aaSHaH avsSicSsi K9BmINHIHIBBKtB9Cb" 'S. ' 'tf Hbbw " At -i a S. ac Trl t Convert the Sultan. Th first Ens;llshwomnn to bar apch with a aultan of Turkey waa Mary Fisher, a Quakeress, who. In 168T, undertook to convert the com mander of th fnlthful to Christianity. 8h traveled by water to gm.rrmi nml then tramped to Adrlanople, ulmui mile away, where Mohn mined l MM encamped w'th bin army. Aftvi i i attempt, Mnry found MOM OM lathi enough to tell the grand vlaler th l "m woman waa come who hnd smut-thing to declare from the grr.it Snd in the ultan." He arranged for mi audience with lil mauler, at which three dingo niana were In attendance m Intoi-pre-Mrs, and Molininmeil was no Impressed with wbat be beard Hint, while imwlll lug to become a Christian, lie desired that Mary should stay In his dutnin Ions. When ahe Insisted on returning. be offered her an escort. adding, "I would not for anything thnt job should come to the least hurt." She got hack safely to England and III honored stst after among her fellow Quakers as "ahe tbat spake to the Urn ml Turk," I -ondnii Chronicle. Russians Like "Paradise Loat." How ninny English soldiers one wonders, have read Tsfsdasl least" Mr Maurice Baring, when In llusshi. found that nearly every soldier ba met knew It well "When a few rears ago a schoolmaster In the Tiimhor govern ment told me that '1'nnulNe teOal ami the most popular book In the rHlags II brary," he writes, "I was aatonlsbsd and tbougbt It an Isolnted Inst. nice. At a fair lu Moscow during passion week I uolltt-d Hint tti.'i wan Ave or all different editions of transla tlons of Mlltou's poem, with IHtlRtT tlons. ranging In price froDJ I.' rubles to 30 kopeks, aud while I WW Ling at one of tbem a uioujik came up to me aud advised me to liny it It's very Interesting.' he snld. It makes one laugh and cry.' It Is possible to purchase 'I'arndlse Lost' at almost every village booth " London Qrapwe, Making th Ghost Visible. Comparing the stage couvciiicn.es of tbe present day with the makeshifts existing a generation ngo. Ilohort Man tell told of the inconveniences of bla early experience as the ghost In Ham let" "One night 1 was playing the part of the ghost." be says, "iiml as I was not rery certain of myself the stage man sger bad the lamps turned down tin usually low. As a mntter of fact, lbJ were so low tbat while I "is on the stage they went out. Of course, they bad to be lighted agnln. unil the singe manager eeut out a stage band to do It I had to remain where I wns. and the ghoat'e funeral lines were recited while a man In civilian cloths alowlj snd painstakingly mmle his traj serosa the darkened stage, lighting the lamps as be went" 8ydney Smith on War. Sydney Smith found bumor in must things, but none In war In Hie Kdut burgh ltevletr of n century ago lie wrete: "If three nun were to buva their legs ami ansa broken and wers to remain all night aiposed In Hie lu clemency of the weathei the whole country would he lu u I tat of tba most dreadful agitation! Look at the wholesale death of a battlefield ten acrea covered with dead and dying, and tbe shrieks and agonies of man) thou aand human beings! There Is more misery Inflicted upon mankind by one year of war than by nil the rirll paco tattoos and oppressions of a century.' And he added that It was the business of wise and Bood men to set themselves against tbe spirit that produced w ars -"this passion for military glory " To Remove Adhesive Pinters. Every one who has had occaatoo to os adhesive plaster Is familial with the line of adherent, discolored mate rial that Is left on the akin around the edgea of the plaster when the strip Is removed. This adherent substance n-sb-ta scrubbing with soap ami all ordl nary means of removal. Breo scrap Ing with a knife fails to Minora the grime and stickiness completely Itut s few drops of gasoline, benzine-, ether or chloroform on a piece of cloth will remove the stain as If by mags The basU of adhesive plaster Is rubber, and tbe four substances mentioned are rub ber solrents. Ioa Angeles News In the Dumpi. There was once an Egyptian king, so It la ssld. wbo built a pyramid and dud of melancholy Ills ssme wsa Du mops, yet there arc probably Tew sr sous who know thut they are psrpet uating tbe memory of lib) tragic history wbeii they remark that tiny are "In th damps." A Trouble Maker. "What sort of a fellow Is her "A trouble maker." "lie seems peaceable enough." "1 know, but he's tbe SMI of a bliin derlng chap that denies all the lu genloas lies you've told your wife." Detroit Free I'rean. Considerate. "The most considerate wir I ever beard of," said the philosopher, "was a woman wbo used to dab- all her let S-rs a week or so ahead to allow her husband time to post tbem." Pretty Thin. "Thin!" replied the mnti who was talking about a mutual scqoalntanea "Well, he's ao thin thnt when he e.-ils macaroni be can only swullow It una piece at a time!" Mexican Pineapple. One kind of Mexican pineapple. known as the cayenne, la entirely free from spines, and the flesh U remark ably tender and Juicy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Darran STevraa im, orates, t llurua, OrefOh, M -n, IVU ( SUM la ksrsb) Kl v en llisi i hurlis M. Van Ilii ri-1, i,f In a iii oiol ir.,i, vl. a, on Mat I, Isle), iiiaai. if o in i ite-ait an try, No " i .. bo si ' ,-1 ' ,, hex-tlou 12 T. :kih.. ItauKu ;u K , 1 M,ft ell i ,, 1)1 1, NK'jNW;., section II .,.,,,- j. iu. h. Kens.: iU Keel, WllUmclb- Mernllini loo llli-.l roitti-e of liitentloii in naka eommulallon front, to eataklUh i lebu to the land slsiri ib eiirlhed, before the Ki-Klaier sod Seeelver, al lluroa, flregoo, ou tin- vtliiUy of July, rjl.'i. C'laluisui uamua aa wltiu-aai-a Sidney I ouiegya Bejbert ii Brown 1 ' mi llortoQ, Mauduei m Bernard, all of biamoud, Oregon ws rtuHt. in elan r NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION. I'.Mlrli hTTEs l.esi, ion. , i liurna, OrsgOB, May KJi Jit SoNaa laherehy given diet lienli I Prise Feah V of Itlley, Orexon. wlio, on Mani.'ii, lllKiaade Ifouii-auad Kiitry -,o. ', .',J.: toi KU, see. la.'l wi-. HH . Raiiv2AK , Wlllaliielle Mi inllon. Iiaa III ed liolli e of liileinlloii lo uoik final ll.o.- yt ur i.roof, to eataiillali i lahu n. lie- Uml above da e rltied, before Ht-l.t,- and Hei-e-lve-i ut Hume. Oreaon, on the 0tida of inly ., i laimani uami-aaa arllneassi llm U. krlua ami Hol.lila kill.a boll, of Harm, Orrgoli linnka William. on and (J tred lleulm-li, bolh of idler, Oregon Ws. 1'iHny ttSflsb r For Sale 101 acres of land, fenced, all level; Iiou.hc; .$20 an eucre. S. E. Drink water. 2X-31 Desdhssds, Exactly how our language cam Into possession of tbe word "dsodhesd." which Is so frequently used la connec tion with the transportation business, a not known Of ths many versions if Its origin which sr current the fol lowing whether correct or not. Is st east the most Interesting: Many yesra ago ths principal avenue if n town passed clone to the entrance uf a toll mad leading to a cemetery As this cemetery bad been laid out nine time previous to tbe construction if the road. It was srrsnged Hint nil funeral processions should be sllowed to pass along the road free of toll. One lay, as a well known physician who was driving along this road ItOflOSSj to ay Ills toll, he observed to the keeper, Considering the benevolent diameter f our profession, I think you ought to et ns pass free of charge" "No. no. doctor," ssld the gittekeep t-r, "we can't afford that Yon send loo uuiny deadheads through as It Is" The story traveled n round the conn try, mi. I In this wsy the word "dead liend" eventually came to lie applied o those who obtain free transmutation from railway and ateauushlp lines. New York Americsn. Insects That Carry Oleeaeee. Nlr DotMld RasV who discovered how the anopheles or mottled winged Boa HUlto curries malaria, gave In a lecture an account of other diseases that are rarrttd hy insects or bugs Mosquito carry not only malaria, but yellow fever, dengue fever and elephantiasis (Jloasina nutnitsgs is the parrying agent or the tropical dUeane known as imigaua. while tsetse flies sre the a use of sleeping sickness. Tba splroolmetes of tick fever are borno by ticks, aud a mild fever Is conveyed by sand flies Hague Is due to the rat flea, which carries the purn sites In the aullvnry glaudn and leaves than In the flesh of whomsoever It bites. Mediterranean fever Is cnrrhsl principally by the milk of l&fscted goats la-prosy has beSS nttrlbutisl to badboga, and some are even la-gltmlug to think that measles la due to Mens London opinion A Gladstone Anecdote Lord Alverstoue tells this BBfCdote if QtadatOM lu bis 'Itecollectlonn:' "Mr t.ladsloue wua very much in terestisl In the t'ltiiciiniis I hail a friend, t'nptnlu X.. who hnd rtst-ntly come home rroui Hint district, ami I gave hlm a letter of Introduction to Mr. Cladstoue. A Tew dnys Inter I met Mr (iladstouu III Parliament -tree! He atopped uie aud said Your friend. Captain X . knows more about tbe Caucasus than nny SMS I ver met.' A few minutes sfterwntd I met CaptalB X In Tall Mall I said to 1 1 1 ik. Well, you have wade n great Impression on Mr t.ladatone' llitvo IT lie snld 'Yes.' I replied He says yon know more about the Caucasus than nny uinn he ever wet Well, said Cantata X . 'Hint la very strange, for, though I was with hlm for thr.s- quartan of an boar, i only mad thro ihse-rv ntlome ' ' Fine Encouraoeeveeeet. Willie aria of an economical turn "I uilii. I He inlled upon Kll.iils lb uiniiv times before lie hough! her n liox ol nndy At lust he laSBSd up nud bOUgfal nil eighty cell! pound beil That evening his brothel noticed that he hnd n grom-n on ami skeil tin- trouble "That blamed old cur ate hall of that box Of eighty cent cutnlv.' In Mid referring u KUxslietb's Send h coll la 1 he next lime be laMigbt .mi, he iieiight. In n billion to another eighty cent Itooud isil. s bag of tell cent -.tore candy fu( tba dog. "Oh. Wllltsui I" aald Elisabeth "How tboughtrul of you! 1 aw so gUd that you and Uorer are becoming frleudal" -New York Uloba. resell- Pride. Mrs liluiit -Well. IHjlss. I don't sup pass you v III attempt to deny that your original aucestors war etoeui age ruf flans who lived In a damp caret. Mrs Tree? If my earliest ancestors were a pert of the ge-ologlc perhsl of Which you "iwak they must have bad a red sandstone rbatesu of their own OH Klliithesd snoue. with atnlactlte In .irnllniis aud ruuulllK nM OU the Urst floeirl Clerelaud I'lalxi Oelvr Th Critic , "How do you like the meter of my pii'-uiV" aKkcd the poet when the Stags .I lie islltor bad Unlabed reading It "There I plenty of gas In the thing, but I'm hanged If I can see auy me ter!" replied the beMrtlesa 41eUir-Cln cliiiiiitl Enquirer. Explanation. "How could two such atleut people uvi-r (to (heir courting!"' "Well, she has aucb a apcaklng conn tenimce." "Hut wbat about blur "Oh. bis money talks." Baltimore American. Denied II "So you told Itrown tbat you'd heard .torb-s to my dlscri-dii '' "I did not What I told him was thai I'd never beard any stories to youi redlt ." Exchange Not Sitting. Krleiul-I've noticed Cults, Hie tailor going up lo your studio erery day for a week Is be sitting for your Anlo --.No; . laying for me Itiistim Transcript In labor, ne In life there i an he no cheating The thief steals from hlm Self. Tbe swindler awtndlea blmnelf Emerson. NOTICE r'OIt PUBLICATION I MIFII S'JA'JKH LANPOmCI liurna, Oregon, May r.', 1018 Sotlii la hersbf given li.a' f.uaena I Prealon, w Idow of Ols'illah H t'rualon. Pi-i 'I of ' ii, 'ii 1 1., Oregon, who on la inl.i-r :i. j 'it. muih iloiio en-ail Kniry, No om.V.1. tor mhj., sfi, HWW.BSI ISU'. St-.'HK'. l-.ec !. I v, lu r . lunge tO Kaat. Wlllsma-ile- Meridian, loi ill. -I iiothe of Intention u, ajeaSS Anal thn, yir i'roof, to ealaLllali claim to the Isiul abort da leiilii.l. Itefoie KeglaU-r aud liaeeiver, al lo. ii,. Ort-gon, on the 7th day of Ju'r 1 d I ( lalniani naineaaj ndtueiaeee l harlea It Needheio, of iuirlia, Ori-gun Khnei Kay iMivall anil Hnaa Ulngn l.uili of sarruwa. uregou nuiiem i uiium liurna, iirrgou W. rasas, ttugiei. , NOTICK FOR IMJHLICATION (IMIKPHTATEH I.ANII omi'K, I liurna, Ofaaaa, June 1, 10. I .1.1,10. in leeio by kI veu that llsrvey l.i-wl. 1 Bsas of r ife, oreguu, whn. ou vttr.n.i 1 lull, luaih b.airi l.auifgnly, No Ofs'iVO. for HW i4N W r.,, Secliiili a, -i,i,bjI. VI Houtti, It. -I l-.io.t Will. in. iu- llerlillau, has flletl liullie id Intention m uiaae anal nronf, to eaialdlali 1 laliu lo tin-la mi above ileajrllanl, ic fore kegh ter sud liecelrer. at JJurua, Ortittnu, i.u tin ah day of July, in1, 1 laimani naiio-saa wllueaat-a Weale) Mlreet, peull Werner, llenrj Itrset, k'lwanl i-.-iin.Bi-, sll of Fife, Oregon Ws Kassa. Ki-nlati r All kinds of iirairi including wheat at J.uiiabura- Palton & Co. I.. 1. WHISTLLR'S CLEVERNESS. The Artilt Could r In HI. Mind Any I li... i In Nature. It was Whistler's habit to memorise an enVcl In luituic. nud Mr. T. It. Way, III his "M.miolrs." ghi's an example of his elcwi loss nt II I shall neM'i forgVt n lesson tie gave me one o cuing rV hnd left ths StU ,llo when II WM quit dusk and were walking u long the road by the gardeua of the Chelsea hospllai. w lie.i be potut d to n group of buildings lu lbs ills tau.e an old public house at Hi cor ner or Hie road ttllh windows snd shops showing i. olden lights through the gathering mists of twilight. "look "' he snld As he did not seem to have anything to slot, h in ni.iKe notes oil, I took out my notebook and ohYtcd It to hlm. "No. no be ipilet'" he snld. and after n long pan he turned and walked bach i tow rardai then, with his bat k to the seelie. he snld "Now. see II I hnve leiirniHl It." Slid then he gar a description of tbe scone, perfist lu eery detail of ar I'lingement nud color, ns he might have repented n poem he hnd lonrtied by hem t Tin li we went oil. nud mam there iiiiiie an. Iher picture that appealed to ineeieii mole Hi in the former I tried to cull Ins i .. nil. hi to II. hut he would Hot look lit It "No no" he said, "one thing St s tl In a few dsyi I was nt lb studio again, ami there on the enael was (be picture FINALLY SHE BALKED. It Waa a Good 8chem, but She Tbuuglit II Waa Going Toe er. It Vaa au cMraordlunr) netice: "Kieemosyhnrf typewriting luatitu (lull Am I. in H wishing lpewrltlng dono, but hiving no money to sjy for Mm, w lit be aci ouimodate'd In Ihla otllee tietwts'u the hours of 5 sud 10 P. Ill ' A young woman was tacking the sign mi the olllee door when the mau III a plaid suit Mopped "Who is the public boiiofn. torT" he asked "Me.' she said I thought I might in well advertise, and save my employ er's f i lends the trouble of hunting me up I liev always have' Homelhlng fur me to do liven on days when I am no bllSJ that I lii! . 1 1 v have lime to lire. Illle ihev in with rtills ot luanusi rlpt and ask the uiaiinger If I bar Hum I pv II Sometimes that makes Mi. u Il'el sillrill 'Are i Ull busy. Miss JonesY' he ask- i.iinie I aj Then the in 1 1 hi ei lint, i,. Itut he- nlwnys gives in ill well, ne says, 'I guess thai Isu I i.li liuptotiiut .lils( let It go in. I o v llus lor Mr - S I e-opy a I Mi say a Thanks, you are very i. nil He never Ihluka of pay li I: s lie eislest tv.it In Hie t..i I .. i.l i p,. willing don I was ifi m I ie u.i u- h few iiiru who ii I iii ei in l of Hie ai heme, so I LlSti lit I'o. algti out for their bene lit ' .w oi k I '(set ( it !.. ,j a Thief. lu I'i'tt-I.iii, seteial years ago a gen Ilii i i. i nt al i public gathering bad He- ml i in bars his watch Stolen M li. i . 1 1 Hi in I gold le(M-ster 8tSI Hug up he ii in -d bis lines aud added It is no two mlnnt.se to U M ... k Ho wad h will alrlk the iiun no I is It Is loud I nak every one ii 1. 1 i. ii:l.-i . e shall then lie able to ,ui oui ha U'il UN 'he I til, r A dead -llei nsiltfd nutl olii Individual. aelseil with a had III of i uughliig. eu .li .i.oiii I I., leave the ii.ni He waa pruli e.o led Mimbesl aud the ml" o. i "pi'.' found lu Ida pocket II afters u.i Ha n spired ll,i)t the watch SOU ill l.o 1 1 i V e struck, as U wua out of ordi i i "iclon Clpreaa. A Thorough -Pi. s, minimum Is auppoast IO have ne mmum vr. or boaster I In re waa a mild epidemic nt woiups lu an uptown school not long sgo, and I i, i. inr ai i. --.I lb pupils In ber room Uo.v not, j nun inhered having tbe dls e-ase.- A few remembered t, buf mo.t of tbem had never inn i d of It Then tin- rnmSBISf allrsctrd f hef ti ii In r s altcntliiii "I get the mumps, teacher." be ewll uigiy I "I I get It arouud my far so And 1 gvt me by each eye-aud Ujc iiihI. r my ueck " Cleveland Plain Peal r Crude PtrelIMB). lb. inn Iiolds the bollevr (uf ftt eiirlb-st pitsliu Hon of crude efrolejnj baring pill It on the market lu IsVn" li.'i years lulel the I nltsd Mutee pro elm id leg lit's! pelroleiim. IVU00 gallons. Ilalv was ii i i., do..; tin- following yeiii. .Hid CSBS4a, within iwrlve month' iNiiarad lb h-ii Itussis quleklj t ..wed. mid fol jeara the count rles wen- (be sole pioducer Kua- ala is u,,v second only lo this cunulry. Hawaii's Crater Lake. vVnlapvl ol llreei lake, ou Ib la land or Hawaii. Is a body of fresh sra-1,-r in the pn or an old crater nsar Ivnpoho 1'his hike coyrs an arss of about pu acres mid Is hsl by springs la-low Hie surface A fuiuplng plant tultes water from ibis Juke for fjoiue llc use and for Irrigation purpo rVhclet. The w hi',, is not a dab. In pfayy- thing which . liiiiaotcll7.es a fTtM flab mid sepiiratcn It from other Seessasssi SS reptllea. birds mid mammals, tbs uliil o inbles the lust named (th mamma 1st and illfTcra radically and Con, i. no. ;, Hilly from Ibe tlab -New York Aiui'ilcuiy Vou liked "Lucille Love" did you not? Well, you'll like "The Trey 0'HeurtaV" better. Tona wainii next VVedncnday night. $1500 Reward! ll)') Oresoo, llel- 'uildaanJ Nevada HiftoCk Protec Hon Association of 1. it-it His under aliiiu-, I Is member, trill glvs l,0U0 ta) lus.itl or erl ileiii's le.dlua to thn airuat and sou en 11. . 1. ol any ear ly ur partiea aleal 1 "a li'.ieee csllls or i.iiilr. I,luiihi, be say ul Its litem In .'litllliui lie lliu above, n,e audsralgnsd nil. 1. tin isoil fn million exi ui tor ell horses Itraiuli.t bum iiln.ll baruu bulk or either Jew llraud 1, looltsl pi t.ltl cuuotlst Hauga llariu), lake ami I rouk co,ynlJea. Horses vi-iilt-.l vv In-ti aolt) Nulla inn gruttn buraea aold aud esjaja pu ,i-t 1 1, 10 lo. w w liitoWN yii, Ureasxs, ' 1 ARMY CAMP WATER. Haw the Supply Is Conserved and Used In th German Army. Suitable drinking water Is or vital lin porta nee to an army, and I li 1st Is only one of s milltll uile or problems that must lite studied iiinrully by Hume who conduct s auicessrul campaign Tba water supply of a camp Is a matter or great liiiinirlance Only ruunlnu water Is uae'd lu Ibe Herman army the upstream water la used for drinking purposes sud the downstream wnlei for water Ing horses and for bathing Suitable algua notify the men which water Is safe to drink and which v be used only fur bathing In shallow si narrow atreswa Limine are dug or small limine built so ss to form n reservoir of ample dimensions Htepplug stones are provided to keep Ibe water clean, ns well ns board pro ten-Hull to prevent the hunks from crumbling llnslns are dug fol water Ing horses; troughs urn provided only Ill case of ins easily nud nre then prop ped on posts nud tilled by menus of punipa. ripoa may he driven If water Ilea at a reasonable depth lu other words, not more tliiiu twenty reel I ' pending Upon their aire', these pipes will deliver inun four to twenty two gal lona of water per minute. If wnter lies very near the Murine e bole la dug mid n cask, the bottom of which baa been km a lied out. Is placed lu tbe bole to foiiu u hnslu II Hie vvn ter Ilea si s greater depth the basin may be furmeel of hoi sections diiveu In on on tvip of the other Si leulllh A merles u. FISHES WITH ITS WINGS. Ths Caeaowary Has a Way of lie Own For Capturing Ha Pray. Habits of tbe cormorant and of our native tlab hawk are generally known Their methods of taking ll-.li very much like those or birds or prcv Itut th caeaowary tubes according to n method of Its own A well known naturalist witnessed Us op, unions on a river In the Island of New Britain. lie ssw s cassowary come down to the wsler'a edge and stand fot some minutes apparently winching the wa tsr cerefully It then stepped Into the river where It was about (hue feet deep aud. partially squatting down apread Ha wings out. submerging II i. the feathers be-lug Spread and rullled Tbs bird remained inulloiilens and kept Its eyes close-d as If lu slis-p ll remained lu this position for a qnsrtSf of an hour when, suddenly closing Its wings sue! straightening Us ri ilhers. It atepts-d out oil the bank Hi-re It shook Itae-ir aeveral times, whereupon a guantlly of small Bah fell out uf It wings and flniu ainlil lis fe ilhers These the bird Itiiineilhili-l v pi. Led up and swallowed Tbe flahes had evideuily mistaken ths tess ttwrs tor u kind or weed Hint grows lu the water glong the Links of tbe river In (Ilia Island and width much resemble the fen I In rs of tba MM aowary The smaller tubes Idle lu these weeds to avoid the Isrgaf ones tbst prey on (hem. hi Paul Itonaor Pisss, Camels In Wsrfsra Camels nre n feature of warfare lu the far aSSI llasm was lu the year (1&U the see-ue id n llk-hl known as the battle ot tlieiamel In vv Id, b A vi shah, the wife of Mahomet, headed the charge uiuiiiiImI Uhiii oi f these braata And down through lbs '" lurlra Arab busts luive been hrd by u girl rldlug on a blio keiicd in I ling lug songs ut e-lu oillncelllellt to ln-r owp aide nud Insult to Ho- utbef Ar cording to Ibe arjet rules of the gam, ber catdure or el. n I li mini, I Ibe Dlghl of her trlls- while In I In- event of victory she led the triumphal man b I unduu Chrouh Ic Human i -t Human life Is Hie sum,- eveiiwb.ie If we could hut get ut the truth we should Hnd ii,ni mi the tragedy and rotuesly of Hbakespcaie have been le produe-esU lu Ibis Utile village Qod has mads all of one blood vYbal Is trua of one man la lu aoiiu- aort true of another Manifestation- IIIIJ differ but tb essential elements and iprtng of action are the aaine lilltlcr Sleep .11 tiie Parte. The moel iiiull i.H i -I ship Is al ways enjoyed lu a thoroughly ilaikeu d nsiui l.lglit aria upon the brain. aud those who keep Hun i ..... up will dud that lu the aiimiii, i nim when ao few hours an- tcallv dark. their Bleep le restless and distill bell This be often attributed to the heat. bu more often than led II bt Ihu light wbb'b e.-gueteoi vvakcfiiliu-ss Wbere the Oariuer Wsa "I'd turns the World foi lull deiii.'' aald the Inf. ttu. did young man ou the parlor ofa "Ob, thnt'a all eight ' add Ihr sweet youug thing alungshle of iiiui. but don't cross fulber"- Youkeis Itatea mau. Hsrat'a Hsrd Luck. The city which has been must often 'retrty nd )s Herat. In Afgbnnlatan Klflysli fjiuea i...., ls walls been laid In ruins, mid ft f i sarap limes have they bSSS built Ths Proper Thing. "Here's a story of man who bang Olmaelf. aud ajuu c Is nlmi I Vvlial shall I do?" "C'u UUii (luvvn ' iiaitiiuore A mar can. The man imikes the , licuuisiu and Is spiritually us well as ecoiiom kuilv the aitlflt it of Ida own fortum farlvle THE JjAVt K STUDIO Kodak Film l. .. h.,.r.l and all photography work dune in In .1 class Bhaper Pi. .,,,,, 1 allrntiun BURNS . OREGON Warrant Call. Notice 2d .Ju'i't'liy givsO Unit there is tnuney on liuml lo pay all general fund warranto regigtaawj prior to March J, 1014; all mad warrants regiuLered prior to June 1, 1914; all high hcIuiuI warrants registered prior to Am il I, 1916, and all rabbit bounty warrants registered prior to March 1, I!IT. Interest MMM April L.(i, l!),r). K. A. Miu.Kit, County Trt'a.siii-pr. eJob prill tlllR it. GERMAN CIVIL COURTS. Mode of PVseedur Where Commerelal Cass Ar Tried. The ' hiindelagerlrbt." or commercial i oui t. is pi cabled over by one Judge and two laymen known as "hnudrls lit liter" i oimiieii Inl Judges neiinlunt id hy ii nelclnl besllea aud itiNilut ed by the- government Auy Oeiiuau la lie ible who la registered as a titer chant, thirty years old, and otherwtae ipuillllisl ns specially provided by law. tlul.v commercial cases are sent lo this department upon motion of either pur t.i I vvltneasisl a trial 1st ween liter chnstS and waa much plensed with the ape-edy mellusl of detci mining tbe case- Insteud or siibiultllug li-cbiilcal busl ne-s ,n. .ii.. lis to s Jury, who lu sll I i , il ut I ill 1 1 never he-srd of the like be line, mid then offering the testimony of evpclts ou ea ci side of the e-nae. vvhh h often hits a leiidency lo con fuse tlm Jury rather than to enlighten t lie in. the Herman commercial Judgia possess personal eIH-ileme lu busl ness mid skill In iifTnlrs nf couiim-n-e ot lint gie-nle-st value III arriving ill otleit conclusions Ill-sides, the pro Cedar, us a rule. Is brief and In Ibe point mid causes Utile dehit lo tbe litigants So far as I mold observe, this Kisleni winked ve-rv -m Isractorlly I-red II I't-tersoii In laas nod I'om ment THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. The Rssaen He Dees Se From the Physlosl Peint sl View. Laughter Is sit Involuntary reapou of certain muscles to s eouiuiuunatlou front nerves controlling- their uutlou We laugh I sis-s use we receive su Im pression through our aenaory uervee thut ca uses s demonstration from the muscles which express mirth. Tbs vigor or heiiiiliti-ss of laughter depends upon the susceptibility of the brain to what Is received through Ihe sensory BSFVSa They get Ihe Impieaali.n In Hires ivnys- fitiui seimetblug we see, feel ur near nml ih-iiiI It along to the nerve tenter l-'rout Ihers It la ae-ut along other nerves coutiected with certsln si hs or glands aud excites them to ai tltlty The nerve are llks ao many electilc wires, mid Ibe aenaory nervea act aa il buttery, hy iodine of which the dec trie currents uf life are trutisuillled Ihe lunacies hsve tbe power to ex piess the stsle of gluduesa. Indicated by laughter, n.. oi ding to tbe imltlve ucss ot the luiiresslous pasaesl slung the nerves slil.li oMrrsls them Vou laugh less heartily tbe second tlms ton hear a fuuny atory tiecauae the Impression a less saltlv - Itisky M'.iiniiiln News A Book That Wasn't Published. A aliiguhit plan for honoring hero wns propose-d lu S3. If ws msy i redlt the following foolnul lo "Iji Typo gritphle. " a se-in by le- I'rlli-lter. pub ilsliesl lu thnt year st Uem-vn In lib roar) mat several iit.i.r. an Bounced that Ibe largtsjt boeik ever prtttted will aborlly appear lu London under Hie title Tbe Pantheon uf hug llab lleris-a Tbs pages of Ibis book will he- twelve feet long sud two feel wide mid th letters six Inches high II has baea found ne. e-esary to erect sk cln I ma. hlue-ry for Ihe lusuufai lure of (he papsr rcspilreel 'Mils glgiiulli- work will be prlule-d by ateitin lu characters of gold no ordinary priming ink ising Bead hi Ihe- pris ess Only a biimlresl copies will hi Issued sud these will ae-rte lo adorn ib principal Ilium Icy In Kuglaud " You will not Bud that boot, lii auy public or pittale library Pesrls. The nasi am) irupularliy of pearla date hack lo about fluO U pi bill Ibe,- vveie kniivvn lo yet older pesjplvs. nud eeie chilly to 1 In av of the esat The Chinese reitiids 11 atlll farlbrr hack, and oya ter pe-arla wt-it- received as tribute lu the twenty third cenlurf U V la piobahle that they were found In the witters of Ceylon mid ludln '.r.OUO veiira ago. aud Ibe tireeka of 1 nurse both knew and rivjguse'ij Ibe value of tin- pearl Hut tl svub mil uptll tbe Koiiuin empire una beginning lo riae (lull the 1.110H li-dgii of Hid tuluc of Ihe IM-nrl I .it nine geueral. trvfortunale Namur. From the lvnb century to 1 IV I Ns miir was the 1 tlplul of a iliigeslom. but was merged In Ibe Netbei Innja III UVI II una tupluied In liiiV by Marahul Vnubsii lu lbs vlj;i-jliipils war ami Hn.e 1 en ra later by U IllUm of )rani;e igaln In IV Id the Krelli II liiiieral 1 lei uiuut tiaik It. and It wsa taken frog) Hi1' I' rench by Joseph II lu I71H. but le-iloicd it,.lb tee I a r lu IHI5 It was -a It nihil lilt great braveir In Ibe Waterloo 1 mupiilgu l.nnO'o'ii Answers Intarrouetlng a H'lyuppr I .ball leave politics a poorer man than when I Brat accepted uttlce." aald the pnr)o "Cxcuae Me. ' rsspoutlgd lbs fi'lend. wbo Is a little bard of hearing, "did vou ag' 'piwrsr' of 'purer r"Waah lu-t.in Ktar. Easy. "I wish I knew how (o get rid uf trouUi ' "I II help you out I know fallow who's always looking for1 It ("-Judge. Albgelore- Teeth '"" ftHP "lllgalnra' teeth Is as rich in Inn- n mid Iiaa a I'.igliiitr lustar than die best tusks Hint erer came from mi African elephant --.. . - .. . There Is work ou Hod's wide earth 'or nil men that he Inn made with hands inn) hernia Ciirlt c Coinhlmetion sick, Injury, uct itlunl and deal, hxtueflt nrotivtlon at miui uiiiiii rust. tUJ94J.aJ death henelit II.0UU.00 tor l..ee of ljujb or eynaight, laoin go U0 to llfi.OO weekly sick or at- blmit bcmllt, 11,000.00 Kuteraeucr re lict heuellt. Coat Is U.ttU pr year; no other dues or assessments, lit title insurance all men and women areplacetl on an equal baaia, trgitrtllea ul urcupa Hon. Krary iteraon makes the aaine furiu of a). plication, paya the same sinuutiPif urnjiuii and tei-nivea the aw amount ut ucueUl. Men and Women betyen tit ages of III and U6 ure stceplpd. No restrictions aa tu oe- upntiiiii, only ItgUroad men uittployed otiiployed on trsnk, Ham or roound house, can nut ho sccupted. t.'laliua are paid within aiaty daya anywhere lu the U.H. Oauadaor Knrop. Hid raliable Inaiirunce t.'oiupauy. (10U,Uuvl.(l0 on Slate deposit as a protection lor 1'ollcy holdera and to guarantee the pav uietit of "lain, a. For further tree information ml. lions limit it re B. Werner, Hecretsry sud i o.iiciul Manager, lloi HI :i, liuffalo is. a. stats sgs, sei, occupation aud inuutiou ltept. II. 17it, ... of CONSCRIPT ARMIES. Mllltsry sjuUs In eros In the Vrl ua Statea ef gurep. Napoieoit lu IfM llrsl brought con a. rlpilou lulo rone, then II was adopt ed by rrus..ln ufle-t hei tlefeat by lb l-reucb al Jeiiu lu Iseai lu most touulrlea wheie miai ilptluu Is III vogue every utaii ou rem hlug n ii-itiiln age from nineteen IS twenty SB BSS to uudergo u pe-rhal of tul III n t ttuln Ing. This pietalls lu l-'ruure and Her ninny, hill lu llusalit n certain number uf men la rciulrcd only, and If Ibis is exceeded Ihe authorities decide from wbum full seivlc ahull be exiictisl i if course cerliiln iiien lire eiciisesl, such aa Ibe only sons ur eldest sons of clergymen, etc lu Spain and I'ortugal every man Is Itut directly called usin. bul each In Hilly Is obliged to rurnlsl rlnlii iiuiuIh-i. Hiii melt Is-lng lumen by bul lot There Is uo standing army In Hwltserlaitd, but all BMsbsdM ritlSSSa arr lu the mllltlu. which In inlled tilon to train a tetv weeks every year Although compulsory service Is t In law of Ibe land. Ibe army In the Ksth e Hands bt iiinliily composed of voliin leers. It la conalderesl by some people I tin t cons. -rip Hon Is unipiilur, hut In tin rural dlstib la of the coiiiitrh-s when conscription Is In fofCS Hie Inhnhltauts look forward lo Ihe (luie when Ihev will be inlled upon aa the only ef II lug cbauge lu their Uvea The best luiiscrlptlve count ilea have so legislated thai when the conscript leaves tbe army suitable employment la found for him. alsti, another point In Ills rnvor, his perhsl of service Is lint so long its that or Ibe volunteer Poll don Chronicle A BOTANICAL PARADISE. Juan Fernandei ielanda Hove More Than One Claim to Fame. In (he Juan Keruandec group or Is lauds. :tem miles rnuu Valpnnilso the I 'biles 11 gove-rnmeut has a wlieiess sta (Ion. Three Islands comprise Ihe group but the- name be usually applied to the largest Mils a Tlerrn. closest to Hu mainland Here It was thai Defoe pi lureel Alexnnder Helklrk fHoblOSUU Crusoe-i lu exile Mns n Tlerrn la id Ine-vulnr form alsjul twelve miles lu length hut hard ly foSJf mlle-s a. rose In Its w Idi-st part When s-e-n friilll a iltslau. e- Hie pe.il. of kCI 1 untitle the nut II Hps-nts .on spli ueillslt III II lunge of plis ii il 111 mould.. In- mid iiltnlullig 11 hel:'ht of lllaai reel I mm Ibe lull III Hu baa ihe iiioiiiitaiu la wooded tvitli wiimh-i riill.t r.-rllle vnlh-y at the fool III I ail Hkntlahe-rg of Hu Hwetlisll Mngelliinit iiM-dltlon lauded on Ibe la laiiel in IIBiM. and the eiulin nl et ,., 1 1 pliel wiote- HUbMe-ipielill v Hid fltilll .1 lMitnul.nl point f view 1 11,111 I tin i.d. .' la one .,r Hie world Ulesel f. ua phues .-so uuiny wiinileifui plauta are broOsThl (otfe-lhel hile 011 11 s inn 1 1 ,,,,-a Iiml on. iioisl toin n tin in ti, 1 thnt oin ill.-, not .it .-(.in 1 uli Hon oi Iii.iii I-1 1 11. 1 1, tic i.iL.ii. terns .it-., unil a istusltlt rsltlt n hluu selll.111.nl Is now In 1 v Idem In tin nner resstiiui.uiis of . dpa rslau nml NattltagU tie.- lobste-rs ol .In. in Keinandi g uie rOBahlrrrd delh a- les fol whh n fain y pii.es nre .aid vest.. ua ul Seeking- Too Math ot the Bank The tilth lala of Hie Kugllsfa eu tings i". 1 tit. ilepiittlni ut. 11 1 01 icsmti b bt Wlltea. is caaliiiinll.l It U.I I hi nisei v c . I e gmdisi ,te n kind of uulreraal purrey ors A desinltoi sent his bank Isiok With this Modest tetpiest J belt- Br eullle Utile tilings ahollld like to get fioin IaiiiiIoii. snd one la aOine natural tear tolai... t I should he glad If rU will at ml two oiintes nud charge to my aciouut 11 u only lu be obtained In (be largest tobacco atorea " We failed (o comply with bla w lance, whur, u he wrote au Indignant letter lo (he comptroller of our deiutrtinetit klau cheater Huardlau. t-snyjsgee ef Ipdi. One liuf'idred and Aft)' dlfiVre-m Ian guagi-s ure alHiken In India most or II,buj unwritten, and (his fiul fro 'IWr-Wllj' l.t-u.Js o (roublu In the courts or that oriental t-oiiiiliy Strangely hough liidlana frequently drift ltd" Hint ciiplliil ho can rilltt no 'me able to uiidersland (hell te'ruaculnr Nel tber the court nor the court luteipiet ra understand some of the litigants altd y-U'usaee-B In legal cases . 1 T i , Obnoaioua Preeumption. "Why d'd yoof alster drop her w.-l "VVblle si he waa uul l,jl,: I" nplift the children uf other issipln 110 oil,. 1 welfare worker raute along aud tiled to Utllft her children "- I. oulsv III. Floevers. owest-Vlrgluls creeiter. imllltig arhuuia. afoat aedate Jack In the Cuipit poplost-l'oupjr. et).sf actlro Johnny Jumpup. klofl taciUfu-L'hl'IJIIInieinini lie troll Newf Chemistry Nlndergaatea. Ilohliy- Is oxygen what oxen bicnlhc all day? Iaa-Uf course, uml what -teithlng elae breslhes. Ilohhy And i OMrofSg grhjt every OM hrenthos a .light' ' " III I - - Different Waya. Hewllt-I bar been pinches! for money latejy. Jewltt-Well, women hk.e dlffe.eit wayf of getting II Mv fe kisses Me when aie tvnnts nut 'T'hra la put single njgaaaal in this Nf that we can afford lu loan . -ronl-bum NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NUT IV4I. I Nli Mlgjl M'IW.H I.ANII IIKHi I l-Alevlew. tfragPB. Mav Ilk, In -"."lit, la hereby uli,in u..i ,-....11.... ... ol Hi.uSer. Orsaon, whu, un Mat In. 11 in. Ut II, mo stead tciilrv a..i e..l. c. t.s... . (71IU, lorHtAI.. Mer ; Nw ,, Nuelhm 17 I'otvli i'l?.r ".""''is !,,,'" Sail, Villlsmelte -.....,.., . ineu iiinit-r ul nil. nil,. , ,k, flns Hit.'., year tiresil, b, ,-.1.1,11.1, , u,, ,,, Uie laud aUivede-Kribe-d. before 1 . j s tall ft. 1 ll. B. t'utuiiilaaluiier, st Ina utiles, ai .!,, 1' , Oreauu, uu tlieislh dav ol June lyi , li.liu.iil neuoB .a ,1 In...., , Hsuiuel Heal. Mi. ll.ra Wasbburll, II ll Young, lira Maude Htaiitler, sll nl i..,. HreBi'ii. J k 111 Mass, Ragtag i NOTICE FOR lUJlil.lCATION. I NI'1'gllHI'AlhH I.ANIi OKI- li t. Iluiua otrijuu. Ma) ix.l a Nuilie Is hereby i.,-,, n, .1 ukrlillan I .M"""' J,ullla.Orefull. whn. .111 A, ... 1 1 HI I'JUW. made lloiiiealeailKiilrv, No in..', I, gi W. Heotlou 11, Tuwnaldu V H . RsBas 1 1 WloaiBetie M.-rl.llali I... Mle.l BOtloa ul liiteuileu lo make final dye veer proof, in I -.""" i.o tne laiui eluivi. tb .. 111,, ,1 belurelUalBlersudKeielver.alBuriia llmault on 1 lie aiu day ol Juue, lid , 1 laiiiieiii usuieisa wltneeaeai W.K slsrshslli ol Narrows, Oregon hurl 1 ii.ii.itii.. . U...I.. ,, ... , .. ..a.. 7 a. ..i.u.u.uti e r. ll.it- .1 ullage, Uleguu Wg KaaaB, Hegltnr ittttittititiiiiitiift niKntntttiiiiiiiinii RODNEY DAVIS House I'nintlng Paper Hanging and Decorating Cnlclmlnlng Hardwood Finishing Fresco Fainting HsllinnleN furnished on as- plle-utlon. Siimple shown. i;iVi: HIM A CHANCE ttttttiti:iH::wt.tti!t'tttMtmiutn::n:ti. T !1 ' 0 S T tlCCU HTE .22 UL.Lti.fepating Rifle in the WORLD. 1 1 nl in t wo luodclei on Tor 18 .'short 11. K. rsr trldgea Hu- oilier for .H llllle It I STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Handles IA ,gg tIST PHlid Short snd If .f ng nth- cartridges. id lor hnndeoiiieljr $8.00 llhislniliil Itllle CaU- loirand "How tuSltout Well". ( Irth r Stevens ISflM Plitoliaad tewtgaaa from ) our Henler. I. STKVKNS ARMS cv TOOL COMPANY, . O. Boa S0O4, ' TH 'i"l I l-AI.IS. MASS. II I- II I A I HIKKi TllKY tat oaaoosi tOee K 1 lieiubetlsln lilarr) laltie W llewley I N J hlssest AMI rswfonl 1 ungri Alt. .mi- isl 1 ib eel Wear lien W, UleeMI T. a Say J A I hurt hill W H iluulwer I SU -l I U ,. lUtll I 1 l-.-.l 1 gat In I 1 A Mi hrbtr . ej ' .. -, 11 Harnett 1 1. a. Beau. 1 r. A. M.,..,, NIM I II H lib IAI. ItlMTSICT. vi"iW W-j.ax Ixtog 1 MS- r pit I ' Ji 1 A 1 - .-.. Hlfsa i.e-o H Slieisore In 11 1 in... ii,, flrsl Miisdar In 1 I M lat iu in tuber Wll tiiouke 1 W I Hitman I'U Nl V IIASSBT t Ureal Thompson Il I lluehel lo eeun 1 K A atlller 1 g llr.r) A k. Mirlierileon I 1 1 ..-10 tea I vt Hamilton - vv 1 Irteucer John KuLlneuu ' "inn , I I' riylreoter 1 I l.'. haln I-,-, ii.. ni.' waaaaf in li it.'. I.. M.t jui . Bsaaasaaai and - I IV I OM orrn b : Mm taite -.in MothetahesS 111 ai 1.. sain atotheretiestl Koji Van Wloxle i " aai llrnrr Italtes It J Hansen vc Welcome Janiea Ijtatairilre l -. J Mi kllili.ai 11 on Seeuiol end lm Nua ll.'.tie Sewing Miekill ClIUIL 1 'KANv.r, MASS. ' We do job nriiitijikj. M. t ..ion I ,v ITS' - st. a, - .- 'etSaSBBBSBSMIBBBSBSBSJBSBt m:- 1 pr2J 1 i , 1 iIm ,7' nuinf L Siiw. ji New Home B 5,-wini; Mschin M BT -""" 1 luy Iho Uiawhino 1 it1! hS) MsaM NEW JB 1 MC "ii lie aum I WfflfflBW M 1 Ina maubln b H . YBasssI a- ft .nl.vl all JB-. mffJfr f No oilier like il M.W I Nonihcrasootf C JOB WORK We do it right If You Want .4LL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $3,00 a year Rest Job Printing I GRIFFITH A SAUHMAN Phyalclai . and Hun,.,,,,, stiRNg. nggnris If LU. CPfl(v Physlclm, gnd nurns, - - ()r Office on arcoiul Boot I. , , riiom- Mali .'ut hlii, CEO. G. CARL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 0,B Tawem teUaas. Seeaeel etlenlaas .,., , , see aSd threat '" Baraas ... "Nl DR. R. D. KETCH UN! Druglea Physician Nature Methoda and Dfceta I r a- i.s-b . . I !.. . k " "" a IBBBBIBB S pein.Hy i.v.u. r ,. Bonn (i oennnn & uemhan. Physlclgns ;ind Surqeons -""""" I'rmiipil) ,, ,lt. one Harrio,.,. Hsrriman. Oregon Or- Minnie Hand PKsroJ JO "jroiutiii ana Ourgeon Wroct Telephone Ce.ttnevi,n Albritton. Ore. ! E HIBBflRD DElTTlsx nest . 1 ",u. iirsiu.sir east p,.,i. .1 ere Unrna. On M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Itw Voegtly Hldg.. Urn, Orego G. A. REMBOLO Attorimy-nt- ,avr Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON BCHMAU Attornt-y at Im t on tests ami practice lfore ('. B. Uj 1 'line ,1 Bs-i-,a!ty Offlce: Kry Bldg. next dooi to p. Jt aft Burns. Oregon CHARLES W. EliLIS LAWYER Buttib, - . OrtKon Hrartice m the Btata i oorti aa ts lor the L'.h Load 1 'll..-. 1. ChiiH. II. 1 .e-etrmixi. ATTtlK.VKV-A I -f.AW, Careful attention sirsn to CoUie- Uona and BssJ fCsUU nirtUeaj. I'ire Insurance. Notary I'ulilic Bl'RSB. QgJMOS. A. W. (iOWA. ATTOKNKV-AT-LAVV Statt- Courts and United StitM Ind Dllitt- iVai'tiif Thrvt. duir.sSuiiiii of ilB Harney Cgonty Natjoria) toWk Buriig. OlwaTOfl, FRANK DAVEY Alto.n.y at L,w Notary Pssesl Cesseeiiejarias. Money (venule. ,.,. seaaaWSSBSatll 3 1 and CMfit, P, I', .. c OBee I ,l. Nr. on 1 Sal . and ljtni osn t Hti'ni Oregu F. (". DlltARIl rornterlv Aeat Ragll , la C n SsetaaxsiloB H tr. t-.uui. rlt t '1.11 gg. liaaef ot Hoite I W eaterit h 1 Eastern Oregon Eng Dtiri Company OVIL AkU IKUiiiAllllK EftOlaEOB Nrla. Ilt.eea