W I ' at II n Fit m ol a i i r,:,P !J2 "I cud oto ill t! f "5 ot 1 10 un 1 if A LADY AND A BABY And Uncle Sam's Polite Consul In a City In France. HOW THEY MET AND PARTED. And Hw Light Wa Thrown o, th Problem Tht th Womiin, Who Wat Froneh and Valublo, and lha In fant, Who Waa Amarioan, Pratanlad. Not Tcr.T Ioiir nftcr limine. Inkr-ll charga of one of tlto COBMtdM l Franc I waa one inortiliin M-ntcd lit my deik busily engaged In Ii:;m Iiik oTer my quarterly ncooutits. w lien sud denly a woman enrryhm n l,,it,,1lc In her armi appeared before inc. I bad not resided In France siiHUiontli lonj to Imbibe the unadulterated riom ii po lltencaa, but 1 hnd progressed uf flolently to ask: "Uadnme. wbnt cull I have the pleas ure of doing for yon Mils inoriilin;':" "Monsieur," the exclaimed, walking toward me, holding out the bundle, us If to depoalt It on my desk. "till- la IB American bnby. What ahull I do with itr Abashed at the prospect of mi tod denly becoming a father with lite or ange blossoms and rice Mitten and knowing that the American govern ment had eatabllshed no nrecedenl of maintaining orphan nsylums ell he! at borne or abroad, I healtntcd a iimnient and replied: "Will tbe tundiiiii pkMaa be seated over there by the door anil icli mc why, being a Freucliwoiii.in. lb h.is become iHissessed of an A inn lean babyr It neTer occurred to BM to ix.iiulnc the little bundle of IMlinllJ I bail In previous times rather prldcil mjrat If On my ability to distinguish the nation ality of people, had even Donated I could tell them by their ahoea. hnt I bad never tried my pefrtpttra powefl on Infant physloguomlea. "Vollaf" sbe said, sea line herself. I shall never forget that word ! i It was one of tbe tlrst from h word 1 ever learnetl. Yon know It means oh, so many things when used exrirtma torlly, ns It generally Is. DsHSlt, how ever, to the beginner In I he French langiinge It oonreya the meaning of "Here It Is." That was ntiout as fur as I had progressed In my Frew h eilinii tlon at that time In regard to the many varied meanings of rulla. nml I tie termlned that If It meant the bah) 'hen It would retain Its geognipMi al loca tlon Indefinitely -that la. In the oin an'a lap over by the door, or preferably outside Rut her rutin referred not so much to tbe Infant as to the story of bow It came to be In her 1111 ffllHl She talked volubly while I tried to as aume the defensive power of Peace But to a Frenchwoman- Will, slleine Imply means what the Jockey cites tbe horse In the last heat encourage ment. From the lerbal Freueli cyii.iiii she burled at me I gathered few fn menta that enabled me to understand For three months she had been em ployed aa nurse by an Amen, an worn an who bad paid her gissl wages Four weeks previously, however, the mother bad returned to New VorU -nl,,: sit was going over for .nil. two or three days ou an urgent buslio matter and would return at once. She bad not seen or heard of ber since. Ratal a woman who had to work for her own living tbe baby whs s burden on her hands 8be could hardly support lieraetl mu h less provide for the Infant, and ai the child was of Amerl'iin parentage sb thought the representative of tbe a hut Icau government ought to take ear of It I suggestetl that I would write to the city sutborltles In New York asking as to the genuineness of the addreaa Unit tbe woman aald the mother had aft frith ber. "And what shall I do during all tbe time you are waiting for an an'Wei starve?" My answer dually him a twrntj franc gold piece, with whh'b da parted, saying she would iry 10 lake care of tbe baby until I could heir from the New York Bfsthorttle Now, the reasonable and the miren aonnble part of the story Is that ttBCS ber departure, though the sun hns risen hundreds of times, sbe has nersf returned. It hnd not risen Itwnt Iban seven times, however, before I teamed tbe reason It was Jost one week later ut an in formal dinner of the sixteen ronauls who resided in the elty that In the coarse of a conversation with my Ifal Ian colleague 1 told him the story of the woman and the bab) What do yoo auppose he answered V "Well, well." he laughed. "Whjr, thai aame woman came to my nil, en. ,,i,l abebad an Italian bnby. Ami I thought I waa fortunate to get rid of her for 60 francs " In the general con ler-n lion that fl lowed I discovered that the woman fkad visited every one of the fix teen consulates In the city, and by her ahil Ify to change the baby's nationality from English to lieiinan and from Haitian to Japanese and nil I he other colors of tho rainbow aba had ratrarl ed from the consular rorpa of that pur tlculnr French city the sum of 77.'. francs Tbls Incident Is Just one ol a serh's f similar experiences with frauds and fakera a consul hna to fare In the iot formance of his duties Tbomwell flaynes lo New York Tribune Who bang himself In the chimney should not complain of smoke. tier nan Proverb. N Longer Company. "Familiarity breeds contempt." "True! Wben I was tlrst Invited over to tbelr house to dinner they used o let the dishes go until inenilng: now tbey do them right after dinner end call me Into the kltrlnw i t,.i, ' l trolt Free Frees His Osfinition. "I'a, wbat la a demagogue V" "A demagogue, my sou, Is a person who gives vole to opinions I hut ron Diet with your own." New York Her aid SHEEP DOG TRIALS. Australia' National Paitims, the Mai ta Cross Tt. Hbeep dog trials may be 1 mi-1. 1. nil a uaUonal pastime 11 not a national aport la Australia. There is an an nual agricultural allow In every lowu and village Iu the piutturai pul'tN, There are general couipcuiiun 00 tin- lines r tbe American county and stale falra. There are horse races, buck Jumping, shearing, log chopping und other etrenuouf competitions. Hut uot on of these excites more luterest Hum the ebeep dog trials, and In these test Australian have Set tbe example of certain of the moat aertoua laaaa fbat a ma n and a dot nay b aaked to ac compllsli with three strange abeep -sheep that had never prevloualy met until they had a monism before been turned out from three separate pens to be packed or gathered together by the dog It was the Australians who tlrst put forward, and they still maintain It. the Maltese rroea teat The eight six foot hurdles are aet In the eha of a Mai tese cross The passages are of a w lilt h (hut will permit only one abeep to puss through at a time The animals haw to lie driven north and south and east and wi-st. nil the paaaea lielug open nt tho time The skill aud patience of the dog are here tried to Hie utmost, and there can be little wonder there at a gasp of satlafnctlon and a cheer of Joy when the theep have been success fully driven through these narrow ways. Tho Australian sheep dogs ure the smallest In use In the world, hnt are quick and lively In their work It Is uo wonder that the Australian gives much thought for his dogs, for It goes without saying that the work of the slua p station could not be accomplish ad without them. In ordinary cases It Is reckoned Ihnt one dog run do the work of half a dosen men In many Instances a dog la aupcrlor to tlfty tin mans, and where there are such vnst flocks of nimble sheep, such as the merinos In Australia are, It would be Impossible to round them up ao Hint they may be eiamlncd. counted nnd duly looked over without the doga -Argjniailt. "For the take ef Argument." "Well. now. for the anke of argument"- Is there a more Irritating phrase? Is there any greater bore than the person who habitually employs II? To he Hiked to nssume anything "Just for the sake of argument" Invariably picjiidh ca us against milking that con esslon We alt grim llpiasl while the . ouliovorsliillat nssume nml exMiiinds We' feel that lo oblige tilm we would not even assume that two and two make four- Youth's Companion $1500 Reward! Tho nrt-Kon. i'm I Iforniaauii Nevada In- Slock I'rotcc lloo Aasuclatlonol wbloh tie- ntnlcr algnett Ii im-iiit't-r, will five li.iuo i" rewanl for eel- .l.ii..- lea.lhu: w . fat, the SI reel ami COIi sVvH vlrilon ol miy par - it or narll.a atcal lug hend. tnlll or noilci Is-loiiftiiK o say of Its iu. in ben. In siMiiiun to Die ttsjvr, the amtvralfoeil offers ttu- isine i-onilltlou ItAJO.oii tor all li-r,- urobueo IMMMI SltuU Otii OU ImjIU U viiliil jMtt. uimuu leeuntea n cigin muuuti naiigt ilmiiii, Lags -' !. (uuulli-a, o-iiim I rut. l H lieu Uiii. hwllf uul (U"u Uinava aolil auii uui) aii. I I w.ithon.s nu.i'iiftiii.. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THfc ttlAltv or OREGON, FOR THE COUrsfY OF HARNEY. i. I. ll.KKY i oiiuim. Vf. A.s.M.i I K, Mih. UydM il.irn- JU11.S i ii.inu, i. uawa lieu, siamj vu..k, oau v ai ibuu, uaaal v. v mni-, j. , cwoyar, J- i uouneil, U. uououu, Bl a. Oil 10 1 1. U. VV. tleouio i, Cora u. Uftavoa, cmude V. Uwiuu, 1'. A liuliuu, Jouu Holier, H. U. Milllei. i.. 1'. .tioouey, M. Mctvliiuon, Mis lotiii L.. Aimu, tuiUo M. Uber, suuiuui rwiaraoBa - ' I'muiuwr, a. t.. i'.a ;.-, rV, rmiiips, Alberius tt. Hoeu, i. 1-. ji'iir, i nanus h. sti-pueus, jamaa hu omiui, juaapn H. ouaiu, i i .Siauueth (or Soaiinuthi, l.r i.. . Bit, '(ana Beviey, nair) tu. ttoolt. Lhttrloa biunelt, VY. U. VVouU rttlf, i- -M. WUIiauia, Martha WtUla, William I. lies, 1,. K. liartuu, lv 1. j. icuiiah, C. W. Oruuan, J. u. .sn.i lie. ,uid all whom 11 may cou .ii n, iieii-uilunta, SUMMONS. 1 John T. Annette, .Mrs,, l.yilin l.urn h.niii, Churiea Hell, Andy J. Ottilia, Dl.il Carlson, Cecil W. Cbllda J. it. cooper J. H. ixmuull, 0. IXiootau ht, a. Kendall, 0. W. Fleshlier, Coia II. unevos, Claude V. (jwlnu, 1'. A. li.ii;. 11, Jean Holier, 11. (J. MUllut, 1.. 1'. Mooney, M. McKlnnon, U liuiu I., mhiii, Klllo M. Uber, Damuui loicrwiu, U. K. Klummor, A. K. Fol 1, SS. U. 1'hllllps, AlbrtUB W. Keen, 1'. !'. Hobr, Charles U. Slepheua, Jomea H. amitb, Joseph 11. auatn. F. C. Spauuiiih lor bpuuuuthj, br nubi tV. tily. Frank Beeley, Harry b. Wcolt. Charlea buiBelt. W. U Wood ruff, K. M. Williams, Muriba White, William Yates, I.. H. IJarloo, l-. 1 Jctomlah, C. W. Ortman, J. W. Hwope, uud all whom It may con cern, Defendants; iu tho name of the Bute of Oregon, you are hereby notified that too plain tiff, K. 11. Terry, la tbe holder of the following certificate of Uelluiueucy iHHued on the datea hereinafter refer red to by tho tax collector of the County of Harney, Btat of Oregon, for the amount of money aet after each year lor which the aald certificates alto issued, and being tbe amount Uieu duo aud delinquent for taxes for iho years hereinafter mentioned, to- fatiMT with the penalty. Interest ana costs thereon, upon the real property assessed to you, and of which you are the owner at appaaxa of record, aitu ite in tho aald county and atate, and particularly berelnaftar deacribed; and you are further notified that the aald B, It. Terry has paid taxes on said premiss for prior or aubaequent yeara with tho rat of interest on said amounts as hereinafter aet forth. That you, aa owners of tba legal title of the parvujs or land set before your respective names at tbe same ap pear of record, and each of you, are hereby further notified that tbe aald 1:. B. Terry will apply to tbe Circuit Court or the state and county afore said for a decree foreclosing the Hen against the property hereinafter d ciibad, and mentioned In said certifi cates; and you ore hereby summoned to appear wltbtn alxty (60) days arter tho first tmbiiostlon of this summons, exclusive or tli dag of said first pub lh at Ion, and defend tbls action or pay tho amount due as shown, together with costs and accrued Interest, and in 1 nan of vour failure to do so, a de- creo will be rendered foreclosing the lion of said taxes and coats against the land nnd premltet hereinafter deiorlb sd; all or tbe aald certificates bear interest at tbe rate of fifteen per cent. per annum from the date thereof. The following (g a detcrlptlon of th land assessed, the word "Bee." mean ing taction and the worag "Twp. R." meaning township south rang aat, Willamette Meridian, the name ot the parsons tn whom th same waa as .1 Hsed and who ar tba owners of the legal title of th aald property, as ap IMara of record, tba year In which tbe tax was levied and assessed, tba amount for which tbe sevral certifi cates were laaued, and the date upon which the U waa paid, and the er tlflcaU Uanad: tmk Deajwtp tlon Basi. NU at 11 NWH DH Two. ft. Nam of anrr 17 M John P. Aftftatt NV Nit, IB BWJ4 NRH 37 t Mra. Lydla Bernhardt H I HWI4 8WJ4 in; :i:i Charkta Hell I NV4 Nti II NhiHNM4 .17 30 Andy i. Uollla &H NV a NWfc HWtt NV4 a4 11 NWfc-SWte If 311 Ulat Carleoa 37 36 Cadi W. CbUds .17 3D J. R. Cooper NK!4NW!4 37 3 J. U. Uonnall NW Nil II 8V 14 K II ;;i; 0, Uoaovan S' N't, 3 SKS4 YV14 37 :m B. 8. roadall HVs NS !i NWH SKV. II 38 U. W. Flabnr s'a NVa II NI-H4 8H 38 Cora U. Grieves S's NH 3 37 38 Claud V. Owtnu SV4 BV4 I NWK NWH 37 31 p. A, HalWn s', si, u NWHBBV S', H 3 umtvArH 37 36 Job Holier 37 36 H, O. MKllar NVa i U NatttMtl BVi S, So SKHNW4 37 36 U If. Mooney ac 36 M. McKlnnon N'v BH It BWHOs14 II 36 William U Noab Hi, HH 33 SKHNWK :m 36 BIB If. Obr S', X', 3 si-'.'.ni-:1. II 36 Samuel Petaraon NS4 NV 1 NWNWH 37 36 D. P. Plumr rt NV 3u 8WV.NWH J6 36 A. Patty BVk NH 3 36 W. O. Pbllllne N14 NV4 'I si-:'4m-:- 37 36 Albertu W Ni, ,N'i, 35 3d 311 p. p. Hobr I ', .s , u HWUNWH H'4 N'i Nf.'4hr.l, Ii 3o 33 HUphent S'i BVt 11 rtKHHWH 37 36 Jam II. Imltn 8V1 NH 11 8K4NH4 37 36 Joseph H. Smith NVs NV4 11 37 36 P. C. Hvannstb or faaanautb SK! SR N BH 33 NWV4BKH 36 36 Krneet W. fly N1 S'.-i 33 NWHNK14 36 36 Frank Beeley BH N'4 AKAtt 3' H9F? a 8ooU 8Vs H 33 NWViNKH 36 36 CbVlM lBtt H',4 BV II NKV4NWH 37 31 W. O. Woodri Si4 N',4 lo NKHNhl 37 36 K. M. Wllllama NV4 B4 33 lyjmNwu 36 36 Martha Wblie B4 N'4 U NKWWVi 36 33 WlUlam Xati a S NV4 33 BKHSWH 36 33 I. M. Hartou NV4 Hi.4 3 BKV.NWH 17 M tt. (7 arHsUa 8'4 Ntt 8BHHWH 1 36 33 C. W. Ortman 1 Lji 8wop Vst W. I 36 33 J. NKV.BBH Tills lUoiBtoof It published by order of tlielloo. II. '. Leteim, .uillin "f the County Court ol the Bute of Oragoa, lor lite County of Harney, ami nuiil ordei waa mail and dated the Ittlh day of Aufust, 1215, and the date nf lha limi pub lltation of liis auinmont It Ih 21st day of Aasutt, 101ft. All prooett and napert la tblt aroeeedlng may be served upon tin Dmlvr signed, maiding In to Htate of Uregoa, at In adtlrtt hereinafter turn tinned, tlao. H. Bitsktoaa, Attorney lor iluinlui. AiIiIjcv Jliirna, Oragoa. All the news in The Times-Herald for $2.0U Amount 94.60 140 8.4H 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.40 3.48 4.40 6,40 3.01 3.00 4.04 4.60 4.60 3.311 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.30 4.48 6.40 1 -11 3,3,1 I 4S 4.40 6,40 4.60 3.30 3.4K 4.40 6.40 3.30 1.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 Hate of certificate .Tu., 17, nu June II, I0l Feb. Ill, llil I Mar. 30, mil Mar. 31. till Juno 17, lin:i Juno 13, 1013 Koh. 10, I II 1 4 Mar. 30, 1014 Mo 31, 1015 r'oh. Ill, 11114 Feb. IU, mil Mar. 30, HI 1 4 Mm. 31. till Juno 17, mi3 Juuo II, mm Keb. in, mil Mar. 311, 1314 Mar. 31, 11)16 June 13, 11113 lei. 10, 1014 Mar. 31, 1111 Juno 17, 1013 Juno 13, 101:1 Kob. N, I'JH Mar. 31), 1014 Mar. II, mil. Juno 17, Llll Juno 13, 11113 Fob. 3d, I '.' 1 1 Mar. 10, 1314 Mar. 31. mil. Juno 13, 1313 I'Yh. II, mil Mar. 10, 1944 Mnr 1, mi:. llll mi mil 1914 1911 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juno is J 11 mi I'.' Koh. II I 311 Ml 4.411 6.40 4.60 3.30 3 4s 4.40 6.40 3.10 3.48 4 411 6.40 3.30 3.48 4.40 640 4.60 3 80 3.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 8.30 8.48 6.40 4.50 8.80 848 (.40 1.30 Mar. l. Mar. 31 Juno is lime I Teh. Mar. Mar. Juno Feb. Mar. II, rut 10, mi 4 11, Llll 13, llll It, 1914 311, 1014 Mar. 31, llll Juno 13. 101.1 Fob. II, mil Mar. 3u, mil Mar. 31. mir. Juno II, llll Juno 13, mm Mar. 4, 1914 Mar. 10, 111 I Mnr. 31. 1015 Juno 19, llll Juno 13, llll Mnr. 4, mil Mar. M, mi 1 Mar. 11, mir, Juno 1:1, 1013 Mar. 4, 1314 Mar. II, 1911 June II, mm Juno 13, 1013 Mar. 4, 1014 Mar. 31. l'JIf. June 13. llll Mar. 4, 1014 Mar. 31, 1015 June II, llll 3.48 640 3.36 3.30 3 48 4.40 .1 I" 3.3U 3.4X 4.40 6.40 3.30 348 4.40 640 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 4.60 3 30 3.48 4.40 6.40 330 3.48 44U 6 40 3.80 348 4.40 6.40 3.30 3.48 4.04 :. 40 330 3.48 4.40 6.40 316 tti 460 470 2.80 8.48 4.40 6.40 3.30 3.41 4.40 5.40 4.60 3.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 M0 1.41 4,40 6.40 3.30 3.41 4.40 6.40 4f.il 3.30 3.48 i 3.30 348 M0 MO 848 440 640 110 R.4" 440 6.40 8.30 3.48 4.40 6.40 3.04 4.04 4 60 4.17 3.78 4.80 4.64 4.66 i 6.61 4,01 HI Ml 4.10 4-64 4.06 4.41 3.72 M,0 J 3, Juno 13. Mar :., Mar. 3, Mar. II, Julie, 13, Mar. I, Mar. ::". Mar. 31. mil 1314 m 1 4 1315 1 3 13 1114 1014 llll June 31. llll Mar. 6, 1014 Mar. 10, 1114 Mar. II, 111! Juno II, I '.'1 3 Apr. II. 1914 Mar. 30. 1014 Mar. 31. 1911 Juno 28, 1013 Juno 21, 1013 Apr. 11, 1914 Mar. 30, 1114 Mar. 31, 1916 Juno 21, 1913 Apr. 11, 1014 Mar. 3.1. 1914 Mar. 31. llll June 21. llll Apr. II. i-'il Mar. 30, 1911 Mar. 31, llll June 21. Ill 1 Apr. I -:, 1114 Mar. 311, mil Mar. 31. mif' June It, llll Apr. II, 1914 Mar. U, mil Mar. 31. llll Juno 2:1, I'Ji.: Apr. II, I'M Mar. 10, I '-'I I Mar. II, WW Juno 20. llll Juno 2!, 1013 Apr. 14. 1914 Mar. 3ii. mil Mar. II, llll lane '. :, llll Apr. 14, 1UI4 Mar. :i" mil II 1 . llll mi Mar Juuo Juno Apr. Mar. Mar. 31 II, II, 11, mi 4 10, llll 31, llll Juno 2:1. Apr. II 191.1 I'M I Mar. :i", I'll Mar. II, IIH June H, IMI Apr. II, 1014 Mur. "". lilt Mar. :il, llll Juno W, till Juno It, llll Apr. II, UM Mar. 10, llll Mar. II, llll Juno 10, llll m 4JJ mi uu vnt nu fill mi I14 mi 1111 mi 1114 1211 1111 1213 nu mi mi 1914 nu 1212 1111 nu mi U13 1914 121(1 1111 1114 1210 1211 1211 !! nu Juno 2.1. Apr. II, Mur. II, Juno 2:1. May I. Mar. 30, Mar. II, Juno It, May 1. llll l'.'M llll 1911 mil 11114 mir. llll rut Mar. Mi'. 1"H Mar. It, 1011 Juno H, llll Apr. II, IIH Mar. HO, 1114 Mar. II, llll June II, llil June 2:1. llll May 1 mil Mnr. II, Mnr- II, lime IT, June IV, June 17, June 17, Juno Mi Juno 21, IIH mir. i '.i i r, 1 ii 1 1 mir, mfr. mil. mir. Julio II, 1211 .limo '.'I. till June :,r., mir. mi..' M, llll June 2K, fum Juno M. IIH June 2R, 10IB June 2S. 1l June 2R. mifi June II, llll June II, mir. Jinn) Hi l!'in Year 1110 inn Hill 1D13 1114 1110 1V11 lilt 1111 1114 110 llll 111 ll lin Hill Ills 1113 1114 1911 111 114 II1U lll lfU 1913 1114 1110 111 1112 1913 1914 1911 1913 1913 114 110 111 1112 1912 114 ltld 1111 1912 1913 ill 4 l9u 1912 1113 114 till till 1113 1114 1110 till 19U 1113 114 1110 111 1111 1113 1114 i 1914 1910 jii 1 1913 ! ll2 114 lilt) till 112 mi 1114 I '.'11 111 1113 II4 Ivll Iil 1213 114 1 VI 1 112 1113 1914 ttlO nit ni2 ni3 1914 mi 1213 mi II4 1211 1111 1111 1114 111 1212 l13 114 1111 lii, m MM 1113 1114 il0 1211 1211 1211 1914 mi 1111 1213 1214 1210 mi mi 1913 mi mi ni4 i-.'ii 1111 1112 1114 1110 1211 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. unitbd itatss land ornca, Burnt, orsfoa, ABtnatia, Id". Holloa la hereby glvsn thai itmino mIdImii trill, will iioal ofTui' aililoaa la Nrrnwa III ii. 11. il lil. 1111 llll' "Ill ilavot April, iUIA, fllsil lii 1 n l alt he Sworn Hlatoinsiit suit Apr-Ural ton, No 1. n .1 lo ,i,i. Iiaa.' Hip MtlHW',, aatrtldll ' . Iiimii.IiIi.v7m, HsnsrMK. WlllamrUfMsrl .111 ii.ai.il tin. titiihor ihroi,i iinrtur thf .ro il.li.na of Ho- set Of Jlinr , IK'S, snrt irla limn . amiwii a th "'iimlier nad Slam Law," al mh'Ii rains aa oilstit Ih1 (Ii1 by an praltsmtnl ami 1 hat. pursuant 10 eurh aiipll rnllin, llil' Ian, I ami IImiI.it iIiiti'iui liao hn ai.pialai'il, In tho aum nt th1 ' lli atua rati ma, ml al mailing; ana thr Ian4 11000)1 that nl. I applli mil will offer final proof In Mipporl el i.ia applieailuii ami aworn aian.no ni nn 1 In- .Hi ilai ill III nil... r. I'Ur.. Iiilnri-Uo. H'aialir I tin i-lrnr. al liiiina, Orsgnn. Ami poraon la al hliarly to prolaal llila pur I liaan liefiir 1. Miry, or Initial a ronleai si any I I in 1. Inifiiriipali.nl lain, by filing s em rotors I... I affldarll In tliltotth', alllug fail wl.leh wnllhl .Iff. -at llo. flnlrv V. rasas. HsglaUr. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County. Miiu.l Want, riAintlff. , UwteB&H w.,.1. Summon liil n.liiiit. TO LBWII KOIIF.KT WAItli. DKFKN- ItANT: IN TMH NAMK Of TIIK HTATIt ()P nlll.il'iN, you ar lirrebv rr(ulrd to appear anil answer to the eomplalnt flh il against you In the above entitled ami, on or before the last May of tb tune irem'rlleM in Die onler ol ills pnb lieatlun ol this suuimoni, to-all ; Un or before the 1Mb Jay ol Oetober mm, asld Male being the expiration ol tit weeks fi tho Male of flrat publication of Ih a nuiuinoiiH, tiul If you (all to antwer, lor "-.ni tin lent, plaintiff will apply to tbe Court (or the relief MeinsiuleM in ber eouiilaint. to wit: l'i r a decree ol this Court diaaulrllig tlin builds ol matrimony now existing between 1 In 1 n 1 1 tf and ilrleiiduul and that plnintin have a decree o( Mivi tee .! ol 11 in In. 111 the defendant ; That plaintiff liar ber name prior to tbla marriage restored and lor such other aud further roller at to eipilty iiisv pertain. 'I'liln aummona is puhllahed by ordr ol the lion. II, I', levens, Judge of the Counly Court of Hartley Coonty, Ore gou, mask and entered on the 26th day Aiiguat, l"U.. nn I the date of the flrat piihllt'iiiion of tl.m tiimmont If Angutt iNth, Itllft. M. A. UltltiH, Attorney for I'lslntifT a 1 Notice to ( reditof a. In the ('unity Court of the State of tlr- egoii, for Harney County. in the matter of the EttaU ol K.litabeth I Ilia, deceased. Kotlas la hereby given that tbe under aigucM liiis been duly appointed admln- iatrstoi of the above-nametl estate, and that all pcfraona hsving claims sgaiust ih -sid cist are hereby iiotihV I to preai-nt the annul duly verified, aa by law required, to Ih undersigned at his 0 thee in llnrnt, Oregon, within fix month from the date of Una notice. listed August 7lh, 1V16. C11 utUaa W. Kina, Admlnlatratiir. I trial, pub. Aug. 7, 101.1. I.aat pub. Sep. 4, 1016. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate ol Ofaajea, for llainey County. leaaie K. Miller, plalutlff v. Ciaatlat U. Miller, defendant I.. t'liara W. Miller, the above 11 1 10. -M defendant In the name of State of Oregon. on .ire hereby required to appear and tnawer the complaint filed against yoo in 'lo ubove entitled court and suit on or lieforr tbe last day of th time pre--, ni,, Mill the order for publication ol thi numinous upon you, which period of time Is six weeaa from the date of tl.e flint publication of thit nuuiioona, lo wit, within six wekt foui the 14th day ol Annual , 1016, that bains. Hie Male M the first publication hereof, and If you tail to an appear and antwer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court (or the relief demanded In -ii.l 1'. mi plaint, to wit ; a decree ol said court forever diatolvlng tbe marriage contract now and heretofore extating I-.1 wuli the plaintiff and defendant, uui lor the eoett and diaburtemenlt of thl null, and for generol relief. Vmi are further notified that Ihla -uuuiiona is nerved upon you by publi cation thereof in The Times Jlrrald, a weekly newspaper publiibed in Barns, lluruey County Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. H. C. Levans, County JtwSfg ( Harney County, Oregon, made nml Mated the ml. day of August, 1916, tlie Mute of firat publication being Aug ust 14th, 11115, and the last publication thereof will be on the it&th day of Sep tember, t))6. J, 1 coofc, Attorney lor riainllff. Oregon Trunk Ry. Ctfttril Oregon list SPECIAL FARES for SUMMER TRIPS From Central Oregon Points to the Saa aliore Retorts, CUteop Beach, East ern Cilt Bftd the California l-'wtUaja a. ppriiHr"". t ool , CAY CEARHART and SEA SIDE, CLATSOP REACH Inexpensive Hoi. I, Camp and Cottage Accommodation!. Manifold Amuse menta and Surf and Natalorium Bath ing Kaaond Iris) Iron. Bend 13.95. KOUrsp TRIPS EAST Dir.ct r ci,H,it Roviigi is Any Point Daily Until Splb. SO R.iurn Until Octwbsr II . Chicago, Direct, I72.SO, Mlnneapnll., It. P.Ml, Dolulh or Winnipeg , 4)0. St. Unit 171.20, New York l 10.70. One way via Cal. iloinia, with atopovar to tee lions, l Ujllylghr relet. ' CAI-IFORNrJA Oregon I ..nh.'Norlh BankKoad'and th l'Uiia ps.ct, (43 "GtEAT NORTH ERN" am. "nJORTHRRrT PACIFIC Sailing vry I iiaadsy, f pHrtglay nd Saturday fros Portland and San Praaa ciico. $41.10 round trip from Band, including meals and berth oa salpt. Rail rat tame without meal and berth. Ask Ivi E.poiilion Folder. J M kJ.U'l.j.1 o...i ,. n ii "--- a r. b a B....I. ' T jSi. i .., ... ......, ..,. . , u, IUflu ,,. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'NlflD S.TATBA I.Sn OPTICS llnrua. Orrgun. Augnal l.'Mli, lain. Holies It inrcbv glvsn tbst Jsmra K PlllmSB of noma, Dragon, who, on Del IK, I HI anil Nn, JaO VB, 1WIV- mart lininaaitian ifi,M- iwi, ami (K.7ISI, lor NKhwu aiiii tot' Hanliou tl MV...MW'. Haefli.n IIOII 1, WO", HolhlB , towlial.fp i, BOUlh, Hang li. ...I.. Lm. NI...I I...I I I'M . f III b, Hana w V , TTllliamwue mrriuisn iwimr, w.r,. . .... taol 1" inaao final Unas )sr proof to i.a al. Mali I'lalln lolli laoil tlWT ,lacrl hurl, tailor Hrgla'sr aoil RerslTSr, st Rurna, firrgoo, on lha filth ilay "I Hplriiibr IVIA. rialmsiilnainsaag wliuassea frank K 1'h'klnaotl. Iooa H IHeklnaon. (laorgaThiirlowaml Wi.rthy I.. I'stlsrwi. sll of Hiirna, oragon. . FAtaa, Krglstsr SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Htnlr of Or egon, for Hurney County. Kffie D. Smii h, pi uliit Ml. vt. Arthur K. Hmilb, delcndant. ) To Arthur Ii. Siuitb, the nhovc ntiinril drfrrldnnt: in i ur nanmii, ,o nunc ... o.r vou are Iwrebv rwiuirrd to iiiiiariir and . a i . ,-, answer the complaint filed Mgniust you In the above entitled court and anil on . ., , .. i' . . . . ..I il. ...... or before the last day of th time pre scribed in the order for publication ol this lummont upon you, which rriol of time It fix weeks from the dnteof thr that publication ol this summons, to wit: within six weeks from the IMth day of July, 1U1B, that beinK the dale of tbe first publication hereof, nnd il : vou fail to so uppear and answer sniM complaint, the plaintiff will apply to court for the relief demanded In suid complaint, lo wit: a uexree 01 tuni .....r. m forever dissolvinp; lh martiogr coiiirnci " .,."., , 1 fend d..i a.wt that ol.mtift have l,c ant. anil that ptainun nave mc e, cuatody and control nl l.clali , . , . , .. , .. ith, a minor chilil, the Ittue of nulil care Sim t I 1 -l M llllirnaxr, aim mr gr..r,. .en. Vou are further notified that llila suinnions is served mjoii you by publi cation 1 bnrrif in Tbe Timet-llerald, a weekly ncwapnrr published in lliirnn, llnrnrv County, Oregon, purtuant to un order of Hon. II. C. I.rvrnn, Cuunty Judge of Harney County, Oregon, uuulr end dated the Itrtl May of July, 1910, the date of the first publirutlou bthej July '.'lib, 1111.1, and flic laat poblica lion thereof will be on September 4th, 1(115. J. S Coiik. Attorney for I'lnintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Usitso HTATta l.axp llrrua, llama, Oresou, Aufuat ... ill Sutler a lirrrbr glrrn Hint Vtarrarel M. llil,- am. of Harrlman. Oregon, win,. 011 Oelolo-r la. 1V10 n.a.la l.omt.a Itnlry. 1,0 all. lor ',M. Nt'tNI.,, .!, Nt'SW',. nml NlJtK.4, Hrellon . Toarhablp tt nolilli. Itntiae IIAKoat. Wlllainrlln Nrrl.llaii, '.inafllril imltn. ol Intriiiloti to maka final iiore year to ma lami aimve un- arfltMH, liafora Raglator and Hecriver tl llurlia Oregon, ou IbaVSTh dty of Si-ptrmb. r. I'U . i faluiaiit sanira as witnaaara II a Krlggnn. Frank n I loir mail, all of llarriinai rank fltiar. U. T. Kim K..r Oregnli Wat. rK Krglale: NOTICK KOH PDBU0ATION. I'slTto HTATSa l.a.Mi loin i Ijakavbw. oragon. Aiiguat 17. 1VIA Nolle la haraby glTau llial Jain.-a M. Wllaon. of rita, i rook oumy. Orsgou, wbo, on awii II I'U:, luaila lli.innatnnil antri. Nn . u. -I . f.u N'4lNIaW'a, M',8W'tM' 1. T H..H a K. .1 Sf.'.Hh", Mae. ti. Twp.. a S . Hang it Kaal, wiHaoiaiU JUrtdlan bos Iliad imin . nl liitanltoi. In tnaka final Ibrre yi-nr proof, to aslatillab claim ui Ih land atav ilraini-. .1. liefnre i lioa A. f barman, I'. S t'ooiiulaaluunr. at rife.orTgnii on Un 4lh day nf (lelolioi . i , ' 1 'lalinanl tialara a w llto aa.-a : W. I. Hubbard, X A. Cook, Adolpl, II. ii,. ii. Kd. C I'anro. all of Kite i irpgoo. Jia F HI autaa. Kaglao r ,,,,,,., t ... 11JU, RmOHAT.O KNTHY ' LANhB IN NATIDSAI. rcKMT Nollr Ii liertbf lvrt. tbH lbs Until UifKiibtM bt-low, mbrtaciiiai i4i.r.-i. Mltblo th MilbtMir Nilloital t- al. ii. Urryuu, will b miijrri io ii'iilfuuui iml ; titry iiiitiiT Hit' orovlmtiui ol tb bowcitri Uwiul Ibr InliM Ulim md iti id of Junt Il im iMHU.-.unj.al lha. I iilu-tlrits.'.. ... ; uoif ii ifurni, tiifrjjii, on rsrjiifftmDt-r w. ivi .' Aur irttirr Un wii i tutilkf sun in tootl fnith c lilsnltiir ny o. italtl t.n tor turli uliiiril put i'l-irl prior tO JlDUfaVry I. IWM, ali.l I. at. not Utkoilutisxl Mini, tm i prodrt'iirc rlajbt u rnikii houii tvt.il mtry (ur tbe limli acluill) otTUplfMl. Hil.l liutli trrri Ilitid uptm tbi ip plti ititini o( tb pormni uistnHoiini u-ii. wbo bftv a ptlrnrr rlgbt lubjift lo tin prior rlgbt of my iu b inUtr, i.r..vitl. -i nob swtlior or oppllriut Ii ijuilint! to mike boiBMtiald ruttj md thi ,.tc( r -n rlibt Ii 0irrfiBJ prior loKejptcmtf at), l9lft,on wuiru qui in nuai win no minret u tftii. llai'il lie. I upon application of Hall l'i.bt-l. ,, , Jin. I Hi -anil. Auirn.leil 1.1,1 ,. lis. Jul) urna. orar lul-., Ii. K I'Altllorr. Acting Aaalalmn inlaaleuxr of llii-i.inrnl I ami ofln i NOTICE OF CONTEST. Usitso STiTH LaHDOrrio , llnrua. Oregon. AUgnat ... l, i To Haiuu.l Si bin lilcr. ot Beetle), Oregon, t'oelatlss: Vou ara brlrl.) matlllFil Dial Olllr Kuliliia.ni , wbo glTra liurua, oragoa, aa bar post oft ne aililraan, did ou Aaguat Uth l-.. Hie hi llila i, Birr bar duly corroborated application to cou - latianaaacure in. rani .nation ol your Hum ttssd Kntnr. Nu Ssrltl. No. o:a;o ma.l. Mm In, I, lor una nauo a B.e SS T. SO. 11 fa nn.l l-nla 1. t. sand 4 ami lha slaHVfl. saril.ni m 'I o w ii b i p 11, .-oulb. Ilali'.. ."i, I .. Willainatlo Mrrliilau, and si nruuii.t for bar conical bn allegaa Ihtl ml lime tolnlli auaiiiliniiil aaldvulry and bay. ftllril to i itln vata. iinprov.or raalda ibcr.on fur more iban all iiioiiiii prior to tbladata. You tra, Ibarafora, furtbar n.iiifie.i titnl tin aald nllegnlloiin will bolakan aai nlifi-aacil , nml font aald antiy will Im cancelled wtlbuiit fur bar right lo Int baard. rlihar balor. Ibla ofln or on apiwsl. II you fall lo Ala In ihla ofB.ce within twriity daya sfler lha null I ti publli a lion of thli aotice, ss ahown twtow, our satwtr under oath, apaclllcally rimpobillug, in th.aa all.gatloiiaof coul.al, log.lhar Willi das proof thai you hare tarred a cupr ttl vnur uawir nu Ih. la), J qpn r by r.at.r Slkll. I ou alioiilil llate III i ntealant alth.r lu m rami vour allawer I lie na f I the ioDliiffl.il lo which jou ilrplro Inline I i.iiniii aw i. ai ni to i nn. liataol flj-al publication Auguit .. iwif, - rann. oeiai Data ol a Data of h ni yve.in.i if third u .1 nllblli-atliin M-pi.-iiil,,-! 4. lul.-,. Uhllttllob K.nl.uili.r It, I'.i , I'm. ol founl publfstlfiiiS.pili1ii,-i - mi IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HARNEY COUNTY. In the matter of the ettst nf A. U. Ivneli, decette.l N0TCC l fKfiEiV uiyKN Thai under ami by ylrfHe of ' a,, order (f sale made and on lured ip Hie glioye entitled cause on the 20th day of August, mi... I tin. iitnlcraiaiit.il, administrator ii' llie sbove entitled ettate, will . ell at public suit ton foresail iu hnnd on the 20th day of Sept, inlier, 11116 at 10 o'clock iu II,, fnieiiooii al the Court llntiae for Hartley County, MregMillie lol)oavng ieanrilc,l real properly belopglpg t,i tsld eatsle, to wit; t- . i ui 6 ii ecl ion 8 ami l-ot 1 nd (ha MW4ciW Mf nectlon llln Twp- 17 rl. of Hange 10 K. VV, . niiuati. ill Harney County Oregon, Tbla notice It publitbed for a period nf four consecutive weeks In th Tlmun- MarSd, nw'niianti piiblltlied and uf general ulrculatlnp in dampy U.unti , Oregon, under and by virtue of an order of the Hon. i. O. .eyeu, Jldg nf tlm above ei.tllled eo)ri, uiadp on lio 'Jlllli (iaynf Angut, iirr , llie tale of tultl pinieiv above ile turllieil will ba tubject to tnuilli inaiion by the above entitled Court. Dated at Burnt, Oregon tltit 21lh day man I ainl artrr bjr any iinallflr.l pataoil. The ??','' "" " "wn-ntp .t h, Kanga X3 landaaraaa follews: Tba Nlt'.avl1. Hi'. " lllaiueii.- Meiniian. Iiaa rtle.l in. lie. of l NWVi, llir WUSWUNIt'aHW'a. Ilia htt'.S 1 7 ' ",'" '' ""al llnee-jrrar proof lo "SSasyt1, fW. ,ih hK.,Ja'4 IbeKi.NsC ' ab. lain, to llio Inn, I aUiva .iTOnrlbaxl. HXU. Iba XVaW aNIl'.tXU tba NI-SSl.NH1. I "s'" ' oe.inr ni litirna, llicgon. of HUkr tt?1oS?K xtsT. 6. it. luli.-ie. -i'i.l-rl . lienil.. r. IWIi. J I i inn of Augutt, 11116. IIAURY CAUKY, dfiilulslraliir of said estate. gar Mat Nn. IM NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. 1 arras statm urn, orrlca, liiiina nrgoti, AllgoM J, Itlft. S la 1, 11.I.) glun thai ins iaruir 1..H1. i.miIuhw 1 iniinaii v. whoas i.iilmi 1 1. nil. an I, whoas SOSI OBJOO aililteaa laHl 1.0.1 Mlunoaola, liaalh .'. ... - ' . , ILl. U. i,a ai tiud Say nf Anriiai. l'i. una lii Ihlaomrt lit appnra llon loHlsel nnili rlh piovlalonaottbeaelef I'mign-aa. .....i..l lull I. !"'" imatat. silUfl ;. NW'.ofM HI K W It, 40.0 A. to l A . Horlal No. uasM Any ami nil per claiming aOTOTMly lb lamia iieai iHhmI, 01 loaliloa lo oh)fl beeauff ni it,.. Mineral ehiiiaettrol lha land, or ii nihsr reason lo Ilia illapoaal lo SBpllcaut, ahoiihl file no ir affhlarllaof protstl In tbla office, on ni lul !.' fM faf f gfasjajajajag, m"' aa rtai. aealtter. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION. I'NITSO HfATfS I.ABoOrnc ( Hun, a. oingon, Julf tl. Iff- I Nome la hei.-i.y glran tbti Jibm Mrls. 1.1.1a- ..n ..!'... i.-i-i.eaa la Hsrnar, oiego, ,11, 1 ,11. iiuyoineiobor, niM.SIslnihla otlhaMwniu -tale, nnili mill AlipllnsMOII, B. II77UI, 10 pnrihn.i the HWUNk"",. HMlh.n 77. Township 'I H, ItaiK.. :iv'a , WllatBItU -i..u...i. .. . .nil- -r'k i,-..7l . 1 1 .. t." n. ti,." n,.,i, ibaiw. uad.r lb. ,,,i 1,1,,,,. ,,t n,,-a.-t of June, t is7f,tid srta aineli. lali.rr, kmiwn natli I'lmlH-r S4 tnt ,.w- J, '.,, ,. , ,ihi Ih- ntaabft- ,.. .1.. .... v -VX:j"V:VtelSL tlipralse.t, II"' lliul-r allinalil tOt-OOf) fat. Imani 1, . -i al Ii mi per M . ami il..- Issil f-t.OU; thai aal.l all.,,. ,il will lltlsf filial proof IB .hi, I,. i- ..1 hi- nppiii ntioii ami aworn aists ,, ,,, .... il..- iih ni of Oetobsr, IMS. m-fura lleglalei ami hei elver, al llurlia. Oreaoo. An) psrsoii la ai lllwrir lo proteal tbla Bur 1 ehaae In-In nt r , or lolllalo s eon Mat Si an J it, ne before pali at Ittuat, by filings norretatrs- ti .1 nlll.lnvK III 1 1, la iiO 11 . allaglllg fIS which WOII hi ilefinl lha elilrj. Wm. Fasss. HeaifUr I NOTICK for PUBLICATION 1, ni i m - M 1 k.h i.anp orwii r.. lllll IIS, WM .lll w "p "" n. ..i,v rlvan thai Arlhor H Mstsb .,( Hanoi, tirirgon, wm., mi juij ton.le II loa.l l.uliT, No "7Al. I IVK, ffla .'I tuwliahlp '.'-I Kuulh Kaoga il." , K.. Vi illnim tie Mrrullao. bss Bunt nojlra ( ,,,,:,, , ,,,, c.om.uiaii,,,, oroof, 10 atabllab iii.nn i ih land a bora a a. -ni. -.biiiion iieglaiersmt RecelrarlBBrnt. ,,.,, ,, ,. nu, ,i., f Hapicmbar. H1&. I lalloalll liuifica NI Willi . ---- - . ,., y.rlaa both i iia.11.1 iimeni inn 11 young and Frank A Kill., both ..I liiiina. to nn. Wm. Fasss. Reflrur. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION IN I I Kit -7 I KM I.ANI.OKrtCI hagerlew, ureg.ui. August rd, ltl. fJ ct,.,!. lSb Soil 1 la hereby given that l-o II. Dotsa, ol Hullo, Oregon, woo, on Jo nail. III, tts4e .l eutrr N . for a)4, '.'... H..Nt... ami HX1.. Unction ICTowb- aloi. .1 foulh. Ilanga at ksst. Wlllataetl Merlillnn. Ima hi. I nolle of InUDllon IO SBSta time year proof, to alahllab claim 10 iln-Un, 1 above describe, tntforo lbs MsglMtr ami aeeefvsr, tt. h. I nml offles. al InikeTlaw, iireunii, on tin- IMh .lay of Hrptambrr, tvlfj. 1 TnlniKiit nauo a aa w Itnaoara i,e.,i,-.- Manning, of Htttla. Oregon; V. Il I llarrla nf -miilter. flregon, One, Tbompaun ami w lllintn itiirgeii, i-.itn 01 r.gn. orgi ii--1 Ja nt Kgfl, Oregon. Ill aogaa, Krgta all NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION , M , r p hTATIW l.NP OrTICI. ... . , 1,1. .,,, Auruat I. Itl.V '""' """" "" ' ' '"! Kotln .-1- t ' i ai 1 en Dial f .aorga W. atsea- 1 in-, ol iu in-. "i.t"ti win., on April a lfif Jin. II 1-1.' liiaili Hiili.ratrSd. No. 0CI71 . '. l'i, I,. I -'. ., ', N,e Ili.HVtl-Nfjf'a.KHNIV. d.,.SW . I .'. nn.l N1AI.NB", Hsetf II low iial. ..' . -.-n Hi. Jiang. B , WlllaaU Me, I. Ha. i. hna il. I liolli n of InlaBllon maka in. mi I'koI lo ratnlilltb claim to the an. I ai ..I, lies, iiiu-l. In-lorn Hoglaler an Ii.-. i ii. , i - I mil tittle tl LaksTlew. ore got ll.e l..tti ilny of heptanbtr, IBIA. 1 laiiiiaiit timto-ffna wltntaaoa I e. ii Don ii, nf liutta, orrgooi V.U. llarrla. of RtauSsr, i.i.a-'.ii. ot.r? Tbompooa ana llllaui llii-i-.ll. tn.lli ol Igll I all tlrraon Jab. F H, agna.Rflrtr Kurat Mai No. iti NOTICK TOB I'UBUBATION. ' I MTflTTM l.piimn, I I 'Hi-, irtrttuu, July 7. 1P15. Ii iiii.i.i ic...ij tlistt tbt) Nu'lbvrn PtVcIfle laiiiiH ii y uffluv, wbiaWr yon ollf ad- 4rMtHI I'ntt! MlDtir4tt, IlllnD lt 7tli U , ol July i i . nit .1 In thi onc )! ap.llfM.tio (..p. i.. t ni. l.r ibr proWtioutof ItMMd Con j mStiBF'SZ V'W' 'ST Sfi 'ffSLm V''W ' ' ' , v.. &. ..-. Mi . ,. .,, ., . ( .,,. ' u, .!.- .d.tra.1. tk. Itaiitla -l.'ai . It.. 1.,r t plrltiff. U OljaCl 1bbI4M of ih t.iitH-fMi . hairit' ut til tin ls.Dd.or for utf OIIU r l.ii'iH I. , HlO MlltHlfWl IU nilafels.l. Mlli.itfM lppUC4.ll ir.t la tb i... .1 Ir imU.lfi til proti-it 1 Ibli sfffl tiif nib slay O. HOptOWbajr. Ofli . IH or ttff '. M. rat-in. Hrftftttr NOTICE Foil PUBLICATION i -i.iMl..Mil)rrtn, I Haras, orsa, Auguai m, mr.! .ei.i ,-iicu ttittchaoier fartoni. of i....n, wl.u.on Marah-iI,lIJma4a S'.itli. lain llnrrllnnli. II o in . a ' .1 rniri n a.via. lor M'.. Boat itan oeiab taafor tb. ar ol .-I i.ii-i.i .i r. lull. ilati.ian' .ami a aa wltnoaai-a Jn. k llliinr, Mm- HI, lne. t larroco Koal.r Kuimuit ,t lit-, n 1 ! of llarriiutu. orrgon - Kastg. tUglatsr. NOTICK TOR PUBUCATION. i ' . ii iTaa i.anii omca. ( Uui na. On gou, Aiiguat 'it, HIS. ( llc i-li.ul.i glien llial WtlllamK. Iliilmot, of llartier. i in gnu, wiin, on liacembai 1'J Itlo. lunile Ail.lltiinnl II. in., (trail htllry Su.IC.AI0 lor JK1!, Koctlon ... I. nn, .Lu, tm., Hsug. XI I , tt 1 1., in- in- Ml r II Ian. bail Hlod nolle, ttl ln teuilon io k.- i.nal Hi. tear Proof lu ae- Inl.llal. i aa I 111 lo 111. laUil aboTO ileaerltK-.l ba- toru begun i mot ii,,, it. r, al lliiiut. oragoa on ih,. .iti ,int ofnatiiemlier. pjik. Claim tut t long eg wliueaoea J"1" .a 1'lrli l,i.lore I. I'oillad., Kutmrl liri.iawa'it. lo rhi-n s, Honer til, of Htraer, Wat. . anag. liogltler. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION IMllli St aTKa La Mli Orriea. Hum, iiregou. Auguai Z3 HI.-.. Nuiiee la iiiniiy uiteu that Homer U. Cecil, ei It in f . in. nnili Im. on it.pir in liar It lM, mad. t'l.l : llniiiealeail Klilry, No WK, tor St. "', ni -. . . I, nn.l N'vNWi4,Hc.J0.Twp IT amine I . ttlllauiatte Meridian, hot 01- "I in -I . . ei.tiiui lo make final Ot. year I I. t" i ' Hah claim lo lha laml ab.iv. da. ai I II ,l.i - l,,i Hei ' iii'itiaiei ami itecelTor. al llama. On i .'m. .lav nf HnpleoiBer. mli im i,i Hituieinher lll in on a na Vtlthaaetf in i 11,111.11. Ileal. Beujttnln r ... .. . ..iz .T k : - . . . I. Hill 11,1 lH tt Ooille I Mutter, " lllls en, an or alley, orsaoo. Wm. rtaas. Kofltier. NOTICK FOU I'URUCATION. t'SITI I" STATS i-and oyyipt, i linrua, Oregon, Auguai I, lail.l Noil, ei, i,r,i,) glicutUst OgotrA.T. Nord- lii inl. ni Uui ii-, i iieguu, it do. on alarcbov llll lliml. II, . n ., u, ii I l.nlry.No. 0AV4I, for NWU,e! -'. ii l l - Hang ill Kaal. rtill.ui.lt. M.r illnii ima nl.ii nnili. o luieuilonlo make in. .1 il,,., uui proof, to rttabllth claim " ISM I nl.oii. iteanrltntil. Intfora Hrgltl.r "'"' ' "'' iin'i hi I'uriia, oiegun, on Ih. 7th ,l.t ol setilelilpi i I t Inliiinnl tun, i a in littuei .... -I - F e-a.-a ""I "lo, i ' - - i.ianii. Jiiliu s tail.. KrniiV l". in,., .,,., , ,, I ti iUl. ,,,'" " v ft aas. Hagl litter. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. i mii ii nrvTxs i.anii ornca, liiirna.iiriigt.il, Auguai It, lilt. Snll.e . I,,-, .I., given Unit Hubert L. Kooula of n.ekle)'. m gun, ivi,,,, n April s pun ami ", "' I". I man.. Il.ihieaii.gu 'ttiirlaa No nil. mil i iit.i lor NW'l. WI.MKL. ut t V , -oi.ti. airriuiau Iiaa nl"l I llilcllllon lo lUSks ltu.1 I lllei ii ai nroof. lnl.ll.hr I.I.T ...... lain! sum. .totorlbs.1 i,.iHrr ill. l Tulloch. I.e. I i im, i,,i,,,r nl ,(a oirfc. al Htckley Oregon, on .im .mil ilay ul Heptamber.lelf. Olslnia .ii tinneatat; Vtnltil II lliikltii ll.ii.li S-n.ll.a. aai n it ., u .ur.. '.. : ",.-wr "" ,:.:?.. """'". "mi. an ui suck ullley. Wg I tuna Kegialer NOTK i: ru 1'UHM.JATtON. I'NiTsi.NTittil.aHiiOrrirs I L'i". a. Oregon, Auguat IS. itii.s Nnili, i lit -i.-i, j Kivini i liaji. atrial M.Kdwarda oi i.uwuu, ii,,-,- ui,,, u,i t,iubar7ih loot T-'l'1 '....! entry Mei.tl Hi,, oJ7,7 ,; i- Uo "'' " ';. ,:i"ii. . iiiig u in,' io ,i "",'"" K"lF"l V "' BiKleeoi 11,11 'nil.... I nkt, llu (It. tear liroot lu !' '. "u!! ' !"."" Iu '"V 'sJ lHivtescrib,ll .ui.oi nun inn iiiar, al Burna Ora .on, I lie .ii, ,u, ofHe1.i.,b.r,.Jl(i I laliiiunl liainutat ulllieaa,. w. !: i-.iiitnni. ii ii Rett, all uf I ,,. ,i,,.uu. lire XT r' i.JE. ta-1 1 1.. . ... Of llU, I,. Ill, Wa rakM.Ragin.r 'i GRIFFITH SAURMAN fhysliiai s and Bergi 1 a RftaNM. KIlMoiN tl. Hi. Ct I I. y Phyaiclan ami Snti-ni, Burns, - - - fii,o,,n. Office on sreond flour Tmiiiwuriit ;4 'riuuie .Minn h 1. DEffJWAN 4 OENMAIt. Physicians and Surgeons Call anaweroil promptly 'Phone Harrlman. May HarHman, Oregoo Or- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Caan 1, Albritton. Ore. b. E. HIBBHRD DB1TTIST Office flrat door aaat pbota v ,1,, ry lliirn- Ori BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney nt Law Latei Office Practice Land Str-p for Vale, Oregon M. A. ll(.(;s Attorney at Iiv. Voetftly HIiIk.. HuniH, Orttjaa O. A. REMBOLD Attoriie'-ni-l,;iw. Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON SCHMAUE Attorney at Law Contettt sml practice katfor I . 8 Land I'flice a Bn'iialty OAee; Fry sfiftaJJ, next door to post office llurn- Hi .;..,, CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice in tl.e Mule Coarta nn.l U (OT Hie I.' . S. IjiihI I Ifliee. Ohm. II. I ,iuiiil, Attiik.nkv- A I -1 AW, Careful attention iven to Colleen Uons and Real Katfata tiiHtters. Fire IfiMi.- un .- Notary i'ul.lic BUMNS. tlllKIKIN. A. W. GOvVAN ATTORNEY-Ai LAW State Courts ami United States Lnand Oflice Practice Three doors Smith of the Harney County National Rank Burns. Oregon. F. C. DlLIAHl, Formerly At. Boatl 1 1 , 111).! Heclaniatlon Sot Tire. . II. I it tssxt I iii merit i hlef Ka nt Holae aestei Eastern Oregon I jigineefinf Company CIVIL AND IMiOATUIN IMilMtB Biros, Orcgua aaeeeeeaeaeeeeeaeeee LONE RESTAURANT OliOKlil: IOON liop. e jMeals At Ail Hours. Short a Orders and Prompt Soma With Reus. To.l .lo Hates Give Mo A Call a - e (e Ttmr.-I,. i.nj BoUlallat I ' MHOtl BmiHHWl I ROl IWttttltl :::.:::::::tli::n:: RODNEY DAYIS Hoase Palittlntx Pap4tiV Hangiiiaf and Decoratlntf Calclminlim 19irdvoid FinUhlnj; Prepco Painting aTartaanie furiilahtii un ap Ucatlon. Sam. :,- hiii. LG1VE HIM A CHANC1-: nmtmi;!.tti:ti:;-:;:nttttn:nsuj; JOHN (ilrlltl HI IM,, mHk Jl Jtnvolt'i' t ii.lifitui J'.nuravi if. Fine Wuti-h Repairing aiit, .ria - cialty. Tonawama toniirht