The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 31, 1915, Image 4

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    ' t
Origins of Some of the Emblems
of European Nations.
It Was Originally ths Standard of th
Duchy of Brabant Comples Colora
of Austria and ths Flags of Germany,
Franco, England and Russia.
Trior to the franco Prussian wiir of
1870 the Uenunii empire MH liltlo
more than n group of scattered st.itc-s.
When the; combined luto n "Initio eg
plre, however, truces of nil tlu'lr tl n ta
were combined lu the resultant alnud-
To bs sure, tho colors of Prussia
black and white and the Prussian
eagle enter very largely luto It. but It
must be remembered thnt this country
became nt thnt time the hend mid
ruler of all the ethers Besides the
smaller states, there were also the
flags of East and West Prtissln I" be
Included. Thnt of West Pruatta wns
black, white, black, three ttrtpM Of
equal diameter, running the IciikiIi of
the flag. Thnt of Kust Prussia n
Misted of two such stripes, the upper
black and the lower white. The
"Jack" of the Imperial navy consists
of three horizontal stripes, (lie neper
blnck, the middle white and Hie lower
red. The much prised Irou MM ulnt
lug back to the end of the twelfth ecu
tury) Is la the center This red Mrlpe
appears In the flnul war ensign of the
empire, lu which the trlooler (luuclt,
white, red) appears lu the upper guar
ter, with the Iron cross upon ll. a hlle
the remaining three-quarters are lute,
with the royal arms In the center A
black cross divides tho whole Bag luto
The dag of Austria Is n very com
plex affair. To begin with, (he various
Austrian provinces hnvo their own
flags. Bohemia Is red-white. Tyrol Is
white-red. Dalmatla Is blue yellow, (In
llcla Is blue-red. Croatia Is red white
blue and Istrla Is yellow a hltc-hlue.
Then ngiiiii. Austria llmiu.irv being a
dual monnrehy, both Austria ami Hun
gary must be separately represented -and
fully on the flag. Fortunately.
this combination wns rendered more
easy by the fact that portions of the
flags of both countries were already
the same Thus, the Austrian flag was
red-white re.!, the ilungarlnu was red-white-green
Compromise was effect
ed by dividing the lowest horizontal
stripe In two. nnd leaving half red
while the reuialndtr was grown, The
arms of both countries also gptsjaAta
the flag 'this wns decided upon March
The Imperial standard of the war of
all the Kusslas Is of brilliant yellow.
In the center of which Is n larga doa
ble bended black eagle. This tlag dates
from the year 1472, wher Ivan the
Great married Sophia, a niece of Con
atantlne Pataaologna, and thence as
aumed the urius of the ilrcok empire
On the breast of the aagte is hu M
cutcheon bearing on Its red tleld In ll
er the figure of St. QlOIHe slaving
the dragon, the whole being surround
ed by the collar of the Order of si
Andrew. On the displawd nine, of
the eiiKle are other shields bearing
the arms of Kiev. Novgorod, Vladl
in lr. Kasan, etc. The Ituualiin union
Jack Is very similar to that of I'.nts
land, save that the principal croaabara
are blue Instend of red This Is the
well known Itusslnn war gag The
cross Is that of St. Andrew, the patron
saint of Ilussla.
The well known tricolor of France
la made up of three stripes -blue,
white and red running not the h ngth.
but the width of the gag It dates
from the era of the French revolution
and came Into existence In 1710 It
bss been the national ting since, with
but slight variations. In I7M Hie trl
color was also made the Jack of the
French navy.
The union Jnck of Quant llrltaln Is
composed of the three crosses of St.
Oeorge. St. Patrick and St. Andrew
That of the first waa a broad red cross.
dividing the white flag luto four white
squares; the white cross of si An
drew, on a blue background, run from
corner to corner diagonally, while the
red croes of St. Patrick ran In the same
direction. If the union Jack be exam
Ined It will be found to be composed
of these three crosses, as stated The
flag was first unfurled In IHiil, on the
union In tbat year of Great Britain
(England, Scotland and Wales) and
The flag of Belgium Is tumpoaad of
a tricolor black, yellow und red-run
nlng up and down thut Is. the width
and not the length of the Hag The
royal standard has ihc arms placed In
the center of the yellow strip This
was adopted as the national flag In
1831, being originally the colors of the
duchy Of Ifriibal.t
From 1477 until lOOfl Belgium be
longed to Austria, but on tlie latter
dnte It fell Into the hands of Spain.
In 1705 and for some years following
It was held by France, and In 1HI4
was handed over to the Prince of
Orange, but In 1830 the Belgians rose
against the Hollanders nnd established
their Independence. The flag which Is
now flown wns then adopted. Wash
ington Post.
Why Shs Liked It.
Anna How do you like being engag
ed to Jack? Agnes (a literary glrli -Oh.
it's wonderful! The dear fellow
calls me a poem, envelops trie In his
arms and seals with a kiss! Judge.
Life la a little gleam of time between
two eternities. Csrlyle.
Argentina's Natural Bridge.
'In Argentina there Is a uaturul bridge
that la one of the most wonderful In
the world. It spans the Bio Meudo.a
und Is known as the lica bridge. II Is
(he work of undue and not. as was
once popularly supposed, of the lucus
The road on which it occurs was prob
ably a highway made by the Peruvian
Incas. who took advantage of the phe
no men on by lending fhelr rond over
this natural viaduct.
A Prosperous 8chems.
"Doing any good?"
'Yep. Got a business man's athletic
class. Tuition, go a year."
"Well, those rates are attractive, but
too low to pay you."
"You don't get the Idea They all
drop out In about two weeks. Then I
start another class "-Judge.
Much Traveled.
First Tourist-Old you ever see lha
Catsklll mountains? Second Tourist
No. never, but I hare win them kill
Vanity dies bard. In some obstinate
M outlive the num.- Stevenson.
c IlKsects are) pmvtdefl with rmi-
doa of cnortnoua pewer as compared
with men. If n fly lie bold by the wings
It ran pick up und carry a match, and
thin Is as If n man werv abla to pick
up a beam twenty-eight feet long and
ilfteen nnd one-half Inches square.
An ordinary little ant can pull eight
matches on rollers, which would isptitl
a load of 330 beams the size of n mini
when Its weight Is compared with Hint
of n horse.
The lieu Jumps 2011 times Its own
height, which Is about the same its If a
man were to Jump over the nenrly
thousand foot high Eiffel tower
An oyster opposea being oaatMfl by
exerting n force of over thirty pounds.
and for a man to allow the same powei
lie would have to Hike up eighty large
locomotives and bear them AHhs like
iilHiii his shoulders
From n purely physlcnl isilnl of view
man Is the weakest of animals It la
only by ihoXise of his mind nnd the up
plication of the laws or mechanics In
the machinery he has Invented thnt he
has been able to dominate the world
lloston Herald.
Tho Voaomlto.
Tho best authorities hnvo now agreed
upon tho spelling of Vosemlte us re
corded In Hodge's "Handbook of the
American Indians'' The following
forms have been employed In various
publicatiens: Ooseuille. Oosoomltc. So
semllel.. SoHcmlty. Vai'eemne. Voiiuil
ty. Yohnmlte, Vosuhmltlls, Yoseiiiate.
VosemeloH. Yrluely, YosluiltlcM ami
Vosoomltc It never was used by (he
Indians us (he name of (he valley, for
the v w mil division of (he Mitral Irlhe.
who made their home lu the valle.i
culled their principal village ami the
whole valley by their name Awanl
The inline Yosemlte tuny have derived
from the Awanl village of l.esamalll.
hut Powers regards It as a distortion
of the Mlwofc it'o rd ur.unialtl. meaning
grizzly liear.-New York Sun
Tho Squirrel
Innocent In all Ills ways harmless
In tils fiusj playful as a kitten, lull
without rrtsfafr and surpassing the
fantastic dciterttf of the monkey,
with the grace ami brightness of a
bird, the little dark eyed miracle of the
forest glam es from branch to brunch
more like h sunbeam tliiiu ll living
.re Mine ll leaps mid darts nnd
twines where if will. A chamois Is
slow to It ami s panther clumsy. Gro
tesque as a Kugiuc gentle lis n fairy,
delicate as the silken plume of the beautiful ami strong like the spl
nil of a fern. It haunts you. listens for
you. hides from you. Usika for yon.
loves ton as If tin: angel Unit walks
with viuiri lilldreii had unfile It himself
for a hem only plaything John Bus
kin of the Popss.
I'he Vatican Is the pupal pnhice and
derive lis game from the Hill on which
it stands, tlie Molts Viilli'iiinis, one of
tile scion hills of Koine It Is n codec
lion of imigultleeut buildings, which
roup a space "f I.MI b.i "'!" feet
The most niicleiii tif the present strue
titles dates from the time of Nicholas
V.. about III? The larloils popes
Front lllne to time added hew build
lugs. In which are many works of art
of a historical character The ghttloe
chapel one of the Vatican edifices
commun tllcliehiugelo's first inasler
piece lu piilufhiu "The Laat .luilg
lllellt ' I he I'Kinilie cliiliel puaJJs
Michelangelo s fresco of "The f'ou
version of St Paul" and 'The Cruel
dxlon of HI Peter '
Trcops mnd Wintor.
When Napoleon Went to Moscow lllld
back It iv a round Hun the French
soldiers agoas ihc Intense cold bet let
than the P a und iiorlh (icrman- It
Is quite wroii. ny the viiy. to sup
POM, as U orteu done, (bill (hat fatal
winter set lu early with exceptional
severity Napoleon Invented flint ex
pluimllon to luilllate the disaster Into
itlihb he plunged his army But the
autumn was so exceptionally mild that
tho peasants believed that Gisl was
favoring Napoleon, and the first snow
storm did not come until Nov. U, an
unusually lute arrival.
Decorations For Women.
There ure few decorations for worn
en 111 F.urope. the moat ancient order
corning from the Austrian throne. It
is the decoration of the Star and t'rii
cltli und Is given to women of high
rank Another Is the l.utsen founded
in memory of the beautiful ipieen of
Prussia whom .S'ais-leuu Insulted. This
order Is given to all classes ut women
who subject themselves to any great
Mlf sacrifice.
A Fateful Gams of Chess.
U la Spanish tradition that the
fata of Celfltnbua overhung on a game
of chess, iter years the great naviga
tor bad haunted the Spanish court, try
lug to Interest some one In bis plans,
but at laat be determined to abandon
the country and visit France. The
ulgbt before his Intended departure he
sought an audience with the queen to
communicate his Intentions and to take
bis leave. The queen asked blui to
wait while site w4e another effort to
interest the king. Boa found Ferdi
nand engaged at a game of chess nnd,
disturbing him by Her entrance, caused
blm to lose a piece. Anuoyed and lrrl
luted by tlie Incident, the klug, after
rudely denouncing Columbus and bis
schemes, Informed Isabella that the
result of the petition would depend on
the result of the game. It grew worse,
and the chances were all against the
launching of the expedition. But the
ipiceu, overlooking the board, whisper
ed to her august spouse a suggestion
relative to a move tbat would be ad
vanlugeous. The king followed the
advice, the completion of the game
was quickly reversed, and Columbus
dream of years wus realized at laat.
Prolific Fungi.
An average sized mushroom will pro
dure as many as 1 .HUM ,000,000 apores
and a common toadstool shaggy cup
has been shown to produce us ninny
us h,0BO.fXK).OO0. Fortunately for the
other Inhabitants of the world, how
ever. Hie probability of successful
growth of any given apore la some
what remote
The mushroom or toadstool plant Is
formed by dna filamentous threads
which ramify beneath tbe aoil, and If
we assume tbat a successful plant of
the mushroom or shaggy caps pro
duces as many a ten mushrooms oi
toadstools we Bud that tbe chance
against successful growth to maturity
Is respectively about 18,000,000,000 and
Mi.(j,xjo,ooo to one In the two species
mentioned Even more prolific than
the mushrooms and toadutools propel
Is the giant puffbnll, a large specimen
of wuii'tl bus been knowu lo produce
as many aa 7,000,000,000,000 spores -Umdon
Empty Cemplimeaia
Fifty years or more ago Blr Harry
Hiultti, after wboae wife Idyainitb
was named, waa governor ot Caoe Ool-
1 --- -
ii . wmmmmmmmP
against the Kaffirs Hi-turning from a
particularly lively one, he, held a re
view of his troops, who Were In a most
dilapidated condition- barefooted rag
ged mid halt starving
When the time eiitne for him to say
a few words he lavished praise iihii
them, dwelling upon their bravery, en
durance mid even iisin ihclr soldier
like an 'cm. a nee
This Inst compliment was too much
for the patience of (he old color aer
gennt. He slepissl forward -tattered
and unkempt saluted moat renins!
fully mid I lieu said t
"Begging your pardon. Sir Arry. we
don't want no gammon; we want
I Mints'' I
This nntsHikeii criticism was for
tunately taken lu good part and shortly
afterward the men got their boots. -Unidon
Tho word "IhsIIiiiu" la a corruption
of the word "Belhlehem" and originat
ed tia ii synonym for chaos hi the time
when the house of Betjileheiu. occu
pied by a sisterhood of London, be
came mi limine asylum The treat
ment of the Insane In Hie early purl of
the sixteenth century was not well uu
dersliHHl, mid. according to the theo
ries I lien prevalent, II was t tirj
to frighten the patient out nl Ills lu
niic.v Alt -mis ol iiwliii expedients
were resorted In, annum Ibem "sur
prise floors. ' which slipped from undci
the feel; "surprise Imilis" nnd Hog
gtngs at (he periods of moat severe III
ness; hence tho iinme "bedlam." the
result or In.'ortei t sielllng possibly,
came easily to stand for awful tilings
Weight at Air.
There Is no uniform weight fur alt
For Instance, say the weight of a cubic
foot of air m sen level Is 1.700 grains
with I he pressure removed, by Its ele
vntlou lo mi altitude of 10.000 feet. Its
weight would be alsiul the half of
1,700 grains In other words, tbe cubic
foot at ten or twelve tbouaand feat
nlKive the sen would expand to two
cubic fist, each of about HfiO grains
Girl Workers In Japan.
The number of factory glrle newly
recruited overy year In Japan la JObV
000, of whom only 80.000 go home. The
remaining lao.OOO never return They
go from ouu foctory to anofbei or go
Into other occupations, never thinking
of going home. World of l.nlsir
0ns and Two.
Charming Widow -And what are yon
doing nowadays? Mr Bach- Looking
out for imiiiiIh-i one Add you?
Charming Widow Ob, I'm looking out
for uumls-r two' Houston Post
A Punls.
Iln. -on I here's one hlng I can't un
lersi i Kgbert What la that? hb
eon Win n I couple gel liuirrlisl the;
rHcoine oi.e But tiny say tl takes two
lo in ike a ipisrrel
"(lull!) oi noi guilt) t asked a Dutch
Justice of M )llloel
"Not gnllli
"Den tut you inul here? Go about
your business"'
Free apes b Is s pn Ions right snn
so is fraa action Rh the tongue ns
no more rlg'i' than Iln iihiuI In slina
Its freedom
Wirslsss In tho Amazon Region.
In the .liiauiara region of the Amazon
IJie nail res use u crude system of wire
less fiU'gniiliy. which. It Is claimed,
has been in oisirallou for thousands of
y in i - The tiaiisinlllol' found by an
explorer was u hollowed D'uujf fff a
tree suspended from a horizontal note
stretched between two stumps. Inside
tbe transmitter bad been arranged
much like a i In. and It was explained
thnt when the Instrument was struck
smartly with a small robber hammer a
vibration was creatisl thai cerrlts) for
mill's out tlie hills The receiver Is
tery similar In Ihc Imiisinlller, except
that it Is placed op a hnrdwixMl plat
foi in. I he base of the lulluHfil (rev
mm,, icing grounded on the platform
When the message la struck In the
neighboring village, sometimes thirty
nib's away, this risclvcr catches the vi
brations, causing ii Jerky, singing
sound The Hound system, la said
mil be read by the members of tbr
tribe, ami In this way news of t Icto
ties mid oilier hupiwulngs are told
throughout the countryside. Argonaut.
Wsshmg Omy In Sicily.
The Sicilians have the reputation of
.not washing themselves orerfreqnent
If, but if they are remiss lu Ibis re
spect they mole lluii make op for It
by washing their garment washing
in fin I. being a perennial isiiipntlon
among the women The songs of the
women toil, us lliey scrub Hie clothes
of Hull husbands and children outside
the doors of their homes. If living In
I city, or lu sonic brook or running
atreaju ir living In the country, are n
noticeable feature or lower class HI
eilhiu life
The long spikes on Ihu p4,ky peer
leaves and nine plants make splendid
natural pegs on which to dry ib
clothes, and lu all the rural districts
you will sis' lliem thus utilised, but If
they do not happen to lie suMlclently
ha i.. I- the clothes lire of leu stretched
out upon lite mountain side to dry.
The o. cupiitlon lUluj recrentlou of ulot
of the poorer uouifu inay be summed
up In Ih roc uyords washing end goa
sip Wide World Magazine.
the Bier Alsyan.
The size of the slur Alcyone and It
distance from the sun ure both un
known and. ho far as eiiu imiv tie seen,
iiiusi remain unknown II has no pur
allav large e.ioiigh lo lie measured hv
Mmry yy. Chamberlitln
General olnstasirtcatl nxtsi
surgical ralasJI
Write or phone Ijtwen, Oragen
$1500 Reward!
llm Oreeou, Dab
l lei Ml.. n J Nevada
l.iysdtoek fiotee
duo Aesoclstloa of
011,0,1 the under
Sisfaid If member,
sill (lys ll.uuo on
rswerd foy evl
deuce Ised) as lo
Hi arrest ami sou
Vlutlonof any par
irorpsrtis stsal
la biases oslll,
or uiulssistlouffllig
u, auy ui lie ineni
lu aildllioa o. ii,. abova, (lis sudsvalfaad
otters (be ..inn i mil t (on tBUi.OO fur ail bursas
breaded burse etiud bar en bulb or sltber Jaw.
in. ml ni'uniwi lu elgbl i uuallss Hauae
lleriiti), Lake and irouk euuBllss. Horse
veateil w In a sold.
Nun but gun, a bursos sold and uuly JIu
rge I IHU lo ,
W ' jihoWN rile. Orssoe.
' f
egt methods.
Tbat la. take a large telescope with
you, go to Alcyone, turn, look hark this
way, then the entire diameter of the
orbit of the earth around the sun. n
huge ellipse, miles in dlmn
eter. If a bright line In spine so that It
could be seen would appeal to lie so
small tbat the leleinlcrouietei could not
measure It Not knowing the distance.
tbe alie cannot be known.
Hut. Judging from Its light when com
pared with thnt of otter suns whoso
distances are fairly well known. It
must he colosanl - many times larger
than our medium slsed star. Hie sun -New
York American
Art Criticism.
It la related that almost the last
work Sir ICdwIn l.audseei was engng
ed uu waa a life sized picture of Nell
Hwyn passing through an archway
on a white pairrc). lid- picture. In
which the horse alone was Mulshed,
waa bought by one of the Rutharhlll
family and given to Sir John Mlllals
to complete tine morning a eelelira!
ed art critic culled on the painter nnd
wns much Impressed by this work
"Ah. to be sure," he said, going up
cloaa and examining u ilccrlimiiiil In
tbe foreground of the phi inc. how
esslly one rnn recognize l.andseer's
dogs! Wonderful, Isn't it?" "Yes; II
Is derful!" said Sir John, lighting
his. das, " Mulshed palming Unit
dog yesterday morning ami have done
lha whole or It myself ."
Osrman Army ghoss.
I.enllier used for Herman in my shoes
la the result of many tests. It Is rath
f-r dry compared with American lege
(able tanned leather However. II Is
made dry so that the iixlillzliiK oils ami
fkta will not rot (he leather tlber due
tag the many .veins thai II may Iks
held In storage Kvery soldier w hen
he gets Ills iirmy sIiihsi also gets a can
of shoe dressing, with which he iIicsn
es bis shoes. This keeps them pliable
and water resisting. The bonis are
crimped. They have only two seams
They are practically water light The
(bread uaed for stitching them Is hand
Waxed. The absence of blackings ol
any nature tends to sine the life ol
tba Isjot. It rejects Hie sun's rays
too.-II Ids Slid Leather
rittth Field Marshals.
A British field marshal never retire
from tbe army. He uiiii lie plared mi
half pay, but Is still Isirur on the nc
iJvs list. By (he regulations there
must not be more limn eight Held mar
shals receiving pay as such-Unit is.
exclusive of honorary Meld imirshiils.
such as foreign kings. eiiisror and
princes Of the eight regular Meld
marshals two must ls selected from
tit Indian army. The issililou of Meld
marshal la a great one The Held tnnr
thai commanding lu chief In the .Med
iterranesn gets (nisei agar I'mbs
bly a Held marshal actively employed
will get at least (.'l.ism a year Ibis Is
better than the pay or an admiral of
tbe fleet, who may be said to be a ua
val field marshal, mid gets only a Utile
over (2,000 a year, eicluslie of allow
aucvs Ireland's Owu.
Napoleon's Nam.
A Greek scholar called attention lo a
it J curious coincidence about I he
uame of te'spolcon If you fake a way
(be Aral kiler of bis nuiiie loll have
"apuleon;" lake nwy the Hist letlur of
that word, and you have "pnleon:" do
(bis successively down to Ihu last ayl
lable. and you have "icon.'' "cn" aud
"on" Put these several words togntli
or lu this order. Napoleon on OsfOfl hsin
eon apoleou Dlenn and you have n
Greek phrase Hie literal translation of
which la "Nssil.s,n. pclng the lion of
peoples, went slsun destroy log cities."
Th Bfr Girl.
"I don't like my new gown very
well." said (be young lady recently
'Tba material Is awfully pretty und
the atyle la all right, but It needs some
thing to Improve Hie shape or It "
"Why," suggested her dearest friend
"don't you lei some other girl wear
ltT"-HL Uuul Poet Dispatch
Nat en Admirer.
"Tour husband luvps horses, doesn't
"No." replied young Mrs I'm kins.
"But he Is slwnys going to I be races.'
"Yea But the way he talks alsiiit
tbe horses after lie gels home Is some
thing dreadful."- Washington star
Deduction. .
"I rejected both Jack and William
last night "
"1 know It I saw them ahnklng
band on (he golf link this morning."
Philadelphia ledger.
I'eniBiuhiion' uie.1,1 "Hie mouth ut
Bell," In allusion lo tlii violent surf
tbat I always seen al the month of
Its elder rli if
Russia n Aals.
Hussla baa no colonies, properly so
called Its isissesslons lu Asia are
merely reserve ground fur surplus
Nolle of Sheriff's Sals,
a. a. iteiuboid, iiisintirr
Nora Kiiliardson, James Itieliardson,
Henrietta Kicliurdson, Madison llicb-
ardaou, Unity lltcbai.l , and Leon
M. Jlrown, ilnfendanta.
Ily vjrliiL' of tti.l eyeiulioii duly
issued out ol Hit) Circuit Court ol tbe
Ul of Oregon, for Harney County on
July I, 11116 in (lie uliove cut il led suit
wlieielnsillil I'oiii I rendered a Judgment
and decree ou April :l, I'tlfi, in faior ol
the iiboiiidf and aifuiust ilefundiiuls
Nora Kicliurdson. .lames Ittcliarilsnn.
llenrinKu Kivliurdson, MiuIihoii Iticb
ardaon audltuby lllcbanlson, in tboniiui
ol $404.(10 and intercut lltereon fioni
April . H1! at tlie i ale ol in pur rent
per annum, and (.lie In 1 1 1,, i mini of
HU attorney fue und cost ami dis
bursements Isied al f I, "ii und fore
closing; a mortgage mid orderloa, Hie sale
ol the property tbcreln ilescrlbwl, und
rarticularlv deseriued livruuflei,
Notice I lieruby given Dial I villi on
the 7th day of August mi '., al llioCourt
bouse door In Hum, Oregon, at two
o'clock in the afternoon ol said day, ull
at public auction to tlio Inebci bidder
foriusli, tlio said ilO.crty, being de
scribed a nvll),w
IxiU (la, seven, eight, n)v, .-n and
eleven ol block veyeuty eihl o Hie
Fourth Addition o lb. ( it) ol lluriu.
Harney t'otiuiy (Irrgon, or ho iiiiiiIi
thereof, a may bo uecusasry In satisfy
the afore said Judgment Iflfjethar uiili
tb iutareat thereon, and nil cost and
accruing cost and dlsbuiseuiaut.
Dated July 1, lUb'i.
in in rn fiigRiTAvr
In Hie matter ol the estate ot
John X. Williams, drrearad.
(lie undersigned bss Ihiiiii duly anil re.
gularly appointed sxeciilnr of the estuls
of John X . William, deceased, by order
of the Honorable II. (I. Levins. County
Judge of Harney County, Oregon.
All poisons having claims against the
said I'Binte aia untitled to present the
siiinc, duly verified as by law required,
to the undersigned at hi residence at
Fli Ids, Oregon, or M. A. Iliggl, blast
Inniey at Burns, Orrgon, within six
months from the first pulillrstlon of this
Hated at Hum, ( begun till 15 dsy of
Inly, I'll.-,. First publication of this
notice, ul v 17th, IWI.'i.
(Signed) CI.YDK 1 Mi KKI.VIiY,
I ii'i'iili.i of the estate of John
X. Williams, deceased.
Notice of Sheriff's Sal.
Thomas lluttou, plaiutill
T. F. Mnlnry and Julia Mutney,
By virtue ot a writof riecutuui issued
mi July I, 111 15, out of (hr Circuit
Coin t of (In-Stale of Orrgon lor llnrnry
Couiitv, in (lie above entitled suit
wherein ssul Court rpmlrirdii piitgiucnt
nnd decree on March '."I, lUlfi, in Invor
of the pliiintitl Slid again! tin Helen
limits, in I lie sum ol Klrveu thousand
our bundled and cvrnty and 20-100
Hollius $1 1,170 1'OJ with intere. t Hi,.,,..
on bom March :."i, lUUi and until paid
at I he rale of H per cent per annum; also
lot five hundred dolltiraaltorncy fee wltl
Interest Hu reou from March 110, 1UI5
until paid nt the rate of II - r cent per
annum, und formate and disbursements
taxed ut X'JO.HO, and foreclosing a ceitain
mortgage and ordering the sale ol the
properly therein described, and partlco
Inily described hereaftar,
Notice la hereby given that I will on
Hie seventh day ol August ill la, at the
Court house disir In Hums, Harney
County, Oregon at two o'clock in the
sflermsin of said day, sell at public auc
tion lo the highest bidder lor cash, the
said property being described aafollewa:
South half ol Southeast quarter, North
sot quarter of Southeast quarter, A
Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter
of section six ; Soul l.esst quarter of sec
tion eight ; Northweat quarter of section
seventeen, all lo Township twenty-lour
Mth of ICange tlnrty-oiie F.uat, W. M.
slso the North! qusrter ol Northeast
quarter of section thirty, Southeast qunr
ter -.. in beast quarter of sect Ion nine
teen, West half of Southwest ipiarter of
action twenty, all io I ownsliip nine
teen South o llange twenty nine Kast,
W. M. Harney County, Oregon, Includ
nig all water right and oilier right and
appurtenance thereunto belonging, or
ao much thereof a may be neueusry to
satisfy the aforesaid judgment with the
interest thereon together with all rod
accrued or whit h may accrue.
Hated at Born, July lit, lulf.
W. A. 0000IIAM, NlierilT
Hv TIIOH. NI'KAfil'l!, deputy
Kodak FUmJ Oevoloowd sod all
photogrsstliy'woHi'dano in firel
class shape. Pfompt altenlion
Don't drop
Use jt in the righ( way and you'll
never hear toiipJ)i,t ajjout k,
Malthoid reiidcrg g roof service thai
cannot be compared to any other,
lor Mahhoid It one rooling that
always make good.
Harney Valley Lumber Co.
Burns, Oregon i
eaasssxassjMasxsalga "lesr
Wlsff asfllIBiaaeTgfew JMfl
fft' HI atE ttf UL f sU
Going To Paint?
If it'g tho houge, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walig
or anything else we will gladly tell you what kind
to use quantity required, the tost, and how it ghould
be applied. We have
JSfft ?"amci btli" " Varniahw for refinisliing
ny ghabby surface indoor or outdoora.
Glad to show colon and offer advice whether you
decide to paint or not
Burns Hardware Co. Agents
Ho do and Nresmis Carred.
'Chambprlnln'a Tablets are
entitled to all the praises I can
Rive them," writes Mrs. Richard
01p, Spancerport. N. Y. They
have cured me of headache and
nervousness and restored me to
my normal health." B'or sale
by all dealers.
In the Circuit Court of (he Htalr of Or
egon, for llnrney County.
Kllie II. Smith, plaiutill, 1
V. .: '
A 1 1 hut K. Smith, defendant. )
To Arthur Ii. Smith, the nbove named
lu tbr name, of (he Stole of Oregon,
you ure hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court nnd auit on
or before the laat day of (he time pre
scribed in tbe order for publication of
this summons upon you, which period
of lime Is six week from the dnte of the
lirst publication ol (hi summons, (o
wit: within six week from (he -'lib
dny of July, 1 til S, that being the dale
of the first publication hereof, und II
you fail to so upieiir and answer said
complaint, (he plaintiff will apply (o
court for (he relief demanded in said
complaint , to wit: a decree of said court
forever dissolving the marriage contrail
now existing bet ween plaiutill nnd de
fendant, and thnt pIsuitifT buve t lie
earn, cost i dy and control ol l.eliih
Hnnth, u minor child, the Issue of sulil
marriage, and fur genrrnl relief.
You are further notilled thai this
summons is served upon you by publi
ration thereof in The Times-Herald, u
weekly newspaper published in Hums,
Harney County, Oregon, pursuant to
aa order of Hon. II. C. I .evens. County
Judge of Harney County, Oregon, made
and dated (he H'lli day of July, 191.r,
(he dale ol (he first publication lieing
July 4th, 1018, and (he last publica
tion thereof will be on Septemlier lib,
J. 8 Cooa,
Attorney for I'laintiff.
Jowoloj . OptU.iiii !
Fir); Wstpt. RepiitrinK A Spe
see eaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeaeasee
! : 4.0NB : -
a ill iipi ll FOON Pi op.
e- e
aMealH At All Hours. Short
a Onli-rs and Promnt Service a
a With Rea-soriable KatfH
Give Me A Call
a a
a a
a psH Tiaaee sra 14 Bouaiwa
i " 1 , s
, '. .... i.i .... .. ... ;... ini , . . oi in. ,,.., vii., iiijii,,, tii.nieiii
and death benefit protection at nnui
' mum cost. L',0 O.isj death lieuetlt .
11,000.00 lor loss of limb or .ichIiI,
I faom fo 00 to 118.00 weekly iuk or ac
I ilileut benelit; f 1,(100.00 Kmergency re- '
lief le-iiellt, I ost 1 il. no i..,r year;
110 other due or assessments. In this
insurance all ineusud women are placed
od an equal bail, rrgardlea of eajgaaa,
lion. I A cry person inske the same
form of application, pay the same
amountof premium and receive the
same amount ol benefit. Men ami
Women between tbe ages ol 111 und i.i
are accepted. No reatrietion as to aa
cupatioa, only Railroad men employed
employed on track, train or roonnil
house, cau not be accepted. Claim are
paid within sixty day anywhere in tho
U.K. Camilla or Korope. Old reliable
Insurance Company. 1 100,000.00 on
atatu depoaltaaa protection for Policy
holders and lo guarantee the payment
of daiins Kor further free information
address (iustave Ii. Werner, Swretarv
and (ioneral Manager, Boa un, Baffalo,
N. Y. elate age, set, oceuailloii und
mention Isspt. II. 172.
House Painting
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
Eatlrnatea furnished on ap
plication. Sample shown.
wmmtumiitittmi .nmrtntna ttmtn
THi .10ST
CAUCER Repeating
Rifle in the WORLD.
Made In two models i one
for .VJ Short It. f, car
tridges - Hie other for .M
llllle It. I'
'Handles li .99
Short and It .f9
long idle cartridges.
I for liandsoinrlv
Illustrated llilb- Cata
log and "How to Shoot
Order Stsvss. Mflee
Pistol and Shetgaa
from jour Denier.
. O. Bos aooa,
(llll iil'KK KA1.I.H. MASS.
It h Seuen.rN
! K i lismlnrlslli
1 Itsrry Iahs
W ' llswlry
IN J hlnooil
. . A. M. eras ford
Oswald Hs si
lien W. ulsott
1 Ii he,
... J A I loir, lull
.... M Iiuuiw.)
i Kobl Kskln
IT. A. UeMrlde
. ! Kron Hurnell
I iiiiko ,Mllil-n
Alt. . rin . i in i.l ...
i imrt in.;
ii-i liter) nl stale
i ressurei
1ll.l I'lll.lle N,I, in 'lull
rttele I'rinler
iusrvna imiai-e
I. S. Hesn
I r. A. atoors
In, in. i Jungs naltou Blgge
1 en n I) to, ,. a Hllaaiors
i to un '"mi nuns the first Mosdsy Id
April and Irat Muadsy uetobsr.
Julal H n,l ir
bilhi Iti-j. sseolaitT
Wll Brooke
ll . r Moinsn
cm ri UAkNsy :
i'ouiil fudg
I n ..tin r
sur, i i.r
-i in..., auei i , '. adsol
I i.Hilief
Mei k liitt-i i un
' iln no, tinner.
i, rent I lioiuioii
K T llushet
K A. Miller
C. k Be.ry
A k. Kirtierilenu
J. J. beuetso
t. at llemliioo
il i li-vinirt
John Koblnson
l K --I'vnio
1 1 ims Bain
i!) i ..un no i e tho Bret V'rtavdar IB
Jainisi). Menu. M.r. July, sebiember sod
Nioe-nl. i
l ' 'JlT
ini'ii e i.asii errics:
Kesi.i.i wai Karrs
tsosivei hsui Muilierabcstl
' try si ass
HayoTi sain Moluersltsod
I oler. K.iy Van Wlokle
rrseauror .... lienrv fieltoo
Meteh.l. ..K. I., liners
II J. Ilaaaso
i emu tinien a. C. Welcome
I Jsmee lAtapsbire
I i. J M. k in
M n "I Un- iii 11 every Second and'l. Vt. :..!
No other like It
The New Home Sewing Martin (WHlgV
Tonawama tonight
n 1 si sai gg aasssssaaaaaaaaasL-
SI f .' -...vA & a
H " i Saigafca'Jjilgal
in' vHH
1 "Pie tNily way lo "1 M11L"' "B
m yt-l llw ' fiHifitf J, & -. . g
I New Home IgLf
I ss t.i- slsararr"
.-ewing inaoiins JV1 saww
1 ii to lay the machine BH
1 wall the name NEW isjf Kw''
I l ME nn ilia aim BBBBWlBaBBSj
H .ml in ths Irgn. MjIKtBI
Thl, in. bine fa fl -fAMgfl Igygw
M tv.rt.nud for all M . M i F '
m ' fcaaaaKMR ': -J
I No other like it Jg',,," I
V.. .,1 1,. ............ .1 aTiLaafJa '
m nuuiiivi a9,uo H
We do
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Physicist r and Surgeons
ntlHN. OSROfig
J. CXI. or (hv
Priysirhn I i,ik ,,,,
Burn, - - - On,,,,,
Office on i coihI flooi Tonawama Hldg.
'Phone Main II i,
GEO. 6.CARL, M. D.
Physician anil Surgeon
OSes laiTon, want. lliilMli,a
Seecisl allenllon gfjeso dl aa sf lb. eye, r
esse and Ihro.l.
----- Orryes
Druglet Physician
Nature Method, snd Dietary Advice
Chronic Disease, n tpecially
I. O. O. F. Hum., Oregon
DEflMflN " t fifflflN,
Physicians ;ind Surgeon
Call amweri-d prumti I, nigh I ot day
'Phone Harnmiin
Harriman, Oregon
Dr- Minnie Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Direct Telephone Cot. net lion
Albritton. Ore.
Office lirst do.,, aa t li ito taller
Horn- (i,
Attorney nl J, aw
Voegtly HldK.. liurn-. Oreiton
Attorney I ' '
Burns, Ortgon.
Attoroc) ;it i,;i
Contests and prui D. S. IsMdl
1 Ifflo a p c ally
Offlee. Fry Bid . loor to .ot of$ee
lllllns. (In ,1,
Bums, Oregon
I'raeliees in tl,, le Courta and be
fore the C, 8 Land i Iffli a.
;hii!-. il. i .. tonard,
Attokni i W,
Careful atientiim riyen t Collec
lions nml Real BaUU iimttera.
1 .re Im-iiram .
Niilnry Pablid
i Ikkqon,
A. W. (iOWAN
State Cotnis and United States
I-an.l Offlee Practise,
Three doors South of the
Harney Count) hiationaj Bank
Hums. Oregon,
Attorney at Law Notary Public
Cjaasssjaasfae, Mass , i .,,. R..i.wk,1... l V I sad QUI) r C.cltc.,-,,,,,,,,.,, hi N,,,,,,,.,
suit j,ii. i
Burnt, . . Oregon
J. I . Hill AIM, i.o ,.,,.,,,
roruierl, IM BMJ ,.h e(Ki
'' H,"' ' -" say nt n0i a
Eastern Oregon I ngineerioir,
Burns. (Irii;iin
it right