TheTimes-JJerald Hen Th t-rset CtrmUllon Of Any Neweppr In Haracjr Carnal. SATURDAY. OCTOBER IS. 111 Local News, Tonawama, tonight. S. .- The Vogue" hats at Clin mn's Hat Shop. .1, miii' v. rum inompson was a business visitor yesterday. Meet me at the Burns Hotel That's the central place in town All kinds of grain including wheat at Lunaburg Dalton & Co. A revival meeting is in progress at the Baptist church this week. Bicycle for sale. Inquire P. 0. box No. t57, Harriman. Oregon. Thos. Mutton has been trans acting business in this city dur ing tho week. Good long keeping winter cab bage in anv ipiantity at 1 cent per. pound.- Frank King. Mrs. S. F. Button lias been in town this week, having accom panied her son Tom over from Wagontire. Barley Ic Rolled Barley lie Oats lie. Sacks IOVj. Orders tilled .at above prices for cash only. N. Brown & Sons. Frank Johnson has returned I from Crook county where he had ! been on business for the Oregon & Western Colonization Co. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR S S SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Perno- n hmlhpr nf Mra - teittay. J. L. Gault of this city, is over from his home at Paisley on a visit. Mr. Conser is cashier of the tank at Paialey. James Donegan has gone to California. He stopped in Port land en route and got his name Statement Of Tho Condition Of The First National Bank of Burns At the close of business September 2nd, IBIS. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $348,896.01 U. S. Bonds 06,000.00 Bonds and Securities 66,878.08 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,904.92 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,600.00 CASH 96,00.61 $674,796.62 LIABILITIES Capital $ 60.000.00 Stupid.; and Undivided Profits 66,849.68 Cireulation 60,000.00 DEPOSITS 417,648.94 $674,798.62 Capital and Surplus SIOO.OOO. United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED C. W. Lewis was in town yea- Mrs. R. R Sitz was in the city this week. Stop at the Burns Hotel when in town. Best service. I still have some good golf shirts at 3 for $1.00 -I.Schwartz. Best of care given patients st Piano for sale. Inquire P. 0. Mrs. Fireoved's maternity hospi-1 box No. 67, Harriman. Oregon. tal- J Opening of fine line of Fall Frank Catterson and Dick I and Winter hats at Clingan Hat ni!v u.-.-r(- ui from Iawtn the onop. in the paper, telling the Journal !,.... Aav wM u u u.d i. umt.j i w vvaavB j mi. ii. 114. iiunuu in icuviliu Tom Vickers was in the city aufferin w'th - of tonsi. few days this week visiting his ,,tte daughter, Mrs. Wid Drinkwater. Carrots lc, cabbage 2c., beets ilC turnips I c. onions 3 c. that we are ready to help Mr Strahorn or anyone else who will give us transportation. Barley lc. Rolled Barley lie. Orders for cash Amos Oldfield. We had a little sprinkle of rain last Wednesday evening but not enough to do any good. Geo. Smyth and wife were Next Sunday morning Dr. Ben sun will oreach from the theme. Man doth not live by bread alone, j Oat lie Sacks 10c. u i. . o.irimal hinr and i filled at above prices needs divine communion. The communion will be administered at the close of the service. The collection for the day will be our annual contribution to the cause;- nv . sturrBuckland of home missions. The public is invited to these services. Mrs- Miller will take orders for the Palmer Garment Co.. or Sam King called this office . enjcag0. Sample book now on over the phone the fore part of h,nii at tho Schwartz store. the week for inf ormanion res- 0111 Harry Williams and wife were pecting a valuable mare which he j Barley lc. Rolled Barley lie. ; jn from thejr gi,ver Creek home described as having broken down Oats He. Sacks 10c. Orders for jy, j, wwk RimtB only. N. Brown & Sons. Supt. Hamilton and family ill in t..u.n lh first Of this week. They were accompanied over 'rom Diamond Monday to uut-iiu wit? cumem oiar rnapirr. W. 0. Best and wife took their departure the first of the week for Baker where they will spend the winter with relatives. Good barley ground at Chas. Wilson's. Geo. S. Miller and son were in Wl tin' cits Wdniuliiv Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam laundry. 4tf. I still have some good golf shirts at 3 for $1.00 -I. Schwartz. Mr. Rhodes was a visitor from tho Drewsey section during the week. SAY I Have you seen our New Mackinaws? -Williams-Zoglmann CIo. Co. P. J. Gallagher, who was at tending circuit court, returned to his home at Juntura Tuesday. A new consignment of hats and Ostrich feather boas hnve been received at the Clingan Hat Shop. Judge Biggs adjourned court Tuesday and took his departure for his home at Ontario tho same evening. John Gilcrcst, who has been suffering from pneumonia, is re ported much improved by his physician. II. M. Morion and Nollie Reed are absent in Bend taking inven tory of the stock of drugs they recently purchased. Mrs. John Gilcrest arrived here from her home in California the first of this week to bo at the sick bed of her husband. Barley lc. Rolled Barley lie Oats lie. Sacks 10c. Orders filled at above prices for cash only. -N. Brown & Sons. Mrs. Pearl Fisk has accepted a position as teacher in a school just this side of Riverside and has gone over to assume her duties. J. J. Heinz and his son were in the city Tuesday to assist Carl Herzog in making proof on his homestead. The new Victor Ladies Tailor ing style book and samples for fall and winter have arrived. Call and see them at the Clingan Hat Shop .before ordering else where. . Mrs. A. K. Richardson and Mrs. H. J. Hansen arrived home last Saturday from an extendi d visit with relatives and friends in Utah. Mrs. Dave Defenbaugb under went an operation at the Cum mins hospital last Wednesday. Her physicians report her recov ering satisfactorily. Wilson's Creamery Butter at Hn trey's. -rr ; - -r Williams Bros, have all kinds of rough lumber for sale at their mill lf miles noil h of Minns on the c inyoti City ro i . 1 s. i 1. ii aiaounl f dry-kind sweet clover and alfal fa seed.-W. H. Howard, Drew sey, Oregon. 47-50 Recommendn Chamberlain Cough Remedy. iturs nml all kinds of grain am) hay lor sale. Phone Henry Valjajaore. Rolled barley, wheat and oats for sale at market prices. - W. A. Goodman's feed yard. Bundles for the Steam Laund ry can be left at the Capital and and Star barber shoos. .,.,,. , "L t winter I used a bottle of Mrs. J. W. Biggs entertained ri..k ui- rvi, i....,-,u. the Presbyterian ladies' Aid at tf a bad ,)ronchja, aiB.h, I her suburban home Wednesay r.i. i. Knii ..,,. i,,il Jaftemoon. ti nnj !,, 1 t.,i ii,,wK.l First class potatoes $1 per 100, the bottle I was cured. I never Car lots delivered at Riverside, tire of reccomending this Junturn and Brogan. Caldwell remedy to my friends," Potato Growers. 1 writes Mrs. William Bright, Ft. The Juntura Times says that Wayne. Ind. For sale by all P.J. Gallagher and family con-, dealerfl- template moving from that town - !r to Ontaria to make their home. I NoTICK ' . ...... 'TJZ.S. The Burns Hotel is the head quarters for all when in town. Good table service, clean rooms and accommodating attendants Local hunters have leased the Adam George property for hunt ing purposes and hereafter the gate will be locked. The tract has been placed in the hands of Federal Game Warden Triska who will look after it Trespassing will be prohibited and people arc warned not to go upon the prem ises. J. W. Shown met with a very painful accident Thursday in which he had his foot almost pulled of by getting it caught in the spokes of a wagon. The bon es in his leg and ankle were bad ly broken and he will consider himself lucky if he isn't a cripple for life. Dr. Griffith reduced tfie fractured bones and Mr. Shown is doing as well as could be ex pected under the circumstances. FOR IMIIII.IIIATION UHITM) HT.TKS I. Nil OKFU'R. 1 Ilium. OnVguii, Cri.l.'ml.iT Id. Imr I Nollc-e U hereby given lael I li.iruli.n Hllioli, of burn,, oragoii. a bo, on July 1 1 . lew, mml, II. , i.-b-I Kolijr , NuwllM.roi NW, .' "ami NgU Hrf-tloti le, lnttllltilli J SuUlb, Kangtt - n.. nniai ill tlltf litlllll I v ' a Ii 1 I , Ii cI.Iid Xik-'i, b-iurc hiimibu r ani nm nvn.ti ttunii, (I'D. mi iha 'nth i1 ill ti lobar, Itle, mill, liu tllnl niillia uMiili-iitliiii to itiakf final iliitKiymr tiroof, to the lami aiiovt cit Claimant iiamaaaa altn "lerherg. Ham II-run.A I'. Vollrarr, all aXNarrowa, ori'ion. c. II. Mbrea, o( lul.-i, unto W. I'aaar, KaglMcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKII RTATK I.ANH OltfOI Hume, iiri'iroti, Si-iiletnbar !, 1 'I N lira la hvrrl.jr'givtn thai Henry t. I'rnrinee, I Jill 14, l''H. IU, V. , Willam of iiitrlitliill to m a k a final Cold mutation 1'ioof to fatalilUb i laliu lo ili Ian j above itrarrllioil, before llpg later auii Karelver. at Burn., oh-kuii. on the tmh iter of in i.ii'.'i, IM.. ;ialmatit nameaaa wltneeaei: Mariano iiil, . loil iObngon i.oiu of l.aaen. Oreeen llanrf c. Htiw-h. KUwarl lli-nl, Uitb of tturoa. oiegoti, Wa. fatl. lli'uldlir. ifl Igneii, ' 'I' atMi, n ll". made llon..-.la4 Kntrv, No 0711J1 for HKI4. Kai'.Ki. iuwuaui(tia , xaatae ell Mailman, 11 aa niaa ootit in the hind uurters. He was told it indicated the dumb para lytic rabies and to watch the ani mal as she might bite other ani mals or some one who was min-:-i !! in her His son Frank was in Wednesday and informed ,nv" us the mare had died the night at above prices for cash N. Brown & Sons. filled ouly. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ t SAFE " ACCOUNTS There will be a meeting of the . .. v. -1 .!. -....,. r, .i !,. fif .i f wnij ladies or Burns ai me ut.j f If 1 I irH ai II I HIT I 1 1 U(aB a w 1 rabies. This is the first instance of rabies in this vicinity for a t if... nA inAlnato that Wf are yet to contend with this de- j Economics Club. All interested iriiptivp maladv. ' tuimwij .....- High School on Friday. October 22. at 3:00 P. M. for the purpose of organizing a community Home CORSETS!!! I have just received my new line. The largest and most complete ever shown in Burns. The celebrated line manufactured by WARNER BROS. The list following give, just a slight idea of the stock Rust Proof Corsets Red Fern Brassiere M Perfection Waists " Skeleton Waists Sanitary Belts $1.25 to $3.50 5-00 65c. 35c. 65c. 1.00 25c. 25c The merit of Warner Bros, Cor$eU are too well known to require any extended mention. This it simply to let you know that the above men tioned good are here, and you are cordially invited to come into the tore and inspect them. I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Hasonlc Buildln. - - " 0ron at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bardwell. District Attorney Cozed of Grant Coutny came over Wednes day afternoon tp have some shooting. He was accompanied over by his daughter, Miss Haz el The special prices quoted each week in the ad of the Home steaders' & Farmers' General Exchange Store in this paper are interesting. Have you been reading them? The following were granted citizenship papers at the recent term of circuit ceurt: Henry C. Busch, Joseph H. Cronin. James Young. John Kusek. Margre'. Briggen, Car) Hersogg, Wm. Crozijir. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caldwell are" preparing to go to the homestead to remain for a short time. Mrs. Caldwell finished picking apples on the residence lots in this city yesterday afternoon and brought some fine specimen to this office. Agents Wanted To represent The Iafoliette u,rscry Co. Trees grown in Central Oregon 4000 feet elevation and without irrigation. Best trees for Cen tral Oregon. Everybody wants them. Write for particulars. Theodore Hubbard, Box 72. Prineville, Oregon. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, a grand pioneer woman of this state, died at her home in Port land last Sunday. She was wide ly known and held In high esteem by people all over the state. For years she was an ardent advocate of equal suffrage, prominent in educational and other subjects. She was a sister of the late Har: vey Scott, whp was editor of the Oegonian, P.IS, Welttenhlller left Mon. day for a short business visit to out side points. He went out to confer with some parties who contemplate taking over quite a bis lot of his land holdings in this vicinity. Mr. Weitenhiller demonstrated the success of dry farming this season on some of 1. a . IL Ji -.ZLl.J. f. his deyeppea, upq, wnwa tetter crop than he expected. I Team of gray work geldings weight 1200 and 1400 pounds, good set work harness, 31 inch LewiB wagon, if sold soon $175. Will sell separate. Inquire at A. S. Swain ranch. lawen. Oregon. Chas. Brittingham has return ed from an outing in the moun tains and resumed his position with the Burns Hardware Co. Chas. said he went out after a bear but found tliiru syiio Four hogs, two red and two sandy in color, were taken up by me about the first of the month; were found in my garden. Own er prove property, pay expenses and take animals. C. H. Mc Pheeters, H. S. Woolley, who was active in locating much ground having potash and other deposits in this vicinity.a few weeks ago. has rc- tured from a business trip to out side points where he attempted to interest capital. The projecting machine used at Tonawama has become a source of annoyance to the management as it has become somewhat worn and is the cause of frequent in terruptions that spoils the good effect of the pictures, therefore it has been decided to install a modern machine of the very best type. The feature pictures that have been shown in this house of late have been high class and much appreciated but the pro jecting machine has annoyed. Tonawama is to be renovated in every detail with new plaster and tinted a restful color. The manager of this great re ligious weekly has as much per haps more experience in build ing railroads than any other in dividual in Harney county, since he has been building railroads regularly once a week for 25 years; therefore the delegation of boosters that went to Portland the other day to confer with President Farrell was rather in sistent that he be one of the part. He would liked to Have gone aa ho is ready to make most anysualllce, even to not Oeing choice In his company that will bring about the desired result. but the regularity of the issues of this paper is a matter that is given his first consideration, in the ab sence of any one to take his place in the office he had to forgo the pleasure of sccompaning these public spirited citizens to Portland to see what can be done toward a railroad to Burns, Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mass at 0:30 a. m. All other services, besides those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Reaideaeo, Christian Science Church. Christian Scientists will hold there services at the Presbyter ian Church, Sundays at 8 P. M. Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at 1 :30 p. m. Read ing Room at room No. 6 Masonic Building and it will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons of each week from 2 until 5 o'clock. This is a free reading room and people are wel come to come during those hours. Serial No. 0MM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Mill) hTATUI LAND orrK'K, Hurne, oreifin,ffw.lemDer u, ivl.'i. Nutli'iila lirrabr gfven thai alary llaaluii, bv il ri. Mi i..-.Hl. her Attorney .o fact, (be I'uet 'iil.i- K' of Allorni'y In Ka'-t, brlnx Aetiirla, Ortaon. baa tbia ititi ilay of rteuteuv '. i l ! Ill"l in tbla offlt-e her aiillrallun ) Wet't iiii-i- r i ha provleloi.eof in- arteal on Ki'-a .i't"W't Jul) 1. IMMiaueiei , WJ. awi.aa 1' . I hi- art nf rniitfriai atifrnvi-U Me) IT. IMn, - .ii. l.-aiiihlp JiH. K. .11 Kaet.W. W Si.ilh nf Malhnir l.ak.-l Any anil all tereoiil rlalinliiK a-lvert.'ly Ibr iftinU iliaitllnal, or deelrlna to ubKrt litvetiee f the luliii-nl rheravterof the Ja.ii l, ur auy al loaiiiln anc.ehoulil ill day of Nnveiiiher. Wn Kaa Kacialer that roaeou u. thedlepuealioajiiilii an I : 1.H..1 iu llil. 11 .V.velilher. 1MB III,' their atlldat lie o ii before tb- n IB NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r MTenHTiTeal.mii Orrn , Hume, Oregon, October ti. 'U5, Ni.ili'i' Ik hereby given Iket lUareuie A feeler, uf llarrluian, liraioii, who, i.ii January t imv IniiiiFeleail inlry No uiu;n, fur W!,h", ( II, Twp. 'ii H.. Sanaa xi Kaat, v niemiii uei nliaii, hae filad uotloe of Inteutlouto make final nve-var nroof, to eetablleh rial in i.i the land alK'ie di-eurlbed, latfore Hieieirr and It.'i'fivfr. at burin, tlrngou, uii tin- ivih day .if .Nieriiibr IMS t'leliiiaul uaim-e at wllneeef Mil., i iin, . a. l'4uiou, f-rant Inn. . Hebo I i'. Ileliif, all o lleirlman, Ureaon. W a Kabki. ReflMet NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t NITKHHTATKS I ANDllKKIt.'K. ( Hume, oregou. October I.'. I'M'i I Niiilr.i la hereby giviu ihai I'vler f. Heine, of llii.Tliiieii.nregoii, v ho. oi. in lelu-i '.'t, I'.ilJ, uia-K' II u in r .1. ..I notk:k for publication I'MTKIiHTATKiil.ASIKlKKIflt, I Hurne, Otegon.HepUnibvr If.. IMS. I '-"Hn' Ii hereby ln n that l.litle W. Mi'lrhrr, il fin ei-y , uii-Kou, who. on June 17. IVI0. and Man Ii 1.1'H ', Ineilr hulM l.'a.l i n Irlra SiHMMO urT r.-alK-itttrl). for Lute I. I, , HWUNKU. HKi,N',. S'K'.-H',. SWl.KBU, Xecllon , loanilill .ViH., Kange fit B., M lllaiuelte Merl 'Han. hu filed n-itir.' uf lui.-uilou to meke filial Sto year I'roof, in eetablleh clalni to the lend ebotedt-erriUd, before C. K Tiiil.- Ii. r. a. f'fMiiralsaliinrr, at hleuffli-e at Urckley, Urt-gou, on ib- 19th day of October, IMA. ruiuiaiil oauii-a eg wltnaaeee: I'rr-y l-oarr. Haryan i iunr, i.rorge '. Ken kin end I'ora I'. Ilankin. all of lltxk ley. ore gnu Wn. r.aag. Kagleler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'MTicn itatsh i.Affp orriiK, Hurne, Oregon, rabr 14, I9IA- Ii borvbjr given that Any Van Horn, ufj llaritiuao, Orvgoa, bc ou Abrll 17.1912. usMl lluinmlratl K11I7, Ho.OW7l.tur NWIj, He-rlfmi M, lowoslilp .4 H-nitb, Katijfi M Ki Wtllatntt.' MailJtan, baa A(4 But lit of Intaiitlon to iiiakw final Ibn-c year utot, to fatal. Mil. claim u tb land anovt Jeariba-I. bafuro Kilatr and Krcalvrr, at Hurnft. u Vi. i, .1, di. tmb dar of Octubt-r, ff& uaitire aa m lliiraata WIIiUm II iMituni. Juliti J lUlna. Harry V. TbiuimvH I. I. tan Hum, all of llatn iiiaii. IJHfSjMl Wtt.FARHK. Raglairr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED ttTATRrt LANPOrflCK Hum, Orefon, bt-ntvinbrr it, l -i Neiiie lsboroby aivpft that William II. Tbiiu i''1 Harriman, Urv-fon, bo. oil July 6, I'M. madv HottirkU ad Kritry No. ta'.-u, lot hsV'. notUou I), TowuhMp ii m. Kanr sa K. Hn lamt'ltr MarldUti, Uat iill iiuioa of ltituntioii lo make final (brer jrsr prmif, to viialiilsh rial as l tbv laud ilsm dfarrlbod, hvtntv Hrg latvr ami Kacflv.'r, at Hurnp, Orogoti, on tba Miii lay ol Oetobcr, ii -. t'Ulmant aamctaa arlmatati Amy Van Horn. i. I.. Van Horn. J.bu J. Helm. Harry W. Thlmmra, Harriman, Oii'koii. WM. r-AaHR. Itrfiatrr THE PROGRESS of this bank, from its establishment ensny years ago, has been one of marked substantiality, the result of a conservative, well directed progres sive banking policy. Your account invited. Harney County National Bank Burns. Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE Progress with Safety UNITED STATES Depositary NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uarrgo STiTga I.iKi. urri.a. I linrue.Orrgun, t.-inher II. IMM Noll.-c le hereby glvi u that Julian Man r. of Narr-iM. Or.'goii. who. no Alii It a. I'.I'J. mad.' Il.iiinatoaii Kntry, No. OAefet, lor l.ola . I, ec. I.. '.( lt.Ntt'.N' - .Kengi- '."', K . Willamette Meridian, bae filed nuilre nf iiiieoitiiu lo make Dual tbree-yenr I'roof. to i-atabllMli claim lo Iha lend aluive de ecribed, before KeglMcr and Hecelver. at Hurue. Oregon, ou the Iwlh day of October lvlA tMalmant iiaiu.-eaa wltureera. Clifford Oroueback, William J. Dunn, It I.. flaee, John Kuerek ail of Narrow e. Oregon. Wn. Iai. Heglelrr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rwiTKUHTATa;laNutrni;it, I Il urns, Oregon, druirmUr in, iwlv Sotlt-e It btreby mi.vii tbat Huvb fvrrlgan, oi Narrow, (rratfon, who, on OHober 7, lrl'.', malu Hom.ti-a1 Kntry No. unaA3, lor NW,, Mvsttoa t, iownehlp -7 K. tiauia' 1 K., WlllaiiH'tte Meridian, ba'l nud noiiraof in tention to wait a final thrre-jear I'roof to a lal'llili i laltu to the lan alora tliarllKHl be lora Raglftier and Kirelver, at Hurue, Oreann, filth- lliila Of NoirmU'i, 1V1A. t'Ulmant nano-a as witmaais JanteaHeod.Hoursf W.cawlfift'l. tbarlte A. Ilainte, ( tlfford (irouebi-rk, all of Narroaa, Orrgou. Wm. Farri. Rexletir. lid Uaich .-ti. 1V1I Kntilot Nit. OM7M-O71iai NN-i4.hKNW4lWUNWtal2V.NKkHKk4, f'yNh'., Him lotl "U,t0WliallllU If., HailKt' Tt K, WHInmi'lii' Mi'iiillaii. baa Hh-.l notf, -.. ul inh ntlou lo uiakti Dual ihroi' year I'roof, to i-atablUh claim tu ibe land above done flood. Li-fore lli-uUii'i and Burui,Otnsoti on the luih day ot, mi... claimant namev wltueaaca: i Ian in i- A lieiir, hober t i Hih.i, (ail Uargog, Tv Hayi a. all of Harriman, Oregou. Wa. rABRI. Heflitcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Imiio htatm La ho orruK. Hurne, "nnvn, Hi-pl miter . Ml NtM Ire la hereby kI veu that Heory sVfMtt M fiinr.'i.ii ttrafioii, whit, ou Anril .'.' Ivt.:, ma.t llotnaaload Kntry,No.OiiMT,(or Na.H- H-Mh,. i Kanm'W V. , Wlllametie Meridian, baa fll- il noine uf liiienllun lo mji II oat I h roc yeat tiritoi. lo ria'Ueli i-lalm to Tl.t' land Im.i.1i' aorlbod,bffora It- KUUr and Keeolvur, a) Hume, Orrgon, on tin- ;i r I day of November IBIa i Uimant nanuaaa wttneaaaa Heotge UHil me. Hat id WUHama. M II h W, i Tlrad) all of Hrlm-Hoii, Orofoti. Wm. Karkr, Keflaler. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'MtTKli HTATK" I.AHIt OmOl f hiiiiia. Orocon, H-iember ft, ll.v Notm 'liheridi) glvi'ii thai Clinton p, Hoimw dalo.ol itct kli-y, Dregon.uho, ou April 17. ml J. naOf Hoiinst.'id utry, No OoHT7. for S'. Mei'llon J(, Townablp tf H . Hauge ;" i; , s illainvtie Meridian, haa filed noinv uf Intent low to make Anal thrno-year Proid, to eilaldlek claim lo the laud above diarrlhed Irefdre Aogleter and Itmiiver , at Hmiis. m, gun, l he ind day ol Not imiiUm . M!i Clalmani uamee aa wHnacatta It. A crlii'iinald, Frvdertca lioyl, bo'h of Horbloy. Oregon, i' A . Kreelo e. B. H. Kree lote Itoib of Burn, Oregon Wh K-AhhK.KegMt'r Specials for Coming Week Fancy mixed pickle and table relink in quart bottles 40c. Chow chow in quart bottle 38c. Catchup, per bottle, 18c. Cookies Vanilla, chocolate and mixed, per lb., 12 l2c. Walnuts, per lb., 20c Heinz Baked Beans two cans 25c. White laundry soap Sc. a bar Special prices on all klnda Dried Fruit WHY NOT TRAP AT HOME? We fjrlll handle everything and take anything of value in trade Farmers' & Homesteaders' Genera! I xchanje Store Phone No. 284. One block east of Lampahlre's Garage - """"TaigMjyfe"ir- "3eSSS Varnish the Shabby Surfaces Shabby surfaces detract from the appearances of your home. Floors, furniture or woodwork that are marred, scratched or scuffed give your home a shabby run-down ap pearance. Make these varnished sur faces bright and new with ACME QUALITY VARNISHES There's an Acme Quality Varnish for every purpose; a floor varnish made to be walked upon; a quick drying furniture varnish that imparts a brilliant, durable lustre, and var nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur faces in any quantity desired. Which do you need? Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches Water bags, nose bags Ice Cream Freezers Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Barbed Wire Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders, Plows. Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BELTING Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRAN ITEW ARE Crockery, Tinware I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I I NEIL SMITH, Manager I teaaa 4owaaaJy. Toe eaa lewk tluaaiali die baieal U elaaue Iraea both ee in wefM steal 1 a peaeacte vevr ibm ead eyee aaa iiifui r ti-iii defective camulae. fiom ticlu feeee. I he mm fajeellett Iniowe ehaJl ecreee yaetf ue uf eigfet. For it wonderful accuracy, its af cry and con venience, and its cftcctivcneaa for small game and target shooting, you should buy TU -OTf iiunui .aa cstiws st, Repeating Rifle Mods! 20, aa illuetfatfed. I nch octagon barrel. 13 or r el.ote. SI I.5U. MPZl2!L!jL -ZTUfcv aaaaieiaeeliia aaaepapa.ieinj eeei- auvxiav H. '- WuU. h 'TT-s. X3BSW auk Uireuea llie i',S5fBv ' l. ?. . 73SW ' . B. '" . -ba,' "BW MoJ.I 39. Il.ineK aawoer ana rrasSSBBmv j l t S r le the .i-l.- BuBmW round barrel, I KaBv 15 .kola. I VSg Sm. . M jSrmH itlYelTl nc.ri uii II...JU.S ii-k ilia Itollnw H.adlM all -It alaart. .IS Ue mm .21 aaae-rlfl. ..rlri-le.. in-1..-1- iun (ur lafabtla, sijuiiiaia. kawka, cmwi, ale. MKmtmim 22 rtptaaan alaa rnatia wit lavar aciium ask your Jaalar. Saad Sm isoatasav caaaattata I ahta ol all JBW ism tills um1 sWiauiM. Ml Wallow aH.. NW Havan, Caaaua.