The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 24, 1915, Image 3

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Hat 1 h I a....! Circulation Of Any
Nawapapcr In Harney County.
LocrI News.
Harold .lohnnsen is in tho city
from his home near Buchanan.
Meet DM at tho Hums Hotel.
That's the central nlace in town
Another bitf lot of parcel iost
was received at the post office
this morning.
Link Button and wife. Tom
Hutton and their mother, wore
over from Wnjiontiro during
the week on business.
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Kyes
tested and glasses fitted. fiOtf.
A letter from Portland announ
ces the arrival of a baby boy at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving
Miller on April 16, Congratula-1
Foren Bros, are ready to saw
your wood in any length desired.
Juniper and pine 75 cents per
cord, mahogany. $1.00. l'hone
No. 475.
Mrs. Curtis Smith arrived
home yesterday from a visit with
relatives and friends at Canyon.
She was accompanied home by
her sister, Miss Hazel Cozad,
who will visit here for a time.
It will pay you to see our new
spring catalogue of the Victor
Indies Tailoring to., comprising
hundreds of beautiful styles and
"abrics in high class suits, coats.
dresses and waists Clingan Mil
i:.... i' ,.. .....
I1IM-I 1 .11 IU1 ."S.
County Clerk Hughet has gone
to Hot Lake in Union County fr
a period of rest. He may extend
his trip to the fair at San Fran
cisco before he return;, having
pianneu 10 oe aosem u
For Sale Registered Imported
German Coach stallion, 11 years
old and dark brown in color. He
is a sure foal getter, having more
offspring than any other imixirt
ed horse in Harney County. O.
L. Shingledecker. Burns, Oregon
A. B. Cooley arrived here the
fore part of this week with an clean aeeci oariey tor sate. w.
auto truck that will be used in!T. VandeVeer, on Pine Cre. k.
connection with the big cater-
piller he is operating in this sec-
tion. The truck will be placed
on the road to keep the big ma-
chine that is plowing, clearing;
and seeding so much soil in fuel,
Mrs. Ida Bertrand. a sister of
Mrs. Homer Mace, arrived nerelmnrnin ., , ..T, ntarnreta
this week from her home In Cab -
fornia on a visit. She was
merly Miss Ida Barnes and made
her home with the Maces in this
city for several years. She Is
well known to many of our citi-
necial v to the younger ,
Bet, who are glad to welcome her.
She will remain an indefinite
The Dances of the Month
With the thought of the dances of the
current month the same problem which
you couldn't solve last month is before
you again bigger than ever. It's the
problem of
Proper Foot Wear
If you can't work it, don't let it poi a
good time. See a specialist there is
only one in town it's
Ladies' Patent Leather and Dull
Kid Shoes, also a complete line
of Spring Pumps. English
Walking Shoes for men and all
kinds of shoes for the little folks
- General Merchandise -
n.isonk lUiililinv..
The chief desire of the officer and directors
of this bank it to surround its business with
the greatest measure of safety and to render
to its depositors the best possible service con
sistent with safe and prudent business methods
Burns, Oregon
Capital and Surplus $100,000.00
United States Depositary
Chairman of the Board
John D. Daly, President J. I (...ill. Ca.hirr
C. A. Hainrt, Vice Prrtidrnt A. C. Welcome, Ai.i Ca.hiar I
I Mil
Sl,t.(1 aml ,,.,,, barley f(. Kl,
fa Vuljramore. Phone or ca
C. A.
Brittingham has been
confined to nil
home this week
with sickness.
Children's hats at the Clingan
Millinery Smith Main St. .lust
received a late shipment
Joe Street brought Mrs. War-
ner over from Buck Creek yes
terday for medical treatment.
., .. St Laundry
gives special attention to parcel
post Send us your laundry by
Mrs. J. S. Cook, who has been
ailing for several days, is able to
be about her usual house work
Timothy and clover seed and
Address, ureweey, uregon.
(.,)as Wilson has been having
()uite -egfl of sit.klu,ss tnja
prJng ,mt g ,ll))(. t() ll(1 ()Ut ..lin
, , , . ,', i(lok ijk,. -
well man yet.
I)r Benson's theme at the
Presbyterian church tomorrow
1 Uon Q f (.(hJ Through J e B U I
for-jChrist ., AM ..,. nvitad to the
Lou Uradtield's famous th-.r-
ouhbred stallion. Bonus Ress,
Will Stand tins season .11 me 1
Allen Jones farm near Burns.
Terms IliiM to insure
pastured if desired.
Burns, Oregon
Tonawama tomorrow night.
Boiler skates at Tonawama are
!' POPUltt.
Harvey English was in town
this week.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in town. Best service.
There will be special work in
the M. If, Devrree at the Masonic
lodge tonight. All members and
visitors are invited to be present.
Amos Oldfield has cabbage
plnts In any quantity for side.
Hicy will be ready at any time
called for during the month.
W. R, Huffman and family
were in the city for several days
during the week attending to
business matters and visiting
with friends.
burns, capital and surplus
,100.000. -the bank that makes
YOUR $ $ $ $ SAFE.1
A. W. Howser, the old pioneer
of Harney, was in the city yes
terday. He tells The Times
Herald man that he has been
fashionable of late having a siege
of the grip.
Mrs. Kireoved's Maternity
hospital offers a most attractive
place for patients where the best
of care will be received and ex
perienced attendants look after
the comfort and welfare of guests
A. Iv Brown and wife and little
daughter were bare a few days
this week the guests of relatives.
Their daughter. Miss Ethel, is
attending the high school here
and is one of the graduates this
Health is cheap at any price.
Sickness is a most expensive lux
ury. My methods effect cures
where others have failed.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. K. D. KlTOHUM.
Have you thought anything
about, clean-up week as Gov.
Withycombe suggested ? 1 1
wouldn't be a bad thing for our
mayor to set a day for this work
and see what can be done. We
might at least gather up a lot of
Inflamable rubbish that would
make good kindling for a fire
that would destroy a lot more
City Marshal Haines is now at
work fencing the city park re
cently acquired from the tracts
of the Oregon and Western (V
Onisation Co., over the hill to
the north. This is an excellent
move and the tract should be giv
en attention in the way of plant
ing trees and shrubs in order to
beautify it and put it in shape to
ba really enjoyed by the oitijums
of Burns,
For Sale Cows, pins, horses,
wagon and hayrack, buckboard,
huguy, surry, harness, binder,
mower, hay rake, cultivators,
harrows, disc harrow, 1 disc plow,
:i walking mouldbuard plows,
Disc grain drill, wheel barrows,
a complete set of farm imple
ments and a cream separator,
churn and butter worker, milk
buckets, cream cans, etc. Will
sell for cash or tako bankable
note. This is for sale cheap. -1.
S. GEER. Call on or address
Waldo Gear, Bums, Oregon, for
H. II. Brown was a business
visitor from Diamond during the
The only trouble with the rain
is we fear there will not be
enough of it.
LACal people are having fine
luck in catching cat fish out of
the river adjoining town.
The Paramount Feature at the
Levens Theatre Tuesday nU'hl
will feature Mary Pick ford in
"Good Little Devil".
The Baptist Ladies Aicf will
hold a window sale of cooked
foods at the Beed grocery store
on Saturday afternoon, May 1.
The Burns Hotel is the head
quarters for all when in town.
Good table service, clean room:;
and accommodating attendants.
For Sale P, L S. Co, proper
ty in Bums. One half block with
fine large house. Garage, barn,
stone cellar and all improve
ments. Price M600.00. Address
P. L S. Co.. Burns, Oregon.
Ralph Moore, of Flectro. Texas,
was looking over this territory
during the week with a view of
investing. The gentleman con
siders the Harney county has a
great future and is favorably im
pressed. Hi- has returned to
Texas and may return here later.
Mrs. H. EL Thompson has had
a porch added to her residence
and the place painted. Her son
Joe in the same block, also has
the painters at work on his
resilience, the front porch screi li
eu in ami oilier improvements
that make the home more attrac
tive. A leiepnone conversation vwtn
Mipl. Hamilton tins morning re-
suited in the announcement thai
on account of the eighth grade
examinations being held on the
8th and 7th of May the spelling
contest date would be changed
from the st L to the 16th of the
Tonight at the Levens Theatre:
The Hearst Selig News, "Tun
Step-Children" drama, and
"Question and Answer Man ' u
comedy. Sunday: "Codes of
Honor" in two parts, "Meller
Drainer" and "Day of the Dog"
a split comedy. Usual prices for
each show.
Married At the home of Mrs.
Martha Sogers in this citi last
i night. Miss Mae Marshall, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Mar
shall of Harney, and Harold
I Hewitt, Rev. Flowers performing
I the ceremony. The young peo
pie went over to Harney todaj
but will go at once to Mr. Hew
itt's homestead in Silvies where
they will reside.
A fine rain started (his morn
ing with indications that it will
continue for an indefinite time,
It was needed and then' is little
danger of getting too much. The
weather has been so mild that
vegetation was far advanced and
it needed moisture. The spring
Hood is not up to the usual this
season therefore many places
that are benefited by the over
flow of the river in most years
are going to suffer unless we
have an abundance of rain.
A. C. L'gan, of Bend, traveling
freight and passenger agent for
the O.-W. B. it N. Co.. was In
the city this week calling upon
the business men. This is his
first visit to this big valley and
he was most agreeably surprised
at its magnitude and the possi
bilities, lie was informed that
as soon as his road was extended
into this big valley they might
expect some returns, but as long
as it stuck in the Malheur canyon
they could not get more than
they are getting today.
Dr. J. W. deary is preparing
to build a new residence on the
bile of the old home. The l:jg
barn on the rear portion of the
jots is being torn down and con
siderable of the big limbers and
best of the rough lumber will be
used in the construction of the
house. The building formerly
occupied as the home has been
moved to another portion of the
property anil the new, modern
home will be built on the site,
the building to cover dasp well
thai will be cased ami made san
itary, This is a mint desirible
local isn for a home.
Dr. S. .1. Saurman, who was
here in January looking into the
rabies epidemic for the State
Board of Health, IS expecti d
back this evening and will re
main here permanently. He will
bt; associated with Dr. Griffith
in the practice of medicine. Dr.
Saurman has had wide exper
ience in the army and navy
schools of medicine, as well as
practice in tho service, later
coming direct to the State Board
of Health as bacteriologist. He
is an agreeable gentleman ami no
doubt will be of valuable assis
tance to Dr. Crillith and the
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extracharge.
See the Steam Laundry nbout
your work.
Mrs. Miller will take orders
for the Painter Garment Co., of
Chicago. Sample book now on
hand at the Bchwarti store.
Mrs. Harry Larkin took her
departure Friday of last week
for Hood Itiver where she goes
to join her husband and they
will make (heir home in that city.
Some of the business men have
suggested that The Times-Herald
say something about the celebra
tion of the 4th of .July. If Burns
is going to celebrate, we had just
as well begin preparations at
once and let our neighbors know
we are Koinir to ive them a
good time.
Joe Morris returned the fore
pari of this week from San
Francisco where he had been for
several weeks visiting with rela
tives and old time friend and
taking in the big fair. He states
he had a fine time but his stay
was cut a little short on account
of the illness of N. Brown caus
ing Ben Brown to leave for the
city, Joe having to return to his
post in the store where he has
been employed for many years.
A letter received from San Fran
cisco Thursday states that Mr.
Brown's condition is about the
same but a change was expected
in a short time. The boys arriv
ed there on Sunday, leaving here
on Friday afternoon, which
shows that close connections
Were made.
i i.,.r,.,v Lv,.n tliut the final
Ri.hrh mrli. ..v.iminntion ill l.r.
held In the different school dis-
tricts May i-7, HUG.
L. M, Hamilton,
County School Supt.
11 head of good young horses
will sell on easy terms or trade
for land. Oregon and Western
Colonisation Co.
Stumacli Trouble Cured.
Mrs. II. (i. Cleveland. Arnold.
writes, "For some
time 1
suffered from stomach trouble
would have sour stomach and
feel boated alter eating. No
1 lii ti tr benelited me until I got
Chamberlain's Tablets. After
taking two bottles of them I WM
cured." For sale by all dealers.
1 - Barm M 1 11 Mo OSMi
1 HTSt sfTATM I AMHirciiR, 1
Hum, tin-gun, Ar :i, IVI&. 1
Not Ira li breb ftfn IbM Iba Nortlwra
I'M itli KttllMMy 1 onpUiy VetoM l-'t I'ftlcr R.I
, t !- 1 . -I I'm 11 1 M lUiu-s.ils ! 1Mb .it il tlsiV tit
I April i'i r. : in ihli o?ncv IU application
timeln t limit-1 Ilic 1 1 1. 1. iftlun of tli net ( t on
graaa. tpprutml July l, ivn (.to sut.rv7. ..
I.ui J Km 1, l syp fi H . H U K-ei, W M
Kvrlnl N umri;.
In "Mil ll I'oreoliR InhiiliiK aihMily lit
ImihIs dvsKrlbea, 01 dMlrlnits Oblvct twosiotsj
of tin nit ii rat l I. nt a- 'it Ol (lie lid. Of for any
i.tii.r iisxih ti tin- dUpuMrl,
bmild file tboli aiti.Uwta u! nrnti-at la tlila
uBIcv.uii ..I 1-vIt.M- tin- .-itli )ay ul MA) 1"i
Wm. LUftBt, lU'glst.r
Dim us. Hit BOO, &ptil, I-1, 111 ' I
Notice li tie rob) in timi tluj K hlrksnaon.
ul Narrow, Oimou, who. on Auniet 17, ivli,
mad 11 m.i.i sh ii entry No Ottvl.foi M-' -i. ..
1-,,sl',i l't l,1 -Ktioi. .:t, roWDabtpW
m KanaaKlSV Wlllametti alar Id tab Imp An
Until i' of hiti'iitloii to 111 a It u dual llnoo )'!
Cim..I, to 1 nU ll Ikh rial in to tlir laixl alxit r ii
arrlbad bafora tin- Kac later and EecelTer, at
burui. urtgoa.ou iballtbda) or Mm c .
1 i.iliimnl iiNiiii'SHH vvllnoMri
1 list r li I I'MMl, I'r a 11 k HtliK M-hi-ii I'reitlei
and Kr ileal Lucia a4t of Lnwajt.Ortion
Wm t 1 in .. Ki'iciatcr
1 si I BDatl v l r - I am OtflCK.
liuriia Orapon, A tril IP, I 'I -
Notice la berabr lTan that AodraVty Bftlli
ui iiiii mb , (ii gt.ii. wbu.on July 1, 1900. rnaoe
III Slnulhri, i "J lot sK' . H.m I I. hi
! row 1 kb If ., AaufamKaiti Wlliamatta Mai
i.liiui haa ul. 1 i,. .ii. i- or Inlrntloii li iiiaa
i.n.i 1 rlva raai proof, lo ratalillab elslin
to !..- Hiii abuva dvacrlbad, lufor ItoarietiT
mill Haoalvar, ai Uurni.Uraton, o&tht I9tn u
..I Maj in
1 ni in Hut uaraea n w ItoaatM
1 'no i, nui li. a. 11 Qaaa N, K Pardaa,
a ii 1 1 w mm.i, nil ni hiiri., 1 Iragon.
M. I iisna, Id'gtaler
1 Ml 1 1 PHTATBI 1 Hp UfriCJL I
burn a, Oiapvo, nii u . pi . I
Notli I ll In rpbl llvanlbtt llarr J. Joalirb
ot II ill ' Nun 1, , im,,-..!,. n. oil NoVIMllLi'l I
Ippj im iMir II01111 -ii-ri'l I inrjr.NoUiWfllj lilt NK'a
hiilhin ... Imho .'h, HtnnttK Wlllaui-He
Mrrhllaii, Ilea hli-il iinlh ol IiiIvIiIImIi Im iumLi
Muni Br raar rnof to eaint'iiab claim lo
the laiul atkora dajenbad, bofora UiKitfr and Hurna. Urwiou, on i ln I'M h iIhv of
May. l Ho,
1 lain.iiiit iiHnii'Saa WllnaapM
Id n r I I hi nili' 1 of I aw ii, Uftgon, ir II
Danman and Jolin llalua, tr. bolhof iiim
im iiii in Lnii. i ha rlii ul lAWaU.Orapon.
tt h l tajta, bi-cl-ti-r .
I'mihi hi a 1 kn Lamp i m 1 r
lliniia, tifigoii, Map Ii .Mb ui
Nollci la lunl.y liven thai WHUam Allan.
of Mm ui- , im. Ljnii. nbo, tn Ma u. flu ami
-i.i.-i,iir vi luJ, tiiHili' li iii'so I Knirli-M
No. npMiH iM-.:t:i, reipactlvely, ror1oti I, I, fl i
I1 .W'a, ' l,si l, Keel Ion ". p.,
!... ' ' I mp-I llliiiii.'llr Mrll.llHH. Iiiih lili'.l
iiotl ( iiii. in inn to makn flnal to year
I'm. ul, to Nittlilleli 1 iniiM to the laml above da
Ri-rlbad, iirfoie iifuiKifi mul Kacalvar, nt
Hurna tirepnn, on tin- rih - oj Ua. IBIB
laliuaui uauipiai wtlBpapM
1 Mil 1. Ioum of nui in Oregon, flsavi land
lioodlow, rbaodori Kurclpr, J. II inikiiiaii,
rii oi iiui ua) . Urpflon,
wm. kahhk, Bafljlar.
JOHN ;i MitiitliM;.
-. ,;5SC
.li'wolor. CJptli'iim uml
Piae Wutch Repairlai Sje
Read "The Trey O'llearts"
and see it pictured at Tonawama.
All kinds of grain including
wheat at Lunaburg Dalton it Co.
Miss Hael Cobb has returned
from California where she went
last fall to attend school.
County Agriculturist Shattuck
has just returned from a trip to
Drewsey and he found the alfalfa
in that section doing exception
ally well.
The I'rahl A Johnson shearing
plant begun operations on the
15th of April at Riverside. Any
one having dry sheep to be shear
ed early should notify the plant
as to dates.
Some of our local people have
been over on the Bliteti Ash 1 1 g
and while there have not been
many fish brought back the
stories have been big ami the
specimens of fish have been in
Mrs. (iibbs is agent for the
new fast passenger truck now
plying between Burns and Bend.
This is a comfortable conveyance
and makes fast time going
through in one day. Fifty lbs.
of baggage allowed each pas
senger but any amount of bag
gage may be provided for.
leaves Burns Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday of each week.
See the agent.
J. I.. Hits, rlaitilill i
t.lmci Turkcr, !c(rnluiU )
In the tmiiif of the Stilt wi Oregon,
you ate heirliy rciUttei to ftpptttf mikI
nniwcr the Conplsfinl illeil pfpJnvl jro'o
111 tlic uliovr cut itlcil act ion, on or before
the I' U.i ilny ol April, 1916, the aan
Imiii the Inst tlav ol the tune pre
cribed hi ihr ordti nt tbc Couti direct
IpjjJ ncivut- ol Suiiiiiiiiiu in this CAM tu
lr i mi tie hy pulilicnt uii, ninl if you fail
to ao Him iii ami PJUWfi Mid ' "in
plaint, lor want thrieol, the I'laiutiil
will tuLc luilmriit pgrninpl you for ihr
pan oi D3, 1 .ri with latcreol t bcreon from
l he I Oth l.iy "I M.iith, l'J:, at tin
idle of I'M1 tent pel annum t"i the
im the. sum ot 928,00 nttorncjr'1 tecs,
ntul the plaint ill's COPtl ami dilburPC
uieiila hctein (Xpcndctl, ntnl lot an OPlci
ol t lie ('out t to apply the a urn ol .- (Kl
cash attaeheil hririu, to the ttdjCIUCItl
herein aeeuieil, jittmlinl IIIOIU v UC
iu mi 1 1 ii r iic y County, Oregon
Vnii will flirt he I take notice that this
lutnmoni is act ved upon mi liy publi B"
t ion, ii ii lei ami lv virtue Ol an Ofdei 0.
the II on If . 0 l.e veal, Count JttdgC "t 1 1 e y County, Oregon, which suid or
let was made ami 'latcd Mart h 10,191ft,
unddtrected Hut Suinntoni u- publiahcd
once each week foi tli trecki a l lie
Tillies Herald, the same he in i,' a news
pupel putihnhril in the CoUUt wheir
thi action p commenced, to wit, liar
ney County, OrUgOO. The ilatc ot the
lirat publication of t hii .-umiuons is
March 18, 1916. ami the (late ot the
laHt puhhciittou ot this Summons is
April -H, I91C.
Attorney foi the Pluintifl
Bm hi, Oregon, April M, 1B16.
Nolle p borob rjeoo ibat Mir i ton Uoty.oi
oi hi irv, uragon, no, on Aopua) m. IstWmadi
HoasaetaAd In in s... t-.i,.-.,, foi -i',si ,
BUhK' hW'.hK1,, faction i . Townablt
7.1 ft , HaUr.".V , Wlllaiiii'tte Mi riillau. Imim Ml
ad uotiei' ol Inttut ion to niaki final II n taai
i.n-of, to ratal. Mali clalin lo the land above d(
ii n bad, bafora Repiatarand Kocvleer, hi Murna,
Oraflon, ootba anudo) of Upy,19lo
i lainianl naim a aa m itneaies
lease 'otter. I. H I Huffman.
Km in 1 1 Job n ion ail ul Rllei Droa
W M I AHKK, l;.ti'.t
TNI'I r D il I M I MoKHt K
Muiiia, Oreajon, uii m .
KoUoptl bereliy al ti thai John DevlM,pl
Ti uator, Orapon, srno, on Mn a i. I u made
Homeetoad Bntry, No Qba4v, fur WUNKU and
K'nw1., Haeilou . lowiiahui H B.. Kan pi
M k willamatta Meridian, haa ft led nottn
nil n ten Hull tu make final coin unit all. u Prool to
eatabllah i lalm In l In- Uml IDoTI deacrlbod,
befnru H'k'lt. t and Itn elver at lturna.l)repon
on the 17th ila t Mai , I'M
rial mint namai aa witnuapaa
Prank Newman K. J Noble lull hlewarl
A tftinioi, ait oi iiiaior, Oregon
Wm Kahhk Heililer,
Notice of SI,. , ,h . Sale.
ISutli't' in lii'ioliy Kivt'ii, mi. I, l
iiihI by vlrtUS of a Writ ol MlailuiKiit
Bssentten snd udsi of mil.' ol mi.u i., .1
iroHirty ilulv IsSVSl bj tin' I'lirk ul
lbs Circuit Cooii t liar us t'uiinij,
Siiiir ,,f I Iri'Knn, ilalrtl llir 8m ,lnv nl
April, IBIS, in a ii'rtiiiii nrtinii in tin
tin ml Court nt H'l Ciniiitv ninl Sliilr,
wliuri'in ,1 I. Sil, plslntitt, iiciiv.iril
ludgBSnt auMiiir-t tii'n. V, I.OOS inl
l.nttlo l.iiir, anil viuiii'l tlirin, ilrlt'inl
niitN, for lliv Hum n fill.' Ill, with in-ii'M-nl
tlii't'.'oii (nuii llir Jill 1 1 iluy ..I I ri.
ruiir', LttlSi at tin' rate of Q psr I't'tit psff
uniiiiin, ami Im ooslssuil disburssmsots
taxi'il ai I8S.0U, anil swruioi OOSlS uml
llpSnlOS. anil for an onlir of nili' of ill-
lucliiiil iroptrtv lirri'innltri iloscrlbsdi
I Mill on Munilav, tin' Snl ilk) ol May
I'.ll.'i, at tlin t'onii I loin-iluor in i, nil.-.
In mill County of lliirliiv anil Stall' of
(Uugun, at t o'i'tork lit llir ufti'i noon nf
mil. I iluy, nil at public SUOtlan to tin'
lilgliryt anil ln'l liiililrr (or ihkIi, lliu
l.ill.iu in ill- inlii'il iillm lii-il nal propsra
tylo-vil: All tin' rbjbl, titlu intirnxt
anil I'Hlatu of tin' PsfondsUlS II.. i. V.
I. lur i. ii. 1 l.oltiu I, urn or .itli.l of
llu'iii, in ami to I. ntH .. ami li of Sett, 1 ,
l.oU IU ami 11 ol S, ,'.'. , .,,tH I, 'J. II
uml 4 ul Sit. '.'7 ; anil l.ut I of Sit. i'S ,
all in Ti. .!.ri S. It. :IJ', K. . M. in
lliirnny ('oiiiilv, Oun'iii, lugelhsi wllh
all anil niui'uliii lllS ti'iii'iui'iilN Inn i ilila
tntuilH ami apinirtiiiiiiui'i'H ttii'iiuintn ii I
ImiKllin i" In iiiiywii-c .iiiulainui, lo
HAtlafy tin. iii.l'iii.iiil sboVS Htati'il to
giitlmr witli iuiiMunt, oust ami dlabursi -iiiiintH,
mtil ui'tii iiiiin ttustl ami agpDass
of Mnln, iih iroviiluil In nalil udgtttsut
mini oiilur ol aali'
Halril at I'mii", Hirnn, iIun lnl iluy
..i ipril, 1016,
W. A. UoriiM.iN,
Slierillol lliuiiri (.'outily.
To the Women.
We appreciate the patronage of
the women.
Their business with us is already
large and steadily increasing.
If you are not one of our custom
ers, please consider this an invitation
to become one.
n iletaeeTlltfrlMtBeeWl
Aluminum Ware
A New Consignment Just in
The World's Best "Quality" Brand
Jee.Sat i m
V AS I ' si -' 1bVi S
t1 9 BTll 9
Baa: SaaavaUHUP '
M w
Special! Special!
We have a big stock of dishes
and are offering some at re
duced prices at present some
See our line of
Heaters and Ranges
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Marrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
vriiii-iii i-. and
and target shooting, you should buy
Tl.o m.irln
, l
quii k. itii'. haiiiisiii uml trout,
tnitlii'ii 1 Im M.ilrlt
, fairly 01
tik tl.'wn aaatti . Ml i aa loak ihruuli il
and - il i Iran Iii. iii boili riitU.
ll- -S.ih.i St i . I I i. ii .i.. , I. ti.iii I . o nn.l rvri
Injury from ilflr.inrin.iinLfi. from l.rll, ajovwaW aad
lic I tie hiiio t ic I iun iKit.wi a!i. lis away lu iKa
never up a i.-n yuui line of aiaiit,
I Until, a all .22 horl,.2t aM anj ,22 lona rifla
K'l U.e I.. .11. .v (...iii UuuUii rurtinlKr
f.i t Ul All
tjun iur uuuui, Muuiuaiti, imw.t, tis.i, oli.
?urn H icieiei also msnlr with lavcr niion.
7v 7uri firearms Cx,
4-.Wdlt.wM. Nawllavan,Conn,
''Your Home Institution"
This shipment includes one
piece Tea Pots, Coffee Per
colators, Double Boilers,
Preserving Kettles, Milk
Pails, Combination Funnels
a most practical article,
with various attachments
permits it's use in many
ways Skillets, Tea Balls &
Strainers, Salt and Pepper
Shakes, Collapsible Cups,etc
A 20-Year Goarantee
For its wonderful accuracy, its safety and con-
its effectiveness for small mma
.11 cjuianc
Repeating Rifle
Model 20. aa illu.trair.l, 24
inch o'tAKn bnrrel. 15 oi
25 .Ul., $11.50,
ii-uii.l barrel.
13, i
SAM. ft
carttidvaa, in luJ-
ttl ZtHJ VAfal. liief l(i
aak yuur JmIc-i
Saaul 3t psMlasa fur omplitt cat
asoV ol all MLmim 'M1-
uaa iULm aai alwik,uuB. aaaaaaaaBH
bs (ULm mJ ik.Uu...