.bw trrHii, i .Jii I, ..ijj-t-4?i - "tBJJJJS; . . i kWgMgeJgeglBslBBxseWBBiaseiBai I HI Jill fliir t iii 4 I'" .flaw Uo tre Imo I S ln nnr hag. cum in 0 l orob fe AuiD ourl w m ' T OUR PUBLIC FORUM m B gC hfc V'' 4sgev&W Bfl LsW & Hon. EHhu Root On Woman's 8phr Th. question of Woman Suffrage It an l..u. before the American neonl. Tw.lv. MtH hav. adopted It. four more ttntel vote upon It thla tall and It la .trongly urged that it baco. a platform demand of tha national political partial It la therefor, tha prlvlleg and tha duty of every voter to study carefully thla aubjeot. Hon. Rllbu Boot. In discussing thla question before the oonatltutlonal convention of New York, recently aald la part: "I am opposed to the granting of suffrage to woman, became 1 believe that It would be a loaa to women, to all women ami to every woman; and because I believe It would bo nn Inlurx to the state, and to every man and I,. woman in the state. It would be uialesa to argue thla If the rlgbt of aulfrage were a natural right. If It were a natural rigai. ihmn should have it though the heavens fall. But If there be any one ibCSled'n the UmVd hSra of .1.1. subject. It I. that suffrage I. not a nSaTrtght. but I. simply a mean, or government, and the Ml. question .to be dlacuaaed Is whether government ly (he suffrage of men and women will be better government than by the rn.ffrn.go of men alone . "Into my Judgment, air, there rater, no element of tb. Inferiority or woman. It la not that woman It Inferior to ma... but It It that woman Is different from man; that In the distribution of power., of ,P,U'; "'' ties, our Maker has created man miauled to the performance of certain func tion, in th. economy of nature and society, and woman adapUd to the performance of other functions. "Woman rules today by the sweet and noble Influencet of her character. Put woman Into the arena of conflict and she abandons these great weapons which control the world, and she takes into her hands, feeble and neryeleea for atrlfe. weapon, with which she Is unfamiliar and whleh the la unable to wield. Woman In strife btjosm.l Bard, harsh, unlovable, repulsive; m rr removed from that gentle creature to whom we all owe allegiance ana to whom w. confeea submission, as the heaven Is removed from the ?. "The whole science of government Is the science of protecting life and liberty rad the pursuit of happiness m the divine distribution of jwwtr the dutyand the right of protection rets with the male. It it go thrauffkout nature. It It to with men. and I. for one. will never content to part with ST. divine right of protecting my wtTe. my daughter the women w horn I lore, and the women whom I re.peei. sxerctslng the blr.hr gh ldJ & that high duty In the weak and nervelee. hands of those designed by uod to be nrotected rather than to engage In th. stern w.rfar. of government. In Pd this whole movemeat arise, from a fit. conception of the between the duty and of th. right of both men and women , ,.,. "The time win never eon.- .... -- - r--- ,, , k. ,.,. ,,,., bo found not in theonfuslon. but In the higher differentiation of the aetea. HOW SHOT ARE MADE. And Why the Pure Lead Has to Tampered With Tin. The manufacture of shot, denorlhe.1 by O. C. Bora in Forest aud Stream. require. . high tower, a w formed pin. . tank of water and 'teuiprn-d" lojnf Snot are made by trapping in .lien lead from a high point to .be art! The lead forms Into globules Juit as the raindrop do when they full from the clouds. Ordinarily we do not rcnl . tie that raindrops are little sphere, but under the proper condition (bey ; freeae. and we bare hallstoneii. which ! may be called shot mode of tee. In the making of shot pure lend N melted and mixed with a "tsgnear" that consist, mainly of tin. and .ben poured Into . perforated pan or sieve, i The perforations vary according to : the slae of the shot to be made A temper Is mixed with the lend In order to make tbe globule form When the lead fall. If pure lend were tia.ij It would fall In the form of Utile burn j Instead of round tbot. in order that tbe globtilea uuiy have. I plenty of time to form the lend must , fall a long distance, sod ho tOWen are j built The tower, used to be mad. M high as 200 feet and even more, but modern towers arc rarely over IM tgenl Tbe perforated pan Into which the molten lead Is poured N at the l"p of the tower, and the gMsBsM r lead full , through the perforations iutu .auks of wnter at tbe bottom of the tower Tha water cools them aud ulxo pio-iii-. them from flattening out. at .bey ; would If they fell on a solid floor From tbe water the shot go to ttoaga. j driers. After drying the parte, t shot are separated from the bmptrfM t by means of glass tables luellueil enough j to that the tbot when Mured on at one end of tbe table, will roll to tb. other and At the farther end of (be tabli are two gutters side by side. Tht I in perfect shot roll slowly and frith dlitl culty, to that they have not enoogfa momentum to carry them beyond tht first gutter. The perfectly round Ibol roll easily and swiftly, and trh.li they reach the foot of tbe tnble thef Jump nimbly across the first gutter an 1 land In the second. After separation the perfect Mot are pollsbad by rolling In phftlnflgT. and workmen then put them in bag. for shipment or send them dlni-t to Hie cartridge Oiling department to be load ed Into shells. Caviar, Caviar I. tb. roe of tb. eturgeon pre ne red as a table dellccy. As a dlab .on rare to be known by the generality of people and tbe flavor of which would not tie relished by so unedue.t d pnlnte. Shakespeare make, tlnmlet ; ciili n( It Why Corn Has SH. A I'o.alo IJIH iiinii who Is sixty on years old newt knew until recently Hint for every grata "u an ear of corn (here a xllk running out to the end to light and iiioHtnr. These silks run kwt under the husk. Uo. Is attachid to eaeb grnlu on the eoh aud uuurlali. it. everything lu uatur. it more won derful than auy In mined story. -IV into Hill Cor. lu Alt-bison Ulotw. Culture'! Prgr. "Our daughter Is studying Freueh (it una ii. mimic, dnueliig slid painting." MM the rood mother eomplncriitl) Well." replied Mr. 1'tiinr.u. (.. a too.1 K.art But has she yet learned not to use back number lnng ami ehasj gumV Washington H.nr HATS MADE AT NIGHT. Sunshine Makes th Straw For Pans mas Too Brittls to Work. Genuine I'auama huts are made In Ecuador to a larger extent than In any other country, and the pro, i i of man af.cture Is .till not generally known. The chief centers of the bat Industry In the order of their luiporimiee are Montlcrlstl aud Jlpljupn, lu tbe prov ince of Maunvl; Hantu Bohu uud to a limited extent In Guayaquil und in enca. Thousands of natives of Ix.th aexea are employed at weaving these beta. Tbe work is rurrled am from n little after midnight to 7 o'elo. k iu Uat morning, while the utmospbire is lni mid, for tbe straw Ijeoomes brittle dm Ing tbe day and cannot then be ban died. After much preliminary preparation the ttraw is very finely divided Into tbe required widths by the nail of the little finger or thumb. A bum h of straw U bound In the middle and pirn ed on tbe center of a wooden mold, tbe straws arranged radially ami K)OwJ ly distant from each other In pab. Tbe plaiting begins at the njiex of Ibe rrown and MgttiStMl round and round until tbe hat Is llnished, (are being tuken that no straws arc added while tbe crown la being made, other ttrtwt, however, are added while the brim and border are being formed. On tbe degree of nicety with wbu.li Hie straws are lengthened depends I he beauty and durability of the hat Hhould a atrand be broken it egg he re placed and so plulttsl us not to be no ttCwi. Tb. finishing touches are put on by trimming the brim, edging the bonier and neatly, fastening uli projerilni,' end. of the straws so as to be invisi ble. Tbe bat Is washed lu clean, i old water, coated with a thin solution or gum and polished with dry sulphur -Argonaut It Worked. "And hav. you tried the piuu of greeting your husband with kind words when be cornea hog, late, ns I sug Xestedr asked tbo elderly friend. "I bare." said tbe young-lab woman. -and It works like u cliaiiu. He stays home all the time now trying to rigor. out what Is the mutter " A False Reputation. It is not known bow the bee, which works three months In tbe year and loaf, nine, got the reputation ot being busy."-Topek. Capital. Peace bath blgber teats of manhood thin battle v.r knew -Whlttler. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THff STATE OF OREOON, FOB THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. Iv II. TEKKV, Plalutlff. va. JOHN 1. ANMSTTB, Mr. I.jdw tiaru- tiurdl, UiaJes bell, Andy J. . ouis, oiut v urisou, L'wl W. Cullds, J. H. i aagstr, J. i. OouuelJ, C. LNinovun, i.. a. feiiUan, U. W. Flaahner, Coia t. Url.vos, Claude V. Uwinu. 1. A. is.ilK'U, j'.ou ilulxvr, li. Q. Milller, i.. K atovney, M. McKJnnon, vli uaa 1.. .Noah, KOI. M. Ober, awue. I ti.mw. ii. t-'. riuminer. a. e. PM ly, W. U, i-u.nlps, Albertua W. lieeil, l'. i ituhi, i narles B. Hlepheus, rTglTg H. bmltb, Joseph 11. timlih, 1T U. bpannetb (or Bpannuthj, Er nest W, Sly, Frank beeley, Harry E. bOOU. Cbarlea Blna.lt, W. I). Wood lair, E. M. William.. Martha Wbllo, v mum Vates, U E. llarton, E. ! Joivu.uh, C. W. Ortman, J. W. dwopu, aud all whom It may con cern, Defendants. SUMMONS. lo Jobu I', Annette, Mrs,, l.ydiu llaru nurui, Churlu Uell, Andy J. Ctilis, iii... Carlson, Cocll W. Child. J. at. cooper J. U. Oounell, C. Uonovaa, E. b. Ft-udail, O. W. Flesbner, Cora II. Ur.evos, Claud. V. Uwiun, F. A l la lien. John Holier, li. O. Milller. ... I'. Moooey, M. McKlunon, WU Imiu l. Noah, EUle M. Ober, Bamuol i'etersou, ii, F. Flummer, A E. Pet ti, W. U. Phillips, Albert us W. Heed, P. F. Hour, Charle. B. Btepheus, James 11. Binltb, Joseph H. Binllh, J-'. C. apauuttb tor Upeunuinj, -r-uesi W. Uly, Frank Seeley, Harry E. Scoit, Cbarlea Blnuelt, W. O. Wood ruff, E. M. Wtlllama, Martha White, William Yules, U E. barton, E. U jeiciu.uh, C. W. Ortman, J. W. tiwope. and all whom it may con nan, Defendants; lu tbe nam. of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified that too plain tiff, E. b. Terry. U th. bolder of the following certificate, of dollnuuency niHiiod on th. data hereinafter refer red lo by .ho tax collector of th. County of Hurnay, Htat. of Oregon, for Ibe amount of money aet after each year for which the said certificates wore Issued, and being th. amount then due and delbMuent for taxes for the year, hwelnattav nwntlond, to gether with th. penalty, intereet and costs thereon, upon th. raal property assessed to you, and of which you are lb. owner at uppear. ot record, sltu ue lu the aald county and .tat., and particularly heratnafte described; and you are further notified that th. Mid i; li Terry uM paid tax, on aald nrrmltfi for prior r gubaequent yeara wltli the rate of Interest on aald amounts at hereinafter ae forth. That you, a. owner, ot Us. legal title of th. parcel, of land aet before your respective namet a. th Mun. ap or of record, and each of you, are hereby furthar notified that th. wild It U. Terry will apply to the Circuit Court of tb. stat. and oounty afore suid for a decrM foreclosing th. Hen against the property h.relnafter de scribed, und mentioned in said certifi cates; und you ar. hereby .ummonM to appear within .lxty (0) day. after tb. Artt publication of thli summons, exclusive of the day ot Mid first pub lication, and defend thl. action or pay the amount due a. Mown, together with cost, and accrued interest, and in e.u nf vour failure to do to, a de cree will be rendered foreclotlng th. Hen of taid taxea and CO.U against tha land and premise, hereinafter deacrlb. ed; all of the taid certificate, bear Interest at the rate of fifteen per cent, per annum from tgt 4e thereof. The following U a daterfpUon of the land aesetsM, th. word "See. geaa Ing section and the word. Twp. R. meaning township Moth rang, .a.t, Willamette Meridian, the name, of th. imthoiis to whom th. Mm. WM bs seated and who ar. the owner, ot th. legal title of the eaid property, aa ap pear, of record, the year In which th. lax wtt levied and aaeaed, th. amount for which th. aeversl certlfl estos war. ImuM. and th. dat. upon which the tax wat paid, and the oer-1 Hfleat. iMUMt DaMtlp Hon Sm. MH 8 11 NWH SBH NH NK II 8W4NBH4 Twp. It, M of OwTMf 37 SI John P. AaMtt 37 II rtls HV4 1 HWIi W14 NVt nv, y NEHNBH SV4 N'i 3 NWHWVi NH vi 11 NWH-HW14 NH HH 11 NBHNWH SH 8H 3 8KH8KH NH NH 11 8WH8KH 8H NH 3 8KK WH 8H NH a NBH 8H 8H NH II SK4 8H 8H NH S NBH NWH :iu 33 Mr.. Udia Bernhardt CharkM Ball 37 31 Andy f, Oolll" 37 31 Olaf Carlton t 37 31 Cecil W. Child 37 SI J. R. Coopw 37 31 J. li. Donas!! HI 31 If I 31 Doaovaa hi S. FeadaB .17 SI tj. w. nv 37 31 Cora B, Orl.vM 37 II Claud. V. Owton war-". 3S4 HH l NWH NWH f 37 31 P. A. Hal len 8H BH H NEHBHTH 8H HH 3 8EH8WH NH NH 11 N'MHBEH 8H SH SI SEHNWH NH 8H II SWHHE'H 8H 8H 33 8K4NWH 37 31 John Holier 37 SI H. O. Milller 37 31 P. Mooaey 30 31 M. McKlnnoe j; Sf WIHIn h Nf ,1 3 Kffi. M. Ober 8H NH SK'.t.NK' 3 37 31 Bamnel P.ierao. NH NH 1 NWHNWH HH NH 3& 8WHNWH 37 3 II P. Plam.r 31 M A. - FW7 HH NW NEHHKV 3 37 31 W. . Phillip. NH NH 11 HKHNEH 37 31 Albertua W. Heed ISj i u UWHNWH 8H NH M ni:'4hi-;'4 8H SH 11 8KH8WH BH NH II 8BHNBH NH NH 11 NBHNBH NH HH 33 NWHBKH NH 8H 33 NWHNBH 86 M M Y- R' JS 33 Cbas. 8 37 31 JaCOM H. Bmlth 37 81 Joseph H. Mls 17 SI f, ''ft n.tb hwtb -..; 3d Ernest W. Bly 3. it Prank Beeley BH NH 8BHB4 37 31 Harry B. Beott SH hh 33 NWHNEH 8H 8H 11 NBHNWH BH NH 1" NEW NWH NH HH 33 HW4NWH SH NH 3C NBHrSWH 36 31 CbtrlM BIBnttt 37 II W. . WOW 37 81 B. M. Willi 31 8 Martha Whli. 38 33 t . . NH NH S3 8HH8WH ;m a:. William Tales 4 :-3 U B. Bartoa NH BH S 8BHNWH 37 31 K. Ii. Jwegalea) BH NH BBHBWH NH NH NEHBXH I 31 II I 86 13 C, W Ortman 1 ..- j-'tri J, W. Bwop. tr Year 1110 1U I 1110 1111 1111 .58 1.IU 111! HIS 1114 1110 1111 1111 1113 114 1111 HIS 1114 llu 1111 HIS 113 1114 1110 i i:s .ill HIS 1114 11U 111 HIS HIS H14 HIV) i HH HH HI I I HI I HIS 113 H14 HH 1911 HIS HIS 114 H10 HII Hit HIS H14 Hit HH Hi 4 XM HI I mt H14 llll HIS H14 IQ HU HIS HIS H14 i IRt HIS HI3 HU m HIS HIS H14 HH HU HIS HIS HI4 HU HH HU HI4 HU HU HIS 1114 HIS 1114 mi HIS UI4 HH HU HU HU 1114 mi m ms 114 U10 1111 HII HIS 1114 mi mi uu 114 HU uu HU UU HH HU UU mi uie m uu uu mi uu mt m HU 1113 mt HU uu HU UU uu uu 1114 111 uu uu mi HU HU mi uu uu 1114 uu uu uu uu uu Amount 14.80 840 8.4 4.40 5.40 4.80 3.40 S.4S 4.40 (i.40 S.01 s.oo 4.04 4.60 4.80 I.S0 3.43 4.40 6.40 S.S0 1.41 6.40 4.10 S.Sv 3.4S 4.40 6.40 4.60 s.so S.4I 4.40 6.40 s.so 1.41 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.30 S.4I 4.40 1.4.1 4. GO S.SO 3.48 4.40 6.40 SS0 S.4I 440 6.40 S.SO S.48 4.40 6.40 40 9.10 34S 4.40 6.40 4.80 S.S0 S.4I 4.40 6.40 3.90 9.48 6.40 4.80 9.90 9.44 6.40 S.SO 9.48 6.40 3.36 3.90 S.4S 4.40 b.40 3.30 8.48 4.iu (.40 ill 4.4" 8.40 9.S0 8.41 4 40 6.40 4.60 3.30 S.48 4.40 6.40 3.30 3.48 t s.so 9.48 4.40 b.40 3.30 n s.so - 3.41 4.40 M0 if I! s.04 4.04 4.(0 70 180 8.49 4.40 8,40 3.90 3.41 4.40 6.40 4.60 9.30 34 4.40 6.40 890 3.41 4.40 5.40 3.30 :!4H 440 6.40 4. 60 8,80 S.48 440 6.40 9.96 8.80 9.44 6.40 S.SO 3.44 4.40 VIO 190 9,43 440 6.40 9.90 S.48 4.40 6.40 821 :.v 8.04 4.04 460 4.17 :i72 4.80 4.14 4.66 4.99 I! ii .0J 4.49 9.79 4-40 444 4.04 444 4,T9 4.40 LSI Oat. of a.rtifloat. Jun. 17, HU June II, HM't Fab. lit, it'll Mar. 30, 1014 Mar, 81, 1016 June 17, 1013 June 19, Llll Feb, 10, 1M14 Mar. SO, 1014 Mar. 91, 1015 Feb. 19, 11.14 Feb. 10, HH4 Mar. 80, 114 Mar. 81, 1016 Jun. 17, r.n.i Jun. 13, 1918 Feb. 10, 1U14 Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. 31, mill Jun. U, 1013 F.b. 10, 1014 Mar. 31, HU Jun. 17, llll June 19, Llll Feb. So, HU Mar. 30, lili Mar. Ill, 1016 Jun. 17, 1019 June 13, 1013 Feb. 30. 1014 Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. 31, 1016 Jun. 12, 1013 Feb. 13, 1014 Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. .11, 1016 Juno is, 1 01 i Juno li!, till Feb. 31, 1014 Mar. 10, 1014 Mar. 31, 1016 Juno II, 1013 June 19, l13 Feb. 21, 1014 Mar. H, 1014 Mnr. 31. till June 12, UU Feb. 31, 1914 Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. St, U16 Jun. 13, 1913 Feb 21. Illll Mar. 30, 1014 Mnr. 31, 1016 June i, mil' June 12, 1313 Mar. 4, 1014 Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. 31, 1915 June 19. 1913 June 1 .".. UU Mar. 4, 1914 Mar. 30, 1014 Mar. Si, 1915 Jun. IS, HIS Mar. 4. 1914 Mar. II, IMI Jun. H, HIS Jun. 13, HIS Mar. 4, 1914 Mar. 31, H16 Jun. 13, 1918 Mar. 4. HU Mar. 31, 1916 Jun. 19, 1913 Jun. 13. HIS Mar. r., 1014 Mar. 30, mi Mar. 31, 1916 June 1:1. 1013 Mar. 5. 1014 Mar. 30. 1014 Mar. 31. 1016 June 21. l'Jia Mar. (, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31. 1916 June 31, 1918 Apr. 11, 1914 Mar. 80, 1014 Mar. 31, 1915 Jun. 98, 1913 Jun. SI. HIS Apr. 11. 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 Jun. 21. HU Apr. 11. I9li Mar. 3.1. 1914 Mar. 91, 1916 June 21. mis Apr. It, mil Mar. 30. Hit Mar. -li. FJI5 Jun. 91, mm Apr. 13. 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31. loir. Juno 21. UU Apr. U, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31. 1915 Jupo 23, l)U Apr. 14. 1014 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 jun. 20, 1013 Jun 33, 1913 Apr. 14, 1914 Mar. 30, 1014 Mur. 31, 9t5 Jun. 2-i. UU Apr. 14. 1914 JVIsr. 30. 1914 Mar. 31, 1311 Juno 41. 1013 Juno 23, 1913 Apr. 14. 1914 Mar. 30. 1014 Mar. 31. HU Jun. 23, 1011 Apr. It, U14 Mar. 30, 1314 Mar. 31, IM Jun. 23, 1913 Apr. IS. 1014 Mar. so, 1914 Mar. 31, 1015 Jun. 20, 1913 June 23, 1913 Apr. 13. 1014 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31. UU Juno " '. UU June 23. 1913 Apr. 13. 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 June 83. 1013 May 1, HU Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, loir. Juno 23, 1913 May 1. 1914 Mar. 30. 1"1' Mar. 31. 1015 June 19, UU Apr. M, mil Mar. 30. 1014 Mar. 31. UU Jun. 21, 1913 Jun. 23, HIS May 1, 1914 Mar. S-i, 1114 Mar. 31, 1015 June 17. HH June 17, 1015 June 17. 1915 June 17, 1915 June 23, 1016 Juno 23, 1015 June 2.1, 1916 June 23. 1915 Jun. 96, 1916 Jupe 96, 1016 Jun. 25, 1015 June 26, 1915 Jun. 96, 1016 June 25, 1016 Jun. 26, 1916 June 26, '915 .Tun. 25. 1916 Jun. 86, 1916 MHICK FOR PUBLICATION tlMITSDHTATSSl.AMDOrr.oS, Hurm, Oregon, August 44. imM I hsrsiiy lvn that r.itiur I'srmiin , of Mmrliiimi, iiresnn, who, en MsrithSI, IfT-lmndt If 0 m s t e s it Rnlry No. 0M1N, lor aWM, Hoitlini .4, inwimhlp 94 ., Hsnis M gut, iiln nii-tir Mritillmi, liai rlltil unties of InKii Itnntp link,- final lint"' yrar lirouf In filtno M.ii 1 lalni in iiii land abova i.panrinsi., baioro IUntiwtmi.1 Itaealvar at Murna, (irsgoit, nn th intsdsyot Hrlitnmliar, .11. II. 1 lalliiant iianii-a aa wltnai I lllilna, Max HiitliK I in 1 1 hlili.la, all n Harrlnilli. iii'iii I'limni-a Faster , 11. lli'aoii m. Kssa. Rasla.ar SUMMONS. lu the Circuit Court ol the State ol theiron, for Harney County, lerslw K. Miller, plalntltl vs. Cbsiles W. Miller, defendant To t liaritt W. Miller, the above 1111 ! 1lefen1la.it: lutlieiiain.nl State nf Oregon, tou are hereby required to appear ami answer the ootnplaint filed against yo. hi 1 be n bn vii entitled- court and suit on or before tb. last day of lb. tin, pre-ai-ribeil iu Die ord.r for publication of UiIm summons upon you, whloli period of llm Is six weeks from the dat. of the llml publication of this summons, In wit, within six weeks f-otn the Itlh In)- nf Atignat, mi:, 1 hnl being thedtte nf the that publication hereof, and If you tail to ho appear ami answer aald uoiu,laliil, the plaintiff will apply to .be Mart for th. relief il.mtnded In null complaint, to wit; a deeree of said gearl forever dissolving the marriage i-nu'ritrt 1111 slid heretofore eiallng 1 iMi-ii the pialiitlll slid defendant, .111. 1 mr lb t'otlt and disbuiaeuivuia ol ilii- 'Hit , suit for geuvrol relief. fea are fiu-tliur notified that this luminous la served upon you by publl out iiiii thereof In The Times Herald, n weekly nwspaier publiahml in Hums, Ilium-) County Oregon, pursuaul loan irilei of lino. H. V. Ij-vena, County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, mailn and ilaieil the mb dsy of August, l.il.'i. the date of first publiratiun being Aug ust 14th, ItilR, snd the Isal publication thereof will bn 01. the 'Jilli day of Hop leuiber, 1015. J. H, COOK, Attorney for Plalntifl. NOTICE rX)R PUBLICATION. 1"-itieii MYATM Unh Uni" i f Burnt, Orngou, Jujy .1. ivi . t Swilm U tit-tt'hr lvtt .bo.. Jounr. I'irU, in ii KMt tjiflco) Kdtl r tt llrti . tiii'ttuii, ltd. 0 1 J" 1 1 4lf Ol Oct lit r, IVM.fllo iu lit Ik uli hwurit HlAlrtnunt ut. A ..j.UcsitHHi , So. r7?9l,to purebwo tb BW'-NK'i. h ii.u 17. lt.Hi.wIil,. .'I M RmU0 VsllU E , WllmlUtl Mfiiiiiaii. nl too tiinbor tnvrouD, undvr Hi i-ioiliiMiiiul II.- gt. t wl JOU, & 1V", !.! . l iint-u(Ut4try, known tUtbo "Ttmbisr oat! Hton km t gttiiu vnluo mi niii In- Atoil lijf op (miirnii'iii, oiid Ibol purauaul to tilth ptJi I'gttlun, ihvUiul ond iluisfOr tbwroou huvt- Vrr u ipprtUtod, tbo tlmbot Miim.t4 inn auu M. .;.i h-rl 441 I UO per M , Dd lb.- Uli'i li uu. .lull ini'l npp!lron will offvr lino prool Is tui-on ul nlr. appllcotlon ond twu'n toto-liu-ni .hi ibe ib U)r ol Octobor, ivi.., bvluro H- gjniwt mi Helv4r, t Hums. r-fon. a ii i" f ttui U Jit llborlv U protvat IbU pur .in'- bafor votrjr, ir loulatv m t-utit.l ot ony lm Ittlorr pttlmt Imooo, btr HilUK o rorrolrorn tod t.iillg,vllio Ibliofhrr.olloiilnii !! wblrh ooul4tiolooJ tht antrr. $1500 Reward! Oir.ott KorulAaud Ntivodo LlTv Mui-k I'ri-i.c llOO AHvKlftllt.il ol whlob tbo in. tlii tloBod la mam bar, Will oo ft.tsUO IW rawora lor rl ttauce taadlm lo tba annat rim) oon Tl lion of dnv ba.r- tor porllao aiaol Ini nttrMHi. rotlU or ntulao Iraloiiffliif 4 any u! It mam Ina.ldllion to lb above, tba vadarolfttod .nTcra tbo aomo ruiidltton GuO,O0 lor ftU burtat hrandad buroo abod tor on bull, or elthtr jow. Hrood rvcofdod In algbt count Im Kongo I llornty, l.aka oud Crook ouuotlao. Iluroof wi.i wbanoold. Ntina t.ui frown burora aoltl oud only Jin rao i inn isi p. W W.HHfitVN rirr. OroirM. W. I w- stsa WiHltRiiiBroa. htve all kindi of rough lumber for le at their mill 16 mllaa north of Burna on tha Canyon City road. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ilHiTin Rr.ril ..ASt. limi'l llurat, Ortesituiia. iswi, mi. nf Hunii, Jan. M, 1 wmii saa llll. mse HonastMi. Kntrma and Nollo la hsrslir given thatJsmaiR t'lttmaii. nf Hurna, Ongon, wbo, ou Oct. IS, ... and j. in HMD Tow .. uii i luh oialsi loth laod sber 4nrtliil. banin- , lhB Mlsarsl No m lllamSltaMarl-llai. haitlla.l i I lora-J-ar pi Tonawama, tonlRht. Iuimk . No. M NOTKi; TOR PUBLICATION. i s.i so s-rvia '-"",0"'''"',-,, Hurna. iiras'in, una'" -- i. i .....I., alvan tUSt in r run ii.-,,,-, m - '-- ""t SSI la. in- K.ll i i.nii-aiiv, "J,hfXTJii KeH W M.40J.A WI7W. tor HgMnWM Hii-non mi Hl.a'. Karfloii ?: Hl-atlOB at, Towsahip , M.UII. K.. W.lilams.ta Marli.li tiMii.uB laasktflsal Haalatsr and Rws.TW. SI gortia. Urat'ni, mi th Wta dar ol .. toaiter Kill. i.almaiilnsttiMsa ltoa Krank K lilcklnson. Loa H. Iileklnsuii. iiorgTliurloirsBd Worlhf ... I'atlsranu, all ul Hurm, (Iii-kuii. Wm. gAsss, R.str. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the 8lat d r rutin, for Hnrne.r County. Kffi 11. Smith, plalntlfT, Tt. v Arthur K. Bmlth, defendant. ) To Arthur B. Smith, tbe above nuined tlefendant: In the nam. of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the abore entitled court and suit on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication nl this summons upon you, which period of time Istix weeks from the dat of the Atst publication ot this summons, to wit: within tig weeks from .lie 34th day of July, 1U16, that lieing tbe da'e of tbe first publication hereof, and il you fall to so appear and answer auid complaint, the plaintiff will apply In i-ourt for th relief demanded in auid I complaint, in wit: a decree of said court I forever dissolving the mtrriitgr i-mitrm-i now existing between plaintiff and '! fendant. and that plaintiff bate lin ear., custody aud control ol l.rl.ih Smith, a minor child, th Issue of auid inititinni- and fur urivml i, -1 . . I Yon ar. further notified thut tlu suinmons is served upon you by paUl cation thereof in The Times-Herald, a weekly newspaper published in Hum-. Harney County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. II 0. I rvrm, County Juuge ol Harney t nunty, uregoii, itinnr nn. I dated the IWth day of July, 1015, I the date of the first publication brittu. July 34tb, 1018, .ad tbe last publica tion thereof will be on September 4th, tats. J. S ClltlK, Attorney for Plaintiff. i Inn I. ( IMIKII ' ' i. IKV",V,' i I laws mHii.71i a mg. m.M a Ma-m g. Hallal No. 0O4 a.. ah, .,,.1 all parsuiil ,,'n tfEi'KsJ . 4 -.,.-, .llu.,l f . 1 4ie IrlllBT til OUjeJOI naoowgri iii.ip .--. -. ..,,.! tUm I. ad if rail iiil iai vei in h t -t ar. v;' ,:n,,-.:. " :; -a rt,S4hll4ti :!:?i:,:r::h"d.rjnVrJwLi I""1- SM . RaallMr. Wm. rasss. Retitwr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IISirtD HTATS I-aOrTIfc J Iniihn iiregmi, Augusl M, ll I NOllii' In I" Bfn, nl liar linn, main- l:ni h K null I i that sUrraryl ft. .rli i-aiin, nno, b wwwr ' it..,., i, an. BffwVi NgUtwji.aa. I ToeiMhle tA li H Man, SgM ,ki final tni-rew iOnf. I" .lal.li.lnla.H. Itia land "VV 1,'rllHd, !,.f,.ie Hrl.l.r ami Melr, ", oYi'gm, oa .mh d "l HptBr.l- I lal.Mi.nl llini-i -"-"- Bo ll K I' 1 1 m.- n . I . n ii s n.i.1,1.. .,,! -I'liiiruiau, all l llarriinaii. .,"-a- W H rasss. aegtoter. GRIFFITH A SAURMAN f hyrli-lsi t si.d Siif.. i.i J. UU. CEflHV Phrsirlan anil Snrgenu Burns, - - On -t .I, Offlee on second Seer Ton.aann i',i,. Phone Main.-,. DEItMAN & DEMUAfl. Physician and Surgeons Call, answered promptly nlghl nr day 'Phone Harriman. HarTlman, Oregon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Connetliun Albritton. Ore. -aaaaaasasasgg4 sTOOM win Usi "r -.--. - l n n Vla-l I Tli only wsy to l sr -3i 1 get'tli gtnuln- I aSc 8 I Npw Hnmfl I I Sawing iwacsiss a get jftM H 1 it to buy tb nn i Mat H 1 whit th naiM NEW JH 1 I IOME oo th ans H m ami iu ill leg. M PA I m v. . .. attl wBoBk jm m i rh niwww aaj ajarSatE tl M uiuu4 foe all ffl KJEKI m .i ate! 3 at g gej ! I No other like it JT I No other as good W b. E. HIBBARD DEITTIST Ofloa Art I door east pboto gsllry Boms. Oregon No other i TB3 New Horn Sewlig MicklM ! (iRANt.E, MASS. rm if You Want ALL Tbe Home News READ TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing gtOjaaaWr V S I aaaasL ' tfPk SjsaaW fjjsfr'V WBlKfaaakaaaVVliTOa n B mmmmmKMlaMmmT aarTrati v -gpj" BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law I Offic Prsrlii r Land Sir p f. Sl Oregon Vl- M. A. BIGliS Attorney at Ijw Vergtly Hldg., llun . OirKoo O. A. REMBOLD AtUirin-y-.-i! l.nvv. Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON KCIIMALZ Attorney at Lav, Cootaels and prattn-t- l.-f -. I . S. I .snd Office a -. Hltv Offlee: Fry Hldg. next .1 0 pott offic Hums, Orrgon CHARbES W. ELMS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice, in ih Mate Coarta uuj b for. tb. U. H. Und i ulu-.-. CJhae. II. I"oiuuti. Attorn kv-at-i. aw, Careful stlentimi given lo r.illec- tions and Real Estate uiattert. Fire Insuraiiiv. Notary I'ulilic 0 Bl'K.N. Ohkuo.s. A. W. GOWAN ATTORN EY-Ai LAW State Court and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of thg Harney County National Bank Burns. Oreeon. 9. C. 1..i.ki rTBirly Ast. gsglssfi UP. S asclainailiii. -. A. O. 1-At'i.xxga t-'urim-r.jr 1 1.11 ga- I ul . .. A gfaajsr. ..) Eastern Oregon ffngiaeeriBf Company CM. W IRBitiATION EWUNEEB Bgros, Orrgns Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them County This summons is puhllshrd ay prd.r of th. Hon. li. C. livens, n ty Court ol tb. 4Hetc ol Oregoa, for th Ooonty of Harney, si ml Haiil nrilnr ' . J.Ili .L. -Iii.t. .1 l tOlS .nJ ll,Ail.la l ll. II. ul mill. was inane ana obwu iu m J7 - -.u., ...-. --- . - - -. r- liiatlon nl tblt tumaion. It lb. lit! day el Angutt, l10. All prooest and paptrs in thl prooteding may be srved Umn Urn unlii aitfiuid residing la lb. HUl of Orego., tt th address hereinafter mentioned. aigiutu. rewuing a g g,iiM0g, Attorney tin i-liil Address: Wu, aJregjno. ST2 All the new in The Times-Heralc. for $2.00 Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors arc easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive,, ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on. easy to keep clen and hard to wear out. You can apply it yourself. It dries in a short time. Offered in appropriate and attractive shades. Burns Hardware Co. Agt. LONI: Short; Orders und Promot Service RESTAURANT OEOKtlti FOON l'iop. Meals At All Hours. With Keasuruble K.uo Give Mo A Ca.ll TlasN-MoraM Hl.a.sg I lgIHIimilltna;:i;:::i:ir.t:::: :::.:-1 RODNEY DAVIS HfM Palntiuc Paper HatigTinM and Decorating DalclmlninK Hardwood Finishing Fresxo Painting Mlaaatea furntsli.il on aa PlFftlyn. Sauiplrs shown. wrt mum a mtttn: tttttmmim unm. JOHN eileUQtLING. A Jewolnr. OpUoiuo 4vd Knui'iivt'r. Fine Watch Repairing A Sp clalty. Tunawama ttniinl.i