lb I CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY IMm-i The Biggest Cigr In The Bigge.t County In The State Of Oregon The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Bett In The Wert VOL. XXVIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 28, 1915 NO. 42 1 twt m , . ihi iiri ii w'&'Jw lvlV ADVANTAGES OF THE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Students of the Entire County Given an Opportunity not Enjoyed by Every Community. Spirit of Co-operation Manifest. Equipment, Course Equal to Any in The Whole West The Timea-Herald ia pleased to note the growing interest in our local educational institutions. We have some of the best schools to bo found in the state and with nmner eo-ODeration between pa trons, teachers and students we1 should accomplish much during, the coming year along the line of J education. Especially is this; true of the Harney County High School which is one of the best eouinned in the entire state with a corps of able instructors. Students and parents should bear in mind the advantages of such a school over any district high school in many respects. The Domestic Science and Agri culture courses are of much im portance and with laboratory paraphernalia these studies may be pursued with such greater re sults that it should be given ser ious consideration. No district high school course can possibly given such advantages, besides the additional advantagea, of music which this city affords, the public library where students are given special consideration and encouragement, and the social surroundings that are going to be of much benefit. It is gratifying to also hear the business men of this town give the High School particular con sideration at the present time and the determination to make it even of more interest than in the past. They realise what such an institution means to the people of the county and are ready to give it their moral support A closer relation will be manifest during the coming school year and espec ially will this be true in connec tion with the students from out side of Burns. This school is for the benefit of every student in the county and there is no tuition. It is the stepping stone to a higher education and is on the accredited list of the colleges and university of this state as well as Washington. Students who con template entering other schools tlEWD OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON. HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats, Poultry Home Product, for Home Consumer - MiMTfiDMVM'i'fi OFFERED I SHEEP MEN 1 OF We bny Drug- Supplies with "J REXALL DBUB" Let us till your Prescrlptions--We are Z buelnem for your health BEvn BROS. Props, The Rexall The Burns Hospital Nice Room., Good Care and Com fort for PatienU-Reawnable Term. -aH.mted Nurse m ,..- after finishing the high school grades should bear this In mind as it will prove of benefit, elimi nating the enrollment in some preparatory institution which mean delay in commencing the regular courses of those institu tions. Three of the instructors for the coming year are new in the school and all have been selected with the particular idea of effi ciency. They have good recom mendations and no doubt will prove a benefit to the school. Each have had experience in their particular line and are thus prepared to,srive the school con sistent work, from the beginning. Miss Ruth Peter has been select ed as instructor in English; Miss Hazel Holt is the new instructor in domestic science and art; the lady is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural College anu nas naa practical experience in teaching. Mr. Petrie. who will have charge of the agricultural course, has been teaching in Idaho and has a thorough knowledge oi me subject, bfsides the experience of observation and study of soils similar to that of this country. The practical experience of not only the instructors but also of the student is important in the education of today. No study can be successfully mastered from a text book alone. There must be combined with the study of the book a practical application of the theory learned. As for example, in the study of the types of animals, after learning what a perfect animal of any species should be, it is the stu dent's place to select a specimen of the species studied and go over the points as he has learned them and see if the specimen before him complies with those requirements and if not wherein it uiil'ers. For this reason it has been the policy of the High School Board to provide liberally for ap paratus for the High School. So that as the pupil learns a fact AND BIG OBPEBS 7,500 and Drag Store 7,500. other Drug Store from the text book he can verify it for himself in a practical way that will make that fact hit own. Now let us see how the High School is equipped for this work. In the Physical Geography Laboratory there is the follow ing apparatus valued at $75.00, two barometers, one a mercury the other an aneroid; a set of Johnston's Physical maps; a globe and twenty-five sets of ten each of United States Topographic Maps. The Physics Department has apparatus enough, costing $250 to allow the student to per form each of the fifty experi ments that art listed in the Man ual accompanying the State text The equipment of the Chemical Laboratory is so varied and num erous that to list it all would re quire several columns. It is enough to say that it is worth $400.00 and is so complete that the hundred or more experi ments may be thoroughly per formed by each member of the class. The Biological Labora tory has to the value of $200.00 apparatus consisting of Com pound Microscopes, demonstra tion magnifiers, dissecting sets and slides. The Household Eco nomics Department has .a thor oughly practical equipment with out any frills, that is valued at $600.00. The Agricultural Lab oratory has the apparatus neces sary for a thorough study of the subject and that cost about $300.00. The Library has over six hundred volumes, all bearing on the High School work, that could not be replaced for as many dollars. With such advantages the Har ney County High School should be of great benefit to all Harney county students who take advan tage of it and they should. Par ents should make arrangements to send their children to this in stitution of learning as it certain ly is efficient and fully up to the standard of the schools of the state. Oregon Extension Work Makes Favorable Showing Director R. D. Hetzel of the Oregon Agricultural College Ex tension Service has returned from Berkeley, California, where he attended the convention of the Extension Section of the Arneri can Association of Agricultural Colleges. The convention was attended by members of the new States Relations Service Commission and by administrative heads of extension, representing all the Agricultural Colleges of the United States. Being chairman of the conven tion, Director Hetzel was in close touch with the proceedings, and reports that the work of the Ore gon Agricultural College in the extension field comperes very favorably with that being done in other states. "The attention of the meet ings, saia uirecior neisei, ww largely given to a discussion of the methods proposed for the de velopment of the agricultural and and home economics extension service throughout the United States. Reports of the marked efficiency of the work came from all over the country, particularly from the states employing a gen eral extension staff with head quarters at the state agricultural college, as we do in Oregon, to supplement the work of the country men and to serve the counties which have not been bo fortunate as to provide for the support of a resident agricul turist." Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival aid Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Puie Sumpter Arrives Baker 10:15 A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Departs No. 1, Arrives Baker 8:30 A. M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Makes good connection withO.-W. R. & N. Co. Vo. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:80 P. M.. arriving at Baker 7:56 A. M. and No. 17 from east arriv- ing Baker 6:60 A. M. No 2 connects with no. 0 trasi Mail) arriving at Baker 7:56 p. M. which pick" MP Pullman at Baker, arriving at Portland 7:00 A. M. Alio with No. 18 at 10:45 P. M. for points East. RULES ADOPTED FOR BRANDING RANGE STOCK Oregon Cattle and Horse Raisers' As sociation Works With The State Veterinarian in Making New Brand Law Applicable With Least Possi ble Friction and Expense to Men The advisory committee of the Oregon Cattle and Horse Raisers association and the state veterin arian have adopted rules for com paring brands and otherwise in terpreting the brand law passed by the 1915 legislature. In comparing brands in those that conflict, the brand which has been on record for the greatest length of time in the aggregate number of years and days will be given place over other brands with which it conflicts, unless by mutual consent the owner of the brand with which it conflicts sells or transfers his brand of the old est record of aggregate time will be placed on file Brands which have been prop- erly recorded under former brand ing laws will be computed up iin- til the time of the re-recording act going into effect . By similarity shall be meant such brands as are so similar to one another that they will readi-lease ly be mistaken for one another, Brands which are partly similar but which are placed on different ' parts of the animal may be used. Brands which are similar or Bear ly similar will be permitted to be changed by adding some distin guishing mark. Brands which are duplicated and must be changed owing to conflict must first be vented (dis use indicated. I This venting shall be carried out as follows The same iron shall be used on the neck on the same side on which the iron has been previous ly placed. This fire branding on the neck of the same brand which is located elsewhere on the same side of the animal will indicate that the brand has been vented and is not to be recognized. Ear and flesh marks which conflict shall not ! taken nny account of unless there is suffi- cient evidence to indicate the iar- ticular flesh. Owners of all brands which conflict shall be given due notice and will be advised of all other owners and their addresses and will be given permission to nego tiate with them for any adjust ment desired. While two or more owners, closely related, desire to use the same brand and different flesh marks, it will only be possible for one of the owners to have the brand recorded in his name. Individual agreements and con tracts can cover the holding of the property, using fl-Bh marks as distinguishing marks. No two ownerships of any one brand will bo permitted to be recorded in this state. By the terms of the brand law SPLATTER Does your fountain pen splatter ink when you try to write? Does it refuse to feed enough to keep a steady line? If so do not throw it away; chances are it can be made as good as new with a little repair ing and cleaning. This store will overhaul your pen, put in a new point or anything it needs. We also carry a full line of pens such as the non-leakable self filler, Moore's nonleakable, the kind that slips the pen down in the ink, and the ideal Watterman. If you want a new pen to start school with step in. C. M. SALISBURY 1 j 1 Jeweler aad Optician ail brands must be used on some stated place. Brands will be al lowed to be used on both sides at similar points of the animal if indicated upon the certificate, and always used on both sides of animal at certain stated similar points. Otherwise brands will only lc allowed to be used on one Me of the animal and must al ways bo used at a certain indi cated point. In caHe of the purchase of an imuls where the place used for the brand has been used by the previous branding, the brand shall be placed as near this par ticular place as possible. In instances where sale, trans- fer or descent of a particular brand has taken place, the best possible evidence of ownership will be demanded. A bill of sale affidavit from the owner, certified cony of court proceedings or other public record, as the particular presents, will be made use of. DONT TAKE A CHANCE Burnt P.opl. Should Act in Tim. If you suffer from back; If yqji headaches, dizzy spells; If the kidney secretions are ir regular, Don't delay likely your kidneys ;are8icki Thousands recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. And hundreds reside right in this locality. Read the statement of tma nearby resident: Mrs. L. Mahan, 2390 Clark St., Baker, Ore., fays: "The pain in my back was so bad that it was hard for me to get up or down, At one time I was laid up in bed and cuuldn't turn without having sharp twinges in my back. Some- one advised me to 'Kidney Pills and I use Doan s found relief the second day after I began taking them. In a short time I was cured." Price 50, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy -get Doan's Kidney Pills-the Notice hereby given that same that Mrs. Mahan had. Uxe8 for 1914 wjHbedue on Sep-Foster-Milburn Co.. Props., Buf-temDerl 1915. If not paid on falo, N. Y. I or before the above named date, The new Victor Indies Tailor- i ing style book and samples for fall and winter have arrived, j costs. W. A. Goodman, Call and see them at the Clingan Sheriff and Tax Collector. Hat Shop before ordering else where. Ground feed at Hagey's. FRONTIER DAYS WALLA WALLA, SEPTEMBER Largest, Beat and Most Spectacular on Earth A Bap Acto. and Thirty venia day Evry .vtiu a rtpioeuetlan f the e.ily iceiiei of the Wit; living picture etory of the gitat c.ttle country; . revel.tioii ..I Indian life; an exhibition of kill and dating. Nowhere le can k en Mica thrilling act-; nowhere can be found MM tninminment, and there in no place on earth where ml WW a. WKt ret , money, 8a the l.orw. buck, the boy. and girl, ride Win.. the woo darful .are., not forgetting ilia" ild horn i race. IWt mia. the Indian, or fill n. .ee the entire performance.' W.lla WaJlu und enjoy three .lav. old lime-weit wey. "Ul'BaeKbk- "SUjrWtth'lW Eacursien Rates on all Railroads I'm information R. H JOHNSON, Walla Walla, Washington A Suggestion That is Applicable at Home Jack Fairman of VWstfnll wrote a communication to the Vale En terprise the other day that is just plain horse sense and brings for cibly to the mind the foolishness we indulge in when we might just as well be sane and look at thingB in the right light. His letter is in connection with the present strife for water on the Malheur and applies so well to local conditions that we quote a part of it: "Everyone is talking water, why not I? How would it be, if, instead of spending a barrel of meney, lawing over water that does not exist, and making ene mies of neighbors that have been friends for years, friends that haVe nursed us in sickness, and buried our dead, neighbors who haye worked for us, and with us, and helped build up what we have, neighbors who have broth ers in all save blood; how would it do, if, instead of doing this, we take the money we are going to waste, put our shoulders to the wheel, get together, and try and save some of the water that every spring runs to waste. "As I understand it, the ditch at the mouth of the Malheur river, has rights, and decrees prior to all above. "Now at the Warm Spring ranch we have a reservoir site, that, according to all the engi neers who have examined it, is the best and cheapest in the west. "Why cannot Malheur county bond itself, and build fhis reser voir, and on a certain day, when I the waters begin to get low, turn 'the water down the Malheur river. This would give more than enough water for all the ditches now taken out, and as there is lots of land that could be cheaply irrigated, if there was water for them, no doubt some way could be found by which revenue would be derived from ! this surplus water. In any case, the increase in taxable property, owinir to unlimited water, would more than pay the interest on the j bonds. Malheur county s credit is good. We could get the money for five pe"fr cent Let's do it. Let us try and create S'unething, something that will build up the country. It will cost less than the endless litigation about to start, and we will have something to Bhow for it. All the court de crees in Oregon will not put water in a ditch when the creek is dry." Nolle la Tpyri. a penalty of 10 added, Attend per cent will be to this as soon as possible and avoid additional WASHINGTON 16, 17, 18, 1915 Wild West Show a Uahwi. addte.. the Secretary CONGRESSMAN URGES WAR ON N. J. Sinnott Pressing Federal Biological Survey to Devise Some Means to Get Rid of Pests. Department is Convinced Payment of Bounties for Their Destruction is not Practical Representative'JN.f J.VSinnot, who has-been pressing the Feder al Biological survey to devise some means to get rid of the jack rabbit pest has just been infor med by Acting Chief Nelson of that bureau that "extensive ex periments in trapping animals in fenced inclosures have given considerable promise of success, and that the bureau plans to con tinue these experiments during the coming fall and winter." Mr. Sinnott has been urging the survey to assign an expert to the work in Eastern Oregon during the summer drought period, as the damage done by the pests at this time is greatest, but the bureau informs him that there is not a man available at this time. Chief Nelson informs the Eastern Oregon congressman that the de partment regards the jack-rabbit pest in Oregon as a very serious and difficult problem, and says: "In our work thus far poison ing has proved of value locally, but of little or no avail in local ities where green food continues abundant during the winter. Rabbit-proof fencing is undoubt edly the best means known at the present time for protecting crops from jack-rabbits, but as the de partment has no authority to con struct such fences on patented lands, this method is clearly up individual land owners. At the present time we can suggest no more practical method for con trolling these pests than rabbit tight fencing and organized drives or hunts in which the an imals are destroyed. ' 'We plan to continue investi gations on the rabbit problem in Oregon as soon as men are avail able for this work. The most economical means for controlling them is a more successful method of poisoning, which we believe can be determined by further ex periments. Perfected methods of trapping these animals may prove profitable if the bodies of Breakfast 5:30 to 9 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mac's Restaurant & Bakery Located in the new Levena Building BURNS, OREGON W. R. McCuiation, Prop. Supper 5 to 8 The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of hone products HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds Yon Patronise Home when you deal here To be Given Away AT THE WELCOME PHARMACY Every Saturday at 8 P. M. ONE ALUMINUM SET Be'sure and bring your coupons you may bo the lucky one........ The one having the number nearest to the number under the seal will be the winner JACK RABBIT the animals can be marketed for food. We are thoroughly con vinced that the payment of boun ties for the destruction of theee pests is not practical, as our rec ords show that almost without exception, bounties have failed to accomplish that which was ex pected of them." Representative Sinnot is great ly interested in getting the fed eral government to devise some means for helping his constitu ents get rid of this pest which is working such havoc among set tlers in the dry land sections of Eastern Oregon, and during his present trip through that section he is getting some first-hand in formation on the subject. Market Report. The receipts for Monday are: Cattle 1111; hogs, 1617; sheep. 1430. A very fair run of 1200 cattle came forward over Sunday. The usual 7 cent kind were not in evidence however and 6.90 was as close as any sales were made. Cows sold from 3 cent to 5.25; stags 4.50 to 6.00; bulls 3.75 to 5. 25. There was another spectacular advance in the hog section the first of the week, last weeks top was advanced 30 cents, making the present high mark for hogs 7.69. Receipts have been light only 1600 being on Monday's mar ket Sheep house transactions were steady in all lines. Some lambs sold end of last week at 6.50, this price being of course for strictly good stuff. Only about 2500 came forward this week. How to Cure a Sprain. A sprain may be cured in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and ob serving the directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. Dinner 11:30 to 2 Short orders at all hour