The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 11, 1915, Image 3

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i Ui rv Unii
Nnww k
Qftoii of a..
Hawgva, CmtMy.
II. Il
Local News.
Dave Miller was in town this
Bart Shae was over from
Juntura during the wek.
Meet me at the Burns Hotel.
That's the central place in town
fecott Hayes was a business
visitor for a few day this week.
I still have some good golf
shirts at 3 for $1.00- I. SchwarU.
U. L, Haas was registered at
the Burns from Narrows Thurs
day. For bargains in stockmen's
bed sheets and tents, go to J. C.
Welcome & Son's.
Mrs. Bailey Hayes and the
enuaren were up irom LAWcrr
this week on a visit with relatives i
and friends.
Statement Of The
First National Bank
of Barns
At the close of business September San, 1S15.
Loans and Discounts $343,896.01
I T. S. Bonds 66,000.00
Bonds and Securities 56,878.08
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,904.92
Five er cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00
' i e
Capital $ 60.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits - 56,949.68
Circulation 50,000.00
DKI'OSITS 417.S48.94
$574. 79a 62
Capital and Surplus SI OO.OOO.
Frank Thompson was up from
Waverly this week.
I still have some vriol golf
shirtsat8for$1.00 I. Sch warts.
All kinds of grain including
wheat at Lunaburg Dal ton A Co.
Isaac Foster was in town from
Silver Creek the fore part of this
soon the mysterious
BOX" at the livens
Hankins was down
home near Harney
from his
Chicken dinner Sunday at the
Overland 12 o'clock and also
from 5:30 in the evening.
A good work horse for sale or
trade for milk cows or calves.
Inquire at the Gates House
A little rain would help the Wilson's Creamery Butter at
roads. Hag
H liege
come & Son' h. 'turn - a) RSS Hsl Sliop.
'THE BLACK BOX" made I Bundles for ( Steam Laurtd
the biggest run of any serial ry can l left at the Capital and
story. and Star barber shops.
Frank Dibble was SCSBSipsntsd
over from Silver Creek by his Save Your Coupons,
wife Thursday. With all kodak finishing
Carrots lc. cabbage 2c.. beets amounting to$2.00 1 will ive an
lc, turnips 1 c. onions 3 c
Amos Oldfield.
Claude Smyth and wife
over from their Happy Valley
home during the week.
Warrant Call.
Notice is hereby given thai
there is money on hand to pay all
rabbit bounty warrants register-
HxlOtiuargementof your favorite
film free. Films dcvelgped 10c
pat roll any size. Packs 25c.
Prints 5c. postcards 5c.
Sayer Studio, Bums, Ore.
Burns Readers Can no Longer
Doubt the Evidence.
Ralph Irving left yesterday foif1 Prior to w- 195-
Wood men are now busy putt
ing their contracted wood in town
The Times-Herald man is open
for bids for about 25 cords if the
right price and kind of wood is
No one is authorized to collect
for either fares or freight for
the Bend-Burns Auto & Truck
Company, except Dell Dibble,
Frank Dibble, John Collins or
or Jay Salzeman. - Frank Dibble.
Dr. Shaw, the veterinarian, ex
pects to leave about the 15th of
this month for Spokane where
he will again take up his studies
in the state hospital Any one
desiring his services before he
leaves should see him at once.
Married - - Wednesday evening j
at the parsonage Joseph Wright
and Miss May Martin, Rev. S. L.
Flowers officiating. The young
people are residents of the
Drewsey section where they will
live. The Times-Herald wishes j
them a happy life.
Tom Allen was in town Thurs-j
day from the P Ranch. He
states Mn. Allen and Fred have'
been taking in the fair at San
Francisco but he thinks they are
in Portland by this time. Fn !
may go to school again but has
been offered a position in an
office in Portland which he may
A truck load of China pheas
anta were received here this
wet k from the state game farm
and liberated at various pLc M
in the county, many pf ilifm
going on to the game preserve
up the river from this city. The
local sportsmen, or rather the
Gun Club, should be commended
for their enterprise and philan
thropy in placing these game!
birds here to increase and give j
sport to hunters later. Deputy
Game Warden Triska had charge
of the shipment and has placed
the birds out.
United States Depositary
I still have some good golf
shirts at 3 for $1.00 I. Schwartz.
Best of care given patients at
Mrs. Fireoved's maternity hospi
tal. N
The cooler weather threatens
the corn but the threshing crews
do not object
For bargains in stockmen's
bed sheets and tents, go to J. C.
E. B. Waters is in the city.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in town. Best service.
Mrs. Clyde Shaver was the
guest of relatives and friends in
this city during the week.
For Sale -Good second hand 3ft
Studebaker wagon, also one work
horse. -Mrs. Will Gates at the
(rates House.
The Presbyterian ladies aid
will miHt at the hanui nf tho raw.
Welcome A Son's. f gidef Ml John QmbwMiw on
James Cary was in this week ; Wednesday. Sept 15
anu nau tan :i...m-. ... ,.-, ,.,-. MfS Mi,or w teke Q
changed to Madras where has for the p, Gaomt Ca of
goneiosponn urn wmr. Chicago. Sample book now on
Ten shares capital stock, fully hand at the Schwartz store.
paid, non-assesable, in Burns
Flour Milling Co. for sale at 75!
cents on the dollar. -Grant.
George Hopkins is in town,
having quit driving the truck be
tween here and Bend. John
Walkup now performing that
Mrs. H. E. Felton. who form
erly worked with The Times-Her- THE FRST NATK)NAL BMai
aid force, is again at the cases in BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS
this office and fast acquiring her $100,000 THE BANK THAT MAKES
old time speed as a compositor. SAFE." ACCOUNTS
., o. .. .. N
Anurew 1 - Mrg R(J3h McHarRUe WM in
lwen the fore part of the week dty fw J
and went out by the way of Bend week fom hpr home jn
en route to visit both the fairs in j Va,Jey ghe Jg . Mn
California. He has thrc- uncles
iivin in that state and may re
main down there all winter.
Scott King, a brother to Judge
W. Y. King of this city, came in
Tuesday and surprised his rela
tives and friends. He had been
up in the Walla Walla country
and came in by the way of Prairie
City. He didn't state how long
he would remain with us.
I have just received my new line. The largest and
most complete ever shown in Burns. The celebrated
line manufactured by
The Bet following give, just a alight idea of the stock
Rust Proof Corsets
Red Fern
Brassieres "
Perfection Waists
" Skeleton Waists
Sanitary Belts
$1.25 to $3.50
i .. ;
The merits of Warner Bros. Corsets
are too well known to require any
extended mention. This is simply
to let you know that the above men
tioned goods are here, and you are
cordially invited to come into the
store and inspect them.
- General Merchandise -
Hasonlc Building
Burns, Oregon
R ..a ,,
W. A. Goodman during her stay
here while having spme dental
work done.
Frank Johnson returned from
Prineville the first of this week
having taken his wife and dauht
er over to remain during the
school year. He went out to the
Colonization Co. headquarters
near Harriman and expects to do
considerable in the way of dis
posing of tracts of land during
the remainder of the season.
James D. Fellows, teacher on
piano, will commence teaching
on Oct 1. Beginners and el
ementary pupils will be given
especial attention and all advanc
ed pupils will, in addition to
regular lessons, be entitled to
one lesson weekly in ensemble
practice. Pupils desiring work
in Harmony will also be accepted
in classes. Studio in former P.
L S. Co. office at I. H. Holland
Frank Bowers and wife were
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Brown over Sunday.
Frank has been doing cartoon
work on papers in Indiana for
several years but decided he
wanted to see the Wadlo hills
again and as he owned a farm
there as well as another in South
ern Oregon, he decided to get
back to the soil and live inde
pendently. Frank is a cousin to
the (leers and also a cousin to the
late Homer Davenport While
he has not attained the distinc
tion of his famous cousin, Frank
has been considered one of the
best cartoonists of recent years
and has done very well at it He
visited here some twenty years
ago or more and the writer be
came quite well acquainted with
him. He had some one tell him
where to tind this office snd pre
tended to know the writer after
all the years intervening between
his former visit, but he is just as
cheerful a liar as he used to be.
He and Mrs. Bowers made trip
from Indiana through in a Ford
car without any trouble and were
very comfortable with camp outfit
Corvallis where he goes to attend
the O. A. C. this winter.
The Burns Steam laundry
gives special attention to parcel
post. Send us your laundry by
Chas. Comegys snd fsmily
came in from the ranch during
the week in order to begin the
school year.
Williams Bros, have all kinds
of rough lumber for sale at their
mill 15 miles north of Burns on
the Canyon City mad.
J. E. Sizemore came in Tues
day to consult a physician. He
was threatened with blood poison
but had it pretty well stopped be
fore his physician saw him.
The new Victor Indies Tailor
ing style book and samples for
fall and winter have arrived.
Call and see them at the Clingan
Hat Shop before ordering else
where. Hank and Bert Felton have
been plastering the new residence
of Dr. Geary. This is going to
be one of the most attractive and
modern homes in Burns when
Rev. MacKae was accompanied
in from in Calamity creek last
Wednesday by Mabel, the 13
year old daugter of Kd Howe,
who had the misfortune to fall
from a horse and get her should
er dislocated. She is under the
care of Dr. Geary and improv Ing
The Times-Herald was given
the figures covering the rabbit
bounty from the time it wont
into effect up to the first of the
month. The total number of
scalps received at the clerk's
office is 546.542 and $27,327.10
has been paid out of the fund.
Still there are more rabbits.
H. W. McHose informs us that
has traded for 30 acres of irrigat
ed land in the suburbs of Nampa
and as soon as the man comes to
take over the laundry he will go
out and take charge of the place.
It is improved with a five acre
orchard, partly seeded to alfalfa
and is a very attractive piSSB.
Comisuoner Robins came in
again to attend the adjourned
term of court Thursday, return
ing home yesterday. He took
out a couple of crates of China
pheasants that came in the other
day, to be turned on his Crow
Camp place. Mr Robins states
he has completed his threshing!
and had a total of 2000 bushels
of oats and barley.
Henry Hamilton is in town
again this week after an absence
of several months spent in the
Steen's Mountain country.
Henry is hale and hearty, eating
his meals regular and feels bs is
good for many more years. He
has spent the last 40 years in this
glorious country and says with
such health-giving conditions
and climate a man ought to live
to be a hundred anyway.
worman LX'onuru icii yester
day morning for Eugene where
will enter the state university
with the intention of taking the
medical course. Dorman grad
uated from the Harney county
high school last spring and has
been devoting his time to the
practical knowledge of pharmacy
He is an entergetic boy with a
determination to make good and
his friends hope he will succeed.
Bruss Byrd and his son Ander
son accompanied Frank Cole and
wife over from Juntura last Sat
urday evening and spent Sunday
with relatives and vititing his
many friends. The party came
over to see how the people of
this place felt about the proposed
change in routing the mail and
found the sentiment tltridt-dly
against any change for the pre
sent When the railroad is ex
tended into the Valley a change
is natural and practical. Since
this is only a matter of a few
months it is (oily to make a
change that would really be of no
benefit to any of the patrons or
the postal service either.
Si icnses September fi, 1915
R. A. Miller.
County Treasurer.
This grateful citizen testified
long ago.
Told of quick relief of un
doubted benefit.
The facts are now confirmed.
Such testimony is complete
the evidence conclusive.
It forms convincing proof of
L. Greenwald, prop, shoe re
pairing shop, 414 Lincoln St,
I Pendleton, Ore., says: "Back
ache and soreness across my
kidneys troubled me day and
night The kidney secretions
pained in passage and the flow
nWi . t . 1 -
One box of Dean's Kidney Pills
mm..UaIi. aiinuI m.i " fClalA.
mica atber than (' It. "" " wi-v-
..,urju.(.ir,ii tnjam m,t ment given Mav 17, 1910).
u. ....... mm u Mj ED. OVER TWO YEARS LAT-
fttliklag buaaa l WK lnrl.ll-..- pB M ;M-K.J ooIJ.
"Doan's Kidney Pills cured me
and the trouble has never come
Price 50, at all dealers. Don't
aimply ask for a kidney remedy
-get Doan's Kidney Pills the
iw same that Mr. Greenawald has
twice recomended. Foster Mil-
bun. Co., Props.. Buffalo. N. Y.
H-tHrt of tli. . uixlltloo el lb
tn ( of ilnrffon, at lfe rluo nf hut
... sWmvmbwf Soil. 1915.
Kl '
( bihI plr,..ot . SMMfAM
IT. S. So.' drfMltod U Mrur clrrn
Utloa MMNDui
I' 1 M.iO.U pltdfril IO r-
cor.1' - SwrMSS M.arw
0 SooU tlS(d lo Mrilr
I' . tkinili uwocd tt4
vita mm w
total I'. ; HoctU
ttual ofr lha I " bon.ta
ltlf4 lo aur --atal
iaIB urpoalla l.anw
Hoi t:
1 rata
ami llitnrra. HWU
t'ua fr.j.n rVt.-.a! Urarro imk
Ima frnaa ayiv.U rvarnrml agonta
la Saw 1 orlt. . M ago aa
-1.1. ml I !,);
I'm from approved
" bf waarr etna M.19M .VI ban
la. frat ttaitka aal aankvra. (other
that, lui lu.lad lu laal t.' llaaa
.'haraa oa Uaaka la id an. cil or
loan aa reporting lank
oataldr .-aab ttrata,
A.mta fractional rurrau.-, al.'k
riaan-t renta T a!
.tataaof other national UoU
"MI K.. t lN
Toial i-oii. a.i.l tartltcatea
l.rgal ten.lar uotaa
Kt. (UB.I altb I i f.eaaur
ar 'no. mora tban I rr caat of lr
1 laou
t aattal a.a-a aatl la
DaVtltiaS fMSii Ml? a
l.ea currant akbtaaaa, lu
terra', and taiaa aall 1.77 as
. tr.ulatiog nulaa
baa to t-ank aail tiaxkc.a
1- ajaaaal AvaaaaVM 'letioall aut.
Ortlaialcaol Ivpoail.luc
IB lea than SO ilaya
Certified cb- bj
aehtr arrkackaauteletnt
I i.lte.1 xtalee iMIMall
foatal aarlog .leaoaiu
Time !coeitB
t'vrtinrale of depoeil
Let left "f rreiltt
I hi rsnsi vrfcs i anu ori'i. K.
Santa Oregoa, atiatcait. 7. 1 -1
Hour la herehf (iTvaiaat Vrllllaa. If. Krallh.
ot Still, l.regoa. who..... J.u M, 111. tna4e
llomealead Katry. N. tv.a. lot IV
Acctlau , loan.hlp M a., Kaag .'. It,
ifilllaatetl M.rt.liaa Uaa lcJ aotlc of
l.tfeatlen lo wake ar Proof, lo
aafbMraa claim m the tnu atiata 4arrlbaxl rtcalatrrand Sec. ear. at Sarua. Orceua.
on ttic 141b .lay of r. !'! .
. latmant aama aa attneaaee
i.'.-ieoa. I - ttaaiai Sarraj 1. baler.
on. t aa a', al Rail. Oietraa
' ' a l.ttl, kegiatcr.
90,iaj ,
I'MTRbltTATM 1 AND tlCril'K. (
Sura, oregou, acptcaibar 7, 1IA (
Sottie la breti)r gUcn that t'arl Hciiog
Statement of Condition ot the
Harney Cunty National Bannk
of Burnt. Oregon
September 2, 191 S
Loans and Discounts $249,046.65
United States Bonds 34,500.00
Bonds and Securities 19,649.22
Furniture and Fixtures 3,862.77
Other Real Estate owned 1,300.00
CASH 97.983.23
Cspital Stock
Surplus and Profits .'.
Rediscounts with the Federal Reserve Bank
$ 26,000.00
. 23,600.00
Accounts Invited
i ......,,,.
I lua.
e: Ha-rlnia.oreou, abo. on featcaibcr? Itaai
Knny No. ,lat4 lonthi
a.a.1. Horn
.1. Tf "
7 14 aSUaVM
Kanae J. Kal. Mlllaraallr Mer
tdlan. ha rlc4 notlc at tuteiiit.m to make
final Bve-.ear lr.Hif. lo calabllah i I a I t
to tie l.ut alii,e da rlueit. liefer Kcglater
aiol at llurni. ' m-gou otilhe lithday
,. O. l.tiee Kit
t'lalmanl uawea aa
Nauolcoa V Hlddl. Jerr. I.lllou, John J.
Helm, aMetC. Mil, all of or
a. K.aag.Kegtita.
Total aKOWa
aTtTtor uSR.IOX.I
t otatr or Hag.i
I. J. I.. Uault. t'aahler ( the above uaacl
tiauk. do aolcmnl, aarcar that the above a'a'v
raaallairne totl.c ti l m knowledge and
hattt (
1 I l. i ir. . easier.
Johi. It. t' . .
C A. II.iiii
A. C Wgl.ruMg
rutiei-rlacd aul awurn to befora tae lliir M
day of reutcuiber Ml
Ha MuTHtUNgkb.
- Ni iatr Public for Oregon
I" aitao trrarga Orrica,
llurua, Oragoa. leHraUr .1. .
Nollr. I. hereliy glvaa that Wall, r M Talla
ferro ot Narroaa, Oregon. alio. on November.
1I3. aia-lc lliimeetra1 r'.itiy s.- i-.. Iorsl.
I . a iiabtn a . Rang 41 K . 'A Ulam-lle
Mcrl.llan. I North of Malheur lake, ha f! e.1
1 notlc of intention to make uan.utall.iti
ar.Mil. loeatat,llah claim to the laad above de
. rlueJ. tielor Kcglatcr and Kcclvr. al
Huma, Oregon, oa lb 1111. day of Octotavr,
llalmant namca aa wllneaae
Arthur A. KeUillcmaii, Narrou. ureeou
Karl Backhaul. lacWilaon. Arthur U. Ilahn,
all of Huma, Oregon
r .aaa. Keglalet
IMS Stale Fair Ml ImU sm account t.ewts asbd CUifc Eapestttot.
$20,000 in Premiums
An Exposition in itself. The pride of Oregon. A great
College for the one engaged in Agriculture, Horticulture
and Livestock pursuits.
A Fall Week at the Oreson State
Fair Broadens The Intellect
Muter, the Aviator, will mait two flighta daily. Free ramping apaca iat a oak park. Fr alalia foe caanpara' leaau. Free transportation on
railroada for xghibili. For any information relative lo iba Oregon Stata Fair
which opena Soptambw 27th and ctoaaa Octobar 2nd. writ lo
W. AL JONES. Socrotery, Salem. Or., on
rf tSfo ill
LV "5 a
the Shabby
Shabby surfaces detract from the
appearances of your home. Floors,
furniture or woodwork that are
marred, scratched or scuffed give
your home a shabby run-down ap
pearance. Make these varnished sur
faces bright and new with
There's an Acme Quality Varnish
for every purpose; a floor varnish
made to be walked upon; a quick
drying furniture varnish that imparts
a brilliant, durable lustre, and var
nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur
faces in any quantity desired. Which
do you need?
J .JSaKaau? 1B SH Rlaak. " AJnaana. .4' R; SL
T 'Kr-MHgV rf" ' 4aaaJ LaattCaaaa ' 'A
MtM.. IvbbbbbB I i t nfKHtanK ' mM ftViraaWa atarakSSVS
' aaaaaaMafll - aaaSVVvJaaaaaaaTTjjar'aaaaaal ' aaTar'k Taatg KaVeSBaal
TlattaVtr. l ffcy ir81,0Wia EHy XJt
"JT W SEPT. liT.'lM915
'3xXf" Cl MMiila gjfttl Iheaai, aV. kb ttttf.
MSVd I k
fl BvanT.ejl aa
k WOTEM Wit mn m RUl .HJttt
Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches
Water bags, nose bags
Ice Cream Freezers
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Barbed Wire
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders. Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails. Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
For Us woncWful a a racy,
ud target shootiwa.
venience, and its tmoimmm' i
. you iniUM
. aaa aanaa.aalau aaa. M
Sta av.n eaallv. Vea aaaTtea aVawahtL
aai.el- .lclaaaafraakaaaaala.
Ulmy frvy. laffeji, aa a.l Aaa. CaL MiT. aa'aZ ggat '
gaaaa. TU ai Keetiea7we aiatt avray n. iU u
aavwuaaatoaayautaaaaf alaM.
UafeaaBf i a.CTilaitag aaajaaai AaaasSta,
go fuv raalula. avanala. L.wi.. jna. K.
22 ratMalar ate aava veiaV lavar agSaBj
a WaUow Si, N-w " Tiara