The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 31, 1915, Image 2

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The Mail who knows Clothes,
who realizes there is a difference
in the way Clothes are made
come to this store before buying
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
$ he tmcs-$cta(d
On. Y.r
Sia Month. . .
Thr.. Month.
Hailed Before the Recorder.
Thursday morning the manager
of this great religous weekly re
ceived a call from Marshall Haines
with the request that he report
to the city recorder. Upon reach
ing his office the newspaper man
announced that he was under ar
rest and asked what the damage
would be when Van said "Cut
your weeds." That's all there
was to it and later inquiry found
that at least two of the city
councilmen had received similar
instructions as well as some 20
or more citizens. Mr. Haines
published notice a couple of
weeks ago to property owners to
cut the weeds on and adjacent
their property, otherwise means
would be taken to see that they
were cut. This was alright and
if the city could provide cutters
and necessary tools most of the
property ownes would be willing
to pay for it. The weeds are
not only a menace in the way of
fire risk, but are unsightly and
give the town a very unnatrac
tive appearance. Since a major
ity of 12 have said th. y are not
in favor of bonding for water
works it is right that we should
use every available means to les
the fire risk and those who are
financially able should at once in
stall a ceptic tank and otherwise
provide for the health and safe
ty of their families and property.
There isn't sufficient interest
and pride taken by the people of
this town in the matter of con
veniences and appearances.
The business men should be more
closely united upon matters of
civic interest and thus bring
about more desirable results.
There was really no reason why
the bond election should have
been lost as there wasn't any ar
gument of any consequence
brought to bear against it, but
the indifference of those who did
favor it is responsible for its de
feat Several who favored it
failed to go and vote.
While on the subject of im
provement The Times-Herald
wishes to call attention to one
place in a cross walk in the res
idence portion of town that has
been in a deplorable condition for
at least two months to the certain
knowledge of the writer. He"
has seen two ladies get hard falls
there and no doubt there have
been others. This should have
been fixed long ago. The autho
rities may be ignorant of this but
there is no excuse for it.
Another matter is the bad con
dition of many side walks in
town that are a danger to human
bones at night. The Times-Herald
man has always had his at
tention called to any little knot
hole in the walks adjoining his
place and generally has repairs
made without delay but others
either are not so prompt or their
attention is not called to it.
Again, some time ago, in fact
three or four years ago, there was
an ordinance passed compelling
all gates to swing in instead of
out on the walks. Wednesday
evening of this week the writer
was in company with some ladies
returning homo from the skating
rink when one of them received
quite a severe shock by coming
in contact with a gate that was the many
breaking the law by
partially ajar on the walk and
could not be seen in the dark
ness. The Times-Herald offers these
suggestions merely to bring at
tention to the general trend of
affairs. The authorities might
have them looked after but it
would be less personal trouble to
them to place street lights that
people may pick their way over
broken walks and avoid colliding
with unlawful gates.
Will Ask to Establish
Indian School in Burns
C. S. Heinline, representing
the Koseburg Indian Agency, has
been in this vicinity for the past
week. The gentleman succeeds
Mr. tiarber who used to come in
to look after the Piute Indians of
this section.
A Times-Herald reporter yes
terday sought an interview with
Mr. Heinline regarding his work
here and the outlook for better
ing the condition of our Piute
Indians living all around us, and
we are much interested to learn
he is matting a most diligent in
quiry into the actual conditions
surrounding these people.
Mr. Heinline said: "The Com
missioner of Indian affairs was
most desirous of placing the In
dian in a home of his own. The
funds to be taken from' his bank
account, which was received
from the sale of his allotment
"In order to accomplish this
the consent and co-operation of
the Indian is necessary. After
careful inspection of their meth
ods of living apd the fact that
they are of a roving disposition.
it appears they do not care for
permanent places of abode
rather remain within the tepee
and feel free to change camp in
search of game and fire wood."
When asked regarding the es
tablishment of a school here he
said. "That he would strongly
urge the erection of a school
building in charge of a compe
tent teacher and matron. That
they should be instructed in sew
ing, making garden and caring
for their health, thus makinir
useful citizens of the coming
boys and girls.
"In the establishment of the
school the question of treating
Trachoma, now ravishing the
entire band, can most success
fully be combatted. The child
ren could be treated daily until
the disease was at least arrest
The reporter was told the re
ports from other Indian schools
showed this disease and most
veneral troubles had been speedi-
iy checked once the boys and
girls are carefully instructed in
hyjriene and the necessity for
personal cleanliness.
Regarding the earnest efforts
of the Indian office to stop the
sale of all intoxicating liquor to
all Indians, the Commissioner, in
a recent address to the Supervis
ors assembled in Washington D.
"., said:
"I believe the greatest menace
to the American Indian is whis
key. It does more to destroy
his constitution and invite
the ravages of disease than any
thing else; It does more to make
him an easy prey to the un
scrupulous than everything else
combined. If I say nothing more
to you tonight that leaves an im
pression, let it be this one
thought, 'Let us save the Ameri
can Indian from the curse of
whiskey.' "
"There appears to be little
direct traffic with the In
dian," said Mr. Heinline, "and
I am sure all those with whom
th- Indian comes in close person
al contact will certainly agree
with the Commissioner that
he is a much better neighbor
sober and partly industrious
than when under the influence
of whiskey.
"I want to take this opportun
ity to thank the gentlemen with
whom I have talked over these
various matters that so closely
afTect your community, for the
keen interest all have shown and
courtesies I have re-
standing ceived. All have promised their
hearty co-operation and support
in doing something to better
the conditions now existing."
tows Some !irh.
Warrant Call.
Notice is hereby given that
there is money on hand to pay all
general fund warrants registered
prior to October 1. 1914.
Interest ceases July 26, 1915.
County Treasurer.
Supt. John (.Merest, of the P.
L. S. Co., met with a very serious
and painful accident last Satur
day. The accident occurred in
Silvies Vallev where he was in
company with some friends on
Ins way home from a tour of the
company ranches over in Malheur
county. They had their lunch
with them and had stopped for
purpose of eating it. Mr. Gil
crest, who hud but recently re
covered from u severe operation
and was still weak, was leading
the way from car the to the shade
by a stream and was in a stoop
ing position going under some
brush when he caught hiH toe
under a projecting root and to
recover himself he threw his
weight heavily upon his left foot
with the result that he dislocated
his hip and also broke his leg
near the hip.
His friends made him as com
fortabla as possible ami ho insist
ed upon the party eating lunch
first and then plan a way of get
ting him into the car and on to
town. The trip was finally ac
complished but he suffered very
much from his injuries, His
physicians did not at first dis
cover the broken bone but when
the dislocated hip would not stay
in place an X-Ray-plate disclosed
it. Mr. Gilcrest is now lying on
his back with his feet higher
than his head, the injured leg
packe d in sand bags with a
heavy weight to his leg. He is
very cheerful under the circum
stances considering he will have
to remain in that position for
several weeks.
Mr. Gilcrest had tendered his
resignation us superintendent of
the P. L. S. Co. to take effect
the early purt of next month
and was making a last tour of
the ranches to give final instruc
lions and to meet personally
many of the men who hud been
under him for so many years.
He had expected to leave for his
home in California next week
but now he in forced to remain
until his condition will permit
his removal.
Making a Long
Tour in Automobiles
The Times-Herald representa
tive met a couple of ladles in one
of the drug stors of this city the
other day. who, in company with
other members of their families,
were on a long tour in automo
oiles. One lady. Mrs. Charles
Many, stated they had left their
home in Canneaut, Ohio, on June
6 and had covered the entire dis
tance to San Francisco in their
car, toured California after see
ing all t tie interesting points en
route from the east and were
now on their return trip through
this portion of Oregon. The
other lady, Mrs. it. R. Pattison,
resides at Hutchinson, Kas. and
had Jolnod the Marcy party on
the long tour.
They went from here to Kolse
and their homeward journey will
take them through the Yellow
Stone Park and other such scenic
sections will also be visited.
An interesting Demonstration.
A news item, that should prove
of more than ordinary interest
to the ladies of this county, has
just reached this office, fr. W.
L. Van I)e Water, representing
Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers
of Portland, will be in Burns
Saturday, Aug. 7th, for the pur
pose of demonstrating the Pre
ferred Stock brand of highest
grade groceries and canned goods.
Mr. I. Schwartz, at whose store
the demonstration will take place.
has stated to the writer, that he
does not know just what the na
ture of the demonstration will be;
but he is confident that no one
who is interested in domestic
economy and domestic science,
can afford to miss it. So a cordi
al invitation is extended to every
one to be present at the demon
stration, Saturday, Aug. 7th at
the store of I. Schwrtz.
Purtngton Saw Mill Has
1,000,000 Feet Lumber
The Times-Herald family had a
most pleasant day at the Puring
ton bbw mill last Sunday where
they enjoyed the hospitality of
Mr. and Mrs. Purington for the
day. This is a beautiful spot In
which to spend a hot day with
some of the fineHt cold spring
water ever tasted. The writer
was conducted over the big plant
and through the yard where an
exceptionally fine lot of lumber is
piled ready for trade. Mr. Pur
ington has already cut over 1,
000,000 feet this season and is
getting in logs for more. The
mill proper will be closed down
today, however, for a short time
while some of the men put up the
hay on the meadow close by and
others will run the planing mill to
capacity until a sufficient class of
surface lumber has been put
A tramp through the timber
adjacent to the mill disclosed a
fine body that will supply the
plant for several years. This is
an ideal location for such a manu
facturing enterprise with ade
quate facilities and machinery of
a modern pattern. The buildings
are scattered about at convenient
distances and so located as to re
duce the fire risk, with water
piped from big spridgs to eleva
tions above the main buildings
and machinery that a gravity
water system of considerable im
portance has been completed
The drive is pleasant up the
mountain by way of Harney and
an auto can be driven up over a
good road. The return trip is
most enjoyable as on the way one
reaches an elevation of 7,500 feet,
bringing one bign above the val
ley and giving an excellent view
while coasting down the moun
tain. U. S. Agricultural De
partment Man Here
' urrd of Indigaation.
Mrs. Sadie P. Chmson, Indiana
Pa., was bothered with indiges
tion. "My stomach pained me
night and day," she writes. "I
would feel bloated and have
headache and belching after eat
ing. I also suffered from con
stipation. My daughter had
used Chamberlain's Tablets and
insisted upon my trying them.
They helped me as nothing else
has done. For sale by all dealers.
I hereby give notice that I
will not be responsible for any
debts or obligated by any trans
actions made by John A. Oard.
Mary A. Oard.
Bundles for the Steam Laund
ry can be left at the Capital and
and Star barber shops.
C. R. Ball, a representative of
the U. S. Agricultural Depart
ment, arrived in this city the
fore part of this "week and has
spent some time Inspecting th
Experiment Station. Mr. Ball
has the northwest states aj his
field of action and makes regular
inspections of the several exper
iment stations within his terri
tory. The Times-Herald has had
no opportunity to interview Mr.
Ball but he is reported by Supt.
Breithaupt as being quite good
natured; however, he has made
no particular comment upon con
ditions as he has found them.
Mr. Ball is accompanied by I).
E. Stephens who has charge of
the experiment station at IfoTO.
Mr. Breithaupt has taken the
gentleman on a tour of the Valley
and they have had an opportunity
Of observing what is being done
by the farmers,
Notice (or Bid. lo Kcap County Poor
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of Harney County,
Oregon, will consider bids for
keep of the county poor at the
regular November term of said
court. Bids should be submitted
for a term of one year and in ac
cordance with the classifications
that may be gotten by applying at
the Clerk's office.
The right to reject any and all
bids is reserved by the Court.
County Clerk.
By order of the County Court.
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stock
holders of the liurns Flour Mill
ing Co., will beheld in liurns,
Oregon, on Monday, Aug. 2, at
2 o'clock p. m. at Tonawama
Theatre, for the purpose of elect
ing a board of directors.
P. G. Smith, President
Agricultural Meeting Are
Held Over The County
1 1,, I Shnttuck, County Agriculturist
The meetings held by Profs. H.
D. Scudder and R. E. Reynolds
at Sunset, Beckley and Lawen
were well attended, considering
the busy season of the year.
The meeting at Sunset was espec
ially successful and the amount
of interest displayed by those
present was very gratifying.
Profs, Scudder and Reynolds
were kept busy anwering ques
tions fully thirty minutes after
the meeting was dismissed. Sev
eral farmers requested the Coun
ty Agriculturist to call and go
over their farms with them.
Mr. Henny, the Sunset demon
strator, has made a splendid
showing on extremely sandy land,
with alfalfa, field peas and pota
toes. He also has a very fair
stand of cereals and stock beets.
Call and see Mr. Henny and he
will give you his idea of dry-farming
on summer fallowed land.
The meetings scheduled tor
Harney City and Drewsey were
not held, due to lack of interest
displayed by the residents of
these sections,
and Mrs. James
and Mrs. ('has.
hand at Harney.
However Mr.
Piere and Mr.
Davis were on
Bailer Than Life Imuran,.
Twenty-five cents invested in
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
will enable you to protect your
family from any serious conse
quences resulting from an attack
of colera or diarrhoea during the
summer months, Is that not
better than life insurance? Buy
it now. It may save life. For
sale by all dealers,
t'NlTKU STATIC I.ANIi orriug. I
Hum.. Orafuu. July JO. lata 1
..ih .. in liwrrt.r glv.n that Johu H. Pulandvr.
Of !'.. iirvguu, aim, ou february v. lalo,
Mimta llunipeteed Knlry. No. o4ls. tor
iK'.-r',. aw-iion it. NSNKlj, NsV.NWy
-... il. hi .1.'. Tiiwu.lill. a ruulli. Raugr , tut. V iif lit in 11. bat fl I ait notice of inun
' 1. mi in make final Bra yaar proof. 10 eeianll.h
lalni toltta land above described, before M
1 11 rtitiniir, fj, Cotumlealiiuer. at la utTlra.
mi lieniu, Oregon, un il-- .Mi. 1 ilar uf August
1 l.lin.nt uaiiira aa wlliieeeae
jr.i ilberaou, Haiti !. Albereua, Arthur
K. Allen, Autita I'oleudnr. ellel livalo. oi.gou
WM NaM. KesisUt.
New Spring Goods
Now on Sale at
Spring and Summer Dress Materials
that are positively the Latest
New silk gloves, Veilings. White Goods
trimmings, braids, new fancy buttons
Royal Worcester Corsets
New Silk Skirts and Kimonas
Burns, Oregon
First class fir buck teeth and
mower tonguesat the Burns Hard
ware Co.
I'Mllli i-l 1 I , 1 ' ' '
llurm. oregou, J "Hi Si 11 I ,
Not 1 1 It hereby given tbatrharle. Maori , af
lilanoiiil. Oragoli. wbu, on Man h 27, Ivl - 111 l. 1
llnlnretied Kiilrv No. tUMI, for H.,N'..
hW'-NK1,. kt,NKS. VM.HK'., Secll7.ii l.t.
V)'.(r:,. Nai'l.iui V4 Su Huiilh.
Uanee Si V. . Willamette Mi rnlm... ha III
r ootli uf Intention to nakn final lares .1
(triMif. to vafahliah claim lo tha laii-t abova de
ecr I bed, before keglalor end Iteeelver. at lluin..
1 1 . an 11. un Hi 1 itti day of Augitat. ivd
t'taimeul newte aa witnesses
! II Huiytli. Jain try. Hue
K Smyth, all uf IHainiihii. orcuu
euiytli. Jaw Irr, Itoa lii.llarlil.t.
W. rise. Iiigi.'.
llurm. Oregon, Jul' )'. Mat,
Notice I In rel.y given tbgl Au.u.t ttagslrlch.
uf mi gun, wbu, on August js. Ivli,
ina.lo I fad Hull,, No OS'aVU for HUN Ms,.
1 ',-', io-i II. Tan H, Manga UK . Vflll.m
u. Mart'llati, baa lied notice af lutaation to
in a k a final three-year I'roof la
t-Ialiu to tba lanil abova deerrlhed, bafur Iteg
Ister anil rterelver.el Murua, Oregon, on lb of Auguat. IT'
t'laltnant nam, aa wlineoaeg.
Karl It 1. tin. 11 Ttiomaa h. Mtoveli, tiotb of
l'riiirloii. Oirguu Auguata llae.lrlili
i.rant Tbotnn.uti, botb VYatrrly, oragon.
Wm r ..... Kegl.ler
In thi matter of tlu ratals of
1 . t man ('rugtiin.ilncaasaxl
11111I1T still by virtus ot an order ufgula
msils and snterad in Ilia aboy ctiiilnl
fSHNM n tin, lUth .lay of June, IHl.'i. I
tin' miilaralgneU, administrator ! tlm
ituiiva entitled state, will . t-1 1 at private
Of titiMic sals on tlis lUtb da; of Aug
11 t, I'.ilri. at 111 o'clock in the forenoon
at tlm Court House In said County and
state thr (ollowlng described real pro-
erty nt'louging to said estate, to wit;
KJt'VKM snd lota I A V of aVsc
timi IN, Townibip HA south of
Itsnge H4 K, W. M ronlaiiiiug
It'O acres.
This, notice la published for a period
of four roneecntive weeks In ths Times
Mural. I, s nswapapsr published and of
guttural circulation on Harney County,
Oregon, under and by virtus of an ordsr
ot tin. Hon. II. O. I.evens, judge of ths
ubove untitled court, tnsde on ths lUth
iluy n( Juus, r.i(ti ,
The gale of said property will bo sub
jirt to ,,,nflr niation by the stmvs entil Court.
Dated at llnrna, Oregon this 17th dsy
of .Inly, I'll;,
(Signed) MAKY CKoTON,
Administrator of the eststu of
t, Crows Or 01 ton, dec-eased.
t'NtTiit HTiTsa I. hi. orru k
Hums, Ur-'t). Jul I ' ' lilitrrl.T glvsu that llrr K H V I D.
Mljiilti tJrsgun, who, u Not n, 1911 sml
Jsnusrr 7, ivi: uisils HomsRlcsil Koirlai Nu
06WV-W7VU, fur 1.jU1,1M1NK',,ki- I; M,S S ',
bt NWMwt, Hsc. ', TViwutslil i'.i H It n hi ...
Km., Wlllsmsiu Mtrldls.ii. hsa ivA DuUn
uf iiilsulloo to ins...- flnal tliri r usr .rHf. in
siaMlsh claim to ths land sIhvi- S ill- I
before Hvtilstvr sud Krcdvsr, at Hunts, orr
goi, on lbs 17th day of August, I9U
i laiuiaui iiatuvs sa unrssi
Audio Kolkvatad, lana
Andsraol. ai!
tt , la.". Kvrjlat
i. sta.l, Dana J iirntr, nln r
I I'MIH,' Mlrt st'ol ..iaiiM'M'i
AinsudsHl Mat if
NATION Al K J It Kiri Nolle 18 lisricli i-ii!.
tbal lit iai'ilp dsacrlbsd twlow. siul-ta' n.-lU'S'it-a.
wltttia III Maltsi't.r .National lm
rsl. Orasjou, will b auUJstt to avlilriut m al
riiir liinii r tb UfO laloua of th BOBCfU l
Uwa uf th (ultra) HUlN aud ihs art uf Juw
it, iw iM Htat . am,, at tha l'nltd Htatt-a Und
ones at Hurua, Orgot, on Hftptsuibrr taj, 1916
Any astllsr wbo was actually and lu good lui
claim. ug in uf sal'l land (or agricultural ntll
! prior iu Jaouar) 1, ltsje, aud bas im.i
absndousd ismr. baa a orafarrut -, lo
iiittka'a bouavalaad utry fur lh lauda actual))
orcuplfsd. Hald lauda wsra lletad upon lb ,.
jiliratlooa af tbs psraaua nsutlouvd bluv,
wba bava a prafaranro rlgbt subject lo
the prior right of any such srttlcr, ,.!..ui .
lurh Millar or appllraul la ijualnlol t
mats boruMtaad rutry and tha praters li
i lab I la sisreisotf prior tuHcptrmU-r so, 191a on
which dsis tb lauda will hsauhj't l" " '
BawtaM aud autry l.y auy suallflvd Mrinii 1 1..
landaarsas loliuwi l h sv 'v, . ' i.. -a .
NW'-t, UMWJpWHMIiaWfL iisM',nv,'4
Ns.'JtW'g. ? . -I. ih brt'S'4 ih,.K'.NK'
HK.'A. lbsKtW'tNk'HKli tl.s NH'.Nn'.SK1,
HbV Hc il. 1 JUH , It aK-. V.I.WMM,
listed uuou appllrallon ( Hu t aiulM II, Jr ,
Murua. orrauii. Anrtnlsd l.lst 6 Km S
lvr.,).K l-AHHiilT, ActlliK Aaslalatit
ulaaluuarof thsOvusral UlTt
Surup. tiri'gun. Jul) Si, I I
Seilrala bargby givaii ISgl William II Ky.ll
of Kgll(rrgoii, wbu, on IVbruary u, I9IS, ina.l.
Iluiiiralaad Knlry, No. OtH. for "',-,.
Mai'lloa BK KSNWW. HIjSKJ,. N'.nK'..
Hrrtlon St. Town. hip c h, Itangr . v.,
Wlllaianu. Miirlitlau b. flli'.l Baties
lulaallan to makr final thrr-a mt front, lu
.alablUb rial m t,i lia I. ml goo, a .1. ,. 111..I
bafora Hagl.ii.ranJ hum.. Or. unit.
mi tba axil .lay uf Annul. i:.i
iiaiiiiaiit ii.tnr. a. wttuggaaa:
Wm. Hurgvit Jaaaa Hoolb. petal Petersoii
1 Dounrau, alt uf sgll, Urrfuti.
Via raagg. Kagl.ti r.
UxiTatb Htatbs I.anu Orru k ,
Burm. oregou, Jul) 'U, ivi t
Nolle la hereby glrrn that Jaint-a 1'iric.
wbOM post ofBrs addreM ta llariit. UrawoDi
did, ou Iba i'.iU day of Oetobar, IVH.ais In iiiN
offlt'S Hworn Htalemant aud Application, No.
U7794, to purcbaM lbs HW'tNK't Herllou -Towuablp
1 H Hanr IfA h , Wlllsnitiii
Meridian, aud (hs tltnhar I hn i, mul. ( tin-
provlalonaof the act of June 3 l7s, and mi is
amendatory, auowu Mtbs "Timber aud aHoni
Uw", g( put h value aa tulgbt b? llxsd hy s,.
Iralpau)enl, nd that purinant lo am h ain.l:
eatlun. Ins land And limber lberiii Tiavi' Iutii
aupraiMd, tbe Umber Mllmaiud lou uon M
board feet at 11.00 per M , and tbt laiul I.1 00
that said applicant will onYr final DfOoJ in
support of his applleatluu ami sworn atate
iiirni un Hie lib 1ay uf October, ru.. before
Hrglstsr and Heeelvar, at rluriia. Uregou.
Any oersou la il llbarty lo urotsal thia imr
uaae oaiore entry, or luiuat a cunieat ai
Tuesday Fruit Day at
Watermelons, Cantaloups
Peaches, Apricots, Rasp
berries, Loganberries,
Bananas, Oranges, Lemons
Special price by the crate for
canning if you will leave your
orders a few days before hand
Remember we will have
everything in the fruit line
Fridays each week
A. K. Richardson
General Merchand i so
Agt. Bulck Automobiles
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free ( 'amp House andAFeeding Privileges in Corral
or llurn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. (JOODMAN. AdioinJmr Vl, r:.-, j..
a ------n aj ' 'l "Ullll,
tints before patent lsanea, by Ailng a con
ted affldarlt I u tills uffli y, allsiclng fart a
would defeat Iba euiry.
riiUwii I. I
Wm. Kahsb. a icistei
arc two vast wonderlands The
Qreatest Shows of The Age.
You sanapt afford to miss them.
The opportunity will soon paps.
Co Now.
Choice uf acvriul rOfatM "l low tnu-a
fur tin' itiiiiiil trip, vin
Af k A. C. EGAN, T. F. & P. A.,
tasTjsia, j i
Stataniant of Unclaimad
Stiitrtiiriit (il the llaimv County
Nittiiiiiiil Ituuk of liurns, l uihiiy of
1 1 ii me, Sate of OreKon. shuwiDj the
n 1 1 ii .11 ill ataiiiliiiK to Ilia ersdit ol e).iv
I. ...-.iiin July I, 1U1S, who hus not
v. Iiliili.iwn nny part of his deposit,
principal or interest, for a peritxl ol
more tliiin seven (7) years immediately
I'm. i In asnl date, with the name, last
known plats ol residence or post oHioe
mliliesa of such depositor, anil the fuel
of his death if known.
Naaaa Fast OfHaa Daaa af Kaaa A. I.
limn, tientry, dead JHo.hj
A. W. Meale, Hums, Oregou ton
James r.etifc, Huiiis, t)rrK'oii 70.0Q
County of llanirv !
I. Leon M. Drowu, being first duly
awui ii, deposed and suy upon outh, that
I inn the cashier of the llurney County
National Hank of Bums, County of Har
ney, Stat ol Oregen: that the foregoing
I'tiitiiiiieiit is a fall, true, correct and
complete stutetnent, showing ths name,
last known residence or postoffica ad
dress, fuct of death, if known, aud the
niiiuuiif tp tlm i; red If of cadi depostoi
as miUrsdiy tils provsum of Heeto
V.I7M 7.'l, Inclusive, Lord's Qregon
I. mm M. Blown, Cashier.
SiilmciiUnl and IWOril to lielo t HIS
this htli day uf July A, l. I'M.'.
Notary I'uhlic fur Oregon.
My cuiiiinissiou eiplres I'ee U,191S.
I'nnai. frr.TS. I.inii urn.
iiuiua, iiii,uii. July 7 r.n
NiMlca Is lisraby given thai JusspU K. l.upton.
at llurii. Orafuu. wbo. on liaoambur i. !'.'.ti..l Knlry, No IHlvst, lor SUNVtl,,
N',HW' Ii, 'I'owii.lili. I ii . Km , .
K Wlllaiui-tla Miil.llan. hail Hint setlosol in
latiilon lo inaka nual ni yaar I'ronf t..
tat. Hall I'lalui tu Ih. lauil abuva iliairlhiil l.
iirgi.i.r ami lluruivur. ai
on tba UltU ilay of Auguat. I'll.'..
fora I
ver ai liurn.
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
t'lannaiiluaitii'. aa wiln.'M.
P.ail H.Hl-ott. In K. Wl.i'liian. I lank I i
in. ii, i, n.v nt J. ii, fa.. it. all of II ii i in, in, ...ii
WH. I'.SHS. Iti'gl.l. I
iHmia. uregou, July 'J, isn i
Notice l.bvraby given tbat lll.s K. Ilaiiillu.ii, 4lregji.ii, wliu, i. n July U. ISOS,
Diada liaevrt Lanil Knlry, No USIln, forNK1,,
Haillou 10, lowiialilp -a Holilli, K :i:i lia.t,
nlllauiclta Marlitlan, baa ill.-. I uollio ..t
liitatiltun to make dual i-ui..!. lo calalilivb
claim to Iba land abova ilastrllwil, before
nagtaier sun Kaealver. at num.. iiu'u.iu,
ma sin uay oi August, un;.
&mmmmm " 'aaSBBBSBBwSSwSaaSBtktk-- , aaassB
taglalar ami Hi
ba fftb dsy of A
t'lalniaul naim
l.ii.trr U
art Irvlug, Joaan
ssau, iirvgi.u
oi August, tin:.
llainllloii. Ji.liu II. en lm. i lint.
W. Hui'tiauaii . all ul Un. Ii
WH. KiHHK, Kl'gl.llT.
Printed in accordance with legal
requirements on short notia ai
Job Rooms
(ISM) Hams 111. I.l.t No. Hartal Nu. MM,
Hurua, Oregou, Juuu I7lb, mi . i
Notice la lieruby glvoii Ibat I
r.i-lflu Hallway touiiiany. w)iu.
a.l.iii'.. l.Di taut Mtilllo.ula lia.tlil.
uf JlAla IU,', Bird l tll i'IBC. It ai'iilli'ii
ll.iii tu. ulact umlar tliu i.ruvl.luua nl (Ii. art
111' N.iillnii
11.11 l.ll.l iilllii
tiii. r.tii .i.i v
Jill I, UUH(UUNIal.
of I'uuarc.a. aunrovtid Ju
I All 4 Hat'. 90, ,ot 1 Hue. SI.TWJI, Six. 11. :.
aaai, vr . m.
Auy aud all uereona ilaluilng sdvencly llic
i oi
Wm Kaaas Itrglntti
lauds duaurlbail. u
of tbe mliicial rliaraolpro
i ma a
aslrlng loulijui'l liui'au.u
oiproi ilia
laaaan to lbs dlanoaal
i tbalr afndavlla of urols
before Iba iuii day of Augu.t, luiti
lain). ..r auv
tO'. 111. Ill .h.'ul.l
met., .hi i
We do it right