MBBHi Made In PANTS 25 New Patterns Received TODAY Assorted Colors $8 to $10.50 Leave your measure today Get your pants TOMORROW See Window Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailor., and Leading- Clotblers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon She Stmcs-i'iml JULIAN BYRD M.tn.-mrr SATURDAY. APRIL 24. 1915 SUBSCRIPTION RATI-S On. Y.r Six Month. Thraa Month. 2.oo 100 1 " Water Ajudication Hearing Closed until July Weter Commissioner Cochran closed the hearing being conduct ad in the contests for wati r rights on Silvies river and ad journed the matter until July 12 when further testimony will lie taken. There were si veral claims held over for that time and it is expected the term a: that date will last for a consid erable time The contest proper will be taken up then in addition to the claims that have m t i" heard during the past two weeks. Mr. Cochran is spending the day at the Island ranch of the P. L. S. Co. and expects to look over the water situation pretty thoroughly. We understand he will be the guest of Wm. Hanley tomorrow at the P Ranch and will go then to Riverside to tako the train out for his home in I. a Grande the following day. Newspaper Man Boosts Big Farm Operations The Drewsey Sun says: Hani man and La wen have an enter prising homebuilder who has the means and ability to make good on a large scale, and Harney Val ley is very fortunate in securing such men in the homebuilding ol that great valley. The man in question is . l. Howell, who owns 'J000 acres in that section, and commenced op erations last season with a 70 horse power Catapillar engine and has 3000 acres cleared and in crops this season, and will break up 4000 acres this year. He has a grubbing machine that handles the sagebrush like a common mower handles timothy hay. With this great engine he walks right through Mr. Sage brush and leaves it in rows ready to be burned. If Harney Valley had about r of such outfits with such men in I 0, On week days Holy Mass control of them she would soon at 0:30 a. m. get the long-looked-for-railroad. All other services, besides The question of clearing the sage- those mentioned above will be brush and preparing the soil for announced in church. crops is a big one and is not ai All invited and welcome to the job for the man of small meariKl(jjvjne Hervices. to accomplish quickly. He must Sick-calls promptly answered have a long purse and well filled. ;it anytime. Religious informa- Again we say: Harney Vallo.v r ,j()M an(i instructions willingly fortunate in securing a man with imparted at the Franciscan the means, ability and desire to Regidenca. tackle this big job in the best way for success. (That "long - looked - for - rail road" is the key to the situation, Bro. Beede. Had that been ac complished Harney Valley would have the twenty-live Howells and i possibly more. The Times-Ilei- aid knows of four other outfits of as great capacity that would have been placed in operation this season had the railroad con- tinued building west from River side. ) Mrs. Millar has her new Spring Millinery on display at Schwartz' Btore and invites the ladies of Burns and vicinity to call and in spect it Burns Tonawama, Tonight. Another litf picture program of a most interesting and enter taining character is billed for Tonawama tonight There will be seven reels in all and the man agement has announced that in future the skates are not RoinK to interfere with show patrons. On picture nights the full pro- grama will lie rue, or at least all reels run the - cond time until P"-"" ,,ave "" the entin' ,r'- lam. 'I'll.' Lust Volunteer" is the title of a five-reel feature that promises thrills. It is war scene in which airoplanes are used. I'athe News gives some inter esting current events, tonight it will Bhow among other things Mine. Bernhardt, the famous ac tress, the latest in hi-planes, Kng lish recruiting, mimic war, etc. "How Max Went Around the World" is the comedy reel and mills no fun her comment as picture fans know "Max" is fun ny. This i.-. a B lendid program ami should It seen by everyone. Nazarene Church. Regular n aching services each ounaay at u a. m.,and r2wp.n1. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. every Sunday. Tuesday Bible Study at 7:30 i. m. Wednesday Mid-week Prayer meeting at 1 .'M p. m. Saturday young people's meet ing at 7: 'Mi p. m. Will be glad to call on the sick and needy at any time. S. L Flowers, Pastor. Christian Science Church. Christian Scientists will hold there services at the Presbyter- I ian Church, Sundays at .'! o'clock Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at 1:30 p. m. Read ing Room at room No. li Masonic Building and it will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons of each week from 2 until 5 o'clock. This is a free reading room and people are wel come to come during those hours. Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. Wheat for sale 0. W. Cleven ger. Wilson's Creamery Butter at Hagey's. You hear so many wise people say. "My back has nothing to do with my trouble." But did you ever notice how they stand or move? Their spine is never straight and when they bend or turn they move their baeks as little as jiossible. Think it over and then come up and ask me why. It will cost you nothing and may lead a way to a happier life. Dr. R. D. Kictciujm, . 0. Q. V. Bldg. Seth Bower Passes Away. Seth Bower, one of the highly respected pioneers of this county, passed away at his home in Har ney last Monday morning. He had been in ill health for several years, but seemed in his usual spirits that morning, spending a short time in the store, directly retiring to the living rooms in the rear and sat down in a chair. Later his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Ijoggnn, came into the room and noticed her father's hard breath ing. She Immediately called her husband but Mr. Bower ceased to breath before Mr. 1-oggan reached him. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday after noon by Rev. Dr. Benson from the home. Several autos went over from this city loaded with sorrowing friends who desired to pay their last respects to this es timable man whom many of them had known for years. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family. Deceased was one of the best known business and stockmen in Harney county. He was born in Ohio Sept. 10, 1880) was educat ed and grew to manhood in his native place. When war broke enlisted in the Fifteenth Ohio Artillery and remained in the service until the closeof the war. He was in hard service and was with Sherman on his march to the sea December .1. lKt5. he married Miss Mary Weston moving later to Kansas where the family re sided until ISH1 when they cross ed the plains with teams landing in Granda Ronde valley where they remained until 1884 when they removed to this vicinity. going to Harney in 1897 where the home has been since. In ad dition to the stock business Mr. Bower and his estimable wife opened a general merchandise tore in Harney, the wife taking active charge of the store while Mr. Bower devoted his attention to the ranch and stock until his failing health prevented his fur ther activities in this line. He is survived by the wife and two children, Herbert S.. and Mrs. ('. W. I.oggan. Additional Locals. We do job printing. Ground feed at Hagey's. Tboa. llowser was down from Harney yesterday. For Sale Disc harrow and sulky plow. Cal Clemens. .hums I'irie was in the city yesterday from his home on Cow I M'l'l. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may be had at the Goodman feed bam is south Burns CM. Faulkner left for Boise yesterday morning on a short trip. He expects to return next week. Supt. Cilcrest of the P. L. S Co. is back from a business trip to California and other outside points. The Rotarian Male Quartet at Tonawama on May 14 is going to bo the most enjoyable musical nt ever in Burns. (Jet your n tervationi early. Clingan's Millinery south Main St has received a late consign ment of the latest in all lines. ( .ill and see the new Mary Pick ford bonnete, etc. Mrs. Thus. Masson was over from hi r Crant County home during the week in the interest of her work as a subscription i for the Portland Tele- gratn. That paper has been conducting a campaign for new subscribers and among other prison offered free trips to the fail it San Francisco. Mrs. Ma i waj trying to be one of i ho u to make the trip. Prof. H. T. French of the Ex tin on Department of the Agri cultural college, is here from Corvallll conferring with County Agriculturist Shattuck and Supt. Brelthaupt at experiment farm. Prof. French is well pleased with the crp outlook in this section jit-1 ul present. He m particu larl pleaaed to note the advance m ' lio alfalfa crop and says thai alfalfa is going to revolu tion . this country. The gen tleman alio notes the advance men I in agriculture in this sec tion al th(! greater acreage un der cultivation. The work of the experienced men sent out and work i nil in connection with the coll ; beginning to show re sults in this county and the far mers are taking hold in a way that i most gratifying. Hon. I. L Rand, who was here attending the water hear ine . link returned to his home at Baker. Attorney Treadwell will also leave for his home in San Francisco the flirst of next week. Have your picture taken at the Sayer Studio. Skating all evening tomorrow at Tonawama. Ed Egli has brought in I new Chalmers car which had been or dered by Wm. Hanley. Mrs. Homer Mace, who has been quite ill the past few week: . is improving at this time. Kodak films developed 10 cents per roll, any size. Prints Be each All orders of 2 dozen prints film developed free. A. II. McLain, Care of Sayer Studio. This office received a letter from Dr. T. L. Harrison this week postmarked on train in Idaho, stating he and Mrs. Har rison would be back to their homestead here in the near fu ture. Drewsey Sun. Warrant Call. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand to pay ill general fund warrants registered prior to March 1, 1914; all mad warrants registered prior to June 1, 1914; all high school warrants registered prior to April I, J'.n.r, and all rabbit bounty warrants registered prior to March I. 1916, Interest ceases April 28, 1916. R. A. Mil. l. Kit. County Treasurer. A I'utr for Sour Slomaih Mrs. Wm. M. Thompson, of Battle Creek, Mich., writes: I have been troubled with indiges tion, sour stomach and bad breath After taking two bottles ol Cham berlain's Tablets I am well. These tablets are splendid none better." For sale by all dealers. Petition for Liquor Licrnee. Wo, ihr aailsfrigptil, legal eotarao. llarriman Piactaet, BsrM) County, State of Oregon, rsapaoUvalj patlilon h Hon. ( 'mi n i Conn ol Harney Conn ty, Biain ul Oragoa, le) grant Llcance to Allir.ttnti It.. i.l. Cum. Kohn, Man afar, In mil Spirillum. Mail and V'lnoui Liquor In Ii'kh iiiniitilii k loan "' gal Ion In llarritnan I'rtx nni lUim-y C. on ly. Slate of Oragoa, toi Ibe pariod ol Ma Month, an iniliitv pound Wa Will ever pray NAMES, I li lark, I I. II.. I Dg, K. I.. Smith, Cbarlaa Kohn, II. I r-'renrh, (I. B. Parkar, arohay Unlet, ( W Kfllogg, N.I Poabaag, I. 0. Ubrlt ton, l. r. larder, N J Uray, Thoa Koutirv. KuiinaC l.ihbv. A. J. Hand, W.C. Ilalrtl, Tltoiua- It. I.tbl.y, Mrn. U C. Iiaird, K. Foabang, t. Kohn, H liurkhanlt, It. Barkhardi J. w. Ileitis, Frank Tliompeon, . J. Pot, Mm. I I'oa i K. Coir 0. I'. Lea, It. C. Helm II. Ileinuaii, Mi. .1 W. Il.iii-, B I Clear, Ifaaa V Pea, I, I Kloaper, t J. Helix. C. I. C'ary, lien Klaalar, ' ' Mchola, B. Ilaii'l, I ml U rang, P. P. Betas, J. W. Carpantar, J M.Jooaa, l it. Joui'K, A. H. Utllaawatar, Josephine (Jillenwater. V Kern, J. I. Kellogr, J L Millaap, i W. Millaap, A. D. Brown- log, Thomaa BoMat) Jl . J. Ii'l..n .lr . Jaiuei Cary, llanrj N Maaanor, I. M. Miller, J no. it. Doogharty, Notice Ik hprrl.y glraa thai on W..I neaday, thu Mli tluv ol May 1916, the underalgncd will apply lo il.n llonora ble County Conrl "l Haraay County Oregon, for llitt lloanoo Benllonod iii the foregoing prlltlon. CBAH, KUIIN, Manager, All.ritlon llotvl. Conihiiiittioii link, injury, nccldanl and death l.riirili pfOlocUoB al mini1 lutiio cont. il'.uOihi doslh banal) 11,000.00 for loan.. I limb or aeaajgbtj faom 15.00 to lift. oo workly Mob oroo ri.hint Ih.ih la, JI.imiiii I iiicrulicyra- lief iH.iK'ilt. Coat ...i pt.r year; no othnr iliit'K or bhkckh uln. In Dill Inauriiiii',' all nifii an. I woiot'ii are placed on an etiiul bitain, regardlof of oeonpa lion. Kvery parSOB mskM lha aiiii form of apptloalion, payt lha amnti amount. .f pri'iiiiiiin and raeaifoa tin' aaoin anioiint of Ih'MiIH. M it an. I Wooino batwaan th k''m of 10 and AS art-at. .ii.li .1 No ruHtriitioiia aa to of cupatlun, only Itallroatl nan employed employed on track, train or rooiuul houae, ran not I . - nooaplad, CluiuiH art paid within aity dajTI BOywh u tin' U. H. Canitdu or BBfopa. id reliable luiiirmii'r Company. s,,n .. on 8tat iIik.kii an a prolarllon for polloy holdem ami to guiirmititt tin- payment of slalma. 1'Hi (arthor Iran Information addreia (iiiatuvc B. W'tru.r, Baoralarjf and I iminai Manugtir, Itoi IIS, Buffalo. N. Y. atalr aga, lag, oooupailon ami nantlou Dapl. II. 172. Don't monkey use Malthokl Many u nun BjuHlgeyi wnli .,11 lorU of rOO&Og, until Ins ittnl trAs ,nnl deitroyi. the eonicnti ul In,-, building Follow the uiumI jiiilnjiiiiit ul expericnted builder! and una Malihoid it' a one roui vm t an depend upon we 1. ...,.! ymj know ui Harney Valley Lumber Co. Burnt, Oregon Rolled barley, wheat and oats for sale at market prices. W. A. Goodman's feed yard. Nolle ol Bia. for Wood. NeAlaa In lierebr given that the County Court ol Uaruey County will reieiee I.I.Ik n. ti 12 o'clock A.M. May ii, ". fur M cord of lire! quality pine wood, and .If. cord of flret quality (nationally h,,.hI, l lie dellreil at tlia court houae and Hit' Ids" heel, In Hum, OFaJOB, mi tir In-fore September IB, lUln. IN County Court raaorvoa tlir fight to re'ivl any and all hlda. Illda will ba OOmMend (or rltliar kind of wood nonn raloly If daaired. Illda aliooltl I ad drSSHd, Healed, to Hie undernltnad and niark.d "Illda tor Wood." It. I III i.lll.l. County Clerk. rUtSJ liiirm iw Mai No. uaom NDTI01 KOU PUiLlOATIOIf. UaiTai)HTTaLHiiiirrit , garaa, oiagaa, MareaB, !" i Notlee ! Itaral.jr glvru thai tli Nt.riliarii I . in. Hallway Oofcaaay, wh..a iwa umrm K.l.ltt-M la HI. I'aul, Mionaatita. mi H'r IK ,Uf of January lula, nia.l In llila ulrira In ap . i. Kii.o. in .let i uudrr Ilia prorlalitna.il tint ,,. i. it . niitfri-at, epnrureil Jiiff I. lJ(uHial . . -iii .a .tifu.itMi iiyiiie Aft ' Oaagraei .........vftl Mar 17, men NK'.Hr-t.H.'.' K.T. rf'.M.H UKaal. W M. Hartal No. uaota Any ami all baranita rlaliiilnf atlraraaly Ota lamia ilre-rllied. "r ilaalrlbad It. obl-nl lcauaa .,1 Hit- Mltlrral t-haraclfr ol Urn lano, tir any olbar ....ii. In Hi' ilianoaal to appll' am. Iiinil.t lilt. Unit afllilavlla ol pruloal In tlila offlee.onai li..itltr I7ih .lay ol May mil.. Wa i . ..... i .." NOTICE rOB I'ilHI.ICATION I NITKHHTATICBI.ANIlorKli K I liurita. oraun, April a, Kin 1 Null. .- la I,. 1. 1. 1 (Ivan Ibat Adna K ll.inu.an. ..f Hil.f. iirainu. who. on Dee. an. '. ntatlt. Il.iiiiaifatl rfnirr. No oauea, lur HWU, Haf. . Town jaH .Kanga iSlt.. Wlllaiuatl. Marlillau haa lllr.il nollir ul liilaulloo lo ittaar final ntr war I i..,.t. Ittaatalillab rlaliu ... Ilia land liora i. . . ii.'i. ! !..' Hralatrr anil Mi alvar, at linriia uragiiii, ou lha lilb day ut Ma Itla. t laluiant namaa aa wltneaara I ... r I Hmllb, I. ml. II llrrl.tti Shalltili imir, Ckafeaee I lluffoiau. oil cf Hilar, ir Wa Patua Haalatar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. iiNiTaiiHTATkK i.ANDnrricg i llitttn. itiriiiu. April ft. I'U'' i Nolle la h.-,rl.r lvn It.al Imrary V Wlllona, ul LaWfa, tiragott. who, ou July iv, 1911, i.... II .. tit i-alaad Knit). No. o'.-.tv. tor -.,'.. i iui. i'.. Towitahlp H,HtniI. v. !..... .. Mvfltllaa haa flla.1 atHlt-a of ... t.iui... to u-aav flualthraa ,aar l'i"'. lo i-alalillalt tlalui to tha laud auora d.-a. ill... I ... -, .1 . I. gt... i and Kri alrar, at In,. ... PraaOB. oa tlir I lib day ol May, Hit. . laluiant uaioaa aa wltnaaaaa i.rli WlUaagi Oacar Wrat, Marllu V Inn a. II ol I awrit, in, . .a Ward Wallai.ol Hun. a. Oregon, r a aaa. Hralatrr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rvirait inm t anh orrim, Iiiiiii,....'.i . Apt II 3, SfJ) N.tllt-e la hrrahy glrrtt that lion l lilrklna.iti , ut llurlia, tiragon, who, tut .Nut. 11. lilt , iitadr lluiuaataad Kutry, No tx.'.v., ti.m'.Ml',. l.-ta I and i, n II. .u 1, Towaahlp vl H , Kal.fr, 31 g . niaiu. -tia Marldlan had nlrd nolliatil In irt.lloii ... loaaa final thraa yaar I'ruol to labllab .lain, lo lha land aoora drat iiIm-.I ba torr Haa latar aod krt-alvar al iiu.i.i. tnrvoo, ..i. ihr tutu day ol May. ivl'. i laltiiBulnainra aa willtraara I ail II Vtallaca, A II liaaa, t itlo I. i.aai h and 'ravra Itilr. all ol Hurua, llitfuu Wa l.aaa. Ilrilai. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1'MiTit. umia I. ami Orrn B I aaurut, urvgou, April It, ivl . Null. M l i'n.1) flvru dial I (n Ulllrr, l I irl-le. ' ii.-gi.ti, wl.u, on Juur Jtt, lvil. hhI July . I'Jii. matlr Ilium atral fulriri, UVI9 :. reiKithalv, .. h -,S I . M-.' ,." JV, H'a.HU NK'tvHC1.,, Hr JU.Tuwil SIM , KAIigr ll.. WlTleUiMU Merltllaii. bu niexl nollrv ol it trillion to iii a Br Bualtbrc yrai t'roof, inn tabllah rlalkti l.. Ilm lan.t aUi.nlrir(il.ri, l.r fun 0 K I ul-" li (' H oinin laei'ilir (. at I. It ,.1U9 at i. a r , i'i. oi.. OB tlir IIOi 'lay of Mr iii t Uhnant naiiii a aa liiiraa. a I -iMia l.vorfit, iilhtt Mil '), tlrorffo 1. 4 IN, JollU Milrili, all of MlMl, 'i. k-i. Wm Kiui, hrgiet. r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i num. kiaik- LAMBOffftOa. Huiua. Oirgoo, Ma) 0, l"l' WeUaa la haieaf gteea u.ai j..a. i. m. aalt ear, tit Attdrawa tlrafou, who, ou January IvM, mada ll..ui.-atrad Kulry.No 07177. lor ',-'.. -r. lluu I, Towaablp S.'. Houlh, Hauga K.. VMIIauialla Mi-ildlaut. ha flla.1 nollrr ...' i.' I.... lo ittakaflual Ulraa yaar prool, in .-a t a 1. 1 1 a It rlalfti to tba laod al.n. dt I'Mhad.orlora t .K Tollorb U M t'utuailaaltitiar. athlaolflca at Hrt-kU-y, tirraoo, tin tlir IJth da) ul Mat 1VI'. . lalinaul uaiuaa aa wltnaaaaa t haa Tliroar, Wllllaa, H.itTluan.ti. Malvlu I ...an, John kum u. all of Aadrawa. (iragtii. . wa. Paaaa, h. . t NOTIUI FOR PUBLICATION. tlNITglieTATKH I.ANIIurriCK, I Hurua, in....... April a, ivl . i Ni.ll. r la hrraby alvru that t'arollua Hiitlon, ut rail. ''. wbo, on Ma, 'M. lull), nadr li.ant I and Hairy, No 04779, lor HK'. MeUoa U, Towaahlp .t. Houlh, H :i Kaal, vi illaturtta Marldlan, haa (Had notice ol 1 n i.-n ll.iu 10 maaa final proof, lo ralahllah 1 lalin to the land a hot. daat-rtbad, batura Krgla i.-r and Hacatrar, at Hurua. Uragou, on tha lib .lay ol .May, 1(16. gj. iKln.atii iiauira aa wlli.raai a I luniiaa lluttou, 1 ha, It 1 .'ii.- , .a. Alfra.1 I. ..to. tan aud It I.. Hull. in. all ol Kgll, Oragun Wa. raaaa Kaglairr Vala. I.lal Nu W Harlal No. UMta NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. initio aTATaa baSS mini Vala, Uragou, It l.tuart ., Ivli Nniirf la baraby glvan Ibkt Iba Northaru I'aiifli Hallway liniipauy, whoaa poal ufll.. ..ii.... la Ml. raul.Mluuraota. haa Ihlajktbdkv 1 1 . ittiair. I'M', fllad In 11. la ultl.a Itakppllt a linn to aalat't uudarlba provlalonaol tbaat-l ul 1 1.1111 aa. approval! July I. Inva .H) Hlal. .'.v.. ...tl 1 ..i 1 Hrtiltiu I SIH I:. K W. M It OOacraa Any and all uaraout vlkluilug adrararly Iba lamia ilrai rlbrd, or daalrlng (0 oblrrl brrkuar ul ll,. Mln. 1 a i haia.trr.it Iba land, ..1 an other raaaoii, to lha dlapoaal 10 appliraui. 1. ..ul. 1 Ilia 1I.1-I1 airi.latlia ol prolral loil.ii ollee, on or balura iba irtbday ol April mr. Tiloa Jonaa, Baglatar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 Mini hi tin i.anii uriiii, Hurua, Dragou. Mairb .'v, ivl.'. Nttllia la barrby glvru thai Hill.. . HtTi.1.1 Htu'klfiy. ul Hri'klay, Uragou, who, on May lv 1 hi, auii Nor It, IVIS uiada (luuiakli .a.l Knlrlra No Uti4.'i7 070K1I rf.iui ttrly lor I ma 1,1 M HijNK1,, H',,MI ',. Kti 1 u,ii s, Townablp )ih , Itanga 31 .a.l. Willamette Mi 1 1, Han haa lllt'il 11. II.. ol ll.l. l.l!. 11 III loege filial ihrrt. raar prtMit, u, aatabllab clalui lo Ihr land above .Ira. tll.i-.l, l.rfurt- I. K Ttlllot'b. t'.H. . ...ui.. ia.liu.it at bla i.fll. r. al llriklry . in gun, 011 tba lib day ol May, Itfl.'t I laluiant liainaaaa willtraara I 1 an. 1. k 1 lat t..n. J tia.iul n Hardugil, Hohrrl I hiiunii, 11 amy Kugllahall ol in. Mr , tn. gull. Wm. K.aaa. Ht..al. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IlKITkllHT.Tga I.ANII (irril'g, llurlia. iiit'gou. Mat. ii 91. ml; ...int.- . nri.u, Hutu 111.1 akiiiiaf jatiirv ul Hurua, Oregon, who on ilrlttbi r 17, mil, tua.tr lltiitnatuad l.i try, No uIKUia, lor HW',, H.u tloii ill. Townabip '.'a n , Kaugt 1 K , vVlllain Noll la hrreby glvan Ibat glinar Jann-a i-ttr matt.. tan, uaa inrtl liutlir Ul liilaulluli In 111 a k a lluai I Urea yaar I'mol to ralalillrh i.l.llil l.k lliu a... .Ij.ub taa.i.ll.u.l ......... .,.. . ....,,, ... ,.. IV...V v.uv.9 v.u,'l . ..,..., .IV. I. ID lir, lata, and Kaorlver. al Hun. a, orrgoli, tin lb,. nu.iat.ui ma, , ivi.i 1 lalinaul liatttea gg wllnraa.-a iliarlea Nawall, Maeula Nawall, Ibarln) liatkbuiiaa, Jamra Kaudall, all Nanuwa, Ota gull. Wa l.aaa. It.-, ian, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKI) HTATKH LAND OKHt'K Huiua ill.aun. Matt It .;. lull.. Ntiiii 11 la hereby given tbalUaorge K. Orabaiu, ..I llurlia. Oragun, wbo, ou March 'it. Ivu ma.lr lluuiagiaad Kulry.No UMttJ. lor NK'J. Hrcllon a, luwualilp a totiih. Hauga ai Kaat, wlllauialta Murldlau, bag ilad autlre ol lutaulluu to make flual three-year prool lu aatahllak tlalui u lha laud ahuvr deatn I I.e. I befura Hag laieraud Kai'elver, al Hurua, uragou, ou tba lib day ol May, Hit. 1 lalinaul namaa aa wlluraara Andy Hall, Olio Uaacb, rhailat ltlgga, N I I'ai.lrr, all ..I Huiua. Oraauu rlu K.kKk, Kaglaltr New Spring Goods Now on Sale at BROWNS SAT1SFACT0RV STORE Spring and Summer Dress Materials that are positively the Latest New silk gloves, Veilings. White Goods trimmings, braids, new fancy buttons Royal Worcester Corsets New Silk Skirts and Kimonas N. BROWN & SONS Burns, Oregon NOTICE K()K PUBLICATION HNITKIiHTAIKH I.AN'li in I If I Hurua.urrgoii. eprll e, 1 II 1 1. :, .i.i.i alvrnlhat nihil lliutnlli t hlupa.ol Hufbktian, uragou. who. on ml. I I mi aiadr llumratrad Knlty. No u.ii, ! HK'. Hrrllou IU, I ow mlilp .1. foillh, KaUgl y. Wllllainelli' Mrrlillan haa Hit .1 mil ' I iriitliiti t.. inaka flual Ihrar ysal prool to rata ll.l. 1 1.1... 1. 1 ihr ian. 1 kiHivt- daarrlbrd ' ' Itrglalrr and Kvrelrar, at Hun... Uregoli lha I.l. .fa, ol May l-.l . rlalmaiilliainraaa wlltiaaao. I,. 11 Mill. all and A P. M.rl.all. both Hurhanan, nragoii, J HoBrdita, ..I uawi iiaaon J in.l uf ll." I.ai.an. ".. if".. Wa rAaaa, It.glalt 1 lull. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 niikii htatkji i.anii i.h i. i. Hurua, ilrrguii. April III Nutloa Ik hereby glfanlbkl William J 1 ul Ua.li. uragou. Oho, fin N... ml., t I, I - ma.lr lloiuralaa.l Klltry HO O.WI-. I". I I. aud HtN "'"' ,l"" J luwnahll HaugrMl,aUit W iHlknirllr Mrrldlan, .taa ill. I utillrr of liilaulluli niaki- final llv. t .1 preol lo aatabllab t-laint In ihr Ian. I au.t. di Klltird.iirtura Hrglatrr and llr.rur, al Hurl (Irrgutt, ou iheotb day ul May, I .1 . 1 laluiant aatura aa wllnra... Aii.l'v. I'.lrraon Jamra' an. both ol la irn tllrgt.n. Wllllkin H f.ra). ul Hail I man. lilt goa M II llayra.ol Hiir.ia.urrgoii Wa. Paaaa. Hrglan-t NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION. I'MIKll HTATKH I AN. tlfflCI Hurua. tlirguu. Ma.. 1. .' - Itl Nulltc la brrrbyglvrn lltat Kridlnatnl K1.1A Tbuitia. ul KHry. tiiaguu, who. on Feb 1 1 uiada llutnaalrad Kmry Ni. u... I" M.Tuwu Vih, Kaugr'.l,..IMIIamrUr M. baa nir.l i.otlt-a ul lotoolaoa le Dkahl Ibroa yrar prtHil to eaiali'iah 1 latin abovr tlaorrllitp.1. brlttrr Hrglalrr an. I Ha 1 at Hurua, urrgon.un lha Mb day ol M 1 lalnaol nature aa wltnra.ra Huwaid 1 Hahrer. Ionia Waleeanli ., Maih rwa Wrleeenlela. Jobu I' - ' BH . "" aa Ma r.aar. Uegleb 1 NOTICI FOR PUBLICATIO r nan i-t . 111 1 kODOerii Htirna, tirrgnit, A pi ll I, Itl Null, r la hnrl.v glvan thaljalni-a I gl ul laat't., tiirgoti, wlui. on Uoeelubei ivl I. mada Hoiurataad r.utry. nu u . Ng',. eat'tlou U. Townabip ." 1 . Hal ... : , lAlllaitirllr Mrrl.llau. haa hlr.t null Intrnlluu to utakr final llinr tmr It." I aalahllili . lalin to lha Ian. I abbva drarrllit ' oeloia Kt-glalrr ami Hai ttrar . at r..n ui gon. tba atn da) til May, Ivl'i 1 lalmanf namaa aa wllllraa'-a William J Klyuu, Audraw IV.. a.m, l"' ut lawan. liragtia. Mary t,. unman: Hrlui. '.Hi ulllarrtiiian. Oragtin. M y.aar K.gun 1 NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION DHiraotl a 1 1"- LAMUOI 1 11 h . Huri.a, urrguu, Marth III, Itl t Notlt-a la hrrrby glvru thai K J.Mat brut .. aud hair ul l-m Mat. ctereaard. ol uragou, who, ou Marth 1, l-v, mad. Ho 1 ataadgntry.Nu o-jaw,, ,li l.h.i- I K',N', aud N'.NW'kg hectlun I.Tuwitahln .', g . Kan, .j Kaat, Mlliamaltr Mail.t.au. baa 1 1 holli 1 ol ltitautiun to utakr final five year prool to aatabllab claim to tba laud abore dcat rib. 1 tiaforr Hagtalvr aud Krt-rler, at lluri.a.t.i. goi. on Iba Jt.ih day ol April, t5. claimant namaa aa wltnraara llril 1.. Mllllauia. liruiga II. Willlama. Join Tampla. Krr.l I'ctrra all ol I'rlluiloi. tlreguit Wu I'tHHt 1:. , . 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKII HTATKH I ANH OPPH I ' Hurua, uregun. Mar. h a, 1 Nollrr la glvan Ibat Ml. hurl P. Hit. I ... .. 1 I in tin, ut. gun who, on May 6 1 .1.1 ami Ju, 1911, mada lliiiuaatead goirlet. No ui. . lor loll, HK'.HW1,. HSSK1,. Sec I, and I ol I NKAgNWl,. 'irNI,-r. HrtI lou3H.1intl.al.il. Hauga '.-.I K , Wlllainrlla Men. Han, 1.11. IHt-il uutitr ul litiriitlt.il lo make final thret prool. lo aatabllab claim 10 the i.n 1 ., .1. a. tll.rd. balura Hrglatrr aud Het'ct.cr. at Bur in ' org. .u. ..it ihr ,.MIt day ol April, Itl t laluiant i.ainra aa wlluraara I. N. Hughrl, tittla Hli ore, ..linn ' llughrl.A W Hit. II. nil. all ul Nt ... . goo Wm K.iik . Higi.n 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I NIIKII HTITKH I NII tl.yil I , Hurua, Urrguu , Manti gg, Itl Nullt-a la baraby glrali thai II a, r W ll.im utea, ol llarriman, tirrg, .11, win., nu i.. ...... . Itll, mada lluinralrail Knliy. Nu In 1 Kl.g',,l(.-.iliiu II. 'lnwi.al.lt. IH . IU... I Wlllaiurtla Murldlau, haa lllr.l 11. .11. ul ml. 11 tloii to niakr rouiiiiulailuu prool, n. aalabltah claim lu tba laud abuvc ibat in c.l. bel in Jlatei anil llacalvar, at llurna, Oregun, tin the rd day ol May i"i I'lalmauluaiuca aa tvltucaaca Mr I. I. Van Hunt. Mr N I' Hldtlla, M. Amy Vau Horn. Mi. II I lilinmra, all ul 11 .11 1 iitiau. urrguu Wa. Faaaa. Begigb NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I .Hi I' HIAIk.l I M OH-1 1 I Huiua, Nii'iiiHi, Man It .' . I II Notlif ll Imrrby ilvmi that Willi a Ul I Vol HLuiU, ul Drttwii-j', Oii'Miin. hit mi Mm 1 li aud Julia 1ft, yl. maita Moim-al. ml Kill r li Noi ir.it. iM.li, fin M , ,-iy v:iaiul M',-t tlllll U, IinMialilp Hoiltll, HtUgl WtlauiuUe Uerldiau, bu Illfd notlci ul li li tltiti to 111 a ac flual threo )tar Proof. Ui valali clalui (u Ilia laud aU.M dvarrltittl. In-lnii I l llrrde, V. H. Ciiiuiulaaioiii-i . Nl Itla ulllt I Hi Orawaer, orvgon, nu the huh i u ol Ua, IVI Claimant uainr aa n in . , . - laltck oiaini, Martin Mntw, Arthur (ii t'hailrv llo .'ii , all Oravvtuy , Onami Wn. t-Miin . Keg lit i. oooaeoaoooooooeoeeeeeeeeee a e ! - : LOIN1: : - o : RE8TAURANT : a UliOKUI. I OON li op. o o o a a eMt-alu At All Hours. Shurfe Ordfrti'itml Prompt Sirviiv With Btltimihh Kalis i:.v.. m..' a r.iii ! a . o O OaaotHo Tleaae-Herala Hulldlna a a at QUALITY FIRST ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Now on. Call and see the big reduction in prices. Listing of goods will appear in this space next week. County warrants taken at par in trade. My general line of WINTEB GOODS Is Complete A. K. Richardson General Merchandise Agt. Buick Automobiles Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Haled Hay For Sale Free (amp House and.Feeding Privilege in Corral or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. COODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds. We have a complete stock of Seasonable Goods Come and see the great variety Eveiything For Everybody CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store Ma5L lV MAM s wni ijuava v JjA ' iW'm B& v mm aMaaMa"JVO.aBSBaW-ia lor Sale by Lunaberg, Dalton & Co. and Reed Bro.. JOB WORK aaaaBaejaaajgaaajaBjajajgr "WOOD-LARK TauDg; MANI ?TiHPl3oiHEr Poison QUICK.CERTAIN, r. DEADLY - iiuiur Kon instant BaaL m:i.u 1 Aug. !,.iVr7,,qulrr,!' .0Pier. prairie doge, .age L.iT". fSSV. ,'r,y la.B?r,.n "'' lleui.gie I? ttTJL.f from Vlut..r a aK-op. Money taci !.2' ..!!!. '" Wooa-lrk" for II yaarl MlA-,vVy U,u "" roP Inauran.-e Clarke, Woodward Drug Co.' I fOMlUMi, UIH.UU.V. oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee