The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 24, 1915, Image 3

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Hat The Largeat Circulation Of Any
Newapaper In Harnay County.
LochI News.
JMMfl Pirii' WU in town Wed-
npstlin .
Thus, llutton spent u few days
in UM city this week.
Rice Cloth, Poplin and IVqiio
just arrived at Schwartz'.
Meet me at the Burns Hotel.
That! the central place in town
Seed and feed barley for sale.
H. VuUramore. Phone or call.
('. !. Canada, a representative
of the General Electric Co, was
ln'iv this week on business.
E. c. Birtleiton taM wtfe have
returned from a sojourn in the
mountaina where they camped
and Rahed for a time.
Frank Cawllield has recently
purchased a ranch on Calamity
near Van and has moved there
with his family to reside.
Alex C. Rao, the expert ac
countant of Portland, has been!
here the past week Koine over!
the affairs of the allied Hanley
Albert Swain vol tanked up in I
his lonK legs (he other eveninir'
and fell down with the result
that he sprained his hand bad
and had to lay off for a few days.
Kodak Alma developed 10 cents
per roll, any size. Prints Co each
All orders of 2 doaen prints film
developed free.
A. II. Mclain,
Care of Sayer Studio.
G, W. Clevenger has decided
not to stock up heavy with furni
ture for the present but will take
orders for anything desired that
is not in stock, giving the cus
tomer the benefit of the whole
paje prices.
in town
Statement Of The Condition
Of Tha
First National Bank
of Burns
At the close of business Jane 23, 1915.
I Amns and Discounts $347,962.28
U. S. Ponds 66,000.00
Ponds and Securities 54,183.70
Premium on U. S. Ponds 805.00
Real Estate. Furniture and Fixtures' 8,904.92
Five per cent
Redemption Fund
Surplus and Undivided Profits
$ 50,000.00
. 58,3110.83
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
United States Depositary
Detective Purns tonight.
Cedar shingles for sale. Win.
Prank Poster came over from
Silver Creek Thursday.
Rice Cloth. Poplin and Pernio
just received at Schwartz'. .
R. li. Sit, was a business visit
or from Fa wen the fore
this week.
Tonawama, tonight.
All millinery at reduced prices
at the Clingan Hat Shop.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in town. Rest Borvice".
R. II. Brown was a business
visitor from Diamond this week.
For bargains in stockmen 'a
part of j bed sheets and tents, ko to ,1. C.
I Welcome & Son's.
E. VV. VanValkonburtf was
over from Ontaaio the first of
this week on land business. Mr.
VanValkenburg is now making
his home in Ontario as he finds
his health much better there
than in the higher altitude.
For twrgains in stockmen's
bed sheets and tents, go to J, C.
Welcome Son's.
Mrs. R. I). Cooper has been in
from the homestead for several
days the BJUeat Of friends.
Dr. II. Denman and Wife were
up from Ilarriman Wednesday
attending to some shopping,
Prol. Scudder and Prof. Key-; The Purns Steam Laundry
nolds, with County Agriculturist givea special attention to parcel
Shattuck, have been holding post. Send ua your laundry by
meetings in uuiereni parts oi me mail
rouiui una wC , ...-, .c-.u.. - )ow residence beinR en,ct.
ed from the southern part Wed- by r , w (;oary js j
nesday evening and Prof Scud-. enclosp(, u is KoinK t ,, a
der reports conditions quite favor-! han(som, hom,,
able. In fact the substations
established by the cottefle are In Lou Hradfield's famous thor-
best shape the) ever have heen. oughbred stallion,. Bonus Hess
., ,, .. I will stand this season at the T.
A. K. rraseroi tne aiaineur Mer
cantile Co., at Ontario, was here
during the week meeting with
his many friends and looking
after business interests. Mr.
Fraser is always a welcome visit-
Allen Jones farm near Hums.
Terms $12.50 to insure, marea
pastured if desired.
Baker Ball, the man who has
beed coming in here for years
Clarence McKinnon is carrying
his arm in a sling the result of
cutting one hand severly with a
l rocket knife.
Mrs. Miller will take orders
for the Palmer Carment Co.. of
Chicago. Sample book now on
hand at the Schwartz store. I
ira Aianon and wile were down
from Cow Creek Thursday to
meet Senator Chamberlain and
visit with their many friends.
For Sale Good second hand 34
j Studebaker wagon, also one work
horse. Mrs. Will dates at the
Cates Mouse
" . M
W. J. Altnow was over from
his home near Drewsey for a
few days this week renewing ac
quaintances and attending to
tome business affairs.
A. W. Hulbert was
Some good milch cows for sale.
Inquire at this office.
Rice Cloth, Poplin and Poquo
just received at Schwartz'.
All kinds of grain including
wheat at Punaburg Dalton a Co.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Purns Steam Paundrv. 4tf,
Porn Saturday, .luly, 17
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, a
Best of care given patients at
Mrs. Fireoved's Maternity hospi
A. H. Curry was in the city
this week from his home at llur-
For bargains in stockmen's
bed sheets and tents, go to .1. ('.
Welcome & Son's.
Rolled barley, wheat and oats
for sale at market prices. W. A.
Goodman 'a feed yard.
Chicken dinner Sunday at the
Overland 12 o'clock and also
from 5:30 in the evening.
Good light second hand buggy
with both shafts and pole and a
single harness for wile, inquire
at this office.
Taylor Simmons was over from
Calamity this week, having
brought his brother Jeff mid wife
over is his rortl.
Williams Bros, have all kinds
of rough lumber for sale at their
mill 15 miles north of Burns on
the Canyon City road.
Mrs. Roy VanWinkle and little
dangler took their departure Sun
day for Corvallis where they go
for a visit with her parents and
other relatives.
Wray's Auto Stage botWSQB
Bend and Burns leaves here each
Wednesday and Saturday. Pas
sengers may take all their bag
gage. Vera Gibbs. agent.
J, (). Pailev. assistant to Attor
ney General Brown, arrived here
Wednesday evening from Salem
having been assigned on the case
now pending against the I'. I,. S.
Co. in connection with the ac
quirement of swamp laud in this
Valley. Mr. Bailey is a pleasant
young man and seems to tnke a
deep interest in his work
Id till
!I0 IK"
17ft HI
;:t wi
1 7f.
M sr,
i so
01 IMI
:i:i if
ii id
(14 'in
34 5.'.
4 HO
:i oo
a no
M 40
UK) 0(1
Joe lhomp:on and tamily
Miss Loons Thompson and Miss
Viola Richardson, returned the
fore part of this week from Blue
Mt. Springs in Grant county
where they had bean rusticating
for a few days. They had a nice
time but it was cold most of the
time they were there and they
came home just in time for the
hot spell.
Trilby Wbllsbvr.worl luaaortli
Clni A King, hauling and burn-
iiiK rabbit icalps
i I mmh A I'raillininiiic Ol, aun
I'llt'M u i. Hire.
Ryder lima , illttu
l.iiniihiirg, Pultun A Cii , iii'lliiitf
court house ,,', ....
Iiiiiipahlrita (iartigi- gssnliiii' rtc
I'onrt Iiuiimi
Vocally, C II., inpplira court
J Inula
toTllaotrlt Light a Poeat Co, Hr-Ihn
Union Till, t Ttl.COi telephone
Tlinai-1 It'iald, printing for conn tv
1 1 ii r nay Co Nnwa, till to
L 0 Sinllli ,t Oo. Bros, typcH ill
cr, ahc-rlfl's olllcii
M. I.. Illotl, atniiographur lial.
Ally ,,.,
A I It (liorgc. rrglatarlng IS
I. like Young, giiariliii( inaatli' par-
(' K I'ormi, ditto
V R Kii'lmnUoii, auto lilre coun
ty court ......
Ii M llllllllll'ill, IlilVlllillK l'l'i ii
I. M llHIolltnil, Hhilllpl tul ate.
4'.! 80 ( on J
Mm .1 W (ii'iiry, aaalalunt tou-
ili'ii' cinmliietiou
Mrs (MOM Hlggii, Jilto
J I 'Taylor, ditto
.1 .1 iuni't;ati,aluiiipa and o t
I- T Hllghi-t, ililto
A K Hit htirilsnii, OS0OM turnover
on KM'.' tai roll
DoOOhatM I .nmlii'i ( o rafunil of
1UM llilg las ...
V II A I'clln Auamui, ditto
W V King, drawing praclnct
jury lint
J M Halton, ditto
An lnc M.( ioMan, ditto.
W V King, jimtlca le, Htata .
(' D. (' Connel
Aiiilnm Irigurl, Hilm . ditto
.Ihmii-1 0BMB ditto ,,.,
II i inrv .hmlirii li-i, Htuli- v.
Itoy Bpanglo
J Hurt lot I , coiihlnlilc f, ditto
Win lionlon, witni'im, ditto
P Turupr, ditto
f Icl oriinck, ditto
W. I Ionian, ditto ....
II I'r dilto
V King. Junto . I, - Stata va.
I mn Drnth S 70
W A (iiHiiiuinii.eonnMilila do I .'n
Mis i I', rim inner, wltMoi iliit
Mra V Root, ditto
I' linn Root, ditto
W V King, juatica Itw, Stata va.
jcl.lull vtal
W (KHi.liuan, HitnuHH, ditto
J I. Maclicf. ditto
W V King, jnilico ft. State va V
Nick Ik m
W V King, patties (-, Slate y
( Isnpboll ....
V King, rSttlef lea, Stall- a.
W iiiMHlinau.conalabli-do 1 60
C V I'ireluvi', witnaaa, ditto
H A ' ..H..linn, ditto
Joint Mi! en o . uatice lee, Slain
M l-d Mill ...
Win Sliurlioin. dilatable Irtm
ditto . 03 HO
W Audeiaon. witnea ditto 3 .'Ml
I K KouaeMilln, ditto
David Cameron, ditto
.Iui-h tii.teubailgli.diUo
M M p.iau, dilto ....
Win Bborborn, ditto
.loh printing here.
it oo
II oo
III! 87
4 07
in ao
7 an
a oo
fpandflnda something good to buying stock, came over irom
say about our country every time .Ontario the first of this week in
he comes. His firm does quite a j his auto and has been looking
volume of business with residents, over the country. He did not
in the outlying sections of this 'state whether he was after after
C(jUnty. ' stock or Just running around.
My talk this week will be mostly a
I have on hand about 85 golf shirts ranging
in value from $1.00 to $2.00 each. They
are slow sellers, and 1 need the shelf room,
so I am going to get rid of them at the nom
inal price of
35c- each
or Three Shirts for $1.00
You'll have to hurry to get these, because
they won't be here long.
I am still selling harvest shoes
for $2.50 and $3.00 per
pair. They are sure world
beaters at the price.
- General Merchandise -
Hasonlc Uuildinif, - - Hums, Oregon
VV. P. Keady. a prominent
mining nan and politician of
Portland, was here a few days
this week on business. Mr. Keady
was speaker of the house of rep
resentatives in 1893.
J. O. Alberson and wife were
in the city from Denio the fore
part of thin week on business.
They have recently moved from
Alberson to Denio where they
have charge of the hotel.
V. Cawlfield and wife were over
from their home at Van Thurs
day. Mr. Cawlfield states they
have excellent crops in his vicin
ity this season and will have con
siderable fruit, but very few ber
ries. C. M. Faulkner left Wednes
day morning on his trip to Alaska,
going out in his Studebaker car
which he may take the entire dis
tance with him. Mrs. H. C.
I.evens accompanied him out and
will spend some time in Port
land and at the coast as is her
custom during the heated period.
Married At the home of the
bride's mother at Princeton. Del
Dunbar and Miss Melba Wiley,
Justice It. S. (irant Jr. perform
ing the ceremony, Both young
people are well known in this
county, having lived in Burns for
a time. The wedding was attend
ed by the immediate relatives
and the ceremony was followed
by a delicious supper. They will
make their home in that vicinity.
Dist. Atty. Vic ('o.ail came
over from Canyon City Tuesday
to see the boys and particularly
to meet Senator Chamberlain
who is an old time friend. Mrs.
Farre and daughter Katherine,
who had been visiting over there
esBM back with him and Mrs.
1,. VVolileiiburg and daughter.
Miss Freda, also came over for a
short visit with Mrs. C. II.
Veogtly and their many old time
13 00
M 00
US 76
II 70
(I IK)
10 40
(I U0
0 70
I ia'.l
I 70
I 70
I 70
H 1!0
I 70
I 70
4 NO
4 00
II ao
N 40
4 HA
Notlca of Sala of Stata lands.
Notlos i hereby given Hmi Dm sinii-
i.iimi Board f tha hoiIk of Oregon win
rootl coaled iid until in o'cloet A.
m , Asgsal I, mil. tin Uio following do
tended laiidai
Beotkmi In ami in. t It B. k, kl B.
i MM'ticinHl H'u, being i.oia 1,1,8,4,
Hit. Mil, T. 211 M It. BO i:. Nofth ill Mill-
In iii I iika. .
BoeUot l in ami Bg, T. 27 H. It. Ill B,
aeeUoni in mill M, I'. M it M H
Hwtiuri III, T. HI N. K. II K.
Beatlooe in Mini 80, T, 88 B, n W B,
H(.i tlmi :iii, I, .ii h. it. :n K
Miction 1(1, T. M H. It. .'Ill Iv.
All blIa niiiat Imi H'-iviiipiiiiii il liy n
ii'Kiiiiniy aaaeated iiplloatMM to imr
I'haHi' iiikI I'liark or loifl for at li aat
olio-(If I Ii ol I he ii m .i i ill hill.
Tin' hoard ri'KPrvuH lliu riht to ri'jecl
any und all hlda.
Aiilli'Hllniia Hint liida alionlil hi- ail
cl rc!'. I to ii. c. Brown, Otarl Mate
I. mnl Board, Belom, Orogou, and mark'
I " i iiiii iitinii mnl hiii to pttfohaee
Htuli- lamia-"
ii. a, BROWN,
('Ink BUta land Hoard,
Hule.1 Ma) 2S, 1015.
$2.50 PER YEAR
Burns, Oregon
Ntati-im nl of Unclaimed Urpotila.
Htiitcniciii ui i Ik- Pixel National
of lliirna, County ol ll.irlicv, Hlntc ol
OfCgOB, allowing the iiinount ctajlding
to the credit of every depositor July I,
lOin, who hfiN not iniule a itepoait or
who haa not withdrawn any part of hit
deposit, pTUVipalOf intereat.fora period
of more that aeven (7) yenra immeilinte.
ly prior to aaiU date, with the niinin,
laat known place of reaidancc or poat
ilflice addreia of audi depoaitoi , nail the
fact of hia death if known.
Nam. To.1 Offlc. D..4 if Known Amount
X2 00
:i fiO Pial'd
StfO Plal'J
Hi Dial'd
I 70 Dial'd
.t '" Dial'd
John Mi i, mii. loatiee iw mi
va I II Mill
w in Bberborn, oonetsbie feaadu
W Aodetaon, wltneta ditto
.1 I'. ItouiiMHi'lle. dilto
David (.'miii-roii, ihtio
.li-ah I 'I'ffi'iitniiiuti, dillo
M M I ' ditto
P. S. Weittenhiller arrived
home Monday fram his visit to
Ontario, Hoise and other iwiints.
He made the trip in from Ontario
in the auto, laeving that place at
n(K)n and eomfaia on throiK'h that ' Wl" Hberburo, ditt
:!,! i ....1... :.i .1 i1 " Mclhi-elera
iiikhv in oiiifi ui.imii i in- i'm'i-.s-
sive heat. Mr. Weittenhiller did
not definitely close any real es
tate deal but will await the arriv
al of Mr. Allen, his B8BOCJat0
Deant'ordley and H. I). Het
zel, both of the Agricultural col
lege, were visitors to this section
early in the week but only re
mained a short time. The Times
Herald did not get an opportunity
to interview these gentlemen but
learns they were well pleased I
with what they observed of ag
ricultural advancement in this
Claime Preaented Againat The
County at The July Term of
The County Court, 1915.
( . ii. i l I u,iil
.NauiK I'm pomi Anil
Dr. C O (iritlllh, two mi ntha nul
la XI-
i: (' h't-yiiviiau, ditto
lliimh-raoii l-:iiott. ditto
I red llaini-a, .hi:..
Prod II Strong, ditto
linn- V In ti nir . ditto
II s Strlckllag, ditto
0 W I 'riiikwiili-i, ditto
Oau I rv, ditto
cIiiin Newell) ditto
Byron Tenlll, wltnaa,
court .
V I" Wray, ditto
II II Mace, ditto
.1 (iearv, ditto
.1 I Wiidoln. ditto
High School Fund
Harney County
4 K6
II ."Ml
:t 88
H 88
I 70
:i no
rotund of
... M 10 Dial'd
10 '.'4 Dial'd
JA04 Dial'd
88 00 Dial'd
U 88 Dial'd
2 II Dial'd
27 78 Dial'd
Hod Dial'd
H.'.l Dial'd
4 20
0, II. Miildaii:h, lliirna, $2. (HI
C. I,. Newman , Venator, mmh
Jua. (i'Coniier, lliirns, .'.'5
laaac I'arka, llama, 8 OO
Mn i. . Kni-inr, iiiini-., dead, 0.08
K. W. I'rice. I 00
I) C Shaw. ,09
i .co II. Smith, lluina, 1.0(1
W. W. Wllaon, Huiua, a till
Kred Kellei, 86
'I'tiouiaa Dawaon, lUirna, ilead .70
c D. Duukiti, Ontario, ,80
('. A il inni in. Karoo . .'io
I Iv lli. Mi. lav, Dieev. .89
J I i.alea, Demo 7i0
i ' v of Harney J
I. ) I.. (iiiiiH, lieiajf tirat duly aworu,
dipOt and aaj upon ...ill., that I am
tin ciiMliii-i of the I ml National Hank
ol Borne, County of Harney, State ol
OrrgOOj (lint the foregoing (ateinenl la
a lull, true, unreel and complete atntc
nient, ahowiUK the inline, last known
le-nli-iii. or poatolhce addrcaa, fnct ol
death, if known, and the amount lo the
crrdit ol each dcpoaitor aa reipmi'd h
the proriefoai of Bectione 7378'73B1,
iikIii.oc, I. onl a Oregon l.awa.
J L -Al II.
Subacnbt'd and awoni (o lieforc me
thia 7th day of July A. D. l'Jl.V
A. Ci Wm.rnui,
Noiary l'uhlic foi Oreejon.
Mv coinmiaaiou eipirca Mav 8, liMti
Eatata Craditora Notice.
Notice ia hurehy giveu liy the under
nignrd Hdaiiniatratrii of llm eatate of
I rank Adrian, deci-aaod, to the- creditor
of and all piiKi.ii" having claima agaiu-t
tin- -ui.i di irii'i. i tu present the essae
with tha neci-aaury vouchera, within m
montlia niter the III at publical Ion of tin
milieu to J (.'. Heatly. Demo, Uregon,
my unlhorutnd agent, in all iiiattera con
nected With till) llld i-Hlale
.U.ICi: K. ADItlAN,
i nut aabileation lane 18, iota
the Shabby
Shabby surfaces detract from the
appearances of your home. Floors,
furniture or woodwork that are
marred, scratched or scuffed give
your home a shabby run-down ap
pearance. Make these varnished sur
faces bright and new with
There's an Acme Quality Varnish
for every purpose; a floor varnish
made to be walked upon; a quick
drying furniture varnish that imparts
a brilliant, durable lustre, and var
nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur
faces in any quantity desired. Which
do you need?
Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches
Water bags, nose bags
Ice Cream Freezers
V AliMltlBfiiX-'
j :v
4 8
4 20
-' ao
Na printing
:i oo Oon'd
I IIIH'H Hi I, ilil, dido
II D Sniiodei. tuning piano
W V King.lalior on building
lilbhard'l I'linioi-k (.'reaniury,
milk and cream
A K Kichurilinii, auppliaa
W'c'iiiiiiii I'h iruiacv. di uga
i Bobwarta, eapptias
in r Co. pbyaieiao
l. .it tai
0. K. Reynold, ditto, janitor. I JO 00
Mra. i it. i Cummins, two monthi
kaup of county poof . 085 'n
Town of Drnwaey, kaep ol W
(laorgo, I07 oo Cont'd
J i .Milium, bringing patlanl to
county Ii... pilnl . 88 on
liiinuhirg, Dalt'in and Co. up-
plioa to oltargM ... '-'5 on
1'oiier BitaOo i olotbea tor J. W.
( Imirgu . . '.' (10
JnnttUri Drug ('", Ian- etc , Mr
I ii .. .
Mia utile iiuihiy, board ate. .
Mr Henry Dmgil, ditto,
Weh null- I'luir inui y , antlrHl.ii m
G H Voegtly, ditto 1 BJ
i ',anabnrgDaltoa A Oo., ditto
Road Fund
J'Vuiik r, ( lowan
II 00
! 00
i! :i
I 15
I'MUH LtTATM IM iiiit'i
i.ak'icw, ii r gon, Jul) v. ivis
NotU.' la hvrrby glvvn that Jaunt S M..or . uf
life i'r 'I'uii. who. on J ul v I. I'M.'. itiaMf Htmii'
a i. ml Kntrjr, hvrlstl Nit tJftTOI.for HWLhWu
rtrcllnu 14. aiiid H',NW4 mM.1 NWan',,
lojolloo M, It'rttiahiii H s.mili, lititir. : i
Kat. Wiii,iiirito MiMiiiinii haa i.i.-.i Dotlre
i( tiiU'iiiiun ii inski nut I thr. . rti proof) lo
Mtobllan i lain t Hto ianl alor doiorlbtl,
iM'forr t J. HtatifftT, hi MomfltT. ortfoo iU
lb .'lal ii. of Alitfuat, lUft,
t Ik I man t hnuhi aa wltnt'aaia:
Koti i JCtlirprtnli. t.f Hd, UngOu lo.Cl
MeUutro, ftm, mihuip. Ilarh Wilbur, all ol
Kile) . i'ir,:aji
Jar t Hi i.'.t- . Roglgttf
I r.ll I I. -.1 i I . - I i M. I'l . I . i
lliirna, orraoii, Jul) 1, 191 t
Nutlie la In-reliy ulrtti that ThrfBIM ) Itoinlejr.
..I l.aweli, On-a'ai. ii In- mi Al.rll-I). lul i.hih.Ii
II. .i.i. ,l.n. I .ulrjr Nil 077. (or h'.l-H ' ,. ' ,
SKU. aee IV, l. 26M.,Hanga .", h .VMIIaun lit
Merlillan. haa (find UOlll a .( iiilt-iitlon to niiiki
I .iiioioitMdoll I'li.ol Ii. eatHl.lUti elnlln ti.
tin- ii.ii.l above .laairH.ii.1. tjafora Kogl.ier ami
ttiM i u .a. ui itunis, oragon, on Hie . r.t ilnyut
Aiiaiiat, I' i.'.
i lainianl aaiiieaaa wituaaaaa
Unii.-rt suiiiii. Patar anydar, OSai Hboua,
Mlllani Kei-cli, Mil ul 1 iiweu. Oregon
w m I iHH. aaglatai ,
Jap McKiiiuoii,
Uuy I'n-tihell, K
' (I 70
12 10
II (10
Mi nil
tie.ltll i-nl
Welcome Phnrmsoy, eupplieei
Kimball family 01.76 Dial'd
Weill. inn Pharmacy, whiakloa to
Co. chaigcH . til . . 8 88
Dr 1 1 I-; Htandard, I'rnl aiirvico
tllllOO Dial'd
W A (looilnniii, traveling napi-n-
eee.ato, 11180
ltiirnn Uaraga, aupplbhi etc., for
Shenfl U7 I"1
w a Ooodmati, board of prUnnsn I6B 10
I. untitling Dalloii Co., uppli4
of prlaomira Ti (HI
II A DiukiiiiNOii, lahoi on jiul and
i ipool ,,, Wi 00. 88 00
(irant Hnyiioldv, cxpeiiHii court
Iioiiub ... 4,01
Joha I- Culd wnll, II iuo. aalary
Dop. Aaauaaor -juo (Kl
It A Miller, nahuy aa la collvctiii lit 00
Trill. y Whltakiir, I nn.. aaiary
deputy treseorer . iou oo
J BLqfgSn n daya lary deputy
aiirviiytng, etc
.'102 OO Con'd
viewing roada
270 oo Con'd,
ilnya chaiimig
JO 00 Con'd
ao (H) Oon'd
88 SO Con'd
IS 00 Con'd
7 BO Oon'd
0 oo Con'd
looo Can't
-o oo Con'd
7 no Con'd
l.ylu Diiwauu, ditto, . .
o M Reason, u ditto
K I Mm. re, 0 dilto
linicry I. anient, .'Idtllo .
s il Hisegmreor, - ditto
Collin Davvaou, I dillo
.k- (Incii, H ditto
J. icoh Cove, .'I ditto
llm ry C Sunt Ii, Auto line
lot county aurvcyor Ifi 00 Dial'd
CnaSi i- Beer, platting county
nuiila "00 00
C II Voegtly, aupplica road camp 6 40
M llorlon, dilto (i 05
c A Hainan, ditto so 10
l.awrti Mercantile Co., ditto 'i IA
Drawee Mercantile Co , ditto lit OS
(Unci McCarty, ditto U CiO
Sin v ( Ii HniH , dilto 70 2H
I'ottet-HiU Co., ditto 84 75
A K Kicliaidaoii. ditto 88 80
Cluia Wilaon. ditto 1 11(1 NO
I nil llnllic, dillo OB M
Mm I llo- C Wilaon, ditto .. 7 MS
I, N Slulliiiil, ditto 25 07
llm na Meat Mm kel, ditto ... 14 10
l.iiuahiirg'Dalloii Mi Co., pnia
t oca lot road cutiip, 2 00
Una. James rose) work 10 BO
Henry Chapin, ditto 40 00
B B Larson, ditto 156 sh
John Iberle, ditto 37 50
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Barbed Wire
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Marrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Oregon Trunk Ry. Nai,s Doors Windows, Roof-
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
Central Oregon Line
From Central Oragon Pointa to lha Sea
ahora Reaorta, Clataop Beach, Eaat
am Citlaa and tha California
Inaapanaiva Hotel, Camp and Cottage
Accommodation!. Manifold Amuae
menta and Surf and Natatorinm Ball
inf. Round trip from Bend $13.95.
1 o , . i or Circuit Routea to Any Point
Dally Until September 30 - Return
Limit October 31. Chicago, Direct
872.50. Minnaapolia, St. Paul. Duluth
or Winnipeg, $60. St. Louia $71.20,
New York $1 10.70. One way vi. Cal
ifornia, with atopover to aee Eapoai
tiona, at lightly higher ratea.
Oragon Trunk, North Bank and the
Floating Pal.. ... SS "GREAT NORTH
Sailing every Tuaaday, Thuraday and
Saturday from Portland and San Fran
ciaco. $41.10 round trip from Bend,
including meala and birth on ahipa.
Rail rata .ante without meala and birth.
Aak fur Expoaitiun Folder.
J II Corbett, Agent, Bend, Ore.
For ite wonderful accuracy, its safety and con
venience, and its effectiveness for email yamc
and target ahooting, you ahould buy
luilim e( turn rsnsilsi Lai aiitiiitn.
iUi. a. tnr iiemioiti Mini l(lonir, Mltly I
i, filiir- In
t aent
iaaea dowa eaamr. Wu t.nloik il.
UAII.I- .1 . ii .hi li.xu ht.lli cud..
.ss oALieas
Repeating Rifle
Model 20, aa 24
inch octagon barrel, I ' o
25 a iota. $ 1 1. 5 U.
Ii Siiltil Sti t-ll op tot la ytiui Ur anil ty swttinal feiDBjaW M l.t 7) "? ..!.
ii.jmytr aafeilive.MiHlM. lion, el.elle. iu.wder n J MMU'"" '
. I ltd Side Ljvvliwn Itll.lWa al.ell wy tu Ul Ol dm - "LmeHaeeeeeeeW a-OUIIH U-ll CI.
nrvr up stiiuaa yuur lineol imKi. fi IbbbbbbW ' ' '.
lUt.Jl.a !! .82 shorl. .22 lent aua4 .21 luaa-rUls carlrldaas, Indud- BS . $l)J5
iiisj in iniiiiirv pomi iiuiiihiv i iniMiei nuuim lu iw yeuua). pciiLi
HUit fur Ntbuila, .HuuiU, hwka, ciuwi, fsfc.
AM 22 ripesUam also niattia wilK Uv.i eulion; aak your JaaJar
7X 7AJb rWMi I IP- Wml eempUl. eel.
' "" ejeaerea m wm vaae ""B aruful
Ir'""" n... ii-..
ggjj uw.J ,.. ill ciii'k IlIO.
Gen. Mar. L