'"W-f!(ji!$"Wr5!S( I 1 : . See Moving Pictures of This Story In Weekly Installments at r ONAWAM THEATRE 1 1. Every Wednesday Evening 10ElfiEV(pflKI5 CHAPTER XXXVI. Detail. Across the plain purple shadow Vera iweeplng, close ranked, like MMH nit dark army liivailltiK tha land. pouring on over tln rampart of inoiin tains In the east. Wlttilii the rim of IiIIIh thut ringed the plain like the shipped and broken flange of a titanic saucer, alienee brooded and solitude held BWBJ warring the town of Detail that oc cupied the approximate middle of tlm sagebrush waste, to proportions even leaa significant than might he Inferred from the candor of Ha christening A platform, a aiding, a water tank, a Weill Fargo office and a telegraph and ticket offlce. backed by three rough frame buildings; that U Detail Item lied completely. Shortly after nightfall the stool rib bons of the Santa Fe hegan to hum. A headlight peered suspiciously round a ahoulder of the eastern range, took heart of courage to find the plain still wrapped In peace, and trudged stolid ly toward Detail, the engine whose eye It was pulling after It a string of freight cars, both Hat and box. At .Detail the train panted. Its crew alighted and engaged In ani mated argument. Detail gathered that the excitement was due to the una.--countable disappearance of the ea boose; none seemed to have any no tion as to how It could have broken looae; yet tulBBlng It conspicuously waa. In the pause that followed, while a report wae 'elegraphed to hcaihitiar ten and Instructions returned to pro ceed without delay, i of the train men spied a boyish figure lurking In the open door of an empty box car Cunntngl) boarding this cur from tin opposite aide, the trainman caught the skulker unawares and booted hlui valuglorlously Into the night As the figure alighted and took U Its heels, toeing Itself In the ggkaeel It uttered a cry of pained surprise and protest which drew- a wrinkle of us tonlshment between the brows of th trainman. "Sounded like a woman's voice," In mused; then dismissed the suggcstloi as obviously absurd It waa not. . . . Shortly after the freight train ha.' gone on Its way before, indeed, tin glimmer Of its rear llghte bad beer lost among the western hills a see ond head laht appeared In the eu swept swiftly across the plain and li turn stopped at Detail. The second bird of passage pfovec to be a locomotive drawing a slngl car a i'uliinan Hardly had It run past the switch however, when the brakeiiimi druppei down, ran quickly back to the swltcl and threw It open. Promptly the train backed on to tin aiding. As the I'ulluian Jolted a. rose th frogs the brakeman, interposing him self between It and the tender, re leased the coupling H the time that the I'ullmuu bat come to a full stop on the siding. (In locomotive was swinging westward like a scared Jarkrabbit though IK such milk and watery oharacterltatloi of the traitor passed the lips of an) one of the three men who present I) appeared on the Cullman's platfnni and shook impotent lists In the dine tlon taken by the fugitive angina When the laet of these had run teni porarlly out of breath und blaapbem) a brief silence fell, punctuated b) groans from each, and concluded li the Bound of a voice calling from thi Interior of the car a voice as strango ly sonorous of tone as It was curlousl) querulous of accent. The three men Immediately ran buck Into the car and presented theinselvet with count' nance: variously apolo getlc, to one who occupied a corner ol the drawing room a man wrapped it a steamer rug und a cloud of fury. Now when he had drained tin muddy froth of profanity frouihll ton per it left a clear and effervescent well of virulent humor the wrath ol the valetudinarian began to vent llsell upon the hapless heads of the trio who stood before him While this was In prooaae, the person of boyish uppearuuee, who had been keeping religiously aloof und In conspicuous In the background of De tail ever since that unhappy affair with the trainman, stole quietly up to the rear of the stalled Cullman, climbed aboard, and creeping down the aisle unceremoniously Interrupted the ((inference Just us the Invalid was polishing off a rude but bOACel opinion of thi- Intellectual caliber of one of tlm three named Marrophat, elm figured as his right hand mun and familiar genius. "Amen to thatV the boyish person ejaculated with candid fervor, loung Ing grucclesaly In the doorway. '"I here's many a true word upokeii In wrath, Mr. Marrophat. Kallicr forgot only one thing your moaterly way with a revolver. From what I've seen of that, this day, I'll go bull that tlm only safe place for a man you pull u gun on Is right In front of I lie muzzle There's something downright uncanny In the way you can hit anything but what you aim at!" "Judith!" exclaimed the Invalid "Where did you drop from?" "From that freight," Judith ex plained curelessly, neglecting to eluci date the exact fashion of her drop. "I Judged you'd be along presently, and thought I'd like to leuiu the news Well- what luck?" Her father shrugged with his one movable shoulder Mr. Marrophut grunted Indignantly. The others abut ted uneasily and looked all ways but one at tbo girl In man a clothing. "None?" Judith Interpreted "Vou don't mean to tell we that after 1 bad M I taken nil that trouble cast the ca boose Ioomc In tin middle of that trestle at the risk of my life yon dldnt have the nerra to go through With the business!' We went through with It all right," 'replied Mairophat defensively ; "but as usual, they Wet loo quick for us. i hi ) Jumped out and dropped off the (resile before our engine hit the ca booat, We smashed that to kindling wood but they got away Just la time ; to miss the crash And by the time Wl had stopped and calmed down the engineer well, it . M dark and no way of telling (roll way they had run." The girl started lo I iu'sk, but merely dropped limp hands . ! her sides und rolled her eyes belpleaaty, "We do our best, Marrophat ob served "Wl CM I be blamed If omethlng somehow always hap I" us to tip tin otln rs off." The girl swung to face him with blazing eves "Just ubat does that un an?" she demanded In a dangerous voloa. Marrophat llfttd his shoulders. "Nothing much," he allowed. "1 am pnl) thinking how strange It U that Mr Law can't be reught by any sort (if stratagem -wlnu you are on the Job, Ali-s Judith I" The gill's hands W( re clenched Into lists, white knuekl I showing through I (the flesh "You contemptible puppy!" she snapped. . . . Hut on this her roll I 'ailed, for tier I tyei traveled piot the person of Mr. Mairophat lo the il ml . y of the draw It room and found It framing a att anger "Bxcuee me, friend ha offered In n lazy, n in. liuiuOMUi drawl, "It pains me consld ruble t.i b it In on this happy famll) gathering, but business is buslnet same ai usual, and I got 1 to ust you all to ph si .' put up yOUr i hands! " What do you want? the Invalid .! manded Why. drawled the u ndlt "nothing , In particular only y. r cash Shell (Hit. If fOU please gents ull lllld the lady, too" He tan an appreciative glance down the figure which Judith's , disguise revealed rutin r than con- coaled If you'll Pardee my takln' ...of,pi.i .1 Her I notice," he amei'.dud I'efbapH I wouldn't if the lady's glotiUM dido I Ml her so ull fired quick' Keep u civil tongue In your head, my man!" Judith counseled, without any show of feu I At the sunn, lime her fuijn 1 yolce brought her to her senses "Judith! lie quiet. 1I me deal Wish thin gentleman. I am sure we ( an come to some arrangement " "Vou bet your life." ugreed the gen tleman as the girl mutinously stepped back. "I know what 1 want, und you ull know you got It; so tha name of the said arrangement bi Just shell nut.' " "One minute," the Invalid lutxr p.ii-.-d 'Don't m'hiimlei -land me I gniriafaa you -.i.aii he amply ..i. (led. I give you my word the word uf Henei 11 I rlne." Tho eyes 0 the banJII widened 'No? Is thai so.' Seije. a Trine Hie inllroad king? Hare's you're I0-11 ,OU'ra him I've seen your phiuje in the paper a dozen ttnes Well. now, It looks like Id drawn u full l.ouse to tills pair of deuces, don't ' 1 on ought lo he able lo pay aogiatiilug handsome "I puy you fur more handsomely I ban you dream or If you'll do as I wish," 'trine Interrupted quickly. 'Do me the gggfsfM I wish and name vour pi Ice whateyer It Is, you shall have It!" "Nothing could be fuliei'n thai!" I be two gun mun admitted auspicious ly. "Hut what's the number of HiIj 1 era egrvlce like you call Itf" "I.leteu to me Trloe 1. 1.) his bead lorward aiu) Jabbed the un wIHj fin uiphalle l..iellii.r "What's Hie J If.. r u man m Hi la Ibis neck of the woods?" "How much you got?" "I'll pay you ten thousand dollars itr the life of the luaii I will name." The eyes ef the bandit narrowed Hold on, my friend: Is that what you all my naming my own price f" "Name It, ila-s," said Til lie sal fiffsu3Cvwv3u-x. - v 3aa gsa saaV g gnfattta' fl a aaflaaaXw-a. ng Ha 'UMjnfiejgMMV-v j iicjv jal 9 asaar " 9 V 4' afir ' SbSeL ' bw'v -yHagaT r 3 r Jfajf w M EX x k asB aaa. ' flf Jjaal gaa'al am i j ppa J" ' j?jfl " rSganHuH ' gggwlwk M4& ejagj ' ,pj v'vjfl Haahf vgkeCgsr ' Tma gggrk 3 eek gs n. ' gee JjgM' ( Sflgsaaaal Hk f '3bV h Jajtl - ifjaalHa aTTi'iaaW PB W" "S -bHHBI "" y Ilt5 at M H B g7fanni II ajjH 'aiffii1 9au?gjggagAb' YiXfrT sauTjjf - aefuvgl "(live nu .. II an mi -oiint," laid the other, ami r saying you'll pity me nineteen thousand Btora In ex change for II and one dead man, prop-( erly Idenlltled as tin one you want signed by vou ami voitr man's as good as dead this minute, providing he'e In riding distance of this hare oar." Trine waved his h: -ml at his secre tary "Jimmy, Bnd a thousand dollars for this gentleman Maka out the paper he Indicated for the balance, and I'll sign It." "Ain't vou powerful trustful, Mr.1 Trine'.' How do you know I'll do any-' thing more'n pocket that tiamsaud and fade delicately away." "Mv daughter and tills gentleinau, Mr MMTOphat, will accompany you."' "flit. Unit a the way of It, Is lit" "Name?'' Interjected lha secretary, writing busily with the top of his at tuciie case for a desk. "Blade," laid the bandit, "Jamea Blade." Again I I Inn punctured the at; moaphara with bla Indei linger. "The. man whose Hie I want is named Alai Law lie li running away with my daughter. Rose, a. c.unpanied by a per son named MarCUl, disguised as a I'uli inan peril I "The three of them having recent' escaped from Iraln wreck up yonder on the (resile "" II. .pi .Mm tnavrpoavd. "You've mel them?" Judith demand' ed. whirling round "About an hour ami, or maybn SIX bout- ami a h ilf," Hop) Jim replied, ") -..-... .1 ways dow u the roads They Hopped and aal where thay could get, put up ret (he night I Kindly directed) them on lo Meaa, down In tho I'uliited) hiiin -. under.' CHAPTFH XXXVII. I Flreplay. Contented with tha promise of a thousand dollari advance on hie con tract, providing he returned with i horses within a itlpulated time, Mr, j Hold James Blade drifted quietly uway Into the dl II 1 1 nil hi Well content, persuaded that the morrow's sun would never sol upon a world tenanted bj ons Man Law, that monomaniac, Seneca Trine, forgot his recent III temper and sel himself diplo matically to adjust the differences be tween his (laughter. Judith, and hie tirst lieutenant, Mat rephal It was ii. i 1. 1. lie lask Murrophat rould not h- truated to work with Ingle mind because ol his infatuation for Judith; .In. lull could no more bu trusted fallhfllll) to larva out her vow to tiring Alan I ., . in her father's feet, alive or dead because 0 cruel irony of late! she herself had fallen lo love with that same man whose death she had pledged herself to compase. Only when, as now, half mad with Jealousy, d.t Ined lo see Alan dead rather than yield him to the woman he loved, her idler, might Judith be counted upon to serve bar father in his In-.t for VI m ..nee as he would be served ind even lo not without Mar .....!... nt I ,1 .. , l ! ("I"!"1 " "'1 . iiwi " c-.a. lier on tin. .ugh h. r i. . iitmenl of his survell- lance Nelth old be trusted, in deed, tn work iloi la the deelred eon summation; for Trlna bad saeral rea- s-.it to fear leal Marrophat might, given opportunity, connive at Alan's escape In order thai ho might marry l md so throe Judith back Into bis, Marropl it's, anus Pi .. del i .i r... I! oOw t. (- yy Her On. s 1 was tin private oommanl of ft. 1 . ophal 1 1 - lor all ihai. it was Hie man and not 1 hi. daughter, whom Trine designated to had Hie (.pedltloii, cunningly counting on Judltb'l 1 hugrln to work . ppon in r pnssinns und excite her to lie I mad, blind attempt that sh.mj.i p .1 s luccaaaful. Sin 1 1 ; , - seiiet smile, Trine an- 111.11 in decision at the last mo Weill, while Hopl Jim waited with bis hoi 1 . . . . I an asslsianl 0110 'luxe I for win. Her Innocence of scruples ' Mr 1 ;,,. . .iihesltutlngly vouched. iullenl) iibmlsslve, at least In out 1 wurj so. mil .-. ludlth bowsd lo this de- 1 1. -J. in, inut 1 suffered M, hoi bed out of the oar, and ropbal to help her mount In lulej.v, as I he little cava! .'.n.ug.ii tin pin... 1 1 iiiis'Tt ( "II. I Y(i I.),-. .I "Lucille Love" did yu in .Wll, you'll like "The ! ()'!? iirti" betCer. Tna- Willi 1 Vc(liii'S(luy nifcjht. $1500 Reward! I ho Orogou, Oil I'M III llll NatVftllt I ivi-,-doi-h .'rote"' tiou AttocUtlunof which tho ini'lui Nlyuuil la inemliar, Hill givo r :"' it-ward lor . (i licit Ifailliip . -,..)' 1." "-' r.i. 1 gn.l ''J vie don uf guy ii-.tn.nl lltr 0T1' I" to 1 coti- 11 I'aVf 1 y nr Hf lira ! J li K llnraHig. attla in inulu iifloiifltif, Ui any ul III mam J't kuJi.iU'll a 1:1 .1 I ... Hlelli Ithll Ho, 1 ..! 11 U.HJV.P, LaLia iii. U&WA illlloii I .ni mi fur all liuraM I UgJ cm hold or dither Jgw. " (gill 1 .,i,iilt)a Uang 1 'n.ok rii-.iiUua. Horfr . . ui 1 Nnhf 111" ,.i " it h III lit, UrfMJ oJil gin ojuly pu 'I fcrri eejjSSli plpj'it, th gill a tin .uven .1 In., horse to the lid of Hopl Jim, and then die ppid back, peinillllug Mairophat to lead the way with Texas . Al deliberately she eel In it. If to Work Upon the handlt'i susi eiillblllty to her .charms. Within an hour she had him ready to do anything to win her smile. In that first rush of golden day a thwart the land, the party 1 ami. quietly Jnto the town of Mesa, rhllng slowly In order that the noise of their approach might not warn the fugitives, who Hopl asserted confidently would si 111 be sound asleep In (he accomuio.la thine offered by the town's one hotel. It wai to he termed 11 town only In courtesy, this Mesa 11 smuggling street of shacks, innishackle relics of what had once been a promising com nullity, the halfway station between the railroad and the mining camps secreted In the fastnesses of the Taint ed bin ciimpH now abandoned, thalr very names slmost faded out of tho memory of mankind Midway In this string of e.llllces tha hotel stood-a rough, unpalnted, wood en edifice, mainly veranda and bar room as to Its lower Ihsir. Jeslously Judith wal. lied the win dow of tho second floer: ami alio aion of the four detected tha face that bowed for one brief liislaut well bach in the shadows beyond one Ol the bed room windows 11 face Unit glimmered .momentarily with the pallor of a ghost's against the background of that obscurity, and then was gone. Her eyes alone, lud I, could have recognized the features of Alan I.uw lu that fugitive glimpse Two sentences exchanged between Hopl Jim and a bleat .veil fallow whom he roused from sodden slumbers behind the bar sealed their confidence with conviction the three fugitives were In fact guests of the house, oc cupying two of (he three rooms that composed Its upper stm, In tha rush that followed up tlm narrow stalrwuy, Judith led with such spirit that not even Marrophat sua pected her revolver was pulsed aolely with Intent to shoot from his band Ills own revolver the Instant he leveled II at a human target t'losud and locked doors confronted them; and their summons educed 110 response; while the Hint dour, when broken In by a whole smiled kick, ills covered nothing nunc satisfactory thau an empty room. Its bed heat Ing tha Imprint of a woman's body, but that womau gone Krom the one window, limklng down the side of the house. Texas announced that the woman had not escaped by lumping out. So It seemed that thi three must have, had winning of their arrival, after all; and preeumablj weie now In-rdeil togethei lu the adjoining room, which looked out over the veranda roof, waiting In fear ami trembling for the assault that must soon nun. und in fait immediate!) .11.1 Hut It met with more stubborn ie slstance than had I n anticipated The door bad been barricaded from within reeiifon cd by furniture placed again! II four mlUUtei and the united efforts of four men 1 in. lud Ing the bleary loafei of the barroom) wert requited lo overcome Its lln It c la'tance. Hut even wlnu it waa down, the room wa found to be as .nipt a , tha Brst. Only the fingers of two hands grip. ping the edge of the veranda roof showed the way the fugitives had flown; aud these vanished liet.iutly as the room wse Beaded. Followed a swift rush of hoofs down the duity street, and a Dhorug of blas phemy in the hotel hallway for Ju dith, had headed 1 be concerted rush for the stsJn use and contrived lo block ll for a full half minute by pre tending to stumble and twist In r ankle. In spile of thut alleged Injury, she never limped, and wasn't a yard ha hind the first who broke from the hotel to the open, not yet appreciably behind him lu vaulting Itfaaddlc Well Up the road a 1 loud of smoky dust half obneured 'he sinus-., of three who rode for tlnlr very lives The pursuit was ofl In 11 t.oi.1 Ing sinl well bunched M.n r.ijihat 'a mount lesdlug by a nose, Judith lei ond, Hopl Jim aud Taaaa bul little In tha rear. And In the first rush they seemed lo gala; moment by momanl the) draw Up on the flying cloud uf dusl. Judith heard un "alb muttered he Ide her and saw Marrophat Jerking a revolver from it Holster Tha weapon wept up and lo a level, hul as tlm hammer fell, Judith's horse caromed heavily agalnsl the nib. r. swinging it half e dotii feet aalda, god deflei nng the bullet hopelessly. The shock of colllshui was SO gnat that Marrophut gap! his seal with dif ficulty. He turned ((.ward Judith a face livid with lage Simultaneously, as If taking the shot aa the signal for u fus)lade, Judith saw Alan lean back over bu. horse's rump aud open lire. An instant later his companion, Bar ana, Imitated hi example. In Immediate consequence, Texas dropped reins, slumjad forward ovar the pommel, wabbled weakly In nil addle for a momcul, tb.n hieing tbo stlrrupl, pitched headlong lo llm ground; while Hopl Jlm'a bona topped short, precipitating his rider overhead, and dropped dead CHAPTER XXXVIII. 1 . Uppsr Trail. In the leu minutes' delay necessi tated by this reveisc, a number of more or legs Innocent Icelanders picked Up the mun Tutus und curried him off to breathe Ills lusl beneath a roof; Hopl Jim picked hlmselr up, brushed his person tolerably clear of THE.SAYSR STUDIO Kodak Film Developed and all photography work done in first ce hape. Prompt attention BURNS - , ORISON Warrant Call. Notice Liu lierehy Riven that there ia money on ham I to pay all general fund warrant rnjzisli'rcd prior to March 1, 1911; till roud warrants registered prior to June 1, iyj4; all high .school warrants registered prior to April 1, l!)lf", and all rubbit bounty wurruntu registered prior to March 1, 1915, Interest ceases April 2(i, I'.H.. K- A. Mii.i.kii, i'ounty Tii 'ii.su re r, Job printing here, cloud nf dul and i.rpflly, md da Pin ted In search of a mount to replace tlm horse thai had been shot under him. end Judith sat her hone calmly, smiling sweet Insolence Into the exse peiale.l countenance of Marrophat. Incidentally the fugitive! dlnpi pea red round a bend In the road that led directly Inlo the wild and barren heart of the fainted hill In the brief Interval that elapied be fori) his return with Hopl Jim, Marro phat contrived to persuade the bandit that Judith had been, at least Indi ted ly, responsible for the catastrophe, with tha upshot that, temporarily blinded to bar fascination by the glit ter of nineteen thousand dollars In the near distance, Mr. Hlade maintained hie distance and a deaf ear to her, blandishments. The only Information as to their purpose that sbe waa able to extract from either man, when the, pursuing parly turned aside from the main trail, some distance from Mesa, was that Hopl Jim knew a short cut, through the range, via what he termed, the upper trail, by which they hoped 10 be able to head the fugitives off be fore they could gain the desert on the far side of the hills. Only at long Intervals did they draw rein to permit Hopl Jim to make re connolaaanba of the lower trail that 1 hi ended the valley on the far side of tlm ridge. Toward noon he returned In haita from the lait of these surveys -Scrambling recklessly down the moun tain side end throwing himself upon his horse with the advice: "We've headed 'em- can make It now If we ride like all get-out!" For half an hour more they pushed 011 at the beat speed to be obtained from their weary animals, at length drawing rein at a point where the trail .in seed the ridge and widened out npon a long, broad ledge that over hung the valley of the lower trail, with a dear drop to the latter from the hi ink of a good two hundred feet. line hasty look back and down Into tha valley evoked a grunt of smlsfac I ion from Hopl Jim. "Jual In time," he asseverated. "Here thay come! Ten minute more . . ." Ills smile answered Marrophat with unspeakable cruel significance. "Texas will sleep bolter tonight when he knows how I've squared tbe deal for him!" the bandit declared "What are you going to do 7" Judith demanded, reining her home In beside Marrophat a the latter dlamouuted. A gesture drew her attention to a huge boulder poised Insecurely on the very lip of the chasm. We're going to Up that over on ur friend. Ml Judith!" Marropbat replied, with a smsck of relish In his VOloa Simple neat efficient eh? What more can you eak?" She answered only with an lrreprre ilde gesture of horror. Marrophat'! laugh followed her aa she turned away. 1'or some moments she strained her vision vainly, endeavoring to pene Irata the turbulent current of super healed sir that tilled the valley. Then she made out Indistinctly tba faintly marked Hue of the lower trail; and Immediately she caught a glimpse of three small figures, mounted, tolling painfully toward the point where death awaited them like a bolt from the blue. Hastily she glanced over sheulder: Hop Jim and Marrophat. Ignoring her, were attaining theiiMelvea agalnsl the boulder without budging It an Inch, tor all Us apparent nicety of poise, r .1 an Instant s wild hope flashed through bat mind, but It waa Immediately ex ercised when Hopl Jim stepped bark ami uttered a few word of which only (wo "djnaiiille" and "fuse" reached her esra Kneeling beside the boulder be dug busily for an Instant, then lodged the stick to his satlsfa.tb.il. attached the fuse, und breaking off, edged on hie belly to tha edge of the cliff aud looked down, ilrefully calculating the hngth of the fuse by the distance of the party dowu below from tbe spot where the rock must fall. Hut while ho wss so engaged and Marrophat aided him, all eager Inter est, Judith was taking advantage of their disregard of her Hurriedly unbuttoning her Jacket, ha whipped a playing aA) from bur pocket, a trey o' hearts, aud with tho stub of a pencil scribbled three words mi lis face Hanger I (lo hack!" Then finding a small, flatllsh bit of rock, she bound the cartl to It with a lilt of siring; and with one more backward glance to make sure sbe was not watched, approached the hilnk. Hopl Jim was metlrulously shorten ing the fuse, Marrophat kneeling by his side III the canyon below the thrco were within two minutes uf the danger point. It wits no trick at all to drop the stone so Hist It fell llhln a dosen feet of the leading horseman. She saw him rein In suddenly, dis mount, egal a look aloft, then dismount and pick up the warning. As the others Joined blm, he de tached tin. card aud allowed It to them At the same time Hopl Jim slid Mar. rnphat Jumped up and ran back, each seizing uni holding bla horse by nose and lo idle Constrained to do likewise lent she lose her mount. Judith wslted with a lightened heart . . . 'I he explosion smote dull venues from the flanks or the 1'aluted bills, all drowsing lu the uoon-day hush: the boulder teetered reluctantly ou tbe brink, then disappeared with a tear ing sound followed by a rush of earth and gravel, a wide gup appeared In the brink of the trail leaving Ifayrophuj tp bold the two filgbl.uii.il horses while Hie kIi loothod her uwu, tba bandit rushed lu Comtiluatlou lick, injury, uccldeut and death benefit protection at mini mum coal, in.gio.oi) death beuellt ; f 1, 000.00 for lossol limb or eyesight; faom g.VOO to $15.00 weekly nick or ac cident la.iir.llt; fl ,000.00 Kmergency re lief lioiicllt. Coit is (11.00 par year; i.o .,, ,-1 . ncn or annenamelitn. Ililbli inniiranci. ull men an, wpuien ire placod on an oiiual basis, icgar.lU.H of occupa lion. I ivory persop makes llic same form of ujipljcstioii, pay the aainu uinoiinlof preipluui ) I recejvei the name amount ul benefit. len ami Women bid ween Hie ages ol lliamllin aie accuntml. No runlrn Hun. as to oc- . u..ili..n, only Kallroad men employed employed on track, train or roound bouse, can uot be accepted Claims are paid within sixty dsys anywhere in the U.S. Canada or Kurope. Old reliable liiniiiiuicr Company, f 100,000.00 on St. ile dsKislt at a projection for Policy holdern ami to guarantee ' the payment ol -hiiniH. For (urllnir free liidirinslion mid I una (lultavc li. Werner, Secretin y and ieiinial Manager, llox Hit, lluflalo. N. V state age, i, occupation ami iiillllou Held (1. I, the edge, tbraw himself flat and swore bitterly, with an acoent of grievance, aa ha roia. From tha canyon below a dull noise of galloping hoofs advertised too plain ly tbe failure of thulr attempt. And Hopl Jim turned back only to And Judith mounted, reining her hois.. In between him end Msrrophat, and prepared to give emphasis to what she had to aay with an automatic pistol that nestled snugly lu her palm. "One moment, Mr. Hlade," she sug gested evenly. "Just a moment before you break the aad news to Mr Mario pbat. I've something to say that needs your attention Ukowlse. your respect It Is this: I am parting company with you and Mr. Marrophat. I am riding on toward the wost, by this trail. If either of you care to follow me" tlm automatic flashed ominously In tlm sun glare "It will be with full kttowl edge of the consequences. Mr. Marro pbat will enlighten you If you havo any doubt of my ability to take care of myself In auch affaln as this. If you are well advised, you will turn hack and report failure to my father." She nodded curtly aud swung her horse round. "And what shall I toll your father from you?" Marrophat demanded abarply. "What you please," the girl replied, flashing an Impish smile over shoulder "But, since when I part company with you, I part with him as well for all of me, you may tell him to go to Hie devil!" "Well," Mr, Marrophat admitted eon lldentlally to Mr. Hlade. "I'm damned I" "And that ain't all,". Mr. Sla.le ...n flded In Mr. Marrophat, whipping out his own revelver: "You're being held up, too. I'll take those guns of yotir'n, friend, slid what else you've got about you tbat'a of value. Including your boss - and when you gel back to old man Trine you can Juat lull him. with my belt compliment, that I've quit Un ion and lit out after that daughter of hls'n she's a heap sight more attrac tive tbau nineteen thousand dollars, aud not bslf so hard lo earn I" CHAPTER XXXIV. Burnt Fingers. Once aim had lot touch with her fa thrr creature, the girl drew rnlu and went ou mora alowly and cnu lloualy. llelow her, lu the valley, the lower trail wound It facile way. Krom (line to time ahe could dtncerii uihiii soma naked stretch of It length a i hmd of dull, or perhaps three Inolllited fig urea, acurrylng madly ou wltli fear of death snsppllig at their heels. It waa within an hour of Bitfalgbt, a night hell dear and hitter cold on the heights, and bright with moon light, when Alalia party made lu lant pause snd camped to rent agalnnt the dawn, unconscious of the fact that, a quarter of a mile above them, on tba uppsr trail, a lonely woman panned when they paused and made her own camp on tho edge of a aharp declivity, The level shafts of tho rlalng SUB awakened her Uhu sat up. rubbed her eyes, yawned, stretched llinhn miff with the hardship of slnuplng on un yielding, sun-baked earth- and of a suddeu started up, surprlned by the grating of footateps on the earth be hind her. Ilefore she could turn, however, aba wai caught and wrapped lu the arms of Hopl Jim. She mustered all her ntreiigth ami wits and will for one last struggle aud In a fremled moment managed to break his hold a trine, enough to en able her to snatch at the plntol Iiiiiik lug from bur brlt and present It ai hi bead. Hut It exploded harmlcnsly, spend bug Its bullet un the blue of the mom lug aky. The bandit caught her wrlat In time, thrum It aside and subjected It to such cruel pressure snd auch sav age wrem hlugg that the pistol dropped from fingers numbed with lln And now all hint of mercy left bul eyes; remained only the glaro of rago. He put forth all hi strength In turn, and Judith wan a a child lu his habda. In half a minute he hud her betpleaa. In as much time mole her bark wan breaking across his knee, while he bound her with loop sfter loop of has rawhide lariat. Then, leaving ner luuim-iilai ilv supine on the ground. Hopl Jim caught and tiuhohhled her horse, and without troubling to saddle It. lifted the girl to Its back, aud placed her there, face upward, catching her hands and feet, aa they fell ou either flank of the mil tnal. with more loops of that unbreak able rawhide, aud deftly placing tbo master knot of the hitch that hound this human pack well hevoud i.ih.kI blllty uf her rea. b. She panted a prayer for mercy. Ho laughed lu her face, bent and kissed Her brutally, end itepped back laugh ing to admire hla handiwork . . . Thus he atood for aa Instant be tween the bone and the edge of the declivity, a fair mark, itark ggalaat tba aky, fur own who stood In tho val ley below, holding his r'lflo with aagar lingers, waiting for Just such oppor tunity with the same Impatience with which he had waited for it ever slnco the noise of debris kicked over the adge by the struggling man and woman had diawn his attention to what was going op above. Alan pressed tbe tilggur und llm shot sounded clear In the morning silliness, Judith saw a look or gg, grtevdd amaxement croaa the face of Hopl Jim Slado. Then lie threw bla hands out. clawed blindly at the air, staggered, reeled agalnsl fhe hone's flank ho beavll) that It shied lu fr'lgbl, and abrupt!) shot from atf bt oyer tbo udgo of tbe bluff, (To Ih continued) Tonuwama tomorrow night NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'M UL ! II 1 . , : I liuriia, Orusvni. Mim li .11, llll l Nell., la 1,,-ial.y (lvi.ll II, .1 Kline, Jalli, a of liuriia, Ori'sdn, who saOoosri7 It'll inadi lUini. .ai. .l Knlry, No UMIAK, Ji. , Ml Sel' Hon II, Township "J" M, Raall K , trillaai dl,- Mcii.tUn. has Illid untie ol laiuniiiia m in a a llnal I'irf,. ar I'rool to ...ii,i..:. claim III 1 1... lail.l a l.m c drai-i il.,t, l I,,,,. (, .,. later and Roii.Vr. al Hun.a. UrcSdll, Oil III. Mh day ol May. I--1 Clalinaiit naiima u srllusisc I Charloa gSWsU, afaaall NWII, I'Iihi ley llacaliiuiae, Jamea Kco.lall, all Nairnvn. m. gaa. W ., h'lBBa, KeilslSI NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, UBTIgllHTATKH l,ANI (ll'Hl K tin in .ilea. .11. Mai' li Iff, llll i. Nolle la lieii.l y .ivan thai Urn u,;. K llniham ol liuriia. nr(un, who, on Match al, llllj.iaadi! ....... .,,,... u. cv w.,.., n.r et r. " ,. ho I luh s lownalilpji aoutll. Han(i..iJ r'aat. Wlllainrlle Mmidiaii, hat Had i. . of lulsalloii to make Dual tlnoo year ir,.l lo ratal. IUL, clalui lo lln. lali.l al...o .!... in, ,1 bufur Hi lllaraud Hacslvar. al ll.ui,. Orsiuil ..nil., lh day ol May, lui.'. I'laliuaul uamiiaaa wllui-asea Andy Hall into ilaach. I'harlc) lllusa. N g. Paid, all of Burna. Oresou. ft Pabbb, Rsglstsi imiittiwnimtu immwwiinnnnw RODNEY DAVIS g Hon no P11 Int Ing Ih pit Hanging and Decorating Calclmlnlng Hardwood FlnUhlng liiscti Painting 1. .Hindi.', furnished on ap- plHnllon. Multiple shown. .IVi: IIIM A CHANCE 'limiit!!''!"t''!;"m,umim Bttl T 1 , I! J T " 1TE .22 r;i" fiPtpaataef Um Mill -: ' lii two 1 1 i. 1 11 one : , Short II. 1'. inr- 1 ,. . II.. other fol :ii I.nf TEVENS "VrSIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Handle IS M 1 1ST ! MCE Mmrt and l .M long nil., cartridges. ioU.OO Sinii fur I.iiikIhoiiii ly llhc lulled Kill" ( uts- In, 1. ml "How toShoot Well"'. (b. 1. 1 Stsvini Rifles Pi j 1 0 1 and Ihotgunt hi li J i 1 ill vi.-VvJ ilMK 7& TOOL COMPANY. 1 P O Bo B'04, 1 ;;,( 1. l-l 1 1 7.1.1... . SIAJj. -i.-a . .; nrril i a I. ntUKiToHV htati oaaaogi Salon ...ui K l.ainberlals lllari) Oii , w Ilawlrj. Israeli IN I Hlsaott vii. ,iu. I ral A- X Crawford 'wald Waal ....l-",.. HB W. Ulrotl I reasarei T. e Ksy Jupl PuUlll n ,v. ii Ion J A Churchill Mai I in,', r W H liunlwa, in. I.i gaklu I A Mc Bride lll.l In ' m ... .. o llurnalt K. H. Haau I g. A. Moor M s I II J! HO I Al. IliMTBICT. main, i . i. Iialton Blfg . o-.i H HlkaiBors I Ii. nil mi, il iii. -elk lie- n r at Muadar lu April Bad Di -' M la in "ctotn-i stol .v It Irookc i.,oii K. i . .. i.iaiuc vv 1 lluaisa cm STI I'llilll Ureal 1 honior. i I llughal licaaiii- r i A. Moo i - g. titmt . -li. oil A K. .u. I.ai.lao.i J J. Uonasaa I. M HamlltoB I. W ie,Uir John kohlaaon i S. i STlvaatar illio halo i'..a oi. nia Wrdueaay la Jaioiaiv. March Hsf, Jui, i-rpiaatbar aad n v i. -.r v i (. km orru : Win Vatra ( rlvoi -aln vl.i lir tain aj i i r i i. . a s Via... i. -am Meno lal.rad l(..y Vau Mlokl Henry iHaltoa Mlrhl, E I . Ilali.ae I II J. Illllllll v.e Welcoak Janira lanhlre i i. J Mi iglsaoa vi. ,. 'i. ...oi.ii svarj Saeoiid and W ' 'exssonsBBexeasjk - i)- to i &B j3 New Home nfli I Sewing Machine fV jB S 1 i, to lay the ma liine aV B villi llir name NCW JD 1 I. 'Ml' en the arm I WjMIBmm H an.) in tlie lrja, m UbhLBbV t, avaal laAipii A m v, .1, nni., 1 for all JH mS: Jri $ a rxseaS ) I No tilhcr like it M ' jJ?&H I No other as food i The Now Home Sewing Micklai Ciiptif, OHANl.', MASS. We tin job printing. JOB WORK We do it right If You Want AJLL The Home News READ THE TIMIJHERAILD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing CARL'C. GRIFFITH fhyilciiii and ' ingeofi nip". ORRooi J. W. GBfllY Physician aid irg, .,,, Burns, Oregon, Off it- in in- a Inn l,di ,.,,.. . .i, . A ::.' '"'"loin, nainrnn ripi ip l,llt I 'I'll'llll' Mir 1 C.EO. G. CARL, M. D. Physician and slaigagg OaaveelaTanBWBma Bettalaa 1 asjsssaa asassssaa in ri.a.a,. . ,,i ,(, hmm aaai laraat. Sara, ' '. ' I 1 ".. DR. R. D. KETCH UM CHIROPRACTfiH MM MANO llll I ; , nature amiiodi and Dietary Adtft. I Lhretnc Uiirair, n ,p, . ,liy i.u.u.r Batf. it, ,, ,0raaJ DEMMflf. & .ii.r.MHN. Phygiclani ;ind Suryeoni Calls snswere.i prompt I) 'I'lioiir llsrriuisn. 01 dja Htcflman, Or qor) Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Wrtvct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. b. E. HIBBflRD DE2STTIST Office first door asurl pboto gallery burin On goQ M. A. BIGGS Attorney al ltw Voegtly llldg.. Hum-. Ilr.gon C.A.REMBOLD Attorney -ut- La . Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON SCHMAtJ Attorney at Law Contests snd practice ii.-f ire I . fl nj UMioc a p i ally Offlce Key Ulclsf- Dg J . , ..,t ufflo, fiurns, (Irt-Kon CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER j Burna, - - Oregon I'rsrticws in tin- -t.ite Court! and be fore the V . H. I jkii.l i iitice. Ohaet. II. IahjihuxI, Att.ik.nkv- ai-i.vw , Careful attention given to Colle. tiona and Heal Batata mutters. i-'ire IiiFiiniii' Notury I'uMii- Buhnb. Oku, un. A. W. GO WAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State CourUs ant United State Land Ottici.' PracticL' Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns. Oregon. FRANK HAVEV Atloravc). at Law Nolar. PublB CaBaaas. Mn.y loaning. K,,u,, AUraa U. S. Land faWn I'taclw. Ogle balwren Han , p . ,,,,,) Sk,,, ., B,u, and Land oitic. Burns, - . O rrgon K( . DlLLABIl A. (. Kal'LXkBI rra..rl Aaat. Ki.,n , , , ) , ,, rU t1ll g,. luti.s gselmstloa Bti iIbcu ,.i gouw 4 ,r- vv, ncrs K. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND Ikklii 1 HIS i-NfiiNij-iS Boras. On. gun Hf VV. MltoWN rifn.OrjpB,