Lines- tier a J Ha. The I MfHl Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SATURDAY. JULY 31. 111 1(1 milcli uwiiii Local News. Qnund food at Hajrey'a. A little rain with cooler wea ther. Rice (Moth, l'oplin and Peque just arrived at Schwartz". Pit DoMggn was over from the r Ranch durintr the week. Meet me at the Hums Hotel. That's the central place in town Seed ami feed barley for sale. II. Vulcamore. Phone or call. Mr. and Mrs. Dot Davis are now domiciled in their neat little bungalo recently erected. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND S 1 1 R l 1 1 1 S ' $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES I YOUR $ $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS ' INVITED. Thos. Cleveland and wife were over from their home at Van for a few days this week, the guests of relatives. They came over in their car. Miss Marguerite Mers, secre tary of the State Water Hoard, arrived yesterday to be in readi ness for the opening of the water cases next Monday. All varieties of vegetables at Dodge's. Delivery to any part of town. Special prices for hay ing camps. Parcel post orders tilled. M. V. Dodge, phone 513. Kodak films developed 10 cents) per roll, any size. Prints 5c each I All orders of 2 dozen prints film developed free. A. EL McLain, Care of Sayer Studio. Geo, Hopkins was accompanied over from Bend on the truck his last trip by his wife, who was formerly Belle Hart, and was at one time a resident of this city. She had a nice visit with former friends. The First National Bank Burns. Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 9100,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED We do job printing. Cedar shingles for sale. Wm. Foren. Tonawama, tonight. Tonawama tomorrow night. All millinery at reduced prices !. W. Clevenger has decided not to stock up heavy with furni ture for the present but will take orders for anything desired that is not in stock, giving the cus tomer the benefit of the whole sale prices. Iee Thornburg and wife and little daughter came down from their mountain place Saturday evening. Lee broke some part of his engine that is used in his saw mill and had to get it fixed before he could resume work. .lames Gilbert Slid wife were ( at the Clingan Hat Shop, in the city Wednedsday. R L HaM wag up from Nar. Rice Cloth, Poplin and Peque rows Thursday. just received at Schwartz'. Stop at the Burn8 Hote, whcn drain pasture for horses 1 A in town. Best service. miles from lim'ti W (' llmun I .. " unuuncy cummins came over C. T. Lillard and Carrol Cecil; from his home at Westfall this were over from Silver ('reek week. Tuesday. Mrs. Miller will take orders For bargains in stockmen's! for the Palmer Garment Co., of bed sheets and tents, go to J. C. ; Chicago. Sample book now on Welcome & Son's. hand at the Schwartz store. Found- A bunch of keys on a For Sale Good second hand Hi ring. Owner may secure them Studebaker wagon, also one work by calling St this office. horse. Mrs. Will Gates at the The Burns Steam Uundry ' (Jates Hou8e gives special attention to parcel , Mrs. C. K. Beery was in from post. Send us your laundry by ' her Sunset home Thursday doing mail. i some shopping and calling upon Lou Bradfleld'i famous thr-! friend- OUghbred stallion, Bonus Bess Of ill wtiinii this st-itsim ;it the T Mrs. Henry Dalton met with a jA,len Joneg farm Mar Burns pamiu. bcchmhi. u.c uiuu uMi-Vrnis 12.50 to insure pastured if desired. President John D. Daly of the First National Bank was over from his home at Boise last Sat urday attending a meeting of the stockholders of the bank, lie has returned home. J. L. Gault of the First Nation al Bank of this city took his de parture Thursday morning for Portland where he will join Mrs. Gault and spend his vacation at the metropolis and other places of attraction. by being hit in the eye with a rock thrown carlessly by her lit tle nephew. The stone struck her glasses and the broken pieces entered her eyelids and also scratched the eye ball. A phy sician was summoned immediate ly and removed the broken glass, but not until it had injured the eye ball to some extent by rub bing against it. She is recover ing but has been compelled to keep the member bandanged in an ice pack and remaining in a dark room. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND S U R P L U S ! $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES I YOUR Mtt SAFE" ACCOUNTS mares invited. ome good milch cows tor tale, Inquire at this office. Rice Cloth, Poplin and Peipie just received at Schwartz'. All kinds of grain including wheat al Lunnburg Dalton A ('. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Laundry. 4t f. Best of care given patients at Mrs. Fireoved's Maternity hospi tal. For bargains in stockmen's bed sheets and tents, go to J. C. Welcome & Son'H. Miss Kthel Brown was in the city for a short visit with friends early this week. Boiled barley, wheat and oats for sale at market prices. W. A. Goodman's feed yard. C. K. Peterson was in the city Thursday looking after some bus iness matters. Chicken dinner Sunday at the Overland 12 o'clock and also from G:MO in the evening. Mrs. Anna Sprague returned home last week from an extended visit to the fair and other outside points. Williams Bros, have all kinds of rough lumber for salo at their miles north of Burns on the Canyon City road. J. W. Buchanan and family and L. M. Hamilton and family were in the city Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. W. B. Garrett. Wray's Auto Stage between Bend and Burns leaves here each Wednesday and Saturday. Pas sengers may take all their bag gage. Vera Gibbs. agent. Rev. A. K. MacRao and family have returned from a visit to Hermiston and he has again re sumed his work as pastor of the Baptist church. Inspection of horses will be held at Burns Aug. 11, Harney, Aug. 12; Riley. Aug. 18: Warm Spring, Aug. 11; Narrows. Aug, M; Hap py Valley, Aug. 16. Morses are for the French government and must weigh from 1MMI to 1250 lbs. A. K. Richardson. Commisioner Cochran of the State Water Board has been in the city all this week, having ar rived with the other members of the board Saturday evening. and further hearings in the ad judication of the rights of Silvies River will be resumed next Monday. ri Wilsons i reamery uutter at Hagey's. Have your picture taken at the Sayer Studio. Harvester whips at J. C, Wel come & Son's. Bom To Mr. and Mrs. Ira uavis, Thursday , July 2H, a daughter. I. L. Poujado and wife were in the city Thursday the guests of relatives and friends. J. C. Duncan was up from his home near Waverly this week making proof on his homestead. The Bums Hotel is the head quarters for all when in town. Good table service, clean rooms and accommodating attendants. We do your mending and sew on buttons, without extra charge. See the Steam Laundry about your work. Mrs. Chas. Rohn was up from A 1 In i t on during the week and we are informed has taken her de parture for an extended visit to Indiana and other outside points. Tonawama has secured a mag nificent picture production of I,ongfellow's immortal poem, "Evangeline," in five parts, for next Monday night. There is no other attraction scheduled for that evening, therefore all may have an opportunity to see it. The explosion of a gasoline torch gave John Gemberling a close call to not only disfiguring his face but having his eyesight destroyed the other day. His face was badly burned but not deep. 1 1 is glasses were sufficient protection to prevent his eyes being damaged to any great SXtsnt, but he has a deep burn on his arm. As it is John's beauty is temporarily impaired but it hoped no lasting scar will be visible on his face. It was a bad accident and might have re sulted very seriously. Job i nil ne here Baptiit Church Doing. SHOP TALKS SCHWARTZ My talk this week will be mostly a SHORT SHIRT TALE I have on hand about 85 golf shirts ranging in value from $1.00 to $2.00 each. They are slow sellers, and I need the shelf room, so I am going to get rid of them at the nom inal price of 35c each or Three Shirts for $1.00 You'll have to hurry to get these, because they won't be here long. REMEMBER I am still selling harvest shoes for $2.50 and $3.00 per pair. They are sure world beaters at the price. I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Hasonlc Bulldlnjf, - - Burns, Oregon If it is the local news you want there is no better way to get it than through the columns of this great religous weekly. It covers the field most thoroughly. I). A. Brakeman was up from Waverly this week and told The Times-Herald man he wanted him to hitch up "Doc Yak" and come down. He wants us to see whether anything can be raised on the land in his neighborhood. Mr. Brakeman has a fine crop this season. The Christian Scientists of this city recently purchased lots just back of Mrs. John Robinson's home on the corner toward the court house and this week bought the building recently oc cupied by Tom Jenkins and will have it moved immediately upon the lots to be used as their church. They have secured a nice location and with some repairs to the building purchased they will have comfortable quarters. B. L. Allen of Laurens, Iowa, who is associated with P. S. Weittenhiller in considerable real estate in this Valley, arrived here the first of this week and has been putting in his time look ing over the crops, visiting his friends and incidentally shooting some sage hens. Mr. Allen is optotniBtic in viewing conditions this season, finding exceptionally good crops, and with the railroad starting con struction, he feels we are coming into our own. Joe Raker came over from Cat low the fore part of this week en route to outside points to be ab sent some time. He reports bumper crops inCatlow, but that the rabbits were becoming thick again and he had fed several hun dred during the past few months. He finally got his hay cut and will be satisfied if they leave the potato portion of his garden. Mr. Raker goes by way of San Francisco to take in the fair, then around through the Panama ('anal to Philadelphia where he will join Mrs. Raker and the boy. He will be absent for Home time and Charles Hansen will be in charge of the ranch during his absence. Franks. Miller and wife arriv ed here from their home in South ern Oregon last Wednesday even ing, coming by way of the Des chutes country in their car. They came in the usual way, un heralded and surprised their many friends. They were none the less welcome and have our per mission to stay here just as long as they want to. The Times-Herald has but re cently learned that Mrs. Amanda Alberson, widow of the late W. K. Alberson, a pioneer family of this county, died at the home of her son Solomon Alberson on June 28. She was buried at the Wild Horse cemetery. Deceased came to this Valley in 188 and was well known to many of the old time residents. C. B. McConnell returned home Thursday from a trip to the Wild Horse section iji company with J. 0. Bailey, the assistant to the Attorney General who has been assigned to the P. L S. Co. land case. Mr. Bailey was taken from that section direct to River side and will Stop off at Ontario, Weiscr and Baker on his way back to Salem where he will make further investigation of the case. Carl D. Shoemaker, editor and publisher of the Roseburg News, was a pleasant caller at this office the other day. Mr. Shoemaker was recently appointed Game Warden of this state and was out getting acquainted with the country, meeting with the deputies and discussing the prob lem of game with the citizens. He is a young man of ability and showed the right spirit in meet ing with people, ascertaining conditions and suggesting co-operation along the line of protect ing the game and fish as well as propagation. Ho gave The Times-Herald an interview along this line which may be found else where. This shows the attitude of his department and that it is to our advantage to work in har mony with him. Our local Rod & Gun Club should keep in touch with the game department of the state und take advantage of the opportunities offered. Of course it is an expensive proposition to get game birds and fish in under present transportation conditions, but as soon as we have the rail road in the Gap we may stock our preserve and streams with birds and fish. The pastor and his family had a good time while away on their vacation but Burns was a wel come sight. When the car was run into the garage a large steel tank of gaso line was there. A present from one of our freighters. Needless to say it was very much appre ciated. Plans are being jierfected to make the revival, to be held this fall a big success. Our old friend Williams will conduct same. Rev. Lone reports good atten dance at all meetings during the past tWO weeks. With Mr. Loree's assistance the band has made rapid strides. Subjects for next Sunday, Merning: "Give ye them to eat". Evening: "Weeds". Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mass at (i:H0 a. in. All otner services, nesiues those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. Nolle of Sale of Stale Lands. Notion in htttby 1M llml tlm Sliili I, illlil lliilllil of I lin Hluli" of lllryni will iTiiliT ..'hi. .1 l.i.l' in, 1. 1 10 o'clock A, M., .ii(iii. i I, MH.ri, lor tilt fulluwIiiK iln irriliit.l Istidll HccllniiH 111 mi. I .'III, I 21 I K, 48 B. r'nirtliuiiil H', IxtliiK LOU I, I, I, I, Hit. Mil, T. 211 H It. N B. Nurlli of Mai hi in I nkn. Suci I., i iii (ml :m. T. 17 8. It. il IC Mottoes in mni :m, r. M . it. 41 B, settee in, T. hi , it. k. 1 i-ciii.Mx III nnil .'III, T. N H. It. :m K, Mottos Hi Ii .11 B, it. iii g, Section III, T. .'II S. It. .'HI B, Ail bill iini'ii in- SFOOtnpsnicd 1 rumilarly SSOODtod aiilicnlion to pur ohSStaed ShOOS 01 'lutft for Hi Ifiml III" lift I I (if III!' Illl, ...III! Illll. Tin' liuiiril rcHci vi'H tlic mill to reject miy uml all bill. Appllratioiia anil blila kIh.hI. I Im ml ilrcMKcil to l. (J. Ilrown, Clerk Htnle I. ami lluanl. Salem, Origan, ami iiihiIc eil "Application an, I Iii, I to paroblM "lllle III 11, In " li. 11. BROWN, (,'lcrk Stato I .am I lloanl, I'uie.l May'JS, Ills, Statement of Unclaimed Deposits. Nlntctnciit of tlic 1'irat National Hank ol Hunts, County ol llarncv, Htale of Oregon, ahowlOg tlic amount Mainline; to the credit of every dopOOltOr July I, IBIS, who Iiiih not made a deposit or who haii not withdrawn any part of Ml deposit, principal or interest, fora period of more that aeven (7) yenra immediate. Iv piior to h,ii. I date, with the mime, lOOl koOWO place of reaiduncc or post othec uddrcaii of such depositor, and the fact 'it ins dentil if known. Nm, Posl OSJaM Dsail if Known Amount SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES $2.50 PER YEAR HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Burns, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY ii, dead, dead 92.00 H :ih 2fi B oo B.Ofl 1,00 li'-' 1.00 3,90 I", 70 ,M ,80 .99 7 !0 G. II. Meldllilcll, llllrltn, (J. I,, Newman, Venator Jul. O'Conncr, Hums, bus Turks, lltirna, Mm. I,. Kiu'ine, llu K. W. Price, II. C. Shnw, lieu. II. Smith, Hums, w. w. Wilson, Boras, Fred Keller, Thomas (lawsuit, Huini, 0 0, Iluiikin, t Intai to, Oi A. Dims, fin, lliintiv, F. B llollulav, I he wary. J. T. Gates, Dtnio 9TATB OPORBOON, I t 'oiiuty of Hartley J I. J I.. Gault, lietiie; tirst duly Kui.rn, depoft aiid say upon oath, that I ant tint ciikIiii'I of tlic lust Motions Hank ol Itiiins, County of llarncv. Htutc ot Oregon, that the tofSgoittg Btatcuiettt ts n full, true, comet nnd complete state ment, SbOWiSg tint name, last known lesideiice or pustollicc nddtcss, f.u t ..I death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each deKisitor as rcijuircd by the provisions ul Sections 737S-7.'!SI , iuclinnc, Lord's tlieon Laws. J I.. I'.AILI. Subscribed and swum to before me this 7th day of July A. I). 191 Si A. C. U i i ' .mi . Notary l'tililic fin OlSSjOB, My commission eipircs May 8, ltl Hi. Estate Creditors Notice. Notice in hereby Kivcn by the under Binned inliiiiiiiMr.itri' of the estate ol frank Adrian, deceased, to the creditor of and nil persons baviti claims ac.on-i the said deceased, to present the same with the loccHBiiry vouchers, within sit months after the Hist publication of this notice to J (!. Iteatty, I Vino, Drogofl, my authorised atrcut, in all mutters ci. li ne, c. I with the ssi. I estate. AI.ICK B, ADRIAN, Administratrix. Firs! publication June IL', I9U, Nazarene Church. KeKular preaching services each Sunday at 11 a. in., anil 7:30p.m. Sunday-school at 10 a. in. every Sunday. Tuisday Hible Study at 7:30 p, m. Wednesday Mid-week 1'rayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Saturday youiiK people's meet in": at 7; 30 p. m. Will lie n'latl to cull on the sick and needy at any time. 8, L Flowers, Pastor. Christian Science Church. Christian Scientists will hold I here services at the Presbyter ian Church, Sundays at K P. M. Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at 1:30 p. m. Read iii'. Koom at room No. G Masonic liuildinj., and jt will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons of each week from 2 until 5 o'clock. This is a free reading room antl people are wel come to come durinR those hours. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Cmiii. Static 1,m- 0FPIC& Irvv. (JruKUli. Jul) V. C'l. Notice In hereby given Ihftt Jamd s Moon-, of H( OrvMiHi. wlio on July , vu, malr Unit. c nl' a. I r'ntiy, Heris.1 No. o ..,ii . ;,,i - v , U , HgtOUoQ 14, ftli.1 W,SV'4 Hi,,. NW'W,, Mtlon M, lotttiaMp M Sunlit , Hung! a Kant, v HlNiiiiMtu MorMluii Iiki flit! nUi. ul inii niton in iiihLs- lloiil tin. ,- j. -Ht iiroof, to esUtihah claim lo the lain! fcbOYt dMOiilMdi Iti-fiitr ( . .1 HlauftVr, at Htauffer. (ireKoit.ou Um Jlit ilay o( Augtiat, I9U, Clal man I nsmi aa VllDMtM I Itoli't K'lyi'iioii. (if Kltr, Oregon. Jack .i.i. i. n.. Wm. Hlurgla, Hurl Willoir. all ol Itlli y.oruaton. Ja. I" 111 HOgah, ItcglNd r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V '"viiMltlra -J Varnish the Shabby Surfaces Shabby surfaces detract from the appearances of your home. Floors, furniture or woodwork that are marred, scratched or scuffed give your home a shabby run-down ap pearance. Make these varnished sur faces bright and new with ACME QUALITY VARNISHES There's an Acme Quality Varnish for every purpose; a floor varnish made to be walked upon; a quick drying furniture varnish that imparts a brilliant, durable lustre, and var nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur faces in any quantity desired. Which do you need? 1'NlTSI'HTATKIi I. ANIi llllli K f Hun. . oreituii, Jul) 1, I'M . Noltee l lierel.y gtVOn 1 lint II alj. lUilitlev. of I. SMOO. Oie Klin, wlio mi AprilflO, IH14.lil.ile IIiiiiii..I"i.I eutij No fffm, (Of Kj,' ', M',.Hee 1,1, I W V.'. S ,I(iik,.;i."., K , HI Usui, tie Men. Hun, hs Hie. I DOlloS "I IliU-lltlull to Innki r iiiiitHiiuu I'niof. io DBtttl'ltiti .i'lii.i tn tin In 11,1 hi... v, .!,. i il.. -.t. I.etule Iti'Slatei lad Ittirtm. ori'icu, un Ibo Pra ilsynf Auuilsl , ii 1 TsllllBUl liminin" srltusjaaii I...I..II -iiiill., t't'ter Mil viti't, rliss Ullune. W 1 1 II n nt k ti, nil ul I iiMsit, OraflOi Wm l ntki,, Ki'iilHtt'i . NOTIOI rOR PUBLI0AT1ON i ni isi. Hi i i.ahii urn. s, i lllirns, ilieK'ili. July 118, l'Jl..i Null' I 1 1 hen In k I veil Hint Iteliiiees K HKnuiiil e ulNsriUWB, till, nil Hi'lilemlii'l I, 1IKM, iii ii .i e lieiiii leml Kutiy. No, uw",i, (or Mt',SW'( Hsetliin II. Township tl H , Its.igs II I lll. lllanielle, Mill, II. Il bSSlllllll llOtlOS ill liilehl h,h I., nii.k.' filial 111" .te.l I t. Ill ii.tsl'llslll'lsllii to III" ImimI nh.ivu iluseillie.l, liel'ini Uesl.tei suit Hiiei'l vit, at Hurui.ln, ...,, Oil till) Un I -Illy ot He(.teiiihei ItH.'i. I IllllllRlIt llllllieHHS wltiiussus. WIIIIhiii .1, ul Hums, OriiKoll, Aiiiusiiis w llullisrt, Alius II ul hen. kiitili V M ....ii , sll n( Nstiows, orugoii. Wa. KiSSK, Itei-I.lel Oregon Trunk Ry. Central Oregon Line SPECIAL FARES for SUMMER TRIPS From Central Oregon Points to lite Sea shore Resorts, Clatsop Beach, East ern Cities and the California Expositions. COOL, CAY CEARHART land SEA SIDE CLATSOP BEACH Inexpensive Hotel, Camp and Cottage Accommodations. Manifold Amuse ments and Surf and Nalalorinm Bath ing. Round trip from Bend $13.95. ROUND TRIPS EAST Direct or Circuit Routes to Any Point Daily Until September 30 Return Limit October 31. Chicago, Direct 172.50. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth or Winnipeg, $60. St. Louis 971.20, New York 9 1 1 0.70. One way via Cal ifornia, with stopover to see Exposi tions, at slightly higher rales. CALIFORNIA Oregon Trunk, North Bank and the Floating Palaces, SS "GREAT NORTH ERN" and "NORTHERN PACIFIC." Sailing every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Portland and San Fran cisco. 941.10 round trip from limit, including meals and birth on ships. Rail rale same without meals and birth. Ask for Exposition Folder. J. H. Corbett, Agent, Bend, Ore. Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches Water bags, nose bags Ice Cream Freezers Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Barbed Wire Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders. Plows. Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BpLTING Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager I For its wonderful accuracy, its sufety and con venience, and its effectiveness for small gume and target shooting, you should buy The The aaVsC 22 pump-action i"i" rU.22 aterhaa i 111)1110 qulik inr.ii.jtii.iii and m, aafrly cm ah in dun. 1 l-a aniillile, viaiLlr liantiiiri It takaa duwn aiily. You can look thruuvh ili banal it i lioiu both enda. 1 In Solid 3tl Top pioltHU your faca anil avea avainat injuty In in (lafacliva carlndaaa, fium tK.lU, powd.r and VMM. 7 lis Sid EJ.clitM- thiuwa .. away to tit. at d never up airoaa your Una ol aight. Ilandlaa all .22 ahorl..22 Imi and .12 Ion. ilfl. carlrUlu.a. in. Iu.1 inf Im liollow pt.iMt hunlins cartriugaa. At.uiai. iu 200 yaida. A pci huh inr rauoiia, siiuiuaii, hawk, iruwi, alt:. ffltirttt i-l rapaalara alao nuula wit It l.ver acliuti; aak your d.alcr, S4mI 3 Doataaa for complvle marin .11 CAIIBNE Repeating Rifle Model 20. as illustratnl. 24. h i 'i i. in" it li.iii.l, I i of 25 shuts, $11. SO. Mudel29,23-incli luuml battel, ii feci 15 shots. $9.25. 7z.. 7W Ft Ml r Satad 3a noatauafur m fiA f rm i i i mi i i ins a r : - ,. Mm..m ,. .. vt .Iwgol all JKarxrViatrauaat- n, v nun. lug rui aud aitutMu 4U Willuvv St., Nw llvan MX