The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 24, 1915, Image 2

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    The Man who knows Clothes,
who realizes there is a difference
in the way Clothes are made
come to this store before buying
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Additional Local.
$he &tmr-$rra(d
Oaa Yaar
9 la Mania .
Three Mont.
Dr. Benson Describes
Oregon Building at Fair
Editor Times-Herald: Your
readers may be interested in a
description of the Oregon build
ing at the Panama Exposition.
It is very unique in appeararu-e,
and different from any other
building on the grounds. It is
made entirely of logs with the
bark left on. It is a two-story
building surrounded by peristyle
of log-columns after the manner
of a Grecian temple, which gives
it an imposing and majestic ap
pearance. Surrounding both the
lower and upper balconies are
dusters of blooming roses and
flowering plants, mingling with
the rustic pillars which produce
a very pleasing effect. Within
the building is a finely furnished
rest room which is greatly appre
ciated by the tired traveler. Here
also is the registration office.
We found Miss Mildred Wilson
presiding in the spotlessly clean
and attractive kitchen and dining
The exhibits are all made un
der pergolas adorned most taste
fully with the objects exhibited
under each pergola. The dis
play of wild birds and betfta of
the state attract great attention.
One of the most interesting ex
hibits is myrtle-wood wrought
into furniture and ornamental
pillars and souvenirs. We had
never seen such beautiful polish
ed wood. It came from Coos
The scenery of the state is
shown to fine advantage through
illuminated paintings on glass.
Oregon scenery takes place sec
ond to none.
Klamath county exhibit is
great in size and magnificent in
quality, the county should be
proud of herself.
The Willamette Valley has a
special display of it's own and it
fully justifies the reputation of
the far famed valley.
Oregon's exhibit throughout is
Buch as the state should be proud
of. While the exhibits are not
extensive as some states their
character is of the highest qual
ity. The Oregon building is most for
tunately located. It on the gate
and as one stands on the upper
balcony, he sees the mountains
rising on the other side of the
gate, sees the entire length of the
strait, some five miles long, on
which are riding at anchor the
Bhips of different nations, and
the five great war ships of our
nation. It is a scene to stir the
aamiration 01 anyone. It is a
privilige to attend such an inter
national exhibit as this, and one
can only wish every body might
have an opportunity to do so.
E. Benson.
Senator Chamberlain
Visits This Section
(Continued from psgt DBS)
problems well along, with the
water properly and equitably dis
tributed and happy, prosperous
homes being mads on the now
idle lands. He admires the
character of the people who will
go against such odds in making
homes in thus section and believes
in giving every possible encour
Another matter that Senator
Chamberlain will take up is the
mail conditions. He will go di
rect to the department with a
thorough understanding of the
situation and we may expect re
sults. Shot Herself by Accident
Last Tuesday afternoon Mrs.
O. A. Hall, whose home is near
Drewsey, accidentally shot her
self with a small revolver, the
weapon dropping from a holster,
striking a rock and was discharg
ed the bullet entering the abdom
inal cavity and passing through
lodging in the muscles of the
back. Her husband was not at
home and the wounded woman
changed her dress and walked to
Drewsey, a distance of some 3
miles, waded 8 ditch on the jour
ney. Dr. Melvin immediately called
Drs. Griffith & Saurman of this
city and they arrived in Drewsey
about 2 o'clock the following
morning. Dr. Griffith found her
pulse normal and doubted that
the bullet had penetrated the cav
ity but thought best to investi
gate and upon making an Incision
found the bullet had not only
passed through the abdomen but
had severed the bowel. It was
one of the most astonishing situ
ations the doctors had ever wit
nessed in their professional ca
reer as it was most serious, yet
the patient showed no effects of
the shock. They operated, sew
ing up the bowel, washed out the
cavity and after the operation
Mrs. Hall rallied immediately.
Such a wound would ordinar
ily have caused death in a short
time, especially when the victim
should remain without relief for
such a long period before atten
tion but Mrs. Hall was getting
along fine at last report.
Harvester whips at J. C, Wel
come & Son's.
Miss Emma Kuschele was In
from the homestead yesterday.
Wm. Foren and family have
gone to the mountains for a short
First class lir buck teeth and
mower tonguesatt he Burns Hard
ware Co.
J. W. Vandcrpool delivers ice
every other day to any part of
the city. Leave your order.
Lost Between tlieVarion place
and Burns, a brown overcoat.
Finder please leave at this office
and receive reward.
Miss Ethel McGee has returned
home after a year spent at out
side points. Her many friends
are glad to welcome her home.
The Bumi Hotel is the head
quarters for all when in town,
Good table service, clean rooms
and accommodating attendants
J, W. Biggs and family have
returned from Ontario where
they vere visiting with relatives
and friends.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extracharge
See the Steam laundry about
your work.
Remember the special feature
picture at Tonawuma tonight
"The Lure" in five parts and a
dandy comedy reel besides.
Warrant Call.
V Nolle.
N .ol II
Notice is hereby given that
there Is money on bond to pay all
general fund warrant registered
prior to October 1, 1014.
Interest oeMM .July Wi, 1B16.
R. A. Miller,
County Treasurer.
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice ik hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Burns Flour Mill
ing Co . will be held in Burns.
Oregon, on Monday, Aug. 'I, at
2 o'clock p. m. at Tonawama
Theatre, for the purpose of elect
ing a board of directors.
. Q, Smith, President.
t mril of
Mrs. Sadie 1'. Cluwson, Indiana
I'a., was bothered with indiges
tion. "My stomach pained me
night and day," she writes. "I
woujd feel bloated and have
headache uiul belching after eat
ing, i also surteree jrom con
stipation. My daughter had
used Chamberlain's Tablets and
insisted upon my trying them.
They helped me as nothing else
has done, For sale by all dealers.
Bundles for the Steam Laund
ry can be left at the Capital and
and Star barber shops.
attar Than Life Insurance.
Twenty-five cents invested in
a bottle ot unamDcriam s i :
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
will enable you to protect your
family from any serious conse
quences resulting from an attack
of colera or diarrhoea during the
summer months. Is that not
better than life insurunee? Buy
it now. It may save life. For
sale by all dealers.
Miiiim. tircguii. J"l) '" Itli. I
Notice la hereby given thai Jiilin II. I'oIhikIvi
PimiI.i, oregnu. aim, "" i ',
Iluuieklnail r.nlrr, Nil. Wi, tot
'.SKI., sgi II . NI.NK'., NK'.NW',
riiietlnti I'll, Township II" Hulllli, llsngc i. Kail,
Wlllsmatle Meridian, Iim tiled nuilcc at mini
lion to tasks rjnel litre yaar proof, in .ilal.llali
ilelru In ilia laud ahovn dekcrll isd, lialnrii M
J O't'onnnr, U. . t'oiwuilkeluncr, al li nlTIre,
at I'enlo, Oregon, mi On '-'..Hi 'lay ol August
claimant nam, a wll makes
.III) Mlierauu, Matin M All.ri.iili. Mil. in
K Allan, Annie I'lilendcr. all ol In III", Iliegnn
Wm. Fa nag. Itegietei.
llurui, ori.uiiii. Jul) I .. l'il.
.Noll, a li hcrcl ) given thai Annum llseal ili'li
nl Weveriy. on-iuii. who, un August -. I'M.'.
naila llomeileed Kiilrv.Nu orvJisi fur m'.NW'.
KUHWUSec. II, Twli.Jllllange.l .1 K . vv lllain
atta Meridian, liaa nled uulli I 1 ' I"
111 a k a final llircc far I'iniil in Salgblhtli
clalui to tha laml abuve deerlln"l, befure Iteg
later and 'Hecclver. el Murni. Oregon, on lot
.HHliilmy or uivimt. IvI.V
rlalriiaut names na ,1 it n,. . .
I Tliuuiaa s Htuvcu, I.ulli nl
rilucstmi. OHM Ati'itiiala llnaaliltli
liranl Tlioinj.xiti. built WSVilrly. ','.."'
' j'M rltlKI. Ileglflel
Shorten School Period
Agree College Heads
An Interesting Demonstration.
A news item, that should prove
of more than ordinary interest
to the ladies of this county, has
just reached this office. Mr. W.
L. Van De Water, representing
Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers
of Portland, will be in Burns
Saturday, Aug. 7th, for the pur
pose of demonstrating the Pre
ferred Stock brand of highest
grade groceries and canned goods
Shortening the public school
period to six years from the
eight years now required to com
plete the grammar grade course
in Oregon is the policy urged by
U. S. Commissioner P. P. Clax
ton and agreed to informally by
the conference of College presi
dents and other educational
beads, at the Agricultural College.
This plan is not only being rec
ommended by the federal bureau
of education but it is being tried
out with success in different
parts of the country, according to
the commisioner. At the same
time the high school period is
lengthened two years, thus divi
ding the twelve years of public
school course into six and six
rather than into eight and four
In support of the plan it
pointed out that the last
years of the grammar school
course as at present organized
are used largely in review, tnus
practically wasting valuable time.
It was thought that this time
could be more wisely spent in do
ing new or more advanced work.
By this arrangement the av-
Mr. I. Schwartz, at whose store erage child would complete the
the demonstration will take place, elementary school at 12 years of
has stated to the writer, that he age, at which time Dr. Claxton
does not know just what the na-; thinks school work should be
tureof the demonstration will be; equally divided between study
but he is confident that no one ' and work. A boy should be par
who is interested in domestic cially self-supporting at 12, and
economy and domebtic science, j by working part time he would
can afford to miss it. So a cordi- be able to make his own personal
al invitation is extended to every expense money and at tjie same
one to be present at the demon- time gain a practical knowledge
atraUon, Saturday, Aug. 7th at of his study subjects by putting
The first annual camp meeting
of the Idaho-Oregon district of
the Nazarine Church will be
held in the district tent, just
east of the laundry at Burns,
July 28rd Aug 1st. inclusive.
A number of workers will be
present from over the district.
The preachers in charge will be
Rev. Harry Hays Dist. Supt.
and Rev. Lewjs J, Hadley of
Nampa, Idaho.
There is plenty of room on
the grounds for tenting and
straw for bed ticks.
Services each day and at 7-45
each evening, three services on
Sunday, Sunday School at 9:30
song service at 10:30 and preach
ing at 11. Preaching again in
the afternoon at 2:30 and at 7:30
in the evening.
The Laundry whistle will an
nounce the services from day to
day during the week, a half hour
and live miuutes before service
time. Kvcry body welcome.
S. L. Flowers.
In the mmliT o( tlin catuln il
F. Cravie Ooiton, dasatssd
itntlr ami t)y virtue of an Ofdst of salt
ma.le a'l salacsi IP M' l,r HJfW
cauae un tliu P'lli iluy ' Jut"'. I"'". '
thu iitnlcrainiiril, iiilHiiii"imtr "I lite
above entitled ostalu, will nil a I'rmilr
or i.iiUI.' tale mi tlie llltli day ..( Ann
ul t, ltflli, at 10 o'clock In the WrMOOn
al Ilia CutJ't llpliai In mil' ('utility nntl
stata tli following asssribed rsal .mi-
PHr Mwf'ShlS to lil talatc, lii .ill ,
kMjNpMj ii't '', I 4 '' "' s''
tlon )H. T"Wlnli'l' f lath "'
Kanira III K, W. M . uiiImIiiIiik
niii sstea.
Iim nollci' l. i nl, 1 1 lit.. I (ma I'ciiiI
ol foarsoasssetlrs iwass is UmTIsms1
llnraltl, a tlauaiar iillllittl mnl nl
(naral circulation on rtarnsy t'ouniv
Oregon, tidiler and bv vlrtni- nl an onlxr
of tha Hod. II. ). I.vvana, Imliii' "I ili
aliova Kt'tillitl conn inailc on tliu IHtli
luy el Juiir. Ilil'i.
Th tala ol taiil bftrparfy will in- sub"
j'-i I to i unlit malum by IIih aliova cntit-
lei) Court.
Kalcil t lliiiii, OrtSJQO llii l.ili'lnv
of July, lull).
Atluilniatraior nl tliu SStStS "'
F. Crawl Otoiloa, dsessssd.
To School oittrri.
are two vast wonderlands The
Greatest Shows of The Ace.
You cannot afford to miss them.
The opportunity will soon pass.
Go Now.
Choice of kcvci al routes in low fares
lor the i tin nil trip, via
Ask A. C. EGAN, T. F. A P. A.,
Cbapter l.'.n, Qaaersl Laws ' Oiafcn,
Swtiini I, Kteapt a herein other
wine iirnvi.leil. all Statutory mi, inak
InK l'roviai,Mn,.'f Hi" revenue, ol ihn
Htata anil for Htnte ile,,arlmiM3 or in
stitutions, i oiintii.i . aims, towns,
schools roads, and for all oilier parposM
are hereby so rnluee as to prohibit tne
levyhiKol a xrrater uiumiiit of revenue
on the asaeaatnl value ..I Hie yeur IBIS
than ,he larKruniount levied mi the value ol ('il)ii Hie tear I'.UIIor
of (he yr' Illl I plui If in i mil I'ot
each year after lni.'i. all sinh ia ml en
hall besoliiniteil ss not lo levy u (rent
er amount of revenue than I lie larger
er amount levied In either of ;ihe two
years imiiied Hlrly prajOtdlngi plus nil
r cent.
Section .'!. Many bouid of levy ornny
nUIuer liat m .In. '. I with the duty ol
IcryliiKStai it, any tajcing diatrit't ex
cept the alnte, shsll lie of the opiirioll
that tha autoiiut ol lbs M limited by
this sol will be iusiillicient lor the needs
of such lastntt dj-.i to i for the current
year, the ijiieslioit of in.lllSHSSBll lllj
may be submitted to thu vol en, ol lOoh
tailtiK tlistrlct at a gem-ntl or al u
speclsl 'Irelion ialle.1 fot the purpoae
and in the oiuniur provided by law
or calling special eleclions In such tas-
St d)strlts. 1 any sin h question of
iooraasliiK the luvy sjal bv suhmillntl
at any election aa'l.efnre set forlh, due
notiee thsreof shall In- given for al leusl
thirty days in ml ranee of such election
by publication In oue or more news
papers of general circulation published
fn such taiinn district, providtd if no
newejisper )s published in such l ivmg
district, notice shsU.hc'glven liyjioatlng
a notice of such election in ill luust three
conspicuous places In such district. If
a majority of the votes cast lit such elec
tion shall be in favor of llm Increased
levy ss named in said i led inn notice,
then the olllcers elnngrd with levying
taxes may makn such InrrtlSSSrt levy lor
the year votud "li, and thnreiifler the
limitation of this act shall imply unless
aa Increased levy fur the tiuitictihir year
sball be voted at anulher election in like
Meet urn 7. Any levy which may be
tertilled, to Ihecuiiuly assessor in miens
of the lliullatious of this act or not ore-
niHted by thu provisions nf this net
shall be unlawful. lp any smh case it
shall he unlawful fur the uounty BSSSSS1
or of auy county within the to en
ter upon the las roll of in- uoiiuly uuy
sucb excessive levy. Inctiseol anysiich
excess In any levy it is hereby made the
duty of the county assessor and he la
hereby retpilred lo reduce such levy aud
to extend only such part thereof us will
comply with the provision of this act,
For the henellt of officers of the dif
ferent taxing dlstiicts 1 submit herewith
a list showing the greatest ami.nnl nl
revenue uf rhe dlfteruut school districts
o o am. ao
" " 7 307.08
ii g 3B.80
" 10 118.48
" 11 112,04
" 1. 188.74
M 13 985.31
U 002.40
" " 10 103.IK.'
' " 16 150.34
" 17 797.11
" " 18 360.53
" 1H 1011.35
n at) 308.08
" " 21 1M452
" 34 20H.67
" 25 390.80
" " 38 205.08
" 27 1837.90
" " 38 134.02
" 29 131.08
" 30 J31O.M0
" ' 31 310.07
' " 32 752.57
" " 81 381.40
' " 34 4511.09
" 30 430.20
' " 30 80.01
37 550.44
' " 38 120.08
" 311 117.75
i 40 BM.40
' 41 271.90
" " 43 913 12
" 43 '.t.M7
' 44 350.08
' 45 298.02
48 0411.75
'i 47 12M40
' 48 4I12.HH
i " " 49 870. 90
" ' 60 359.10
" " 01 ttes.M
" 03, 1X9,18
Oj I38J52
Dirwtcy Mljfh:, , :
City r.iuns ....... 1404.70
II the rriiitrmrnts uf ny taillt ths
ii ict nrr In rstsrss uf tbt abuve amounts,
plus sis Bfl pent, It will tw necessary
for the voters or tha diAsrent taxiiiK
dlstrluts (ti hold a special election under
i he provisions ofaevtlon three of this act.
The iissessor'i oflk cannot give the
nact ninoimt uf the assessable property
of the taxing districts for tlis year 1015
until the tax rolls have been written up
and passed on by the county board ol
,iualiiuliou, which will be on the arc
otid Monday ju' SJpUmbf r. The notice
of all cjul Irvirs must bs rftunicM t..
tin- county clerk and county assessor on
or imfnrr. the second Monday In Daara
Isrr. To assist tha eehool officials I at
nrx the following assessed valuations of
the vnrious taxing districts for the year
1014, and feel safe io saying that there
will Ik some increase of valuations ill
sitry u'iog djitrjc, far rw ,U,B
IBM Vakaalieof.
nisi. No. i 7ta,730
" - (f.: W.i.tM
" I) U6tl,:i90
' i 410,930
" ' S TI.S70
" " 8 I0I,IH.'
" ' 7 4!5,:irtO
R 08.tMl.'i
' 9 168,430
New Spring Goods
Now on Sale at
Spring and Summer Dress Materials
that are positively the Latest
New silk gloves, Veilings. White Goods
trimmings, braids, new fancy buttons
Royal Worcester Corsets
New Silk Skirts and Kimonas
Burns, Oregon
Have your picturo takpn at the
Sayer Studio,
UatTsnerxTss l.isnorrn a. i
Hums, orafon, June ''.. I'M. I
Nutter n tonal, v lmi that I harlsi Moors, ol
luamuiiil, ureaoii. wliu, on Man li IW, tvuinailr
Miiiiiralia'l Klltry Nil. MiWI. lor KK'.SIt',
HW'.NKi,. SSS'S',, W!SK',. Keetlon II.
vifK4. Haelleii 114 Tnwinlil. Kn South,
Kauxr 14 K, Wlllsinslle Mellillan. ha III
ril nollie nl Intanllou to make final Ibree "eai
lril. to aatalillab elalm u. Ilia laml above ds
aerllMMl.l'afiira Kastalaiand H.-eelr. r. at Hums,
in. . hi. .hi Un- nil. da v ul uiei.i HIS
II. II eiiiflh. Jaaiaa Ivr. Itma Imllarlilil.
I si.iuti all ul Mm.. ..ii.l. tireiio.
m K4s, Ref1if
initio fi m i. ami orru k,
Hurua, tjrason, Jam- i -. IfU
Bailee IS Ueraliy lao that l.ulhrr 1.. Hinllh. j
ul Hairtniaii, "irfoli. wh.i. on May .', I'M I ,
inaila Homiatrail It I, I ry NO.CMO, Ini I '
tluli -'I. luaiiklill, i SuUlh,
nl..... Me
I i'i
18 .
U'. 4".
61, 'CO
in - I
1 .11. IS".
" 19 101.1SA
" " 80 u,07f
" " 1 af,TS0
" " 21 aa,670
" ' v:t 71.W6
" ' 34 U,7S6
" 110 99, HOD
ai s4,:t30
" 7 .HOT.oSO
" " tfH te.MO
" " 3W , IMS, ISO
" " so i6,5ur
" " SI JftS.aUo
" " 39 108.906
" " 33 127,106
" " 34 60,010
" " 36 216,14,ri
" " M 2.MW
" " 87 S78,20
" " ,'IS 100,876
" " :iu 83,660
" " 40 86,715
" " 41 44,030
" " 48 U0,H;I6
" " 48 18,976
" " 44 44,886
" " 45 69,306
4o , ,,.., ,,, ,,,,,, ,...,.. M,'I76
" " 1 86,090
" " 4S 842,740
" " 49 43,995
" " 80 86,810
" " 51 146,345
" " 61 23,986
" " 63 870.806
Drewsey II. I. 428,196
Illy lliirns 408,216
(bounty Alpesaoi.
li v in .lei I'ounly uourl.
Hanaa fct Kail VTIanirttf Mrrl'llHi'. !
I... n. , ol lnte,iiiM In inakr anal
ntool. tu ratabllih ilalbi In (lir Ini.'l
aril iK'd. t-lute Kvalatar auil Reeeltrsr. ai li the All, il(y ol Jul), I'M.
rialuaut aatiirs aa wilnaaaas'
l liaa I. sinltli. Harrliuaii, nioaiin. '.''.'
ThoiuliluD. Hulialt S tir.l. J , Ih.iI, nl a.
ill. (l'Sun, lli'li'i' I'eiiiuau.uf llaiilmtii, I
WM I.KM ll.aian r
Uurua, urefuii. Juna I... ISIS I
Snllir la lirlrbr (Ivrn that lliaa. I. Smilli.
ol Harrluau. iircgi.a, win,, on May .'. Ml, iiir.1.
Ilutneatrsa KHll. No l'.4. (or l.oi 4, '.. n. :. -NXt,sk',.
Ha !H. TuliSlill ift. 8.. K.nae I
I .. WllllauialU M. n.llai, baa Itleil ill In
taollob In inaki- diial III rat ear prnnl tu eetab.
Iltli elaliu In llm lan.l abore .! , i I-. .1 . '
HagUtar aixl rtaealTar, at Duma, Orsgou,
eulaii.l nainra aa ai'M'e.
I ha It.
I.utlmr I. Hlaltli. tlarrlinali. tnrantl. oraiit
i houioaou, nuorris oraiit. ji
Ir, '
! I, ..II, .,1 Waver
Homer I'lniiiau nl llatrliiniii.
y r.tur Iteglatr
I'SIVSD MT,rB l.tai, orru
Huma. OfeeM, Jul) II. I I
Nollea la bara'by ilveti thai llarr) k BeeleroI
llalouu4, Oreaoll. who, un Nu. o. Ill anil
January T, isf'i.uiatla liowaalaa.l Kiilu. . So
!.;. irjvls. t..r Lots I, Jsi,N K, soe. .1. H'.SH',
aoil NHHW'a, See 'J, Tuwuihlp '.".' H . Hangi ....
Kaat, Wlllaiiirlle Drii.tlan. baa Itleil mill.,
of lulanllon to mala dual Hirer yrar i.i..i,i. to
aatatllah alalm lo iba lanil above iteaeilb, .1.
balolr KrgUtar ami Heerlvcr, at llnrna. tin
lo'i.nn tin (Hi day ol AUfnat, Mil.
ilaluijnl asmss M I'm (
m lie -olkaslai. Iiafla Turin i. w .. .
Aadaraon suit I tk 1 1 1 1 1 Healer, all ol lilaiimini.
MS. I 01 I.., .a
TuesdayFruit Day at
Watermelons, Cantaloups
Peaches, Apricots, Rasp
berries, Loganberries,
Bananas, Oranges, Lemons
Special price by the crate for
canning if you will leave your
orders a few days before hand
Remember we will have
everything in the fruit line
Friday, each week
A. Ke Richardson
General Merchandise
Ast. Buick Automobiles
Slat. 11. ant of Uaclalaaad Deposlls.
Statement ol the llaroay County
National Hunk of llama, County of
llninty, State of Uregon, snowing the
amount standing to tbt tieilil of avery
tlcpositor July I, 1018, who has not any part of his deposit,
piincipul or interest, for a period of
more tliiiu seven (7) years immediately
prior lo said date, with the name, last
l.iiow ii place of reeideoce or post other"
address of siiiih depositor, Olid 1"' 'el
of his ileal li if kaowo,
Naaaa Peet Offlea Oeari If Kaewa Aran.
Jumcs Ueutry, dead SSO.Bli
A. W. Mrulr, Hums, Oregon 4.00
J utiles Teure, Burns, Oregon 70.0S
County of llarnry (
I. I.con M. Brown, being first duly
sworn, deposed and say upon oath, that
1 urn I lir ruahjer of the arney Oollitty
'mi in mnl Bank of Bums, County ol Har
ney, Htut ol Oregoni that the foregoing
statement is a full, true, correct and
complete etutcmeiit, showing ths name,
lust known residence or postollive mi
llions, liui si' dsath, if known, aud the
amount to the credit of each depositor
us lequircdhy the provisions of Sections
7.I7N 7.IH1, inclusive, Lord's Oregon
I.son M. BaowM, I'ashier.
Snliat i iooiI aud sword to before me
this Hth day of July A, D. HJr
llhNNr I oe
Notary I'ublio for Oregou.
ivirin BTun i ami ioiiii:,
H,,riia, tiii a-i'ii , Jmii , I'll ..
.Snilie i L,.i, i r ,i. Miat lelfi-, a..i, . I
raa. of waerv, OrpfOu, h Im, ua May .'?, pn
Jane e. Ivr: and March I ,. Ivl .. Ilium
alaa-l Knttlra S'u. uruiur.l4fc ilVm... reaiiailhi Iv
K',SK!,.ae, u alaSlt'.,. Sec. l:i. f. .1,,-. It
33 t.. -lit I, MkialfWL; NlaNg'., Co IS
PS)1SK, asetlon 7. TieWnslifp Ji. a., liHiif
14 I. Willamette Meridian, has notlea
nl lutelllluu to make nnaltliree year I'umt, r.
aaiatiliaii elalm t.. the land alauve described,
trefure Keelater aud Hurus,Orerjiin
ua the V7 day el Jaly, 1115.
i lalniaiii namaa aa altiieaaea :
O. K. Thumuaun. Kit. Kuaeuerana. S. ,1. I.eata
and ll. A Inaki-maii, all nl Waverl) tin ami.
V'M . KaHfta. Kelli r.
lllirni. iie,.iu, Jin,, -4, 1VI . i
Siillce la liataliv ltsn that !ai! C. lime n
Indeiiemli nn, iiriimi, who, On Annual I',, IWW,
made I'exrt I ami Kntri. Nu. OSUal, l r
KU. Ha, tluu as, lovrualiln M i.. Hank. i
Hlllauiatle Marldlau, has tiled uiillee el Inn n
Hub to make Klual I'mnl, to eainiiiiai,
claim to the laud above deirnl.ed, lailure lie,'
tiler and Receiver, at lluriia Oregon, uu Un
.mil nay in ,iui . lam I
Clalruaut uamesas wltiiaaaea:
lleni, K lliiulla), Jauule M
lonii n alauflicrtv. all nl I aei, tin ,..i
ll.ui J. I.i, li-i qf ilari luian. tin -..ii
Wkl.rsss. Kealal.i
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Raled Hay fpr Sale
I rtc (m,,,,) HoMt iind.Feeding: Privileges In Corral
or Hain. Customer Care For Own Slock.
W. A. COODMAN. Adioininir Vmimtlm. r.
f af ""- i 'l I I 11.
i-uiii.ku.mI .in turns.
Hurua, Ore, on. July 7 til 8.
Notice Ik hereby given that Joaauh K. UlptOU,
o, llnrna Urefou aim uu Daealubnr ' I SOU,
madslliimealrail Kiitry. Nu UH'isl, lor M'.NW, .
N.'iHW',, Heclluu 1'J, 'I'ovr naliiii .! s , I:
K., Wlllametla Meridian, had tiled uulleenl n.
tabllah elalm In ilia laml sIhivs .Ira. iiIm-.i Im
lure Kvalkier aud Uueulvur, at llurna, llresou,
on the filth day ul August, 1"! V
l 'la I in a ii In a in ea aa wltlieaaea
frad H.Hcull. K. Wlaeiuan, Frank Wlae
man. (Iruvar Jamaaun. all ul liuruk, i n. ,...u
Wm. ! .mo. ftatlster.
lllillia. titerion, Juli I, nil;,
Nulleulahiiieb) yUl.ll that KlU K lUllllltllll
ul llmliMiaii, llreguu, Who, ou July I.I. 1(01),
ruade lieaeri l.aud Katry, No. Uiuls, lorHK',
Navlluu 111, lowuahlp '.'II Holltlr. li ;l.l Kaal,
Willamette Meridian, liaa illcu uoileu nl
Intention to make dual prool, to i-atui.llsli
elalm lo thu land abuve deaerll.e.l. bet
Kellaler ami ItueeUer, at Hurua. Orssull, un
the utli day ol Annual, I'M
Claimant nainna as wllneaaei:
Letter M. Ilamlltuu. Juhu II. Klebm i. Hob
oil Irving, Juaenb W. llm bantu . all ul Bui li
aun. i in k, hi
WM. KSas. Ilei-ihlel.
Mi4j Hum. li), I, in No. Hrilal N na.-i
llurna. tliegun. Jinn 17th, I'M
Notice la hereby given that thu Nnitlni
l-aeltle Hallway Oomuany, whusu imat ,,in,,
addieak Ik til. I'aul, Mlulluauta. bag this Will dity
uf June lllli filed III Mill iittlee ilk Slipllcg
tlnn tokelsut uuder tha iirovlklona ul lbs scl
ultluligreaa. aiairuved July I, lain.-, ,.ui .
u1) . ...
1.014 asc. so, out I mrc. n, iwu. nm, i, ., i
Auy aud all uarsoat claluilug sdieraely tliu
lauda daaerlbad. or dsalrlna to obleet lieeauau
We have a complete stock ol
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Evei-ybody
The Burns Department Store
I'rintvd in accordance with Uqul
miuiremenU on short not in at
Job Rooms
We do It right
forties years Itlia and 111)1
l)ist. No. I SHtMK.Vt!
" " 'J U!I4.34
" " 3 lliM.lU
the store of I. Schwrtz.
them to the test.
ol tha mineral character of ths lipid, ur any
Alathalr (Bdavlu of urOliiat lb Mils uillie, nu
ur beluie the Jud day til Adauat. 1CIA
Ground feed at Hagey's.
We do job printing.
" " 6 :i-'l.o
la. Jiavaaa. aaauutau.