M Hl.- JJDWci! . I a .aim a. ma. I: 1 w I MI .11 rl .'". A ?,. Ho bin tiU 8 lanj rsuf ' limp Tl Krtl 0 l nut url fbtj la PERSISTENT BEAVERS. A Ml of Wit stwssn th Afllmalt and th gnginssr. When th Grand 'trunk i-iiIImiv r.B It lint across wtmp In game pre err on th Un of the Albtrta Hock tea toer was wonderfully eon. iniri d bavr dam holding tti watt i hack to flood th are amp Thta In th jra Of th name waa pur waste, and ha ordarwl tin engineer to prevent It without liarni tag th beavers. Of course th data could bar been blown Up with il.um mtt. but that would bars RMam ti death of inoat of tin- Httt animal and death rar likely In great pnln nt that So tb engineers cut an opening In the dam. Th mud tmil bcom almost aa hard aa concrete, and It ton lb men three days to get tb wratet nm ntngout steadily. Then, thinking their trouble with the Industrious little fol low over, they started work on tho railway through th awamp. Soon tb water began to rbw and tb work wa etopped In a few limit-. Th engineer mad all hnato Id lb dam and found th anlmala had repair ed th cut and mad It tight again. A freah cut waa made, hut nfi, r the men bad gone the braver boated tuemselve and mado It trotiKt-r thun rr. Work waa ngnln atopped mi the railroad with a few hours. Tbn a deep bole waa mad In (ho earth far nnder the dnm. The benvtN wer much puaaled. Never before had they aen water go down In!., the ground and com up far away. Mill they lent their whole attention to the problem, and the work on the railroad waa again stopped ns a UMHifiHMM and th fonndntlona onkcd with wa ter. Then followed an rngtiKeiiii'iit of wlta between the bearer ami il n glneera. Hut every time the mun found a way to cut the dam In u now place th beavers found a was to top It. The road waa finally iiu.stni. i I In working a few hour at a time. . 1 tb loaa to the contractors iiiiioiuit.tl to mor than $8,000. Detroit Kr. 1'resa. DEFIED THE BRAHMANS. An Eat Indian Princ Who Old Not Fr Loalng Cast. Mr. Conlngsbj- Dawson, the well known English writer, toll Hie follow Ing anecdote of the Knot India, prior Blr Pertnb Singh: A young KnglUti lieutenant bad died of cholera In bis palace The boj ana tb ou of an KuglLsh friend When tb body bad to be carried out "to I placed oo a gun carriage Sir I'ertah Singh went forward to lift It op. Re fore he touched It he wa gagfsJWd ly some English oltlcers They remlieled him that by his religion, were be to touch the dead be would lose nil his carle and perhaps, daaptjt lit" ui-uitb. never be able to buy It hack. I'lie.i ait vised blm to seud for the awaeiiers, wbo are outcasts. In spite ot iii.-lr protests he picked up the body and carried It down the palace Stgpa to the gun carriage A gasp went up at the atgbL Kvery one of his subject knew what he had done The next aaOfBlttg, hen lie rose. .100 Urahmun prtssla were wait log lu the courtyard tie mine out, u proud llgure. to face them He knew wbat they bad Haas) for to mal.c liliu the lowest thing in India, a man w lih out caste. He asked them what was tbelr errand, and tbey told him They bad come to make him uf ns little iic count as the humblest awpr in M pa lac. Sir I'ertah Singh laughed. "I la long." be said, "to a higher eagle Ihau any of you have ever dreamed uf, and you can't take It from me: j-ou'i.- ml come to all tbe rest. I helong to the same cast as the dead sou of my friend the caate of a soldier " With that be walked hn k Into his palace, and the Brahman prtesta Ta1 away, one by one. ashamed in.. I poa sled a Pur Logic. Liberty commanda the highest prlre of all known things. Its price Is so high thut nobody can pay It Proof. Eternal vigilance U th.- pries of lllierty. Eternal vlgllamc I- t.. b ever on the Job. To be ever n tin- Jut. I to have no leisure or vacation I'd bare no leisure or vui-i.tl.i. Is M B a lave To be a slave is not In have liberty. Therefore In order to tie free we must enalave ourselves, wiii.-b I Hhsurd. Q. E. D Judge Quill Pn. The 0lll pen Is not OJtttta extim-t In ljiudnn The legal profession, whl.ti is very conservative, clings to It leiiu ilousiy, and none of the courts would lie isimpletely equlipcd without n plM tlfm supply or good goose ipillls lime you noticed wbat an Ingjasastmsal nc ceaMory the quIU Is to MOmurt, n In-dn-r in ostenta Ilousiy Inking a note, mak log a ss-(K.-h or lu helping to poiut a warning rluger at a boattt witness? London Standard. By Internal Evidence "Where do you suppose we got th aaylug. '11 laughs best who laugh last?' " asked Mrs lllnks of her bus band. "Probably some Englishman ll.nt said It," replied Ur. Bluks. "He was doubt less trying to set n national fulling In u favorable light."- youth's Companion. Feed For Gossip "Where are you going 7" "To call on Mrs. Wallaby Wombat letter coinu along I understand III. i. re some very Interesting things to be heard." "How ao7" "8b baa Just quarreled with her best friend "Pittsburgh Post BRAWNY NORWEGIANS. I1iy Ar th Longt Lived Popl In th World Todsy. Tb On stature and unlquo physical qualities of tbe athletic- Norsemen are thus described by Price Collier lu an article on "Norway and Ihe Norwe gians, Prom on American Point of Vltw," In Scrlbner's Muguzlue: "Tb ao called bonder, or agricul tural peasantry, form tbe very ha. I, boo f tb nation In Norway. Each Is proprietor ot bis own farm, and Hoy occupy tb country from the ahon- of tb aa to the foot of the hills and up every glen or valley u fur a corn w III grow. Tby ar, as a rule, flue looking. athletic men, aa their proiwrlles are not ao larg a to exempt them from work, but larg enough to supply ll.cm niul their families with wholesome food, lu tbe old day tln-y bull I ihcit- own house, mad tbelr unu furniture, plows, carta, barneas, Ironwork, wood work and baaketwork. Probably there n no communities anywhere els lu the world so self efficient, ao Independ aviil isikal sui tHttntnrtuttlv cate "Indeed, tbelr als and wholesome which th Us was paid, Hit ths eer aspect iroT tbls. for they arc lb fair- tlflcat lssud: eat. fnllett. BMOdaat cheat, and kmg t lived, DMpI in tb world today. "In th trt of tb towns, at th fnrmn, on th roads, one aaldom mm a rat man or one wbo looks unwieldy. They nr sturdily oouietlm hsavtly, hnltt. but tby ar lean In th flank. in ond of shoulder and thick through, and. though they do not alwaya carry ihemaelvca lightly or gracefully, they took to have plenty of room for the working machinery of living, for heart and lungs and dtgwtlv apparatus. Wherever you go In Norway, from t'hrtatlnnsutid to th North cap, you .'Miin.it go far without going up Hint down hill. nr eim you go far without Inhaling the champagne like mountain air. It is not Impossible that th plain t....il a necessity In a poor country -tho physical training lu Ibe schools the obligatory military training, th sen slble temperance legislation, the up and down hill eierclae. th almost entire lack of luxury and th fact that they are not hard workers -not laajf, ier hapa, but certainly leisurely lu their toil, actdnni making any undue demand 1 upon their nervoua energy-have pro- iiucisj wnai on nrimrwi .eg.s.ni.vu inn roiy." Napoleon and ltuau. Napoleon on visiting the tomb ot Rousseau said: "It would have been better for the rcsM of Crane that this man had never been born." "Why ao, Cltlsen Conaulf" "It la he wbo prepared the Krcnrh revolution." "I should have thought, t'ltlscn t'ou sul, that It waa not for you to complain of the revolution " Well." replied Napoleon, "the future will discover wbelhw It wa not better for the ra.ieof tb world that neither Itoussenu nor I had ever been bom." lu these ii.vib we hear tli first clar ion or advancing Imperialism -"Tbe I'ersonullly of Napolwon." A Holland Hose. Th Origin of "Hurrah." The word "hurrah" la pur Hlavo nl. in and Is commonly heard from Ibe const of Itnlmatl to Rerlng strati when any of tbe population living within these limits Is called on to give proof of courage and valor. Til orl gin or th word belongs t Hie priml tire l.len that every man that dies heroically for his country goes straight to heaven -Ho ray, to panullse And In the shock and ardor ot battle the combatant utter thut cry. aa th Turks do that of "Allah!" each uuliiiat Ing himself by the certitude of Inline dlate recoiniH-iiM' to forget earth and to contemn death How Indians Purified Water. The Indian bad a way ot purifying water from a ioud ur swamp by dig ging a hole bIriiiI a foot across and down about six Inches below the water level ii few feet from th (huiiI. After It was filled with water they balled It out qulrfcly. repenting the balling pria--ess about three times After Hie third balling the hoi would be filled with tilt. rul water. Try It.-Hoy Seoul 11.111. IlKHlk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. E. It TlimiY. Halntur, vs. JOHN P. ANNETTE, Mrs. L)dm llaru I. .mil, i liarte bed, Andy J. i mux, oiul i urisou, Covtl V. Liiilds, J. It. ( ooper, J. tt. Donnall, 0. Douoti.n, bk av, l-wudsil, U. W. Flashuer, Our n. uneves, Claud V. Uwlnu, I'. A. . i.i 1 1 en. .n.iiu Holier, H. U. Miillei', U 1. ..i. on. j. M. McKlnuoii, Wil liam 1.. .N,.iili,Ettle M. Uber, bumuel 1'eturson, It. '. i'lumuier, A. E. IMl tj. W. U. I'oilUps, Albartus W. Uued, I'. If, Hour, Lkarlea 8. Stophuns, ...un. a H. .-mi mi, Joseph 11. binltb, l'. c. .- p.iuuctb (or Bpannutbj, K nest w. bly, l-'rauk Seeley, Harry E. boott, Charles Slnnett, W. U, Woud rurf, at, .M. WUlUuna, Martha, While, William Vales, L. E. llarton, E. 1 j.iciuiaii. C. w. Urtmas, J. w. bwupe, and all whom It may con cern. Defendants. SUMMONS. lu Juliu P. Annette, Mrs,, l.ydia Hum hurui, Charles Del), Andy J. Uotlls, "...i Carlson, Cocll W. Child J. A. i uuinT J. 11. Donnell, C. Donovau, kl u Kendall, U. W. Fleabuer, Cora It. Urievoa, Claude Y. Uwlnn, P. A. Hal i.u, Jobn llolxor, H. C. Mliller, U P. Mooney, M. McKInnon. Wil liam 1.. Noah, Em M. Ober, Samuel r. icrson, H P. Plummer, A E. lt t , W. O. Phillips, Albortus W. Reed, l'. 1-'. Hour, Charles 8. - Stephens, James 11. mllb, Joseph H. Hmlth, P. C. Spanneth (or Bpannulb), Er nest W. Sly, Prank Soeley, Harry E. Scott. CharMa Slnnett, W. D. Wood ruff, E. M. Williams. Martha, White, William Yules, L. 111. Barton, E. is Jeremiah, C. W. Ortnuui. J. W. Swoimj, and all whom it may con cern. Defendants: lu the nam ot tb Slat ot Oregon, you ore hwrohy notified that tb plain tiff, E. B. Terry, la th holder of the lollowing certificate ot delinquency issued on th data heroinaftor refer red to by tb tax "collector of tb County uf Hnrnay, But of Oregon, (or the amount ot mouty set altar acb j cur tor wblcb tb said certificates wor Issued, and being tb amount thou duo and delinquent for taxes tor ihe years hereinafter mentioned, to gether with tb penalty, Interest and costs tbereon, upon the real property assessed to you, and of which you are the owner aa appear of record, altu ate In the said county and slate, and particularly horetnafUr doecribed; and you are further notified that the aald i: li Terry baa paid taxea on aald prmiw for prior or subsequent years Kith t ho rat of interest on suld amoamM as hereinafter net forth. That you, a ownwe of the legal title ot tbe parcols of land aat before your respective name aa tbe same ap pear ot record, and each of you, ar hereby further notified that tb said O. li. Terry will apply to th Circuit Court of the sUt and county afore said for a deer torocloslng.th Hen against th property hereinafter de scribed, and mentioned In aald certifi cates; and you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after tho first nublloatlon of this summons. uxuluslve uf the day of said first pub lication, and defend tola action or pay tho amount du as shown, together with costs and accrued Interest, and In caae of your failure to do so, a de cree will be rendered foreclosing the lion of suld taxes and coats against the land and premUes hereinafter describ ed; all of th said oartlflcate bear Interest at th rat of fiftn per cent. per annum from th date tbrof. The following Is a description of the land assessed, tbe word "Sec." mean ing section and the words "Twp. It." manning township south rang east, Willamette Meridian, th name of tb liersons to whom tb same waa as sessed and who ar tb owners of the legal title of the said property, U ap pear of record, th yr In wulch th tax waa Urld sad assessed, tb amount for which th svrl oertia- wer ieua, uL "i Daaorln- tlon Sc. Twp. ft. Nag of owwSf NVt BV n NWli BBH ST II Mkt P. AftMtt NV IH II T II Mr. Lfdla 8V4 Vi 1 HWH rVit 36 S3 Charm 1111 NV4 NVs a Nbihi NE1 37 31 Andy J. Oollls 8Vk NVi a NWHHW14 NH HVk " nwhhw 37 3 Ulaf Carlaoa 37 36 Cctl W. ChUd NV4 ti II NKKNW 37 SI J. ft. Coopwr 8Vi 8V S 8KU HK'4 37 3 J. II. Donall NM, NH II 8WH8KH :I7 31 C Donovaa 8V NH 3 BBrW 37 SI ft. rwtall SVt NS. a 37 36 0. W: nsdnw 8V NH 11 NBH 8BH 37 36 Cora B. Qrts SH NH 3 NK; NWI.4 37 36 CUuds V. Qwlan ataii: r J '. " 9V4 HH 1 S7 SI P. A. Halken NWH NVVH 8H an a NBH8B14 8H 8H 3 SKH8WU 37 36 Jobs Ho!xr 17 36 H. 0. Milllr NH NH 11 XKV.SK', 8H 8H M SKI4NW14 37 36 U P. Moony 36 36 M. McKlano NH 8H n 8WHHEH 37 36 WJlllaaa U Noah SH 8H 3 8KWNWH :iti 36 KUM. Obar 8H NH 3 MEHNEH 37 36 8axuul Ptrson NH NH 1 NWHNWH 37 S6 B. P. Plumar 8H NH 36 aw'HNWH 311 36 A. . Patty HH NH 3 NKH8EH 37 36 W 0. Pbllll.is NH NH 8EHNUH 37 36 Albsrtua N, N' SWN 86 30 3d I'. K- Bohr Vh SH NH 35 NBXBlJd 35 33 Chaa. 8. Staph n SH 8H 11 SKH8WH 17 W J H. Smith SH NH II sk'.ni-;1. 37 36 Joseph K. Stultti NH NH l NBHNBH 37 36 P. C. Spanneth or Spanmitb NH SH 33 NWHBKH 36 36 Braet W. Sly NH 8H 33 36 36 Praak tefff NWHNKV. SH NH SBH8BH 37 36 Harry & Scott SH HH 33 NWHNKH 36 36 Chart Slnnetl SH 8H II NKHNWH 37 36 W. O. Woodr-if SH NH 10 NEVNBH 17 U B M. WUIIama NH HH 33 SBNWH 36 86 Martha WbH BH NH 35 36 SS WluTam YatM i'-i NK'4KW'A NH NH SS 8EH8WH 36 83 L B. Barlou r NH SH I SBHNWH 37 31 E. h. Jrmlan BH NH 1 SEH8WH 36 38 C. W. Ortsaan "I Ml fl' ft NH NH NKH8EH 36 S3 J. W. SWOP This summon! is published by order of the Hon. H. 0, '.evens, Ju.lgx of III County Court of the Stat of Oregon ,-4r th County of llarnay, and miI.I ordi was mad and dated tbe Wth day of Angnst, 1115, and the dale of tlm Mist pub licatlon of this anmaaon Is tba list day f August, lll&v Allprocandmpratntlils IweeMdlag nay be served u.n tl... sndr signed redding In tb HUie ol Oregon, at lbs sddrSM lierelnalter inviitiou.,1. gneii, resioing 110. llurua, Oregon. A. I.I. ess All the news in The Times-Herald tor $2.00 Amount 14.60 940 8.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 8.40 8.43 4.40 6.40 1.01 S.OO 4.04 4.60 4.60 8.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.30 3.48 1.40 4.50 3.8X1 3,48 4.40 6.40 4.60 S.S0 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.86 8.4S 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.S0 3.48 MO 6.40 S.S0 3.48 4.40 6.40 S.S0 3.4S 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.S0 S.4S 4.40 6.40 4.6V) 3.S0 S.4S 4.40 1.40 S.S0 3.43 6.40 4.60 3.S0 3.43 6.40 S.S0 3.41 6.40 3.S6 3.30 3.48 4.40 S.40 3.30 3.48 4.40 D.4U 3.S0 3.48 4.40 b.40 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.80 3.46 4.40 6.40 3.30 3.43 4.40 5.40 3.30 3.48 4.04 6.40 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.SI 3.04 4.04 4.60 4.70 3.30 3.4S Oat ot oartlftoato Jun 17, MM Jon II, HUH Kb. in. Mi Mar. 80, 1814 Mar. 31, 1316 Juno 17, 1111 Jun 13, 1018 Pab. 18, 1814 Mar. 30, 1814 Mar. 81, 1816 Peb. 18, 1814 Pab. 19, I'M Mar. 80, 1914 Mm-, at, iiiiu Jun 17, kill jun tt, IMS Pub. 19, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. ;il, IlllO Jun 13, 1918 Pb. 19, 1914 Mar. 11, 1916 June 17, 1111 June II, Peb. 2i), 1914 Mar. no, 1914 Mar. 81, 1816 June 17, 1813 Juno 12, 1813 Peb. 80, 1914 Mar. 80, 1914 Mar. 31. 1616 Jun 13, 1913 Peb. 12, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. Ill, till June IK, 1111 Juno 12, 1913 Peb. 31, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. Ml, 1916 June is, 1913 June 12, 1913 Peb. Hi IIU Mar. 10, 1914 Mar. II, Jun 12. 1913 Pb. 21. 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31. 1916 Jun 12, 1913 Feb. 21, 1914 Mar. no. 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 Jun 19, 1818 Jun 12, MIS Mar. 4, 1314 Mar. 30, MM Mar. It, MM June M, 1913 June 13, 1913 Mar. 4. MM Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 June-13. 1913 Mar. 4. MM Mar. 31, llll June 19, MM 110 mi fill Ivis 1314 1810 1813 1813 1814 1810 ! 1814 imi 1613 1114 1810 1811 1813 1314 1310 1811 1313 1313 1814 1111 1813 1813 1814 1810 1311 1313 1813 1814 1310 1811 iii! 1814 1311 Ml 3 1313 1314 1811 1813 ,1313 1814 1310 1811 1313 1810 i.is 1313 1114 1811 1313 1314 1610 1111 1113 1614 1611 1813 1814 1810 ttll 1313 1813 1314 1811 1811 1818 1814 Mil MIS 1813 1614 Mil MIS 1813 Ml 4 1310 Mil MIS MIS MM Mil MIS MIS MM Mil 1813 1813 1814 Mil MIS 1813 MM Mil MM 1813 1314 Mil MIS MM 1814 1810 Mil June 13, Mar. 4 Mar. 31 June 13, Mar. 4 Mar. 31 Jun 19, 1013 1014 1016 1013 1814 1815 1913 June 13, 1913 Mar. 6, 1914 Mar. 30, MM Mar. 31. M16 June 13, 1813 Mar. 6, 1911 Mar. 3(i. 1814 Mar. 31. 1916 June 21. 1913 Mar. 6, 1814 ' Mar. 3u, 1914 Mar 31. 1916 Juue 21, 1913 Apr. 11. 1914 Mar. SO, 1814 Max. 31, 1915 June 23, 1913 June 21, MM Apr. 11. MM Mux. 30, MM Mar. 31. 19M June 1. 181S Apr. 11. 1014 Mar, ::.i, MM Mar. 31, 1916 June 21, I'jU Apr. II. 1914 Mar. 30. 1911 Mar. 31. 1915 June 21, r.'i.i Apr. II, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 19lS June 21, lul l Apr. 13, PJ14 Mar. 3'i. 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 June 23, rji.; Apr. 14. 1914 Mar. ", 1914 Mar. 81, 1916 June 20, 1913 Jun IS, llll Apr. 14, 1914 Mar. 3o. 1914 Mar. 31, 1913 Jun 23, 1913 Apr. 14, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, ISIS Jun 21. 1913 Jun 23. 1913 Apr. 14, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 19 16 June 23. llll Apr. II, 1114 Mar. 30, 1314 Mar. 31, 1915 June S3, 1913 Apr. It, 1914 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 June 20, 1913 June 23, MIS 1813 e i 1813 1313 1614 1610 Mil MIS MM ::;; MM MM MM Mil MM 1813 1614 MM 1611 MM 1613 MM 1810 3.f8 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.3d 3.43 4.40 140 330, 3.48 4.40 6.40 3,30 3.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 8.S0 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.S6 3.30 3.41 5.40 3.30 S.4I 4.40 6.40 330 3.43 4.40 6.40 3.30 3.16 3.S6 3.04 4.04 4.60 4.17 8.72 4 Kit 4.64 4.66 4.S2 6.24 6.66 4.06 ,;t; 4.60 4.14 4.06 4.4S 3.72 4.80 S.S1 Apr. 13, 1314 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 81. 1915 June 30, 1913 June 23, 1913 Apr. M. 1914 Mar. 31. IMJ June It, llll May 1. MM Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, llll Juno 23, 1913 May I, MM Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 June 23, 1913 Apr. 14, 1114 Mar. 30, 1914 Mar. 31, 1916 June 21, 1913 June 23. 1918 May 1, MM Mar. no, 1114 Mar. 31. Mtl June 17, 1915 1811 1813 MM 1614 Mil MIS MM il MIS MM 1610 Mil MIS MM MM M" 1813 81 3 MM Juno 17, 1 f U' June 17. i9ir. June 17, 1915 June 23, 191 h Juno 21, Mil iuiie 21. 1915 June 23, 1915 June 25, 1916 June 25, 1916 June 25, 1915 Juno 25, 1915 June SR. 1016 June 25, V.M5 June 26, 1915 June 25, "Oil June 35, 1916 June 25, 1915 ft' 1813 1114 I 1610 Mil 1613 MM MM B. BIBSMOBS, ntiurney lor p.a.uii... Yr iio Rolled barley, wheat and oats for sale at market price. - W. A. Goodman's feed yard. SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court oi the Stale of Oregon, for Harney County. .let! K. Miller, plaintiff va. Charlc W. Millar, ili.len.liint I'.i t'hsrles W. Miller, Ihe abufli mi. in'. I .Ulsndant In th nam of Stat ol Oregon, you ur h.-n'l.y requlrad to appear and answer the complaint Jlled again! yon in ill., above entitled court and salt on or Iwlore the last day of the tlm pre- h. i It... I in the oriler for publication of ibis summon upon you, whinh period f t .mo la six weeks from the del of lb Ural publication of this unii.ons, In a It ; within six weeks from the 14th .lay of August, 1816, that being th date of tho llrt publication hereof, and if you tall to an appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to Un. loiirt for the relief demanded lu said complaint, to wit; a decree of said court forever dissolving the marriage contract now and heruiofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, ami lor the costs and disbursement of this suit, and for general relief. V".. arr further uollhed that this un. i. ions Is served upon you by publl .nil.... il.eri'of in Th Times llrrald, n weekly newspaper published in Hums, Han) County Oregon, pursuant to an order si Hon. II. c. Ivrn, county Judge of Harnay County, Oregon, made sud dated the nih day of Aogoat, HIS, the date of firat publication being Aug ust 14th, 1016, and the last publication thereof wilt be ou tho 'AMI. day of Sep. ti'inhor, 1015. 3. S. COOK, Attorney for Plaintiff. TH 10ST ACCli. JITE 21 c;ucraRertfj IKim in the WrMLD. Mi.tlc in two models, on f.r .OS Short It. I', isr- iii.Ik-s the other for .88 It. He It. P. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Handles IS .If Short and 16 .St Ien: rltto cart rldtfna. Semi for hantlsoinrlv Illustrated It.lle ( sta ir ami "How lu. Shoot ftU". Order Plstsleand from your Dealer, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P.o,aoo4, kjBAsgfSs ST aW! salAgxsTSk $1500 Reward! II." ".. -run. I'.I. lliuulssua s, .. 1.1 f. stork H.ot.e liua Assocl.ili.B el which (h uailrr sIssmkI Is member, win (i. i,uo a! reward lor vl d.ac. lesetaa to th. srrs.l s.t.l eon Tlrllon ul s.. v Dsr- IjorjHUtlM stswi iu iurass, Mill, r mnl beWssjIa l 1ST ul IIS tu.m bars. In .Mli.on loth. aUuvt, th 4rl-nd ft ia lha sam cou.lltlon Ma. fur all horsa Ms... b-il h.irs sl.od bar utherllhr Jaw. Iiraud reroMlsd la slghl eaUs lUug llsri.er, l.ak and rrouk rewaUaa. Horss vi-atnl whliBSOltl. Nun t.ul gruwo horss sold aatl usly as ir l.uni lies, W W.8MOWH FII.Oram, If it'i a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. rfn f I la ggVs) w&4 Long; " IHT rare m W.OO M a w fiVJr mk r, w ssfc-wj Burns Hardware NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.' iisivac aviTM l. an i.rrn a Haras, Ureses, August iii. . Motle It bsrsby fives thst Ji ol auras. Otaaoa. wbo. on I 1vB that Jsmsa H rutins-.. I UOI. IS, IVII son BsK t& af -wA t:r m ... -..:4.. !... ...... ,.., anir.fs n. Ksn. . .,i i mas Anal tbr-rr prol lo aiai i loth land abov rtssntlbwl, hfor. Hsflstar an nsceiv.r, si nu.ni, or."" thsOOth dr ol Spli..lt lis. rtslmsiitnam wliiirsHB' Frank K lilcklnsoii. toas H l.l.-kli.a".., ItsorfsTlinrlowsod Worthy I.. I'sllrrson, sll nl Horns, Orosna. Wa, FAaas, lstr. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Btnlr of Or egon, for Harney County. Kll.r II. Smith, plaintiff, ) vs. I Arthur P.. Smith, ilefcndiint ) To Arthur K. Rniith, Ihe above ua.urd .l.-fellilillli : In til nam of the Stair of Oregon or before the last day of th timr pre crihed in the order for luihlicntion ol this summons upon you, which period of lime Is six weeks from tbe dnle of the Hist publication oi this sum. nuns, lo wit: within sic wk from the 2tli day of July, HUB, that lieing the date of the Aral publication hereof, nn.l 'I you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaiotifl will apply to court for the relief daninnded In anl.l - - - - - -- a.. ...It, a .f maaaif ur iiirl compwim, io-w.4, sos,m --... v foievrr dissolving th marriage conlrncl now ei.si.l.s .wisrm. inaiiiiiii u-i '" i... & a .- ..1.1... in .....I ,l. ...i,l , .-. len.l.iiii. and that plaintiff have tlie ; , r , , , , . care, custody and control ol Irlni. Smith, a minor child. Ihe Issue of S.M m.rrUg.,.odlorgnr.lrrlief You are further notified that this ! summons i ervd upon you by pulili catlon thereof in Tbe Times-Herald, it weekly newspaper published in Hums, Harney County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. H. C. Lcvcns. County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, made and dated the Ulth day of July, lOlfi, tbe date of the Bret publication bring July st-tth, 1UI S, and tbe last publica tion thereof will be on September -till, 111.1. J. S Cook, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dam SiAT-as i.asuorn. . i Saraa, Oregea. Auuat M, i-o I NMIr Is h.rsby slv.a that Msrrsrrt M. iirls , ol Harrlmsa, Oracoii, wl.o.on o.-ii.iM-r s, Wtrtsx. aakHsw. shmwi, nxi.sw), ... i NhsSli, aaellob M. fowasblu i.. n.uii., luaiaSlm. Wlllam.ti. Mcil.lla... liasSlaal itnti. mad llosMstes SBO SI. otry. No o&lii, lor uutlr. ol lutsnlluu lo Biah. nasi tlin-t- )-t is. nl soot- a. in. i. .a lt.. i a wltoassaa : II. a Hrlfgsa. FrSBk Flsi.t. O. T.Hiut K Tl.iiiinas. all el llsrriusu, Oman Wa. Piasa. Keglsi.r. No other as foo lie Nw How tariff siteklit Coipu j, ORANCg. MASS. you are nerchy requirtu to appear anu, ,,fOVi,,, ,,i u,, an ot Jb, isTSveaoaci answer the complaint lilsd agninat you IStfi'ffi'J. S'l1ffllMf In the above entitled court nnd ault on praise nt sud thai puruaa4 eattab ISa. 1 etSanfM IsPilV: I TH I I Tb ely wy to " S-Sel.j3 It gst th lrnuliie I fV , l New Home HJ a 9ewiauj MaasasasS M jffjLf j 1 ia lo buy la aurhla fl 1 wuh Ik sam NEW ifl lltOMEmts.n1 Hj 1 mih (a has. $')$?, I TU.amSm.hA PLJ vamsasl W ag H I -K.JB ff No other like it mJml I No other as food W 5 Strong Reasons for Fall Painting 1 The wood is thoroughly dry. Summer' j sun has rtmttx ' all moisture, 2. Paint penetrates deeper into dry wood. The deeper it fWJ the better it holds. 3. Fall weather is warm, dry and dependable. Little danger of cold, damp, rainy dayt, which endanger the durability of the petati, 4. Wet weather decays and dot stroys unprotected surfaces. Lack of paint nivalis unsightly and leu valuable property. 5. Fall fainting keep:; out winter moisture. , The greatest enemy to the if and beauty all structure. Ask ua about ACME QUlLITr HOUSE PAJNT. It insures the grcutcbt protection anji beauty, nt the least cost pi r year of SfrviQf, (Jueitiona cheerfully answered. ., "SrirAWni lioin.n rwi w . i'sitbo statb I.OI. orrtca, li. .in, ortixoa, Augat6, HI. . I.u.i I,, elviu. that tb M. JsiE. $$&&&&& SWA y.,..l Nn osatti Any sud all Hirna ''"aj aTrltl lamia ..... r I bail, or il.slrltis to eW hastSWM .., I,, li.. il.afMiaal lo Skbll. ... to. ,., UT mm t, ..,,.,.1.1 nl., ..kt.lr aft-l.tavlta ot urtl la this . ,,i i.afi.r. it. aoth day ol apssbc , w Fabss, gsNrtMsr. I NOTH'K I'OK PUBLICATION. I'siTsiSTATSsLAanOs-nea Burns, nrou, J.ilv SI, ll I getle la l.srrbr slv.a that Jam. I"hi. win a.. Kialolll..i. aailmas la llsrov, '"' dltf.ua Hi" -Vih ilsyoMietobsr, lM,i I uHIisMwoii. Miait.ii.sui sad Application, M WTtl.to Borol I." HWUNIftt. ! , Tow nib 1 1. il a., Ks.ic. WM . Wl,laiHi I, !. M --. aw. lla Merl'lla.., ami Hie lllulr lro. unesr ID I sou Item yr R a...,.. Un- iniii-r estiawtsd .aW.OW II. Iiosnl ... I ..) II " per M , sad th lead It.; ..... tai.i m, . .n. am lll iidi-r dual proel I uppun ! Ma applli-.iioit sud swere slat m.i.i., i il... oh ifsy ol oeiolstr. lilt, helor llelitr sikI Rralvr, si Horn. Oregea. Any person la a. liberty to proiesl tela gar . Iiaa.-I,.!...,. autry, or i.il.lsi. a eoBlest alasy time baton- pal. nllasus. by Slugnra- ti, lslllilsni.il litis onK-,ainisii uses w. would "l-n i ili.sotrr. W rU.RafUtti BOTICB FOK PUBLICATION .MI'KI. k- IKS LAW U OFFICE. In. ...a. (..-. ,u, Ausull II, l16 I Mlle. Is h.ral.v slvn that A rlhur HSVM. f Harney, iiragnn. who, on July Tta. ISM, ...a..,' II,.I1M-Mr. r.uirv, ., w,, .. .- ,, n.a'lt. Is... i li Inwn.h to wu K v,.ii.i..-it Morirtraa. bM SleJaoUe .f un.-..il. in i in ale Commutation steo,io ,. ,.,, n,.. , ii... ... u.. land stev d XWZ'SSSir' '.TmtlMOhm Yfi ul ,,,,., ,,. u,n II. Yeuag aetf Frask NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION IS'IIKI. HTATFH LA NL' OFFICE ljiktlw, Oregon. August ira.ltU. SOT 1X141. 1.40 Noil .. Is hrrrby gtvsa that La H. Date, .0 Hutu . OraanB, who, on J.to.ll, Ittl, x4 . I ..,.,) So v.7MI, 'or MWIaJfWai. I ,M ! HK'tMri:llaB lS,ToWB- ., ii. ..( is itwi. wtuesMU Mr... linn Its. fllfl .iollt-ol InlSBtloB ! il. ... j.-sr i.r.H.I, to !!. 1. ah claim t Ui, -is..l al,it. .Ii-scrllsad, bfor th Rgttr sud lifi-ritrr. D, s Land Ogle, at Lah.vlsw, i. .,... n, .,.. .be I .ii. day oi hsubmi, ii. ( l.iiiM.it namva SS WHO ..sorai- IV Manning. ..I Mult, Oram; V. D. Ilarr.a o. s.Bi.ltvr, ttr.-gi.u; one. T TtKiBSMO and William Hors.lt. t.ilt ol tVgl ii-. r hio NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION t'S'llKli HTATgH l.ANDOrriCS. I slievtsw, Oregon, August I, llll SUT COAL I.ASIt . i.t lvn Ihatoeera W.Maaa- lK. ol n. .ii.'. o.rsoB, who, on April . IMS, lut. mad Homtea, Me. Sxtri "4m. li.BWUKE,gtggli. SW'.SVM., kumai snd NwlgC fWetiea It i,iw.,.ii,..h,...ti., Hangs BK , WllUm.tts M.rl'tls... has m.d m.il. r ..I InMBUes t Bias ii,. rest I'rnol ...sbllsh claim to Hi. I. ml sl'irclrwrluod, tmlor. Hgl.l.r an -.1 a I ....I ..itlra at Lak.vww, Or- ,..11.1.11 Hi- I Hi day ol h.pt.mbsr. 1IA. . ta.ti....t ns.i.i-s ss wllB: l.ll i,,i, .... l in.it, Orsgo; V.b.Harrls. f sis.. Her, i.ragoni On.y Thorn aa William H.irfctt. botli ol L til. orsgo. J4 F. evas)a.Rilr. l-.-.i-us Lul No. Its NOTICI FOR PUBLIBATION. I MTtlifiT.TBB l.KIOmCI, I ' Il urns, tirsgon, Jly tl, IIU. I Ketle la bcrcl'T glvrB that U. Rovtlwea F.rlSr Ksllwsrt omimny, whoa sasti ease ad- dnaNia -. I'il. .M in. x'sota, baa be lb tTth day ol j.i.j. 1 .i Si. .1 in Hits uSle IU agssUeatle toaelsjt . ui ! i On- p.otlslottsttf th set of ron Irass . ........ I July I. lavs (0 811,17, tW). .,..lt.w',s.i I ;m. nikK W.li.s),)aom nsrlsl No. Otj M.rai.l :: 1 ra...ia I. lining sdy.ra.lr th la... la di-ai , i. .... ... dralrlBg I aetset bsa ol lb mlo.i i i .i.nrn. t.r ol iba laad.or for aay o.l.,r ..... ... tin. disposal hi SMlleaat, al.i, .ml I: ..1,1. sni.i.iiu ot rou i sew ,,Hli-rL(., ,, li.to. UI . tt.ti 1Mb .isy el twBlsmbar. . Faaas. Kslsi.r. Mi'lli'K FOK PUBLICATION !MrauNrrsa LasoOrrtcs. I Hums. Oregon, August M, 111 - l.n.l. slvsn lbt('l..sler fa.ua, ol II. .tl. ..a... . r.v.ui, l.o on Xarehxi, IMtasad .. .. in . a i , a .1 r.niry .Mi. ucvis. lor WU, Hwllo.i II. Inahli 24 H.. KSBg U lasi. Wills.ii. lu i. i.ii.ii has tiled Bulie! loi.n ....i.i,. ...Nl. .1...1 tt.fo..j.ar nroof I.. sh Halt i lain. I il, c land sbnvs dscrlb4, bofor H.slai.r sii.1 Iti-ti-lisr st Hums, Oraroa, ow Ua . , l -, i.itnitHtr. 116. t'lslmant na.nra ss will. sam Ja. a Khl ui.. Msi- Kl.li... ili.tK) Fsalar, Fit.i.ii'.i hi. I. lie, all ol ll.rrln.sa. OrB. vu. Fsas. tteglswr. Co Agt. 111 II . ifir I ml Ml rttui I I III l VI HIWWl BSSIW-W' GRIFFITH A SAURMAN Physl.ila. a a... I it . . auana. naamoN J. W. CF1RV Physician ami Hitray. ... Burns, - - - ri,,r. ONlss on sreond fl.M.r fflnanania bid, 'I'l.t ...n Main 36, DErlUBN & DEMWRN. Phygjcians and Surgeons Calls anawerml psuointl) ..litbtordty 'Plibne Ifarriman. Happlman, Oregon Or- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Council.. m Albritton. Ore. k. fi. HIBBARD OfBee first drsor at pboto gallery Bnrns. Oregon BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law laSasi Offic Practice Land Scrip for Sal Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Iaw Veegtly BMg.. f turns, Oregon G. A. REMQOLD Altorney-al-f.nw, Burns. Oregon. HERMAN VON SCIIMALZ Attorney al Ijiw Contests and prscti.e bsfatS I'. H. Und OfBce a - sMy OfBee: Pry Hld. next .lour to pot office Burns, Oreon CHARLES W. ELUIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Praetiee in the stale Courts and be fore the U. H. Ijiml i ii!..-.-. Ohae. II. lx'tmaiti. Attoknkv- at-i.a w. Careful nttentimi fdrsn to Collec tions and Kt-nl BstSlf ..Iters. Pire Ins.ir.iint Notary Public Buhks. Okk.io.n. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns. Oregon. F. 0. Dili ai. rerawlv saat gi hll.ll aeelaaisiiot. -,. vie. A. O. r'At-LKNga geraiavBj chtof K-s.i.i-r uf tools, a w. era k. Eastern Oregon I ngineeriag Company OTIL ANI IRkltjATION ENUKEERS larus, OfYjr LONE I RESTAURANT : QEOROE 1 OON Pi op. z Mtals-At All Hours. Short; J Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates Give Me A Call 5 .Herald tmtlXXXUUXnxxuin:r.i;v.;;:iuii::.:: RODNEY DAVIS Hocue Painting Paper Hansrlntx and Decorating; Calclmlnini; Hardivood Finishing; Ireaco Painting mamsammtea mrnlatic-d on aaw gmscsiUsim. Sampl.s ahuwai. CklVK HIM A CHANCE tmnttntt ntmitmua tu JOHN UKMIiKIt I.I Mi. Jewoloi' I )itii'lai KllUl'u ur. uiltl Jfine Watj.h Rgpeurlriii A Sue dally, Tonawama tonight Grf . vjsWa--.a-t