. MllllHIHl " IBB IIBBBBSII - OUR PUBLIC FORUM - - ' Descrip tion se. Twp. h. mwi k waw NH 8tt 11 IT H Joha P. ASSetta LIB. aw am Ralph Peters laW On Railway Mall Pay A controvrrny has been re-ln In the eolUtan of th pre -ttVwM th .allrw-la and th. rdr.l Post OflM Wrtmont o.or tl.e question of proper P"'t'0,n for hamUim the Unit- Httie malls. Mr. Ralph leter. Chairman of tlin Hnllway Mall Commute, when askeil to tate tno rat-Ma. suto of th. oontrorerey to th American tarnmr, nltl In part: . "The rallwiiy mnll pay question will be ttld-n-. i -in. lnaii.-a in all concerned III lHtnniiiii'rui w.im j-.. -- --- . . aa aoon a the American peopl reaMae that th who ubject. whlln .oomln.ly coropllcat- and technical. I bo la down to a few slmpl Point of fair ..alness dealing . . .. i . . ai .Tiirf tn tin d era tana. ... ..wn,cn " ".'"" ;.-:."... :i-;. ;. m.n.. .mt . "The flrat 10 tnat me row um i"i"' """ "g . -.' -.tzt .i adf-eta the nay of the rnllroa.l". only mice in four yara. Thla compels the rmWda toarry the increase In the mall tonnaia during tha interrerjng ywlthourivy-manlfcetlv an injustice In the caa. of a rapidly r"tI KJa OnVconequct.co hi been that last year tha railroad, carried fully halt th. parcel poat for nothing "A Mcond point 1. this: In addition to earrylne the mall, th. rait roada are required to operate many traveling post offloea for sorting ana distributing th. raalle while in transit. Hut the Poat Office Department pay. for aurh poat offlcea only where they occupy whole cara. and paya nothing In the many caaaa In which It merely require, th. ua. of poiloffliij apart ment tn combination .cara, alihoiiKh euch apnrtmenta differ from the run railway poat office cafe only in else. More than 4.100 apartment or thla character have been fitted up. and r" ma'ntelned for th. Mclu.lv. u. or th Port Offlc. Department. Failure to i . for them ha been an PeolaI hardahlp to th. .mailer road, on which the Department do, not find It neceesary to utllli. whole car.. "On. laat peint: In thousands of In.tance. (though not In .11) the Poet Offlc. Department requlrea the i illronit to carry tha mail, back and forth between railroad atatlona and port ofllce, but paya th.m nothing for this xtr ..rvlc. beyond th. rate, covering the rail transportation. The rail road. hare no choice but to perform this additional aervlc gratia, or refua. to carry th. mall at all. "Now for th. remedle. the riitlronds a.k: They do not aak to hav. th. mall, weighed dally, or to have inch shipment weighed and paid for sep arately, a I done in the case of private shippers. They merely ask to have th mall weighed, nnd the pay of the railroad adjusted, at least one a vw, Instead of one. in four years They alao aak that apartment post offlc car b paid for. at reasonable rates, according to sis. Lastly, they aak that th. Port Offlc. Departnn nt caa. to requlr. of them free messenger service between stations and post offices, and either r.lleve th.m of this service or pay fairly for It. These are the reforma th railroad, aak of Con gress. They gladly lay these reforms before the public, confidant that th.y will appeal to th. common aenae and fnirneaa of American voter." THE FIRST TELEGRAM. It W.a Net th. Famous Mollis Snt by Morse's Daughter. Ilklden away In the archives of the Tennessee Historical society at Nuab vllle Is th. account of the llrst actual uicssuiie ever sent over n lalafiTaph line. That dispatch differs materially from the aolemn inessntfc tlint passed over the wire between Wnahlii-ton and Baltimore In the year 1I4. It il lustrates well however, the luck of seriousness with which Mr. Morse's Invention was taken when lie tlrst of fered It to th world. According to the account preserved at Nashville, Hon. Robert I.. Caruther of Lebanon, Tenn., was a member of Congreaa In 1843, and a naatbaf of (lie committee to which was referred Mr, Morse's application for au npru prlatlon to build a telenipli line from Washington to Baltimore. Most of I lie member, of the committee lookad upon Morse aa a visionary, and his pro pout as Impracticable. On the last day of the session Man went to Uie committee room ami toM them that he bad stretched a w Ire to the top of the capltol bnlhltng and had a young man up there. If I hey would write a message he would semi It up, and the young man would bring them a copy of It, None of them be lleved It could be done. Judge Caruth era, however, pulled the envelop of n letter out of his pocket ami wrote n message. Mr. Morse, who had hU In strument with htm, sat down and sent th. meaaage. In a few minutes the young miu walked Into the room with an exact copy of the mesaage. The committee reported favorably, and r.c ommended the appropriation. The bill passed just before the ad Joiirnuient. Some one went I Mr. Morse's boarding bouse to Inform him that the appropriation was made. The daughter of the landlady went lo Mr. Morse's room, waked him uwl gas. him th welcome news. He said to her, "My daughter, you shall semi the first menage that goes from WhsIiIuk ton to Baltimore." That promise was fulfilled when she sent the famous message: "What hath liod wrought I" Judge Caruthers was an indent Whig, and In 1843 the Wa-a- "ere very angry with Pnattari Tyler, whom they accused of bctrnjljii; the party. Th. menage that Jmlc Ca others sent from the committee room to the young man at the top of the Capitol was. "Tyler deserves to be banged." Youth's Companion. His Henotty. Totrlst-Wht aort of landlord have you got her! Irian Native He", the sort of man If he wn put on an unin habited Island that would atlck his honds In the pocketa of th. naked sav ages and rob them of what they hadn't pit Chicago Herald. Never spend your money before you have It . TVimas .l.ffrrson The Real Teat. "I don't see how that little Mrs (it-iimpv can seem so well satisfied with her husband. II never kisses her or shows her nny mark like that of affection " "Maybe not. hut he give, ber spend inir moiiev without her ever bavliiK tn nsk for If "-Baltimore Aiuerleau Keeps Busy Hustling. Weilderly Of all fool pruverhe. 'Marry in baste and repent it t leisure." Is about the worst. Hlnfletou Why. I always thought It was a fairly good one. Weilderly -Hub: Just as If s married man ever had any lelsurel ImllaiKtpolla Ktsr OUR OLD LIBERTY BELL. Text From Which th Inscription ll Boars Wa Tskon. Fur fifty years after thut July duy lu 1770. when the old bell rang out Its memorable message, It continued in be rung on every festival sod anniver sary. It was rung on Feb. --, UB2. in honor of the centennial of the blrlu of Washington. While being tolled on the morning of July 8, MBSi in in. in ory of Chief Justice Marshall, who had died two days before, (be old relic sud denly cracked. On Washington's birth day. 1843, an attempt was made to ring It, but the bell lias since been mute. Finally it wa removed from Its po ItloD in the tower to a lower story, and later It waa placed on Its orlglnul timbers in the vestibule of the stale house in a prominent position Immedi ately beneath where a larger bell, pre sented lu Philadelphia lu lHim, tow proclaims the passing hours. To Isaac Norrls, the speaker of (he colonial assembly, Is ascribed the boa. or of having originally Mggested the prophetic word from La Ulcus xiv, 10, "Proclaim liberty throughout all Hid land unto all the Inhabitant thereof," which were caat on the bell. The rea son for the selection of thai text at a time when there was not the slightest thought of a break with the mother country baa been a subject of mtMB conjecture, but the true reason Is up parent when the full text Is read, "Ami ye shall hollow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the laud and to all th Inhabitants thereof." In selecting the text the Quakers hud In mind the arrival of William Penn and their forefathers In America. Christian Herald. Color Legibility. In London recently more than u thou sand person participated lu tests that gave these average comparative All tances at which signs of same size and lettering, but of different color mm lilnationa, war readable: Foot Pejj BUck on yellow. 75 Tellow on black.. d Oroon on white... W Hla. k on whit.. 1 lUdonwhlt S6i Whits on rd....l Blu on whit.... M Whit uo rii .. Ml Whit on blu. . 7 Whll on blui.k.. It A Matter of Doubt, "Bo Holiday has decided to get mar ried r "I merely said that he wo. going to get married. Whether the decision was made by Dolblay or bis fiancee or some member of bis or bur family, 1 am lu no position to state." Blr aunebsw A-wr.U . - - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. B, M. IICUICY, 1'lalnllff. va. JOHN P. ANNKTTE, Mrs. I.yoln lisru burdl, l ballea licll, AlMiy J. twill, i. iin . urikou, Cecil v. (.uiiut, J. u i isipci, j. ii. Uoua.il, C. oouovun, ... a. renuuii, U. W. Flestuier, Cura H. Urleves, ciaud. V. Uwlnu, P. A Jiubeu, Jean I loiter, 11. U. Mililur . . 1. Mooney, M. McKlnnou, b nuiu 1.. Noau, UUle M. Obor, bumuul 1'uturaou, i). r'. Plumnwr, A. H, IVt iy, W. I. iMibips, Alberius W. Kueu, r. F. Hour, tnurles a. stophens, juuie It. umltb, Joseph 11. rimlth, r. .. bpannelh (or Spanuuih;, Kr neat W. dly. Frank Seeley, Harry O. scull. Charles Blnnett, W. JJ. wood i utr, rJ. M. Williams. Martha v hlle. Nvinlum isles, L. U. JJaxtou. kl. L. Juiemmh, C. W. Ortmau, J. W. nwope, und all whom it may con cern, liefeudanta. SUMMONS. lo John I'. Annette, Mr,. I.) dm ilsru hurut, Charlua JJeli, Andy J. vJtlln. ui.il Carleon, Cecil W. Child J. 41. cooper J. U. Donneli, C. Dunovnu. B, H. Feudal!, U. W. Fi..hner, Cora Ll. Grieve., Claud V. Uwlnn. P. A. iiubm, Jouu iiolxor, 11. U. Mlillsr. I.. P. Mooney, M. McKlunun, WU Ham 1.. Noah, Kill. M. Ober, ttatuuel folersou, 11. r. Flummer, A hi. PU iy, W. U. Phillips, Albeitu W. Ueeu, '. F. Itohr. Charles 6. Stephens, Jumes 11. Smith, Joseph ll. Smliti, K. C. Spuuueth (or BpauuulhJ, Kt nest W. Sly, Frank Seoley, Harry ci. Scott, Charles Hlunelt, W. D. Wood iuff, R M. Willlama, Martha White, William Yatea, L. Ji Barton, E. U Jeremiah, 0, W. Ortman, J. W. Swope, and all whom it may cou- ...iii Defiinfluita: lu the name of th. Slate of Oregon, you ure hereby notified that lb plain tiff, B. H. Terry, la the holder of the i'oliowing cerUllcatea of delinquency issued on the date hereinafter refer red to by the tax collector of the County of Harney. Bute of Oregon, for the amount of money art after each ear for which the aald certificate, were Issued, and being the amount ;h:u due and delinquent for taxes for the yeara hereinafter mentioned, to gether with the penalty, lnterert and .;, iii..rA.n unon th real orooerty assessed to you, and of which you are tho owner aa appeare oi roouru, mr dto lu the aald county and elate, and particularly hereinafter deacrlbed; and on are further notified that the aald B, ll. Terry baa paid taxea on said premises for prior or subsequent yeurs with Hie rate of Interest on aald amounts as hereinafter aet forth. ei, ni von owner of the legal title of the parcels of land aet before your respective names aa turn amuo ap pear of record, and each of you, ar hereby further notified that lb ald B, II. Terry will apply to the Circuit curl .,i inn tata and county afore- ..,.i.i rn, . ,iaraa f.tracloslna the lien against the proparty herrtnafUr de- scribc-ii, una menuonea in saia otj.i.u cates; and you ar hereby summoned to appear within alxty (60) day after the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of aald flrat pub lication, and defend this action or pay the amount due aa shown, together with cost and accrued lntereet, and In cas. of your failure to do to, a de cree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of ald taxes end coat against th laud and preml brelnatr describ ed; all of the said certificate bear Interest at the rath of fifteen per cent, per annum from the date thereof. The following la a description of th land asesad, the word "8eo" mean big eeetlon and tb word "Twp. R.' meaning township south rang eait, Willamette Meridian, the name of th sreons to whom tb m wa as- .a .-a wfcn u tha owner of tb H'.HVU auw www ww legal title of tb aald '''- pear of recce-, wo year m w--- ; ... i.iii and -aaasaad. the amount for wbloh the aeveral certln- ..,.. m.mw laanari ana ine oaie uiani which th Ux vai paid, and & tlfleaU Uau4: NWU SBH NVk NH IS 8Wy,NGI4 HVk 8V. 1 SWfcBWK NH NV. NrOH NKV4 8V NVk 3 NWV.8WH NVk Vk 11 NWV4 "WV NV4 HVs ll NBV4NWV4 87 10 Mr. U41 Uwrkhardt M 83 Onarle Ball 37 3S Andy J. Colli ,17 31! olaf Carleon 87 3 Cecil W. Child 37 36 J. R. Cooper tV 8V. 3 SICV4 SKVi H 36 J. B. Donll NVk NH I" 8WV4BKV. 8H NH 3 si-:', 8WV4 8H NH NEViSBH 8H NH It NMH8BH SH NH 3 NKVi NWVi Ivf'sv,' i NWV4 NWVi 37 36 0. Donovan 37 36 . 8. r4all 37 86 Q. W. rieebner 37 36 Core B. Qrleve 37 36 Claude V. Owlnn 37 86 P. A. Hallec 8H HH II NBV.BKH 8H 8H 3 SKV48WH NH NH I NBViKH SH BH 30 SKHNWH NH 8H 11 wWVVi JH SH H SK'.NWH SH NVk SBHNKH 37 36 John Holaer 37 36 II. 0. Mllller 37 36 U P. :i 3 M. M-K-.no- H 36 WHIHn I Noah M 36 Kffl. M. Obr kl 3 Samuel Peterson NH NH I 37 36 N'WHNWH SH NH 3-SWHNWH ::o 36 B. r. Planter A. U. Petty SH NH NUH8KH 3 37 36 w. n. rbinip NVk NH I' SK'ANKH n -ii Albert- W U N'. 58 ivfHNWH SH NH 35 NB.HHBH SH 8H 11 SKH8WH SH NH 11 8BHNBH V. N'A It NBHNBH l 35 38 P. K. Robr Htepbepa 37 30 JawfiM H. Bmllh 37 36 Joeepb ll. BasDh Bnenneih IO.IB H BH 33 WV4BBH H BH 33 WHNBH S'A S SKH8BV. 37 36 r. 0, 36 36 Bmect W. Bly 36 u rm Isf.v 87 36 Harry B. Bcott ft 8H N H'A 33 WHNKH J :n; Cbarla Smart t 8U St NEV4NWH U 37 36 W. . Woodruff SH NK NVk 15 HNBH NH BH 33 BM'NW BH NH 3 NBHWH 'i . IB iti NH NH 38 8EH8WH NH BH 3 SBViNWH 87 36 B. M. WUIIajm 36 36 Martha WbK 3B 83 William yete 36 S3 ... -I-WI - -..vi ' - :. . ! la B. Bartjn u 3 K. I- Jerembj 8V4 NH BBHBWH NH NH NBHBBH gf;: . 1 30 38 C. W. Ortman 1 30 83 J. W. 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Mar. Mar. Juno Juno Feb. Mar. Mar. June KM 1918 KM KI4 1HI4 Dai of certificate June 17, KM June 1-, luiii Feb. lo, I'M 4 Mar. 30, KM Mar, 81, KM June 17, KM Juno 13, KM Feb. Hi, 1(14 Mar. 80, KM Mar. 31, 1016 Feb. ID. 1-14 K, 1U14 30, I1H1 31, KM IV. Iiu;l 12, llll.l 111, in 1 4 30, I'.ti4 31, 1015 I.. 1013 Feb. in, KM Mar. 31, liur, June 17, KM June M, KM Feb. 3ii, KM Mar. 30, KM Mar. 31, June 1, j, June M, Feb. 20, Mar. 10. Mar. 31, KM June 12, KM rb. 13. 11114 Mar. 3ii, IU14 Mar. 31, imli .In in. 18, I'll ' Juno 13, 1018 Feb. 21, 11)14 Mar. 80, 1914 Mar. 31, KM .lun.i is, mi 3 Jin..- 13. Feb. 21. Mar. 30, Mar. 31. June I-. Feb. 21. Mar. 30, K14 Mar. 31, KM June M, KM Feb. 81, KM Mar. 3D, KM Mar. 31. l'15 m. 4. M. 31, 1016 19, 1913 M, mm 4. mi4 30. KM 31, KM KM KM Kin KM KM 4. KM 81, KM M, KM 4. KM 31. 1318 K, KM 13. KM 6. I'JM 30, KM Mar. 31, KM June 13. KM Mar. 6, KM Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. 31, MM June 21. 1013 Mar. (, KM Mar. 30, KM Mar. 31, KM June 21. KM Apr. II. KM Mar. 30. 1(14 Mar. 31. KM Juno 28, KM June 31, MM Apr. 11, 1814 Mar. 30, 1(14 Mar. 31, MM Juna 21, MM Apr. 11, KM Mar. 30, MM Mar. 31, KM June 2i, mu Apr. II. 1314 Mar. 30, KM Mar. 31, mi:. Juna 21. mu 13, mu 30, 1314 3i, mis 21, 1013 13, KM 30. 1014 Mar. 31. HMO June 23. mu Apr. 14, KM Mar. 30, KM Mar. 31, MM June 20. KM Juna June Mar. Mar. Mar. June Juno Mar. Mar. Mar June 13 Mr. 4. Mar. 31, June 19, June 13, Mar. Mar. June Mar. Mar. Juna Juna Mar Mar KM mu 1114 :i i r. Mil mu 11113 KM KM KM Alr. Mar. Mar. June A or. Mar. Juno 23, Apr. 14 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 ililie 23 Apr Mar 1313 KM 1914 KM mm 14, KM 30. KM Mar. si, mm Juna 31, KM June 23, KM Apr. 14. KM Mr. 3d, mil Mar. 31, l'K5 June 23, KM Apr. 13, KM Mar. 30, KM Mar. 31, KM June 23. K13 Apr. 13. KM Mar. SO KM Mar. 31. KM June 20, 1013 June 23, KM Apr. 13, 1314 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 Juno 30, 1913 June 23, KM Apr. 13, KM Mar. 31, KM June 23, KM May 1. KM 30, mil 31. mi 6 23, 1913 KM :io, mn 31, KM Juno 33. 1918 Apr. 14. KM Mar. 30, KM Mar. 31. KM June 81, KM June 23, KM May 1, MM Mar. Jo, KM Mar. 31, WU June 17, KM June 17, KM June 17. KM June 17. June 23, Juno 23, luiii) 21 Juno 23 June 25, 1 1. mi "!'. June 26, 1016 Juno 26, KM June 26, KM Juno 26, mm June 25 June 26, June 25, June 25, Mar. Mar. Juno May Mar, Mur. MU 1916 KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM IBM summons is published by ordr f the Hon. II. ('. I.evn, Judge ol the County Court of th mate ol uregoe,, lor in twenty 01 narney, ami nsui oroei was mail, and JatoJ tb. Kth day of. Angus!, KM, and th. date ol tin. Unit pub llcation of this summons la tb girt day ef August, 1915. All process aao unrg m xeis prwwtftag may o "' "i' ' igned. residing in th Stat of Piecea, at IM addres hereinafter mentioned. Oao. H7jliiBJ0Mg, Attorney lor plaintiff. Address: Hums, Oregon. All th nW in. The TimeHerald for $2.00 NOTIC1C FOR PU1LI0ATI0N lsitstTiTSl.SBOfrics, aares, Ongea, August t, wiM ri.itn.' labtrobyilvs th.iqhtttor Psrsosi, of iuiiliiin,urto,wlio,e MarobIl.llie lliiiiir-l gntry No. 0WU, lor wk, n, Tow.l M ., Kn si Bail, ttiiiK.ii.'iir Mriullsii. h ill, nolle ol Imen- in i.iik nnl lhr-?ar ftoot lo ttb- .r.nw, ill... tirmi.-.. Cna have all kind Willie"'" wivai -..- ...- of roUBh lumbT for Ml t their mill 16 mil- north of Burns on the Canyon City road. Int. I'laiin 10 Hi laud abev essoi urn,ii noon, no Ik l(i.liii.r anil Hlr at (1 .-.la .lay 01 iimor, ifio. . lalii.anl itatiiea a wllnM' link Khln. M Ktiln. i'lini. Fdlrr, i-nimni Hlilitl.ll at lUrrlnan, Oriroi. wa, rsa Hpislr SUMMONS. In tlic Circuit Ooort ol the Mate of Ol-t.-i for Harney County. lersle K. Miller, plaintiff vs. CliB'le W. Miller, defemlanl To t'liarise W. Miller, Hi sbov mu I defendant: In I lie nam ol State ol Oregon, you are hereby required In appear and answer Hie complaint flic I against you In the above entitled court and suit on or belo re th last day of th lima pre (rtwd In th. ord.r (or publication of tbl summons upon you, which period of tlnis la sli weeks from the data of tl.e flrat pnlillcstlnn of Ibis summon, to wit ; within six wks f'om Hie 14th day ol August, 1916, that being th date ol the tlrst publication hereof, and If von lull to an appear and answer aald complaint, th plaintiff will apply to the court lor th relief demanded In aid complaint, to wit ; a decree of aald u.mrt forever dissolving th marriage contract now and heretofore asiatlng ii-m.-eii the plain II it and defendant, am I lor the cost and dlsburaeuieuts ol thla -nil, and lor gnerol relief. You are fmtlier notified that Ibis iio.iimii i arrve.l Uhoii you by publi cullon thereof in The Time Herald, a weekly newipr published in Hams, Harney ('.unity Oregon, pursuant to an order ol Hoe. H. C l-ovens, County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, made ud dated the nth day of August, KM, the date ol lira! publication being Aug isl 14th, ItlM, snd th last publication iliereul will be 011 the 'iftlli dy ol He le. iiber. IIHft. J. M. COOK, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE FOR PUBUCAT10N. I'mti. nrT l.m. (ru 1 Buras, urtgoo. July II, ISIfl Heetes la liareby alvae that Ja.n.a I'lrl. lea kwI oOJe d.lraa It llsrua). Hlriuo, 114, ea Hi i7ih ilayotontolair, nin.nia i ibi. .itn s-oin MttaiDt ud Aoplli-alloii, No. met, IO iurrbu III SVl!NU. Hrll.,li tl. I.,i.alil, 1 H Kama j -, Mlllcmrlt 1 .i.lia... an. I ill Uouor tbaraoo, uBrt i.Mitiaii.i.aul llirailol Juu. I l5a. a .i.l ail iirti'ietalorr, known a Ilia "Tlmlw'r fto Hlonr urn - ai tui-li valo a lai.ki ia nrt by sp- .ralaeailil. and that iuiuaol loanrb ai.bll- aiiuit, tin-laud aoo nniwar iar-D oav nooa m m. ,...i .ar.l. lb lliabar aatlBaiad 100.000 .H.axt teiai fl.ut mi M , aa lb laail (M; -I IB hal aal.l atiDllvaiil wilt offer Sual uroof .u. ini nt si oaaileaUoa aon laurn atai ,. ..-in I... il ilk day ol eiubor. lii, -elvr K. iair and a-e4vr, l Bam. Orogao. Any (.i-iaoii iii ii-r ui proiaai una pur baa wim vntrjr, or Initial central l any I-, a; ItSK ..ml. t .1.-1. . in aoiry. : I n. e whir. ualaBI lwa. b. Silt. a a rurroUor. . . '.- ,; rt.r-;: . v. i.,v .i-.l n.n.lavll la laia apir. aneaiBB laeia wnn-e W r.al Haitatrr $1500 Reward! Tbonirnu. i:l tloraloaa- Bova-a UvOwloa. rrotoe- lino Aaaorlallnual -wloh ih uintor- nTgiv ii.oo ei rower- lor avl daaoe Mu to lb arrest and ou vletloa ef soy par tror parttsa sasal- iui iwraoo, eaiua ar mats beleaglBf :n ur or it -i bcrs. Inaildiiion to lb Bbovo, the adrslf-i ..ffr lb law a conditio BN.n for all bono i.rand.-.i bur thud bar ea koUavoll.tr jaw Brand nwoidod la t(bt eoaatloo kaag Ham), Lak and I rook eoaaUaa. Horaoo raatrd bB oold. N,.n bat jrown buroa aold and onlyB rv turn h, W W BBOWN nt.Oi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i;itsii erava !, orrica Ii..,.. ll.audn. Auanal IHI II . lull.. Bollee lihr.lrslvB IbaUamn It flj!a ul Hum, Orftri, wb, Oct. IS. Itll n T L . I ... . Ta I.a..la- VklllaS M.S. otall and OoTM. lor ffitl-BWM and BMBH Bane Mi iw-W4 lfen.i )!. I?, w'ifllsaiMt afotidlaoh'-s tiled aotl ut In Btloa H aisa aaai iar-jr p" .- Ilb claim to th load afaovo doSerlbail. tl.i" -alitor sao a-eoivr, bi Burnt, iir..i, " Job irintit)ithi'. n. i, m MM " NOTK i: POR PUBLICATION, UIIITBtl STAT-B lVM O'WIJ. Illlina. llraami, aua. a. Welle Is litiel't given thst Cielfln Mullaay addi aHt la. ill a usual, l"l I I lltlli III tela. 1 " "I I "" 1. N. TiJBTtS III I hi offlc Hi -- . i, I. .in ei moB-voi .a inoHtak. MT,fa i .ii a. w. at. EiUli M. 40 Kfllr mi aaT.i,M.'. tilt 90th dV Ol SpUM)br 111. i lalmanl osrsoss wftisMll: Kruk R. Iilnklomn, lio B lllekliimli. I'llltrteO, ll ri.a.a n. ,-.. wwww, - - florg'lhiirlowud Worthy I in nurna, uhph. aa. .,..., ni'.'-i WO A. Ki-tial N. oaiOl - Aayinda' ""' Bvsr.ly tb .1 ', haia. -lor ." Hi I, or . llaimaal thi.uid HI Ihsli sti-svWjnrt offli'e,.ti ur lil(ira w. w,n -.-, '"' Wb fAB.s. Boalstot i rM, or I to pplla-l. SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of the Btate of r egon, for Harney County. Effie II. Smith, plaintiff, 1 t. J Arthur K. Hmlth, defendant. ) To Arthur B. Smith, the nlrove nnmed de Cendant: In the name of th Btate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear anil answer the complaint Alrd agninat you in the above entitled court and suit on or before the wet day of the time pre scribed in the order for iiuhlicatinn i.l this summons upon you, which - of time la sis weeks from the date of the first publication ol tbia summons, to wil: within sii weeks from the -4th day of July. IIMS, that being the tlae of the first publication hereof, and if v'nu full to so ainarnr anil answer mi. I complaint, the plaintiff will apply tn1 conn lor tlae relief demanded In BJd j complaint, to wit: a decree of sniil roart (orevcr dissolving the marriage contract now eiistiug lt ween plaintiff ami lie feodaut. and that plaintiff have the are, custody and control ol I el.ili Hmith, n minor child, lb Issue of aai'l marrisgc, and lor gcueral relief. You nre lurtbrr notifieil that thi Buiiiui'iii is served upon you by pul.li cation thereof in The Tiim-a-HcreM, a weekly iu:wpttarr publiilieii in Huin-, Harney County, Oregon, pumusnt to ii n order of Hon. II. 0. leven. County Judge ol Harney County, Oregon, ... .! and dated the Utth day of July, 101.ri, the data of the tint publication living July -Hh, 1915, and the laat publica tion thereof will be on September -it Ii, loin. J. S CooB. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. raiT.i. htvm l.BOOrries. j Hun,, iireaun. AuffUltlM, Itlt. I gAXHPtXM K'-n. ll II Bo osiia, m e,,,, ,,,.., .,n...o.e,.A-. ni'Vk. tiiansUlB wefly Kan.e Tbgast. I"- "i-'l" " .'""O-tl!--. iinit'e nt Intent i" '," "sl thfe-y piol,to ait"l!in olotm - thlad -bey .HWrt. Wf.il. ItrKlttl-l and K,7"-;. ? llri "". "U ma ..''in 'iar o. "- r-w---. t-ii,i.iiiniiii-iawlasssl - II g iil.ii. Kiank Utirr, o. T.-tey. ny TI,i.ri..,.H "' H"rr'mXa'r.7aa'.ltwg1wtwr. ; Th only way to 1 & get the prnuln jtSr-'S 1 ',. i.i buy ili ritrhia fl Jk ami in Ih lags. L a8 M Tala aaaaklaa la fl IV warraatad far B B MaH-l 3 at "- ffl EaaMit- weiaBj No oilier like It No other as good' Tki New Hon Sivlii MkKn ! OBAI4CK. B-aJ-l. mT If You Want ALL The Home News READ . TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing SROl WmT If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, v-jnighed or fin ished in any way, there's JN Acme Quality Kind to itt tive purpose,' Fist-ll Painting Means Winter Comfort Fall is the time to touch up shabby surfaces in the home, because winter is the time your home is used most. A little money spent now for paints and finishes will make the home brighter, cleaner, more attractive, more whole some, all winter long. ACME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES refinish shabby surfaces at rrifling cost. Expert advice at our store, by phone or mail. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall House Painting. Burns Hardware Co. Agt. Burns,, Oregon QWFFITH A SAURMAN Phyil'lai i anr! SORBS I, LU. Ci kv f fareiflnri - lams, - n , Office im sirmi'l (.. . r . . , , f -,,, 'Pboni M DEfUHAM & PEMUftfi. Pbysiclsos and Surguong Calls answer'-l Boiitl) . , a 'Phone llsrrltiiBii HsfTlmsn, Oregon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Wreet Tetepbone Connecilirg Albritton. Ore. b. E. HIB-Ai.i. DEKTIST Offlr first door es'-t j' . , ,f Bdrna o, BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Iw Lat-4 Offic Pracli. r Land Scr'p for Sal Val. Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at l.aw Veestly BldR., Ban . OiKon C.A. REMQOLD Atlirin-y ai I i v , Burns, Opiooii. HERMAN VON M'HMALZ Attonu ul Iuw Coateet and Braeties I . - land Oflli-r a tpi lit OSSee: fry Ul1(. -it : i-t offlc Burn. Urr.on CHARLES W. EliblS LAWYER Burns, - Oregon Practice in the Huie ( iin ami bo fere the U.S. I-ui.l i): OllfalB. II. I .inliiiltl. Attou.nfv at-i.aw, Careful eltentiuii given lu Collec tion and Heal l.: i nmUra. I'ire Inanraii Notary Public BUHNB. (I;l-..('N. A. W. GOWAN ATTORN EY-A i I AW State Courts and Unite- Stttss Land Office Practice Three doors South of this Harney County National Dank Burns. Oregon. P.O. UlLLABIl A. 0. FaC-BBBl roraatrlr Ami. Kiitrlnrt-r rornurlj i l.ltl - iBlJ. B HwCUttiallUli .- : hi ul HoIk a rlo. ., Kjr. Eastern Oregon i iiineeriBg Com pan v Cim AMI IRKIGAliliN tN,lNE Bsrus, Orcjrua -..'LONE-: e e RESTAURANT . 0 e at Short o OeOKQE IOON l'iop. Meals At All Hours. Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Kates Give lie A Call - - -etle TlBBca-Uoralal KullUa ' eeeaooaaaaaao iilllllllllllimimm .n:::uimm::t::inti RODNEY DAVIS Honac Palit.iiig Paper HnntHns; and Decorating CsdclminlriK aVakiaJlau J W?l l..B.l. w-uanuvii rinnin Freaco Patntim. a-BtlB-mtee feuriUaluU un aa rkBifa-m. Samples shuwau CUTE HIM A CHANCE S-MwWntmtuumt:' t::tstt:mt:u ::iim. JUHNilKMHKUI.IMi. - 4L Jowtilor. Optician i-nd ECixm'uvui'. Fine Watch Repairing A Suf cislty. Tonawama toninlit