i w U r- b coin Sola in a -r proli 6m in un The Man who knows Clothes, who realizes there is a difference in the way Clothes are made come to this store before buying Williams-Zoglmanit Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Barns, Oregon 01 br traes-lerafd JULIAN HYRD SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER II. 11 S SUBSCRIPTION RATES oe yt Ska ktewtBe TWm Meats ... $2.00 1.00 .TS MEN WHO HARM A TOWN. Dr. Calvin S. White to Speak on Social Hygiene J. A. C. Oakea, field secretary of the Oregon Social Hygiene Society, is in Burna arranging with various local men and women for meetings under the auspices of that organization Wednesday, Sept. 15. At that time Dr. Calvin S. White, well known State Health Officer and Executive member of Those who ODixise improve- the Society is to be here and will 1 merits. 2 Those who "knock" stran gers and who "knock" the town to strangers. 3 Those who show hospitality to no one. Those who hate to see others succeed. 5 Those who distrust public spirited men. 6 Those who oppose ivory movement which does not origi nate with themselves. 7 Those who oppose every en terprise that does not appear to help themselves. 9 Those who enjoy the bene fits that come from the work of public-spirt, broadminded men but who give nothing but criti cism in return. Do you b'long? Why not reform? It is a splendid thing to be a part of a wide-awake city. It is a splendid thing to know that your own strength is infinitely multiplied by the strength of other men who love their town as you do. It is a splendid thing to feel that the wholesome blood of a community can be united in common purposes, and that by frankly lookinsr one another in face and taking counsel with cne another, prejudice will drop away handsome undertakings will arise, a universal spirit of service will be engendered, and that with this increased sense of com munity of purpose will come a vastly enhanced individual jx)wer of achievment; for we will be lifted by the whole mass of which we constitute a part. Chamber of Commerce News. Merchant Give Recep tion to High School. One of the most joyous and enthusiastic social times in the history of the Harney County Hisrh school was an informal re ception given the new teachers and students at the High School building last evening by the mer chants of Burns and their wives. It was an informal affair with no set program, just and occasion of felicitation. Every student of school was present as well as the entire faculty and all had a fine time. The merchants were most enthusiastically cheered by the school and The Times-Herald wants to join in this word of good feeling as it has started the school out for the new year with the assurance of sincere interest on the part of the business men of our city who desire the stu dents to realize their wish to assist them in every way possi ble toward a successful year. Games were played and sons sung with a general and on unhampered intercourse and get acquainted spirit prevailing. Re freshments in the form of fruit punch, peaches and cream and cake were served. The school starts the year with the largest enrollment in its his tory, there being 63, which will be augment within the month as several students are yet unable to start. The freshman class numbers 28 and there are 14 sen iors. Principal Shirk informs The Times-Herald it was necessary to place additional seats in all the rooms to accommodate the stu dents. He also reports a most enthusiastic spirit and the rela tion between students and teach ers particularly cordial. The Times-Herald commends this spirit and hopes a continua tion of these harmonious and pleasant relations throughout the school year. be the cheif speaker at meetings for women and for men. The womans' meeting will likely be held in the afternoon and a mens conference in the evening at which local men are also to take part Program committees of women and men are completing arrange ments and throgh invitations and programs soon to be issued by them every man and women in Burns will be fully advised re garding all particulars as to nature of meetings, time, place, etc. Previous to the meetings here Dr. White will conduct similar meetings at Prairie City, John Day and Canyon City. The Oregon Social Hygiene So ciety is an organization of thoughtful, earnest business men professional men. educators, cler gymen and others, associated to gether in an educational campaign to prevent the further spread of venereal disease, to remove mis information, to teach in a decent manner the laws of sex life and to improve the social and moral conditions of the people of the state, especially its youth. Some of its most practical work has been to eliminate quack ad vertising, to arouse parents to the seriousness of conditions and to help them in bringing infor mation about vital facts regard ing health and physical develop ment to their growing children. Various prominent men of the State are actively interested in its work. Its president is Dr. W. T. Foster, President of Reed College. Other officers are A. F. Flegel and Adolphe Wolfe of Portland. Leslie Butler of Hood River. W. J. Kerr, President of 0. A. C, Corvallis. Judge Gilbert Phelps, Pendleton. Such men as William F. Woodward, R. L. Sabin. J. C. Engliab. L. B. Alder man, W. A. Carter. Dr. Calvin S. White, Dr. Andrew C. Smith, Edward Cookingham, of Port land, are or have been members of its Executive Board. The organization is associated with the State Board of Health and derives its financial support in part from the state. Meetings similar to those planned here have been held in about 60 of the larger cities and towns of the State. In some places practically every adult man and woman has attended the respective meetings. NO. 861. Report of the condition of ins HARNHY COUNTY NATIONAL RANK tM!tr1 at Sunn, in ths IUW of Ursgoa. at Ik si of bu.lu.-M, Heimbr and Itls. sranra.-gi. t.oana .ml liti.'.iunll MI.MIH U.S. Bon.la deposited to Monro elree Mas fpar vales nt.MOM lis Morula pledged loariir . V, H.depoalta nor vslas) 1,0000 it h, initios pledged toeeevre foetal Having! .. 1,000 00 U. I, bonda owned ond un pledged 0,000 00 Total II. H. Honda M.H000 hretirltlee iittu'r than I1. ft. Honda, n I and unpledged ll.Mttt BnbwitSUo i loiti.rk nf Fetters! Reserve hank 94TOOOO I UM a nnunl unpaid BOOM MOM 00 All other elupka, including premium on earns .. 0O000 1. 1 to 00 Puriiliureatid nituree l.tatT? Real Ratal owned other tbaa Bonk, hie. llouae 1,00000 Net eimiuiit due flora federal Heeervr Hank .7t Not amount due from op proved rerv efontt la New York, Chicago ond fit. I..mle IMMM Net amount due from op proved reenrve ageing In other reeerve ellloa HO.Ut.M W.MWM Net amount due from Malt end hanker! (other than above! Other rheoks on bonka In tbo earns city or town aa reporting- hank i iiiiii.it' t'hti k and other caab Heine, I 4t 41; fraiibi.al currently, nleklss 111 i rule. 'l "ll Notcg of Other National HanH i.iiiii. atoNar Hgagsvg in Baa. MI I tile) oou and certlAcatea Legal tender unite Redemption fund with I' 0 Tresatlrsr, (not more Uian 5 per com oo drew-letloli) ,TMt7 MIM MS 14 (1,100 w W.004 40 1,1111 Total llielliTlsa. Capital etoek paid In . . rje.OOOOO MO,t0t7 gU.-nlua fund . 01.000 00 r. 000 00 Undivided profit. I0.M N l.eaa eurrent eipenaeg. In term! and tales paid Mat Met II cireiilailug note tl,M)St tMBOM Demand depotllt.' ludlvldal depollieabeelt chock UMUftt ccntm-aira of depoalt do In leee than so data IUMM CertlJed I 'hook at at Caahler'e ehecka ouialainl lot ....,.,,, Ml? at United Htato depoellg e.uno fJD I'nelel lavlugi deposits MM Total t'epoalta. llama 4. 1. 1. 1 , 1 90S.M4 06 Time depealta: (payable after to dsyi or mors Holiest' ertifleatea of depoelt I71.BB 41 Ulher lints deposit. It.OUM a. Kill Itedlnuunl with Ketteral Reeorve Bank ... 4.00000 Totel fM.M STATS OI'OKKllOH, I i ..mill of llanii'l m' I. Ir.,u M llrowa, rastiler of lb above named hank, do eoleaaulv iwear tbal Ika above tlatemcnt la true to the boot of lor knowledge and belle! I. ION M. Baow. Cesklsr ttobeerllie-l and aworn to before m tkla 104b dag of Hel.liml.er, mirv. A. W. Uowaa 111 (H) 1.00 fieri :: iki in sn 81. HO , mi 1 7 Ml .1 Ml 117,10 1 i m M ." 4 ol t Heat Notary raklls J. I-. ... e. r. McKtKNgv O. A Haaaoi j lilrgotara .Heali t'orreet Nena Equal to I have tried most all of the cough cures and And that there is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes W. V. Harner, liontpelier, Ind. When you have a cold give this remedy a trial and see for yourself what a splendid medi cine it is. For sale by all dealers. Claim Presented Against The County at The September Term of The County Court, 1915. Additional Local. We do job printing. The Burns Hotel is the head quarters for all when in town Good table service, clean rooms and accommodating attendants. Mr.rn .Werlnearlav flanl W f,v w.., , . .,. WW,, , Mg. VI W Mr. and Mrs. Leland Fry, a daughter. This little one is very tiny but her physician states she is developing rapidly and will make a strong,' healthy child. Services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning at eleven o'clock. Dr. Benson's theme will be "The Greatest Need of Man is God." Sabbath school at 10 o'clock. All are cor dially invited to these services Drs. Griffith & Saurman per formed an operation upon Mrs. Geo. Dunsmore last Wednesday, removing gall-stones. Dr. Griffith came down from the mountains to assist in the operation but re turned at once. The patient is recovering nicely. Dr. Geary was called te fiuoset Sunday to minister to Mrs. Fran cis, mother of Mrs. Ben Roder. The lady accidentally fell out of a rig and received a compound fracture of her right fore arm. The lady is 68 years old and the injury was quite painful but her physician states she is recover ing nicely. U 8 00 300 IN 100 400 MSO tool 4 11 806 07 90 General Tuad Name What Porpoa Ami AIM. Ir (' (' liriffidi. mo, aalarjr I'uiinty pfivalrirn 4160 00 I' S KitynolJe, 2 mo salary jani- tor 110 00 W A (joocjtnan, itampa, etc for offlca 40 01 W A 'tiiilinuii, board ut prlgwn- erg lflO 00 Borne Uarage, grjpulle for brr. Iff Geo ;IIJtiiky, work on jail ctfcM KXl A I: I niniiiM'll, loauiugaud palpt- liiir Jail ,... tiuv McCoy, wliitvwaabing aad acrubbing Jail I.iinaberg, Dalton k Co, rappUa for pn.i iiirr a I K-liwiirt, tuppll, lall W A (iiHHliiinii,iuionM for prln- onor , W A (Itmiliiian, traeolliig pOIIM. lit Ji r Itrix, auppllr, all offlot. . Kuebuiig 4 Oo, juetlc ducket . . . . 1 Kuhwart, upplJM, eonrt houta li.irm-v County Nov, prjnlaf for county I. M lluniilti.ii, gtampg, ato Mar Apr, May and Jon 43 SO I. M llamllioi, dito, July aad Atigutt 12 18 K T llughet, itamp, aipjaw charge, etc ISM CUt A Klim, building rabbit In, u S3 60 i'Ii-h A King, bulling rabbit l.-, etc ,. . .,,, , 61 00 (ha. A King, lumbar for rliblt ln.uee 48 03 W J Wa.ldi.ll, putting aheda on rabbit hou 100 Klectric Light A Vomtr Oo, light for court hona 8 SO ViTtt tilbha, tobacco for county chargu S 60 Welcome Pharmacy, aupplls. county charge claimed f 14 00 Con'd Town ol Dreweey, keep of J W Claorgo 107 00 It A Mlllur, milk for Klnbl fam ily - Marvin MclJee, barb- vok for luiuuty charge ,.,,.. ,,,. Klliert Ucorgw, bringing couoty chargu to Hiiro Dr Mlniilu Hand, prof aarvioat, Morgan I'reatley, claimed KtO, Hiaal'd Dr I, O Melvln, prof rrto, Mr O A Hall, claimed, 138 60 Dleal'd Ir! 0 lirlfflth, ditto,,.. 140 00 Diul'd Mr. II JCItvk, car Mr O A Hull J D fAnith, balance on prcvlnue Wilt S D Smith, auto hire for county charge Mr Etta Cummin, 3 uioa keep connty poor miil" III 1 tchwarti, lupplle, dealltnl family J M Gore, guarding inaatiu pel on Welcome Pharmacy, MppUt I ir Ik" G W Olevenger, burial of cmnitv charge David William, refund id tstea W II Kohioa, 6 day vivwitig road Thoa Bain, ditto.. Lnnaburg, Dalton A Co, Bttpplle oosnty charge . . Union Tl A Tel Oo, UIbs4iM service, claimed ti 117 Th Pioneer Htm, printing for county The Tlmea-lliualil, ditto I. K lllbhnrd, pulling toot li for prisoner Burn Hardware Oo, Rtipplln lor court liottee . Harney Valley .umlMr Co, lum ber for Jail re pool High School Fund Mr Mary !tech, fl ileya cleaning H 8 building It K Hlilrk, llUratitte, etc . Harnev County Now, printing W K Davii, vHiulahlng fJatM M Hodge, cutting weed, II S ground I.uoahurg, Dalton A Co, pMOtl liarpener I.ttnaborg, Dalton A Co, Sof dreatlng Welooote Pharmacy, palm, (to R J McKlnnou A Hon, eiprcei. charge Forefl Broe, ditto O H VoagUy, enppli.u Tlmee-Herald, printing . Burn Hardware Co, inpplio ard labor Road Fund Prank P flownn, inrveying, elf Jap McKinnon, viewing roada John Beede. 4 day chaining . . A S Beetle, ditto Earl Wilfong, ditto, half day I. II Kenney, hauling culvert.. United Warehouse, itorage , ... . Coa't Culvert A Hume Co, nil vert for county Burn Hardware Co, eininln mad c;, p Smyth Hrue, ditto T H Short, repair on mad toola M R Albarson, work on rfeBatl H A Dtllard, dltt . O I. Htclier, ditto Olenien Hawmill, lumlwr J I. liowe, ditto Frank P Gowan, gnrveving, etc elalaed, 3D7 Jap Mkjnnon, viewing made. claimed, Ufii MOM Jo Grown, 8 day iliau.ing, cIsliMd, 80 (7 80 Ray (ratchet I, ditto, claimed .n 17 SS Lyla I.awaon, ditto, ilaim,l f.'i) HI-alM Kmary liufeir, 3 daya chaining 7 60 Jacob Gove, ditto 7 60 Collin Dawaun, 4 daye, dill . , 10 00 ri II Wlewgarver, 'J day, dlUo O M Booaon, U dayg.tlltto, laim od. 8 60. R 1 Moore, ;; daye Harney Valley (.umber Co, lum ber for road Harry 0 Hmith, peri BwlMMl on contract 100 Oil Job printing her. I '.MM) III 411 100 .,11 IKI loll I H elHO IS 10 n :i7 2(16 I :'ft ii -.'ft NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITItn ITATB I.ABD OniOl, Burna, Oregon, Angtut 11, IDll. Nnliiii la hvrrbf glvea the! (leorge Mielien inn, iilic.it' nnal orrme addreaa la Narrowa. iiri'g'iii. dnl, on the Mb day ef A aril, IVIO, filed In tlilaiirii'erwirn Hlalemeiit ami luillialliiu, No. mi)M, ttipiirohaaelh NItkllW!. Heetlon I, lowlllhl), n M , ItengetoK. Willamette Merl itlrn, anil the limber thereon, under the pro vlilniii nf the art nf June , l"7K, ami eeta en lamr y k ntiwii aa Iba "TlmlM-r and ntmie Law,' el limb value aa might he fixed by an iMeiei'intuit, end Ibat. purauanl lo lui'h alipll railon I lie land and llmWr thereon have been ei,iralaiti, la lb gem nl fiiai.uu lb aloe tl mated at mithlng and the land lltalui tbal eel aiilli'aiit will offer flual proof In aupporl ut hla abpllcatlon and aworn alateiuenl on the Jnth day of IJelntier. lUlft, before Ihe Kegialer and H, 'reiver, el llliriik, Uregtin. Any pereon la at liberty to pruleet Ihla pur i haie liefor entry, or Initial aoonleal ai anv lime lieftire patent laaiiea, hv filing a rurrobora ii.l alltdavli In thlanflH'e. alleging farta which a , ,u 1,1 .li'leet the entry Wn.fnu. Heglaler, rs-- Summon Bfl i, i 80 mi lit 00 iii bo l N UM M ii" KHI H SB H 1 1 :i . , no '.'II (HI i, ii ' 88 01 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Harner County. Maud Ward, Plaintiff, , v. Lewi Robert Want, ( Defendant.' TO I.KWIH MOBKRT WARD. DKKKN- DANT: IN Tllli NAMK OF TH. HTATIt OF ORMOtfi you are hereby retpiired to appear and amwer to th complaint 111. it iigalnat you In tb above entitled nil, OS Of Iteforo th lait day of th time prescribed lo the order of th pub lication if tbla an m mon, to-wit ; On or befora the mh day of October liilft, aid title being th eiplralion of ail week a (mhii the dale of flrat publication of lh i-iiininnne, and if you fail to anawer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to th i i. nit lor th relief demanded In her complaint, to-witi lor a decree ol till Coorl dissolving the lioiida of matrimony now eilstlng between plaintiff and defendant end that plaintiff have a decree of divrrce absolute from the defendant ; I iiai plaintiff have bar name prior to till imtrijcg rrwtorad and for such other and further relief a to utility may pertain. This summons la published by order of Ihe Hon. II. C. Ivena, Judge of th County Court of Harney County. Or gon, uinde and entered on the 25th day August, 1UI5, and lh data of (lie flrat publication of llila aummona ia August nth, hub. M. A. BIGOM, ' Attorney for Plslntig. ja i ivi 600 I "11 1 ,111 NOTICE OF CONTEST. rutTIlO IrTATatti LNOrril J Hurofl. Oregwe, August Jr.. m, I.. r.aiiiul Stiiitp,lrr, pf titHtilrr, urvgon. Vnii an haytffbr mKKleil thai nllle HuhltaSku. . Mrllif ilitri Mlirna. (irriun. Ut hr nnal nfllra .lilrran, tll! ixi Aufjtiit iftth i-m .. hit lb iliii ititlif livrduly curFutkursilOrd upllrsiliii loron-i-ti ufHKurt tlie t am rllaiit.ii uf your Mutnsi alt-Mil Klltrv. Mn MOtlal K.i u-7U m ,.! U.v, In t-n. ft.r (.! land Nf . n T. K -V . ( l, i. .mntl kqi m MUllWi Hcrilun I. ttabga n, Mtm Browns' Quality Store FOR FALL & WINTER NEW GOODS-NEW PRICES We want you to call on us be fore making your purchases. We can supply your wants in anything required. You will find Quality and Satisfactory Service responsible for our suc cess. N. BROWN & SONS-QUALITY STORE Burns, Oregon We do job printing. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlsiTtaavavaal.tsniirrita, i Mum. Oregeo, AUfual Il4-1 Nolle la korcbv glvea tbal William K. Holmes, of Haruev. Oregon, wBo, ) Ptcgaiber u ion. mad Addlteaal Heaat4d gnirj No. ur..im, u,, Nki Bsetlaa ao, rewaslilp .. Bsi.ge ki B., lllametu Merldlto, bet! filed notleeof I" leullou to make final Ave fear Proof it, g lahllah rlalm to lbs IsStt above tit rill Im lore Keeleiei aad Remlver, al Burna, Oregon, on the 17tb day of atltbr. Ills. rieiinaiilaaeaesaa wllneaaea Jawea I'lrle, Isador 1.. foelsde. BolH'rl Iirlnkwawr, Herbert a. Bower ell of Harney. Oregon. wi. raaaa. Begtater. I SUU.1B. " V II u 1 II al. BBBTB1IB1 iiiem.'iie Meridian, and ae grotiintg tr eld miry a,,il have felle.l lonilll hie thereon tt.r more lhaii i ii ii I n i Ii vniiainiiiie Heri.iian, and a groti lie. eoategt elieellege tbal you ba.r n,iall eniitntllt'tl .eni rill vet, on prove or re u iM.milii ti.litr to ibletlate mi are, ifiervfore. further rn,nnol ibel tltr aid allignlmia grill keisksn sarosfeeM.1, and our said entry will be cancelled without fur n. er right tot beard, aliaer before lalgornte "i in. aitueal, ll yon tall lo He In tt.lt ..(Tire within twenty ilayegfur lbs rXH'HTH pubiim o. ' Una oolite, a known below. iour anawer uinlrr oih etniclflcally retoonulog to these alii aallolla of fni.leet, ljetber will, Utit prtMif that vou have eervetl s copy of your anawer on the eslil rouiasual either In pe.eou or l,v reglatered oiall. i oti aiiiiitid aiale Iii your anawer the name of the poal oatre to wblrb you deslr future notice a us ssai ae you, we. fasts, KeglaUr Pale of flrat publication Augur l wa, lilt. I .ate of enni.-l tubllcellou Ssplomber 4, ItlA. Oeie ut Ihlrd ctih'lt ellon Mentrulerr 11, ll -i of fourth ouhlicailun teuteulwr la. VI3 NOTICs, KOH PUBLICATION, tleiran nttTta Us BB OgPIBI Lakstlew, Oregon. A.igu.i l i T, Nolle la hereby given that Jalnee M. Hiliim. of rife. Crook touuly, Orgou. who, on Aetll II, III! made Hnutcalee.l t.llli). No ll .... I., I NWU.BWIVyu. HWt,si. set- Iv. I at t-1 NIUSK, Hat. 14. Two . zi s . Ki,.t, n Baal, wfllsmaife )'WIu "! ' of Idbanlien to make filial thr,-c veer nro.tr. m alabllgb tlaliM to th land ahuiu dpMrlbod, kelotei Itae A. Sherman. I', m i .Inner, SI nf. Oregon, on the 4th day ul Oeteber, Itu i.isimant uamee sa wuunaaea' W. I. Hubbard, k A.l'tuk. A, I,, I., I, II. ti., n 84. C, Fsnrose. allot Kiln. OregoB. lk. r III aii. Itrciait r Amended I 'at 6-ntw. RB8TOKATION TO KMUY UK I. ANUS IN NATIONAL roHKrlT -Notice ia hertl.y glvtu ikal the lamia described ketew, aatbrasiat leo acre, wiiuin ine waui.iir miiuiiiki ri.i eet. Oregon, will be sekysst to tvttlsairai and niry uhiltr th urovunn ol ihe htnneatea.1 Laweuf INti Hulled Slant ami ii., i., jn. II, II (MKlai., All, at the I'mieil siau-. I....I efee at Burna. Oregon, on Mcpteniln s .10. i u ;,. Any Millar who waaat lually anil in gniMlfellh claiming any ,.t ael.l land (o. agrlt iiinire) .u. prior io January i. nan, aim ilea not abandoned aanie, haa a nroleren. right l makss kometeail tun , for Ihr lain la at l.tall, ocenulgtl. Hal. I lauda war Mated upon the sp- pllsstloruj f the neraoiia in.uii I below, wbs bar a iirelsrsnre rlahi aublen in lha prior right of guy am h totller, arovMsd sasa settler or appll.ant ta .iial n..l in make hotuetirail entry and ihe prsfersiic right I ggari'laetl prlnr In H,,(,t i wbleDdaie III Uiula will l e ui.j, i loaellle taud entry i,( any uualitled i.i , n NW NK' HK satrr bt anv uiielllli'd i.e lands are a follow) The NW'.sW', ihr-v, . u, ttf . aa, i ulll . I III , . .. , a. .iin nn'.iri'. Uv Ma' a N It', lh.- 1 NK' ;'4HKU tU NftNH'iNfe' , J4 . r. , &wter llstsa open application of Inn i aint.i.i n, jt , us, Oregon Amended Mali. lit. July In , ft. S. PAHKOTT, Acting Aealalai n , I'.it a. rue, Bun itu. ubjaloaer of Ihstleueral I sml nni. Oregon Trunk Ry. fat.! OreKsn Line SPECIAL FARES for SUMMER TRIPS Frees Central Oregon Points to the Sea gate Resort, Ctatsep Beach, East, arm Cities and lh Califo.nl. Eapoaitlons. IN THE COUrtTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HARNEY COUNTY. In the matter of tbe ritale of A. C. I.vni'h, ileceaatxl NOTICK IS HKREBY OIVKN That ni. .l.-r ami by virtu of an order of tnls mail am! entered in the above entitled cause on the 20lb day of August, 1S16, I tin. undersigned, administrator of th above untitled estate, wjll ,0 a( public aootion lor cash in band on tb gOfb day ol rtitptouiber, lUlSat 10 o'clock In the forenoon al Ilia Court House for Harney County, Orsgun the following described rial proiierty belonging to (aid tale, to wit; Lot 1, 4 and A in section 8 and Lot . and tb NVi.MW.'4 of section U in Twp. 27 H. of Rang I). W. M. aitnate In Harney County Oregon. Thit notice I published lor a parlod of four I'oosecolive yyeekg In Ui Times- Me. si. I, s nawspapsr published and of general circulation In Harney County, Oregon, undar and by virtue of an order ol the Hon. H- O. l.eyens, Judge of tb above entitled court, made on the gtHh lay ol August, 1915j I he sale of said property above .le acrilrsd Will be subject to con Urination by the shove outitM Court. Dsteil at Ram, Oregon tbla Slth day ol August, IHIo. HAKItV CAKKV, A.liiilnlstralor of Raid eatale. NOTICE FX)R PUBLICATION UaiTBB Stiiae l.asii mint. Bursa, orefloo, Auguat a itl',. Noilre la hereby glvirti that Homer I), t'erll, of Blley.Oron.wbo.oaBntmbr II. litis, ina.l. Addlllo.ial HcBHInad Bait. Me.eeasi. tor si. ', of See. 17 and NUNWi,c ,'U.Tw. i, . kauge M K.. Wlllaasetl Merldlsn. haa ill ed notice of loiecllo t make final vs jeer prven, ae. enaoiiia s.sim u to taon eoove tie. acrllied.twforslUfrlgtsrsnd Keeelvcr. si Hum. Oregon, on In ITttldar "' Septtmlfr lilt I'laimsniaaaiatai wltee Wo.mII L Ban. WsoSlau. Best, Bsujsmln I Matter. William A C'srll, sll of Bllev. oiegou Wa. Passe. Beglatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t NirkO BTATBS LAND orgTIK, Barea, Oreeea , Auguat la i . I ' Notice le hereby given tksl Hoberi I ho....i. , ol Beet ley. o.egoB, wbe.ua April twio ami November IV. lull, made Huewii.l Katrlea I No 04471 b4 ejus tor HBV., W,sr', sod ,W!i eVlM. TewkiWaiB Mull, i Ksag 'll 141. WmswisllV Ha.l.Ha.. baa tlsd notice of lataloa in make Seel three fear proof, to establish clelu. 1., II, land stKlre dsserlbed. before l'. K 1 uilo. l.. t. 8. t'ommlaalouer at hie office. alHetkicvi . ircgon, oo the est day olHeptemlm, III.', Claimant nam ss wltauasia: Walter II liecklay, Harvey Bngll.h Hlaam o rlaylon. William at. Carroll, allot Brcgl,,,, Uregoa. Wk Baaaa. Basmler. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. 1 "tranSTaTa. I.ASnOrro i Bflrni. orfon. Auguat It., Ul i i Nome lauerrbygl van tbal osbrltl al. K.I war !, 71 h. lew. lor 24 N . Ilai.g. .I.e. . a. . ... I r. , n.i.iwni. .111.11111. nee .net. hoik I'.. I mention lo gists nssl n-toar front. I., eetablleh cUlm le lbs land above described, be lore BefUlar end Receiver, at Hum., lire gon. tas list day ol September, Itlft of Lawss. Oreguti. who. ou Octobsr lit,. I mad Hsmsstssd entry. Hereal No. usTj:. i HW',,erUen It, Tewnahlp M . Ilai.g. .1 winameiie lasriuisn. Tuesday Fruit Day at RICHARDSON'S Watermelons, Cantaloups Peaches, Apricots, Rasp berries, Loganberries, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons Special price by the crate for canning if you will leave your orders a few days before hand Remember we will have everything in the fruit line Friday, each week A. K. Richardson General Mwchandke Agt. Buick Automobiles Claimant aeraeeee wlla ma. M. H. Wilbarger. Albert W. B. Bdwa Boss, sll ef 1swb. urmesa. Ura B. r. i'.ri..r til niirne. orrgon wa raass. Regisirr ' J sal NOTICg FOB J'PBIJCATION. BO OOAL l.iaoi tlNITBPTATBBlJkBIOrPll'B, . Itaksvlsw, Oregon. Auguel it. 1116 Nolle la hereby given tksl John o ferry, of April I:', inn. S44M. for hK',, 'ssklbttttouin eridlan. kss filed j .h. IttrnM...... Proof . le eatabllaa aialm ta lh. i.b.i !.. .i : aorlbed. ketore Begtater ami lieeelver, lake- ! view land offlre, al LaksvUw, Oregon on the i leia nay oi uetnoer, isia. Clslaaat name s wllneaaea : K. A. Wbllssid sad Bsrl 8. Kogera. boll, ..f Holvat, Oregon J B t'urren and V. U Itar.l.. ikjiii u. iiamfioti, irregon antics of IsisatloB to make ibiiaa slslm te the Is Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OP ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Fr (Ump ,.H0U8 andefi"t? Privileges in Corral or Barn. Customers Cr For Ovvn Stock. W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds. JAS.T. Bt'soggs. Begtgter. NQTICE FQB PUBLICATION Umitbb Stavbs l.asn or r I. a . I Barn. Orafoa, Auguat It, its, I "Otic a hsreby glysa that Joseph Bother l.,..i Alll-OMl, raspsctlrsly. Tor i weriiuo l J, Igli n a.. BMNWU, HrclVon 7, fo! tott, Wlllsiastts, kleri of IntsBtloaUi make Mb Klabllgli claim to the Is ore ksaiatet sad Basel on lb kit) dap ol October t'lalmsat nam as wltn kfsy It, IWt.and lead spines, n., BhMKH.NUrk!4. rS4 K I ik i I, owriinu u lieu ri H k..b. e. w , ,., 1"J,we,ou , luwnauiu u B , nenge sfitan, Wlllsiastts. klsridlsa bss nio.i i,..n.. of iDieaueaui make final flvs-yssr front, lu sstaullgb claim lo the land slaivs .!, ll,. I l.r. at llurn. titcunn. r isi;.. iBaaa... t'barlee ljibitrai.c Vr.rf II e...... n-.i... tjuler, Daniel yuler, all of Prl'ncoion. Uregoa Wa. Baaa. Register. 17 60 0 00 0 00 COOL, CAY CtAHHART ....I SEA SIPK, CLATOP BEACH Ineaweiksiv Hotel, Camp anal Cetlaga AtccvwaaesUtios)!. Manifold Amuie BtlBwl kVat. aVjirf tA Nataloyium BatK btf' (UtHtsI trip from Bnl I3.S. ROUND TRIPS EAST Direct er Cirewlt Rotitse la Any Point Dailx Until September 10- Return Limit October 31. Chicago, Direct, $72.10. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dululh er Winnipeg, 60. St. I null $71.20, New York $1 10.70. One way via Cal VaWrVtf with stopover to sse Eaposi tiepw, piiguSlly hiahsr ratsa. Ilri.wsey Mercantile Co, supult, Ml Co, i fie 00 r,00 66 Mrs I. I. Dyer, norsug ditto Mr Hall I HehwaiU, suppli, Mr Hchmik anil .'arson 1100 It (i tritchfleld, bringing patient to hospital 10 S$ CALIFORNIA Oregon Trunk, "North BnkRoad"arui th Floating PaUc.a, SS "GREAT NORTH ERN" and "NORTHERN PACIFIC." SaiUaa every Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday from Portland and San Fran bMy $41.10 round trip from Bend, Insnidhel tPgyala and berth on ahipa. Rail rata same without msaia pi) berth. Ask for Exposition Folder. J. H. Corbett, Agent, Bend, Ore. H sasK A- O P- A. RortUnd, Ore. i r . ''saaBaaaaaw. 2 T i Jaaaaaaai W itgaamV- .. .raJeaaaTW ObV fw n aUmltwBat BaaaSJafffBanlV - aHPsVaW afafBBaU Fe4BBSBBBBBmttarVkp' A afX li RltWNfvp i I We have a complete stock of Seasonable Goods Come and tee the great variety Evenrthing For Everybody CAIX OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store BUTTER WRAPPERS Mated in accordance with Ivpal requirernenh p ahort notic(, a THE TIMES-HERALD Job Rooms raa; wis IXCURSIQN FARES sssrxsi JR8K SSSSS OUTLAW NOMO WwGFQu. k y tfmmtm "S- r-tt .-GREATER ORFflON' "SW bullilluea. ht'lt. i riulr.iriil , n iii rv ., . """ " ii.i.nii I,. .. " 'nlvri.llvol ll.eso.i will 1,11.1.. h il".',"r,'Tur,.l', " ' "" wvi.k .. ..... .. Leeanwl "Uliuiuaa. hell, i rtiil,i ,,i,i ftuliil X ,! . ." "" n.l.llil tostl BBHaWeDBSSjajU Blfjalkala. a.. . ,.s , ,, I lllllll.l I, I I,) i ,1. II i ... " "t ...r.i.ui i..,t,,i.K mi. I iii" ii Ei.-rr.'."" "" ". 1. 1 1 1 n. ih. i I, lun .. 1. 1. .11.1 ''"Mu Hall ,..M,,,,. ,,1,, I tttlurtlu.. J:i"l!".,i.J,i' ""I"". -..Von. i ...In... seat a,ull,ll... ...,. ariuiuk.luiM. .lit"'JrT' krsllorl. . I...-....... i.n.l i weaken. KstHWaea l...u..i Writ, tor frwenklaloaa.,1,1,1 K Hrsl.tn UNIVERaSITY Or OREGON KiIMNK. Kill ...is 1