The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 07, 1915, Image 3

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Hat the Lergeet Circulation Of Any
N'""IP" In Harner County
Local News.
VV do job printing.
Link Hutton wu in the city
this wwk.
Moot me at the Rurns Hnrni
That's the central place in town
!-., 1 II O
(. ...u outers is nere on R
Visit with relatives and friends
1 still have some jrood jrolf
shirts at .1 toryi.oo I. Schwartz
Born - Friday, July 30, to Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Newell at Dog
mountain, a son.
For bargains in stockmen's
bed sheets' and tents, jro to J. C.
welcome & Son s.
Miss Drusa Dodson has been
quite ill with ceptic tonsilitis the
past week but is improvd at this
Dr. Will H. Potter and wife
were in the city from their home
stead in the Egli section this
Clarence McKinnon and fami
ly contemplate leaving next week
for Wyoming where they jro to
reside permanently.
Henry Huntley and Thos.
Raycraft were among our visitors
from the Valley View neighbor
IiihmI during this week.
I The
r lri rail ii final Kanir
BTC II -.? llHnnA..
"""' VACgUIl
VAr,1AI' ! SURPLUS. 9100,000.00
llnlUJ C- n. ii
regon state Depositary
. I I
We do job printing.
Cedur shingles for sule
H. J. Jokisch was in the city
this week.
1 still have some urood golf
1. Schwartz.
tirain pasture for horses I A
miles from town. -W. C. Krown.
For bargains in stockmen's
bed sheets and tents, jro to J. C.
Welcome A Son's.
Harry Danley is now driving a
I "Red Devil" that comes up toj
its reputation. Rodney Davis i
Mrs. Mary Smith of the Sum
mit hotel has returned from a
trip to railroad points in which
she was accompanied by her lit
tle gmndaon, Warren Teller.
All varieties of vegetables at
Dodges. Delivery to any part shirts at 3 for $1.00
oi town. pecial prices for hay
ing camps. Parcel post orders
filled. M. V. Dodge, phone 513.
In conversation with Commis
sioner Cochran this morning The
Times-Herald infers that the tes
timony in the water adjudication
cases will likely be completed
illlr .' f tin' riimincr u.'i.,.Lf
,.,,,., , , .turned Harry's Ford into a red
inou;k mms developed 10 cents i waR.()n ()f the brightest hu
k:i ium, any siif. I ruiiM ;k eacn
All orders of 2 dozen prints lilrn
developed free.
A. II.,.
Care of Sayer Studio.
family are
Mason Smith
expected here from Corvallis
next week for a visit with rela
tives and friends. Mason is the
Tonawama tomorrow night
All millinery at reduced prices
at the Clingan Hat Shop.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in town. Best service.
Mrs. Tom Allen was over from
the P Ranch during the week.
Mrs. Miller will take orders
for the Palmer Garment Co., of
Chicago. Sample book now on
hand at the Schwartz store.
For Sale -Good second hand 3J
St udebaker wagon, also one work
horse. Mrs. Will Gates at the
Gates House.
Dr. R. D. Ketchum and fam
ily took their departure the first
this week for Bend where
they expect to reside permanent
1 01
I still have some good golf
shirts at 3 for $1.00 I. Schwartz
All kinds of train inchulinu
wheat at I.unaburg Dalton & Co.
Mrs. R. R. Sitz cnme up from
her home near Lawen Tuesday,
driving her Ford car.
Chicken dinner Sunday nt the
Overland 12 o'clock and also
from 6:30 in the evening.
Williams Bros, have all kinds
of rough lumber for sale nl their
mill 15 miles north of Hums on
the Canyon City road.
C. A. Haines and fumilv re-i
turned home last Friday evening
from a visit to the fair nt San
Mrs. Bert Bower underwent a
severe and extensive operation
last Monday at the hnnds of Drs.
Griffith and Saurman. The lady
is reported recovering rapidly.
J. F. Mahon, .1. R. Jenkins
and C. It. Peterson were in the
city this week to attend a meet
ing of the directors of the .lun-
tura-Burns Telephone A T !
graph Co.
Rev. Father Roman, who has
been assistant to Father Klein in
the Catholic church in this place
for several years, took his depar
ture Thursday for Portland where
he had been transfered. His
many friends here wish him suc
cess in his new field of labor.
C. C. Powell, one of the editors
and publishers of the Baker Kv-
ening Herald, was a pleasant
caller at this otlice last Saturday
anernoon. Mr. I'owell was
making a tour of (ho Interior in
company with Mr. Dah-.ell, fac
tory inspector. This was his
first trip to this county and Mr.
Powell was most favorably im-
The Times-Herald force hasl
i ii .i ... .
ucvii enjoying a most Pelltl'lllll
boquet of hardy carnal ions
broujrht us by Mrs. W. M. Stew
art last Saturday afternoon.
These SoWtngKW at her home
on Poison Creek riht out in the
yard, showing their PMbUnee
of the cold bv standing the win
ter weather without coveiinir of
any kind. They are very
rant and pretty.
Wilson's Creamery Butter at
Hagay' .
Have jour picture taken ul the
Sayer Studio.
Mrs. Ira Mahon was in the
city yesterday.
Harvester whips at J. C, Wel
come & Son's.
Cabbage by the pound or 100
pounds Amos Oldfleld.
The Burns Hotel is the head
quarters for all when in town.
Good table service, clean rooms
and accommodating attendants.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extra charge
See tho Steam Laundry about
your work.
Curtis Smith and wife and
Miss Hazel Cozad have gone to
Grant county on a vacation visit.
They made the trip in his new
St udebaker.
Miss Agnes Stirling came up
from Portland last Wednesday
to visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Stirling of the
Balk A, for a time. The young
lady is employed in Portland as a
Charles Boswell, a business
man of Vale, was in the city this
week. Mr. Boswell was contrac
tor of the mail route between
this point and Ontario many
years ago and found several old
time friends here to greet him
and swap lies.
John Templeton, u son-in-law
of the late Till Glaze, who has
been a business man and resident
of Prineville for many years,
spent a few days in the city this
week looking after his interests
in the water cases. He was ac
companied over by Miss Maggie
Glaze who had a very pleasant
visit with her many friends in
his vicinity,
Married Monday. July 20. at
the Catholic parsonage in this
city, Ray Dunsmore and Miss
Mary Fischer, Rev. Father
Klein performing the ceremony.
This was such a quiet affair that
The Times-Herald did not learn
of it until after our paper had
gone to press. We have known
Job printing here.
Bundles f r Hi" Strain Laund
ry cm be left at th- Capital and
and Star barber shops.
J. W. Vanderpool delivers ico
every other day to any part of
the city. Leave your order.
Marshal Haines has taken hiH
departure for outside points and
informed friends he expected to
brm,. a bride home with him.
Onions, beets, carrots, cab
bage, potatoes in any quantity
desired cither nt my place or do
livered in Burns. Special prices
on large orders. Amos Oldfleld
Otis Patterson, the Canyon
City attorney, was over the fore
part of this week on business
in connection with the water ad
judication cases now being heard
before Commissioner Cochran
J. W. Suyer arrived
Saturday evening from Portland
where he had been Ninee flu.
close of the school year. He was
in the hospital for a time but is
again well and ready to take up
his duties a engineer and (ire
man at the public school building.
Tho CtM of L. L. Cantelou
The Ctt8e of L L. Cantelon
Clarendon. Texas, is similar to
that of many others who have
used Chamberlain's Colic, Chole
ra and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
says, "After trying a doctor for
several months, and using differ
ent kinds of medicine for my
wife who had been troubled with
severe bowel complaint for sev
eral months. I bought a 2Kchotla
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea ItAmmlv Aft..
using the second bottle she was
entirely cured " For sale by all
dome laal
By Government Bonds
The Harney County National Bank issues
United States currency secured by government
bonds, so that this Bank and the National Gov
ernment are in a sense partners.
This association between the Government
and the Harney County National Bank calls
for strict supervision on the part of the Gov
ernment. Examine a national bank bill -you will see
that it is signed by two offlters of the Bank and
also by two officers of the United States,
which makes the bill a joint contract, executed
by the Bank and the Government.
Burns, Oregon
Notice of Final Settlement.
of Or.
I . . ..- ... M.. ...,.l M .. . ' I
m . ni'H.ii nun ui mi. ciuu nun. j. vj. ,
The stockholders of tha Iturrw ., ... .. .... , .. !
mnn oi inis city ami spent ma , YOUR list
Flour Milling Co. held their an- hovhooii uays hore. ! INVI, '
nual meeting in this city last
Monday afternoon. The only. Miss Jennie Cook, who Is one
. . : .1 1 J A J! a . I f l... . .. .. i r .uru in I t c i f In'..
n,: i in ine ooara oi uireciors vv i- ,V . . ""v'i',"
w.i-. lb- election of Thos. Baker "as neen connneu to ner nome m wmi reituivcB una irienus.
Thos. Howser and family have
been in the city this week visit-
y.. ii ui" eiecuon or inos. natter " n v"m"- w - .-.- r. -..-., ...... ,,,.,,..,
to tak. the place of Peter Clem-1 'r 'he past week with a severe Tom was also Interested In the
Dr. Griffith was called to
Drewsey last Sunday to adminis
ter irgical treatment to Mrs.
0. A. Hall, who accidentally shot
If through the abdomen
some two weeks ago. An abscess
had ('Trued in the abdominal
eavity necessitating opening up
case of tonsilitis. She is.improv
ing at this time arid the boss
hows she will M back on the
job next week.
Win Gowan is taking his vaca
tion from his duties as clerk of
the local land office and tip's week
took his departure for Grant
county in his Ford car to visit
i H V.VDOIIUIIIIK "1". II ileBL MI a-weMavj fa. wr-
and additional drainage provided with menus anti relatives, we
after caring for the abscess. Dr. understand his two tons will re
Grifflth reports the patient get-1 turn with him to be in readiness
tiiiK along well. I for school next month.
Use SHOES whose
are known. I have been celling the
line of shoes one year. They have been worn by
hundreds of people in this county, and have, been tried
under almost all conceivable conditions. The verdict
of the wearera is practically unanimous. They have
proven to be
Best by Test
Pennant Smlthonln
Wizard Ladygmlth
King La Vlnta
Tap Buck Knockabout
The wearing quality
of the above brands
Is guaranteedt The
new line is now In
and Is complete. The
prices are reaspaablf .
Come In and look at
- General Merchandise -
- Burns, urejfon
masonic Building.
water cases being heard before
Commisioner Cochran,
Mrs. Simpson came up from
Narrows this week and has been
installed as central on the new
Juntura-Burns line just complet
ed. Several phones have beep
installed in town thl week and
Mr. Weston says he has orders
for over 100 In town and on rural
lines that will be put In as soon
as he can get at them.
Mrs. N. A. Dibble is suffering
rTtittf M' severely bruised hand
and possibly some broken bones
is a result of trying to hold a
fractious horse, he unipul be
longed tp Mrs. Haney and Mrs.
Dibble was assisting her in get
ting into the rig when the horse
suddenly began to hapH the cart
and as Mrs, Dibble was directly
behind it she was thrown under
it and the horse may have step
ped on her. At any rate she is
nursing a painful hand,
Tom Arnold came in the other
day from Ontario arid Was busv
greeting his many old time friends
He was accompanied bv Mrs
Arnold and hr daughter and
inform" The Tinies-Herald that
they so d their home in Ontario
and were jijat oh ylsjtlMg with
their friends in this section
where thsy had resided for so
many years. Tom doesn't know
just what he will do or where he
will make bit home as they air
going to spend the summer run
ning around and would look for
a location later
VV. M. Sutton and wife and H.
K. Shirk, who are principals of
the public and high schools,
respectively, arrived from their
vacation last Saturday evening.
They had been on the road for
ten days, fishing, hunting and
espying life- M re 1n the
best pf heaUh and Mr. Shirk ill
forms m his daughter Is coming
later in company with his son
"uoert and will keep house for
him this winter. The Buttons
expect to leave again I" the near
future for a short visit to Boise
and other outside points. Mr.
Shirk will remain here and get
everything in readiness for the
opening of school the hrat week
in September.
Miss Leila Bgil arrived borne
Wednesday evening from her
visit to the fair at San Franeiaeo.
The young lady states she had a
lovely time and would liked to
have stayed longer but had to re
turn to take up her duties as op
erator at the Union Telephone &
Telegraph Co. office. She ac
companied Harry Smith and his
party out but returned by train !an(1
iu i-iii ii.imi wneresne visiteu for ,j
both these young people for sev
eral years and has a strong re-
a short time before coming on in
by way of Bend.
gard for them and even though
it is late we wish them every
good thing possible during their
wedded life,
uame warden Tnska has a
communication from (Jene Simp
son of the State Game Farm in
in which he says he has a num.
her of China Pheasants that he
wuiiUi tho boys out here to have
arrangements ore being
e tor the shmmoni Tha
pheasants secured by the Rod &
(illll flub heretofore nnil titvii,.,!
Frank Swearlngen brought in on the game preserve adjoining
some excellent grain from his ' town and up the river, are doimr
benchland homestead the other line and there is no question but
day. there is some lurkev Red what lliey will do well in this
and Little Club v. :. ,;,t and SO me section. Mr, Triska asks the
barley tiat have be. i, grown i boys to be careful about shooting
without a drop oi ji ligation on
the lull where he was told noth
ing would grow. He roports
good crops of the ecrials, but had
fed about HO acres to the rabbits.
He also gave us a turnip tfeftt
had been grown v.n the same
soi( that is good size, llrni and in
every way satisfactory.
pheasants by mistaking them for
sage hen. In fact there is no
excuse for such a mistake and it
would be a pity to interfere with
the probation of these fine
game uirua tnat nave been a
source of expense to local boys.
Rev. Wm. Baird, Presbyterian
Slllldav School Miuulnnnxi. u,k
C. A. Korten and wife spent jnM been coming into this terri
few days in thia city during theltory at intervals for the past few
wisek while Mr. Korien looked j years, came over from Junturu
after his interests in the adjudi- Wednesday and has gone to Cat
cation proceedings on the low Valley ond other points in
rightsofSilvieuUiver. Mr. Kor- the interior. Mr. Halrd states
ten owns a valuable section of that one of the Twohys, fcngi
land near the experiment station, geer Young, who is charge of
know n the Shaw place. They I the construction umrlr r k
made the trip from their home In Oregon & Eastern, and
Chicago to this place In a lord (other men. evidently mih.w.ntKuo.
car and had but one puncture i tors, wero as! tha snmi. tmi,,
and one blowout on the entire with him un tVnm IWaat mmA
that he heard Mr. Young aay
there would be a loud of rails out
thai day and one oar of rails
would continue to be shipped out
every ty to the front where
active operations are hemin nn
UtOjnaSS and development of the tho extnlonof lh..lin, I. kM.U
- -. T .-. ,-,.. -. ... . ... ..., III kUIUIil
pountry since her former visit. ; valley.
In Dm Count) Coori f tho sun
' . ' lining County.
lu dm inutivr oi tiiC estate oi Man
(ifOfga, 'li .'Uiieil.
BAtloail !i-rby Riwn, tlutt A.lmn I.
II. USOfMi the iilinliiietrittor of tha
Birtt el Maty ,. (icirue. OjSSSaSSd, Ium
r.-iiil. r.-ii iiml pfSSSUlSj for StttiftUMti
Bd IIIb.1 in .m, I oourt, Mb fluid Sceoonl
.f blasdnlnlstnttofl el mid ntata, nni a
petition for tlm dlatril.iitlon tbeiwof, d,
K'thor with n report lliereof, hikI that
Monday, the ltli day of Auuom, I'll,'.,
nt Die hour of 1U ;10 .,'clo k in tl- trj
OM ol -aid day, at the court-mem of
aid court, at the court-lion,- in iajd
eounly of lluru.-y, State of Oiaaaaa. I,..
VJ ! Hied by (aid court nt the ilOM and
I"""" ",r "if "ellleiuenl of mid Hual ur-
rouni.aua all olj.tion tbarato, and
thr ilialrihutioa ol laid SStSta, at which
time and plaw any uron nUraatcd in
"aid natatii may appearand llle their
SStptloat, in writlnu. to aald account
lid dlMtrihulton, and to tmntlSI the
Thli notice ol llmil ..tHeiiiciil and dj.
tril.ution ia publlthed la The Timua
llemld, a uevMpapcr I jjriieial circulii
tion. publhthed in Harney County, u,t.
gon. by order of the Uou." II. C Lev. n.
County Judija oi aald S0OBI9. Biada i.,i
nteredoo the ;ilt da el .mlv, ly6
and the Ural puhlication ItMKteJ ia AS
uhi ai, I'M...
A i wi i r. i ,i nk. i
A IrmnlKtrator ,f tbu Ratals of Stan A.
tieorse, dvceaaed.
-Qr - u
the Shabby
Shabby surfaces detract from the
appearances of your home. Floors,
furniture or woodwork that are
marred, scratched or scuffed give
your home a shabby run-down ap
pearance. Make these varnished sur
faces bright and new with
There's an Acme Quality Varnish
for every purpose; a floor varnish
made to he walked upon; a quick
drying furniture varnish that imparts
a brilliant, durable lustre, and var
nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur
face in any quantity desired. Which
do you need?
Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches
Water bags, nose bags
Ice Cream Freezers
on the otiliiti
trip. They went tram hers to
San Francisco to take in the fair
and will return home QVMan
other route. 1'hla is Mrs. Kor
ten's first visit for many years
and she was delihte to jjep thi
l'NlTli HTATK I.ANIlOrrn . I
liiirnii. in. n,,ii. Jin v iv i i i
Nolle. l.h.T.I.) Blvsll llial ItftKii-a K Ml,
.I .smi , iirt-aun.nlKi, un He.liiui r i. IWa,
'J',..'1".. ."''""'"rt Kntrir. .N . ,,,. .,,
i W..H' """ '' l'owafclp h . Kaan
.11 wniamvllr. Mrrlillan I... i,;,,i ,,,i,,
.il laiuhttUD tu in.k, final ll , ,., , i,
il.liliriim lu tlm lauit ai.n- daarrlbeJ
oi'lure IUul.tif nn. I Hum.
on iitv Ira ia ol Saptambei Ifl i
iHiinniit aameaaa wtiBaaaoa
William "i Hur.lH.ll, ot lliirni, OrrtuD
Aiiautliil W. IliiUiart, un.. HulUil h.lilli C
Miiuii. all n( Niiiuhi. ori'uiin.
a. Ktaaa. Ki-aliir
t'HiTan htt i.anh On ii i
l.kuvluw. IMasoa, Jul) . II.
Sullii' l licrnuy BlTM Dial Jhiii. I M,.i.r. el
Kile, i i.-it who. on July s. im.-t made n
n ail Kntry. Herlal N.. . i I . I . , , aW) -u.
-.ill. in u, ami W,SVVi, ud NWl, sv
Melius H, 1'nn ml, lii fj i.,iulli, Hiiiik. .1
hatl. V I ilunivl In Url.lUn I... ill... I ...
"I lllli'lil illll l.i .iia.i- Tliml 1 In. .. ......
i'iuiii.Ii ilaim iii Hu. atl, i ai,, ,i,..rrii'. ,i
li.l.ui' f. .1 -laijlti r. al Hlaurlio. in. ,-,.n nn
On' .'1,1 .I,,) ul Auaual. Iiil i
I'lafbuu I uaiiifa aa allBeateal
llul, i. Kiliii'ilo t Kile, ou.uu .la, k
Mi i. nil... Hiu -tut,;!,, Hold WHut. all ,,l
alley, Oraaaa,
Jai f Hi Huant, Basajtar
Oregon Trunk Ry.
Central Oregon Line
Tp be divided in the proportion of $50 each to
Thirty -five Ford Purchasers since Aug. 1st,
1914 to Aur, 2nd, 191S, In Harney County and
sold by Burns Garage.
This is fully up to promise and illus,trates the
faithfulness of Henry Ford
When he tells you he is going to do something
he does it,
When he tells you that he has the most
practical Automobile on the market you
can depend upon It,
Limited Agent
Your profit-sharing Mltljtita attuched to your
hill of sale gives full information as to how
to proceed to get your $50.00.
From Central Oregon Pointa to the Sea
hore Reaorta, Clatiop Beech, l..,n
em Cltiea and the California
Ineapenaive Hotel, Camp end Cottage
Accommodetiona. Manifold Aanu.e
menta end Surf end Neietoi vim Balh.
ins- Koun.,1 ui!. (0m Bend $13.95.
Direct or Circuit Routea to Any Point
iiijr uniu aepiemoer ju - Krtn .
Limit October 31. Cliiiay., Direct
$72.50. Minneepojia, St. Paul, Duluth
or Winniuaa, aeo. S. Louii 71.:'0,
New York $1 10.70. One wey vie Cnl
ifornie, with atopover to aee Bspoak
lion., at tlihtly higher retei,
Oregon V'uok. North Bank and tie
Hoating Helaeet, S3 "GREAT NORTH
Selling every Tueadey, Thurtdey and
Saturday from Portland and San Fran
eiaeo. $41.10 round trip from Band,
including meela end birth un thipa.
Rail rate aejue vtjtheut meela and birth.
Aak for Expoaitlon Folder.
J. H. Corbett, Agent, Bend, Ore.
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Barbed Wire
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in stock; Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
" - tC--l .jaAiaaatiMU lie aatfaavir aewJ
VniHrr mA its eff aetivaneBaal fiT lllHi'l 17AIHO
- aassetSBSai s w. w... .. w - aaaBaaa a
and target akooting, you should buy
pumpaclion i
SI 1 1
aa oaLiaaiR
Repeating Rifle
Model 20. ee uiHetreted. Z
:h octeaon barrel, 13 oi
r iilIi L ....
Inn in. ii liaa eeuailila. via.
take down easily. Ym aaflo
.aiiel UileaneftivMiall. ml..
I., a.iu a...iai a
" 3U"a nV ,! pnM-is vetir hea and vyee acatnat taWrTieasBW. M.t-I TO oi :. K
liijurxiauna flrlei-Uvo cfUuMM. (ium. shall. Lowutt ami Hs3asallBaW "V'M 'l "
aaaaa I Urn Bid KWlWt. Ihtowe eiielU away to the ui H aetLsssW Ku band.
uever uw ev-cuMyur line ol eisjht. LWbbi 13 shots
H.1..11.. ail .xm short. .11 Imisj nd .21 iosaguaaiV artfMie. i.ulud- , 25.
Itiaf I irs h illtiw iiiilnt lii.ntinu r.iln.laa. A . -Ta... a.. Ii U .,..! A ...(a ajBVtaaaBBW w
- - - , . ..-...... ......ual.. iiawei w ew rauita, n Ciavi
Ktn li lalilxta. a.juuiaia, hawkl, Cluw etc,
urtM U lepeatere aJau attyia ah lever wUo.i aak your dial salt
.lata I
48 WilW SI. Nana Haven. Coaua. Ue akfU. 3T&Z?