The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 11, 1915, Image 1

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    ml mDu m- . .
The Biggest County In The State
The Big f.t City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
Of Oregon, Best In The West I
NO. 44
- -' - - - '" ,,-'" "'.."T """
Principal Sutton to Inaugurate Depart
mental System of Teaching Which
Places Burns in Foremost Rank of
Educational Institutions. Home
Credit System is Also Introduced
The schools of this city opened
last Monday for the coming year
under most' promising conditions
with an increased enrollment.
The public school enrollment is
materially increased ' and the
number will be considerable lar-
gradesonly). Miss Hodder will
teach geography; Mrs. Clark,
grammar; Miss Cawlfleld. histo
ry. Principal Sutton will take
charge of the other studies not
assigned, arithmetic, agriculture
and civil government. Each
ger within the next two weeks, J teacher will also have physiology
as it is known that several fami-! and spelling in their respective
lies are not yet in town. grades.
Enrollment by grades: This is a new department in
Boys Girls the public schools of this state.
11 it being in practice in but few
11 places outside the cities, and it is
9 considered one of the best
20 'schemes ever undertaking and
14-lgive Burns the distinction of be
8, ing up to the very latest and in
12 1 keeping with the progressive
12 1 spirit of Mr. Sutton and his corps
16 of able assistants.
: Another department inaugurat-
Total - - 115 11(5 led by Mr. Sutton this year is
The teaching force of the j the hme credits system where
school is well organized, all the 'by the pupils are given credit
teachers having taught in the , for the' home work. This list of
school last year and while some i credits covers a number of use
have been given different grades, ful and healthful pursuits that
the departmental scheme inaugu- will be of much benefit and give
rated by Principal Sutton will the home a place with the school
1st primary 12
2nd primary 8
2nd grade 18
3rd grade 14
4th grade - - 1H
5th grade 15
th grade 12
7th grade 9-
8th grade - - 9
give each the particular branch
to their liking and the results
are sure to be of much benefit to
the school.
This method was proposed by
Mr. Sutton last year but the
necessary equipment could not
be arranged and after starting
with each teacher in her particu
lar grade the board decided it
would be best to continue thus
through the term. This year he
placed the matter before the
board at once and it has met with
the approval of the directors
therefore the change will be
made at once. The teachers
tiave all been assighed their
branches: Miss Swearingen will
have reading in all the grades
work that will not only harmo
nize but also stimulate an inter
est and bring the parents more
closely to the school by making
them a part of the teaching force
in a way. The credit list for
home work covers many items,
some of them not applicable to
any great tent to the school
but every child in the school may
do something on the. list and get
credits. For instance, credits
are given for such as building a
tlie in the morning; gathering
eggs; feeding the chickens; mak
ing and batting bread of biscuits;
getting an entire meal; setting
the table; washing and drying
the dishes; sweeping; dusting;
scrubbing; making a bed; bath
ing; practicing ths musij li
(the departmental teaching will
annlv onlv to the uDter Kradett clean hand and face (the teach-
rw-m --
er to juugej spiimng ami carry
ing in wood; brushing the teeth;
beginning with the fourth and
including the eighth, the first
and second primary, second and
third grade teachers will have
charge of their respective
retiring before nine o'clock;
Bleeping with the window open;
pumping and carrying in water,
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
etc There are many useful
things in the list that will bring
credits to the pupil.
The following paragraphs are
quoted from the pamphlet gov
erning this system:
"1 No pupil Is obliged to en
roll for credit for this home work.
All are asked to join with us but
none are compelled to do so.
"2-Any pupil entering for
this work is free to quit at any
time, but if anyone quits with
out good cause, all credits she or
he may have earned will be for
feited. "3 On Monday of each week
pupils will file with the teacher
an itemized list of the work done
and credits earned for the week
before. This list must be signed
by the parent or guardian, but
should be made out by the pupil.
"4 At thecloseof each school
month the teacher will enter on
the pupil's report card under
head "Home Work" the number
of credits earned by the pupil
for the past month. At the same
time the teacher will send to this
office a report of the number of
credits earned by the pupils in
the school.
"5 Credit may be given for
work done on Saturday or Sun
day, but no credits will be given
a pupil after he or she has
stopped school.
"6- A pupil who is absent and
cannot present an excuse from
his parent will lose 10 credits; an
unexcused tardiness will count
off 5 points; a grade in deport
ment leas than 76 per cent for
the month, 10 credits off.
"7 As soon as a pupil earns
500 credits he will receive a nicely
engraved certificate from the
County Superintendent. When
he earns a total of 5,000 credits,
he will receive a larger and nicer
certificate. Pupils who continue
to earn, credits for the entire
school year will be enrolled as
members of the "Harney County
Home and School Working Club"
and will be given a button to be
worn only by members of this
The Times-Herald is pleased to
note the unanimous good feeling
of patrons of the school and the
interest shown in the success of
the educational work during the
coming year. Many parents and
members of the board were pre
sent at the opening of the school
and ach took a personal interest
in not only their own children
but the entire school, asking
questions as to comfort and sani
tary conditions and entering into
the spirit of things in general.
The teaching force should have
the undivided support of the par
ents and with such a spirit of
things the school this year is sure
to be successful in every particu
lar. By active co-operation
great things may be accom
plished and the result most gratifying.
Otto Kahn
On Flnanolol Farm Loan
Every olllin who tlo-nlreii to hoome capable In
builneae uliould bunking, and erery farrur who
"'' ,0 t,a biiHliiosH of KKilculttir propurly nnsnerd
ahould utiidy dlllKonily the financial interna of Mfcer Indus
trloe. All other linm nf Induetry have devulnu.ul llnutnlal
facllltloa adapted to tholr need We have all 3ortit of
financial .) n.lh aim by law or cuitom to deal
In a certain lino of en. iiiltl.n. hut In none of thae llnan
rial chunnvle will farm aseaflUM travel without a bouue
In the way of an exrelve rate of Intereat or heavy die
count!. The bum! powurful llnunclal iimtitutinne In America
are urlvato batika and thiv nro the mint Imtmrtunt in
iii iiiinntiiii hip or minium
County Court Proceedings.
County Court took a recess
lust Saturday and met strain on
Thurnday to aWs)rd a contract for
keep of the county poor. Five
bids were entered for this con
duct und us they were received
late during the week, the court
thought best fo consider tlie
matter for a short time before
making an award. Chns. King
wns given the contract.
The clerk's report on bounty
paid for rabbits and predatory
animals approved.
I reiiMitrer ordered to pay the
In n.. Il,i.. nf l.oal . . ...... .1......
" --. - ....... .-.,. ... Hi. ....v w. uuuhdhh inn!.
Doneitr, y and Htabllllv unit..' morn li,u,.n mw ,i,i,iw..i n,.. ,.,...,.
private baukera whose Cratet aaaet In the nufMence of the buylnn publlo ' ballance of $500 to Ihf. countv
In hi. builmiai Judirmint und Inteiirlly. Mr. Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Ixeb ft Com- """,""" 01 '"' l0 lne County
pany, whn imkfd to etate tho rclutlon of the priiat banker to the builneae agriculturist fund.
' ' M!M5 '", E&. - .. k... i. ... , All warrants issued seven years
Inatrillnnnl fttr- BMwIAhtM .., ,..... 4J .. -.. ... .. J nwnr 1t thiu .Ifiti, ti.wl n..l .l..;.,..i ... ' "
-. . ..... vuu ,i..inj iiio'iivu iui hip cill.'li'lll .COIIHIICI ana "'"" "" uare aim iiui imuiicu roi rngrf mnRtrnnt nn tnnil u; .
development of railroad, and nthar lii,!ntil,. II. .1,.. n.i. , k,,.:.. j j j ( rauroao construction toward this
Local Workmen and Producers Are
Beginning to Realize Benefits of
Additional Work and Market. It
May Continue Beyond Proposed
Thirty Miles From Indications
ceouriue in bulk from thoae newllng capital, for which purpoae he uaually
amioclatca liliimclf with a larai number nf other llnunclal hnuana. r.n.i anil
mall, thus tni intuit what It called a syndicate. Having tn thla way concluded
the buying tiniieiiotlon he offera to thn public the necurltlua purchased bv
were ordered cancelled.
Road viewers instructed
proceed with viewing, lay
meana of advertlainn, clnularlxlng and through the facllltlea of the retail anc survey the road around
noueca tncluiS-d Ih the eyndlcate, many of whom employ traveling aaleamen I Wrijrht's Point as netitionod for
Of Conine tin banker and Ih. .vti.tlxni.. ,.,,,.,! nn . r-. ..!... ... ,. ,...i. ""I1"- "" " peillioncu IOr
ervlcee, on the other hand they run the rlak of the eecurltlea, which, they ny N. Henney and Others,
Be definitely bought and paid for at a fixed price, remaining on their hands
wholly, or In part, If the public, fur one reaiion or another, should be unwll
ling to buy them The selling of securities Is a highly specialised trade,
requiring much exiierlence, orgnnliiitlnn, mni-hlhury and scrutiny Thla Is
one of the reasons why corporations do bettrr In offering securities to the
public through bankers than If they offered them direct. The willingness
of the public to buy depends upon their confidence tn the Integrity and the
Judgment of the hanker who makes tho offer, and a banker who attempts to
mlslesd the public, or who is deilclent In care or Jodgmont, would very soon
find hiuiHcir without customers and. therefore, out of business. In many
KiiroiK-an ciuititrlea. the functions of the private banker Include the placing
of bondn secured by farm mortgages Honda of this nature are Issued In
large quantities by mortgage hanks who buv mortgages on farms and other
real eatute and deposit them an security for their own bonds, which In their
turn are sold to bonkers It Is to be hoped that slmllsr lustltutlpcs will,
In course of time, be created In America, thus placing the fanning Industry
on a par with other Important Industries In facilities to obtain capital."
Encouraging reports come (Burns should be prepared to
from Riverside resrjectincr Hip welcome thes inntiirina ami o-iV
sucn assistance as possible with
Mothers and Teachers
Want Less Infringement
The Oregon Congress of Moth
ers and and Parent-Teachers As-
sociations believe it to be their
in all matters pretuining to ed
ucation. Women in Oregon, who today
voto on all other questions should
not be deprived of the privilege
of voting on school questions.
( lerk authorized to pay the
salary of the janitors at high
school and court house each
Treasurer ordered to transfer
H75 from the general fund to
the institute fund.
Egli News Notes.
duty to do evervthinir in their Tho 8cho1 tax ia ony about on
lourin or one-ni tn or tne total
If registered voters can
power to create a public senti
ment in favor of the following
Parent-Teachers Associations
so that the school and the home
may be brought to have a mmi-
pathetic npprnciatinn of the work
of the teacher and in every way
may help in the betterment of the Mother and Daughter
vote to elect representatives who
apportion four-fifths of the taxes
why are they not qualified to vote
for men who apportion one-fifth
of the taxes?
school and of the whole commun
ity. Industrial and vocational in
struction in the public schools of
the state: Such industries are
basis of the life of all times.
Too long has there been a separa
tion between living and .learning
and learning to live bttwtcn
Buried In Kankakee
Following short and simple
services which were conducted
by Uev. I). S. Phillips at 2 oclock
this afternoon, the bodies of
F.lizabith Ellis, mother of Charles
Ellis, formerly of this city, and
his sister, Georgia, were laid to
ao rest in Mound Grove cemetary.
Careton Walter is making
prcperations for a trip to Bend
where he will purchase a wind
mill pump and supplies for his
new well.
Some of our industrious farm
ers are busy plowing and getting
ready for the fall seeding.
At a special school meeting,
held in our school house Aug. 31,
for the purpose of determining
whether or no the school house
could be moved. After several
hours of heated discussions and
votinu. because some wished it
moved North and others West,
the matter still remains unsettl
ed and school will open next
week at the present site.
Chas. Comegys and family
have returned from their vaca
tion spent at Portland.
Ben DeWitt of Lost Creek,
brought in a load of choice lum
ber for A. Donivan, Thursday to
complete their residence.
Link Hutton and wife are in
Portland consulting a specialist
Dr. Kydd was at Hums Mon
day where he made final proof
before the U. S. Land Office.
1 OF 7,500
We buy Drugs and Drug Store
Supplies with 7,600 other
Let us All your Prescriptions--We
are In business for your health
The Rexall Drug Store
Tu Ike Public.
I feel that I owe the manu
facturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy a Kood teachers and school officers
word of gratitude, " writes Mrs. in their position., mors Meanly
participation in constructive
tiv.iy anu mere nook knowledge. The bodies arrived in Kankakee1 in regard to Mr. Hutton's health
ine eitmniuton oi poiinca in jwittiruay night, having been
election of members of school brought from Burns, Oregon,
boards at. ndtendents and where both died last October,
teachers. Public sentiment Mrs. Ellis was the wife of Dr.
should denial, d that members f Kllis, also well known in this Robert Fox and family of Dry
the school boards should bo city. She is survived by the son ' Valley, have moved to Bend
business men and women of cdu- Charles W. Ellis, a prominent J where they will send their
cation, interested in and inform- attorney at Burns and well known daughter, Edna to school.
ed concerning modern education- In Kanakee. The bodies were '
al methods, and capable of brouirht to Kankakee for nerrna- Worth W.ight in Gold.
managing large business interests nent buriul, where other mem-' "1 have used Chamberlain's
and of selecting callable men bers of tho family are interred. Tablets and found them to be
and women, who shall be given Among those who are in the just as represented, a quick re
unlimited power to handle the city to attend the services are Mr. lief for headaches, dizv Hindis
educational matters of tho school and Mrs. Edward Babst of and other symptoms denoting a
district. Public sentiment should Kvanstown and Mr. and Mrs. torpid liver and a disordered con
create a school spirit in ouch Bert Smalley of Chicago. -Kan- dition of the digestive organs,
community which would maintain kukee Gazette. They are worth their weitrht in
gold," writes Miss Clara A.
big Valley. Several hundred
t0 1 men are now at work over there
out,and the contractors are getting
their equipment placed along the
line for active work.
The effect of this work has al
ready been felt by local people in
the way of furnishing employ
ment and also a market for home
products. To what extent this
will continue depends upon prices
and conditions. The farmer
must remember he now has to
compete with outside markets
and therefore his price must con
form to the market of the world.
The contractors will use a vast
amount of feed during the com
inr months that should be fur
nished entirely by home growers
and they should see what can be
done in that respect.
It still remains unsettled as to
the distance the road will be ex
tended under the d resent con
tract, or rather to what point
The surveyors have been busy
for several weeks and have been
working west of Harriman we
understand. It is also rumored
that local men have been sriven
to understand they may secure
contracts this side of Harriman
in the immediate future but
whether this means any distance
to speak of is yet unknown.
The actual construction of a
railroad into the Harney Country
has caused many outside people
to investigate conditions in this
section with a view of invest
ment. Many inquiries are-being
received by business concerns in
this city and it is about time that
the people take steps toward an
organization that can take care
of this class of inquiry and jrive
prospective home seekers and in
vestors detailed information.
They ask many questions and
these inquiries are so numerous
that the ordinary business con
cern cannot give them the atten
tion their importance warrant.
a view of getting men with eapi
tal to come to our country and as
sist in the development and pre
paration for the change that the
railroad will make.
;. ViaYiiviHtsi irrra
T. N. Witherall. Gowanda, N. Y.
"When I began taking this med
icine I was in great pain and feel-
than any law that could be draft
ed in their behalf.
The extension of suffrage on
ing terribly sick, due to an attack I school questions to the registered
of summer complaint. After voters of the district.
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
taking a dose of it I had not long j
to wait for relief as it benefited
me almost immediately." Fori
sale by all dealers.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extra charge.
See the Steam .Laundry about1
your work.
Women are vitally Interested
Dry cleaning and pressing at Driggs. Elba, N. Y. For sale by
the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf. all dealers.
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival aid Departure Of Train
No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A. M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with O.-W. R. N, Co. No. 4 ;
(Fast Mail) leaving Portland 0:80
P. M., arriving at Baker 7:65 A.
M. and No 17 from east arriv
ing Baker 0:60 A. M.
No 2 connects with No. 6 (Fast
Mail) arriving at Baker 7:SjS P.
M. which picks up Pullman at
Baker, arriving at Portland 7:00 .
A. M. Also with No. 18 at'
10:46 P. M. for points East.
Does your fountain
pen splatter ink when
you try to write?
Does it refuse to feed
enough to keep a steady
line? If so do not throw
it away; chances are it
can be made as good as
new with a little repair
ing and cleaning. This
store will overhaul your
pen, put in a new point
or anything it needs.
We also carry a full
line of pens such as the
non-leakable self filler,
Moore's nonleakable, the
kind that slips the pen
down in the ink, and the
ideal Watterman. If you
want a new pen to start
school with step in.
Jeweler and Optician
SEPTEMBER 16, 17, 18, 1915
Largest, Best and Moat Spectacular Wild West Show
on Earth
'. feiMi. ;-' '
'Si mL
A Sv Ai'TU ANU A Damn.. Kiuna
Thirty excitti eich lay Kvtry event a reprmliu'iliiii of the early tcenea of
tbe Wot; a HviiiK picture ntury uf tlie rtiii rattle country; revelalmu ei
Indian lite; an tahlbillen "I tkill mwl iUiIiik.
Nowhere clue can lie Men tuoh thrilling act; nowlieie cen be fiuiiul tudi
cniriluiiiniciit, and there ! no piece on rarth where you tan get rauch fat
rem money. Sea the hortei buck, the bayi untl gtrtl riile Witneim thr won
I. i iui mien, tint forgetting the wlhl horte race. Don't mina the Indiana or
I. ill in nee the entire performance. Vitit Walla Walla and enjoy tlncc cl.
in the nld'tinic-"cl wa.
"Let 'Era Kick" "Slay With 'EmM
Excursion Rates on all Railroads
For Information aditrco the Secretary
R. H. JOHNSON, Walla Walla. Washington
Breakfast 5:30 to 9
Dinner 11:30 to 2
Mac's Restaurant & Bakery
Located in the new Levens Building
W. R. McCuistion, Prop.
Supper S to 8 Short orders at all hour
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
To be Given Away
Every Saturday at 3 P. M.
Be'sure and bring your coupons
you may be the lucky one
The one having the number
nearest to the number under
the seal will be the winner