The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 29, 1915, Image 3

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    TheTimes- Jler aid
II.. Th 1 r.l Circulation Of Any
Nrwapaprr In Harney County.
Locl News,
ronawwna tomorrow night
Miss Myra KinR returned to
Vale last Wednesday.
M.vt me it the Hums Hotel.
That's the eentrnl place in town
Sj h ester Smith was over from
his Happy Valley home on busi
HM 'his week.
! or Rent Furnished room on
hill hree larjre windows and
on' le door. Inquire at this
offl -
ha i
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th.
First National Bank
of Burns
At the clone of business May 1st, 1916.
m .Ionian is compiennK a
I some luinffalo home for him-
uul family on his residence I
ac: Kr'' near the river.
Mm R, HrowniiiR of Idaho
fall i Bister of Mrs. A. .1. Irwin,
art el here Monday evening
wit her two ehildreu on a visit
to the latter.
e have a ear of barbed wire
(0 arrive about Jun6 1, and can
fill oiir orders at that time.
Railroad prices with freight add
ed v Hrown s Sons.
(' T. Miller is a victim of
pneumonia at his home in this
city He is reported getting
aim... as well as can be expected.
Mrs Chamberlain is nursing
Loans and Discounts
U. s. Bonds
Bondl and Securities
Premium on U. S. Honds
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures
Five per cent Redemption Fund . . .
Surplus and Undivided Profits
li l
$357. 116. (!8
. 71,428.89
1601,904 t'-.r
$ 50,000.00
pitai and Surplus $100,000.
Oregon State Depositary
United States Depositary
shingles for salt
ihn lloss has boon in town
for a few days.
hundreds of beautiful styles and "hicken dinner Sundays at the
fabrics in high class suits, coats. Oregon Hotel.
It will pay you to see our new
sprint; catalogue of the Victor
Ladies Tailoring Co.. comprising
dresses and waists
linery Parlors.
ClitiKan Mil-
Alex DeUusha, of Fondulac,
Wis., is hereto take his brother
J. A. DeRushS, back to the fami
ly home. The latter has recent -
S't'tl and fee
II. Vuljramore
Bofn Thursday
barley fur sale
Phone r call.
May 27,
Stop at the Rums Hotel when
in town. Best service.
A. B. Bennett was up from
Princeton this week.
Born Wednesday, May 26
Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Baker a
For Sale 161 acres of land,
house; $20 an
ly recovered from an attack of , Altiritton
spotted fever, having been cared .. . , ,
, Iv .' , . Children s hats at the ( liniran
for bv Dr. Mandard. ,, ., ., ,. ... , ,
3 Millinery Smith Main St. .lust
Fur Sale Registered Imported received a late shipment.
German ( oaeh stallion, 11 years
fenced, all level;
iwr.i Si I.' I IrmL u it. r
Mr. and Mrs. Karl I'.lliott. a son.
Dr. Hand and Ralph Catteraon burns, capital and s u r p l u s
were in the city this week from $IOO.0OO. "THE BANK THAT MAKES
We do job printing,
Wheat for sale (J. W. Cleven
Ker. Mrs. Ella Luckey is home from
n visit to Weiser, Idaho.
Bead "The Trey ' Hearts"
and see il pictured at Tonawama.
E. C. Eggleaton arrived home
Thursday from n trip to Malheur
Plain sawing and mending
neatly done. Mrs. II. C. Carter
at the Blot I home.
1. Foster was among our visi
tors from the Silver creek sec
tion during the week.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may be had at I he
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
....... ,.,,,.,,, .... . N
iin. len I'liilitr, woo hum ueen
Seriously 111 for a couple of weeks,
is recovering nicely and will soon
be able to take charge of the
hotel again,
We have a car of barbed wire
to arrive about June I and can
fill your orders at that time.
Kailroail prices with rreignt ."ltl
ed. N. Brown ,v Sons.
Geo. Prentice of Salt Lake, for
many years connected with Mr.
Parsons the bi cattle buyer,
has been a guest of Win. Ilanley
at the Bell A Ranch this week.
Have your coupon tickets with
you at the Welcome Pharmacy
Saturday at .'! o'clock. The alu
minum pri.e will be awarded to
the number nearest the one
Mrs. .1. L. Gault took her de
parture yesterday morning for
Portland where she will again
take some special work in voice
with some of the leading instructors.
WiirmiiiK up some.
W. A. Welly is in town.
How about a celebration?
Geo. Cuwllleld is up from Nar
rows. All kinds of grain Including
wheat at LunabuiK Dalton A' Co
II. A. Diltard was down from
his ranch home during the week
W. B. Johnson and son Alfred
were over Irom Silver ( reck
Chicken dinner Sunday at the
Overland 12 o'clock nnd. also
from 5:30 in the evening.
Mrs. Miller will take orders
for the Palmer Garment Co., of
Chicago, Sample book now on
hand at the Schwartz store.
Williams Bros, have all kinds
of rough lumber for sale at their
mill 15 miles north of Burns on
the Canyon City road.
W ray's Auto Staure lctweoii
Bend and Burns leaves here each
Wednesday and Saturday. Pas-
sengers may take all their Imk-
Bage. Vera Gibbs. agent
Mrs. ,1. M. Dalton was a pas
senger out on the auto Wednes
day en route to Portland when;
she goes to attend the Eaatern
Star Grand IamIkc. The lady is
an officer of that body.
Have you noticed those hand
same aluminum sets that the
Welcome Pharmacy is Kivintf
away'.' Be at the store Saturday
at .'! o'clock you may have the
lucky number.
Paul Locket was around bidd
ing his friends goodbye Inst Tues
day evening, announcing that he
was returning to the Fatherland
as his former country needed
him. Mr. Locher has been away
from iermany for many years.
in this city
Gardens beginning to grow,
IthlrKiiHun ii I .mii p'rll . I
HlllllN. llll'KMll, Miy . I'll I
Noll 1 1' I. tiiTi I'V f I vi-li Hull iNii'lr C In, v In.
UN. I(- ..-if M I. inland tin ..i it I Ma..'
I'll! I ! Ih'ai I I Milt I'lili i N I.I Inr
W ', "ft il l.m ii ihi . Hnifi I
H if mn.. I'c Mi ,i. ihn hi" III. il ii. ill. . 1. 1 lull ii
IIiiii In in., k .- i ii. mi eniil In I-mi ii Ii I I K h
i Ihiiii In I hr ImimI nIhm i ill mi i iIh il Ill-Inn Ki'K
Inter mnl llmilni ftt Hunt! hi. iuu. nil tlin
I 'Hi -Ii. y nt mm I'H
il INIflnl nalitpaaa wIIiii-mmim
ll.bll VVl'lllllT, ol HI .liihiiM, 'Mr I Mil
1 1 iii" i rank Millar ami w v. nli . mi nil ol
latirl. ''Kill Inllll I'llllM I lullllM
Oregon, .
t M I' A Hill HifiM.l I
I ' N I I 1 1 1 ' I A I I' I I ' I . ' 1 1 . 1 1 K . j
Hum. Oragfffl Mn) '., I it j I, (
Niitli ,. 1 1. Iii-ri'lit rlimi II, nl l ..I. l Hiliinr.
HI. Jnlllil, llri'Uiili. I, III' mi Mn ' IHI llliiilr
lli'unit I mnl Kntu ,.. u I ii. tm l ' i
I :.ih . ii I.", K I.iiim i, I, !',', Dor IK,
Townalilli .1 .initli II.. hk' tail
M.llillH'l llMM fill, I until I- lit lllll lltl. ill
In iiimLi- Iiiii, i i f I,, i afalillaa i IiiIiii IiiIIm-
IhiiiI hIhivi' rli-Mii llii'il, In-fiirii Koiistllf mnl
III-, i-lviT. Ml liuiiiM. in,-,. H, , mi tin- Inlli ilny
lit Jllllll, I II I
I IN I III llllt MHtlll'l, HA wltm-Mii M
i lnii'1, C. I'l'.l" HI JiiIiiim, lit, Kim. I l'l
Tliiini I mn. Mill, i mnl W I i.l, .-in, ,: nl
I IIWi h 111,-KOII Mini Illllll W l'V,-.,,l 1 JlllltiM
ot, Km,
w ., i . I-1 i I:. KIM'-f
Duma, i in .ii Mh ,. I'll i
Nutti I' la lil'ri'li) ,i .rn i In,! JiiIIum .Minn ii man.
ul llartlinali oti-nun. wlm. ull ifp I", 1900,
ami Mai I, Int. minli Hi IIiiIn.k '.
iirtWiM ihiioi. ni,,-i tlvi-l. Inr 'i. miIiiim -.
Tuatntnlp (. h. iianit.' M t WllUmclii
M, i hlii. n Iik. III, il II ut I, ( I nti-ii linn tn in ii In
final flu hi priiut. In .- l u 1. 1 I h Ii ilaini
In llu Ian, I I,i.ii- ,ti'Mi'flln-il, lililuti- Id-KlNti-r
anil lit i , llutna. n tin- lltli ta
il Inn,-. I'H .
rial in ant in- wllin-aai-a I
Ira I.. HI,..,.. , . Ml,,.,, i ,,,,,. Miiurjr '
Kti-nrU lii'l SjlallilalM I allnit all II an Iiiihii,
Wm. i .mi Iti'iUirr.
May weather has been unUSUS
this season, it being rather cold in fuel had resided
ami a eonsiaeraoie ami uni 01 for some iri years.
moisture lias rallen, rhis condi
tion has really been a benefit to
Mr. anil Mrs. A. rJgll cairn
old and dark brown in color. He
is a sure foal getter, having more
offspring than any other import
ed horse in Harney County. O.
L. Shingledecker, Burns, Oregon
Mrs. .1. L. Gault entertain) ii
the Treble Clef Club at luncheon
last Saturday afternoon in honor
of Miss Helens Swain who was
man itil the following Wednes
day Tin
with Sterling
Fred Clirikran cut an artery in
his arm Wednesday while mak
ing a serene door. He lost con-
The Burns Steam Laundry siderable blood before reaching a
gives special attention to parcel ,j0ctor and Kettinjf it Stopped
post. Send us your laundry by
Opening for special audit to
represent the Kreat New York
Life in Harney county and ad
joining territory. wired con
front the ranch yesterday bring- trad with Company. No jrenci-
Ing in their little daughter Marie al agent to share your profits.
to the doctor. The little lady i A,i,in.
I Nl I I l hi TKM I AMI OFrit K,
lliiriis. Orvftfl , Mr . Ill i
Niithi' a Im red) glvcu llmt Mam V . Mri-
nl Klli-r. Uicguu, m)ki, on AMgiial II. agio,
mail- rfomtttMJl KmrjrNu OlOTft.lor HVV'4' Haw
1.'. I M' ' H , KftOf .'7 K.. Wlllainutlu Hl mIIhm
lis til.'l until ol iDUrUtloll to make flunl
llni'i' i ar proof to tMlillali i Ihiiii Ik i In- Uinl
Imi' dMSfltwdt Ix'f.iri' K-glst4T anil Kruhi-i
l hums. On rOn, nil Ihtf ''th In' ol JllM I l
i 1st lii a tit n sni'f as m it i,i
David Mill, r huiI John I' Kit) l ol Hll-
OrefOO t.mnt Kvyti.nili oi.-l Kt.Leit A Mill, r
Loll, of HuriH. Oirgoii
na Khk. I;. ,!-,.
t si I an -1 IBM I. A Nil HI I Ii B.
hiittia, orrgiiii, Mai 4. Ilia
We have a car of barbed wiie
i to arrive about June 1 and can
During the first three days of mi your orders at that time
tins week the local poatofflce took Railroad prices with freijcht add-
care or .....mhi pounaa 01 parcel e,i. N. Brown & Sons.
II. .iiiiii' Umii iiifl fnmilu luff
ll'-lll' 1 i.' 'I .Wl'l I.Ullll t I' i
Kobt. Hudapeath returned last Sunday morning in their own
home la-,1 Monday. He came car being en route to Portland
i i. i r ii ii.. i ...... i....... i . .. . .
Club presented her uiUK " ' "w" ami oiner ouisiue points ior a
silver bread and ne visueo wuu ins uauKiiu:i. i vacation visit ol a month or so.
was quite ill but is repoited bet
ter today.
Mrs. .lames Wilson has return
ed from an extended , r to
Baker. She was accompanied
home by her sister. Miss Kveleen
Fry, who has been attending
school in Baker.
buttt spreaders
We have a car of barbed wire Mrs. Ftrooved's Maternity
I,, nrrivi' about June 1 and can hospital offers a most attractive
till, your orders .it thol tune, place for patients where the best
A C Welcome. C. M. Faulk
A P.oImi l,.H..r l-Vli' ii .
iier, v uncjr t- 'v - it , , ,, ,, ., ,Jif ....ill... ; I i ,,v
,,. -iTTli- 'Vail r i i,iu ilit'i iin in ij,"1 " " HH saj 1 1 1 iseg itiuvui .iim .
W. H. Hollopeter
d. N. Bro n iv Sun.
Fellows all came in Thursday
evening from the tailroad where j 'Klectric Irons can be used in
they had gone after six Met. I the morning on Thursdays from
cars the first shipment of that ' now on until the river dries up.
make here. This is considered a The K. L. & P. Co. has reduced
classy car for the money and we the price of Westinghouse irons
understand all this shipment have to $4.00 so that every woman in
been sold. The Impshire Car- Burns can enjoy the privilege of
vill handle these cars. ironing in comiort.
The Dances of the Month
With the thought of the dances of the
current month the same problem which
you couldn't solve last month is before
you again bigger than ever. It's the
problem of
Proper Foot Wear
If you can't work it, don't let it spoil a
good time. See a specialist there is
only one in town it
Ladles' Patent Leather and Dull
Kid Shoes, also a complete line
of Spring Pumps. English
Walking Shoes for men and all
kinds of shoes for the little folks
- General Merchandise -
lasonlc BuiltlhiK. - - ""'" Oregon
perienced attendants look after
the comfort and welfare of guests
The manager of this great re
ligious weekly had the privilege
of looking over the very modern
chicken plant at the J. W. Biggs
farm the other day. It is well
equipped and the results this
season show conclusively that it
is profitable to conduct poultry
business on a scientific basis.
Bemember to win the alumi
num prize seta given away at
the Welcome Pharmacy every
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
one must be in the store at the
time of drawing. The number
in the store nearest the number
drawn is the one declared the
C. A. Brittingham took his de
parture yesterday for Vale and
Ontario where he will visit with
his brothers for a time and also
take some baths at the hot
springs. Mr. Brittingham has
not fully recovered from his ill
ness and hojies to gain strength
on this trip.
County Agriculturist Shattuck
Opened his office in this building
this week where he will make
headquarters when not on his
visits to various parts of the
J. W. DAY.
Agency Director, B'd of Trade
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
(ius Zoglmann came over from
Silver Creek this week to secure
medical attention for a poisoned
arm. When Fred Williams found
he was in town he simply put
him in the store and hiked out
for the ranch himself for a little
while. Gua doesn't approve of
;. store work at this season of the
mares year but Fred had to try his
! hand at the lish.
Nnlli I la lii-l. I y Kh.n Ilia! Kval. . D Ulbbotia,
ol llll.-JI, OrMOD, whii, on Jul) I, MM, inailr
ll,,i,. .'. i.l K ii ( i i . No 01 Inr hll1,. -, ,
Hull Ii. T.iwnalil til H , ICaliK M K . Villain
lit- M.-ri'llau. I,aa lllnl DOtlM of Intenrion lo
in a k m Ill, n-ar I'roof lo -talllrti
, Ifinn lii il,,- lam aline ,1t-a HI,,-,!. I l,,n- II. k
lalrr Md Itcr.-lvrr. at Hurill. Ori-K..". mi IB.
st Ii ilai ul Juni;, 191 .
rial III a lit iiainaM it. ItQflSM
I It. at. Il.'n Mnlli-r w o Moil 11. I.
II all nl IOIi I Ori'fnn
W M I- LHr. Ki-ulalrr.
t'M'lKl) l 'IF" I iMi "i h
Burnt Oft no. Mb) i. i 'i -
sni i.i- in rity given tlml i- it Olbl ai
ul iii. OrWoa, wlm. mi Ifgj m, I'll, msvde
mavdt Id att-n-i Kmry No " t )lorWHW'4l
lei l in -1 r'j-K',. Herlloti I IOUftblp 3V H ,
Khii)! ttlnl nlaiiHtti Mi rlillnn, .ims nlt--l
ill-, ul li ilfiillim to niakr filial tlitt-i V"'
piOil, lu i at at. I m h i Inlui tn Hit' lain) nl. lr
M r I it-il . l. (..r- liMlgia)! ami Km1tI f1 I tun
On g"ii, uii ttit Mb !' ul J mn-, Pi.
t tsliusiit Daim as wltlieasva:
W 1 Hii h.i, Miii'n o Hrst nnl i.. 1..
Il inlirec nil nl Kllry. (irrgmi
Wm h o(m lt'Klt r
Is it as high as you desire?
Certain influences, over which you have
control, determine high or low level. Earn
ings and expenditures raise and lower the level.
Little leaks in the management of money mat
ters are vital.
Start an account at the Harney County
National Bank pay by check maintain I
rising level by a proper division between in
come and outgo.
No one thing will aid you, like a checking
account, to do this successfully.
Burns, Oregon
Lou Bradlield's lamous thor
oughbred stallion, Bonus Bess
will stand this season at the T.
Allen Jones farm near Burn
Terms :12..'(i to insure,
pastured if desired.
David C. Petrie, of Boise, has, 1. . Holland has purchased
been elected to the position of , tl,(. mt,. rest of Walter Sullivan
agriculture and science instruc- Jn the pool hall and has taken
tor In the High School. The charge. Mr. Sullivan and wife
gentleman has had considerable took their departure vesterday
experience in the work and comes morning for Prseport Illinois,
to the school well recommended, wherein- goes to look after the
Miss Beatrice ilotchkisa arriv-Vnre aetata of his late father.
ii . j . m I A -' - i I I i i . 1 1 t t-if.u linn1 m-ii i. i
el Home tile I, ne pari ol tills "" .'wiiii"" oiuno -'-j ... ..--
week from Wallowa where she
had been teaching the past year,
The young lady will spend the
vacation period with home folks I
but will return to the same place
to teach again the coming year.
Friends have received word
that our "Little Bye" Smyth,
who is a student at the (). A. C,
at Corvallia, went over to Phylo
math last Saturday where they
were having a carnival of some
character and took part in a
bucking horse contest with the
result that he won a $HMi saddle.
C. P. McKinney and wife are
home from their visit to the big
fair at San Francisco. They
came in yesterday in their new-
car and report having had a line
time, They spent a month in
California and met many of their
former friends of that state.
They returned to Pendleton and
visited then-son, Will, for a lime.
We will hold an inspection for
horse in Burns shortly after June
1. Gel your harness horses and
saddle horses ready, marcs and
geldings, ages from T to 10,
height from 18 to 1(1-1. Must be
serviceably sound and no inan-s
in foal will be accepted. Prices
fl'.HI lor s.nlille horses; Xl'll lor
turn to Burns some time in the
future as he wouldn't trade this
country for the whole state of
Mary W. Chamberlain
(.rnrrul obstetrical nnd
mm . it nurnlnic
Write or phone Uwrn, Oregon.
Hume. Oiiyuii, M It). I'M . t
utl, . is btr)b) fUt'ii that 1 littui mm HueeiM,
ul nil age Orrguu. ho. oil 5 ii iii- H, 1919. IllllV. N.. M10O, (or liH.
l'-', hn Htm I luw nalil .T Holitti. Kaiige
l KftS Will Mi-. Miii.lUii liaa llh-it BOtld
nl Hift'hlHHl In mast llnal Ihri'c i-a r pfOoi, l
i-atalillalii IhIiii tu the Isnd fthuTg ! r J !- I
Uffurc Ittglslfi ullU lirn-hrt, Si It urns lln K'"'
(hi it e Iftto dny ol June ivlft.
i mi. mnl iiaint-a as Mltnrsais
i hnilia I haul, ti William II t rilghloll,
W It J.ili.H.I )! Jiiiits, all til Vullagr. tlregiMi.
WW I AUKS k-K Inlet
I MlTRD NTATM I - ni Or ru R i
Itiirns, crcgtni, Ms In, l )
Null. . In-ti t el,. i, that t lart'lH'i- lluffinan,
u llili UrfOII hIih pit I'ei t'litli-r I.i, IvVN,
lUHiltJ llu i i slitnl ntiy No oilu.i, fur :-',.
hi. Hull li l 1011., I. in,, 1 W I'l.iui. lu
Mfrlillau, lias llh .1 tiuih ill inti'iitltiii hi ii.Hke
Din. I live w-tir I r . .nl Ul a I t i H 1 1 Inlm to
thi) land shuvt tlrm lltm I. Ixluir lligiti-i Hint
UtJi'UlVt'l nt Put hh, urugiill, tin lln Jl at ilny nl
jilln . I 'I
( 1 1 i ii t iiauii-a aa it H im IgaM
in t lurgli Aalller it. KlMmier, Uaon M
.nliiihoi, .mil in Mm it nil of It 1 1. . Ol i K"ll
Wm Iahhi:, Kfglatrr .
county in his official capacity. kirneMB horses, Can take but fi
He recently returned from a visit
to the southern part of the coun
ty where he found the frost had
not damaged crops as much a had
been feared. He is now in the
Ilrewsey country.
It wouldn't be u bad plan for
people who have a little money
to invest to look around home
for sometbiuK profitable. Then
are many Reed investments to be
had in this territory ami then
one may know what they are
Kettinjf. Every so often people
invest in stocks, K"ld bricks,
National Cash Register, United
Wireless, etc., that is not so pro
IBable after due inyeHtitration.
Thjfl is just for the purpose of
reminding people to investigate
things before they bite.
per cent darK iron frays in har
ness class only. Dsfiinite date
and particular! later. Hayes A
Trowbridflt, John hay, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given thai all
parties knowing themselves to be
I Slll.ll HIAIKH I. AMI Oil ILK,
UllrBS, I iri-Kim. Mai 11,111
Nollra i. Iimi'ii) Kltiii n. nl Mailer II
11. i k li i . ..I n i any. 'ti-Kiim. wlm, nil Juni- n
i 'in. mid liirll n nil niii'li. llHini-ai. -h.i Knirli-a
s.. insj. ii. i ii...Mtli,'lr.l.irli,.Ntl4SHi,,
HI,SI,. N. II. SHi.Nhi., h,.i Ji, T , .1-1 II ,
llHiitli HI Kiial. V IlUiiirlli-'au liaa
in.. I I.i- ul liitinlliiii I., riiakii ilual
Oil..' n hi praul, In ralalillali ilalln I,. Ilu uii... .l.-Nt-r I l.i'.l. Inl'ii. 1- I' liillu.-li.
I' - I nla.l r III hla .'llnr nlllnMi)
on g ill, mi Hi. nil .lay ul Jnlitv IVIft
i Miiiii.iKl nai na ii )llii'aa,-M
.Inn. iiiii. It. i. Inn, i. Hull. -UK KiiimiU. Man i'i
I ii I i I 1 II .1 i. i.i I . I 'la ,.11 nl II. . I I...
nidi bled to me have been not fled i ,,,,
Mat l-.itittc Hi-Mialii
to wdtla up either by cash or ne
gotiable note, Those who failed
to take advantage oi tins can wii
now find (lieu- account in th
hi I' . . . 1 . I . I I .. ., f I M I III HTM K I AMI III I II I .
amis ol a competent attorney lor ii,.,ui.ii,.i.,.My u. mi
inimeiliate collection. I am Ull-i s bnuilM ihttBlaM I HIiiU,
able to run about and set
individual and this proceeding is
IhmiiIi I hus MiiihIimII in' llunia. Oicaou.
t'llt II WMU.OII Unroll I'li'M.liilMiiti'li.'l I'd-' iniiil.'
1 1 iiiiii -Bit r mii n mi nit' , "! mi no .
my only redn'ss. I must have
money or negotiable notea lo sat
isfy my creditors. 1 regret very
much any cost added to these ac
counts, but I nitiHt have a settle
ment 0. W. Clevenger. i, .,., 1 1t ,i l.irhW'.NW. ,i,SW',.
M ''.Ml' , . ..ll.NKl,ali'i'.i; Kt.HK.4Ha1- laaud
Ntt'.SW ',, hurl Iiiii tB. lownalili M , Kangi
M K lllnllirlli' M, -11.111111 lia III. -I lllitlri
nl In tiiakt- llnal lln rai I'roill, tu
iiiii-ii-i. - 1. .im tn lln- I. in I almvi thai rllunl,
Im f,,lll II, 1 anil Krri-IVIT al Mm ua.l li - KnU
..ii tin 1 lay ul June, IVIb.
1 lalinuiii tiaiiiaa aa w ItiuMai-a
l-aii.') illuiiiia. IraWlllla a. Itav,- t ia.1
ilmkall "I llianii. Or'-a-.u ..... Uai.l.all
ul Hat in-) ort-tfon
Wat Fauna It. at. in.
I sirrh yTATM LaMtD nt'rn 1 '
hums. Urrgoii, Ma ., ISlaV. I
Ni.lhi Is In ret. y flVB I lml Jului II U'llm.
ul Him Italian, OrMOO, '"i on I '1 r-m l r It,
I'll, navd Homiati'S'l Ktitry No Oft'MO loi
w . svi (ioti it, roWDihlp M M , htftDgs '
i I- . WIUaiuiMtK Miiiliaii. has M.-d notlCi ul
thl. ni inn tn iiuikf dual llini' urn I Mi,.l tu
rslatillsli rlaliu to the latnl aUOV JesjfrlKtd
brlorr Itiglahr ami Kvnivtr, at huriis. On
gun, I hr , th ilav ol lUDO, 1 II I
1 laimaiil iiaima ui irltOWaU a
1 hi'strr I'arsoiiM. laniii 1 ri g Napttli un
K. HLMI. all ol llariiinsii, Ortfiill Hat. ml
lohiisnsiti of It 11 hmiNii. n g- ti
m Pa silil I.i , im. r
Up It id Mui 1 m 1 net
l.aki-vli-w. iiirguii, Ma U 1 HA
mm 0O4I L4VM
Notlt la horet giver llmt Jsnu-s A W llaun ul
Klfe, Oregon, who, tin MhhIi I', 191 1. Bftdg
Hutni'stt-ail Kiitrjr. No im . I01 r'j-rt1,
rlHK, Kerth.n :4, luwiishiu .1 R,. Knugc
m, BH Wlilainrltr Mrri.lian haa ln-d itutti
tit llltl 111 Kill In 111 M L I f. JIM I t III ' I J 1 Mi Kliii' t(
tiatahllati rleltu U) the land aVbOVf h acrli- i.
bgforg t Ima A. Sherman U H. t'oininlastuiitT.
iiHIi", (irrgun.oli lite Irtf HJf oj July. I'
t laiiuai t names as lUlgtWM
John MiKaihern, Josenh htrri't. Paul Wl
tier. JuMtl, Mm llcr, gll i.l IK'-- Ut SOD
Jaa I Hi k.h. Hi'ulst'r
lltirua. t lrf)(OB, May 14, 1 I t
s.itli ,- la l. i, In lTI -ii that JuaM-li 11 1 n.-i k i ,
ol hut ii" UraaBD, , lio.iin M. n li I.1. l''l.'. mail,
ll.illiral-a,l Klilrr. N" l.V,., lurl',. . 10
l.iwnalili .1 m.. ftati,' l.'Kaal, lllai.ii-tl, M.-r
i.llan l.aa 111. .1 i. lii,. ..I llil.iilliil. In Mil
llnal tlirir i.-ar proof, to ralalillali i 1 a I in
It, the Ian. I aliw .li mi iiIm'iI. before Id ai.ii i
ami Rooelvtr, ii Suras, Oregon un the Mettle)
.'I June IVI6
Claimant tiaillra aa m Itni-aai-a
A " U alter. ul Iturna. ori-Kon. Oeear Weel,
Maillli Hit, a uinl l V. Will. .tin all of luv.n
at. I- Al.llK. K.-kInIi-i
Notice of SI,.-,, If. Sale.
Nutii-t- im lu-iiiliy U'vni. tiiuli r
ittnl by virlitu ul Writ ol Al lu.lniii-iil
Klt-iiitloii anil mill r nl nulr ol Httiu'linl
pruiorly duly ISfMMd li II"' I'lerk ul
llm Cin-ilil Court ul ll.iini-y Coiitil.,
iljlll of llTtBOn. ilwlliit llu' 'ml ilny ui
April, I'.lln, in it ti-rlaiii BClion in lln
Oircull l uurt ill "itiil I'liiintv ami Slule
wliorrlii J. 1. Sil. plitiiitiff, ri'riivrii-il
UdffBSnl iii-l .'i'" W. I BM "t"l
l.ulllli l.llii-, lllnl i lull nf llii'ln, ilrll'tiil
mil -, l"i tin-ntlllt u( I1U8.10, With in
lii. al llirivun (ruin tin.- L'llllt iltiy ul I oil
ruary. I nl.'., at lln- tulo ul ti pt-r ii-iil pit
milium, uinl (ol tunlaitml illi-liurneni, it 1
(kxihI at 9JwOII um! iiri-riiinit OOBll ami
I'xpi'iiei-n, ami lur an uriii'r ul rfaluol itl
itii liml prupurtv In ri-iiialli-i ilii, ilnul,
I will un Miimliiy, til 8lM d) I Mat
llil,., ul llm ('tun t llntiat ilncir in IlitriiH,
in aaiil .'titinly ul llaim-v ami Stair ul
Oroguii, at 8 u't-liii k in lln- all. t tuiuii ol
Muni tiny, nil at public suction tu tin-
lnulu i i etui Ima! linlili-r Inr lat-lt, lliu
lollOWlnB ill' i rllunl allarlii-il niil pruptr.
ty lowlll All Did rltfbti litis intt rtint
ami MlSlS ol lbs llelt'iuliiiilH QaO, W,
l.lti-i- anil liiilu- I, tin- ui t-itln-i nt
llii-iii, In ainl In I.uIh .i ami 8 nl Stir. 81 I
I.iiIh III anil 11 nl UaU. '.'.'. I i 1. 'J. II
anil I uf fci'i- 81 ' . ami lul I ol IM, 88
nil in r(i. -.'.rt S. U. :i-.", K, . M III
limn. 'i I'.iiiutv, Orsguil, lugeluei ultli
ii aiui glngiitevv iiu Isasuituti llSrtalllB
niinila in il iippiirliiiianrcH tliituuiit I li I
loOglOgorlll nnywine .ippurlaiiiuiii. to
nalii-l. Iiiii iii.lj.-iniint iiIhivc ntali-.l I"
gnllu'i with iiiliuoet, i-uhIh uinl ilmlnirMo
ltliililH, ami at-oiiiliiK ruatH ami IIUMMII
nl null-, aa prnvltlotl In i-at.l jmlgtiivnl
ami unlnr ul MIS,
I n U-il al IIuiiih, OrSfjOdi lltl" I Hi 'lie
ul May, 1816.
W. A. Uni I'M N,
I., ml ut 1 1. 1 1 in. v County
I BiteS
Enamels are
Easy to
Have you a certain room in your
home that looks just a bit dingy, or
an old dresser or chair or table that
would look more cheerful and inviting
if it were given a dainty new finish of
genuine enamel?
There are dozens of home painting
jobs that you can do with little time
or expense by using
Enamels cost but little more than
ordinary paints and are easy to ap
ply. They form smooth, hard sur
faces that can be cleaned with a damp
cloth almost as easily as porcelain.
Screen Cloth for Doors and Porches
Water bags, nose bags
Ice Cream Freezers
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Barbed Wire
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows.
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing: Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
For its wonderful accuracy, its safety uiut con
venience, and its effectiveness fur small MUM
and target shooting, you should buy
Tl,c m.irlH .22
alrr Iias
traction Us mi
talvvs tl'iwu easily.
DJMral It ilran. In
II OAUsMtl mt
Repeating Rifle
Mode! 20. ai ilUutrmr.!. .M-
inch iKtatfon barrel, 15 m
J'i alio... $11 .H.
Model 20. 2i-inc!i
round bairrl.
quit k tnr. Itaiusiu ami .Iioiiu, Uty mn-
II.. fiisil lr. liatmliir I II
I. lllll tali il I he
from Loth
II. Salla SlaamlToM nmlri la vnin (arai ainil reel ataraiiiisil
iiiiiuy litui tleffHiiYfi caiirituMi lion lulls. puwUer aul
K.scs Ida Sid I'isntioti throw alialla away u lite nda
novri up Siinai youi line ul i.hl
li.iull.-s all. 22 .hurt. .22 luim .nclli bus. nfU c.rirsJa. u.clu.I
iiitf tlia Imlliiw -int uiuliiit; i til)iljri A. i ut.ic ii 2lHJ .!. A pwlect
nun fai r.bluts, iuiir-U,-., twaa, viuws, !,.
Afrtti IX ifovstici aUu tn Je witli It-vci .i i.ou. a.k yuur daaW.
ZX.. Mft - Saod 3aaataM fur omsal tat
ssir M rWiS V kg ul mtutm r-u.. t- CSC
-ww mow nt-. n.w huvtii. v ,, uaaj istsi susu mnuu. SUHHBIH