question of the feasibilitv of this
entirprise and the water is there
in fact has been a menace to
the lands that were overflowed
for many years and people are
going to welcome a project that
will take care of the flood and
give this land an opportunity to
produce as it should. The-Times
Herald hopes the adjudication
proceedings may go forward as
rapidly as possible in order to
clear the way for active work on
this project
foreboding. Despite the score
the game was well contested. In
the evening the boys from Burns
were entertained at a banquet
and they returned home the fol
lowing day. The line-up was as
Harney Co. Position John Day
Bennett L. G. R. Ripley
lay lor L. T. R. F. Belshaw
Lucky L. K. R. Timms
Cawlfield C. Mallory
Miller R. G. L. Calahan
Hotchkiss R. T. L. Byram
Howser R. E. L. Foster
Skiena Q. Pound
Wilson L. H. R. Campbell
Irving R. H. S. R Belshaw
Hagey F. DeArmound
Substitutes: For Tavlor, Hus
ton; Hardy for Calahan; Knox
for Pound. Referee, Flagg. Um
pire, McHaley.-BlueMt Eagle.
Girl Shoots Persistent Suitor,
Telegrams Being Sent
And Received in Burns.
Manager James Weston of the
Juntura-Burns Telephone & Tele
graph Co. has made the connec
tions whereby telegrams may be
sent and received right here in
Burns and the first message pass
ed over the wire on Wednesday.
This convenience is one that has
Iens: been a need and the excel
lence of the equipment and secre
cy together with the insurance of
no mistake will bring much busi
ness to this concern.
This company has direct con
nections with the Western Union
Telegraph Co. and with attrac
tive tariff rates it has excellent
facilities for such business.
Mr. Weston has been notified
by the Mountain States Telephone
& Telegraph Co. that they are
extending thier line to a Biases
tion with the Juntura-Burns line
at Vale.
Nitrate Deposits Near
This City Inspected
J. G. Richardson of the Oreg
on corporation department, has
recently made an inspection of
the aluminum and nitrate depos-
Frank McBurney, a homestead
er in theCatlow Valley, was shot
four or five times by Miss Kate
Pick last Friday morning. Dr,
Geary was called to minister to
the wounded man, and reports he
has one wound in the leg and
was shot at least three times and
possibly four in the abdomen but
it is evident no intestines were
severed as the man is reported
According to report the man
went to the home of the girl dur
ing the absence of her father and
persisted in his suit to such an
extent that the girl resented it
and shot him with a 82-calibre
revolver, emptying the five cham.
bers and reloaded it and fired an
The wounded man walked some
distance to another neighbor be
fore he could get any aid or send
for a physician. McBurney is a
man between 46 and 50 years old.
We do not know the age of Miss
Pick. McBurney was in this vi
cinity for a time, we are inform
ed, and worked for Sheriff Good
man. The girl was taken in
custody and brought here. So
far no preliminary has been held
and The Timesjierald does not
feel it the proper time to make
Lany further comment
handled by Portland merchants
"Eighty-five per cent of the
good now consumed in south
eastern Oregon are shipped in
I from Boise and Salt Lake.
"A splendid committee from
the Chamber of Commerce has
been selected to aid Robert E.
Strahorn in financing the Oregon
end of the scheme. It consists
of A. L. Mills, president First
National bank; J. C. Ains worth,
president United States National
Bank; W. M. Ladd, president
Ladd & Tilton bank; Nathan
Strauss, manager Fleishner May
er company; Franklin T. Griffith,
president Portland Railway,
Light & Power company; C. C.
Colt, president of the Union Meat
"During the past week a del
egation of business men from
Bums, Or. has been in the city
to confer with the promoters of
the road in hopes of having their
district given service by the Ore
gon, California & Fasten rail
way. They were entertained at
dinner Monday evening by Frank
E. Smith, secretary of the Chamb
er or commerce, jrje Hums
men present were Geo. Fry, Sam
Mothershead, Judge H. C. Lev
ens, J. L. Gault, Leon M. Brown,
C. H. Leonard and Bob McKinn-on."
Chas. S. Heinline, an attache
of the Indian service, arrived
here from his headquarters at
Roseburg last Sunday evening to
take up the proposition of a day
school for the local Piute Indians
mention of which has been made
before in these columns. Mr.
Heinline found local business
men ready to give him any assis
tance in respect to this proposi
tion with the result that it is prac
tically settled that a school wil
be opened in this city in the im
mediate future.
Mr. Heinline has taken an op
tion the C. M. McPheeters place
adjoining the river, a very desir
able location with a seven-room
house and one acre of ground suit
able for a play ground and a
garden. It is the intention to
have an instructor and his wife
come who will take entire charge
of the Indian children as to their
cleanliness, clothing, etc. The
local business men have
volunteered to furnish what
ever furniture necessary in
the way of tables, benches,
etc, losiari me scnooi ana tnu
children are also to receive their
noon day meal at the school
where they will be taught to pre
pare it and also given other in
dustrial training.
Mr. Heinline has made a de
tailed report of the situation to
the Department and expects to
have the school in readiness to
open by the first of December.
The gentleman will give out a
considerable quantity of blankets
and tents to the indigent Indians
next Monday, he having had 24
pair of woolen blankets and 14
large tents shipped in for that
Save Your Coupons.
With all kodak finishing
amounting to $2.00 I will give an
8x10 enlargement of your favorite
film free. Films developed 10c
per roll any size. Packs 25c.
Prints 5c. postcards 5c.
Sayer Studio, Burns, Ore.
Murne, Oregon. October 7, IMA.
Ni.lf -la hereby given that I h net Ian h, Ollgapl
ul fiitilii. Oregon, win,, imi April H, IVI. nnil
litTi'inU r a, l ill, made Itooioaiead Kiiltlt. No.
UrvaMffwl rtii llvel) tur J, NIC'. ',. ',.
'.N'..KW(.N!.. NtM'U, Hw. 1" t. I,
rl..lUiiiU Baal Willamette Meridian. hee fllel
notional IliirtiOoii in make final lliref i-r
P'ihiI, l.i i Hi a III I. Ii ' la I in to Ilia land above il.
a.-ilbeil, u-furr M i. o i U H Coonnli
loner, al hlenfll.e atllinlu. tin iron, mi the
loth day ol Novemliar, If 6.
i lahnaiit nanieeeg wltncaei-e
.ia i'ii a 'I ii. intern. Iiee. t'oolet. CaMeron
M.'rrlml.le allot Andrewe. iirrgon r.iit I
oilcan), ul
Christian Science Church.
Austin J. Cummings and Miss
Bessie Waddell were married at
Drewsey on Wednesday of last
week by Rev. Heathcote. Mr.
Cummings is a farmer in the
Buchanan section. The Times
Herald wishes them s happy life,
Christian Scientists will hold
there services at the Presbyter
ian Church, Sundays at 8 P. M.
Wednesdays at 7:80 p. m. Sun
day School at 1:80 p.m. Read
ing Room at room No. 6 Masonic
Building and it will be open
on Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons of each week from 2
until 5 o'clock. This is s free
reading room and people are wel
come to come during those hours.
Notice To Stockholder;
Notice is hereby given that a
meeting of the stockholders of
the Burns Flour Milling Co. will
be held in Burns, Oregon on Sat
urday, Oct 30, at Tonawama at
2 o'clock p. m. at which time
business of the concern will be
discussed and a conference with
the directors respecting certain
By order of the Board of Direc
tors. W. E. Huston.
Secy. Treas.
When Baby Ha the Croup.
When a Mother is awakened
from a sound sleep to find her
child who has gone to bed appar
ently in the best of health strugg
ling for breath, she is naturally
alarmed. Yet if she can keep
her presence of mind and give
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
every ten minutes until vomiting
is produced, quick relief will fol
low and the phijd will drop to
sleep to awaken in the morning
as well as ever. This remedy
has been in use for many years
with uniform success. For sale
by all dealers.
Naxarene Church.
Regular preaching services each
Sunday at 11 a. in., and 7:80p.m.
Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
every Sunday.
Tuesday Bible Study at 7:30
p. m.
Wednesday Mid-week Prayer
meeting at 7:30 p. m.
Saturday young people's meet
ing at 7: 80 p. m.
Will be glad to call on the sick
and needy at any time.
S. L. Flowers. Pastor.
W. B. Johnson and son Alfred
and R. J. Williams are among
our Silver Creek visitors today.
They are in for a meeting of the
stockholders of the Burns Flour
Milling Co.
llurna. Oregon, Oi I..I. r l -.i . t
Nollre la hereby given thai Terry K fettle.
ul llurna, Oregon, who. nn June t.i, r'M made
llomnUiT Knur. No o; m, lor ',
Heel Ion It, liiwiirlilp " Baala, Hang
M B VI Ulan, .lie Meridian, baa filed notice
'il Intention to tiieae twial riiniriiuialli.ii wool
to ealehlleli claim In Ihe .an. I anoae tit
er n bod, before Kegl.l. c an I Hot Hunt,
Oregon, on the Win) 4aVJ ul V... ruber. I'M .
leluieoi ualaeeae wltiieaare
Henry I'.aae II..., King, r, r.dltb ltlii(ei ,
i barlee Needbaut.all ul Narr.m iiretfnii.
Wat. FAiutx. kefleier.
Hurtu. o. lobr Jn. Ivij.
n. Ore la beret.y iriveu Ibat John I homer.
I'huale.'il KIU,. llri-K'Hl, Mrllii.oii '
lM, made Ilium ,i.e.l Bnlrr, So win) for
nKH, I''- 1'l.Ttep. H , Itanee i.'i K . Wlllam
etle Meridian, baa died nuli.e of luteoiloti to
make final n. ear 1'ioof lo ralabllrli
rlalm tu tbe land above dee. rlliml. before Hr
later and Korelver, al Mnrria, Oretfnti, on tlu
Jiiib day of November, I
Claimant unman u wlineMMHr
nana U, MM. In. Clyde a. lilbbttae. E B.
-mlth. William Akiiniirl, all ul Kllee, 1 1
Wn fa nim. Hvitlalvr.
linri.i. iiiKuli, o. loner .hi. I'll.',
Ni.llie la brrebr Hives llial Jrale I., lire. lean,
.t tteealey , Oregon, who. on June 10, Ittit,
made llomentrail Kiiln.No MII6V, lor KWU
HBi., SrJUHWU, See. J'J; K'.Wi,, dVt'.SW'.. il. NBTiNWi,. nei tluii h. luvVnalilli
:il ttouih, Range a Kaat, Hiiianietia Marl
'llan, baa filed it. .11 intention to make
final Ibfen-yenr I'roof, In eatabliati rlalm to
Ilia land above duecrltieil, before 1 K Tullorb,
II. M, t'otniulaalnner, at hie ult. o al llerklee,
Oregon, oil the ::ih dee of November, Ivlis
claimant natuee na wltneeaee:
Aiiguetlne lilttierl. Ilol ,.rl Nvlanu. Jamoa
Krail, David cm, all of benkiev, Oregon.
Wm. Kakna. Regular.
OrlWI llurna X, 1,1.1 No Herlal No
IMraiiHTaraa Larli.Orm r, I
llurna. Oregon, Heitembr 11, f. 1
' 1 la hereby given that the Northern
larine halloa) cottinany, waoao poel oltir, la Hi. f'aul, Miaueeota. baa iblalHti
day of mjniembar ma. filed in thlaufnre liaan
(Illation 10 a.,!e. t under I lie provlelofla of II"
. t oi 1 oua-rett, approved July I, 1 nu .net
M .Mi', Kan H.Tip.Hli., It M r'aal.W.M.
aerial No. onm
Any and all pereona Helming adveraely the
laii.ta ileal ril.ed. or dealrlbed to ol.leel U'rauae
ul Ilea Mih.t mi character of the land, ur any
..Ih.r reaaoii. In the dtgnoaal to et.pllrat :, file their afOdavile of proleet In Ibla
aSaoa. on or before the let day of November.
ItelA. a
Wm. Kramer,
t'Hllan stun I.akh 1)1,11 .
I.akuvleer, Oregon. October I. Ills
Not coal lamia
Notice la hereby ilren Ibat Tom I. Cowan .
ilauffer, Oregon, who, ou Mapteiuti-r tfn, IHIg,
luetic llnuit-etea'l Mnrv No uno7, for t.nte
I. . H.,T. V.'.S. K.fc! K A I, .'.iK'.N K
, .', 6, Her. 1,1 .
ml KB'ahk'e
Hume Oregon, ot'lober il, U1A.
Soil..' la ha 1 frjfca Kur.ek.of Nar
ruwi. Oregon, who on May J, lull), made Koine
lead Kutry, No oci..i,ioi -K'.N W 'A.).ot i,n. i u
11.1I l-ole ?and 4. Hue. I, I'tni 117 H . itallge Ml K ,
VMIlaraella Meridian baa Sled notice nl
"1iet11l1.11 in ir.aKe final Ota year I'roof, tu
calehlleh claim io (bo laud above de,t til-t 1
before Ktiglaleraud Receiver, at Hume, o regno,
OS lb" ivth day of No., itit.ei. ivlii.
1 laimaut namea aa wltiieeaea :
K I, It,... 1 ligi.t.l ..r..ii-l-,.'.. llllttij.
Imun. frank Hronn, all of Naryowa, Oriron
Wo Hegigtui.
I'HiTgi.rvrtTKn l.imi nrrn r,
llurna. Oregon, Oi lol.ei .',, 1 .1 .
Notice la hereby given that HonrrCary of Van-
ator, Oregon, who, on October A, mil, made Klllry No.oj.l.ll.1111 HW'i-f',N Wt,.
K.,WllTanieila Meridian, had Hi. a notlrteul la
lelillou 10 makp IlligMlitt.e le.r I'roof In ea
labile!) claim in the land above daoorlbad In
tora Kaaiaiar ana Keieivor, al nurua, iiickou,
oil the 'Ath day of NiimiiiIiiI .' I'.'le,
claliuautnauiea aa wlttieaaea:
B. J. Noble, A Venator, in. 11. ul Veualor,
Oregon , J a met 'I'nv, n.eit.l, Henry Uaorga, bulb
if l.awelt, Oregon.
M vl f.vHiic. II. -, laler.
t .!- eec 1. lap., o h . rmoge 11
Mlllamalta Meridian baa rllml mill..
of Intnniion lo make nnal fhroa jrear proof, 10
eelahlleh claim Iu Hie land above ileeitll -U-furr
c. J. Htauffer r. H commlaaloiier.
at Htaulfer, Oregon, on the.ihday of Novem -
ier, ivin.
1 l.luialtt namea aa wllnraaeai
K. A Yetk, C liavla. It. II. (layer, Hen
DeWlM. ell 01 HI. ulfer, Oregon.
jaa. r ncauaae, nagtaicr
Ijiktvlew, Oreguu, oc lobar 1, Ml
niit ooai. LaMB
N'ollre la hereby given that William T. cowan
ul hi antler, Oregon, who, on Hepleuibrr J -. II:,
made boucaluad entry. No, OUiTv. lor M.1,,
ahrp iS Houlh Range a Kaat. Mlllauiette
Meridian, baa uodre of Inleutlun tu make
three rear proof, lo eetabllan claim to
Ihe land al.ivn dearrlbad, before c J.nteniti-r.
c 1. oiiiinlaaioner, al atgurfri, ongou, mi
On- sib day ul November, 1.1.V
(laimaut nauira aa wllueaaea
B A. Yeck. Il II. Heyer. C H. Da. la, li.n
He H III all ol man tl.-r, Oregon.
Jan. r. Bvauaaa, Keglater
Fall and winter Goods
Underwear, Overcoats, Macanaws
Ladies' Winter Wear
Complete line in all Departments
We are ready with a com
plete line of Best Quality
Goods to care for our cus
tomers. Let us figure on
on your big supply order
A, K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
UaiTiD STATaa l.aNuorrii-g 1
Hume. Oregon, OoiOMlU, mi.i
1'olluiirygharLurnut Dam autoatea
Vou aro hereby nollllnd Ibat Irivlii (.Smith,
who glvea Initio, Oregon, a. hi. poll olllee
addreaa. dldmi o. b.1.1 1 71b imi., 1,1. In
in bleiluly .1 ut(.i. niinn loenn-
ifflie I
uilaei'illt- 1 ho rati 1 1 I i.ntr II.. in
nlrv.No. Harlal, Nu ti.i.'t.; 11 mle May IN.
I'HWioi h", Hi'' livp ut, H , 11 tugeaii, K.
Wlllaruelle Merlill.n, and aa gnuiuda fur
Ida come. I be allege, lit. t .aid Itcnty Hliet i.ii.ii
II abandon Ibla eutiy. u ai be haa 1101 rcald
id I II 'i rim 11 for mo 11' ... wont tig la. I paet .
1 hat lie tin. not I. run lit Oil. 1 utility fill Mora
I hail a inarpaal , that On iinniil. Ilteie
nu Ilea l.i vu ill 11. 1 .1 id. anil I be land wind I)
.1. an. limed b) .aid Menu sl.eil.nui hag anl
bean ou the .aid lnd lor moio lhau r.' ruontna
You are, therafutu. luiilii't n. .1111.. I 111..111,.
aald alliigalluuawlll be lit. . il, anil
itiur aald eulry will In- can..i!cd wliboul fut
liter llghl lobe It. 'aid. ell In . oltli'i
III on apinH1, It yon let 1 1 In Ale In 1 hla ofBce
within I weltli davanllii lha fol'lt 'I'll publli a
(lull of Oil. until ,-. 11. laVDWIl l.elnw. v till I
11111I1 r 1. ulli aj. 1 111 'i. ding lo
ilieao all. Kail. .11. nl n at. log, iln 1 wlih due
I your
liuawnl nil III! bald I illlt'.lnlil 1 II In 1 llii.iianli
i.n.of thai vim have auii
liuawnl on Iln bald I .tlllt'.lii
-l.lnleil 111 w 1 C
) nu ahould alato lit vutit
tin- limit ogleo 10 which
I Hale lii jour aliawi r lliu itaim of
luu dt-alre liitun
iinlli ea to 11a ai-lil 10 tin,
Wh. I'AKKg. Knglalar.
Data of Ural iiiibliegii.iii 11. 11. 1, it .in, in.'i.
Data of are. ltd iiublliialluu Nm uniliei 11, IUI,',,
Haiauf third imli'li Nnveuilier 1:1
Data ol fourth publlcailuii Nuvt-tuliei .11 jvlft.
t'NITKD M Al K- i.U oh 1 1. ;
Bin Hi. regou, October tU, )!..
To OiMrn I' of nurua, OrDguii , i'. i.
Ytiu an- lu-r. l ti.illJii'il I list Martin W ita..
lev wbugtvop Bnrua.OieiiOh.uhttr p.iel oith v
adilresw did on oiiober 6, 1UA, (lie lu tins:
(H1cf her dul rarrulHirals-d atiplli hOoU Um'oii
ut and iivini' the euceltallou of our Mote
iieMtl Kuirr, Herlss) .Nu.U4l'U mad. Kebruar) l..
i''i lr sK'a. ut HotlOH , luHiutiii'
niDpiAi.t.. w, ana as khMiuuh lur
In i i .iiiLi si tliatilltrtve ilioi aald iulrruiii ha
never reeidesW e iiiurtiju.imsi'Ut, .1
oi- improvement wbiin -vt on eald land,
antl Imh wholly ,1 the niiuv, anil (he
saint' It now v. dully duvoltl id any Itnpmve
rnenie. and haa )eeu devoid of Improw nit.
er ilnrv the data of aald entry, an. I u, eflVi rl
. lisi.vwr lias been made lu comply with im
huMMtOaVl la bj iltf aldrutr mati.ui l nu
one lor or on hla behalf.
You ar, therefore, further noUftod (hat lite
wslil ellagalUme will bf taken 411 ooofesaad
anl your aald entry will hooineeled without
further rllil lo be heard, either bfer thla
..Mi. ii or on atal. If ).u fall to flli- m 1 t.ia
iiidii turuty ilaya after the hoi Kin
,. til. man. .11 of thla iiotite, as ahown below,
yourauawar. under iiath, aiaoolflcally n nul
(iik In theec alleaatloua el run 1 eat, loj
with tuo proof thai uu have aervad a op 1
yuur ansttiT on the aald uoittt'etaut elthir lu
itt'iaou or by ri-ttlntt-reil mull.
You shoul'l aiate In )our anawer the nann of
the ("t oflbo lo which y.m dealir fnlU 1
iiodiKi tobeaeut 10 nii
Wm h'Akaa, Kuvlati 1
halo of Ilrei publlratlou thiol. r th lv..
I 'etc if ki'fuud i.iit'lii' 01 tuber lit UML
l-atuuf thlnl nul.ll' alhui Oilobvr a. WHY
Date ol fourth publication tit lobar :. 1 i
Hum. Oregon, Ov low i ... H'l.i
lo I lulatlail D
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free (amp House and.Feed.nt; Privileges in Corral
or Harn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoininir Fair Grounds.
W have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Departmeot Store
a '
Mt TUBitjafajafrr" nliaiii aait -g-
mtmm A
Oehler of Narrawa. Ongon
lur wliu im. Hum., oiagou, aa her imai oilli i
Y1111 .in In. tol,) liolllleil llia Maiggrut D. 1'im
,11, nnv am', uurua, i"ii,iiii, aa our iinai out
a.l.lri'... ill it uu Oiilol.i.r ,'i, I Hi. lilt In llilai.rli
Iter iluly I'liirolKiraicil a.uliatlou to t'olileal
.ml in urvthei'auiallalloucl vmn llom
null) , triel Hu. iv-i! uiaile Man liJI mil
a, niii'liou ,1. 11 UIU 11 1. h llaliHLi
11 Kaat. Wlllainet'e Meridian, ate aa ai, H.
lui her inuteal aha allegeainalaelit euir)inan
haa ni'iir uaubllahul rial'lenrc tberauli, im.
iilaioil uu nlialgnever on
laml, ud l.i. a whull) almtidanad the gain.', ami
thu .am la im w u Imi I v tlovulilot atijr iniirovi
1111 ut,, and haa lumii ilioliluf ttius muvin alute theilat" uf ealil ontty, and uu ill in
ivli.livir hag heen uia'lu In uollipl. veil Ii 1 1,,,
iiniiii.t, il law h) On ..lil oi.lijuiali.'ir by am
lain' furor uu hi' liuhi'it
) nil aru therefore, furlbar liotitlait thai i I
a. lil allegallou, will be taken
ami ) our aald eulry will be vautelod
furlher right lu be hoard elthn
ufliro or ou animal. II you I. II to Al,
uliln Iwellly ilaya after lha fi
iiunlii aiiiui uf tin. noiliia, aa abouu belnw
I .newer, under ualh, an, i llnally i
lug lu theae allegallou. ol loniait, togeihei
lili due proof thai .ou hgvo getved a i
. inn anawer ou thu aald loul.alaul a,lr I..., in
ptiaoil or by r.iglatereil nit.ll.
Vim alinulil .lute lu Your auawer the nai,i,i.,r
Oo'l'o.ioilii'vtowhl. 1, iiii il. aire I ului
lu be .nut tu uil.
Wm. H'aaaa.Heglglir.
Dale of llrat loibiliailoii ticUiher w, IWIfi
1 -in .in.1 iiiiiillcaiiuii Oi'tnnarla iih
Printed in accordance with tegul
requirement on short notice at
Job Rooms
Minna, oreguu, o lobar ,'i, ga.(
i Hi. I David H Mote
' , ,, ' '" "" Manh lo. Ivio.
ut, lur NWU,
''li. Kauge
'"ia filed not lea ol lu
ear uii.ijl toealab
!""" '" : "a deaeiihod, Imfoie
gggggg". '" iiii'.Hjr, al Sum., Oieguu, ou
1 mill.
' '"'" iiaatvia:
I tv i , '"'!'" ''i I'l'tali. laaaoKuater, and
al, all nl Ullny, Oregon.
WN aai. U.gUier.
Nollio 1. 1,
uf rie'i
II. iu 'i .,1 l- 1
4 T. S7 S. H gg
all, Twn. MS.. I
Sag flu
llnea yvat nio
CaaJBIaal. titer
uu the Ullli iln,
I'laluiaiil nut
'liilallaii s 1
eiuniM. Int.
Thow.t u, an o
ourna. orvgon, n, ',,!., , r, ivi . ,
1 a mlgard,
" multifile
in lo in. he final
IMal 'lall 1 latin Ui lit ,- Un,1
1 ' ' r 111111..1. I -.1
D.'iitu, ur.-i.ou,
legjotl. i'.iu
v, Jat'iib A
W I oi.k. atogtatar.
All the news in The Times Herald tor $2.00
' ! my "