The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 04, 1915, Image 2

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1 '
., I
The Mail who knows Clothes,
who realizes there is a difference
in the way Clothes are made
come to this store before buying
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Lending Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
3hr foimea-JftctaCd
On. Yw W.OO
Sis Mealk. 100
TW.. MeetH. .76
Egh' News Notes.
Carston Walter made a trip to
Buck Mountain this week to uH
a log from which M uuenaa
making a sage roller.
August 31st there will he a
special meeting at ttM school
house to consider change of site
of the school house.
Ben DeWitt and family have
returned to their homo at Losl
Luther Addington made a trip
to Bend, this week, for a load of
freight for W. EL Rodomsn,
Dr. Kidd will make final proof
on his homestead, before tho lT.
S. Land Commissioner, at Burn,
August 30.
Wm. Burgett has purchased a
new "Ford" auto.
Many of the homesteaders; in
this vicinity are taking advant
age of the recent warm days ly
burning sage brush.
of hearing this talented lady of
our neighboring city. -Vale Kn
terprise The Gaults visited Vale while
en route home a couple of weeks
ngo. During her absence Mrs.
(Jnult studied with Fraz X. Ames
tho famous master of music of
New York, also with Miss Kath
leen I.awler, who recently spent
five years abroad studying.
Baptist Church Doing.
Additional Locals.
Frank Catterson was in town
the tlrst of the week.
Fred Otley Jr. was up from
La won yesterday.
Bolt of care given patients at
Mis. Fireoved's maternity hospi
tal. A good work horse for sale or
trade for milk cows or calves.
Impure at tho (lutes House.
Loo Wilson was up from Sun
set yesterday. He states the
crops are komI in his neighbor
hood. Mrs. Millar has returned from
a visit to outside points where
she ordered her fall and winter
stuck of millinery.
P. J. (iiilhiKher was over from
.luntura during the week greet
ing friends and looking after
some legal matters.
Tho Masonic Lodge will resume
meetings for the coming year on
next Monday night. Memhers
please bear this in mind.
Ben Brown, Harry Pauley,
Dr. Griffith and ("has. Johnson
left this morning for the moun
tains to hunt deer and fOCrOStO
for a few days.
Miss Ruth Peter, the new
English teacher in the high school
and Miss Hazel Holt, the Domes
tic Science teacher, arrived hofl
last night to be in readiness for
the opening of school next Mon
day. Fred Lunahurg, of the linn of
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co., arrived
home last week from an extend
ed visit which took him In (nlo
rado and then to California whom
he took in both the San Diego
and San Francisco fairs.
Frank Triska hud the misfor
tune to get his shoulder broken
Frank Clirl was over from the last Sunday while assisting in
Alvord ranch a few days this , fighting the forest fire that ffOJ
week, lie states his crops are raging in the timber to the north
not as large as usual owing to or this city. Ho was thrown
the lack of water.
August Haarstrich was in the
city Monday making proof on
his homestead. He was assisted
hy Karl Hortsman and Grant
Subjects for next Sunday:
m. how to Keep nappy. y.i crtis Smith and wife have re-
M. "Keep up the Bars." turned from their sojourn to the
Mr. Loree pays us another fly-! Blue Mt. Springs and visiting
ing visit. He is always welcome, j with relatives and friends in
Regular preaching services wfl! 0nu,t countv
be held in the Wolf Creek school ,,.,. Miller sustained a bad cut
house. on his forehead last Sunday while
Our silver trio, consisting tf pln.vm hall at a picnic held at
Miss Whitaker, Mr. Liening and (-'row Camp. It seems Lee was
Mr. MacRae. ulavinir cornet, inching without a mask and
trombone, and saxophone, ussist
in meetings frequently.
have a big crowd
Tribute to One of
Burns' Talented
We did not
at Harney but all were interested
enough to want us to return. We
will do so.
The hot weather during Aug
ust, did keep people from church,
(iood attendance all month.
Men. when you come to church
next Sunday night, if it is warm,
leave your coat and vest at home.
He comfortable.
Nun, Equal to Chamberlain'a.
1 have tried most all of the
cough cures and find that there
is none that equal Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It has never
failed to give me prompt relief'
writes W. V. Harner, Montpelier,
Ind. When you have a cold give
this remedy a trial and see for
yourself what a splendid medi
cine it is. For sale by all dealers.
was hit with the ball. Albert
Swain was over from here with
I a party or young people so
'brought Dee to town jn his car
where the wound received proper
from his motorcycle.
Mrs, Ted Hayes, accompanied
by her son Dell anil daughter
Ilda, expects to leave this aid r
noon for the Altnow place on
Otis creek where they go to meet
her mother, Mrs. R. F. Clsypool,
and also her aunt, Mrs. Joe Clay
pool, to bring them to the farm
home here for a visit of a few
Warrant Call.
Cashier J. L .Gault of the First
National Bank of Burns, accom
panied by his wife were in Vale
for a few hours Saturday, return
ing home from Portland, where
Mrs. Guult has been during the
summer under an instructor in
voice culture.
Mrs. Gault is a lady of high
musical attainments, having a
soprano voice of the highest or
der. Those who have heard her
are most enthusiastic in her
praise, many believing that she
will compare favorably with
America's most renowned aiagen
Mrs. Gault is a teacher in voice
culture at Burns, and there ia a
movement on foot in Vale to in
duce her to come here at some The Burns Hotel is the head-
near future date and give a mus-' quarters for all when in town,
icale, in order that the people of Good table service, clean room
this city may have the pleasure! and accommodating attendants.
Notice is hereby given that
there is money on hand to pay all
rabbit bounty warrants register
ed prior to May 20, 1915. Inter
est ceases September 6, 1915.
R. A. Miller,
County Treasurer.
Geo. A. Smyth was over from
his home in Diamond the fore
part of this week and upon his
return was accompanied by Mrs.
A. C. Welcome who will be one
of a party to make tho trip south
to Winnemucca on route to the
San Francisco fair. Mr. Smyth
will take his son Fred and his
wife out that way and after see
ing the sights the two young
people expect to enter Berkeley
to pursue their studies. Mrs.
Welcome will first go to Reno
where she will visit relatives for
a tint and be accompanied to
the fair hy her aunt.
J. A. Kennedy of the Brogan
Trading A Lumber Co. is in the
city. This company has a big!
output of fruit and Mr. Kennedy I
accompanied a shipment of fine
poaehoa over to ascertain con- j
ditions and take orders for fur-.
ther shipments if the market
justified. The fruit is certainly
fine and came in good shape, the
distance being short and the
fruit is not en route so long as
from other places. The first
shipment went in a hurry and
another will likely follow during
the coming week. Lunaburg,
Dalton & Co. will handle the irnoiirtixf
product. I Residence
Christian Science Church.
Christian Scientists will hold
there services at the Presbyter
ian Church, Sundays at 8 P. M.
Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day School at 1:30 p.m. Read
ing Room at room No. ( Masonic
Building and it will he open
On Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons of each week from J
until 5 o'clock- This is a free
reading room und people an' wel
come to come during those hours.
Nasarene Church.
Regular preaching services each
Sunday at 11 a. m.,and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
every Sunday.
Tuesday Bible Study at 7:90
V- W
Wednesday Mid-week Prayer
meeting at 7:30 p. m.
Saturday young people's meet
ing at 7: 30 p. m.
Will be glad to call M the sick
and needy at any time.
S. L. Flowers, 1 'as tor.
Catholic Church,
1. On Sundays und Holy days
of obligation Holy Mast frith
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week duys Holy Maai
at 6:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services,
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime, Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
at the Franciscan
Wilson's Creamery Butter at
Miss Helene Dalton expects to
leave next week for Monmouth
where she goes to attend the
normal for the coming year.
You Are Shown a Way Out.
Thero can be no reason why
any reader of this who suffers
t he tortures of an aching back,
the unnoyance of urinary disor-j
dors, the pains and dangers of
kidney ills will fail to heed a
word of a resident of this local
ity who has found relief. The
following is convincing proof.
K. L. Bussey, prop, cab service
1521 Madison Ave., Da Grande,
Ore., says: "I had attacks of kid
ney trouble and they were al
ways worse when I caugt cold.
I had dull pains in my back and
my kidneys got badly out of or
der. I began using Doan's Kid
ney Pills and with such good re
sults that from that time to this.
I have relied on them. When
ever my back has bothered me
it. has taken Doan's Kidney Pills
only a short time to fix me up
all right. I never used u better
kidney medicine."
Price 50, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a. kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the
sumo that Mr. Bussey had.
Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf
falo. N. Y.
Browns' Quality Store
We want you to call on us be
fore making your purchases.
We can supply your wants in
anything required. You will
find Quality and Satisfactory
Service responsible for our sue
Burns, Oregon
We do job printing,
Mrs. A. W. Hurlburt was a
guest of relatives and friends in
the city during the week.
liurua. iiregun, Augual II, ivIM
Null., la bgrgbf given llial Joeelih Rellierftml.
i J I'm floii. Oregon, wuu.ort May It, ivuv. and
Aiitfim v, 1911, inerle llrirjeeleail Knlrlea. ,Nu.
nii'i utwil, reepewuvrlr, for ai,McvN,(NC.
taction II, 1wt 77 H, Kauar .u y l.uta I. .'.
i ','',. Hrriiun 7, Tnwnabln t: H Manga
wfe.i. Willamette. Meridian baa nli notlre
Dl Iniriitluii l inaka Mlial IW , t roof, I..
oalMl.l lali rlalul to Ilia land tl a err I bed.
In lore Krglater and Km l. er, al I'm. iis . Irego i.,
on the Mli da ol October 110.
i '.Imant namee aa wltneeaea.
i l, i, H.i i al.rreine, Kreil II. Patera llarlle
e'l.r, I'nni.l guler.allol Princeton, iirrfmi
Ha. r.r. Kegleier.
tor ooai. i i.
!. Ylrw. Oregon. agile I ." Il I
Notlre la hereby given tbat John o. I'vrry. of
..I Kolyal. Oregon, wbo, on April It, mil,
made fl.imealead glory, No Otm. for K,
Het-tlitii g, Ngl. ,Ha-lloaM,Towiiabl2a Mouth.
Kange 71 K . Wlllanirlte Meridian, baa filed
Dotlt-o ol Intention to make Hlag JMJ
proof, loeatabllab claim to the land above de
acrlbeoj before Heglater and Kecelver, l.ek.
view I an. I llfBoe. al l-akevl.-w. uregou on tlir '
I'll. ! ty Of (II lober III.'.
claimant name aa eUiieeaee
K. A Whlleelde and Karl B. Hogera. both of
Koiyef, Oregon J K. t urran and V. L Ifarrla
Nidi of Hampton, Oregon
:e. r. Bi ei.aae. Keglalrr
I ' -aflWEeaaaaaaie IF V jTaaawaTeWsS if ' V DfJNg
SEPT. 23-24-25, 1915
TuesdayFruit Day at
Watermelons, Cantaloups
Peaches, Apricots, Rasp
berries, Loganberries,
Bananas, Oranges, Lemons
Special price by the crate for
canning if you will leave your
orders a few days before hand
Remember we will have
I everything in the fruit line
Friday, each week
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
Wild d Wonderful
iony txmfst ruct.
Cigna., ejiwilft
Furious uaii Exciting
Paints and Finishes
mmeaaamaamamaaaaaaBaaaaaBaaemamai eatmaomBmmemammmma ammamammaBmmmmBBBmmatgemamaBaw
for Your Home
If there is s shabby surface in your home to be
painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any
way, we have just what you need for producing the
exact finish desired in the line of
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Ft?,' (amp House Privileges in ( orral
or Ham. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A.
GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair (,
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
JW2ri!y 48
a m x 1 a i aigm aula a m rum m
P TOb r
Burns Hardware Co. Agt.
Let us show you colors for painting your house or
barn, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls,
ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby
places look new and attractive.
COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY
PAINTING QUIDS HOOK. It tells what Acme Quality Paint,
Enamel, Stain or. Varnish to use, how much will be required and
how it should lie put on. It not only enables you to tell your
painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy
for YOU to refinisli the many surfaces about the home that dp
not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would
not bother with Ahk for a copy. IT'8 FREE.
I riff m
.o(o Haul ,
EL!!'--.t"",'"'l'" u.t oEI
Printed in accordance with Ut)i
requirement on short notice at
Job Rooms
Wllh uew kullillng., I.elt.i . .,nll "'
J'Ml eiouiiiW, ami iiiiiii) .i.i.iM ii"
fKculti. Hie uf Oregon Mill l 4.1" II"
(urllelli year, TuimIm. NrWrii.l . i II. I I' I
Nuealal tiali.lni, in t'uuin I.him il "'
lr..,li.i,ii,1j,,t,,i,lLl. , ,
'. . "H"' "' I'lil-I.iil ll.ll I
, - - ." """ -iPiallll I' II I III I MI,-' I'l ' -
al t-iliii Miiuii
Ltbrmrjr uf uioir iliuii .'v.'v.iKio ,,,t mm mn- I
lu bulliHiiar- full, ruuti i.. , i. n.l l
Tuition rr. im.rinllm .-(. im "" fl
-. KB.ll.f. I.OMn.1.
rll tin fir- riliiiu.'itlli if, ll.l-litir I
KI'IIKNr.. OHK.iin